thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    A merry heart does good like medicine. Prov. 17:22a. Glad I can bring a little chear. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Welcome Jerseygirl. If you have any prayer needs feel welcome to ask for prayer. Hope your recovery from surgery and the beginning of chemo is going well for you. Jump in here anytime.


    Sheangel, Today is her big surgery. Let' remember her in prayer for a successful surgery, good pain management and recovery both emotionally and physically.

    Kath, praying that you can get through a very busy week and weekend. I pray for you and all others having sleep issues that we can find the solution to this nagging problems. Lack of sleep causes short fuses when we are normally patient. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    Ellen, so glad to hear your good news. Will write more later.

    Jean, praying that your trip to rads is uneventful in ALL ways. Praying for you dear sister.

    On a fast tract today. Praying for all of you during my swim time. Tonight is my class and I pray that it will not seem too awkward tonight considering what has happened since the last class. Also praying that I will STOP putting so much pressure on myself for this class.

    Have a great day everyone.





  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2015

    Nancy, thank you so much for the banner. Made me feel special (huge smile). Not sure you know but I love the butterfly (big smile). I love the beauty and grace of a butterfly. Apologize for not getting back on but the RADs burns and this cold knocked me out. Feeling a lot better today as far as the cold goes. RADs burns not so much but so happy the daily visits are over. But glad for the healing. I am praying for your sleeping pattern and will also add your class.

    Eileen, so glad to hear the good news. You know that you and DH are always in my prayers. Praying that the root cause is found or healing occurs quickly. For the RADs this maybe TMI but around the house it is next to nothing that I am wearing as anything touch the skin is painful. I got out for a short walk yesterday and today and did wear loose top.

    Kathy, not sure if I let you know -- but Acupuncture her I come. Have an apt next week. Need it after the RADs beat me up even more. I have been out

    Jean, love the humor this morning. I am praying for all of our sleep patterns to improve. My fitbit says I am only getting approx. 4.5 hours of "good" sleep a night. Not good.

    She, have been praying for a successful surgery this morning and your recovery. Here is my prayer:

    Father we pray this morning and throughout today for a successful surgery for She-Angel. Guide the skillful hands of the surgeon performing the surgery with precision and accuracy. Cover the supporting team of nurses, anesthesiologist, supporting surgeon, technicians and all that are involved in the surgery and preparation. I ask that in the recover room the nurses are attentive in all that they do on a daily basis and provide extra care and compassion to our sister. Let She shine her light to all that she comes in contact with. We pray that She will have a full and quick recover and healing emotionally, physically and mentally. Father we touch her head to ask for mental recover and girding up of her mind during her recover, we virtually reach out to touch She's heart to represent a request for emotional recover and we lay hands on her virtually and ask for a physical recover that has minimal pain that is managed with great care. We ask Lord that you allow She to return with a renewed zeal to her daily life. We stand on your promises and our hope and faith that You have She in your loving and gentle hands as we call forth the healing power that is Your hands. I ask that you give She and her loved ones a peace of mind and strength, courage and hope as you bring healing to the parts of her body that are affected by surgery. Comfort She and her family with your love and comforting arms. This we ask in Jesus Name. Amen!

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2015

    Lucy, I took a
    nutrition class on Tuesday at my center. I am really trying to
    improve the types of food I eat and wanted to share some info to continue your health sharing idea. I learned about the dirty dozen and
    clean 15 fruits and vegetables. I had never heard of that before -- not sure if others have.
    Basically it is a list of fruits/vegetables that should be bought organic (dirty dozen) and which
    fruits/vegetables really don't make a difference if you buy organic(clean 15). A
    site recommended to review is which gives a list of the dirty dozen and clean 15. The site also has a food score
    app that rates foods on nutritional value, processing concerns and ingredient
    concerns. I am going to add this to my ipad and use it along with my fitbit. I
    used the app to rate the greek yogurt and coconut water I use for juicing or smoothies and ended up switching
    the brands I buy. Hope you find this helpful.
    <?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2015

    Ladyb - Congrats on finishing the rads. I was very raw and sore after mine, but it healed up quite quickly once it was over. I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Did I read correctly that some of you have tried acupuncture to aid with sleep? I have been a long time insomniac and the Tamoxifen makes it worse. I had acupuncture once for my back, but never thought about it for sleep. I would pay serious cash money for a pure, solid night's sleep.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    She: I sure hope you feel covered in prayer!


