thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Morning Sisters in Faith,

    Praying for a blessed day for all of us. Remember to keep your eyes on our Lord and He will bring us through it. He is always with us and never leaves us. Love you all.

    Daily Devotional

    When Words Fail

    Beads of perspiration form on your brow, your heart flutters, your mind swims. An endless loop replays in your head: the scathing, screaming argument with your mother; the prognosis from the doctor; a schedule so full you can't calm your thoughts enough to fall asleep at night.

    You've probably been there at some point in your life: You rush before God like an eager child bursting into a room full of toys only to find that you have no idea how to begin to pray. You don't know if you should be asking for guidance, protection or forgiveness — or all of the above. And what about how to order your list? And should you say special words? How does this prayer thing work?

    Maybe you've finally got a minute to yourself, so you grab your Bible, look up to the ceiling and think, Now what?That list you've been building in your mind goes blank. The phone rings. The TV blares from another room. The dog barks. Anything . . . everything interrupts the moment. Help! How do you pray when words fail?

    Enter the Holy Spirit. He perceives our heart's agony and comforts us in our weakness. He knows our spiritual battle often burns hottest when we fight within ourselves. We wrestle with how to prioritize our prayers. We struggle with imposing our human agendas on a holy God. We cross our arms, grit our teeth and mentally stomp our feet when things don't turn out as we desperately prayed they would. Life's frustrations can mute us spiritually: "We do not know what we ought to pray for" (verse 26). But God does not stop hearing us when we're dumbstruck before him. Both in silence and when our words flow in a jumbled torrent, the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf to the Father. He does know what to pray for.

    The next time your spirit groans with a weight heavier than you can bear, trust that even when you might not be able to find words to pray, God clearly hears your cries through the intervention of the Holy Spirit. He knows your heart, your thoughts and your greatest needs better than you do yourself. Though your words may fail, your intercessor will never fail you.

    Read Romans 8:26-27


  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2015

    God is so good!!!

    I want to thank everyone of you for your prayers.

    I just came back from the BS she said, everything is gone!

    There was only a little bit if the cancer found in the breast tissue removed during surgery.

    She will let me know after they present my case next week, but for now....

    No More Treatment Is Needed!!!

    Time for healing and recovery!!!

    God is Faithful all by Himself!!!

    I'm glad that I was aggressive in my decision to remove both breast.

    I pray you all much strength, love, peace and comfort!

    Gratefully In His Love Robin



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited March 2015

    "Life's frustrations can mute us spiritually." That is all.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Robin, Congrad's on your surgical results. I am glad you are comfortable with your decicion. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    Good afternoon, ladies of faith;

    Just got home from a trip to local "camp" that serves as a temporary home for women and children that is supported by churches in North Carolina. So much of what I saw spoke to me and for the first time in awhile, I want to be an active part of our church Outreach Ministry. As the pastor's wife, I have input or involvement in many different things, but this ministry has goals that I relate to..they try to equip young women to live on their own and be good parents to their kids.

    I think part of my interest is the story of a young woman there with 7 children who is recovering from breast cancer. They have gotten her through her treatments, and are trying to help her find work. They were able to get her a donated van for transportation. Can you imagine going through BC with no resources, no family, no friends, and no income?

    As your heart leads, please pray that God will show me what part I should have with this. Another church friend and I are praying about going there and doing a Bible Study, and asking our ladies to help with child care or maybe teaching a little group while the adults are in class. Our church has already helped in other ways.

    Praying that all of you are well...Robin, congrats on such a good report. Hope your healing process continues with no setbacks. Footprints Deb, thank you for those sweet, uplifting posts. Nancy, will PM you about something I use to help with sleep. The insomnia issue is why I'm so glad Im not still driving around, hauling briefcases and materials everyday.

    God bless you those devotionals, Lucy. Always on time..


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2015

    Good afternoon Sisters. wishing everyone a blessed day.

    Robin, PTL on the good news and no more treatment.

    Nancy, thanks for your response to my question about Becky. That is what I was thinking and wondered if we would get closure? I continue to pray for her family.

