thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2015

    Hi Ladies first full day at home doing nothing and it feels strange. I got up, did my daily reading and looked out the window, had a cup of coffee and then hubbie and I removed the surgical bra and gauze spondged off and put on a fresh bra. Not much to look at but at least I was not shell shocked like one of my friends said she was.

    The pathologist called today and said that the tissue in the left breast showed no more cancer cells and the right breast was clear also. I am just happy to have that part done and I will sit patiently by these next few weeks and relax and get better I don't want to do anything that will impede me getting back on my feet. Although I must say it is hard not do things around the house. I continue to pray for us and the various journeys we are going through. Have a great week.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    She, I am thrilled you are at home, resting, and letting others take care of you! Rest in Him, and in your family, friends, and us

    Nancy, will email you: want to buy that picture!!! unreal.

    thanks for the bells too :)

    Lucy, they are doing their job: you too are amazing.

    Mini, prayers up


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    I have a question for any of my sisters here who had rads. Did you ever have only one tech for treatment. Usually so far there were two but twice only one was there and I was told the other was "at lunch". After leaving yesterday I started feeling uncomfortable about this. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015


    I can remember having only one tech a few times. My clinic rotated staff with the main hospital so if they had a tech absent, there would be only one. My rad time was mid afternoon so I didn't have the lunch issue.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Hey sisters of faith,

    Ellen, glad you had a good time with your family and glad you got to see your precious Calvin. Praying for your SE's. Hope you are feeling better today and thanks for your prayers.

    Debbie (footprintangel) praying for you dear sister. I hope that today finds the battles not so intense and that you can find rest and peace in the Lord. Praying that you will have someone be able to come alongside you and support you. Hugs to you and your precious service dog, Faith.

    Lucy, praying that you are feeling good after your biopsy. It didn't sound fun at all but I am glad it is over and praying for a great report. I love that you embrace life and pray that your kick off to the camping season is a great one.

    Kath, as only Billy Crystal could look maaaaaaaaaaavelous! You silly girl wanting to buy a pic. I will gladly send it to you.  I know this is probably going to be a rough week so extra prayers going your way.

    Mini, praying that you got in to see your PT. So sorry you are battling LE in another part of your body. Continued prayers for relief.

    Sheangel, Praying for your recovery. For someone who is probably constantly on the go to take a break and give yourself time to heal is probably difficult for you. Praying that God will give you the patience you need for the healing to take place. You are a strong woman and I am sure a great witness to all that know you. Try to rest and savor this time for YOU.

    Jean, praying that you will get into the flow of the routine and be able to enjoy the blessings that you will discover in the journey. I am sure that you are in good hands with your rad techs whether it be one or two. I imagine they have all sorts of safeguards in place for every single patient.

    Bev, praying that you have a great time with visiting friends and that the weather cooperates.

    Robin, how are you doing? Would love to hear from you.

    Jo, how are you doing? Still having issues from the meds?

    Polly, anymore change in your situation with the hand seizures? IBS? Praying for you today.

    Jerseygirl, Praying that your treatments are going well. Praying especially for those days where the side effects kick in.


    Thank you for all of your prayers. I decided to try swimming today thinking it would either kill me or maybe cure me. Obviously since I am here I am still alive and kicking. I could still use some prayers.

    Have a great evening and hope we all get a good night's rest.

    Love you all,




  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sisters,

    Just wanted to pop in and say Hi!  I am working from home today as my neck is very sore from the biopsy and I had a rough night and didn't sleep well.  I am so glad I at least have the option to work from home.  However, my Skype cam didn't work so that was a bummer.  I have my schedule for tomorrow so I will be seeing my MO at 12:30 for results and infusion after at 2:00.  Thanks in advance for the you all so much for your continued support and encouragement.  You all mean so much to me at times like this and I am so grateful for this site and all of you and so thankful that God led me here.