  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260
    edited March 2015

    thanks for the welcome, I just had my 2nd chemo today and so far so good, but then the SE didn't kick in till about day 5 thru 11, so if you are thinking about it, I will take them to diminish the pain, debilitating fatigue, I have prepared and ask our Heavenly King to help me thru this, only to complete His holy Will, since we still are in lent, I offer up what I can. Hugs to all my sisters in Christ

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Jerseygirl, we will pray for you as you are at the beginning of your chemo journey. We have some strong prayer warriors on this thread.

    Angie, I am glad you liked the butterfly. I think you will be absolutely amazed at how fast your skin will heal. I know I was. Praying that you feel better in general from your cold and your SE's. Knowing abut the dirty dozen is a great thing. I have a little card which has them on there and I am not sure where I got it. You can certainly find it on the internet for anyone interested in that.

    Debbie (foots) are you okay? Haven't seen your posts for a bit. Praying for you dear one.

    She, praying that you are resting comfortably tonight. We will continue prayers for you dear sister.


    Ladies I have a prayer request. I had my photography class tonight and I had my camera bag with all the lens in my trunk. It is heavy enough. When I grabbed the bag out of my trunk to go into class I pulled something out of whack in my lower back. I am still hurting several hours later which is not a good sign for me. Sometimes it takes me weeks to recover from something like this. I would appreciate your prayers as I have lots of homework which involves going outside and shooting pics this week.

    I pray for a good night's sleep for the many of us who are struggling in this area.




  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited March 2015

    For Angie and Jean all our radiology ladies, I remember being burnt in certain areas that were not flat and that is what I was instructed were your skin was flats like part of the back that would not get as much radiation as curved areas like I don't know if that helps at all. The skin really does heal but it does remain discolored. You can do this!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Morning Sister Warriors,

    I am so glad it is Friday...thank you Lord for another blessed week in my strength and stamina to get me through on my journey. Thank you for the many blessings that I had this week and prayers that were answered. I am thankful for God in my life and that He brought me to all you wonderful special women I call my Sisters in Christ. Have a blessed day.

    I had a call late yesterday and my biopsy is scheduled for Monday at 8:00 at the UW in Seattle. Have to be there at 7:00 for blood draw. Should take 30min to an hour then home. Thanks in advance for the prayers. I thank God for his miracles and stand on the promises that He has a plan and a purpose for me.

    Daily Devotional


    It is interesting to note the number of times the Bible describes God as exhibiting two attributes that are opposites. In this verse, they are goodness and severity. God's love is expressed in His goodness, but it is not His only characteristic. He is also severe with those who disobey. He balances these attributes perfectly as He relates to His children.

    We are called to imitate God in our relationships with our kids. We cannot always be "good" because there will be times of rebellion and disobedience in their lives. We cannot always be "severe" because that creates resentment and fear. A balance between the two is our goal, and God promises to give us the wisdom to achieve that balance (Jas 1:5).

    Ask God for the wisdom to balance goodness and severity in your relationships with your children.

