thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2015

    Heavenly Father, Please be with all those that are facing tests

     and need Your guiding love to help all hands that are doing the

    test or other things. Please bless and comfort those that need

    You to help and carry them through. Be with all those that are alone,

    Give them comforting love, for You know every tear and every fear.

    Bless all the wonderful people here and Lord, You know every trial

    and pain they are facing. May they feel Your everlasting Spirit of

    love around them. As Your comforting arms around them, as You

    help and even carry them through. In Jesus Name. Amen

    Jesus is standing by my side when the storm clouds gather, an

    unseen hand  guides me threw, Thank You Lord.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited February 2015

    I finished my 28th regular treatment today, the last. Now I have 8 boosts and I'll be done. Right now I'm just pushing myself through it. I have several large raw spots, under the incision and under the arm. Very painful. I'm using aloe, but nothing seems to touch the pain. I have silvadene, but I was told not to use it on days when I have rads, just on the weekend.

    Thanks for the continued prayer.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2015


    I had a PET scan done after my surgery & Rads, before I started on Letrozole. It is painless, and they had me not eat anything after midnight. They infused a high sugar mixture, (some rad. stuff that would show up good),had me sit for about an hour or so then put me on the table/machine. The med they gave, will collect on any cancer cells and the Drs can be more sure all is clear. It is nothing to worry about. GOOD LUCK. Let us know how it goes..


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Have a blessed day!

    Daily Devotional

    Understanding the Future

    When we ask questions about matters that elude our full understanding, we tend to look for models or patterns that are similar to what we do understand. We seek for clues to a new and different paradigm. The shift from earthbound thinking to conceiving of heaven is a massive paradigm shift.

    To speak of our mysterious future is to search for analogies that will give us a hint about what to expect. We cannot say what heaven is, but the Bible does give us hints as to what it is like. We try to imagine the unknown in the light of what is known. John tells us: "It has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is" (1 John 3:2).

    We do not know for sure to whom the "He" and the "Him" refer. Do they refer to God the Father or to Christ? God the Father is the subject of the preceding verses, but what follows seems to indicate Christ.

    The difficulty of the reference is mollified when we realize that to be Christ-like is to be God-like. The firstfruits image of Christ in His resurrection indicates that, ultimately, we shall be like Christ. As Christ rose with a glorified body, we too will enjoy glorified bodies at the final resurrection.

    Coram deo: Living before the face of God.

    Pause a few moments to think about your eternal future in heaven.

    Read 1 John 3:2

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Today I am so grateful for having the courage to refuse my hubby's inappropriate request to satisfy him. (Hope that isn't TMI). I have a hard time putting myself first and realizing that I need care right now. I tend to minimize the seriousness of my present condition. I am also very grateful that I am getting a nurse visit. Hope you are all enjoying Jesus presence today. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good afternoon ladies,

    Well, today I decided to remove the last of my snowmen from the house...decorations, that is. I've heard all I want to about snow. I love to watch it fall, but our news folks are overdoing it...preempting regular shows to show dogs in the snow and taking cameras on the roads over and over again. She-angel, you know what I'm talking about!

    Mags, sorry your skin is so sore and has rough places...had that with my first round. During the boosts, the rest of the skin began to heal. Hope the same will be true for you.

    Jean, hoping your healing continues to go well. You are do need to put your health and healing first. We as women seem to have trouble doing that. I know you are looking forward to the nurse visit.

    She, hope you've kept power and warmth through this wintry week. Take good care of yourself so you'll be in great shape for surgery. Robin, hope your recovery is going smoothly.

    Angie, hope your rads are going well...if my memory is right you are getting close tothe last ones go, girl!

    Lucy, thanks for the devotionals..they mean a lot to us. Hope treatments are going well and DH is well, too.

    Kath, Polly...hope your SEs are better.

    Anita, Becky, and Debbie..praying for your needs and comfort.

    I have several praises today...first, all my appts this week went well. The two unpleasant ones went ok...nothing seen on mammogram. My MO seems to think things are doing ok as well. I have a follow up with my surgeon next week....then it starts again in six months.

    Second praise..I texted Fonnie today and we chatted for a few minutes. She said she was feeling so much better than she did. She is due to have a scan next week to see if there are changes. Praying that there will signs of improvement.

    Third praise...looks like I'll be able to go on to Mom's as planned. I think the major roads will be clear enough to make the trip....and, our Easter Music finally arrived after being back ordered.

