thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Good morning dear ladies. Thanks again for your prayers. Would you please add hubby to your list for healing from painful whiplash due to a fall on ice and for his double vision. Neither of us can drive comfortably and there is no public transportation where we are. God has provided our oldest boy who loved up from the city last spring to do most of our driving for now. I do pray for you as I read but must again thank Nancy for how well she organizes our prayer needs. I realized that my hubby is not the enemy but is sometimes used to hurt me as I also am used to hurt him with thoughtless remarks. It is so easy to get my eyes off Jesus and try to fight in my own strength. I was praying for him throughost last week's attack. I think we are back on track and am grateful to God for saving us. How does anyone do this without Him? The redheaded woodpecker (I named him Woody) was back this morning at the suet feeder. I am so blessed to spend my senior years in this beautiful home in the woods in the Hudson Valley. Both hubby and I lived in NYC most of our lives and are in awe of the beauty of rural living surrounded by horse and dairy farms. Wishing you all a blessed peaceful Sabbath fill with joy and healing. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Good morning ladies: checking in early as i have been up for a while. This past tx kinda did me in. The decadron gets me up all throughout the night: mood swings. Yesterday I did do acupuncture, and lunch with one of my staff after. That was nice.

    Being alone with my praise music in the car really helps. My day started as I guess I was "complaining" about all the SE's and my DH says: "I don't need a commentary." Well, that really hurt and got me going. Please don't get me wrong: 98% of the time he is wonderful. Have been in prayer so much about it, and Jesus Calling has knocked me on the head this week.

    My face looks like a moon pie from the steroids also--- sore throat, and when I wake up in the middle of th night i feel like my heart is racing. I finally took a half of a klonopin 5 minutes ago so I can hopefully get some more rest. I am going to make it to the 10:45 if it is the only thing I do today! I need my church again today.

    I found out why about the Pet scan. My rads doc wanted to make sure there were no changes before starting. When I saw my ARNP Friday she was surprised to see it on there too, until she read his notes. Scan is from neck to thigh.

    Lucy, prayers for rest, and energy to return. Hugs

    nancy: m hopeful that the supplemement that worked the other night will work its wonders again and you can sleep. I am a mess without it.

    Char: like you, I lost about 60 pounds 3 years ago after heart attack using My Fitness Pal. I have gained back 15 from chemo. Everyone assumes folks lose weight: many do--- but the average gains 15 frrom he meds and Ses. I have not been exercising. but am back on MFP. I track my sodium religiously. I keep it to 700 mg a day: question for you: with sugar, are you talking all carbs like in oatmel too, or just processed?

    Jean, I am proud of you for feeling safe to share. That is a tough situation. You have been in this marriage for 40 years, and it sounds to me like it has swung back to normalcy agaiin? I am so glad you have us: PM me anytime. Only you and God can work this out: we are behind you.

    Mags, someone here make this girl a medal!! SO proud of you honey!!!!

    Foots: love the postings!

    Bev: prayers for your friend. Glad she is home. No more pain. Prayers for the family though.

    Ellen, your posts always brighten my day. Robin, thrilled your are doing so well after surgery! Keeping all of you surrounded.

    Please excuse my typos. I am too tired to correct.

    Excerpt from Jesus Callling today:

    "When something in your life or thoughts makes you anxious, Come to Me. And talk about it. Briing me your prayer and petition with Thanksgiving, saying "Thank you Jesus for this opportunity to trust you more." Though the lessons of trust that I send to you come wrapped in difficulties, the benefits far outweigh the cost.

    Well developed trust will bring you many blessings, not the last of which is My Peace. I have promised to keep you in Perfect Peace to the extent that you trust in me."

    May you all enjoy this day of rest, worship, and down time today.

    Many hugs


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2015

    We went to the Sidewalk Prophets last night. What a blessing. If you ever get a chance to see them, go. They are great for all ages. They are humble, funny, and great vocalists and musicians. We will go see them any time they are within a 100 mile radius. :-)


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    Good afternoon,

    Felt led to share the scripture that DH used this morning in his message, "God Has Your Back"; Jean, I actually wrote your name in my notes, but I know all of us face this.

    Isaiah 59: 19..."when the enemy comes as a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift His standard against him.." Trials come at us like an overwhelming flood, but God "has our back."

    Hope all are having a restful day..God bless you all...Ellen

    PS....saw a neat story yesterday demonstrating the loads we bear...if you haven t heard "The Ant and the Contact Lens" let me know and I'll post it

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2015

    Bev: Thanks for sharing info about Deborah's MIL. I will keep them in prayer as well as God's guidance for her message.

