thread for middle age to older Christian women.
Dear ladies,
Thank you for your posts for Becky and her family. I know many of you did not know her very well and I put myself in that category. I do think that we have honored her today and even that may not be the closure that we wanted I think she would be pleased and her family as well.
I have read posts today and have prayed as I saw them come in. My continued prayers for you Jean. I do think that when you start rads and get into the routine your apprehension will disappear. You will more than likely feel nothing for the first two weeks. Continued prayers for you dear sister and as others have said there can be healing in tears.
Ellen I will continue to pray for this situation with Clyde and praying that you both will have supernatural peace in the wait time. I know that is the hardest. Praying that this thing on his leg will be nothing serious. I know you have been dealing with this for quite some time now.
Jo, I am having a time with this Arimidex. As I move it around to different parts of the day it is causing all sorts of issues. My insomnia is about to do me in. I see many doctors in the next few weeks and hopefully some light will be shed on this issue that will help. Some of my natural sleep aids have caused havoc with my AI. I am not sure why this is all occurring after al of these months. I just thought I had the stomach issues solved and then when I moved the AI into the morning time they resurfaced. I need some divine intervention at this point.
She angel, praying for your surgery. Is it next Thursday. Am I understanding that right? Will certainly be praying for a successful surgery and certainly peace going into it.
Mini, I guess it was not to be with this position that your husband went for. You are certainly entitled to be a proud grandma. Never apologize for that! Congrats on your exercising. Good for you. I have and elliptical at home but I now that my muscle therapy and chiropractic are not looked kindly on by my insurance I am a bit afraid to get on it. Because of my fibro I easily pull things out of whack and then it takes weeks to heal so I am sticking with my swimming for that reason.
Kath, praying for you as you go into your last treatment soon. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praying as you deal with work and family and SE's. Lot's going on.
Polly, good to hear from you. Let us know how you are doing?
Vickie, good to hear from you too. Where are you basking in the sun now? I can't complain now as we are in a warm up and we are all really excited about getting outside. I can't believe the huge piles of snow in my yard are melting very quickly.
Angie, I know you are on your last few treatments. I know those last few days can be difficult. Praying you can make it through. You have had a long hard journey. Happy Dance time coming for you really soon.
Bev, I miss hearing from you. Glad you posted. I hope you are doing well. I still pray for Dave's salvation.
Lucy, praying for a good result for your Pet scan. Praying that you can have peace in the waiting.
I can't scroll to see if I missed anyone that posted sorry if I missed anyone. My brain is a little foggy tonight. I hope everyone has good sleep tonight.
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got wig cut shorter today as white hair grows in.
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Jean and wrap Your arms
of peacefulness and love around her. Help her to feel Your
kindness and Fatherly love, to help her through all she is facing.
Bless and be with Ellen and Clyde through all they are facing. May
they find Your caring arms guiding them, Because You love them so.
Please be with Jo and all the other like me that are having side effects
from the arimidex. Please be with and give strength to all that are weary
and rest to those that are having trouble sleeping. Thank You for being
with each one here and helping them to feel Your love. ( They that wait
upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings
like eagles.; they shall run and not be weary , they shall walk and not faint.)
Isaiah 40:31) Thank You Father, for Your loving touch and guidance to
all the wonderful people here. You are a Loving Shepherd and know each
one, and if we become fearful, In Your arms You lift and hold us. In Jesus
name. Amen
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Reach Out For The Almighty
Reach out for the Almighty
Like a child lost in a crowd.
When troubles leave you helpless,
He will rescue you from doubt.
Reach out for the Almighty
Like a seagull seeking shore.
His path is pure and simple,
And you need find nothing more.
Hold on to the Almighty
Like a pilgrim seeking home.
The world is dark and hurried,
And the ship is not our own.
Hold on to the Almighty
Like the lonely to a friend
His light will be a beacon,
And His love will never end. John Frederick Zurn
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In My Heart
I feel Your love surround me,
As I sit and think of You.