    Nancy, don't think I'll be ordering that snow from your yard...😉if you end up strangling your photography teacher, I'll try to help with bail....!

    Have a great evening...peace and rest from our Father to all...


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    Beautiful photos Nancy. I so love seeing them. God has blessed you with a wonderful gift of capturing His beauty. Will pray for the things that are going on with you. Thank you for sharing.
    Lucy: The gal on my mileage thread is in her 40's or early 50's. Her name is Adele and she is so grateful to be alive. She does not complain but she has a long road of recovery ahead. Makes my knee feel like a scratch.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY a day early BEV! God has blessed you with another year on this earth and I am so grateful that He has allowed me to be your friend. I wish I could be there to celebrate your birthday with you but I am there in my thoughts.

    I am with you Ellen on taking down the winter decorations. My snowman that lights up is still frozen to the ground outside. Maybe after our -6 on Saturday when I was to run a 10 mile will finally start to thaw. I am so glad I decided not to run but my nephew will be running what is annually known as the spring thaw. I am just trying to squeeze some running and cycling along with weight lifting at the gym three nights a week.

    Becky....if someone is checking in for you or not...I know you know that we are here praying for you dear sister and that our Father continues to cradle you in His loving arms.

    Praying for all of you dear sisters in Christ.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2015

    Nancy, Thanks for the updated prayer request and for sharing your pray request. I literally laughed out loud about the teacher. Love your pics as usually. What a gift you have been given.

    Lucy, I like the idea about sharing nutritional information. I was given a nutritionists at the beginning of this journey and meet with her as needed. Her focus with me was on the reduction of sugar. She specifically had me cut back in the amount of fresh fruit I was eating because of sugar and carbs as I love Pasta. She also helped me adjust my diet while on warfarin. I am scheduled to meet with her again in March.

    Jean, continue to keep you and your DH in my prayers. Warning for others this maybe TMI. Jean my Hubby and I came to an agreement about our intimacy when we (yes I saw we) began this journey in June of last year. First and foremost my emotional, physical and mental state came first and that we needed to focus on my health and healing. We had to have a frank conversations upfront and ones that we were encouraged to have by what my center calls our advisor. Please PM me if you would like to have more information.

    Tobycc, I only had MRI and CT scan. I am with Lucy and surprised they didn't tell you why they wanted to do a PET scan. I would ask for the specifics. Let us know so that are prayers are specific. How are your SEs?

    Ellen, PTL on your praise reports!

    Bev, Happy Birthday! Enjoy -- wish we could be there to celebrate with you!

    Foots/Deb, as always love your prayers.

    Mags, Vicky, Polly, Deb, Char, She, Robin, et al -- praying for you Sisters.

    Becky, praying for you sister and that the your still enveloped in the peace, comfort and love of our Heavenly Father. Know that you mean so much to us. Wish we had some way to reach out to you during this time. I hope you can imagine this gentle hug from this group if your family is able to check in and read this thread.

    Those that I have not mentioned by name you are in my prayers

    Hugs and praying always,

    - Angie

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Robin, continued prayers for a quick recovery. Prayers for emotional and physical healing.

    Jean, continued prays for a speedy recovery so you can be feeling really good when you start rads.

    Sheangel, praying for you to start feeling improvement from all of your SE's from chemo. Praying that you will feel good going into your surgery.

    Kath, praying for you put all of that fear at the feet of Jesus and let HIM take care of it. I am praying that you will be filled with supernatural peace about this test and that there will be a great outcome. Praying that you will feel good  for your treatment tomorrow. Only one more after that! PTL

    Mags, I want you to try to remember how you felt prior to those 28 treatments. I know you were probably wondering how in the world you were going to get through it. Now you can look back and think by the grace of God I got through those 28 treatments. I sure hope that your area of boost treatments will be such that can give your skin in other areas a chance to heal. I was totally amazed at how fast my skin healed and I was like you with a lot of pain before the boosts started. I am so proud of you for hanging in there and toughing it out. I know how difficult this has been for you. There is going to be one big celebration when you finish!

    Angie, the way I figure it you should finish next week sometime. Is that right? I hope you are hanging in there. You are almost there dear one. You can make it. I am here to support and to provide comic relief.Loopy I am glad you liked the pics and thank you for your nice comment. I must admit that satan is trying to get into my head and say you paid all that money for those workshops and your pictures look like that! I haven't really been out to shoot since learning some really good things about my camera so hopefully my pictures will look better eventually. I know I am very critical.