    Kath: Basically my BS said avoiding processed sugars...which is the cookies, candies, etc. is important. Not complex carbs such as oatmeal. I am impressed that you are keeping your sodium down to 700mg. I attended a heart failure seminar last week for my dad and they recommend no more than 1500mg per day. I have mine set on MFP at 2200 and try to keep it below that and it can be a bear. What are you secrets to flavoring foods?  The nutritionist that talked suggested Mrs. Dash marinates and Mrs. Dash seasoning. My dad has a hard time understanding why he needs to do this. We got in quite a discussion on this and he asked me just how long he thought I could live. I kept telling him that I wanted to be as healthy as possible as long as God allowed me to live. He kept throwing out his, so I live to be 91 like him, what is the point of eating healthy...aren't I going to die eventually? You can't avoid this fact. Well he is right but going out drowning in ones body fluid is not my ideal choice of exiting this world. My dad's weight has dropped from over 200 pounds to 168 pounds since Christmas. Much was body fluid but much as been watching what he eats each day. The doctors said that every time he has one of these episodes where the fluid is not being controlled, his heart is greatly compromised until there is nothing more they can do. Heart failure is the most common reason why people over the age of 65 are hospitalized.

    Anyway....I think that discussions on nutrition are beneficial and anything anyone can share is always helpful.

    It is still snowing here and we probably now have 3 1/2 inches thus far with another 3 1/2 predicted. I could not get to church today so it was two good sermons by Charles Stanley this morning. Hope all of you are fairing better weather wise.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Hi ladies of faith,

    I thought I would share what I have used for many, many years that has been recommended by my alt doctor. I might add that I am on blood pressure meds so sodium is always on my radar. I have used Celtic Sea Salt and in the particular brand in this link. It is pricy but totally worth it. I have not bought table salt for probably 20 plus years as my muscle therapist got me onto this many years ago. I was looking at their website and they are also carrying another seasoning product which I have not used. This Celtic Sea Salt is pretty much all I use for seasoning.



    Congratulations to both Char and Kath for tackling a big challenge of significant weight loss.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2015

    Nancy: Great article. Where do you get your Celtic Sea Salt?

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Foots, thanks for your beautiful post. So many truths in that quotation. Praying for you dear one and for Faith, your service dog.

    Jean, I have felt this whole situation with DH was satan attempting to get you off track and to steal your surgery victory. I am glad to hear that you were praying for DH during this time because I believe that certainly helped to break those efforts of the enemy. So glad that things are much better. I love the birds and even though I am not in the country I feel such peace looking out at all the birds on my feeders. I have a heated birdbath so the birds are spoiled in my backyard!  I will pray for DH regarding whiplash and double vision. I think when family members lash out it may be more about their own pain and issues than the targeted victim of their aggression.

    Kath, praying that these awful SE's will improve. I'm sorry to hear that your day started out the way it did. I know your DH is a kind and caring person so I hope that you can think on that more so than an insensitive comment that I bet he regretted the second it came out of his mouth. We have all been recipients of those kind of remarks and they hurt. I hope you can get past this and move forward. Take care of yourself. Try not to push yourself so hard.

    Mini, the radio station I listen to all the time plays Sidewalk Prophets music. Love their music. So glad you had the privilege to hear them. Casting Crowns gave a concert only about 40 min away from me on Friday night. If I hadn't so much already going on I would have loved to go to that. Hope you are doing well.

    Ellen, I would be glad to hear about the Ant and the Contact Lens. I have never heard of it. Sounds intriguing.

    Char, my mom's and sister's church was canceled today because of all the snow they have had. They are three hours south of me and we got some snow but not a lot. I see a warm up in the ten day forecast. I can't wait. I understand that dilemma about eating properly concerning your Dad. My mom is THE most picky eater I have ever seen so my sister and I just can't make her change at this point. It is tough.


