thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Mini, praying that you can get into your PT ASAP. I am so sorry to hear about this tragic accident. I am praying for comfort for the family in this terrible accident. I pray for the cousin who will have to live with this burden the rest of their life. God bless those who mourn for they shall be comforted.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    We have had some tough news the last couple of days. I want to share today's Jesus Calling with you.

     Waiting on Me means directing your attention to Me in hopeful anticipation of what I will do. It entails trusting Me with every fiber of your being instead of trying to figure things out yourself. Waiting on Me is the way I designed you to live: all day, everyday. I created you to stay conscious of Me as you go about your daily duties.

    I have promised many blessings to those who wait on Me: renewed strength, living above one's circumstances, resurgence of hope, awareness of My continual Presence. Waiting on Me enables you to glorify Me by living in deep dependence on Me, ready to do My will. It also helps you to enjoy Me; In My Presence is fullness of joy.

    Lamentations 3:24-26New International Version (NIV)

    24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
    therefore I will wait for him.”

    25 The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
    to the one who seeks him;
    26 it is good to wait quietly
    for the salvation of the Lord.



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited March 2015

    Ellen, Nancy, KATH , foots, Debbie, Jean,

    And all the others whose names I can't come up with right now, we have a beautiful day today how about where you are? My first day of this round of chemo is going all right, praise The Lord. I so appreciate the prayer support from everybody. And may God bless the families of the German airliner that went down in the Alps. It's being suggested that the copilot was involved, locking out the pilot from the cockpit before causing the tragedy. Not terrorism, just mass deaths. What is going on? People need The Lord.

    Love across the miles,


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Mini, prayers your way.

    Lucy you are one of the most amazing women I know. Your faith will only get stronger, as you setlle into this with Him by your side.

    Your god filled spirit radiates your face: a true reflection of obedience. You will get through this. I know deep in my heart.

    I will continue to be specific in prayer, and prayers that this weekend you can embrace the smells, the joys, that life will bring all around you. And you strengthen your spirit



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Here is today's picture of the receding snow near our church. It has been raining all evening so hopefully the rest will be melted away by tomorrow. I'm so ready for spring. Love, Jean


  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2015

    Lucy, yet again I have been lurking and praying for many of you. I just love this special group of ladies. I am so sorry to hear about your news of your lymph nodes. I haven't been on either chemos but have heard of both. There is a good Facebook page for stage IV TNBC women that you might want to check out. I have to be honest with you, it makes me very nervous to hear that your oncologist thinks it ok to wait 2-3 weeks before starting a new treatment. TNBC is so darn aggressive - my onc and I always have plan b in the works. I am praying for you!

    Hugs, Kate W

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    He Touched Me

    I knelt there very quietly,

    Eyes closed in fervent prayer.

    A peace descended over me,

    I felt His presence there.

    All my pain and sorrow left me,

    My heavy  cross seemed light.

    At once I knew He touched me

    And all the wrong was made right.

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2015

    I may be quiet but I am keeping up with prayer needs and requests. There are uncomfortable moments with these drains, and I did remove the initial bra to sponge bathe and it was shocking to have been a 38DD to nothing right now but I reminded myself cosmetic...still shocking though. The enemy is busy sewing doubt in the minds of many of my friends so I am busy trying to remain prayed up as I know he is only looking for opportunity to do the same with me. We continue to be strong in Christ as we can do all things through he that strengthens us...I know we can.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    Our Dearest Friend

    How plentiful are Your gifts, Oh Lord,

    That You send to us each day.

    The loving peace and joy You give

    Help us to cope along life's way.

    A happy smile, cheerful voice

    And a heart filled with love.

    Are just a few of Your blessing

    All sent from You above.

    May we forever thank You, Lord

    For the blessing You deem to send;

    But most of all we thank Thee

    For being our best and dearest Friend.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Hello Mighty Warriors,

    As I lay here with eyes flooded with tears from all your kind words of encouragement, support, love and prayers I am in awe and humbled by it all. I have to say again I am so blessed that God has led me here to this site. He is an amazing God, isn't He? I woke with horrible cramps in my legs and as I was trying to relax through them God said to get on here to post and was touched by all the support. You all are angels here on earth.