    Lucy, praying that your Pet scan gets covered by insurance and that the area of concern will be nothing! Still praying for your healing. Just think where you started from and where you are now. It is a miracle of the Lord.

    Ellen, can you see it now. Retired music teacher gets life. LOL I would prefer you to bail me out of all of this snow! It was so cold today and some of the snow was melting in the sun. Go figure. Glad all of your tests went well. Big sigh of relief. So glad to hear about Fonnie. Will be praying as you go visit your mom.

    Char, may I ask what you mean when you say mileage thread? I am glad you are not running in that race. I think you need time for your knee to heal. I know you push yourself so hard. It is okay to relax and I know it is hard to find time to do that when you are so busy. Just take care of YOU. How is your Dad doing? I am glad you liked the pics. I really haven't been out shooting since I have learned all the important buttons and menus on my camera these last two sessions. When I have a face mask on it makes my glasses fog up and my viewfinder fogs up in this weather so it is really difficult not counting my fingers freezing to the bone. I cannot wait til spring. I wonder how many times I have typed those words lately.

    Bev, I hope you can do something fun for your birthday tomorrow. I wish we all lived near you and we could have a big slumber party. Wouldn't that be a hoot! I could stand some Texas weather about now. Glad you enjoyed the windmill pics.

    Anita, how are you doing? How DH? Grandbaby?

    Foots Deb, thank you for  your beautiful prayers. I hope you can share more about Faith your service dog. I am an animal lover and would love to hear about Faith.

    Vickie, are you still in the San Diego area? I have a friend on another thread who lives there. It seems to be heaven on earth. Still praying for you dear one.

    Becky, praying that you are in Jesus' arms. Praying for your family for comfort during this difficult time.


    I have a big PTL. Last night I got the best night's sleep in a very long time. I took an herb that I used to depend on before bc  and was told by my pharmacist in the summer that it might cause a drug interaction with my cancer drug. Well I took it last night and it didn't as far as I could tell. I know what a negative reaction feels like and I felt nothing like that. So thank you for your prayers.

    Prayed for all of you today even though I didn't mention everyone. Have a great weekend everyone and a good night's rest.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2015

    Prayer from a book

    Father, Instill in me a reason for hope, Bring I pray, calm the

    raging storms of my life. I am afraid of the cancer, but I am not

    afraid of You. Help me place my trust not in the well-meaning

    doctors, nurses, nutritionist, and clergy who attend my needs

    but in You and You alone. Use them, I pray, as conduits of Your

    grace , and bring me the healing I know You will bring me if You

    so desire, I offer my humble prayer in the name of the Great

    Physician, Jesus Christ. Amen

    By Michael S Barry  A Reason for Hope

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2015

    Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Your caring love

    to all the wonderful people here. Bless those that are facing

     mountain, May they find You helping them get through that

    and find rest. Be with all those going through tests or surgery,

    please guide the hands that are doing it. For You know every

    one here and each trial, bless them and may they feel Your arms

    comforting and giving them hope. Please help them hear Your

    whisper sweet peace and hope, For I know You love them more

    each day. Thank You for You Word and love that carries us through.

    We all Love You Lord, and Thank You for loving us. In Jesus name. Amen

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Hi Ladies,

    I forgot to share something I heard today that I had to type because it was just so beautiful to me. I hope you enjoy it as well

    Let us draw near with a true heart and full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, for He is faithful that promised! I have access into His presence by the blood of the lamb.

    Just thought this was really powerful. Good and blessings

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2015

    The prayer was awesome Deb

    Lucy, wow spoke to me. Thanks for getting on this evening and posting.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Warriors,

    Well fatigue hit me a bit harder this morning so going to stay home today. Hope all had a good restful sleep and SE's will be minimal today. Praying all who had surgery are recovering nicely with little to no discomfort...PRAISE GOD!

    Daily Devotional

    Unraveling the Mystery

    The place we will occupy in the future will be similar to places we occupy now, but there will also be differences. The heavenly place will be a place of manifest glory. Our bodies will have continuity with our present bodies. There will also be discontinuity. Our new bodies are shrouded in mystery—we see through the glass darkly. Yet we receive hints about our glorified bodies by comparisons with Jesus, as well as by His words that we will be "like the angels" (Matt. 22:30).