    I am feeling a bit guilty tonight as I am supposed to be at my church's prayer night especially since I am part of the prayer team. I was up in the middle of the night again even after taking a sleeping pill. I have tried everything I can think of regarding fighting this insomnia. My AI drug I have to take makes my heart race and when I lay awake I can feel my heart pounding. I am not sure of the answer. The one really good night's sleep I had did not repeat itself and I felt like I might have been having a drug interaction with the herb the next night. I started taking the AI drug in the morning knowing it can contribute to insomnia. So far that doesn't seem to make any difference. I would appreciate your prayers. After a long stretch with this problem it is really hard to function. I did make it to church but ended up napping the rest of the afternoon. I don't usually take naps other than on Sundays. I hope we all have a good week ahead. For those recuperating from surgery to those facing surgery to those having SE's from chemo and those facing SE's from rads, from those dealing with pain and those dealing with relationship issues I pray for all of you. Together we are a strong and powerful force in prayer. God Bless all of you.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Char, I just now saw your post. I used to buy directly from my muscle therapist and my alt doc sells it as well. I don't see them like I used to so I buy it at Whole Foods now. Do you have those on the East coast?  You can also buy online or I know you used to be able to. I would highly recommend it. Hope you can find some.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    God isn't far away:

    He surrounds you

    with His love...

    He's in every good thing

    that touches you...

    in every step you make

    and every breath you take.

    He is not far away,

    for He is always with you.   By Nancye Sims

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Evening ladies,

    Sounds like it was a good weekend for most that posted. God is good! I did lots of resting and enjoyed church this morning. Had a celebration of life service Saturday for a dear friends mother who went to be with Jesus. She was 91 and very ready. She was the most amazing Christian women. So blessed to have known her. Attended our discipleship class tonight and now just climbed in bed.

    I have been using my fitness pal for a couple of months now and it is a very helpful tool. I also get emails with great recipes and so it is great to use. I am sure oatmeal is a good option. I don't use it much but once every few months. I usually ise steel cut oats. I do my best to avoid sugar and salt. Salt is easy for me sugar has its rough days. I try daily to monitor all carbs and get my sweet satisfied by fruit. But I do cheat on occasion as sugar is DH favorite thing to eat. He always has candy and cookies. My treat is popcorn and I love it so that is the only time I get salt being as I dont cook with salt. Sometimes when I eat out I get more salt I am sure. Try not to eat out too much for that reason plus it's not organic.

    Jean glad things are getting better. Prayers being answered.

    Well getting tired so praying all have a great week and remember Gods with us on our journeys and we just need to keep our eyes on Him. Love and blessings abundant. Luc

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Dear sisters, he got up in a foul mood to say again and told me he "wants a wife who is committed to him". I dont even know what that means anymore. Truly he is being used to attack me while I am at my weakest. I prayed some warfare prayer as he went up to shower. Well I am grateful that the sun is shining and hope the driveway can be cleared so my nurse can come today. Love, Jean

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2015

    Lots going on this week. Helping a friend for a couple of days, filling in at church for the secretary and trying to stay faithful with my gym attendance. The gym has helped with some of my aches and pains, but caused some new ones. My back feels better, but my fingers hurt from the weight. But I can get off the sofa without saying ouch now. :-)

    My husband has made it through the first phase of his job application for a position in Georgia. It's a little scary contemplating packing up and moving away at our ages, but we want to be open to God's will. I feel overwhelmed sometimes of all the things we'd have to do. Find new home, doctors, stores, vets, hair and nail salons, mechanics and most important, a new church. But we area trusting that if this happens, God will provide.

    I am thinking of all of you. I pray for God's peace in the struggles, joy in the victories, and wisdom for all who are making the tough decisions we all face.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Individual prayers going to all of you! Char, I use the Skinny Pop, or boom chicka: and sugar free popsicles for my sweet fix

    nancy, I sure hope you get to a doc about your sleep and racing heart. I am in the same boat, but I know mine is from chemo: feel like I am short of breath, sweats, etc. I did not sleep with a pill either. My DH is forgiven: I know he did not mean any harm

    Prayers for all: along with love and hugs


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2015

    I have been reading a lot about not being anxious and how God wants us to give it all to him because he can shoulder it. During the down time at the conference today I was reading Before Amen and once again I was reminded to be thankful of all things, good and bad, and to not let anxiety move in and cause me to doubt what God has promised me. I asked for healing for me and many others and because I believe it is already done. God's will is perfect and I know even through these hard times we will be what he has purposed us to be.

    Today I tried being on the elliptical for 30 minutes and lifting a few weights. It ended with me being weak and my skin started itching like crazy. It was a chore just to walk from the gym back to my room. I thanked God for the beautiful weather to walk in and for being able to breath even though I was breathing heavy. And even though I had to get in the bed earlier than I would like its all good an I am thankful to be able to share this with the group.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Debbie (Foots) God Bless you dear one. You are a blessing.