    We have a great camping spot and the weather was 71 today. It's about a 2 1/2 hour drive and it was a good drive here. I did lots of walking today so I was able to surpass my 10k steps. I havent been to Curves all week with all that has gone on so I sure miss my exercise. We brought our bikes so I will be riding around and doing some walking for my exercise. Looking forward to some alone time with God. You all know how great that works for us so can't wait what he reveals to me.

    Had a call from my nurse with a follow up and she checked with my insurance for the drug Xeloda and they cover it 100% and I don't even have to pay my copay. Now that is a silver lining/kiss from God (as Bev would say) if I ever heard of one. I asked her more about the SE's of the pill and she said it is mostly diarrhea and hand foot syndrome where they turn red and are very sensitive and hurt and peal. So I am checking on some other boards where maybe someone using it or has used it can share some insight. I feel God is leading me to the pill Xeloda from the first time my MO told me about it. We shall see as I pray more about it.

    Here are some pics of today...


    My brothers motor home is next to our trailer.


    This was this evening, just amazing, note the star..that is DH and my brothers girlfriend Jackie and little Gidget sitting in the chair on the lower left.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    Lucy, I am so glad you are able to get off the cancer planet for a bit and enjoy God's beautiful creation. I am asking God for peace, comfort, strength and wisdom for you as you move forward in this journey. It rained here all night and there is still snow in the woods behind the house. Going today for rads #10 of 30 treatments. Looking forward to resting this weekend. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning ladies,

    Keeping those of you in prayer this morning who are struggling with this disease and its side effects.

    I have a daily prayer calendar on Hope that I bought on a sale table several years ago and kept instead of giving it away. I 'm sharing some of the scripture and thoughts this morning especially for those of you dealing with less-than-good -news.

    God bless all of you and supply you with the strength, energy, and help you need today....Ellen


    "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord." Jeremiah 17:7

    When we trust and hope in God, we will be blessed.Blessing is spiritual happiness and enjoying the favor of God. His favor becomes evident in kindness, support, and help when we need it most."

    "But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance. Romans 8:25

    Perseverance is holding on, pressing on and persisting. We persevere when we have hope. God is the source of our hope and we wait for Him.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    Hello again,

    I just found out that my friend Fonnie has entered Hospice. A church member found this out while visiting a mutual friend in our local hospital. The Hospice facility is in a nearby town, but not sure of the name.

    I am praying for God's mercy for her, and for comfort for her husband, two sons, her mother, and her many friends and students.

    My last hug from her was in the day of her benefit....I knew what was coming, but she smiled and acted as if it was the happiest day of her life to see everyone.

    Thanks ahead for the prayers for her and her loved ones.

    God bless you....Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Hi dear sister warriors,

    It has been a tough few days on the battlefield and it has been an emotional roller coaster. We have had sisters who have recently finished treatments and some who have finished all together. We have had sisters who have had surgery and we have had sisters who have received news that they would rather have not heard. We have sisters who are still in pain and sickness and we have sisters dealing with grief and SE's from treatments and drugs. We have many sisters dealing with insomnia. We have all sorts of issues regarding relationship challenges and marital issues. Let's face it, there are lots of concerns and pain and disappointment in our lives right now. For that very reason I strongly feel compelled to try to change our focus to the Lord. We have had a period of time many months ago where we had 50 days of Praise. We have had days of listing promises of God. We have had daily devotionals and we have had beautiful posts and prayers and banners and pictures. I would like to propose that we do this leading into Easter which is not that many days away. I think that satan can easily work in our disappointment and discouragement and tell us lies about all sorts of things in our lives. That is THE big reason that I feel we should do this. I would like to propose that we finish this sentence and carry this through to Easter.

    I THANK JESUS FOR........................................................  and  you finish the sentence.






    I will post later tonight for individuals.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    I thank Jesus and our Heavenly Father for the beautiful glimpses of spring we are starting to see. All things, including weather, are from His hands, and each season shows His Power and creativity.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    I thank Jesus for loving me so faithfully. Love, Jean

  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260
    edited March 2015

    just praying for all of our sisters here. Saw a beautiful movie tonight. Gods not Dead. If you get a chance to see it, I recommend it. I have no words of consolation, still growing in my prayer life, but I try to remember to say daily, Jesus I trust in You, and then believe it.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Anita, continued prayers for you dear sister. You are amazing. Glad your treatment went without a hitch.