    Paul gives further hints: After discussing various kinds of bodies we experience on this planet, and various levels of glory of created objects, he adds: "The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory, it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body" (1 Cor. 15:42–44, NIV).

    We understand corruption, dishonor, weakness, and natural bodies. Only by contrast or eminence do we contemplate an incorruptible, glorified, powerful, spiritual body. The new body will be clothed with immortality. It will receive a garment it does not presently or intrinsically possess.

    Coram deo: Living before the face of God

    Spend some time in worship, thanking God for the eternal destiny He has planned for you.

    Read 1 Corinthians 15:42-44


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    SoGod just put on my heart to start sharing healthy tips for us so I will be obidient. Not sure exactly what to do yet so will refine it soon. So for now I will start with this:


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    Good idea on health and nutrition tips.

    Nancy: When you learn all those bells and whistles perhaps you can teach me. I have a lot of them on my camera but am always in auto. One day I will get to classes to learn more. It is on my bucket list.

    When I say mileage thread. I have been on My Fitness Pal actively for over 4 years. As you may know, I lost about 80 plus pounds, gained a few back with my knee injury and am back to 78 a pound loss at this time. I am still working at what I would call the last few even though I am okay where I am. I figure the lighter I am the less strain on my knee, the easier it is for me to run and I continue to reduce health risks as well as my breast cancer risk because being overweight is directly correlated to breast cancer. Anyway...I post what I eat every day on this site. It tells me my sugar, salt, protein etc. intake. It tells me when I go over calories and it logs my calories from exercise. They have a community group on there that is called MYAC or Move Your (Behind) Challenge. Each month you post how many miles you hope to move either in walking, swimming, running, biking etc. and post them on their site. A few of the members run excel sheets and let you know if you are behind or in range or when you hit goal. I have been posting my mileage on there for 20 months now and have moved 6,320 miles in that time. That is the miles that I officially count as exercise, not the miles walking around all day. But anyway, Adele, the gal in the car accident is a member of our group.

    Ellen mentioned avoiding sugar. Well sugar produces fat and Estrogen feeds on fat and breast cancer feeds on Estrogen.

    Being overweight can lead to increased estrogen exposure because the body makes some of its estrogen in fat. So, the more body fat you have, the higher your potential risk for developing breast cancer. This is especially the case after menopause, when your ovaries no longer produce estrogen. In fact, some studies suggest that being overweight in menopause can increase your risk by 30% to 60%.

    One theory suggests that breast and endometrial cancer is linked to the overproduction of estrogen. Since fat cells also produce estrogen, obesity appears to increase the risk of breast cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, postmenopausal women would normally have lower estrogen levels, but obese postmenopausal women maintain higher levels than their slimmer counterparts, which might stimulate the growth of breast cancer after menopause. Obese women of any age are two to four times more likely to get endometrial cancer than normal-weight women, partially because of higher levels of estrogen.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2015


    Father, Replace all of my pessimism with optimism, fearfulness

    with hopefulness. As Jesus healed the man with the withered

    hand, heal my withered attitude and fill me with hope, as well

    as a desire to meet You in the midst of my pain and worry. In

    Jesus name. Amen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Good morning sweet sisters. Today I am grateful for relatively pain free night. Had some good rest. Hubby was being a jerk again yesterday morning because I wanted him to wait till I got drains out before a tempting to be physical with him. He left to get an xray on his neck. I was left shaking and crying after being accused of lying and using surgery as an "excuse'. What??? I called my sweet chemo nurse just to be sure and she said we could if he was very gentle....not! I am grateful that he is sleeping downstairs leaving me be. He is taking a muscle relaxant for neck whiplash from a fall on ice a few weeks ago. It makes him woozy so being upstairs is unwise. Don't know whether this 40yr marriage will survive this cancer. I'm praying and puting it in God's hands. Sorry, this may not be appropriate for this forum and if so I will not post anymore of my marital issues. Just pray ladies. I n=ed to get through rads in a few weeks. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Good morning ladies of faith,

    I am on a fast track this morning and will write more later but I wanted to pray for Deb (Foots). Father I pray that you would lift up your dear one and fill her with hope and faith. Come against any fear or depression that can easily overtake us. I pray that you would give her the vision to see all the wonderful things that you have for her both in this life and in the next. She has been an inspiration for years on this BCO site and I pray now that others will come along and lift her up during this time of trial.

