thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    I developed a very red patch on my non rads breast and in the fold or my leg by the hip. I was prescribed nystatin/triamcinolone ointment for a fungal infection. Hope this doesn't spread to the rads side. Yikes! Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    She please share the info for the online bible study, I would love to check this out.

    Jean praying for the new rash to heal quickly and spread.

    Kath safe journey and traveling mercies to you.

    I am well and going into Seattle tomorrow morning to pick up the new pill treatment Xeloda. Will sit with my onc nurse for a chemo teach and pick a day to start, I am thinking Monday. It's always a tough decision to know which way to go so been praying about it. Yesterday after work went for a long walk and talked to God the whole time and prayed for all of us. I have peace in heart so I trust it.

    Did any of you see the show on TBS about Cancer The Maladies? I recorded it and watched the first night. It was a three day series. My onc nurse told me about it and she said it was amazing and to check it out. See if it might be showing again if you missed it.

    Have to get ready for work, be blessed Sisiters and love and prayers to you all.

    Daily Devotional

    Yes. The Bible clearly identifies Jesus as the only means of salvation (Jn 14:6; Ac 4:12; Php 2:9 – 11). Believing in Jesus and his unique work (Ac 2:37 – 39; 16:31; Ro 10:9) is the only way to gain access to God's forgiveness. No number of good deeds can earn a person an eternal reward. No other faith system leads people to the one true God. Some people chafe at such an exclusive stance, but the words of Jesus and the apostles leave no other option (Ac 4:12; 1Ti 2:5).

    Read John 14:6
  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    I thank my Jesus for giving me the strength and will to exercise this past week. I can feel myself slowly getting physically stronger. Worry fueled by fear has been my biggest battle through this whole journey, learning to lean my work. Trust Him my lesson! Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2015

    Good afternoon, ladies;

    Felt I needed to add a comment Lucy's nurse's recommdation on the Cancer series. We recorded it, but last week was too rough emotionally to watch it. I did watch the first 2 hours this morning and found it so interesting. It was about how Cancer treatments came about and some of the doctors and scientists who devoted their lives to finding treatments, as well as a focus on Leukemia in children. Looking forward to watching the next one...I think it may focus on BC.

    I must confess...I decided to take an Arimedex holiday this week. I take generic Effexor for help with side effects, and I ran out of it...the doc was closed , so I took an Arimedex one day without it....miserable. I was able to get Two capsules of the Effexr to tide me over until they could get a refill.. Since we were going away, I decided to go away from Arimedex as well. Today I have noticed a real difference...more flexibility and and much less pain.

    I will go back on it this weekend, but at my next MO appt I am going to ask for a change of medication. I know others are available. Any input on another AI is welcome.

    Praying for your needs as well as those of your loved ones. Today I am thankful for the blessings God has given, a home, and the fact that both of us had jobs with retirement pensions. We don't throw money around, but God has blessed us with having a little extra that allows us to share with others, like the short trip we took with Clyde's sister this week. Her husband died suddenly five years ago and life has been very hard for her. She plans to retire from her school cafeteria job next month, and I'm glad we were able to help her have a stress free couple of days.

    God bless you and your loved ones...Ellen

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2015

    Hello dear sisters xoxo

    Ellen, I do not know, but am sure someone will chime in and help. Prayers for a peaceful God led decision in choosing your next medication

    Jean: when will get results from DH brain scan? Praying for your rash, and continued strength, I admire you! I start rads Monday morning 8 a.m. I have an ICD implant (defrib) that they assure me will be fine.

    Lucy: will keep an eye out for rerun. Prayers for a positive visit tomorrow, wisdom from Him as to when to startt, and contined peace. Your relationship with The Lord is one I admire. I am looking forward to sitting outside and breathing in His spring presence in TN this weekend.

    Jo-5, prayers for a clean mammo and DH

    Footrpint thanks for the lifting every day!

    Nancy are you any better? I hope you know you are surrounded and coveted in prayer. I am so hopeful you will be able to find a doc to help you. Prayers for strength, to feel His love, and some peace.