In these moments of solitude,
I feel Your blessing true.
What have I done to deserve
all the love You bring?
I bow in holy reverence
To You, my Savior and King.
Please stay with me always--
I need You everyday
To show me the one true path
As You guide me on my way.
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Char we will all miss you so much. You have been so inspiring to me with your words of encouragement on my journey. Thank you so much for that support. It is important to be obedient so you take this time that is needed and put on your heart. I will keep you lifted in prayer for peace, comfort and answers and direction that is needed. I will also keep your father added in my prayers and look forward to the day you check in again. Love and blessings.
Nancy I heard about Mark Hall on our Christian radio station a couple of weeks ago. I love Casting Crowns and saw them live a couple of years ago. I have a couple of their cd's.
Ellen I know what you are going through and feeling. Its what we dealt with a month ago when they had my DH have a PET scan so yes the anxiety of it all is tough. I am wondering why the change from a CT to MRI? I thought the CT was for clearer imaging so maybe its a good thing for it to go to an MRI...not sure.
She...glad you will be able to focus on recovery. Prayer for a swift uneventful surgery next week. Yes, the surgery will be super easy and hopefully pain free. I was amazed at how easy it was and I didn't even need the pain meds after the first 2 days. I did have to sleep in my DH recliner as laying down was much too hard to do for the first 3 weeks. Thank God the chair is comfy.
Mini good job! Great you are working out. I am still doing Curves every day except every other Monday when I go in for treatment. Added some walking after work when the sun has been shining so that is nice.
Bev, I am the same I usually always check in but don't always post. Mostly I do it at work at break and don't post because it would take more than just a few minutes so I at least pop in and read and send quick prayers up. It is kind of therapy for me I think and I like that I have a connection with my bc family!
I have not heard the results of my scan yet. Been praying for peace and staying strong against the enemy. I know lots of people are praying and I have faith and believe.
Becky my dear sister. Glad to know we will see you again and I will enjoy our time visiting and getting to know you in person and we can talk and chat about wonderful things we are experiencing in heaven and not about the things on this board ever again. I didn't know you that well here but am thanking for the brief time we had. Peace and comfort for you and your DH and family. Love and Blessings...
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It is so sweet to come here and read such beautiful words when sleep doesn't come. I too fight insomnia but have for years. My 12:00 cut off came and went tonight so we gave up. DH went to my office to watch a movie, I turned a classic on and had a PB&J sandwich and decided to check the boards! All of you are such an inspiration to me. Tomorrow morning, I see my neurologist for another medication discussion for the hand seizure. I've spent weeks tapering off this one med and am just beginning to feel "nicer" so I dread going on another. Maybe I won't. Still haven't gotten my IBS checked. Had a bit of a stomach bug and now have family visiting so still putting that appointment off. Due a six month mammogram checkup since the one year showed an area they want to watch. I had a reduction in the noncancerous breast and boy did that mess things up.
Spirit, how do you like Curves? I'm thinking of joining plus do Weight Watchers. I need the motivation. Just have to invest in a year and not use it. I only talked with Becky a few times. I am so happy for her love of Jesus. As mentioned earlier, we are all winners in Christ. I hope her last days were good ones for her and her family. Ellen, I'm sorry for your DH's thigh. Sometimes doctors just decide they'd rather have one test over another, not so much because of something they saw in the bloodwork but ruling things out to save time. Nancy, you know I'm lost when it comes to IBS and SE with AIs. I can only offer prayer and broth and lots of sweet tea (my doctor's instructions). She, I slept in my recliner for a couple of weeks. Even now, I tend to doze off there if I get too cozy. I'll be praying for you during that time! Bev, Jo, Mini, Kath, Toby blessings to you. And dear Foots....I often come on just to see a nightly prayer from you. I'm trying to post more ladies and trying to remember names so bear with me when I forget! Hugs and sweet dreams....