    Deb, we are here for you anytime you want to share. I will be lifting up knowing that the Lord is going to breath a fresh anointing on you.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Praying for all of us to have a relaxing weekend. Be blessed and enjoy your days relaxing, pain free and with minimal SE's.

    Jean your in our prayers.

    Daily Devotional

    Incomprehensible Love

    *What are some things that you know about but don't really understand?

    *How much does Jesus love you?

    A child asked Jesus how much he loved her. He answered, "This much," and then he stretched out his arms and died on the cross.

    You may have heard this before. It's a good way to think about how much Jesus loves you. He loves you so much that he left heaven and came to earth for you. He loves you so much that he suffered and died for you. And the Bible says that nothing you can do will separate you from the love of Jesus.

    In these verses from Ephesians, Paul describes Jesus' love as being "wide and long and high and deep." The idea is that it is infinite — you will never come to the end of it. God loved you before he created you. He loves you right this minute. And he will love you for eternity.

    We cannot possibly understand how much Jesus loves us. We don't have to. All we have to do is accept it.


    Dear God, thank you for your love. Please help us to accept it. Amen.

    Read Ephesians 3:17-18
  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    A busy day for me but not to busy to share.

     First, Lucy, thank you for your post. Sometimes the simplest examples have the biggest impact. I think I am often guilty of limiting the breadth and depth of God's love for me. And I also think I do not possess the ability to understand how truly deep it is. But I know one day I certainly will realize it when He tells me about all the things I have gone through and how He was there in the middle of all of it.

    Mags: If I had medal right would go to you. I know that by God's grace and strength you endured much and through it all you hung in there despite the desire to give up. That speaks volumes.

    Angie: You should be coming to the end of another part of your journey. You have traveled so far grasshopper....well done. (just loved that line from some movie).

    Deb (Foots) Thank you for your words of encouragement. I pray that God gives you renewed hope and faith to meet each day ahead. Give a hug to Faith for me too.

    Nancy: I remember painting a scene of a deer standing in the middle of a stream and asked a friend who had an art degree and did oil paintings to give me his honest opinion about it.  I was very disappointed after he critiqued it. But as time went by and my skills improved I could see what he was talking about and the flaws were now obvious to me. I think that my life is like that oil painting and while I would like to think I have done a pretty good job in my eyes, God can see all the flaws in it. Will he critique it well or will I be disappointed?

    Jean: Dear Father, I pray for Jean and ask that you bring calm to the strife that is now going on in her marriage. Help her husband to see that Jean is the focus at this time and for him to see how much she has been there for him. Remind him that he took wedding vows that said he promised to honor her in "sickness" as well as in good health. Help him to see that life isn't always perfect, nor marriage and that as long as You are in the center of it, things will work out. May You bring calm and understanding where there is now stress and some selfishness. I ask in Your Name, Amen.

    Debbie in Ireland: God has placed you on my thoughts today and I pray that you are doing okay. You also have been an inspiration on this thread to me and others with all that you have gone through. You always keep God in the center of your life and you live each day of renewed hope that He will heal you or bring you through all of this. Thank for always giving testimony and the reason for the hope that is in you.

    Hugs to all,

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2015

    Amen Char to your prayer!



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2015

    Robin: How are you feeling? I hope that you are feeling better each day.



  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Char

    I am feeling better each day. Praise God!

    Love Robin

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Lucy, I am praying that your fatigue is better today. I have been increasing my intake of water a few days before you posted the benefit of water so maybe that was God's way of telling me I'm on the right track. When I took a ton of supplements my big water intake was insured but now it is a whole different story. My thyroid meds have been adjusted and too much in the other direction and I am really dragging by evening. Still trouble with insomnia even at that. Go figure.

    Char, thank you for clarifying that about the mileage thread. Actually one of my doctors mentioned that app to me but I don't have a smart phone and I ended up losing 25 lbs anyway so never looked into it further. I need to look into now because I need to lose more because of all the reasons you mentioned about the estrogen. The adrenal glands also produce estrogen and that came as a shock because I was taking supplements for adrenal fatigue and of course had to stop them. The scales are stuck for me and haven't moved much the last many days. I am increasing my water intake to help with the water retention. I think that is going to help. It is funny but I don't lose any weight at all from all the swimming I do. I am toned but no weight lose. It is frustrating since I spend 160 min swimming each week. My PT told me weight lifting would not be a good thing for me. I wish I could do that. I did some weights for my shoulder therapy but I had to be very careful. Your weight lose is certainly an inspiration that is for sure! You go girl. Keep up the good work.