    Read Joel 2:12-17


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Dear sisters,

    I have a burden and concern for Debbie (foots) today. She has not posted for a few days and I don't think that is her usual pattern. Let's rally around her and lift her up with strong prayers today. I pray that when she can she will let us know that she is okay.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Week 1 of 6 done today. Grateful for a safe drive down on the snow and for strength to make it through the week. Prayer for salvation for a young Jewish social worker named Rachel. I spent some time with her today and basically told her my life's journey to finding God not knowing she was Jewish! As I left the appointment I asked her if she would read Isaiah 53. She agreed. I see her again in a few weeks. God's at work again giving me a chance to lead one of His chosen to her messiah! Very exciting. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2015

    Anita, you are spot on. The curved areas and under folds (LoL) are definitely I lot more crispy and raw. Went back to the RO today as I am just blistering and peeling like a over cooked hot dog on a grill. She indicated it would probably get a little worse before it got better. So Norco here I come.

    Nancy, I too am worried about Foots. I did PM Foots and left a message the thread dedicated to her before seeing your post here. I am praying for her and glad God has put a burden on our hearts to stand in the gap for Foots. I so look forward to the prayer thread and reading Foots/Debbie's prayers that she post.

    Jean, awesome sharing and answering God's call.

    Lucy, love the banner. You know we will be standing in the gap for your and praying for your biopsy results. Love ya and always praying for my sisters here.

    TGIF, I am going to take a good nap before DH comes home.

    Blessings All,


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited March 2015
    Foots (Debbie) posted earlier this evening – she's hanging in there she says.
  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Grateful for sunshine after snow yesterday. Hoping for melting without ice freezing tonight. Been alternating between big D and constipation since midweek. Five more weeks of rads to go. We have a tax appointment this afternoon that I may need to reschedule again. Also hubby seems very cranky this mornung. Hope we are not headed for another meltdown. Aaaagghhh! Love, Jean

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2015

    Hi Ladies, just a quick line to let you know I am home and recovering. I feel like I was hit by a truck but otherwise I am okay. There is so much family and friends about I feel weird, like I need a bigger house. My husband as his watch set so I am getting my meds regular and resting. That's all I got for now thanks for the prayers.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Pray all are doing well today and had a restful and uneventful night. I am doing well and ready for the biopsy on Monday and have peace. I know have lots of people praying and I can sure feel it. We will be heading over the night before and staying at the SCCA House so it will be much easier then having to get up at 3:30 am to hit the road. Thank God they offer this as an option and my insurance covers it.

    Jean I am praying you have a peaceful weekend and DH stays on track with his emotions. Glad you're doing well. Hang in there.

    Jersey Girl welcome! Sorry you have to join us but glad you're here for love and supportband prayer. Do share with us any prayer needs and we will lift you up.

    Regarding the acupuncture, I used to do it years ago and it helped me through the only symptom I had during peri menopause which was sleep deprevation and it was a life saver. I went for three years until the gal left for Californian and I never went back. So I will be checking into it again next week I think. I used to do massage regularly too but haven't so maybe I will check that out too. I worry about massage and how it would affect the lungs and now any lymph nodes. I did go to a gal once who was experienced with massage for cancer patients so maybe I will check her out.

    Nancy pray your doing ok through your class and sleeping is better for you too. So appreciate your efforts in keeping us posted and remembering the many details of all our friends on this board. Hope you're able to get out this weekend and take some new pics. Today I have an appt with the ladies from the office to meet at a place where they will be teaching us how to paint on canvas. We actually will leave there with a painting in our hands. I really don't know how they are going to get us all to do that but I am sure it will be a good time. Then we all go to lunch and it will be a fun morning and afternoon.

    Have another prayer request, as I mentioned earlier that we have a family issue with our DIL well today she has asked to get together this afternoon to have a famiky chat. So we are pleased and excited that God has answered our prayers and that complete restoration of our family is finally coming though. This has been a long journey of 7 years so we are so excited. God is good!

    Have a blessed day and remember God loves us.

