thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2015


    Praise The Lord!

    I am so happy for you Kath!

    Celebrate His goodness and mercy!

    In His Love


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2015

    Praise The Lord for the good results Kath! Celebrate and enjoy the weekend.

    Nancy, Becky did post on 2/9 to update us that she was going into hospice due to the liver failure. I am continuing to pray for the family.

    Deb, glad you are home. I am praising the lord for the support system from your church. Unfortunately being in ministry I know that this is not always the case. I love and tear up when I see a truely supportive church and especially church leaders. God bless and praying for your rest and healing.

    Foots (Debbie), love the words you posted and to echo Nancy's statement that it is presented as a cross! You know that I am praying for you always dear sister.

    Jean, PTL! rest up for your RADs.

    Lucy, love the devotional. Spoke volumes to me this morning. Yes the promise of heaven anchors my soul and propels my faith and hope. With out it I would not be the person I am today and could not have walked this journey without anxiety and the strength that God has given me and each of us. Yes I thank God each day for a new day and a day that my foot steps will be ordered by the Lord in all that I do. Praise God!

    Today I am grateful just being able to go and spend time with my mother and daughter. PTL for the physical strength that he has given me and pray for wisdom that I don't over do it today.

    God Bless All and Love Ya much,


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    What blessings and answered prayer we have seen!

    Kath....congratulations on a clear scan! I know your shoulders feel lighter from a burden lifted as well as your heart singing from joyous news!

    Robin...good to see you on line today! Praying still for a quick, complete recovery!

    Mags...almost done...I had the collarbone itch with the last round of radiation; my PA recommended an anti-itch cream like Cortisone 10 for just that area. Not sure what else you have tried. Loved the song link!

    Angie, take it easy today! All of us know about getting out on a good day and trying to make up for lost time...It bites you later! So glad you have the energy to do things.,

    Nancy, sure hope you had a restful night. As I get older, I appreciate a good night's sleep more and more...I guess because I get fewer of them.

    Lucy...your devotionals and posts really make my day. Footprints Deb, the cross poem you shared with us is awesome! glad things are smoother at home.

    Debbie (Ireland) sorry you have been sick. Like Angie, I am encouraged that you have a church family who is so good to you. There's nothing like the warm feeling of being remembered and cared about by friends.I think all churches should have a committee or council on nurturing to help when our folks are ill.

    Anita, how are you? Hope your family issues are getting better...

    Char, good to see you on here earlier...appreciate your thoughtful posts after such busy days.

    She-Angel-thinking of you as you prepare for surgery. Please take some time to rest; it'll help you heal faster.

    I do have a prayer request...I mentioned a few weeks ago that DH had a swollen area near his hip which became worse after our car trip. He was scheduled for a physical a few weeks ago, but it was rescheduled because of our icy weather. He has become very concerned and I think starting to imagine all kinds of problems. At times he said he feels a little swollen above that same area. A blood clot was ruled out, but we are puzzled about what else it could be. He is in no pain. My prayer is for quick answers and doctor's wisdom with this odd ailment....he actually feels better when he is standing and walking around, so hoping it is nothing serious.

    Have a blessed weekend...thinking of you all....and praying for Spring!!!!


  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Ellen.

    God bless you all!

    Love Robin

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2015

    Doing the happy dance Kath! Celebrate. :-)))))

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Ladies, I fell on my knees right after the call and spent the afternoon in Praise. I continue to lift you all up! More tomorrow: Taylor is home for the weekend for spring break: going to watch his brother on "TV" meaning live video where he is playing in GA this weekend, and sleeping in tomorrow

    Our Lord is un believable. SO SO good



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    You're a Very Special Person in God's Eye's

    On the day you were born,

    God held the stars

    Within His hands

    And watched as they twinkled

    and shined.

    He tried to find two

    of the best He observed,

    But He couldn't quite make up

    His mind.

    Then suddenly two of them

    danced in the air,

    And the rest of them

    took to the skies.

    On that day you were born,

    You were bless with the stars

    that were chosen

    To shine in your eyes.    Desiree Kaczer

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    Take my life and let it be

    Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;

    Take my moments and my days--

    Let them flow in ceaseless praise.

    Take my love--Lord, I pour

    At Thy feet its treasure store;

    Take myself-- and I will be

    Ever, only all for thee.    Frances Havergal 1836- 1879

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2015

    Kath: And everyone said : AMEN!

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Love that!

    My reading for the day:

    " Let me help you through this day. The challenges you face are far too great for you to handle alone. You are keenly aware of your helplessness in the scheme of events you face. This awareness opens up a choice: to doggedly go it alone or to walk with Me in humble steps of dependence. Actually, this choice is continually before you, but difficulties highlight the decision-making process.