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Kath, love the new look (but isn't it a bummer having the new hair be so gray?) Oh well - I sure don't complain about my hair as much as I used to - God showed me what we take for granted. It's interesting - I was talking to a friend at church last night who started wearing a wig after meds for a chronic condition (I'm not even sure what) really thinned her hair. She said her husband didn't really care that her hair was so thin and we commiserated over how men can't really understand how important it is to a woman. She had a cute story about her grandson asking her what she would do if somebody pulled her wig off and she said (she's a therapist so really good with words and concepts) it would feel like he did if somebody pulled his pants down - naked. He said, "okay, grandma, then I won't let anybody pull your wig off." Sounds like a little kiss from God, doesn't it?
Praying for you ladies - I don't have time to mention everybody but especially Ellen and Lucy during the waiting time....
love y'all - Bev
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Morning Sisters,
Have a blessed day and I will check in later. Blessings abundant.
Daily Devotional
The Lord is one.
One egg, comprised of yolk, white and shell. Water, existing as ice, liquid and steam. These are the most common analogies of how three distinct entities can unite in one single reality. Yet even these examples fall short (as all of them do) because nothing in our frame of reference is as perfectly intact as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In His Word, God presents Himself to us in this way — not as three Gods but as One, existing in a purer form of harmony than anything our earthly experience allows us to explain. He is Father, sending His Son to redeem us, then sending His Spirit to remain with us. And yet they are connected together in a unified whole from eternity past to eternity future.
"The Lord our God, the Lord is one" (Deuteronomy 6:4). This is among the bedrock truths of the Bible. God has always existed as One, sharing among Himself a unity of being we can best understand as three identifiable Persons, yet so mutually connected that neither is superior or inferior to the other. Three in one. The God of glory. Always more than meets the eye.
Nothing is so fulfilling as falling in love with the God of the Game Plan for Life. That's why God made us — for Himself. So begin enjoying His love. The great 4th/5th Century theologian Augustine finally found this to be true in his own life when he prayed, "You have made us for Yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in You."
Read Deuteronomy 6:40 -
Bev, nice to see you back. You were one of the first I connected with early on in this long journey.
I'm gearing up to start daily rads on Monday. Close to 3 hrs driving each way. I am grateful that it's spring. Snow is melting and it's a pretty drive down a country road over some mountains. My hubby went to PT yesterday for his whiplash injury and got some new exercises. Hoping this gets better soon so he can begin to help again with driving. I am hoping to be able to stop and see my little Valentina Jean great granddaughter sometimes on the way home from rads. Still feeling weepy but not anxious about it. I've decided to just let the tears flow when they come, like taking an inside shower! Love, Jean
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Good morning ladies,
I don't post very often, but I read every day and appreciate the posting each of you do. I also pray for God's healing hand to rest on each one.
Right now we are in Palm Springs CA area. Will start our journey towards home (Nebraska) the 20th. Will take about a month (+/-) to get there. Nice thing about traveling in a RV, like a turtle, taking our home with us. Actually we have a house in NE, and are there 5-6 months a year when not traveling.
Keep hanging in there, Our God is in control and will allow only what He sees as best for us....
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To my sisters with issues with sleep from the AI's, I pray you find a balance. I could not. The 1st one, Arimidex, was awful. I got 6 hours of sleep in nearly 4 days; and that was taking a 2mg Xanax-TWICE. It also affected my vision, caused serious memory issues, and a host of other problems. After a week, I told my doctor I could not take it. He gave me another one that I thought I would be able to take, but after 3 weeks I had to stop that one too. They have them listed as allergies for me. Now I take Tamoxifin. I was really scared to take it (the SE's from the others took almost a year to stop), but I did and I haven't had hardly any SE's. Insomnia was an issue for me before cancer, but the meds made it much worse. I can deal with Tamoxifen's SE's.