    Mini - did the lymphedema just start?  It has been a few years since your dx, I have heard that it can happen any time.  I am sorry to hear that and I just prayed for this to subside and just go away.  Does the clinic give you remedies?  Keep us posted.

    She - wonderful news you are in a good stable place emotionally...Praise God!  Just rest and let your body heal through the weekend.  I am also so pleased you have a nice DH with you for your daily support.  So important for us, whether we are strong or not.

    Well break is over so have a great rest of the afternoon and many blessings Warriors...more later...Lucy



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Lucy, we will be covering you like a warm blanket tomorrow at that time, well for a while as they usually run late :)

    Nancy, of course. I could not have done this without your friendship and leadership.

    Love all of you

    Prayers ahead!!


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2015

    She-Angel - I felt the same way when I finished the rads. I had gone everyday at 8:00 - I made it early so I wouldn't be tempted to pull the comforter over my head and stay in bed all day. :-) When I stopped going, it felt like I had quit another job. It took a few weeks to adjust.

    Lucy - I had some slight Lymphedema in my arm shortly after my rads ended, but it's been in control for a couple of years. Now I have it in my breast. It started about a month ago. It hurts and is quite swollen.

    Good news. I was able to get into PT/OT on Thursday! You praying ladies are powerful! :-)


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    I am so grateful and blessed that my techs heard my concern and arranged for a change of appointment time so I would always have 2 of them. My hubby came with me today so we could both be there for my Tuesday rads doc appointment. He was present when the (male) doctor examined my breast. A bit awkward but surprised that it didn't seem to bother either of us. God is amazing isn't He.

    A prayer request for my sister Dottie. She is having eye surgery tomorrow and has a bad cold. She must stay still for the procedure and is worried she might have an urge to cough. Her doctor doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

    Praying all will have sweet sleep tonight.

    Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    This was on Facebook

    Dear Lord, Into Your hands I place my worries, cares and troubles.

    Into Your Wisdom I place my path, direction, and goal

    Into Your Love I place my life.

    Rest well warriors


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Mini I was worried about LE for a while but never really showed any signs.  This wasn't until we had a LE specialist as a guest speaker at our bc monthly support group I went too.  She told us that we could all still get it any time and none of us were ever told that.  One gal had it on her breast too but it started shortly after her surgery and she liked it because it made them even.  She didn't experience pain that I am aware of. 

    Kath thanks for the prayers and love that facebook post...

    Jo-5 I wear underwire bras now.  I have not been told not too wear them...darn it!  Will keep your DH lifted up in prayer as well.

    Jean I'm glad the techs made arrangements to keep you comfortable.  I have had so many people poke and prod me since this all started it doesn't even phase me anymore.  Prayers for sister Dottie.

    Praying you all have a blessed day tomorrow after a restful sleep tonight.  I will post as soon as I can to let you all and blessings...Lucy

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    Good morning ladies;

    Lucy praying for good results today!

    Read Jesus Calling just now and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I know some of you read this devotional regularly, but I would like to post an excerpt from it for those who do not have this book.

    Let thankfulness temper all your thoughts. A thankful mindset keeps you in touch with me. I hate it when my children grumble, casually despising my sovereignty.Thankfulness is a safeguard against this deadly sin....Cultivate a thankful heart, for this glorifies Me and fills YOU with joy.

    1Cor. 10:10 ; Hebrews 12:28, 29

    Everyone here is a brave warrior, fighting for her life so we can better serve Him and be a witness to our family, friends, and all those we meet. Praying for everyone today who reads the posts and for others who are battling this disease. May we find something to say Thank You Jesus for everyday (and yes, I am talking to myself!)

