thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Jo, thanks for your concern. I am not taking the Armidex willy nilly as it may have sounded. I started in the morning and hung in there way longer than I should have and went through all of these tests trying to rule out GI issues. My MO agreed that taking it night would be fine. So I was taking the AI at night for many months. I was in the last several weeks the sleep issues got really bad. Anyway your mentioning the supplements certainly grabbed my attention. I did move the AI back to morning and had severe stomach pain and obviously that was not going to work. I thought all the time my body had to adjust would make a difference but then it occurred to me that maybe it was an interaction with a supplement. I have a few weeks to see how things go and will se my MO next month to discuss all of this. I have the additional fun of trying to get my thyroid meds regulated and they are regulated by natural products. It all gets so complicated with me because I am highly sensitive to meds in general. I am taking to heart the things you have said.


    Unfortunately I did not feel like going to church today. I am taking this day to totally rest. My body is telling me that I need to do that so that is what I am doing. I hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday. It is beautiful here today. I think winter is over but I hate to say that too loudly. March can be a very transitional month here and you never know what might happen. So far so good!!!

    I am going to post prayer requests on the next post.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    I am attempting to update our prayer needs. If you would like to add anything or if I have totally missed the boat please let me know. Here goes.

    Mags, finished her active treatments as of last Monday, March 9. PTL I know that she will be experiencing some fatigue for a while afterwards. Prayers for her shoulder pain that she had to endure for such a long time during rads. Praying that she can start go get her life back on track now after a grueling journey. So happy you are done!

    Lucy, is waiting on the results of a Pet scan that she had last week. Prayers for a very good report. She is believing that 2015 will be her year of healing and I am joining her in that belief.  Prayers for wisdom in planning her future retirement and continued prayers for her DH who is still dealing with unresolved physical challenges.

    Kath, has no one chemo treatment on Monday, March 23 before starting rads. in April.  Prayers for nausea, leg pain and swelling and continued good effects from her acupuncture treatment. Prayers for strength as she continues to work and all the stress that goes with her mental health agency that she runs as CEO.

    Bev, prayers for complete healing from her last surgery that was on Feb. 6. As her bc journey is over ( I think) prayers that she can get her normal life established and prospering. Prayers for Dave's (DH) salvation. Prayers for continual spiritual growth in her church and Bible Study.

    Becky, since we do not know for sure if she has passed into the next life we pray for her to be at peace and in the hands of Jesus whether still in hospice or with Jesus in eternity. We pray for comfort for her family and friends as they deal with loss.

    Anita, prayers for victory in your continued fight to have victory over bc. Prayers that you never feel alone and that you know you are loved both here and by your family. Prayers for the tension that erupted in your family. Praying that these issues are calming down especially with you and DH.

    Debbie (Ireland), continued prayers as you fight against bc. Prayers for encouragement, hope and faith in the battle. I love when you mentioned that Becky helped you to concentrate on living. I think those are wise words for all of us on here. Every day that we have is a gift. I pray that you are feeling better from your recent illness. Praying that you will stay in close contact with your church family who has been so supportive to you.

    Angie, will finish her long bc journey of active treatments on Monday, March 16. PTL I know it has been a long tough journey for her. I pray that as she recovers from all of the SE's from all of the active treatments that she will be able to get her life back on track and enjoy each day as a true gift from you Lord. I pray that her meds that she will be on for a very long time will be very tolerable for her. Thank you for bringing her to the end of this long journey.

    Polly, continued prayers in the regulation of her meds. We pray for wisdom for her doctors as they try to treat these hand seizures. We pray for sleep issues and for IBS issues. Prayers that she can start feeling good again.

    Mini, prayers for wisdom if they are to stay put where they are now or if a job offering for her DH means a move. So far it looks like they are to stay put for now. Prays for perseverance as she has recently joined a gym. We pray that she can tackle that elliptical like a pro and that it will help her physically and emotionally. You go girl. Good for you!