    We will be back on Sunday. Prayers appreciated for no pain from neupogen shot. I was pretty surprised to see my WBC count dropped from 2.6 to 1.8 since Monday: so oncologist said : Have a great trip, but you are getting the shot first." I had a pretty severe reaction to Neulesta shot, but have read this is better.

    Please know others not mentioned by name are always in my prayers.

    From Jesus Calling today:

    When you feel far from me, whisper My Name. This simple act, done in childlike faith, opens your heart to My Presence. Speak to Me in love-tones; prepare to recceive My Love, which flows eternally from the cross. I am delighted when you open yourself up to My loving Presence.

    Genesis 28:15, Romans 8:31; Hebrews 13:8


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2015

    Good afternoon ladies, as I sit on the deck enjoying those last bits of sunshine as the sun sets I catch up on posts and listen to all the birds in my back yard it is difficult not to feel good.

    Nancy I am sorry to hear that back is still being an issue but am relieved to hear it is a bit better.

    Positive thinking Jean, whatever is going on with the honey is a simple fix, speak it into existence.

    JO-5 keep that cold off you and good luck on Thursday at the doctors.

    Spirit Blessed, I believe Angie may have the info regarding the online bible study group.

    Blessededteacher37, Beaufort is nice and picturesque. We have been through it a few times. I like it because it is quiet but my other half likes a bit more action so we have yet to stay. I can sit on a deck for hours watching the water, he can sit about 15 minutes before getting ansy. lol

    I had the boobs expanded today, they usually do 100 ml but since I really felt nothing till 150ml that's what I got. After an hour or so during noon bible study I could feel it. Uncomfortable would not explain this I have taken 800 mg of ibuprofen and that barely took the edge off. My mother always says you feel worse sitting still so I am about to get up and do the exercises they gave me.

    I also noticed that my normal dry skin has gone dry to the 4th power above my chest and arms where I am peeling and I moisturize morning and evening. Has anyone else experience this? or any suggestions on products to try?

    Get to see the surgeon tomorrow to go over the pathology report which was excellent thanks to my heavenly father.

    Thank you Jesus for giving me feeling as they said I could be numb after surgery.

    Happy Wednesday!! Continue to see his goodness even in despair. 

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Thank you Jesus for hubby's brain cat scan going smoothly today. He gets his results in 4 days, assuming that will be Tuesday. Thank you that these results have already been arrenged for our good according to your perfect will. Thank you that my fungal infection is going to clear up easily with the help of a prescription ointment and plain old cornstarch suggested by the nurse today. Thank you that if necessary you will see to it that my echocardiogram appointment will be changed if necessary without interfering with my Herceptin / perjeta infusions. Dear Lord please watch over each precious lady on this board. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Debbie (foots) thank you for all of your support and for you lovely prayers. I pray that the Lord blesses you richly and that He blesses your dog, Faith as well.

    Jo, I am glad to hear your DH is doing well from the heart procedure. Prayers for his cold and that you will NOT get any of those germs to make you sick. I did finally pull out my new Tens unit yesterday. I went a little overboard on one area of my back and it is quite sore today and went into spasm today. I do think it helped my low back though. My pain seems to be traveling up my back and so do the spams. I have had lots of back and neck issues but haven't had continued spasms like this.

    Jean, I think that old worry and fear are things we all have to deal with. I am praying that your DH's scan shows nothing serious and that your fungal infection will leave quickly. I am so proud of you for exercising. You are doing exactly what you need to do for rads so keep it up.

    Ellen, I am praying for wisdom for you regarding the AI. I was just looking them up as I couldn't remember all the choices. I remember Vickie saying she took something and I remember thinking what is that. When I looked them up I think she is taking maybe a generic of one and that is why I didn't recognize it. Maybe she can weigh in on this conversation too.  I do think you have hung in there for a long time and obviously are having some bad SE's from Arimidex. You can certainly check out the Arimidex thread but the problem is everyone reacts differently to these drugs and some can tolerate them and some cannot. Some benefit from a change. I was seriously considering a change when my insomnia got so bad but it has improved with the help of a sleeping aid. I also figured the insomnia issue would probably be a factor for all of them as I believe for me it is that lack of estrogen that is probably causing it. In your case though I think you are certainly a good candidate for trying something else.