    I am halfway through RADs! Yippy!

    Prayer: Lord, I ask that you bless and provide peace and love to my sisters on this thread upon today. I come to you on this new day and ask that You order our footsteps upon today and help us to keep our eyes on you in all we do and say. May each of us find rest in Your loving arms and lean on You for understanding and answers to all that we may face today. If any of us feel pain, depression, anxiety or any thing that is not of you, let us find rest in Your arms and gird us up peach that surpasses all of our understanding. Only You Father know our deepest needs and concerns once that we can not speak audible to anyone. I ask that you speak to each of us personally upon today and be our refuge and strong tower and continue to teach and guide us on how to opening up to You in prayer each and every day in these areas. This I ask in Jesus Name. Amen!

    Praying always,


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Spirit, you ARE a blessing. Words I needed to hear today

    Robin, PTL!!!! Am just thrilled for you, God is so good!

    Mags, I can still hear your heart singing even if you cant!

    ellen, you will know what to do. she is blessed He sent you to them.

    Boy am I craving a banana, or any fruit! sticking to my NO CARB day for my pet scan tomorrow. I am at peace with it. Trying to close on our little piece of heaven in TN and Satan you can throw all you want at us, it WILL happen.

    Prayers for a clean PET welcome. My test is scheduled for 11 a.m. EST. Should have results Friday: my MO does not want me to have to go through the weekend.

    thank you in advance. And as Jesus Calling said today: DO NOT WORRY

    Hugs and love to all of my dear sisterrs

    Footprint, LOVE the postings

    Nancy, our fearless leader, my phone has gone off on the hour today and will continue. That is my "prayer for Nancy" minute


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2015

    Dear Sisters of Faith,

    I had a school closing today. Lots of snow and ice right before buses were to get on the road and they closed us down for the day. I took advantage and headed to the gym to work out since I have not been there since last week and I can't get out to run at all. I was half tempted to take my swim suit and head to the pool. Maybe another night. I have a big JRFH event at my school on Friday and just hope it does not get canceled a second time. My kids have raised over $20,000 for the American Heart Association so far this year.

    Mags: As Jo said,....sometimes a few words say it all. God hears your inner moaning and groaning even if you say nothing and He knows your pain and agony. He will prevail in your life even though things may look bleak....He can see through the clouds that you can't and He sees the rainbow on the other side.

    Robin: Praise God for you news. I hope each day brings you renewed strength.
    Angie: I can feel your victory right through the words that you write.

    Kath: Lord I pray that you give Kath good results on her PET scan. She has stepped out in faith that you will take care of her and meet all her needs....even her new home in TN. I ask that you reaffirm this by giving her peace and assurance that You have taken care of it. In Your Precious Name, Amen

    Jean: What wonderful news for you in your results! I bet you feel like a heavy weight has been lifted.  I see the sun shining through for you in the days ahead and am so glad that things have been much calmer. Praying for your hubby and for you dear sister.

    She: Praying that God give you the strength to meet each day.

    Ellen: I will pray for the situation you shared. Yes it is hard to imagine people without support and resources but they are out there. I know that God will give you the wisdom and guidance to help in this situation.

    Nancy: If I could give you some of my sleep I would gladly do that for you. I will continue to keep you in prayer. On a side note: I have been searching for any notice of Becky in Reno papers and have found none. I am not sure if she is still here with us or with our Father in Heaven. I continue to pray for her family that they be comforted it. I read back on the thread how much Becky was grateful for her wonderful husband for being so caring and good to her during all this time. I know she has been surrounded with people who love and care for her. That in itself is a real blessing.

    News about our Kate W: Kate is undergoing a first phase clinical trial. As you may or may not know, Kate has TN and has tumors in other areas of her body. She also has several children. She says that this is the first time in a long time that her cancer has not progressed. She had a brain scan and there is no evidence of cancer. They did a biopsy of the tumor in her neck. She did not share results. She started her trial this past Tuesday and she will be traveling and staying over night sometimes in Indy at IU. Not sure of what will be the side effects of this clinical but is asking that we keep her in prayer.