    Lucy, praying that you have an awesome time with your family and friends on your camping trip. I hope that you can have some time of reflection but I also hope that you have some time of distraction and just enjoying God's beautiful artwork that he has given us to enjoy.

    KateW it is great to hear from you. I have prayed for you so many, many times. I know Char would periodically give us an update on you. She posted your fundraiser poster and told us that it was successful. How are you doing? I am glad you posted your blog address. I have not had a chance to look at it yet but I remember reading it many months ago when you had posted on here. Let us know how we can best pray for you.

    Polly, dear sister I hear your frustration and your weariness. Let the Lord know your heart and what you are feeling. I do believe he hurts when we hurt. I am praying that you first get over this flu which can drag anyone down both physically and emotionally. I continue to pray for your meds situation with your seizures and for your IBS. I will now add the issues with your DH. I am so sorry to hear about that. Hang in there dear one. God's timing is perfect and I definitely believe he has a plan for good for all of us.

    Mini, praying that you can get in for this lymphedema asap. Is there anything you can do on your own to help? 

    Jo, I am so glad to hear that your DH's procedure went well. I was going to look up ablation as I am not familiar with that. It sounded like when my Dad had angioplasty. I am not even sure if they do that anymore as that was quite a few years ago but I know they had to go in from the groin to the heart. Thank you for sharing the names of God. I think each one of His names is so powerful. We sing a song in church that goes through the names of God and it slays me every time when I hear it. So powerful. Thanks for all of your encouragement. Glad to hear you are doing better too.

    Bev, I hope you are having a good time with your out of town guests and that you are having good weather. At the present we are not but next week looks much more promising.  

    Sheangel, I pray that as you heal that both the physical and emotional healing with take place. I can only imagine that there is a grieving process that happens as you go through this. I think there are many different levels of grieving as we all have different journeys. Continued prayers for you dear sister.

    Mags, I hope that each day you are getting stronger and feeling like you are getting your life back. How is the shoulder doing at this point?

    Angie, how is the skin doing now that you are over a week out now. Hope you can check in with us and tell us how things are going.

    Debbie Foots, praying for you to feel better and to have freedom from any pain. Praying for strength as well. Praying that Faith (your service dog) gives you great company in the down time.

    Ellen, I am so sorry to hear about Fonnie. Prayers for her family, friends and students as the loss of a teacher is very hard on them as well. Praying for you too as I know this is very hard for you. You have been such a good friend to her. Praying that your Easter music is almost ready to go. I know it will be a blessing to the Lord and to all those who have the privilege to hear it. Wish I could be a fly on the wall as you perform.

    Jean, wow you are a third done already. PTL Your GGD is just so beautiful.

    Vickie are you home yet. If I remember right you were leaving for Nebraska on March 20 I think.

    Kath, praying that you can get some needed rest this week after a long week of dealing with SE's and the pressures of work.

    Debbie in Ireland, we haven't heard from you for a while. How are you doing? After having a bout in the hospital are you over that sickness now? How are your treatments going?

    Robin, would love to hear from you and how you are doing. Tell us how we can best pray for you.

    Char, I hope you have a spring break coming soon. Many of our districts here are either on them this week or next. I hope you are doing well and having that special time with the Lord.  In His presence springs life and renewal and peace and hope. I pray that you are experiencing that.

    Jerseygirl, I hope that you are doing well with your chemo treatments. Let us know how we can best pray for you. I missed your post right before mine. I have heard that is good. I saw The Son of God several weeks ago and it is definitely work seeing as well. Hopefully I can check out God is Not Dead.


    Thank you for joining our I THANK JESUS FOR...................................................  I hope we can storm the gates of heaven with our thankfulness and thwart the darts of the enemy. I hope we can continue this every day till Easter. I think it is important that we ready ourselves for the single most important event in our history and certainly the biggest defining moment in our Christianity and the core of our beliefs


    I have had a setback in my good sleep. I cannot tolerate the one med and I decided today that I will not take it at that dose anymore. I may end up back at square one not being able to sleep but this med was actually becoming dangerous for me even trying to drive.


    I pray for all of us to get a good night's sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to walk hand in hand with Jesus during the day and night.