    I'm glad you had a nice trip with DH and SIL. Sometimes just getting out of our normal surroundings does the soul good. I am interested in this documentary that you and Lucy saw. Can you give me the name of it. I can possibly find it On Demand.

    Lucy, I can only imagine how tough these decisions are for you. I will be praying for your trip to your doctor and for peace in your decisions. You are an inspiration to all of us. Hang in there girl. I am believing for your miracle.

    Kath, I am so sorry to hear about your WBC. Total bummer! I am praying already against any pain from this shot. I am praying for a great weekend of enjoying God's beauty all around you and enjoying spending some time with DH and Forrest. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace who's mind is stayed on Thee.

    She angel, the whole concept of TE sounds very uncomfortable. I am praying for your pain as I type this. Glad that you had a good pathology report. PTL.

    I hope you all have a restful night. My original low back pain is much improved but my pain has traveled up my back a bit and still causing problems. My new tens unit is great and hopefully will continue to help.

    Love you all,



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Praying you all have a wonderful day and feel good and strong. Keep your eyes on the Lord. Have to move quickly to get to Seattle so will spend more time visiting later. Thank you for the prayers love to you all.

    Daily Devotional

    Salvation Is God's Gift

    Genesis 3 recounts the story of the fall of humanity, when Adam's sin condemned the world to a cycle of sin and despair, punctuated by death. It is because of Adam's actions that we inherited the proclivity to sin (see Romans 3:23). But rather than leave us doomed to the consequences of sin, God has promised us rebirth and new life (see Romans 6:23). This is not something we deserve; rather, it is a gift that is given to us — an example of the true and abiding love that God has for his creation (see Ephesians 2:8 – 9).

    Take some time to consider the enormity of that statement. Even though we failed God's commands, even though we fell short of God's expectations for us, God still had enough love for us that he offered us a way out of the cycle. That way out is Jesus Christ, who bridges the gap between human and divine as the mediator of a new relationship between God and humanity: a covenant of life rather than one of death (see Hebrews 12:24).

    Read 6:23
  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Today I am so grateful that Jesus has allowed me to change my echo appointment to tomorrow before my breast gets too sore from rads. He then arranged through the sweet young woman who schedules my chemo appointments to change the next 2 herceptin / perjeta infusions to an offsite nearer home. Also my son is available on such short notice to drive me tomorrow. After the echo in NYC tomorrow after rads I won't need to go down to the city till my next appointment with my chemo doc in June. Yippee! Go Lord. You are awesome. I hope you all have a blessed day in Him. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited April 2015

    Jean, I think it is so awesome that your son is making himself available for you during this time. PTL! That is a praise report. Glad he is available tomorrow on short notice. I was with a women during Chemo where she had to either drive herself or take a "uber/cab" to get to treatment I also ran into during RADs. Her family was too busy :-(. Met another man during chemo -- his son was at his side during every treatment and asking a lot of questions and ensure he had all the information to take care of his Dad and even scheduled his appts. The sweet thing is he would make sure his dad was ok and understood everything. Love it when I see adult children give back! PTL. He took time off from work to ensure he could be there with his Dad. I tear up still just thinking about it.

    Jean, praying for your DH.

    Lucy, praying the trip today, doctor's appt and the decisions that are before you.

    Nancy, praying that your find relief for your back.

    Anita, God had me praying for you yesterday. How are you dear Sister.

    Ellen, same God had me praying for you yesterday too. How are things?

    Debbie (Foots), so glad to see you on this thread also.