    Deb (Foots) and Lucy: Thank you for your lovely prayers and devotionals. They have been so uplifting.

    For those I did not is not out of forgetfulness. But I want all of you to know that you are ever in my prayers.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Debbie, Foots, praying that all went well today. Thanks for your beautiful posts.

    Lucy, thanks for your devotionals. Looks like this one really hit home for Mags. I really love that banner today. Just awesome and so true.

    Mags, just know I continue to pray for you every day!

    Robin, I am just thrilled for you. I pray for a complete new and wonderful life for you in the coming months and one of abundance and enrichment with God in the center. Praying for a speedy recovery as well.

    Jean, praying for you as you gear up for rads.

    Ellen, I can't imagine seven children to begin with and add to that a woman with bc and alone trying to raise them. I am sure she is touched and blessed by this outreach ministry. I will be praying for the Lord to lead you into the area that He wants you to move into regarding this ministry. Praying for your Easter music prep as well.

    Angie, the end is in sight for you. Yeah! I like your avatar. I think we need to honor Becky is some way. I guess I am waiting for more time to pass. The last I checked she had not logged on since Feb. 9. I will have to check back again. That was a good prayer. Praying for strength for you and rest.

    Kath, THANK YOU  for all the prayers. They have really lifted me up today. I am praying for complete peace going into your Pet scan tomorrow. I am SO glad that your MO is letting you know the results on Friday. God Bless Him. I am praying for a clean result so you can go into rads and finish that last leg of your journey. Praying that all goes well in the final dealings with your new home. After your test is over you can go out and have a banana!

    Jo, I just say amen to your post. How are YOU doing?


    I need prayer and direction regarding my mom. I had a good night's sleep last night and I took my AI later in the day and so far no stomach pains. PTL Thank you for your prayers.


    Love you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Char, I just now saw your post. Thanks for your prayers. That is amazing how much money your students have raised. Awesome. Glad you could get to the gym. I think this winter will end some time this year! I do remember Becky saying how good her husband was. I don't know if you saw the pic I posted recently of her and her grand daughter. I looked way back when we had the online memorial for Sue and the picture I posted is no longer there. I am not sure why. I am waiting for the appropriate time to do something for Becky on this thread. I feel like she is with the Lord now.

    I am so glad to hear Kate is in this clinical trial. Praying for a miracle for her. Thanks for sharing that. I imagine you don't get enough sleep the way it is but it was a nice thought! Thank you.

    How is your Dad doing? Take care




  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2015

    I just had to share this: today while sitting at the conference my mind started focusing on the fact that in 15 days I will be having a life altering surgery, so me being me wanted to get some things in place to keep my busy body still but mind active as I know I won't be reading the entire day. I started looking on amazon for puzzles, I like Thomas Kinkaid scenes and then I just started looking at gorgeous scenery. In my mind I said I need a couple of puzzles that I can work on and then I will glue them down and mount them in my office when I return to work. The conference always hands out tickets as there are door prizes given out each day, but you have to be present to win its a way to ensure we don't duck out early or skip sessions. This was the first time I had not won anything.

    Right before our dismissal there was one more prize...and they called my number. I was so excited I screamed and made the entire room jump. I won a 513 piece puzzle of a crime scene (nothing gorrie) but the comical side of it with all the funny aspects the artist Jett Jackson is a genius with color, I have one of his posters in my lab. The thing is I never said it out loud, it was something that I was thinking about doing that I thought I would need. Something really not that important on the grand scale, but if he provides for something so simple of course he will provide for the big important things.

    He knows our thoughts before we do, God is Jehovah-jhreh (God provides).