    Daily Devotional

    The Value of Repentance

    Solomon understood that the Israelites would, in time, disobey and turn away from God. He prayed that when that day came, the people would experience true repentance. The word repent means to change, or turn. Repentance is a true turnaround — away from the path that does not include God or his ways and toward the path he sets before us. The repentance Solomon described is a deep and transforming experience: "a change of heart" (2 Chronicles 6:37) and a turning back "with all [the peoples'] heart and soul" (verse 38). Repentance is much more than being sorry for getting caught. It involves an honest look at the reality of what our choices have done to us, others and God. Repentance is a good thing for us to do when we know we have gone the wrong way, for when we repent, we are opening the door for God to forgive, heal and restore our hearts and lives.

    Read 2 Chronicles 6:36-39image
  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Well again ladies, God answered your prayers. After my hubby showered and woke up, God changed his mood completely. He actually apologized for being out of sorts. BTW I had those eye sparkles again a little while ago. Probably another ocular migraine since it was in both eyes just like last time when I saw the eye doc. Went away quickly. It and the D/C can be caused by stress (yeah like cancer doest cause stress!) So I'm just going to rest/nap before church tnight. Praise God the snow is almost all melted on the driveway. Praying you all have a restful healing weekend and get good sleep. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2015

    She-Angel, glad you hear from you and praying for a speedy and restfl recovery.

    Jean, so glad to hear. Praying for you and DH always.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Thanks so much for the prayers lady. Today I am very grateful for a wonderful 3 hour nap yesterday before church. Also there is some sun today and am hoping spring is finally here. Still a lot of snow on the ground but a little more melting each day. A lovely couple, friends from our church, just called. They are coming by tonight with soup and bread for our dinner. We are truly blessed. Still am needing prayer for my bowels. Needing to stay close to a bathroom since last Wednesday. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Hello sister warriors

    She angel, glad to hear from you. Glad you are home and I will continue to pray for your speedy recovery.

    Jean, You have had a challenging week. Praying for you to feel much better as you tackle week #2 of rads.

    Angie, praying that you are seeing that healing that can quickly take place after rads.

    Debbie (foots) I am praying for you dear sister. I pray that there are others near you to support you and to look in on you. I know you have your precious Faith, your service dog and I know you have your faith as well! I hope when you are able you can let us know how we can best pray for you.

    Mags, how are you doing in the afterglow of finishing treatment? Thanks for posting that Debbie did post.

    Lucy, will be praying for your biopsy on Monday and am glad that you can stay there the night before. I know I was wondering how that was all going to work out when you first mentioned it since I knew you had to travel so far. Glad that part of it worked out and that your insurance will pay for it.

    Anita good to hear from you and good advice. How are you feeling?

    Ellen, praying that you had a great time with your son and little Calvin. Special memories for sure.

    Kath, praying  for your last treatment on Monday. Yeah ahead of time! Praying that you get plenty of rest after your big event yesterday.


    For those finishing rads and those in rads one thing that I still do every single day is use Aquafore on the radiation site. When I was in rads i used it three times a day. My RO said to keep using it and she mentioned especially in winter so I have used it every day since. I know during rads it really helped to be very diligent in that routine.

    I would appreciate prayers for my back. I hurt it a few days ago and it is not getting any better and I can't take pain meds. My muscle therapist who I would gladly pay out of pocket had a shoulder surgery and will be out of commission for four months. I am on some meds that is helping with sleep so that is the good news. The meds makes me feel weird during the day though but I am happy about getting some sleep.

    Have a restful night everyone.




  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Lucy, I will be lifting you up during my final chemo tomorrow. I have peace in my soul it will all be well.

    She, so glad you are home, and resting. I would imagine you may have some mixed emotions? Not sure. But I am sure you are one true woman of faith, and who inpires others.

    Jean, will lift you up this week also. I see radiologist Wednesday. I think we will start Monday the 13th of April. We are going to TN weekend of the 9th. I am hopeful I can go first thing in the morning on the way in. I don't like the stress of knowing I have to get out of the office everyday for an appointment. What SEs have you had? Anyone else want to chime in?