    Jean, I am praying for the Lord's perfect will for you and DH. I still think that the enemy is trying to get you off track because you have had such a victory with your surgery.

    Mags, the end is in sight my dear one. You are going to make it and we are going to have such a happy dance when you do!

    Angie, I think your happy dance is coming this week, right? How are you feeling? You are going to make it dear sister!

    Bev, I hope you are enjoying some quiet time with the pups. Are you feeling back to normal now? Do you have to have any more surgeries?

    Deb (Foots), I hope you are feeling better tonight. I have prayed for you several times today.

    Sheangel, praying that you are getting more energy back each day so you can be in good shape for your surgery. Could you tell us the date?

    Kath, praying that you will feel better each day after your treatment. Praying against all the SE's that are affecting you. Hang in there. You only have one more to go. Praying for a clear Pet scan on Thursday.

    Robin, I am glad to hear that you are on the mend and doing better each day. I continue to pray for you both physically and emotionally dear one.


    Have a restful night my dear sisters.

    Love you all,




  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    Good evening sisters,

    Hoping everyone has been blessed today with rest and comfort. Robin, it's good to hear from you and so thankful you are feeling better each day!

    Got back from Mom's a little while ago. She is doing better; she gets really upset in bad weather. Thankfully, people have been by her house and called to check on her. Like me, she has to be reminded of her blessings sometimes.

    Mags, you're almost done..praying for your skin to begin its healing quickly. Angie, same for you...Lucy, hope that area of concern on your scan will show some shrinkage as well

    Jean, praying for your healing both from surgery and the personal stress in your marriage.

    Foots(Deb)-glad you are with us. I love your sweet posts and prayers! Hoping you are feeling better

    Nancy, hope you are doing okay with your health issues.

    For everyone that I didn't mention by name...I read through the posts each day and pray for you, whether its tests coming up, side effects, or managing to get through each day.

    Hoping most of you will feel up to attending a worship service tomorrow...I know your church family has been a real source of strength for many of you.

    God bless you all and keep you in His care.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2015

    hi ladies - thanks again, Nancy, for keeping all the prayer requests before us. Praying for you, especially Jean, with all of the added stresses and Robin for quick recovery from surgery.

    Just a quick update about our friend Deborah in Kentucky. Her mother in law, Ann, was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago (I'm not sure of the type right now but it was very aggressive and the prognosis was not good.) Ann decided to begin very intense chemo treatments and was having trouble with nausea and other side effects, then had a massive heart attack and God ended her suffering by taking her home this afternoon. Ann was a believer but her son (Deb's husband) and others in the family are not. Deb will be speaking at the funeral this week. Please pray for the family and that God will use Deb to reach hearts with His message.

    Hope all the storms will let everybody get to church tomorrow - praying for rich blessings for us all!

    Love, Bev

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Thank you ladies for the prayers. God hears. I do believe that fighting in the spirit with Jesus is the way to victory in my BC treatment and my marriage. I get hurt when I try to fight in the flesh. Things are so much better at home and we attended church tonight. I missed it last week recovering from surgery. My drain is now putting out 30cc's in 24 hrs. so it should come out at my BS appointment on Tuesday. Then on to start rads. I am starting to finally see a light far off at the end of this long tunnel. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Bev, thanks for letting us know about Deborah's mother in law. So sorry to hear about that. Maybe this will be the thing that turns family members to the Lord. We never know how the divine plan is working. Tell Deborah we will be praying for her and the family.

    Ellen, I prayed that things would go well at your mom's. I hope they did. I have some snow pics for you. I will post them tomorrow. I am on my other computer now.

    Jean, Glad to hear some good news.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

     What God Promises

    He doesn't promise sunny days;

    just a rainbow at the end of a storm.

    He doesn't promise silver and gold,

    but provide for your needs.

    He doesn't promise to make

    your life trouble free,

    just to give you the strength

    to see things through.

    He doesn't promise all the answers,

    just that He'll direct your path.

    He doesn't promise you understanding,

    but faith to see you through.

    He doesn't promise freedom

    from despair

    only joy and peace in believing.

    He doesn't promise that

     you'll never fail,

    just strength and hope

    will be renewed.

    He doesn't promise

    you'll have no fears,

    but that He is always near.

    Most of all, He promises

    unconditional and everlasting love. By  Barbara Cage