    Vickie, prayers for sleep issues and continued comfort in the grieving process for her and her family as it has only been since losing their daughter after previously losing their son. They travel in their RV for many months and will be heading home to Nebraska on March 20. Prayers for safe travels.

    Jean, will start rads on Monday, March 16. She has a very long drive during this time. I believe it is a three hour round trip. Prayers for strength for each day and prayers against fear and anxiety. She may get to see precious GGD on these trips so we pray that will be a highlight of her day when she has that chance. Also prayers for DH as he has pain from whiplash and is in PT and trouble with double vision.

    Char, is taking a hiatus from the forum and feels the need to spend time with the Lord. We pray for a time of refreshing and new revelations from the Lord that will give her peace, hope in her future and wisdom and strength in juggling all the things she does with working as a PE teacher to caregiving for her father who has serious heart issues to dealing with being a wife and an aunt to her nephews who she raised herself. I hope she can check in with us in the future. Thank you for all of the support you have been to all of the ladies on this forum for such a long time.

    Ellen, prayers for issues with SE's from Arimidex. More recently it has been leg pain. Clyde her DH who is a pastor is having an MRI on Monday, March 16 on his leg. Prayers for a good report and for peace in the wait time both before the scan and afterwards. Prayers for the Easter music which she directs that it will be like a beautiful incense to the Lord and a real blessing to the performers and the listeners as well. We pray for her good friend Fonnie who is fighting cancer which has spread. We pray for strength for her and for her family and friends.

    She Angel has finished chemo and is having a surgery on Thursday, March 19 ( I hope this is correct). Prayers for renewed strength as she takes a few days off of work to ready herself for this surgery. We pray for a successful surgery and for a quick recovery.

    KateW continued prayers as she fights her cancer that has spread. Char gave us updates so I don't know much more. I do know that the medical expenses were a problem so we pray for provision in that as well. We pray for strength for her and her family.

    Carren, we haven't heard from her in a long time. Prayers that she is doing well in Canada.

    Sharon, we haven't heard from her in a long time either. She was working in another full time subbing position. Prayers for her as she has most certainly moved on with her life. PTL

    Deborah (Kentucky) Prayers for comfort as she recently lost her mother in law. Prayers for her DH David, as he needs salvation. Prayers for Deborah as she works in a library and heads up a Bible Study.

    Jo, prayers for her as she has been having pain in her legs. Her DH is having a heart procedure on March  26 so we pray for answers to his problems and a good treatment plan.

    Robin, we pray for complete healing after her mastectomy. She will have no treatments so we pray that she can soon get on with her life post bc.

    Debbie (Foots) we pray for all the health challenges that she faces on a daily basis. We pray for her service dog, Faith, who has been such a help and comfort and friend to her. Blessings on you dear sister.  


    My tentative plans after I finish this round of photography workshops in March is that I will be headed to my mom's on April 2 and stay a week and then go back for three weeks in May. I pray that nothing gets in the way of those plans. My mom's computer issues have resurfaced so I am trying to figure out how best to deal with this. She has a computer especially made for seniors and I will probably be calling the company that I bought the computer from for some assistance. I belief it is an issue beyond my sister and my control at this point. I just want to have whatever resolved quickly because I am afraid my mom will get out of the habit of emailing and either forget or not want to continue in that. That would not be good.

    I would appreciate continued prayers for my sleep issues and that I can get my meds timed and regulated where I can get my life back on track. My photography has been a challenge and satan has taken an issue this week and tried to really get me upset and confused. In my sleep deprived state it is easy to convince me of anything at this point. I want to still love and have a passion for photography when all is said and done. Haven't really taken any pictures outside because we have been doing all this technical stuff inside. I don't think you want to see all the pictures I have taken of stuffed animals at this point!

    I hope you all have a great week ahead.

    Love you all,






  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Nancy, you can count on us for continued prayers: you sure do have a lot on your plate!

    thanks for listing each individually so we know specific prayer needs.