    Lucy, it sounds like you got some much needed rest. I wish I could eat oatmeal. The gluten free oatmeal I have tried is horrible. I used to eat oatmeal every day topped with blueberries. Can't do that anymore. I need to see if I can get My Fitness online without an app.

    Jean, I hope your nurse got to you today. Continued prayers for you and DH.

    Mini, will be praying for this position for DH. If the Lord is in it all of those things you are concerned about will fall into place.

    Kath, praying for your nasty SE's. Only one more treatment before rads. YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE IT. Hang in there dear friend. Glad things are all forgiven with DH.

    SheAngel, good for you for getting on that elliptical. Maybe cut that time in half and gradually work back up to 30 min. Your body has been through a lot and you have to not be too hard on yourself. I'll be praying against fear and anxiety. Believe me I have had lots of opportunities to fight those same two battles. Can you tell us when your surgery is?


    I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I took this sleep aid last night that I bought before surgery and was not allowed to use it before and after surgery and during treatments. I thought it would not be good with my AI so it just sat in my medicine cabinet. I took some of it last night along with some chamomile tea. I got a really good nights sleep. When swimming my final laps today I started getting the severe stomach cramps again. I hadn't experienced those for most of February. I had moved my AI to morning since it can cause insomnia. I had moved it to night months ago because of the stomach pains. Okay so now I need some divine wisdom because mine doesn't seem to be cutting it. I don't plan on ditching the AI.

    Have a restful night everyone.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Here are some pics especially for Ellen who is so fascinated with snow. These very talented high school students have been creating these snow sculptures for a few years.





  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2015

    Jean: My thoughts and prayers are with you. As others have said, I feel that this is a spiritual attack. As Nancy said the people closest to us are often those that can be the most hurtful. My father has lashed out at me a few times lately and while it can be quite hurtful, I have to take a step back and realize that he is experiencing some things and his lashing out is how he is dealing with it. My dad knows the Lord but he is human and he is struggling with the issue of death. In these times I ask God what He wants me to do

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    Nancy and all other prayer warriors and women of Faith,

    Those pics are great! So neat that high schoolers are using their creativity for good! We had just enough here to make a usual but not very creative..

    Thanks for sharing...hope those stomach cramps go away. Except for the insomnia and joint pain, I haven't had any other SE...I did have stomach problems with Tamoxifen, though.

    Just want ALL you ladies to know that I admire you all. You are working so hard through diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes to beat this disease and persevere through treatments. You are such an inspiration to me. May God send many blessings your way and may satan run from your praises to our Lord


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2015

    Good evening Sisters,

    Jean, praying for you and DH dear sister.

    Mini, I believe me and your husband are in the same field. If I remember an old post he is in Project Management and trains? Was that your husband. I am Project Management Office Division Manager/Director. I have been in technology arena for over 20 years. Let me know if I made a mistake in remembering an old post. Praying for your DH and that all falls into place.

    Lucy, love the post on the water. My husband bought me a fitbit and I signed up for My Fitness Pal. I need to become fimilair with it and how to use the program to it's fullest. Right now I am more counting steps and activity to ensure I goet a minimum in a day. I also set alarms to ensure I do my Lymphdema stretches and exercises twice a day. So far so good. Any suggest on best use would be appreciated.

    SheAngel, awesome on the exercise. I am trying to be diligent but increase slowly. Initial I started out to aggressive and had to cut back. My body thanked me :-).

    Robin, so glad you are on the mend.

    Nancy, praying for you and the timing to take the AI so that it doesn't affect you.

    Does anyone have any information on Becky? I checked other threads but didn't see that she posted a lot on other threads.

    I have 11 more treatments of RADs, so far just a soreness, darking of skin and the fatigue which has been with me with all the txs and just wont go away. I rested most of the weekend. I thank God for carrying me through this journey every day. I also thank Him for keeping me even when my feet almost slip I know that he is carrying me and helps me to get back up and keep my eyes focused on Him. A on time word Lucy!

    Have a blessed and relaxing everyone.

    Hugs and prayers to all always.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2015

    Nancy: Praying for you dear sister for precious sleep and that your stomach issues subside.

    She: Praying for calm and that you feel the perfect peace of God in your daily journey.

    Mini: Good to hear from you. Praise God that you are being open to His direction. Stepping out and being taken in a new direction can be a bit overwhelming but if God is leading, I am sure that He most likely has some wonderful things planned for you and your husband. Everything will work His time.