    Love you all,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2015

    JO-5, I love to pray the names of God, When in prayer and praising and worshpping God I especially use El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty); El Elyon (The Most High God); Adonai (Lord Master) and I agree that the names of God put into perspective who I serve. When standing in intercession I use Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides; El-Shaddai, the almighty God ; Jehovah Rapha, our healer God and Jehovah / Jehovah Roi, the my Shephard more often. So glad to hear that your DH's procedure went well.

    Lucy, I am so sorry to hear about the news of your lymph nodes. I am PTL that he gave you peace and lead you back here for support, encouragement and strength. Also PTL that your medicine is covered 100%, such an awesome gentle yet strengthening kiss from our Lord. We are here as your sisters to stand in the gap for you. Our primary purpose as intercessors is to hold you up so that the enemy can not and will not gain any advantage in your thoughts, prayer or physical body. I am so praising the Lord for leading you back to this thread and for you sharing that He did. That in and of itself is uplifting and encouraging that we are on this battlefield for a reason. God used you to remind me and anchor me. His leading you back here spoke volumes to me. I too am glad that you were able to get away this weekend with your family and enjoy God's beautiful creation.

    Nancy, doing much better today. The last week was rough with lingering SEs, fatigue and a melt-down of my skin after RADs. What a difference a week makes. No new break down of the skin and I am on the mend. I am scheduled to start Tamixofen on Monday. I am praying that I have more energy and not as sore from RADs by then. I have read post and interceded for many of the sisters. I hope to be on more often going forward. Praying that you get a good nights sleep and that you find the right medicine. Glad you

    Ellen, I am so sorry to hear about Fonnie going into Hospice. My prayers for her husband, family and friends during this most difficult time. Praying that Fonnie is enveloped with the peace of God and that God strengthens her as He prepares her to meet Him.

    Char, I have been thinking about you often over the last week. Praying that your time away from this thread is providing the rest, renewal and rejuvenation that you need as you spend time with the Lord. Thinking of you often sister.

    Foots, so glad to see your prayers. Praying that you are feeling better and that you are getting the support and help that you need. Praying for Faith!

    Praying always for those that I may not have mentioned by name and Nancy thank you for listing all.

    Your Sister in Christ,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2015

    I thank Jesus for His comfort and peace that he has given me upon this evening. I thank Him for providing a way where I may not have seen a way. I thank Him for putting people in my path to remind me that I must keep my eyes on Him at all times and that is OK to just lay before Him and ask for peace and comfort if my mind begins to race. I also thank Jesus for continuing to remove people away from me that negative at this time in my life and replacing them with individuals that speak joy, peace and comfort yet re truthful with me.

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited March 2015

    I thank God for listening to me say things I could never say to anyone. I thank Him for his shoulders to lean on, to cry on and for never tiring of me even when I'm tired of myself!  Even when I turn away in all my emotions and whinings, He is still there. Thank you God!


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Nancy for suggesting we step out in praise. The last few weeks for me have been up and down so this is a new focus and much needed. It does seem that we have a lot to overcome lately. I'm happy for those of you that have finished and almost finished treatments successfully. And heartbroken to hear we have some new challenges such as Lucy and SE of Kath and those of SheAngel and Foots. You ladies are such true warriors. Jean, just keep going strong as you can!

    I think we all could do with a good sleep remedy. I don't take OTC meds for it, only a 100 mg Trazodone and that's because I didn't want to take Lunesta anymore. I spent a couple of years on Ambien but it's rough. I did start listening to my Kindle at night, "Sleep Solutions" by Roberta Shapiro. After about 3 weeks of it I can utilize some of it without listening to it so I'm getting to sleep faster and staying asleep longer.  I have several of these meditation/relaxation recordings but this is the first one I can say has helped me.

    Physically, I'm not well. I'm due my mammo and have a real dread about it so I'm eager to get it scheduled. It's the year and a half mark now. I still have a nasty cough and today has been the first day I have been out of the house since last Friday. I thought I was going to get through flu season, almost made it. The IBS is still with me and I blame myself for that. It comes and goes so I keep misjudging what to do about it. The hand seizures are ever present and they are weaning me off one of my meds they started me on two years ago for it; I told them then it did not help so now they want me be off it before starting another drug. It is probably another reason my emotions are all over the place. I reduce 25mg a week and have 200 more mg to go. During these times is when I think about grand mal seizures more.  Today, I pulled something in my hip so I've had to take two pain pills over the course of the evening and have no idea what this about. So, please forgive me but I have to get this out to someone and this is the only safe place to say it, but I'm worried cancer has taken up residence somewhere else. I seem to be having more aches and pains and I never take a pain pill but here I am tonight imagining the worse! 