    I got to church today, sermon was about fear: my notes are in the car. Then did the church picnic. Started feeling not great due to the heat. It was over 90 today here.

    this last part of chemo has me pretty tired. I never felt fatigue before so this is new, plus feeling FAT! Yes, ate dessert at the picnic, but I never do. took a nap yesterday and today: and going to sleep now. have a great symptom free day tomorrow and I look forward to reading good news tomorrow!



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited March 2015

    Dearest sisters - and especially Nancy! Oh my word what a comprehensive list! Thanks for remembering me, as I know you do. I did indeed finish rads on Monday, and DH and I went out to dinner with one of his co-workers, and his wife, neither of whom I had met, and had a lovely evening. I spent the rest of the week doing not very much, DH took DC and me to Red Lobster for dinner in celebration of his annual bonus. We decided if I weren't absolutely spent that we would try to go to church today. I am still dealing with rads damaged skin, especially along the incision line where I got 5 boosts, and starting at the site of the tumor where I got the last 3 boosts, and cleaning, medicating, and bandaging takes time & energy. I can't use adhesive, so I have been wearing an old sports bra to hold the bandages in place. My shoulders make it difficult to pull it straight in the back, so I've been needing help dressing. But we did go to church, and it was wonderful. I was hesitant about the preacher, who is a junior pastor here, because he was part of the reason we left this church for 6 years, after he preached something that set off my discernment radar. I don't remember what it was, I can't find my journals from that year, but it was enough for me to be uncomfortable. In the years we were gone, he left this church and spent several years at a church somewhere - maybe Arizona?- and has recently returned. It's now 9 years since he preached whatever it was that drove me off, so I decided to give him a second chance. His sermon today was very good, very scripturally and doctrinally sound, so I was relieved.

    The amazing thing was that I actually had a modicum of energy today! Enough for DH and I to do a bit of necessary shopping, dog food etc., and enough that I didn't even need a nap at all today and here I am still up. Amazing.

    The sermon today ended with the question, what do you think God would want you to be doing differently than you have in order to move closer to him? I asked DH how he would answer it, and his response was, I think he would want me to be in church every Sunday, for a start. I agreed, and so we are going to make a sincere effort to do that. If I have enough energy, we might even start back to Sunday School.

    I would like to ask for special prayers for my sweet husband. He has been so awesome through all of this, supportive both emotionally and fiscally, but it's taken a toll on him. He can't seem to sleep through the night, he will go to bed between 8:30 and 9, wake up at 2 or 3, get back to sleep an hour or two before he has to go to work. A co-worker who is a breast cancer survivor invited him to their company-sponsored cancer survivor and caregiver support group, and while it is not something he would ever have considered in the past, he has committed to going this coming week. I hope he finds it helpful. As we sat in church this morning listening to the music, he was crying - something I have seen only a few times in our nearly 28 years of marriage. I know there are things he doesn't want to talk to me about because he doesn't want to worry me or make me anxious. I understand and respect that. I don't need to know everything. But he needs to be able to talk to someone, and he doesn't have close friends or family. The members of this support group may be just what the doctor ordered.

    I will stop here. I think - I hope - it's time for a new beginning. Spring is truly sprung here, and I hope I can have some spring too. Blessings to all of you.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    Dear God Give me strength to bear the crosses

    that are large enough to see...

    But also give me strength to bear the crosses

    that only to thee and me.

    Wait on the Lord, take courage; be stouthearted,

    wait on the Lord Psalm 27:14

    The Lord let His face shine upon you;

    and be gracious to you. Numbers 6:25

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited March 2015

    Greetings on this almost St. Pat's day. Looks to be busy week for all.

    We have a traditional dinner with long enduring friends tomorrow. We'll see whose corned beef is better.

    On Wed. our newly graduated RN son and his wife come to visit.,He is a good son, bringing his mom some cheesecake. He will walk for graduation in May. We have our motel reservations made for Overland Park, KC. a handicap room.