    Today I am thankful that I am had a great conversation with my Manager and work. That God had me switch jobs before my DX as he knew (Jehovah Roi) and saw everthing that needed to be in order for this journey. He removed from a very stressfull job with lots of travel. I was offered a job that came to my doorstep 3 times before I decided to apply. I told my husband for this job to come to me 3 different ways that is only God -- especially if I was not looking to move. He allowed me to work for a company and specifically a manager ( and yes he is a man) that was so nurturing, caring and flexible. With that said he is a no-nonsense manager but yet not cares about people! I am so thankful that I obeyed and let God order my footsteps. PTL!

    On the mend, skin feels much better. Tender and shooting pains but much better. PT has lymphedema of the arm and breast undercontrol. PTL! Working with PCP on ongoing GI tract issues that are still there after chemo but again those are being managed. Looking for a nautrapath to discuss supplements, etc. Does anyone here have experience with a naturapath? Also acupuncture. I find after our "months" of treatment that it is up to us to take the bull by the horn. Even though I have on going appts with MO I am finding there are no real recommendations outside of exercise. My MO really doesn't come down on oneside or the other on supplements. I do read that on other threads some MOs do make additional suggestions / recommendations. Not sure why my MO doesn't.

    Blessings, hugs and praying always.


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2015

    Pathology report was great, cancer gone, lymph nodes were negative and so were the nodules in the other breast. The doctor said that I am in recovery mode, yay I even got to sign the tree. I have to go back every 3 months but all in all good news. Prayer works wonders. Praise be to God.

    Now as for the expanders, I got 2 hours of sleep last night with the ibuprofen and finally got up and set in a chair. I called the doctor's office for more muscle relaxers so I am hoping that will help tonight. I fell asleep in the car on the way home from the doctor's office so there is hope for sleep. Praying for better days and nights for us all.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015

    Afternoon Ladies,

    It was a quick trip to Seattle to meet with nurse Onc. I have my new weapon of choice, the Xeloda to hit round 2 of this fight.  I am also armed with some other meds for diarrhea, nausea and vitamin B6 to.  Will have the magic mouthwash if I need it down the road.  The possible se's of this drug are hand and foot soreness and redness, possilbe mouth sore and diarrhea and nausea are the most common.  So I will be working from home next week as I plan on starting on Monday.  I feel confident in my decision and feel strong and focused to fight this and kick cancers butt!  I have too much to look forward too and just do in my life to let it keep me down.  Thank you all for your prayers and support on this thread.  It sure is amazing to have all of you in my life right now.  I know it is a big part of why we are all so strong being strong for one another.  So thank you again...means a lot.

    Well gonna rest up for a bit and then tackle dinner.  I am so hoping to hear from Anita soon as I know she started this drug a while back and haven't heard from her for a couple of weeks.  Praying for you Anita and know I am praying for you through this journey.

    So glad we have our Lord with us on this journey as well...He is my rock and my strength daily.

    More later...Lucy

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    After numerous back and forth calls to rads schedulers and cardio folks I have an appointment at 1:30 in NYC for my echo. I have to get up a little after 5am to get to rads at 8:15 then hope that I can tolerate the echo. My rads breast is getting sensitive. I also have an early appointment with the Jewish social worker Rachel that I witnessed to 2 weeks ago. She said she would read Isaiah 53. Please pray for her and for our meeting to be led by the holy Spirit. Love, Jean

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2015

    I praise You, O Lord for giving me hope, When I was lost

    and had no way to run, You saved me. You turned  my life

    around and gave me a positive anticipation for the future.

    You gave me hope not only for the future here on this earth,

    but for the future into eternity. I seek Your wise guidance Lord.

    Let my mouth praise You. Let me honor You with everything I

    do. Through You I experience  a spiritually rich life filled with

    enthusiasm and joy. As I synchronize my walk with Yours, I know

    I can't lose. You, dear Lord, are my desire, my existence, my entire

    being. Some say You don't care about Your children. But I know

    it isn't true. You cause Your favor  and love to shine upon me--

    not only upon me , but on all those that serve You. I praise You

    for being my tower of refuge, my place of safety when things go

    wrong. How grateful I am for the way You bring me through countless

    challenges and bless me beyond measure. You have a way of weaving

    Your blessing of calm assurance in and out of everything in my life.