    DH is on his way home from CA and he feels we are in great need of some time to work through my concerns. I am relieved. I just need to bury my resentment, I can get so sarcastic and for whatever reason, I'm mad his Dad taught him to protect his inheritance in the event I would ever divorce him! I actually yelled at that dead man the other night. But, we will talk through this and we will walk through this. I so thank all of you for praying because the other night I was too mad to ask God for help and you did it for me. I know because He seemed to be right at my shoulder reminding me of things even when I wanted to ignore Him. I finally gave it to Him. Didn't want to though!

    I'm sure everyone is in bed. I'm waiting on DH to get in, late flight. My prayers for all of you, especially Fonnie. And I'll try to remember to include info on my LE next time....Blessings and hugs, Polly

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    I thank my dear Jesus for saving my dear hubby. I thank Him for my hubby greeting me with a gentle kiss this morning that made me smile. I thank Him as he is healing our marriage. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning,

    I am thankful to Jesus for Christian friends who love us and want to keep us focused on Him.

    I am thankful that most of my Cancer surgeries and treatments over the last five years have been covered by insurance and that we are managing our finances well, with His guidance.

    I have had a couple of better days this week, so I am thankful for that as well. My daughter had given me a "Groupon " for a massage for Christmas, and I went Thursday. . The therapist was great and my shoulder pain has been almost nonexistent. Knee pain is better too. I went ahead and made another appt at the end of April.

    Ihave had Fonnie on my mind since the news yesterday, and have thought about the fun times we shared over the last four years. Those memories of her laugh and funny comments, plus some of the little things she gave me bring peace to my heart. She touched so many people in a loving way. I went to the website of the hospice where I believe she is, and it is a beautiful facility. Praying that the Lord will show her mercy and spare her any more pain.

    Remembering you all in prayer. We are all at different places on our journey, but our God is there with us. One of my favorite songs is Mandisa's "overcomer", which I sing loudly when I hear it on the radio (alone of course). I heartily recommend "God's Not Dead" if you haven't seen it. It makes you want to stand up and say"Yes!!!".

    Thankful for modern technology that helps us communicate and support friends all over the world!

    Love you all....Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    This is from Philippians 2

    In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

    Who, being in very nature[a] God,
    did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
    rather, he made himself nothing
    by taking the very nature[b] of a servant,
    being made in human likeness.
    And being found in appearance as a man,
    he humbled himself
    by becoming obedient to death—
    even death on a cross!

    Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
    and gave him the name that is above every name,
    10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
    11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    to the glory of God the Father.



    I will post more later. These verses seemed fitting as we approach Good Friday and Easter.


    Love you all,


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited March 2015

    Nancy, Not home yet,. working our way there....In Phoenix area right now, next stop Deming NM to help friends there (he has advancing Alzheimers and she is needing some help), then time in Loveland Colorado with former daughter-in-law and granddaughters. (Even though she and our son were divorced before a few years before he died, she has remained a good friend, love her like one of our own,..) We have been blessed with good in-law kids. Both of Gary's wives and Melody's husband.

    Nancy, I so admire the way you keep up on everyone and their activities, that is a real gift!!.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited March 2015

    I am thankful for my church. I have been able to go to worship the past two Sundays, and tomorrow we have a special treat as our own Sandi Patty will be leading worship. My cousin who is in the choir assures me that the roof will be raised. I am really looking forward to being there.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Afternoon sisters,

    Have a good time with my brother and his girlfriend (yes this weekend it is official). We have had two great weather days and the rains came last night. Wind storm just as we got in and buttoned everything up. It's been very relaxing and very much needed rest. I have to say it is a bit odd not taking my pill every morning and praying so now I am just praying. To stay in my routine of familiar. I think the hardest thing in all of this latest news is accepting that this is the new me and dealing with this disease is ongoing for a while. I am still believing it is my year for healing so we shall see what at Gods plan will be.