    Dear Sisters: I know I have said this before but I want you to know again how blessed I have been to be among you during your journeys. I wish you each could see how strong you have become through Our Lord during your daily challenges. God is doing great works in each of you whether you know it or not. If for some reason we part ways for seen or unforeseen circumstances, (because we don't know what tomorrow brings), I look forward to that glorious day when we shall meet in our new home. Always remember to give the reason for the hope that is in you.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Evening Ladies,

    What a blessing today was as we had some amazingly beautiful weather again. Next week it is supposed to be in the low 60's. I went for a walk after work at the lake near my office that I used to walk everyday at lunch 2 years ago before my dx. Here is a pic:


    It was just awesome and God is so good. The place was packed and no room for parking. I went with a young gal from work so it was very nice. I felt really good and stopped at the grocery store after. So we plan on walking after work when it is nice and the days I leave early we will walk at lunch.

    Today my DH went to Costco to do some shopping for me and bought me a Fitbit. What a sweetheart. I didn't think I would want one as its one more technical gadget to manage but everyone says I will love it. It was just a very thoughtful surprise.

    Angie I may need help from you to get me set up lol.

    Jean just keep praying and leave it in Gods hands. We are all praying too.

    Toby skinny pop is my favorite snack. I get the big bags from Costco and always have one at work too.

    Nancy so glad you got some sleep but so sorry your tummy is hurting again. I don't have any suggestions but will be praying for sure.

    Daily Devotional

    Time to Get Away

    Mark reports that "while it was still dark," our Savior had a habit of heading to a "solitary place, where he prayed" (Mark 1:35). Evidently Jesus felt the need to fellowship with his heavenly Father in an undistracted setting. In like fashion, for you and me to hear where the Lord is leading us in our journey, to have the ability to commune with him without interruptions, we must get away from the "noise" of our lives, with its endless eye candy and diversions.

    This is easier said than done. Almost anywhere you go these days there are televisions cackling away in a corner. From the TVs in our homes, to the multiple TV screens hanging from ceilings in restaurants, to the TV in our pockets on our cell phones, it's difficult to escape the constant stream of entertainment. Nevertheless, we have this example of Jesus who went to a solitary place to hear from God.

    Elsewhere Mark notes, "After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray" (Mark 6:46). Luke writes, "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed" (Luke 5:16). What's more, sometimes Jesus "spent the night praying to God" (Luke 6:12). Are you seeing a pattern here? Our Elder Brother wisely leveraged quiet places to hear from God the Father and fellowship with him.

    I'm not necessarily suggesting that we have to leave our homes in order to experience solitude — although retreating to the mountains, a state park or a beachside cottage would be a wonderful way to leave behind the noise of this world. That's not always practical, however. But the isolation necessary to hear from God can exist wherever you are physically. How? By turning off your cell phone, television, radio and any other electronic device that might break your focus.

    You might also consider spending time outside, especially during the dark of night or the predawn morning hours. A local park or preserve offers a great place to sit and meditate on the Lord. This time is best spent alone — no spouse, children or friends; no phone contact; no texting. Although the noise of civilization may be around you, such a setting will be much more quiet than your normal routine.

    "He Is Not Silent," a song by Out of the Grey, summarizes our situation: "He is not silent. We are not listening." Do you really want to experience the Lord's leading in your career transition? Then recognize that none of us will ever know what his direction is until we nurture a closer relationship with him.

    Read Mark 1:35


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    May You be With God, for God is

             Always with You

    You are never alone, and never have

    been, and never will be. God has

    been with you every step of the way.

    Where the path leads, He is lighting

    lamps to guide you.

    And if you ever do feel for a second

    that He is not right there beside you,

    it is only because He has gone ahead

    for a moment or two to build a

    bridge that will keep you safe from

    harm and that will lead you on

    toward the sunlight shining through.

    Wherever you go, may you be with

    God, for God will always be with  you. By Alin Austin

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Morning Warriors,

    Wide awake at 3:00am, so nothing better than reading the word and praying. Have a blessed day!


    Daily Devotional


    Jesus was in agony the night before his crucifixion. He prayed fervently, dreading the cross but submitting himself to his heavenly Father's higher purpose.

    You will face deep anguish in your life — everyone does. When that happens, you can do what Jesus did: pray. Pray hard, pray deep, pray honestly, pray out all your feelings. Pray until you sweat and cry and fall down in exhaustion. Pray with others. Pray alone. Pray as long as it takes — and then pray longer. Pray because nothing else works, and keep praying when it doesn't seem to work. Pray because Jesus prayed, pray because you want to pray, pray because you don't want to pray. Pray out loud, pray quietly. Pray whenever you think about it, pray instead of just thinking about it. Pray when you walk and when you drive and when you wake up and when you go to sleep. Pray before you forget. Pray right now.