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I am sorry that I didn't look in before now and manage to talk about Becky yesterday. When I first found this website and thread I was so bitter about the situation I had found myself in only a few days earlier. Becky sent me a lovely, encouraging private message which helped me to accept my situation and realize that I wouldn't leave this life immediately. From then until recently we exchanged messages and talked about the differences in living in our two countries, about our families and our route to Christianity. It helped me to know that I should be living and not dying, and to know that I won't die until the Lord decides to take me. I don't know whether Becky has left this life or not, but I do know that I really miss her kindness and gentleness.Debbie
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Love coming home from a LONG day at work and catching up with you all! Great posts, great advice! any news from tests / scans anyone? Prayers, prayers prayers
Bev, loved that story: Jean, you will be giggling when you see your GDD
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He Lives
I see Him in the sunset
With its muted crimson glow,
The crowning of a lovely day,
As oceans ebb and flow.
Not only in the mountains
Can His Majesty be seen,
But in a tiny leaf of gold
Of a spreading chestnut tree.
In the fields of yellow buttercups
Or crimson-petaled rose,
In every plant and flower bloomed
I see His Love exposed.
He lives in small rivulets
That flow over rocks and rills,
To mighty oceans rolling tides
With foaming waves He fills.
His love has made a world for us
if we only would see
The treasures of the universe
And all of it is free.
I stand and worship fore
His wonders grand displayed
And praise the mighty One who
Worlds with miracles arrayed.
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Hi everyone,
It has been a crazy day. I have read most of the posts but had many fires to put out today before going to my photography class. Came home today at 10:30 and spent over an hour (for the second time today) trying to troubleshoot my mom's computer over the phone. Just shoot me now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, even though my mom has dementia she emailed for many years prior to that with her old web tv which most of you have probably never heard of. Anyway she can still email. Something is wrong with her computer I think. I am usually able to get her up and running over the phone after I have pulled all my hair out but this time I do think something needs to be repaired.
I have prayed for all of the needs expressed today. I will have to write tomorrow because I don't have one more ounce of energy left.
Kath, I wish I looked like that with my own hair. Love the cute cut off wig.
Ellen, I have prayed many times for you and Clyde today. I know this is a very difficult time. I hate it that you have to wait for such a long time to get any answers. I am praying for supernatural peace for both of you.
Lucy, praying for the same thing in your waiting for results.
Jean, praying against all anxiety and fear and that the Lord will give you perfect peace.
Debbie (foots) Thanks for all of your posts.
Debbie (Ireland) I am so glad to hear that you and Becky PMed each other. I know her loss must be very hard for you. I feel in my heart that she is with the Lord now. I hope you are feeling much better.
Thanks for all the AI information. I just know that I will NEVER take this natural sleep aid again while on the AI. The night before last I was coming very close to driving myself to the ER in the middle of the night.
Have a restful night. Talk tomorrow.
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Nancy, I help a lot of people with their computer challenges, here is a program you might find interesting to check into for helping your mom....
Have a great weekend..
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Love love the support and advice on here! Am looking forward to sleeping in, acupuncture tomorrow then a group from our "Drop in Center" is meeting me at our local park Sunday after church for church picnic
More tomorrow
Hugs and blessings
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Tobycc, I had a massage yesterday and it was wonderful. The clinic also offers acupuncture and I am considering it. How do you like it? Pros and / or cons.
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Reposting this from August thread as I just wanted to share with you.
I cried like a big baby last night. I say a baby as the tears just rolled. They weren't tears of sadness, fear or anxiety. Just build up and relief that the treatment is almost over. Realization that I have 10 yrs of hormonal therapy. Reflecting on the community and I thought of all of you that I have met on this thread and another thread for Christian Woman that are so much a part of my life and the friendships we have forged. There are a few ladies that I met here and got pretty close with that have gone on to be with the Lord. Knowing!that I now must focus on living with my new normal and what does that really mean? The 3 month follow-up appts for the next 2 years. So much in 9 months and just now having the time to exhale. Just thank The Lord for life upon today! One thing I do know is that I will not be a workaholic and more travel is in my future! Ok done now thanks for letting me release.