    Hope in You proved true yesterday. Hope in You still abides today.

    And Your certain hope same remain tomorrow. Thank You Lord. I praise Your name!

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2015

    Good afternoon, sisters of Faith and Prayer Warriors,

    Hoping you are each having a day full of blessings, whether it's feeling good physically or a special surprise or treat from a friend, or good news from a doctor.

    Trying to fit in a lot of things into today; Went with DH to get an oil change in his car, and was supposed to pick up my car from the body shop, but going to have to wait until late this afternoon. We had some bad weather, including wind and hail earlier this week, and I think that may have slowed down their schedule.We ended up coming back home, and will have to drive back across town in a little while. Also having to go to a visitation tonight for a faithful-to-the-Lord woman (also a BC survivor) we know, as well as trying to squeeze in a last visit with Clyde's sister before she heads back to Ohio tomorrow.

    The Arimidex holiday this week has helped my sleep but I think some of my leg issues could be arthritis and varicose veins as well as SE from the drug. I have enjoyed going to sleep in 15 minutes vs. 2 hours (on the drug). Will start back this weekend, at least until I can talk to my MO.

    Saw my school friend who kept me informed on Fonnie...she said the Memorial Service lasted 3 hours. I have seen many things this week that reminded me of her..little sayings on Tshirts, an ice cream dish she gave me, the bc coffee mugs we had alike (I gave her one like mine with scripture). I know she is in Heaven, happy and whole. I'm trying to focus on that.

    Praying for all of you...I have become so much more aware of the needs of others through this thread. I so admire those of you who have fought long and hard, as well as those who are just now bravely dealing with a diagnosis and beginning treatment. Your fight has made me so thankful for what God has done for me. Last year this time I was preparing to start radiation after the second diagnosis. After viewing 2 of the 3 episodes of the Cancer documentary on PBS, I understand and appreciate the scientists and doctors who have dedicated their lives to learning how this disease occurs, and how to treat it so more lives can be saved. I am blessed to have a team of doctors and staff that know me by name and have been honest with me when I was floundering around, looking for the right answer.

    Hoping all have a great weekend...hoping most of you are seeing some signs of spring!

    God bless you all, and may the peace of our Lord Jesus give you rest...Ellen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Today I thank Jesus for finishing 4 of 6 weeks of radiation. Also for getting my echo done with minimal discomfort and my oldest son driving me both to rads and down to the city for the echo. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015

    Afternoon Ladies,

    Oops forgot to post my devotional. I'm such a Hope all are having a wonderful day...remember God loves us all so very much.

    Daily Devotional

    How Does Jesus' Gift of Salvation Benefit Believers?

    When humans sin, they create a barrier between themselves and God. The price for sin is death (see Romans 6:23); however, 1 Thessalonians 5:9 – 10 indicates that by his grace God provided a substitute for us: Jesus, who "died for us" to pay the penalty for our sin.

    To better understand the salvation Jesus provides, we must view it in the broader context of the story of the Bible. Genesis details the creation and rebellion of the human species. Humankind's rejection of God and God's response is the theme of the remaining narrative of the Bible — it colors every page. Old Testament prophecies point to a time when the world as we know it will end and judgment will take place. However, these prophecies also point to the coming Messiah who will redeem the lives of those who trust in him.

    Salvation is not only a future reality but also a present one. Jesus rewarded the faith of the bleeding woman and of the blind man and literally saved them from their afflictions, as the Greek word translated "healed" actually means "saved" (see Mark 5:34; 10:52). Faith has a reward dimension in this life, sometimes in tangible benefits like physical healing and sometimes in intangibles such as comfort, peace, security and freedom.

    Salvation also has a spiritual quality that benefits believers — both now and in eternity. Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:9 – 10 that believers will live with Christ in this world (when we are "awake") and in the next (when we are "asleep"). Because of Jesus' salvation, believers can be confident about both the present and the future.