    On Thurs., once again, I have my quarterly bone scan and ct's. Please join me in prayer, that I might have the strength and courage to walk the walk in front of me. So grateful for being stable Mable, And I plead the blood of Jesus over me, and pray He sends the Holy Spirit to heal by the Word of God.

    We made it to church yesterday, and were greeted with an outpouring of love from the Body. So nice.

    Loving the sunshine, aren't you?

    Had fun picking out some Easter basket items. Remembering the days of long ago, when there were small boys in the house. Love, love.

    Sending love across the miles,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Angie, waiting to hear if you are fini!

    Kath, we can certainly add to our prayers your fatigue factor. Sorry the heat took a toll at your picnic. We are getting a real tease of May weather in March but it is not supposed to last unfortunately. Only one more chemo treatment to go!!!!

    Mags, we can certainly add your DH to our prayers. I think we should put all the families of all of us on that list as well. When WE are the one going through it all we sometimes forget how difficult this is on our families. My Dad died of cancer and I need to remind myself of how hard it was for all of us while he was dealing with it  for eight years. I am so glad that you are already feeling a bit better. I know I have said this a half dozen times but I think the Lord has something powerful for you. You now have such a testimony of how God got you through. Many, many people need to hear that from someone in person. It may not be a bc journey but something challenging where they need a word of hope from someone who has been through seemingly impossible odds.

    Anita, congratulations to your son. He is taking after mom. That must make you VERY proud. That is great that you will get to see him officially graduate. in May. I am praying that you will remain stable Mable for years and years and years to come. Praying for your scans on Thursday. I love it that your church gave you an outpouring of love. PTL You are loved both there and here as well.

    Jo, I just took my AI and within thirty minutes started with stomach pains. That is a major bummer since I thought I had fixed that problem but taking it in the afternoon. Back to the drawing board. Sigh. I guess time will tell how much my thyroid meds were contributing to the SE. I think they have stabilized now on my new dosage of that so it helps to only deal with one thing at a time. Hope your leg pain is better.

    Debbie (foots) Praying that you will get relief from your health challenges. Praying that your doctors will listen and respond to your needs. Lifting you up dear sister. Praying for Faith as well.

    Vickie, as I was checking into that link you posted for me it looks like I would need to purchase a license so I didn't pursue that. I did call the company where I got the computer for my mom and they offer remote services as well for a reasonable price. So when my sister can get over to my mom's and deal with this company my mom is without her email for the time being. I will be there in  a couple weeks but I don't want her to lose interest or lose the ability to email. Her sense of time is not based in our reality of time so two weeks to her might seem like two years. Hope you can soak up some last few days of California sun before heading back home. Thanks for your help. Still praying for you dear sister.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Greetings all. I had my uneventful 1st rads today. 1 down, 29 to go. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    I look so forward to coming home and reading up on the posts. Mags, you give me strength to keep going forward! I have much to learn about rads> Just taking it one day at a time now.

    I am going to ring the bell next Monday with DH and a few friends. I struggled with it, as I know some will never ring the bell: but a good friend from church and I talked and prayed about it. She is a nurse at my Center. She said people really do like seeing someone finish: whether they do or not. So will bring my treats as I always do for the folks next Monday in treatment.

    91 here in my community today: our Walk (annual) is this weekend then I have some down time for a couple of months, thank goodness!

    Our sermon was about Fear: "If we are ruled by our fear, then our disciple resources will be taken away: Fear stops us from using HIS resources for their intended purposes" are a couple of my notes.

    Nancy as usual, thanks for the detail. Don't know what we would do without you! Prayers your week, although busy is fruitful: and that your MO may have some answers next week>

    She: did you have surgery last Thursday or this Thursday? You have been on my heart

    My DH confessed it really hit him recently how hard it would be if he were alone. I guess I was at a work event, and it hit him. He is quiet by nature, and doesnt have many friends.... his choice. He enjoys it when I take him somewhere, am hopeful things may change when we are in our little home in TN

    We closed today on "Hunter Haus", which is truly a blessing.