Hugs always,
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After my crying episode I just prayed and praised The Lord for all His goodness. I thanked Him for watching over us, His covenant promises and His word. I especially prayed for the children facing cancer and needing to face the treatments, side effects and all the medicine we have/ had too take. I thank God for allowing tears to be healing. That He always me to be weak and that He is my strength during these periods of weakness. That He allows me to search yet knowing that does not mean that My Faith is not strong. That my release allows me to feel His loving Armsof strength mad comfort around me. That I can hear his reassurance and encouragement. Thank You Lord for being our Heavenly Father that checks on usevery day!
Praying Always,
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Had my rads rehersal today. Due to start 6 weeks of rads on Monday. I need His strength to do this over 2 1/2 hour drive every day as right now I'm exhausted. It is a pretty drive and am grateful for that. Saw my little great granddaughter on the way home. She is getting so big so fast. Almost 3 months old already. Wishing all a restful weekend. Love, Jean
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Hi sisters of faith.
I had another big loss of sleep night. I am having a hard time functioning today. I will respond with more clarity tomorrow. Thanks Vicki for the link. My sister did get my mom's computer up and running but she does think something might be up with the wifi. The remote capability would have been a God send yesterday when I spent so much time on the phone getting nowhere. I have not heard from my mom by email tonight which is not a good sign. Sigh.
Angie, I have not been done a similar bc journey as you but I have been down my own. Tomorrow will mark my year anniversary and I am having such strange emotions surface regarding my treatments last summer. Hard to understand but nonetheless emotions that need to be embraced and ridden out. My BS from my first consultation with him when I found out just what kind of cancer I had etc. gave me a book on Breast Cancer. I don't remember lots of it now since it has been a long time since I have looked through it but I do remember this author saying that the emotionally healing takes much longer than the physical healing. I sort of got it then but really get it now. I still do not feel like I have my life back yet because of all the issues with my AI. My MO says five years on it for me but I know that I have heard others say ten years and some have said for life. As the research continues to come in the time frame recommendations may change and it also depends on your age and if you are post menopausal or not. I am glad that you have had tears of release. That is a good thing. I don't allow myself that very often to my detriment. Is Monday your last rads? It is hard to believe I imagine. I was actually very sad at my finish which completely threw me. I understand that my reaction is actually very typical. I hope you can relax and enjoy the weekend. I do understand about you not wanting to work so hard. I guess that is what my photography is doing for me if I can survive the workshops. Won't go into all of that.
Jean, praying that your rads goes well next week. That is a long ways to have to go everyday but I am glad that you have a nice ride and that the worst of winter is hopefully over.
I hope to catch up with everyone tomorrow. Thanks again for all of your wonderful support. Yes, Kath, this is a wonderfully supportive group of women for sure. Hope you have a nice weekend too.
Still praying for the expressed needs for prayer.
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Ladyb1234- I had accupunture in hopes of relieving some back pain. I had no idea what to expect. I had a great experience. What I found interesting was that when I went to the clinic, I was limping due to an ankle issue. There were about 6-7 steps down to the office. After leaving I was about halfway to my car when I realized that I had climbed the stairs with no pain whatsoever. I know it wasn't just a placebo effect because I had no expectation of my ankle feeling better. I didn't even mention it to the person in the office during my appt. There is no other reason that my ankle would have suddenly stopped hurting. If I ever have money that doesn't go to every doctor in town, I will definitely go back. I hope you have a great session.
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I am so grateful for a long nap this afternoon and the rain that is starting to wash our snow away. Prayers for good sleep tonight for all. Getting ready for Saturday night service. Love, Jean
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nancy, hope you got a nap today!!!