    I know I am looking forward to getting this stuff out of me, losing the 12 pounds I packed on from it. I read on another thread a woman gained 17 with bloating, holding of fluids like me. Took her 12 weeks to drop it. That seems easy to me now.

    Anita, and ellen, good days?

    Nancy, we are all praying for your back to come back to normal: with no pain at all. Can you find another muscle person? I know you have had a ton of homework and a couple more classes. You can do this!

    I slept in today, was completely pooped by our annual walk yesterday Very successful, but I am wiped. Ate some steak for dinner and drank my nasty tea that supposed to help raise WBC. I feel like I will be fine tomorrow. A little worried for working the rest of the week: have major meeings. Used to having two days to nurse a very bloated face from the steroids, and rest. He will carry me I know.

    God bless all of you

    Rest well


  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260
    edited March 2015

    thanks for the welcome, I feel at home already, still a little scattered from all the intake, knowledge, facts and new lingo for BC . I will be praying for all our sisters here, who have to go thru this, but God has a plan and even if we don't know it, we are in it, so let's not disappoint what God has in store for us. Nite all.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Jerseygirl, If you look to the left side of your screen there is a help with abbreviations button you can click on and get a whole list of all the lingo that you may encounter on here. I remember my first few weeks into the world of bc (breast cancer) trying to understand the ER + and Her - and your head is already swimming from your dx (diagnosis) and finding out your tx plan (treatment plan). Your new year started off with a bang with a big surgery right off the bat. Your faith will be a great source of comfort for you. We have heard many times on this thread that we don't know what others going through this journey do without God. We'll be praying for you as well.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    Good Afternoon, Ladies of Faith,

    Hoping everyone had a good weekend of rest, healing, and minimal SE. Spring is finally here in NC, after a rainy and sometimes cold winter. I was home so little last week that didn't notice my Cleveland Pear tree blooming until yesterday!I was blessed to spend good visit time with Mom and fun time with little Cal. It's been so long since I had been around a little one....he is a real joy...curious, social, and pleasant. Praying for my son to find a better paying job with some benefits; I can tell their present situation is taking a toll. They love living at the coast but the cost of living is expensive and full time year round jobs are few.

    SE kicked in full force Sat. Night after a week of driving and too much sitting. Doing better now, thanks to Aleve, hot and cold compresses, and rest. These are minor compared to what many of you face, so I am thankful that it's no worse.

    To Mags and Angie...hope you are beginning to see some healing. Those first 2 or 3 weeks after rads are not pleasant, but praying you will heal quickly. I agree with NAncy on the Aquafor...I still use it also, though not daily. Soon these uncomfortable side effects will be a memory.

    She-angel, glad you are home with lots of help. get plenty of rest and let them take care of you! Robin, hope you are continuing your recovery. Praying that you have some friends and neighbors who can help you out. JerseyGirl, welcome...hope the surgery healing is going well, as well as few SE from your treatments. Bev, assuming you are doing great and getting ready for your trip...

    Jean, here's hoping that your daily trips will easily fall into a routine. I found that scheduling something special after rads a couple of days a week seemed to make the rads pass quickly. sorry about your back. I am praying for miraculous relief for you. You are so kind and caring to others and to know you are having to go thru a lot of personal pain makes me pray diligently for you.

    Kath...hope you are doing ok...Lucy, praying for a good outcome on your biopsy...your belief of This is my year of Healing strengths my own faith. Debbie(foots) praying for your well being. When I read your posts, I always wonder,,,where does she find these neat poems?

    Debbie(Ireland) and Anita...praying for some days of comfort and rest, as well as companionship of friends, church family, and family to help you endure.

