thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260
    edited March 2015

    thank you lord for another good day, please allow nancy some comfort and healing, in Jesus name amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2015

    O Lord, Please wrap Your arms of healing love Nancy and help

    her through her pain may she feel  Your comforting peace as You

    help to relieve and  so she may rest and enjoy sharing Your love

    with her Family. I lift her to You. In Jesus name. Amen


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Nancy hoping and praying you had a better evening.

    I am thankful for all of us sister warriors who are obedient and listen to Holy Spirit and check and post when the prayer is needed by others.

    Mema what a blessing your daughter knowing the Lord as her savior is. I pray for my daughter for her to come to know the truth.

    Jean praying for your son too. Glad he is being there for you in your need of a driver.

    Good night and blessings. Lucy


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2015

    Nancy I meant to share this the other day. Had a painting class with the gals at work and this was the result, we had a great time. I thought of you and your photo class.


    I am in the first row, second from the right.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Hello sister warriors,

    I am humbled by all of the prayers. My sleep meds don't seem to be kicking in tonight at all. I am praying for wisdom in what to do. I am absolutely certain that the pain is from a muscle going into spasm in my lower back. It is the same area I had trouble with several days ago. I have been in contact with my photography teacher and he is aware that I might miss the class tomorrow. These classes all build upon each other so taking them together and in a certain order is important. It is a sitting down class and no getting up and taking pics. I am not sure what is going to happen but I will see how the night goes and if I feel any better. I am better than when this first happened. I still have a lot of pain but it is a little less than it was. From past experience my primary doctor will only send me to another doctor so I want to make the right decision. I know how to do trigger point therapy and I did that immediately when this happened.

    Lucy, your picture looks fantastic. All the paintings look great. My artistic ability is pretty sad so I am impressed. I sent my niece and her husband some birthday money and they did a class like that and liked it so well they used the birthday money to buy art supplies.

    I am going to try to sleep. Thank you all again for your prayers. I am better than earlier this afternoon and praying for healing sleep.

    Have a good night everyone.

    Love you all


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited March 2015

    Today I am thankful for sharing.  Sometimes in our busyness we forget how to stop and share whether it's our time, a gesture, an item, the list is huge of what we can share.  I shared my time today and it was needed.  I give thanks to God for placing me where I can do so. And I share in all the beautiful prayers on here tonight.  Blessings and hope, Polly


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2015

    Nancy, I hopt this morning finds you better: if not, please please go to the doctor. I know you have a drive ahead of you also!

    Mema, amen. I am thankful for the birds singing, that my boys know his love and grace. I am grateful to be in a position at work to humbly help others.

    Lord, we give you all our praises.


  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2015

    Hello everyone, I am in need of prayer. I am having surgery tomorrow (my third) to clear an infection from my bmx back in Dec. Everytime they culture it grows nothing in the lab. The Dr's don't know what to give me. I've had both oral and iv antibotics. They work for a few weeks and then it comes back. I honestly think my body is just tired from all of this. I gave birth in August, started chemo 3 weeks later, surgery in Dec, Jan, Feb & now March. I know our God is able and I am standing on His promises. Thank you for joining me in agreement for total victory over this infection in Jesus name!!!

    God bless each one of you during your storms. Much love, prayers & hugs

    I also posted this prayer request on the prayer forum.

    Thanking God in advance for the victory.

    Blessings :)


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2015

    G and Nancy, prayed for you both.

    Today I thank Jesus for sunshine, my dear family and good Christian friends. One brought us over some homemade lasagna while I was in treatment yesterday. He is such a help to my hubby in his Christian walk.

    Love, Jean

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited March 2015

    Nancy, Here is a suggestion for your back (I have had 4 back surgeries, 2 of them fusions). Apply an icepack for 15 minutes then heating pad for 15 minutes. Ice can be a great pain reliever. Also, after doing this, if you have a vibrator, use it on that area for a few minutes. .

    Hope this suggestion works (if you haven't already tried it..) Have a wonderful day friend.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2015

    Dear sisters of faith,

    Thank you all for your support and suggestions. I do have a tens unit from years ago and I bought another electronic gadget for back pain that is still in the box. I may get one of those out and see if it will work.

    I am seeing the doctor at the place I went to last night. I will be leaving shortly. Still lots of pain but I did eventually get to sleep last night so that is what I am thankful for today plus I do have peace. I canceled my class for tonight and the teacher seemed okay with that. I had talked with him yesterday as well. I have not talked with my mom yet and her computer is not working right now. She will be very disappointed if I can't come as planned on Thursday. I will need a miracle to be able to travel then.