Ladyb-- NO cons here: except for the price. Only private ones here, and the one I chose is close to 70, was an MD and won several awards for his work in China. Others here are just a tad less expensive, but not with the training
I wish I could go more honestly I currently go 1-2 times a month, usually following treatment if I can.
Looking forward to church and church picnic tomorrow. I have a group of folks we support from our Center coming to the picnic also.
Jo, and others with Ses and no sleep , specific prayers for all of your requests.
Hugs and love
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Good Evening Ladies,
Preparing for church tomorrow, and decided to let you know I'm thinking of all of you. I had a rough day yesterday with leg pain...spent a bit of last night with compresses. Much better today. i attended a ladies prayer retreat and a wonderful time of fellowship and song. DH was with some men of the church at a Bible Conference overnight, and while there bought me a book of devotionals written by s minister whose sister has some of the's awesome.
Kath, love the hair!
She, hope you are resting up for surgery...Angie, on the home stretch..or as we say here in the country..."in the short rows".
Jean hope your rads go've seen the testimonies of others..the first part isn't bad at all.
Nancy, hope you found a way to get some sleep..I'm not sleeping as well, either. Not sure why. Praying for you.
Robin and Bev, hope your recovery from your surgeries is going smoothly.
For the ladies I didn't mention by name here, you are still remembered in my prayers.
Love you all...have a blessed Sunday. I saw the first tree blooming today, and my daffodils are finally out.Spring is coming!!
God bless you all...Ellen
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Dear sisters
I hope you are having a good weekend. Spring has almost arrived in Illinois. What a difference a couple of weeks makes. I think all the mounds of snow are actually all melted in my front yard. At the rate we were going I thought they might still be there in July!
It sounds like I am certainly not alone it the trouble with sleeping category. It has been a difficult time. I will get a sort of decent night's sleep and then the next night will be a nightmare. I see my MO next month and will see if this pattern persists. I have been pretty determined about sticking with this AI but there comes a point of no return. I am very sensitive to meds so it would have to take a lot for me to be willing to put my body through a whole other AI when my body is still trying to adapt to this one.
I am praying for the needs expressed. I hope to be able to post individually hopefully tomorrow.
Ellen praying for Clydes MRI. Sorry to hear about your leg pain. Will be praying.
Jean, your GGD is adorable. I am glad that will be a bright spot on your traveling to and from rads. Praying for you sister.
Angie, so happy your bc journey is about to come to an end. PTL
Kath, have a great time at your picnic tomorrow. Only one more chemo. Yeah!
Jo, Mini, Polly it is good to hear from you. Thanks for the advice and the input on the AI. I am obviously not the first to have difficulties with it.
Bev, hope you are enjoying some bike riding in the warmth of a Texas breeze. I hope to get on my this year now that my shoulder is better.
Debbie (Foots) praying for you and faith. Praying that you feel better. Love your posts.
Lucy, still praying for a great Pet scan. This is your year of healing. I am standing in faith with you dear sister.
Hope to post a prayer update soon.
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I too have about half the nights with little sleep. I am not sure if it its the Letrozole and or grieving still about losing our daughter 4 months ago. Plan to ask my MO on my next apt. in late May.
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Hope is the wind beneath our wings
When we are afraid to fly.
It lifts our spirits when we are low
And calms us when we cry.
Hope is the glue that mends the heart
That is broken now and then,
And encourages the fallen
To rise again.
Hope is the balm that soothes the pain
When sorrows come to call.
The anodyne that heals the hurt
and takes the fear away.
Hope is the star that leads the way
Throughout that silent night
When dreams have been shattered
and no relief's in sigh.
Hope is the prayer that's answered
One step at a time.
When mountains become molehills
That we will have to climb.
Life always has its ups and downs
And we must learn to cope,
For failure are never fatal
As long as we have hope. Clay Harrison