    Read 1 Thessalonians 5:9, 10


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2015

    It is good to read the positive things folks are experience and thanking God for. We had a hellacious storm last night that lasted 4 hours. It took out the cable, the internet and the house phone. It was out untll 2 hours ago I couldn't even get WiFi with my cell. They say another will be coming through tonight. It was kind of nice not knowing things because the minute I turned on the news I saw that a 28 year old father of 2 was struck by lightening at a shopping center up the street that I frequent. I pray for his family who now have a most unexpected tradgedy to get through. Makes me remember that tomorrow is not promised we must live each day, even when it hurts.

    The muscle relaxer did help me sleep however I felt groggy all day and napped more than usual.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Happy Friday to all our prayer warriors,

    I have been praying for needs as they have come in.

    Angie, glad things are on the mend for you as far as the skin healing and LE under control. Praying that as days pass your GI issue will get back to normal. It is wonderful to see how God orders our steps and prepares things for us in advance. PTL that your work situation is such that you have a caring manager. How is your online Bible study going? BTW Kath did acupuncture and loved it. If you scroll back a little she talks about it. She is visiting in TN this weekend and may not be posting until she gets back.

    Lucy, I prayed for your trip to Seattle and now praying that Xeloda will do it's thing so you can do yours! Keep your great attitude going because that is such a great weapon in your arsenal to fight this battle.

    She Angel, I am praying that this pain will be more manageable. I am glad to hear you got more than 2hrs sleep so that is a big improvement. I know what you mean about those meds. I could only tolerate them for three days and I had to say that is enough. Pain is bad but the SE of the meds for me was intolerable. Praying that you will get some relief.

    Jo, thanks for the advice on the tens unit. I am going to use it again this evening. I wanted to give my muscles a chance to recover a bit. I am glad that your scans didn't show anything. That is too bad about your doctor leaving. I had my gyny for years and he retired without telling us. I had no idea what I was going to do. I did get a recommendation from my primary doctor's nurse and I went with the doctor she suggested. I love this man. Hopefully you will have the same good fortune in your replacement doctor as I did.  I am glad your DH is on the mend and that you did not catch any of this from him. PTL for that.

    Jean, I prayed for you for your NYC apt and I am glad to hear that it went well and that your son made himself available. Praying also for DH's scan that it is nothing serious with his eye. Can you see the finish line approaching. You are almost done. Wow! You have done so great handling this really long drive everyday. You go girl!

    Debbie (foots) thank you for all of your lovely posts. I know you don't like to share your needs but I know you have challenges and know you are loved and prayed for here. Give Faith a hug for me too.

    Kath, praying that you are enjoying your time in TN with your DH and your son. I hope you had a good time to check out Hunter Haus today. It didn't look like there was great weather down your way but not sure if you caught the rain or not. Praying that your back is cooperating and that your SE are nonexistent.

    Ellen, hope you finally get your car back. I know you have had a busy time with relatives. You certainly have had your share of visitations and funerals these past few months. I know you will probably think of your friends you have lost and especially Fonnie. The amazing thing is we will all get to meet in heaven so it is only a temporary separation. I hope you can get in to see your MO and have a discussion about the meds. I sure hope that your leg issues are not arthritis. It is always hard to know what is attributed to what. Hope you have some time to kick up your feet and relax this coming week as  you have been on the go the past one for sure.

    We have had some pretty scary weather yesterday. The devastation left behind by the tornadoes is fairly close to where I used to live and teach at the beginning of my career. It just goes to show how quickly our lives can change and that it is only by the grace of God that we have each day. Each of those days are a gift. Thank you for your prayers for my back. I can now get in and out of my car without horrible pain and I am certainly grateful for that. I am still very uncomfortable as something is sitting on a nerve and my neck muscles are as tight as a fiddle. One area seems to affect all the surrounding ones. I am praying that I will be able to get to my mom's in May. I have planned on staying with her for three weeks. We would both be terribly disappointed if I can't do that.