    Gentle hugs to all


    Specific prayers to everyone in need

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited March 2015

    Nancy, I have not had to purchase it. that license (at least this used to be the case) was for professional/business use.. Glad you have found a way to help though


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    The Eyes of God

    God's eyes are always watching,

    They are never far away;

    His ears are always open,

    To hear us when we pray.

    His hands are thus extended,

    To lift us when we fall;

    His voice will give an answer,

    If upon Him we call.

    His heart is always broken,

    When we turn away from Him;

    Yet, He is more than anxious

    To send light when life gets dim.

    His feet will walk before us,

    Leaving footprints we can see;

    His love will wrap around us,

    And His grace will set us free.  by   Frances Culp Wolfe

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2015

    Hi Ladies I continue to keep you lifted up in prayer as I know you are doing the same for me, because every time I find myself feeling a bit anxious I pop in the discussion board and read a few posts and I feel so much better. My days of being off and relaxing seem to be anything but, I sleep too long which makes my body ache and everyone I know wants to take me for coffee, lunch or dinner, its like being fattened up or sitting down for that last supper...I am not sure how I feel about it. Anyways I got a letter from the plastic surgeon through snail mail yesterday that I have an appointment tomorrow for my "mark up" before surgery I kept thinking why not email or call because the letter could have easily gotten side tracked with our postal carriers around here but it got here, and I got all the prescriptions he sent and all the instructions and other than the fact that I won't be driving for at least two weeks it seemed pretty standard.

    In church on Sunday one of the other ladies came up and said to me, 'you are going to miss those things, you have had them a long time'...I smiled and replied 'I would miss my life more, and the new ones are what I wanted to be reduced down to anyway, God makes no mistakes'. Really I think people say the darnest things, but then again I think the same about me. Thank you all for being AWESOME prayer warriors!!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Taichi, shower then off to my second rads. Hubby went to meet a retired pastor friend for coffee. Today I am so grateful for the dear friends God has given us and for pretty good sleep last night. Wishing everyone a blessed Tuesday. Happy St. Patrick's Day l! Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Vickie, Thanks for that info regarding the remote software. I think my mom's issues were more than I could understand but for the general thing she has trouble with it might be worth looking into if there is no charge. I know that Windows has a built in way of accessing other computers remotely as well. The issue is on the other end as in my mom's case. I felt she would not be able to do what she needed to do for someone on the other end to access her computer so I am now waiting for my sister to respond to my email regarding the remote control through the company I bought her laptop from.

    Jean, glad that your first rads treatment went smoothly. I have watched Taichi. I have had issues with dizziness and balance in the past and I think it would be very good for that plus a great relaxer. I am glad you are able to do it. After today two down already! Yeah.

    Debbie (foots), continued prayers for you dear one.

    Kath, Congratulations on your new home. Excited for you. Prayers for your event this weekend. Last chemo on Monday. yeah!

    Ellen, praying that Clyde get's good news today. Prayers for your time with your mother.

    Sheangel, we will certainly be praying for your surgery on Thursday. I think many people don't know how to act around us or know what to say so sometimes they say things that are not quite the sensitive touch that we would have preferred. Be thankful you have friends that want to take you out. That is probably the only way they know how to support you during this difficult time. I pray that you can have supernatural peace that follows you into surgery. I pray that every part of your medical team will be compassionate and efficient and competent and put you at ease from the time you walk into that surgery center. Praying for a speedy recovery. Let us know how you are doing and how we can best pray for you.