    Have a blessed night ladies.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Sheangel, I LOVE your story. God is so good. I know how you talk about watching the beauty in the sky. I was just outside taking my garbage to the curb. There is a full moon out and yesterday we had a little ice storm before more snow. I can't even describe what the mounds of snow looks like now but it is just gorgeous. I felt one of the mounds and it is like glass. If it wasn't so cold outside I would put up my tripod and try to get some neat shots of it. Praying for you as you face this surgery.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    As I get ready for bed I just want to say how much I love each and every one of you! Your truly my Sisters in Christ and I am so so so very blessed


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Kath, we love you tooHug

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    God understands

    He is your provider---

    today, tomorrow and always.

    And He loves You.

    Cast all your cares on Him...

    and believe.

    Lord, Please be with this wonderful family here and may

    they feel Your arms of kindness and love around them.

    Help those that need Your comforting peace and give hope

    to all those that need Your guidance and peacefulness around

    them. May You please calm the storm and help those that are

    needing to see the light ( Love of God) There is so much love here,

    may those that need Your wisdom, find You are right beside them,

    like the footprints on the sand. In Your wonderful name. Amen

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Blessings Warriors,

    Prayers going up for all. Love and blessings.

    Daily Devotional

    Hindrances to Prayer

    One of the hardest things to do is forgive our enemies. Jesus Christ has commanded us to turn the other cheek (see Matthew 5:38 – 42); however, it is all too easy to wish that those who have wronged us experience God's wrath, or at least our own. But the Bible tells us that such anger and pain can hinder our relationship with God. As long as hatred and anger exist in our hearts, we cannot achieve the faith spoken of in the Gospel of Mark, namely, that we truly believe our prayers will be answered. It is only by recognizing the totality of Christ's message of love — forgiving and loving our enemies — that we can achieve true closeness with God.

    Read Mark 11:24-25


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited March 2015

    Hello Ladies,

    I am sorry that I haven't been around for a while, but I was not very well and then my GP rushed me into hospital because she thought I may have pneumonia.  Luckily it turned out I had a rare strain of 'flu, but it was a bit scary while I was going through it. I am now out of hospital and friends from church are cooking dinners and bringing them around for me every day, I am really being well looked after.

    Has anybody heard from Becky, I sent her a private message after she told us that she was going into hospice but I didn't get a reply.  She had been a great support to me and was very encouraging at times when I felt down, I hope she is not suffering and that she is free from pain.

    Love, Debbie

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Hi Ladies,

    I just heard this song and I just love it so had a thought to share it, enjoy:

    "This Is Amazing Grace"

    [Verse 1:]Who breaks the power of sin and darkness
    Whose love is mighty and so much stronger
    The King of Glory, the King above all kings

    Who shakes the whole earth with holy thunder
    And leaves us breathless in awe and wonder
    The King of Glory, the King above all kings

    [Chorus:]This is amazing grace
    This is unfailing love
    That You would take my place
    That You would bear my cross
    You lay down Your life
    That I would be set free
    Oh, Jesus, I sing for
    All that You've done for me

    [Verse 2:]Who brings our chaos back into order
    Who makes the orphan a son and daughter
    The King of Glory, the King of Glory

    Who rules the nations with truth and justice
    Shines like the sun in all of its brilliance
    The King of Glory, the King above all kings


    [Bridge:]Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
    Worthy is the King who conquered the grave
    Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
    Worthy is the King who conquered the grave
    Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
    Worthy is the King who conquered the grave
    Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
    Worthy, worthy, worthy


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    I just LOVE that song! Resting (emotionally) after PET today: hopefully results tomorrow. I tried to find out, but the "pictures were still coming in" as I was leaving.

    Treated myself to a carb filled Starbucks oatmeal directly afterwards.

    Was actually a very nice quiet hour waiting speng with God. No matterr what, I am blessed, praises to Him, and at peace. Hoping everyone had a wonderful SE free day.

    Mags, how are YOU

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Good evening dear sister-warriors. Rushed out this morning to get Sims done. God surely had angels round the car as we slid and drove an hour and a half up and down winding hilly roads. Sims are done. I took an Ativan and meditated on Psalm 23. It was over before I knew it. I cried after as the 2 lovely teck women did tatoos. They weren't painful, just a bit scary as they went near rhe surgical and drain site. Hubby went with me and I really needed his company and support especially during the drive down in the snowstorm. It stopped during the drive back. I am so grateful it is done and for His protection during the trip. I feel like I jumped the hurdle to the last big leg of this journey. Praise your own holy name Jesus, my Lord, protector, physician, savior and lover of my life. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2015

    Not sure how but this thread disappeared from my favorites.