    Read Matthew 26:39:46



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Sending from my RO's office. Drain taken out this morning. Pathology report good. 14 nodes removed and only two showed cancer cells, all dead from chemo. Sims on Rhursday, rehersal a week from Friday and rads start the following Monday for 6 weeks. Hubby stayed home today and slept for 11-12 hours! I think we are finally gating back on track after the derailment post surgery. I believe God was fining out just how much stress we could handle and/or teaching me not to expect superhuman tolerance from dear hubby. We were both exhausted and in pain, running around to doctors and dealing with snow and ice. All things considered we didn't do too badly as we squirmed around in the palm of His hand! Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    Good afternoon,

    Jean, congratulations! Glad your report was so on to the last part of the journey! I know there is rejoicing from all the others as we read this.

    Also happy that things are getting back on track at home. I have prayed for you with all that, as many others!

    BTW, the pic you posted of Valentina was absolutely are looking forward to spending time with her soon.

    Again, Praise the Lord for His mighty works! Your testimony will be one of inspiration for other cancer patients...


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2015

    Jean, congrats! PTL for your good report. Now on the the next part of the journey. So happy that things are course correcting at home.

    Praying always,


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2015

    Jean, what a good report God's will, will be done.

    Nancy even though snow is not my favorite thing to see around my house I love the pictures. I am reminded of God's beauty everyday when I walk around.

    Spiritblessing, that lake is beautiful. I would go out there every day just to look at it. Seeing God's beauty in all his works is one of the blessings I get to enjoy now that I didn't before.

    Being part of this group has made me feel connected to people who relate to issues I face .When you all say take it easy with the workouts or cut my time on them I know you all understand the fatigue and the need for normalcy and balance.

    Every thing we need to get through this journey has already been put in place by God because he knew what we would stand in the need of. That is so awesome.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Good evening sisters of faith,

    Debbie Foots, your post was just what I needed to hear in my heart today. Thank you. I am praying for you dear sister for your test tomorrow. Faith and Faith will help you!

    Angie, praying for those remaining treatments. The end is in sight. Praying that your fatigue will gradually improve when your txs are over. You asked about Becky. My spirit tells me that she is gone home. I don't think we are going to hear anything. Not exactly sure how to proceed since we don't know for sure. I would like us to do something eventually.

    Lucy, so sweet of your husband to get you a Fitbit. I need to look into one of those. Glad you have a walking partner. What a beautiful area to walk. We are excited that there are some 30's and 40's for next week. LOL

    Mags, your journey is getting so close to the end. Hang in there. You are going to make it!

    Jean, what great news. That is awesome. You both have been under a lot of stress. The weather doesn't help either. Hopefully things will settle into a good place for you both. So glad to hear your good news.

    Sheangel, praying for strength and peace as you recover from chemo and prepare for surgery. Our prayer community here is such a comfort to me too.

    Ellen, yes it is heart warming to know that high school students can use their talents to put smiles on all the faces of people who drive by and see their snow sculptures. Just goes to show that there are great kids out there.

    Char, thanks for your prayers. I still need them.

    Bev, how are you doing? Hopefully enjoying some nice weather. Are you feeling 100% now?

    Kath, praying that you get a good night's sleep and that any fear and anxiety over your Pet scan this Thursday be replaced with complete peace and trust in the Lord. May He envelope you with His peace that passes all understanding.

    I need prayer for wisdom in moving forward with my mom's care. I am praying that with all my doctors apts this month there will be one doctor that I can talk to regarding my insomnia that will do something about it and will work. Need wisdom regarding my AI. Obviously moving the pill to morning is NOT working.


    I hope you all have a restful night. This song just went through my head. Trust and obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.





  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    Thank You, Lord, that You are our defender. You are

    more powerful than any plan the enemy has against us.

    Thank You that You will never leave us nor forsake us,

    and that You are always strong in our behalf. " I will lift

    up my eyes to the hills--from whence comes my help

    my help comes from the Lord, who made the heaven and

    earth.( Psalm 121:1-2 No matter what happens, We will

    look to You to deliver us from the hand of all that opposes

    us. Please be with all the wonderful ladies here that we

    know need Your help and comforting love. Whatever we need

    please make a path, one of safety and peace, as You help

    us be a testimony of Your power and glory, each day. In Jesus name Amen