    So, consider it all joy whenever you are enveloped in various trials. These are gifts from Me, reminding you to rely on Me alone."

    Psalm 63: 7-8, James 1:2-3

    Blessings and hugs


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Morning Ladies,

    I pray everyone has a blessed day and experience minimal to no SE's and rest. If you're dealing with snow, stay warm if you have sunshine, bundle up and get out and take it in. Remember to give thanks to our Lord and be a blessing to someone today.

    Asking for a little prayer for Gidget our mini dachhound as she woke with an issue with her hip or back. She seems on but moving slow. Gave her some Meds and we prayed over her little body.

    Celebrate Life!!!

    Daily Devotional

    Prayer of Abandonment

    Uncompromising trust in the love of God inspires us to thank God for the spiritual darkness that envelops us, for the loss of income, for the nagging arthritis that is so painful, and to pray from the heart, "Abba, into your hands I entrust my body, mind and spirit and this entire day — morning, afternoon, evening and night. Whatever you want of me, I want of me, falling into you and trusting in you in the midst of my life. Into your heart I entrust my heart, feeble, distracted, insecure, uncertain. Abba, unto you I abandon myself in Jesus our Lord. Amen."

    Read Job 3:1-10

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Good morning dear sisters. Today I am grateful for sunshine, good sleep, a call from someone asking how I am feeling and a call to a friend who sounded glad to hear from me. These calls came in the midst of my feeling alone, unworthy and abandoned. God's timing is wonderful. Love, Jean

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2015

    Jean, God is so awesome!

    He shows us we are never alone!

    I love you my dear friend!

    In His Love Robin

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2015

    Kath: So thankful for your wonderful news. The message from Jesus Calling was awesome today and spoke to my heart as well.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    Thank You, Lord that You are my defender. You are more

    powerful than any plan the enemy has against me. Thank You

    that You will never leave me nor forsake me, and that You are

    always strong in my behalf. " I will lift up my eyes to the hills--

    from whence come my help? My help comes from the Lords, who

    made the heaven and earth." (Psalm 121:1-2) No matter what

    happens, I will look to You to deliver me from those that oppose me.

    I know that because I put my trust in You, You will be my shield

    (Proverbs 30:5) And I will not fear what man can do to me. "Lead

    me, O Lord, in Your righteousness because my enemies; make

    Your way straight before my face." ( Psalm 5:8) And no weapon formed

     against me shall prosper( Isaiah 54:17) I know You have armed

    me with strength for the battle and will keep me safe.(Psalm 18:39)

    Help me to " cast off the works of darkness and put on the Armor

    of light." (Romans 13:12) Cause a song of deliverance to rise in

    my heartand I will sing praise to Your glory as You fight the battle with

    me. I know Your light on my path is victory. From Just Enough Light for the Step I'm On

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Today I am grateful for peace in my home. I am grateful for hubby having calmed down and recognizing his need to find better ways to handle his fear and anger. For his friend visiting yesterday. For church last night and two friends from CR who sat with me. For a friend who wants to come by tomorrow for a visit with a pot of soup. God is so good to show me I do have friends and am not alone. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    I hope everyone has a great Sunday. I am sorry I have been MIA for a short time. I have a lot on my plate right now and have not been feeling great because of some meds issues and trying to get correct dosage etc. Still having some sleep issues. My photography workshop this time around is very demanding and taking up a great amount of time. I could use prayers for all of these things. Still praying for you dear sisters.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2015

    I so understand the sleep thing, Nancy. I was awake all night long. 1-1/2 hours sleep in 30 hours. I don't know which is worse, not sleeping, or the SE's from medication to make you sleep. It makes doing everything else much more difficult. I am praying you find rest and strength to do all you need to do.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2015

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    As I ran today I felt so grateful to be healthy to do it and my heart went to all these dear ladies on this thread that have special needs. Some for pain, some for SE from drugs, some for comfort in times of storm, salvation for loved ones and healing for friends and family. Meet each of their individual needs. I don't know all of them for some are spoken while others are not. But you know each and every need and you are able to meet each one. I pray for our dear sister Nancy who has been such a fortress of strength and support to each of us on her. I feel that Satan is trying to take out those that step forward and lead so that we like sheep scatter when the wolf approaches. Lord please lift up our dear sister. Give her strength to meet the demands in her life. Give her blessed rest like the sheep that go into the pen at night and know they are safe because the Shepherd is watching over them. Take away her medicine issues so that she can function in her daily life for her own needs and those of others around her such as her mother. Lord I ask that you help her with her class work and show her that she can only do that which is in her reach and that which is beyond should not be a concern as long as she does her best. Allow her class to be a blessing to her and not one that becomes so demanding. I ask that you watch over each one on this site and be with those that are soon making their journey home to be with you. I thank you dear Father for your Love for each of us. I ask all of this in Jesus' Precious Name. Amen.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Garden, what a powerful, powerful post. Thanks for that.