    Jean so glad you are having better days with DH. That is Gods way of showing you He hears you and our prayers.

    I will have to check to see if in posted pics yet I can't recall if I did. Have a blessed afternoon ladies.

    Daily Devotional

    God Rewards Those Who Honor Him

    What does the phrase "fear the Lord" mean? Are we expected to cower with fright in God's presence or live in continual terror and dread?

    Fear in this sense is the appropriate response of rebellious unbelievers who flaunt God's decrees. Having rejected Almighty God as a merciful Savior, they now face the grim prospect of meeting him only in his role as the holy Judge of the universe. One the other hand, for the beloved children of God — those whose sins have been forgiven by Christ — "fear the Lord" has a different connotation. The idea for believers is that of awe or stunned admiration in the presence of a great and good Creator. The implication is submissive reverence before a loving Lord, to worship God above all other things. It involves, in the words of the passage, the commitment to "seek" him.

    Notice that the promise to those who fear the Lord is that all their needs will be met. Or, as God puts it in another place, "Those who honor me I will honor" (1 Samuel 2:30).

    God's Promise to Me

    *I meet the needs of those who honor me.

    *I make sure my followers have good things.

    My Prayer to God

    You meet the needs of those who treat you with reverence, Lord. Forgive me for the times I fail to honor you. You are the majestic king of the universe — high and lifted up. As I trust in you, you fill my life with good things.

    Read Psalm 34:9-10
  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    For Nancy per her request:

    I thank Jesus for the strength and courage He has given me every day on this journey since August of 2013 when I was first dx. I thank Jesus for the peace, comfort, and His promises. I thank Jesus in advance for the strength and courage in this new phase of my journey to get me through it...through it as I will not stay! Lastly, I thank Jesus for all you amazing Warriors of Christ that He put you all in my life when I needed you the most.

    Love you all...Lucy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Hello sister warriors,

    I thank Jesus for this beautiful day. I thank Him for the love that He pours out to us every single day.

    Angie, great to hear from you. I am glad that you can see that your skin is starting to make a turn around. Thank you and Jo for all the names of God. I need to write those down. I remember looking for them once and I could not find what you both have written. I pray that once you get your life back on track that you will be a powerful witness to those who are suffering. For now you will have a strong connection to these people on a deeper level than perhaps before bc.

    Polly, strong prayers for you dear sister. Check your PM's.

    Vickie, sounds like you are enjoying the time back home. That is a real blessing that you can still be great friends with your daughter in law and family. I am sure you will be a blessing to the Alzheimer's patient and spouse. When I was a band director for many years I had three schools. I sometimes had around 180 students at a time. I had to keep so many things straight in my head it was mind boggling. I guess that paid off for me in my retirement!

    Mags, How awesome to have Sandi Patty at your church to lead the worship. Is your church where her roots are? I am so glad you are doing better and getting your life back. You are one tough woman!

    Ellen, praying for you as you grieve the impending loss of your good friend. Praying for an awesome experience when your choir performs for your Easter services. Praying that those SE's will calm down!

    Kath, praying that you get some much needed rest and relaxation this weekend. Praying that you can take one day at a time when you look at the last leg of your journey. Remember that God gave manna to the Israelites for each and every day only. He will give you the grace to tackle each day as it comes.

    Bev, praying that you are having a great time with your friends. Praying for your upcoming bike trip.

    Jean, praying that the rest of your journey goes smoothly for you and that you can count the blessings on your round trip to rads.  I love your church picture. I love churchs that have steeples like that

    Anita, praying for you to keep your eyes on Jesus and let Him take you on this journey that He has ordained.

    Lucy, I am glad that you had a couple of days of good weather. I know your section of the country tends to get lots of rain so glad you got some good days in for your camping trip. I am continuing to believe with you that this is your year of healing. I have no doubt that you will find your stride in this new normal and that Jesus will be right there every single step of the way. Thanks for sharing your camping pics with us. Looks like fun.


    I had to stop my sleeping meds as I could not longer tolerate it. I would appreciate your prayers for wisdom regarding the insomnia issue. I did get good sleep last night without it but these meds are still very much in my system and making me feel very strange.

    I pray that all of us have a good night's rest and that our bodies have a chance to heal from all the treatments and SE's that we have all had to endure.