    Praying for all of you tonight and that you have a good night's sleep.




  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2015

     When things of this world crushed in and cause me to tremble, You carried me.

    Father, When I poured out my troubles to others and could find no one to really

    understand, You carried me. When I faltered and lost my way and struggled to put

    one foot in front of the other, You were the One who carried me. Now I know to lean

    on my own abilities. Although my friends and loved ones are dear, You are the One

    I can completely depend upon. I no longer try to be strong, for my strength lies in You.

    Thank You, dear Lord, for stooping down, picking me up in Your loving arms, and carrying

    me. Thank You for helping me never to give up. No matter  the circumstances, I praise You

    for being with me and showing me the way. When I am unable to see around the next bend

    and wonder if there  really is a light at the end of the tunnel, Your light leads the way. I praise

    You, Father, for still carrying me. Someday these trials will be over. I look forward to the day

    when You carry me once more with You in heaven. In the meantime, Father, I"ll keep trusting,

    serving, and leaning on You.

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2015

    I have come across a song that I hope you all can relate to as much as I can. Enjoy.

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited April 2015

    I am so thankful that this thread is here! I read it every day and at night.  I see such strength that it strengthens me, especially on those days when I don't want to be strong.

    I haven't been posting as I'm using my tablet a lot and typing is much harder for me. The reduced meds has reduced my hand use significantly. Just about any use & it seizes. But the good news is I'm halfway off this one drug. If the seizing gets worse though they are going to stop the process & I'll have to start a new drug while still on this one and the whole thing starts over again. Frustrating so I'm trying to endure it for a bit longer.

    I'm sorry to not list everyone's name; my one handed typing it would take awhile! But, I pray for each of you as I read & am so thankful for you.  Sleep well and much relief and blessings to you all...Polly

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Today I thank Jesus for a glimpse of sunshine when I woke up. As I watch the clouds causing the sunshine to come and go, He reminds me of how much light changes things. The visual beauty, my mood, the ability to see details etc. How much more, His presence as light of the world changes everything. Jesus please make your presence known to all of us as we enjoy a weekend of healing and peace. I was thinking last night of how isolated I've become during this journey that started last July when a lump was found during my yearly mamo. Connecting here has become one of my few points of contact. For me this journey has caused me to withdraw into myself and I think learning to lean more on Him. I who was always very social am finding myself strangely content in being alone. While I don't want to be a hermit, my desperate need of people seems to have disappeared. Has anyone else experienced this? Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2015

    Sitting at a Starbucks in Rock City, a few minutes away from Covenant College on Lookout Mtn. God has blessed us this weekend with some beautiful spring signs: birds, trees, the beauty of the mountains, and rivers.

    We did get the storm which only caused a late start to Hunter Haus. Hung my Praise "sign" on the mantel with pride. Had lunch with old friends, came back to our cozy cabin and ordered in dinner for DH and Forrest.

    Today is double header. Weather should be 73 and sunny. I love being on the mountain for his games: they play praise music in between innings. I just love his Christian college and the man he is becoming.

    My SE's are tolerable PTL: She, hang in there: Jean, you too-- Nancy, prayers continue daily throughout the day for your back I feel like you will be able to travel in May to see mom

    So grateful for this thread: Jean, point well taken. I go into myself also.

    Blessings and hugs


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2015

    Good afternoon sisters,

    Glad that many of you are healing from treatments and surgeries. Even on days we don't feel well, the beautiful spring sunshine and awakened nature lifts our spirits. God is so good to us!

    Had lunch with a friend that I used to work with, then we went to see Cinderella. Her husband didn't care to go and Clyde didn't seem enthusiastic either so we girls went. Nice to see something with a good story and positive lesson.

    Going back on Arimidex Monday. The biggest improvement is sleep. I'm still have some joint pain and stiffness, but not as bad. I will try to "tough it out" until my next appt with my MO. I may have to see him sooner than 3 months. Even my friend noticed how much difficulty I have walking.