    G, prayers for you for your surgery tomorrow. You have so much on your plate and having a baby a little baby on top of everything. Praying for complete wisdom for the doctors and victory over all of this for you dear sister.


    I can't tell you how special you all are. None of my (non cyber) friends know what is going on but I have all of you dear friends who have lifted me up so beautifully.

    I will post more when I can.


    Love you all,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2015

    SA8PG, we have you in our prayers. Prayed/Praying for your healing and that God gives the Dr's direction and pinpoint accuracy to determine the underlaying cause of the infection.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2015

    Specific prayers to everyones individual needs. Today am grateful for Jesus Calling Deovtional. It has gotten me through many rough days, and seems to be exactly what I need each day.

    I am grateful for a supportive DH, and an incredible church family.

    PG, so glad you found your way here!

    Blessings, Kath

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2015


    Spring has sprung, chemo is done! Love and hugs to my prayer warriors


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    I thank you Jesus for my husband.

    Please pray for him ladies. He had double vision and that seens to have resolved. He also had whiplash from a fall on the ice. He has been getting headaches and yesterday his good eye developed a droop. He can't seem to open it. We went to his eye doc who couldn't find anything wrong with his eye and ordered a cat scan of his brain which is scheduled for Wednesday, April 8th, a week from tomorrow. I am worried.

    Nancy I am praying that your back feels better soon.

    G that your surgery goes well tomorrow.

    That our dear Lord Jesus meets the needs of all here.

    Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Hello ladies,

    Thanks for all of your prayers. I will make this short for now. The issue is muscular which I was pretty sure of. Vickie, they told me to ice and heat so that is what I am doing. I took a muscle relaxer and am fighting off sleep now. I have some pain meds which I won't take many. I don't do well at all with them but he gave me some anyway. He also ordered a few visits with a physiatrist which is an orthopedic doctor who does  not do surgery. I have had one in the past but she is out of my insurance network now. He is doubtful that I will be able to go to my mom's on Thursday. We'll see. I don't have the pressure of working so that used to be a big issue during times like this.

    Today I am thankful for all of you prayer warriors and for the fact that I live in an area with an abundance of doctors and clinics.

    Jean, will be praying for your DH. I can't scroll back and look at your post again. Praying that this eye thing will be nothing serious.

    Kath, you look beautiful. No one would guess the journey you have been on. Hope the SE will be fading and a distant memory soon.


    Have a good night everyone. I am too drugged up to write much more. Take care.

    Love you all,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited April 2015

    Nancy, I was checking in to see how you are doing. Thank you so much for posting a quick update. You are still in or prayers.

    Jean, DH is in my prayers and praying that the eye issue.

    Kath, looking good lady:-). When do you start RADs? Or are you having Rads.

    G, praying for your surgery.

    She-Angel, how is recovery coming along?

    Char, I miss you. I pray all is well with you and your Dear Father.

    Ellen, how are the preparations for Easter coming along?

    I started Taxmoxifen, yesterday. Praying for no to minimal side effects.

    Have a blessed evening everyone.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015

    Hi Sisters,

    Sorry it's late but I have been working on my taxes, yes I was procrastinating.

    Nancy so glad you know what the issue is and it sounds like it will be healing soon. I pray you heal quicky so you can still make it to see your mom.

    Jean praying for DH on his current issue. Keep your eyes on our Father and Hos promises.

    G praying for a great surgery and quick recovery. Sounds like you have had a rough few months. I am TNBC too so I will pm you and touch base.

    Kath you look great! How fun!

    Well ladies have a good nights sleep. Love you all and chat tomorrow. I just realized I didn't post the daily devotional...good grief.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2015

    Good Morning, Ladies;

    Thank you for your prayers for my friend Fonnie. She went to be with Jesus yesterday morning. I will miss her encouragement and positive spirit. She fought to the end. I am comforted because I know I will see her again one day.

    Enjoy the beautiful weather, if you have it.

    I am thankful to Jesus for Fonnie's life, and the friendship we had. No one close to me had dealt with breast cancer, so she was an encouragement and a blessing to me , even when her fight got harder.