    Our sermon today was about Satans sneaky ways of getting us to "give in", and I know for me fear and worry tend to top that list. church was awesome, did the actual happy dance with the girlfriends from church, cried with gratitude and joy.

    I am hopeful the sun was out for those who have been living in clouds, and some warmth everyones way.

    Prayers for a restful, productive, SE free week for all, and for all of us to be present to feel His Love, His grace, and His words.

    Nancy, continued prayers as usual


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015
    1. Well the temperature finally was above freezing today so I bundlwd,up after my nap and,took a,m short walk. I was pleasantly surprised by being able to go about the distance of 2 city blocks and back with ease. Well it's a start. Love, Jean
  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2015

    Char, powerful and Amen.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Evening Warriors,

    Jean, glad to hear God is answering prayer regarding DH.  So nice to have friends visit.  You do have people who care and love you, then you also have all of us.  So glad you were able to get out and walk in the brisk cool air.  So good for you to do that...good job...stay strong!

    Nancy, no apologies are necessary while you are dealing with busy things.  Still praying for the meds issues to balance out.  I have been having sleep issues as well but mostly because of a sore area in my collar bone on my left side.  I think I hurt it during one of my workout sessions but it seems to be hurting more.  It only hurts when I am laying in bed because I slept on my left side.  I try not too but I always sleep on my left side so it always seems sore in the morning.  Doesn't hurt during the day or when I do anything or even the workout on the machines.  Need prayer for that myself.

    Mini, not good to not sleep for that long, sorry you have to deal with that.  Have you tried melatonin?  It helps me and I take 8mg.  Been on it since my chemo days year and a half ago.  Praying it gets better starting tonight and that you feel refreshed and full of energy tomorrow.

    Char, thanks for the prayer, very nice.  I love reading everyone's prayers, its such a blessing.  We are so blessed to have each other during this time and journey.

    Today DH and I went with another couple to visit another church in Olympia.  It is the church this couple will now be attending.  It was a church they attended before coming to our church and it is where they met.  It is their second marriage and we just love them and will miss them.  The church is awesome and we decided to make it a point to go visit them often.  The pastor seems very awesome and the message today was great.  It was nice to visit another church.  I remember when I was little my mom would take us to other churches to visit one Sunday a month, it was nice and I recall enjoying it.  This was one of the verses the pastor mentioned that stuck with me: For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.  Romans 14:17

    Tomorrow I have my treatment but before I do I have my PET scan at 11:30.  Not looking forward to it as I haven't one since my second dx.  I have had several CT scans so they don't worry me too much anymore.  I remember the PET was so long and drawn out..  I have surrendered and have peace and I pray it continues through tomorrow.  I ask for prayers of support and good results.  It is supposed to be a sunny day after the fog clears so it will be a nice drive for sure.  It will be a long day as my scan is so late we won't be home till after 6:30.  Some tips on the PET are welcome as it has been a while. 

    Have a restful evening and sleep and blessings...Lucy


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Char for your powerful prayer. Thank you ladies for all of your support. I appreciate you all so much. I know you all have been through so much and I admire your courage and your strength and your tenacity in your journeys. I know we have so much to be thankful for on this thread and how God has answered prayers for so many of you. I am so thrilled for Kath for getting such great news. So proud of Jean for staying the course on her long journey and for her good report. So glad that Robin will not have to have any more treatments. What a blessing that is! Mags will finish tomorrow. Oh Happy Day, Oh Happy Day! Angie will be finishing soon. Hallelujah! Bev is doing so well after her surgeries. Lucy for her contagious positive spirit and voice. She Angel for her perseverance in working despite side effects. Ellen for her encouraging spirit to me and to all of us. Debbie from Ireland for her inspiring spirit. Anita for her faith in her journey. Debbie Footprints for her faith and courage as she deals with her own challenges and how she lifts everyone else up. Mini, for her efforts on the mission field despite her own health challenges. Polly for her encouraging spirit. Jo such a tower of strength on the board for a very long time. Vickie for her unbelievable spirit in the midst of great suffering. So proud of Char for running and drastically changing her whole lifestyle around. Deborah for her wisdom and encouragement and leadership. Sharon for her showing us that that age has no limits when it comes to teaching. KateW for not giving up on her hard journey.  Becky for her faith that would never falter in the midst of many years of suffering and health challenges. Spring is coming  All blessings which I am thankful for.