    Love you all...Ellen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Today I am grateful for sunshine, a call from my sponsor, wonderful cancer treatment at Sloan Kettering, dear friends, my husband who loves me and most of all for my beloved Savior Jesus who loves me so much. I am so blessed. Love, Jean

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited March 2015

    Ellen, I just had to say thank you. Been lurking, have the flu, depressed, you name it and I've got it! Just yukky. DH and I are not doing well since he inherited and it has changed me toward him....of course I feel he's changed. But your message hit me and I needed it. I will try harder to focus on it instead of my hurt feelings.

    Yay Kath on you finishing chemo - such a milestone. Blessings and prayers to each and everyone of you. Going to go cough and hack some more!  Polly

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Hello ladies of faith,

    I want to start out with a thank you Jesus. I started on some new doses of meds just a week ago and I have been getting sleep ever since. PTL Yes, Ellen I read Jesus Calling and was very much convicted as well. I had an opportunity to be a positive witness to some fellow retirees I met at the grocery store and I failed miserably and this devotional today hit me too. So glad God is a forgiving God.

    There are lots of needs today. I am very thankful for my sleep meds but they do make my mind a bit fuzzy. I hope I hit the recent needs that have been expressed.

    Lucy, praying for calm as you wait on your biopsy report today. You can kick that ole devil to the curb for all of us when he tries to come in a lie, steal and destroy. We are having NONE OF THAT! You stay strong. I am believing in your healing this year. I am!

    Kath, praying that you can get through this work day. Hang in there. You can ride above these SE's knowing that they will be GONE soon. Praying for your meetings as well.

    Ellen, continued prayers for your pain issues. Prayers for a good rehearsal tonight and that your choir members will sing as a sweet incense to the Lord at your Easter services. So thankful that Clyde got a good report on his MRI of his leg.

    Mini, praying that you will get immediate relief when you see your PT tomorrow. I had a seroma develop after my surgery and I remember how painful and uncomfortable I was so I can appreciate how you must feel. My BS had to drain mine but I doubt if that is what they do when they know it is LE. I just pray for relief as soon as possible.

    Jo, I am so sorry to hear of another UTI and more AB's. I know you probably feel like you are in a vicious cycle with this. Lord I pray that you will come against this future infections before they even take hold and that you break this cycle that Jo is in. We pray against the ill effects of the AB and pray that Jo can start feeling 100%. I know she is concerned about her DX's heart procedure tomorrow as well. I pray for peace for both of them and I pray for an understanding of what the issue is and I pray that it can easily be treated. Amen. We'll be praying for DX's procedure tomorrow.

    Polly, I am so sorry to hear of all the sickness and problems. I strongly feel that this is just an attack of the enemy when it comes to your relationship with your DX. he is so sneaky in how he can weave trouble through friendships and relationships and marriages. I am praying that you feel much better with this sickness. I am glad you shared. That is one of the big reasons this thread exists so we can lift one another up during difficult times. We will certainly be praying dear one.

    Jean, your treatment center sounds like they are wonderful in meeting your needs and concerns. I pray that you have a good trip today and that you will feel joy in your heart.

    She angel, praying for continued healing for you dear sister. Remember to give yourself time and don't expect too much from yourself right now. Let others pamper you for a while.

    Mags, Angie and Robin, praying that all of you are starting to find your new normal and feeling better each day.

    Jerseygirl, praying for you today and hoping that you are having some good days during your chemo treatments.


    I know we have talked about lymphedema on here before but I think it is a subject that still needs to be discussed as we are always adding new members. Your doctors may not be telling you about this and I think that is a travesty. Everyone who has lymph nodes removed are at risk of getting LE.  It is true that the more nodes taken the greater the risk. Also there is not a time frame when you consider yourself out of the woods. You can get LE years after your bc surgery. If you do any traveling by jet you need a compression sleeve and gauntlet (glove). If you are exercising you need to wear that sleeve and glove. My RO wants me to wear a sports bra when exercising. I wear sports bras all the time now. I don't wear this stuff when swimming though. If you are doing yard work you need to be wearing this stuff if it requires heavy lifting or repetitive motions involving your surgery arm. You need to ask your oncologist or your therapist where you can get measured and where you can buy these things. My insurance pays very little and they are very expensive. I have heard others say their insurance paid for them so it depends. I am not an expert by any means but I had therapy this summer for my shoulder by LE specialists and the first thing they had me do was order a sleeve and glove. I used it all during my therapy once I got them. I don't want to scare anyone but I think that those of you who already have it would say that it is something you DO NOT WANT TO GET if you can help it. The compression sleeves are not a guarantee but they are good prevention.