    I apologize for the length...I haven't posted much lately and made up for lost time. I will say this; I am so glad that so many of you have friends, church family, and neighbors to encourage you and help you. I did not have much physical support at my first diagnosis...people prayed for me, and I got a few calls, but no meals, offers of transportation, or visits. My poor DH had to do it all, in addition to his church responsibilities. My second diagnosis last year was about the same...we did get a chicken casserole which helped us with food prep. This admission probably surprises you since my DH is a pastor. But I give all credit to our Lord for His strength for both of us and His provision. Praying that each of you will have someone there when you need it

    God bless you all richly...I love you.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Back from rads. So far not too bad. I am grateful for good weather for driving today. Hubby went for PT for his whiplash so I'm going to try to rest up before bible study tonight. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015


    Well, I RANG that bell today!!!!God is just so good. I am of course feeling like a tic, and "weird" like I always did, but I am done with chemo.

    I cannot thank you all enough for your support. Your prayers, and love comforted me in my darkest of days.

    Ellen, we love you too: Lucy, any news? Debbie (foots)

    Nancy you are covered in prayer from my end. I know your back must still really hurt, and I know you have classes this week. Prayers for some healing, and continued rest at night!

    i will post more tomorrow. Lifting all of you up as I do each day.

    Two readings for today:

    Casting Crowns: So when you're on your knees, and answers seem so far away

    You're not alone, stop holding on and just be held.

    This is a time of your life when you must learn to let go: of loved ones, of possessions, of control. In order to let go of something that is precious to you, you need to rest in my Presence, where you are complete. Take time to back in the Light of My Love.As you rerlax more and more, your grasping hand gradually opens up, releasing your prized possession in to my Care.

    You can feel secure, even in the midst of cataclysmic changes, through awareness of My continual Presence. the One who never leaves you is the same One who never changes. I am the same yesterday, today and forever. As you release more and more things into My Care, remember that I never let go of your hand. Herin lies your security, which no one and no circumstance can take from you.

    Psalm 89:15, Hebrews 13:8, Isian 41:13

    the UP channel had a really good movie Noahs Ark on last night if you can catch it.

    Hugs, and PTL


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015









    I took this picture just for you Kath but I realized that this is for all of us too as we gain our strength from our Lord. Just as God gives strength to the oak tree he gives strength to us as well. PTL

    So happy you are done with this part of the journey. I know this has been a battle. Go celebrate! Yes, this picture was taken today. Welcome to spring!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sisters,

    I am well and have been resting since we got home from the big city of Seattle. The biopsy went smoothly and quickly which I was very happy about. I am supposed to go back on Wed to meet with my MO to discuss the results and also have a treatment that I didn't have today. They went in through my neck and down about 3 inches so the needle was pretty long. They retrieved 5 samples so praying they are nothing major and just my lymph nodes doing their job...Praise God! Neck is sore and swollen a little but it shouldn't last long. Supposed to be going camping for the weekend so looking forward to getting away. Going with my brother and his girlfriend so it will be fun. It's our kick off camping trip for the season.

    Jean so glad things have turned well with DH. Love when God answers our prayers. I use aquafore on my breakout rash from the daily pill I am on and it has been awesome. I think that and the biotin are what keep my skin doing so well. The nurses are always telling me that my skin is amazing for someone who is on the daily pill. So God has been good to me when he led me to both of these items to use.

    Nancy sorry to hear about your back in addition to your other issues. I am praying for your healing as well. Stay strong for your classes and rest when you can.

    Thank you all so much for the prayers and encouragement as I could feel them all day.

    Kath such a great pic and so happy for you that you finished this part of the journey.

    Jerseygirl so glad you feel welcomed because that is so important when you reach out. We are always here for support and prayers and I am sure you have seen that. Glad things are going ok for you one day at a time in baby steps.

    Well need to get up move around a bit so check in later you all and thanks again...Lucy

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2015

    Hi ladies. I am asking for your prayers. I have lymphedema in my breast. It is swollen and it hurts. I am waiting for a call back from the physical therapist. Hopefully, I can get in soon. I pray for a quick turn around time for the referral and appointment.