    Thank you again wonderful and dear sisters.

    Have a restful night.

    Love you all,


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    Fear not, for I am with you;

    Be not dismayed , for I am your God.

    I will strengthen You, Yes I will help you,

    I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

    Isaiah 41:10 NKJV

    He Touched Me

    I knelt there very quietly.

    Eyes closed in fervent prayer.

    A peace descended over me.

    All my pain and sorrow left me.

    My heavey cross seemed light.

    At once I knew He touched me

    And all the wrong made right. Helen Paker


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited March 2015

    Hello to all,

    This is right where I need to be. Open this site to see my name, someone is remembering and need it tonight. Last night all the night thank you so much. This thank you goes out to Ellen, Nancy, Mags and her song, Lucy, I feel like I know you,

    This is right where I need to be.

    Love across the miles,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Have to hurry to get ready for the long 2 hour drive in Seattle and the treatment and scan today. Thank you all so much for your love and prayers I feel them already. I know I am blessed and appreciate you all so very much. Have a blessed day.

    Daily Devotional

    This Is for My Good?

    "It just can't get any worse."

    How many times have you caught yourself saying this during your career transition? For me, it has been more times than I care to admit. And if I'm completely candid, my very next line is usually, "How much more, Lord? How much longer must I wait for a breakthrough?"

    I often wonder why the Lord doesn't just reveal to me exactly where he wants me to be. He has the power to do anything and everything, right? So why can't he just show me? Maybe the reason for this mystery is so that we will turn to him.

    After all, what do we need the Lord for if we already know what will happen?

    I, for one, find myself neglecting my Bible reading and prayer time when my career journey is humming along on all cylinders. I simply don't spend time with the Lord every day as I should. When things are hitting bottom, however, I guarantee that I will seek the Lord's presence. Now the reason I seek God might be to blame him for my circumstances. I might cry out, "If you love me, why did I lose my job?" or "How much longer must I wait until I can provide for my family again?". . .

    Do you know what's great about all of this?

    God already knows what you and I are feeling! The Lord knows me better than I know myself. He knew, before I was even conceived, that this painful season of my life was going to take place; he knew exactly what was going to happen to me and exactly how I was going to react. He also knew that unless I fell upon the worst of circumstances I would not grow closer to him.

    Let me put it to you this way. Have you noticed the times when you are closest to the Lord? Isn't it when all else has failed and you are driven to cry out to your loving heavenly Father? Now imagine if those tough times had not occurred.

    Your relationship with him might be less intimate than it is today. That's why we are in the best position to grow closer to God when we are experiencing the perceived worst of circumstances.

    He does know what is best for each one of us. Sometimes he just needs to get our attention so he is able to bless us beyond our greatest expectations. Why not give the Lord your fullest attention today by setting aside the job search for a while and spending some uninterrupted time with him? Just listen. Be still. And if the message doesn't come through today, he may be saying, "Not yet. There is more I want to show you."

    If that's his message, why not invest more time with him again tomorrow? Why? Because some things are more important than a job — like intimacy with the One who holds your life in his capable hands.

    Read Psalm 18:6


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Hello sisters of faith,

    I have a few things on my heart this morning. I feel that sometime this week it would be appropriate to have a time to leave posts on our thoughts of Becky. She posted twice on our thread on Feb. 5. She logged in on Feb. 9 but did not post and we have not heard from her since then. It has been a month now. I would like us to post anything of our thoughts regarding Becky. This will not be a memorial as we really don't know anything for sure and in my spirit I don't think we will. We don't have enough to go on to really do a search like we did for Sue. I do want to take a day to have posts for her and any thoughts that you would like to share. I think that will be the best way to honor her life and how she touched us.  I am waiting for Mags to let us know she is finished because I want us to first have a time of celebration for her long and difficult journey.

    Lucy, I am praying for your Pet scan today and praying that you will have great news. I am STILL believing with you that this is your year of complete healing. Thank you for all of your encouraging banners and devotionals.

    Debbie Foots,  thank you for you enduring faith and encouragement to all of us with your uplifting posts.

    Carren, How are you doing dear sister? Haven't heard from you in a very long time.

    I say Amen to God's timing.

    A praise. I had a great night's sleep last night.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Love you all,



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited March 2015

    All done! DH is driving me home, will post more later.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015





    TO MAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SHE IS DONE! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    I am so proud of you for hanging in there when you could have given up. The Lord has plans for you my dear sister. If you could see the HAPPY DANCE I'm doing now. (on second thought NO one should see that!) I thank the Lord that He made a way where there seemed to be no way.

    If I could shoot off fireworks now I would.

    Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!