    She, love your story. Isn't it just awesome how God moves and answers even our smallest prayers to show us that yes He is in the midst! PTL!

    Kath, praying for clean results and your prep for beginnng RADs.

    Jean, so happy that the sims went well and you have a date for starting RADs.

    I ditto what Kathy expressed. Love my sisters in Christ and I am very blessed that God has allowed me into each of your lives, even if it is virtually. I have given my hubby the password and log on to this account. I have asked him to update this thread.

    I am so excited. My husband has started an online bible study that we have talked about since about 3 months into my treatment. It will allow those that are house bound to enjoy the same bible study that he gives in person. We are emphasizing that this does not replace the fellowship that is needed amoungst the believers but fills a gap for those that may be house bound and can't get out to weekly bible studies on a regular basis. Through this bible study he has also been able to reached a few that don't fill comfortable going to a "church". Not sure I mentioned our ministry's focus is evangelism and outreach. This is just one additional vechicle that the Lord has opened. Please pray for us as we launch into this new form of bible study.

    God Bless and praying always,


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

                                                                             May my heart

                                                                             be Your temple

                                                                             May my words

                                                                              be Your song

                                                                              May You dwell

                                                                               inside me all

                                                                                the day long

                                           May my eyes see Your  glory; may my breath take You in

                                           May You always be with me  to deliver me from my sins

                                            May my ears hear Your whispers as You watch me sleep  

                                             May I always see the path You have lighted for my feet

                                                                              May I have peace

                                                                               and convey Your

                                                                               wishes to others

                                                                               May I regard any 

                                                                               strangers as if he

                                                                                were my brother  

                                                                                May I always love

                                                                                 You and obey all

                                                                                of Your commands

                                                                                May You always be

                                                                                    My Savior who

                                                                               forever holds my hand.   By Kendra D Elmore







  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    I had another late night photography class and I am pretty wiped out but I wanted to check in before going to bed.

    I know a couple of you are waiting on test results. I am praying for a good news for those sisters.

    Debbie from Ireland, I am sorry that you have had such a hard time. I am glad you are home and that you have such a great support system from your church. That is awesome. I hope you have a speedy recovery. I feel in my heart that Becky has passed from this life. I was doing some research today on liver failure and I really couldn't get any answers I was looking for. Becky posted something before her last post here which was around Feb. 7 or so and prior to that she posted and then deleted it. I am wondering if she was in hospice and was debating on telling us. I have a feeling that she might have been in hospice quite a bit of time before she told us. I am waiting to give it a little more time and then I think it would be appropriate to honor her on this thread in some way. I am glad to hear that she was such an encourager to you. I know she was a real inspiration to me as you are too. I hope you feel better soon dear sister.

    Lucy, I love that song. I am glad you wrote out the verses. It is a powerful message. How is the fatigue?

    Kath, praying for a clear scan and a good night's sleep. Praying against those nasty SE's too.

    Jean, glad you got through the simulation and made it safely during this treacherous winter. Praying for easy sailing from hear on out!

    Angie, that is so neat that your DH has started an online Bible Study. There are some people that will never darken the doors of a church but they can find Jesus online and feel safe in that. PTL Your end is getting nearer!

    Debbie( Foots),I love your post in the shape of a cross. How cool is that! I love "May my ears hear your whispers as You watch me sleep." That is such a comforting thought to me. If we can only see all the things in the heavenly realm that are always around us we would be in awe. Thank you for all of your beautiful posts. May God bless you and Faith.

    With that thought I will go to bed. Have a restful sleep everyone.