    Thanks again for the prayers for her, and if you can, remember her family.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Today I thank Jesus for sunshine. Waiting for hubby to wake up. Last night we prayed for a miracle for his eye. I am hoping to get in a short walk before going to rads later. May Jesus bless and comfort Fonnies family and friends. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Ellen, so sorry to hear about Fonnie. Her suffering is over now and she is with the Lord. Prayers for the family, friends and students. Prayers for you. I know how much she meant to you.

    G. praying for your surgery today.

    Jean, praying for a good trip and an uneventful treatment today.

    My mom called me last night. It wasn't to see how I was, it was to help her with her computer. I was so drugged I had not planned on calling her yet. Oh well. She is like a child not quite getting why I can't see her tomorrow. I will see how I feel today and see if I can move some apts around so maybe I can go sometime this weekend.

    I am thankful for the beautiful sunny weather today.

    Have a great day.

    Love you all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    My chemo nurse called to say my last echo showed minor decrease in my heart function. I have been a slug since Thanksgiving so I dug out some Zumba tapes and did 1/2 hour of exercise. I hope to keep it up so my next cardio on April 21st will show improvement. I don't want to stop the herceptin / perjeta.

    Hubby's eye is still drooping. I'm concerned. Please keep praying. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2015

    Dear sisters,

    Thanks for the thoughts and prayers....the news about Fonnie shook me more than I realized. I was on my way to meet a friend for lunch and a movie, and had a minor fender bender, my fault. There was little damage to the other vehicle, but I took mine to the body shop of our local dealer....2500.00 and a week in the shop. No one hurt and we mutually agreed to take care of things without a police report. I would have been at fault if there had been a report.

    Another thanks to Jesus...I am thankful that my preoccupied mind did not cause hurt to someone else. God has been good to us in many ways.

    Again, thanks for the thoughts and prayers.


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited April 2015


    Dear Nancy and G, and

    Lucy, Angie, Kath, Bev, Jean, Debbie, Polly, and so on,

    Just got on here and found the notes, so I choose to join my faith with yours, believing God for miracles and blessings, right here in the 2015 Easter season. Rejoice! He is not dead but risen! Hallelujah!

    Love across the miles,


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited April 2015

    Dear Sisters, somehow this thread disappeared from my favorites and my brain is so fried I didn't even notice. I have caught up now, and prayers going up for your needs. I also wanted to share a snippet of Sandi Patty leading worship for us on Sunday. We are so blessed to be her home church, and her wonderful husband Don Peslis leads worship in our chapel services.

    Sandi Patty at Crossings Community Church 3/30/15

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Mags, thanks for sharing that. The worship really ministered to me today. I needed that. Sandi Patty is awesome as usual.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2015

    The video blessed my heart...Sandi Patti is a wonderful musician. Needed that today.

    Thanks for sharing.....Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Ellen, I just sent you a PM but I wanted to recreate my post that got lost on Sunday. Congratulations on your choir program that obviously blessed the congregation last Sunday. Also congratulations on building up the program. That is not easy to do. In my experience the success of the director has more to do with rapport they establish with their musicians and the personality of the director more so than formal training. The Lord is obviously using your God given talents to minister to your church and that is a beautiful thing. I am so glad that it went well and I am sure the choir members must feel blessed as well and I imagine you are feeling good about it going so well. PTL They are fortunate to have you.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited April 2015

    Ellen, so sorry to hear about Fonnie. Prayers for her family and, friends. Prayers for you also.

    G. praying for your surgery today and quick recovery.

    Jean, praying for you and DH.

    Nancy, glad you are feeling better and glad the doctor was able to point what was going on. Praying you are able to visit your Mom and feel well enough for the drive.

    She-Angel, how are you doing?

    Kath, love the picture. Looking good!

    Mags, thanks for sharing the video!

    Anita, glad to hear from you! Jesus His Risen, Yes!

    I am thankful today for our risen Lord and Savior!

    Hugs and prayers always!


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited April 2015

    I am thankful tonight for friends like Ellen.  She has reached out to me and I'm sure others in need on this board. I pray for her sorrow in Fonnie's passing and rejoice with her in Fonnie's homecoming  reunion!  Thank you Ellen for your friendship. And I'm glad you're safe after your accident.

    Nancy, I hope you are resting and that Mom gives you a pass for a few days.  I saw my doctor today for a backache and while we did an xray just to be sure, she emphasized gentle movements and the heating pad.

    Mags, was the church once called Belle Isle  and on NW Hwy before it moved north?  I haven't watched the video yet but will. 

    Jean, prayers for DH and you. Lady, Lucy, Kath, Anita and everyone else, have a peaceful night.  Polly