    I have had lots of answered prayers in the last several days. I won't go into detail but if you remember I wanted to strangle me p. teacher a few weeks ago. Suffice it to say that the feelings along those same lines were greatly intensified this past week. The Lord wanted me to forgive this man even though I felt like I was the victim in this. I did forgive him in my heart.  I ended up getting an apology from this person and I figured he would not be the type that could even come close to apologizing to anyone. We had a pleasant email exchange and hopefully all is right with the world now. I saw my BS this morning. I cannot tell you how I have dreaded this encounter. You have no idea how I have killed myself to lose weight because of his poor bedside manner the last time I saw him. I decided I was not going to mention one single thing about my swimming and losing weight. I just stayed positive and he was like a completely different man. We had a pleasant conversation. He thought my healing was about as good as it gets. PTL I had decided to leave my glasses off and thought maybe if I looked younger he may treat me differently. When he started to leave he turned around and said you look really good. Okay was he talking about my breast or me in general. Do I want to know? Do I care? I left so relieved I was on the verge of tears. So it has been a trying time but God has been present through it all. BTW He said nothing about my weight.

    Angie, still wondering if you have finished treatments now?


    Going to take a nap. Another not so good night. I see my primary doctor tomorrow and will discuss this issue with him.





  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Oh She, we will all be covering you on Thursday. One of my new "friends", a RN at my center had her cancer come back. She has had a mastectomy. One day she wore a shirt saying "Yes they are fake, but the real ones tried to kill me ". I loved that.

    Nancy, I certainly got a laugh over your email. You look great in your avatar to me! Jean, sounds like a good day.

    For all of you Irish, wishing you a most pleasant of days!

    I could not sleep so went in early and came home early: working from Ipad and watching one son play baseball on my phone- life is good

    "When no one seems to understand you, simply draw closer to me. Rejoice in the One who understands your completely and loves you perfectly. As I fill you with My love, you become a reservoir of love, overflowing into the lives of other people." I needed this today

    Psalm 139: 1-4, Corinthians 1:21-22, Joshua 1:5



    Oh I posted my hair coming in under hair hair hair thread if anyone wants to compare hair growth!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Yesterday was a long rads visit due to added doc visit and blood work. Today they were backed up due to one machine breaking down. When I came out a piece of the front undercarriage was dragging on the ground. I managed to prop it up and stop at a store to buy duck tape and scissors to hold it uo. Then drove the almost 1 1/2 hrs home. Surely He was with me. I think the duck tape will just have to suffice for 6 weeks till I finish rads. Hope tomorrow goes more smoothly. Yikes! Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Afternoon Ladies,

    Sorry been pretty busy and caught up with several things.  I am really well, considering the PET news.  So it appears not anything major alarming is what my MO said last week Thursday on the phone.  However, there are 2 lymph nodes they want to get biopsied so waiting to hear when that will be scheduled.  She wants to do it on Monday in the morning when they would normally have my treatment scheduled and then I would skip my treatment that day.  The Avastin I am on affects bleeding so she wants me to have it out of my system before the needle biopsy.  She is baffled as the treatment is still showing shrinkage of the 2 remaining tumors in the lung, with a total of 86% shrinkage...PRAISE GOD!  That is the silver lining I am focusing on in addition to what she said was that she believes it is not an issue and it is just my lymph nodes doing thier job.  I am praying that is exactly what is going on.  I feel great and strong and I refuse to let this take me down. I know and believe that God is doing a work in me for many reasons that He has shown me.  I am so blessed to have an amazing team and I know he led me to them and what ever the outcome He is with me and I trust in Him all the way, baby!

    After church on Sunday DH arranged for 4 couples and my best friend to come to our home to have a prayer and annointing over me and it was the most amazing blessing.  I am so blessed to have such encouragment from my church family and my BC family on this board.  

    I just wanted to update you quickly and thank you all for the prayers and thoughts.  I will let you know when I find out when the biopsy is scheduled for sure.

    Nancy, thank you so much for your prayers and thougths and posting your encouragement.  Love you all Sisters...Lucy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Kath, sorry you are having sleep issues too. Glad you could do a little flexing in your schedule. I'll have to check out your hair.