  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited March 2015

    I am asking for prayers, was just told my liver is now with innumerable lesions, put back on chemo now, xeloda. Was last scanned 3 months ago. Praising God .

    One of the church ladies had a mastectomy today for her relapse. God bless Kaye.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Anita, I am so sorry to hear this news. I know you must be stunned as I am now.  We will be covering you with powerful prayers for this new chemo to knock these lesions out. Father, I pray for Anita for complete peace and trust in what you are doing in her life. From our perspective we can feel discouraged and dismayed but from your perspective you have everything under control even when we cannot see the big picture. Amen.

    Sisters, lets cover Anita in prayer during this difficult time. We also pray for her friend Kaye who had a mastectomy to counter her relapse.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Blessings Dear Anita

    May you feel comfort from His healing touch, His healing grace, and His incredible Love. Lord, please put your healing hands on Anita. Work your will through her doctors, her support circle, and let her continue to feel so blessed.

    Lord, we are thankful for Anita, for all she brings to us. Let us continue to honor you as we pray for each other


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Prayers for all mentioned in the last posts, especially for peace and strenth for Anita. I had a good rads appt today. The new techs really inspire confidence in their precision. Truly a blessing. I saw dtr, granddaughter and great granddaughter on the way home. Wow little Valentina has gotten so big! Here's a new picture of her with her mom's former soccer coach. Love, Jean


  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260
    edited March 2015

    sending thoughts and prayers for my sisters battling this disease, that our Heavenly Father watch over and care for each of our needs. That we accept His Holy Will, and continue to travel on this long journey without fear in what God has planned for each of us. Jesus I trust in you! Side effects are minimal still, which I thank you Lord, in your great mercy and love. Continue you be merciful on all of us who need your love.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    God is watching

    I know God is watching

    Benignly above

    While we're searching for pleasures,

    Searching for love.

    With infinite patience

    He waits quietly,

    Knowing that one day

    We'll finally see....

    The depth of His caring,

    The power of His love.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited March 2015

    Anita, prayers going up for you throughout the day. Foots, good to see you! Thank you for your meditations. Nancy, you are always in my heart. Glad you are sleeping. Blessings to all my sisters.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    He Grants What Is Best

    We build our future plans and hopes

    Upon the transient life,

    And once the bubble bursts,

    Our day is filled with strife.

    Could we not learn to trust in Him,

    Seek what He knows is best;

    Commit our ways unto His care,

    Trust Him for daily rest.

    What blessing will await us!

    He grants what is best.  


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited March 2015

    Happy to see you got through the storm okay Mags!  Now, I'm waiting on our turn!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Checking in before going to bed.

    Anita, continued prayers for you dear sister. Prayers for a good night's sleep and that the Lord will not allow fear to reside in your heart.

    Jean, how did your sister's eye surgery go? Valentina is such a sweet thing. I am so glad you get to have visits with her during your traveling to and from rads.

    Debbie, I am so glad to see your posts. I hope that means that things are better for you. I sure have been praying for you dear sister.

    Mags, good to hear from you. How are you feeling now? How is your shoulder doing? Will you have a replacement in the future or is that too much to think about right now? I am just so tickled that you are all done!