    Praying for you all...I am thankful for my salvation, as well as for a loving Lord. I am thankful for all of you and your prayers. I am thankful for each day He gives us.

    During my BC journey there have been many times I felt alone. Being an only child, I don't mind not having people around...I grew up used to that. But it has been nice to have kind, caring people to send words of encouragement and who pray for you. I wish I had known about this at my first diagnosis, but so glad I found this while recovering after my second. God bless you all...hoping you can make it to worship tomorrow.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Happy Spring,

    I haven't been able to take any pics recently but I did get these at my house (inside and out) before they were gone.






  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2015

    How Much Does God Love You?

    Do you ever look up

    to see the stars at night?

    Have you tired to count them all

    or imagine their number,

    feeling  small and insignificant

    and overwhelmed at the sight?

    Do you ever try to picture

    the Hand that put

    each star in it's place,

    that knows their number,

    and---more importantly---

    knows that you are looking up

    to the vastness

    of His universe?

    He sees your face,

    hears your thoughts

    and reads Your heart.

    God loves You more then

    all the stars in the heaven

    The endless amount of love

    that He is always sending you,

    and His love is always there to cover

    every moment of your life.    Barbara Hall

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015

    Morning Sister Warriors,

    Praying you all are able to go church today to get a refill for the week. I know I need it. Also if you have an opportunity to go up after church for prayer, please consider it. I know I am today for my week ahead.

    I picked up my new weapon on Thursday and also have an arsenal of drugs for the side effects that are possible. I claim I will not have those side effects as my body will be strong and function the way it's supposed to function. The way God made it to function and the new drug will continue the shrinking and I am expecting a Jesus Mighty Name I pray...AMEN!

    Daily Devotional

    A major passage for understanding God's grace, i.e., his kindness, unmerited favor and forgiving love. you have been saved. "Saved" has a wide range of meanings. It includes salvation from God's wrath, which we all had incurred by our sinfulness. The tense of the verb (also in v. 5) suggests a completed action with emphasis on its present effect. through faith. See Ro 3:21–31, which establishes the necessity of faith in Christ as the only means of being made right with God. not from yourselves. No human effort can contribute to our salvation; it is the gracious gift of God.

    Read Ephesians 2:8
  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Happy Sunday to our sister warriors,

    Carren, thanks for sharing that song. I hear that a lot on my Christian radio station and I really love it. I saw them in concert a couple summers ago. They are really good and I believe are sincere in there love of the Lord. The lead singer was either just going to be married or just was. The funny thing is I saw his wife to be in a concert a few weeks before and didn't realize the connection until he talked about her. These concerts were in different cities.  I can't remember either one of their names now but I remember her saying that they both made vows of celibacy before marriage. You don't hear that statement very much in the times we live in now. I was impressed.

    Polly, our continued prayers for you dear sister. I am sorry that this process is taking so long for you to get off this drug and so very sorry that it is causing you all of these difficulties with your hands. I can only imagine how hard that must be because I know you have been dealing with this for a long time. Hang in there. We all have our days and I have had my share of them lately so I get it. So does the Lord and He is always there with His arms outstretched waiting for us to connect with Him.

    Ellen, hope you and your choir made beautiful music to the Lord today and that Clyde had a great message that touched the congregation.  

    Debbie (foots) prayers that you have a wonderful Sunday and that your battles are all manageable. Give Faith a hug for me. Cammie says hi as well.

    Jean, I continue to pray for you as you only have two more weeks to go. I have seen you grow in the Lord so much on this journey. PTL

    Kath, praying that you and Pat make it home safely. It sounds like you had a great time in TN and hopefully you were feeling good and had some time of nice weather. Praying for you as you start rads tomorrow.

    Lucy, I am believing for your miracle and I stand with you in this prayer. Praying that this new drug will do it's intended purpose with very manageable SE if any at all. You can do this. You are a fighter and a survivor. Hang in there girl.


    Praying that you all have a wonderful Sunday. I was not up to going to church as I had planned but will have my time alone with the Lord.


    Love you all,