    Jean, thank goodness for duct tape! You are going to laugh at this but when I retired my elementary band gave me a skirt made out of duct tape and the students all signed it. They had made outfits for their 5th grade program out of duct tape so they made me one too. I actually wore it the day they gave it to me and I had to go to another school to help out with recruitment. LOL One of the band directors took a pic of me in this funny skirt. They were wild colors. Who knew you could buy duct tape in such bright and fun colors. I hope yours will last as long as you need it. You go girl. That's using your smarts!

    Lucy, I am STILL believing that those last two tumors are going to be GONE. I believe that! I really, really do. I am also believing in what your MO said about the lymph nodes just doing their job. Will certainly be praying for a good result on your biopsy. So glad the couples from your church came to pray over you. Such a blessing. Thrilled to hear you are feeling so good. PTL



  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2015

    Jean, glad you were able to make it home safely. Duct tape has many uses so I am glad it came in handy, I just hate that you had to deal with that after a long day at the doctors office.

    Kath, loved the haircut photos, I wish I could figure out how to add photos, but I do enjoy looking at the photos you all post. Now I have to go find the photos you mentioned of hair under hair for comparison.

    I actually saw one long hair strand over my left ear, not other hair just that strand, when I saw it I burst laughing it was just too funny.

    I hope to find a button up shirt that fits and the suggested bra wear tomorrow and then I should be set or as set for Thursday. Or as set as I am going to be. Good days and nights are coming, keep the faith.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Woke early...not liking my latest sleep pattern. Been wearing my new Fitbit that DH bought me. It monitors my sleep and I have many minutes of restless time during the night. I was surprised. I am going to try acupuncture again as it helped me before. I hear this is ok during treatment anyone have any insight to this?

    Have a blessed day.

    Daily Devotional

    The Urgent Need for Repentance

    The love of God is not for some or a select few, for the rich or the poor, for people from a particular country or society — but rather it is for everybody. God's love is accessible to anybody who prays with a pure heart and a genuine desire for salvation. In this verse from 2 Peter, we read that God is waiting with infinite patience and mercy for everyone to learn about him and come to him. He wants to welcome us warmly to his home, just as the lost son was welcomed by his father in the Gospel of Luke (see Luke 15:11 – 32).

    God is always calling us to come home — to respond to his love and mercy, to participate in his kingdom. God does not want anyone to lose the chance to receive salvation; he is patient and kind and merciful. At the same time, that does not mean that we should put off the decision! Like a football game, our lives are on a clock that is counting down. One day the whistle will blow, and our earthly lives will come to an end. For some, that will be today. For others, that may be some time from now. We don't know when our time on earth will end. So it is vitally important that we trust in Christ today as our Lord and Savior. Heaven and hell are both real (Jesus talked about both). The choice is ours: We can turn to Christ or go our own way.

    Read 2 Peter 3:9


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Woke up at 6:30 this morning weak and with diarrhea and cold sweats. I went downstairs to feed the cats and get coffee and barely made it back up. I need to shower and get ready for rads. Hubby is driving me. Please pray for me to have strength to make it to my treatment. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Jean, praying for you today dear sister. I am glad DH is driving you today. Father, I ask that you calm Jean's GI track so she can make this long trip to and from rads without any problems. We pray that you will infuse strength and calm into her mind, body and spirit. I pray that she can look at only one day at a time and not be overwhelmed by the long journey. Allow her to feel blessings along the way during this time. Give her pleasant distractions and let her know that you are right there in the car with her traveling to and from and during all of her treatments. Let her mind be stayed on you to infill her with strength and comfort. Amen.


    Lucy, I have been in that same sleep pattern and it sounds like many of us are having this problem. Father I pray that you give all of the sisters insight into what we can do to provide a good night's sleep and after we have done our part Lord we asked that you will do the part that is out of our hands. We asked that you put us all into a normal and healthy sleep pattern so we can function at the level that you intend us to do. Amen.

    Lucy, Kath(Toby) has been doing acupuncture during chemo so she would be a good person to asked. I know she loves it but it is expensive.

    She, praying for complete peace for you now dear sister as you have your surgery on Thursday.