    Love you all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Good morning dear ladies. Today I am so grateful for the beautiful sunshine streaming through my windows. Hubby is sleeping and getting some really needed rest. He has been through so much in the last 6 months dealing with my cancer, his health issues and all the emotions plus the added tasks of taking care of the house that I usually handle. I think we are finally back on track. Last night I got the shakes. I think it was my body finally shaking off the surgery trauma. It only lasted a few minutes and I feel like I am now on the way to recovery.

    Nancy, when I read your prayer for me the words "a gentle rain" came to mind. This has been a harsh winter for many of us so I leave you all with this....

    Come and let us return to the Lord; for he has torn but He will heal us. He has stricken but he will bind us up. After two days He will revive us. On the third day He will raise us up that we may live in His sight. Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning and He will come to us like the rain, like the latter and former rain to the earth. Hosea 6:1-3

    Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Song of Solomon 2:10-14 also speaks to my heart for us this lovely morning.

    My beloved spoke and said to me: rise up my love my fair one and come away. For lo the winter is past the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth the time of singing has come and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. The fig tree puts forth her green figs and the vines with the tender grapes give a good smell. Rise up my love my fair one and come away. Oh my dove in the cliffs of the rock in the secret places of the cliff let me see your face let me hear your voice for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely.

    Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Morning Sisters in Christ,

    We made it through another week and God has put it on my heart to remind us all to think back in the week and ponder our silver linings. We are all dealing with issues of our health for sure and also other issues such as family, spouse, work, financial, and more. We must keep our eyes on The Great One and think back at the little blessings, silver linings or as Bev says; little kisses from God! Have a blessed day and know you're all in my thoughts and prayers...Blessings Abundant.

    Anticipating Heaven

    Do I as a living, breathing, conscious person have a concrete hope for my future? What do I have to look forward to? At times, when I discover that my own spirit is sagging and a sense of heaviness intrudes on me, I sometimes wonder why the gloomy cloud is perched above my head.

    Biblical eschatology gives us solid reasons for expecting a personal continuity of life. Eternal life for the individual is not an empty human aspiration built on myth, but an assurance promised us by Christ Himself. His own triumph over the grave is the church's hope for our participation in His life.

    We have heard so much ridicule and mocking about pie-in-the-sky theology that I'm afraid we've lost our appetite for it. What the Scriptures promise for our future involves a lot more than a perpetual visit to Mother Butler's. Jesus Christ and Simple Simon have very little in common.

    The promise of heaven is indeed glorious—a promise that not only anchors the soul but fires the soul with hope. Life is not an outrageous horror, though we witness outrages daily. The outrage is not the bottom line. The sting of death has been overcome.

    The victory of Christ is not established by platitudes or conjured-up positive mental attitudes. Jesus is not the Good Humor Man. His call to joy is rooted in reality: "Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). Therein resides our future hope—that Christ has overcome the world. He stared directly into the face of death and death blinked.

    Coram deo: Living before the face of God

    Reflect on this truth as you face your problems today: Jesus overcame the world and has given you the power to do likewise.

    Read Revelation 21:1-3


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015


    HER SCAN RESULTS....................DRUM ROLL.        NED (No evidence of disease) YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


    She wanted me to post for her as she is having trouble getting on the board today.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited March 2015

    Yay Kath! Great news on your scan!

    I am surviving, I have 2 tx left, today and Monday. The damage under the incision is healing, but up around my collarbone is really bad. It just seems to be spreading almost hourly. I'm trying different things, but can't tell what works better.

    Jean, your post on SoS put me in mind of this, one of my favorite songs, Cynthia Clawson singing Hear the Voice of My Beloved with the Gaithers. Take a minute and enjoy.

    Hear the Voice of My Beloved

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    THANK YOU GOD FOR KATH's RESULTS...We are so thankful for your answering our prayers.  Celebratation time this weekend Kath...Praise God...He is so good!

    It is a wonderful sunny morning here today and I am at work till noon then I am heading out.  Have a blessed day Warrior's...Lucy

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Oh dear Kath, truly God hears the cry of His beloved daughters. Mags, thank you for the song. Healing will be sprouting forth as surely as the first day of spring is nigh. Love, Jean