    Polly, don't lose heart. You will get through this sickness and I am still praying that the other issues regarding the medications and the hand seizures and the IBS will all be taken care of eventually. Hang in there. It is hard to be sick and easy to get down when you can't see past all the problems. Reach out to the Lord and tell him exactly how you feel. Ask Him what He would have you do when you are feeling better. He will not let you down but His timing is not always ours. He likes to stretch our faith muscles and that process usually is not comfortable. Continued prayers dear sister.

    Love you all,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Evening Sisters,

    Whew...what a whirlwind of a day. So the results of the biopsy shows the lymph node is the same God will take me on another journey. Not the news I wanted to hear at all. So for now the plan is I am off the study trial that I had been on. My MO says it's been really good for me and has done a great job but now it has failed and its time to move on to another treatment. She wants me to take a couple of weeks off to clear out system and is recommending a few options. One is Xeloda which is a pill. The other is Eribulin infusion chemo which is on a study trial as well. Anyone have experience with these?

    God will be with me on this journey too. It is discouraging I must admit and it makes me sad. We are going tomorrow for our camping trip and it is supposed to be a nice weekend...thank God! It will be nice to take a break for. My treatment and pills. But it will also be very odd to not have my pill to pray over. The doc said I can take 2 or 3 weeks and it would be fine and I will make a decision on what I need to do. I will be praying for God to give me wisdom and clarity in directing my decision. She gave me some info on the drugs and so I will be doing some reading after we get back on Sunday.

    I plan to spend some time this weekend connecting with my soul and spirit and getting back on track and grounded. Today was tough but I know it won't last long. I have to keep my eyes on God and stay focused and positive.

    I am glad to see Nancy you are getting some sleep, I pray this continues. That's for the many posts you do to keep us on track as well. I so appreciate you. You are such a blessing to us all.

    Anita I am so sorry to hear of your latest results. I know what you feel sister. Please advise me of anything you know of Xeloda if you can. Know you're in my prayers too.

    For now this is it and just take comfort knowing I pray for you all. Love and blessings...Lucy


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2015

    Oh, dear Lucy, when I signed on and saw you'd posted, I was praying for good news. I surely will continue to pray for you, as well as Anita as you both continue this journey. Your banner today - bearing one another's burdens - is perfect. I know I said it before....but one of the most wonderful blessings I had when I learned of my diagnosis and told our Bible study leader was her assurance, which I'll pass on to you....

    Remember when the Israelites were fighting and Moses was praying through the battle? They won as long as Moses had his arms raised to God to pray - but as he got tired and dropped his arms, the Israelites started losing. Aaron and another priest then stood beside Moses and helped hold up his arms because he was too tired and weak to continue on his own - then the Israelites ended up winning the battle. Well, Anita and Lucy, we are right there beside you, holding up your arms and needs to God. Our Great Physician hears and will His way, His time and for His glory.

    love y'all - Bev

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    My sister's eye surgery went well. Thanks for prayers. Lifting up Anita and Lucy. Grateful for finishing 8 of 30 rads and for sunshine. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Dear sisters, I type this with tears today.

    Bev, you couldn't have said any better. We will be lifting up Anita and Lucy's arms for the battle. We are strong prayer warriors on here and we will cover you with mighty prayers. I pray for both sisters that you would give them both a peace and calm that can only come from you Lord. We know that all things are under your control and your timing and not ours. Allow these sisters a time for their emotions but take them to a place of victory Lord. Envelope them in your loving arms as only you can. Amen.


    Jean, Glad you sister's surgery went well. Praying for another good trip for you to rads and one that you can see the blessings of the Lord.


    Love you all,



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2015

    I had to cancel my OT appointment because I wasn't able to get the referral in time. I have to reschedule today. I hope it's soon. It hurts to wear a regular bra. I'm wearing a sports bra now; it gives me that charming uni-boob look.

    Prayer warriors, I need prayers for a niece and nephew. His cousin accidently hit and killed his 18 month-old son. I don't have all the details, but the family is, of course, devastated. They will need every prayer they can get.

    Praying for you all,