    Ellen, any news?



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2015

    Finished with Rads. Yay! My skin did not hold up over the last week. I am burnt and very crispy, my response to my RO like a hit dog that has been on the grill too long (big smile). I have never had a sun burn so not sure what a very bad sun burn looks or feels like. My underarm around my ALND incision scars and underneath the breast looks the worse. Skin is not only slothing off but has deep cracks in both areas that really hurt. I thought being African American I would fair better but apparently my skin burns easily. Go figure. I continue the routine of protecting the skin and have a follow-up scheduled at the end of March. RO did say call or come in if needed. Wow all done with treatment and start Tomixifen next week. Feels good but strange.

    Also fighting a very bad sinus cold. So the cold, pain from Rads and bad sleep pattern I am praying for strength and endurance.

    She, you are in my prayers as you prepare for your surgery tomorrow.

    Jean, always in my prayers!

    Lucy, yes a good and restful nights sleep is what I pray for. I did get Avitan to help but want to watch taking it too often. I also us my fit bit to monitor sleep habits. I have lots of restless periods and averaging ~4.5 hours of sleep a night. Need to get that well into the 8 hour range according to doctors.

    Thanks All for the response on the acupuncture question. I will go in for an appt next week.

    Prayers Always,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015








    I know this has been a long and hard journey for you trying to balance work, family and being a pastor's wife. I am proud of you and so thrilled that the Lord saw your through to the finish line.

    I loved the butterfly and actually got it to move the way it is supposed to. I didn't find it from that website. LOL Just to clarify. I didn't even notice it at first but then I thought oh well. Just ignore that part. Thrilled you are done!    

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Back from rads. I did make the appointment with hubby driving. I feel very weak and tired. Legs like jelly. No fever or vomiting. Thank you Jesus. I managed to get a small glass of ginger ale down. Just trying to rest/sleep. Took an Ativan which hopefully will calm things. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Yes: acupuncture has been a godsend. CONGRATS ANGE!!
    LUCY, try the acupuncture. It is expensive where I live but many centers have them--- I also take two herbs, and am now drinking a disgusting tea which helps raise my WBC.

    Bound and determined to finish tx Monday

    I have to confess I am feeling guilty for being short with staff and someone at our Center today. Seeking peace: not like me. But will apologize tomorrow.

    Ahhh, Satan, move outta my way!



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    Good Evening ladies;

    Congratulations Angie!!!! Yeah, you'll be peeling some skin for a little while, but it does get better....I promise! If you have any prescription cream keep using it....I wore the loosest clothing I had ( at home) and I could tell a difference within a week. Hang in there, girl!

    I have been at mom's for a couple of days, so I've been out of touch--she does not have Internet. A childhood friend and classmate was preaching at a local revival and she wanted to go...I had never heard him either so we went. He seemed glad we were there. Overall, it was a good visit.

    I do have a praise...Clyde's MRI was normal...of course he is puzzled now as to what is wrong. We are both thankful that there is no clot, tumor, or blockage.

    I went to a prayer retreat last weekend and we got a couple of ideas on organizing our prayer lives. I'm going to try them..sometimes I feel so inadquate and inefficient with my prayer life. I thought when I retired I would have more time to devote to prayer, but I havent spent my time well. You ladies are on my heart everyday, and I am praying for you all in your various stages of treatment.

    God bless you are so very special! BTW, add me to the "need more sleep" club...


  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260
    edited March 2015

    Kath, glad to here the acupuncture works, hubby has been having bad sleep patterns thinking he is worried about me, plus he has some ringing in ears, he has an appt for acupuncture, so hope it works for him. I Must admit my sleep is a little restless but not so bad yet.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Up at 4am. Still with diarrhea. I finally gave in and took some immodium. Expired so I hope it works.. I don't think they allow bedpans on the rads table. :*( Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Oh Jean you do make us laugh! Up at 5:30 here: at least I am getting about 6 hours
