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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited December 2010

    Thank you Jo, that's beautiful.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited December 2010

    Yes thanks Jo for the reminder of who Jesus truly is and that we can safely rest in Him.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited December 2010

    I'm a chronic worrier too, so I understand completely.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited December 2010

    One of my favorite quotes...."Every evening I turn my worries over to God.  He will be up all night anyway." :)

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited January 2011

     I do need to turn all my cares over to God all day. With Dad calling me on the phone so many times daily not knowing what he is doing I am so very stressed. I pray I have the strength to calm his fears till the lord brings him home.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Kira1234, my prayers are also with you.  Hang on to the Lord's promises.  Open and read a Psalm daily for strength.


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2011

    Kira1234, I'm there with you only it's my mom instead of my dad.  Every day brings new or added stress.  I so understand what you are experiencing.  Mom lives with me part-time and my sister who is only a couple of miles away the rest of the time.  We both work jobs, so Mom is alone for a few days a week.  We call her often to check on her and pray daily that we won't get home to find her on the floor.  Someone once told me that where God's finger points, His hand provides.  He lets nothing touch us without it touching Him first.  I agree with Patoo's advice.  Read a Psalm every day.  It is so comforting.  Hang in there!

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited January 2011

    I'm encouraged after reading many of your posts and testimonies. What a positive and supportive thread.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Eve Barry, thanks for sharing.  I can relate with you, that even though I'm not ready to die, the thought of being with Jesus is thrillilng.  I think it's why so many of us on these boards find peace because we know what awaits us. 

    What an AWESOME GOD!

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited January 2011

    Just heard from my doc today about my recent biopsy. I am for the third time dx with cancer, this time it's invasive. I don't know much more. I'm not worried, just not sure if to finally go for a mx with reconstruction or do another lumpectomy. The dx was on the good breast. All depends. Appreciate your prayers in this decision. is wonderful to know that we have a Rock to stand on!

    patoo...I was a little fearful of death until I got my first bc dx. The fear of death is gone. We don't die...we past from life to life. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. I do enjoy living on planet earth. I have a wonderful life.

  • Aiguo21
    Aiguo21 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2011
    There are abounding humans aural the physique of Christ that accept been alleged airy Hannah's. pass4sure 310-200 God has acclimated your lives as airy wombs area the Holy Spirit has buried adorable visions and dreams. pass4sure 642-691 You accept agitated these visions and accustomed them to abound abysmal aural admitting the apparent signs of barrenness and acutely fruitlessness in the accomplished years. And like Hannah, year afterwards year, you did not stop arrant out to the Lord to accompany to activity all that you've sensed growing central of you. pass4sure SK0-003 You accept faced provocation, you accept cried absinthian tears. Like Hannah, you accept been mistaken for a bashed because of your atrocious cries for help.
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Hi barry, sorry about your latest dx and will keep you in prayer.  I also am not ready to depart this earth but whatever or whenever the Lord decides is okay with me.  Made a lot of mistakes or bad choices but also hope I have done some good along the way. 

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited January 2011

    Jo, Rocket, Patoo, Thanks for you kind words. Rocket my prayers are with you and your Mom also. I understand how hard it can be juggling work family ect.  I am so glad I've had this time with my Dad even though it is hard at times. I am so glad my brothers have been able to come to say goodby to him. The younger one just left today, and the older brother is coming Monday evening. In many ways it is harder on them being so far away.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2011

    Thanks Kira.  I appreciate the prayers greatly.  Mom fell today having another of her episodes of confusion.  We have an appointment with the neurologist on Wednesday and the sooner the better.  Fortunately she wasn't hurt during her fall, but we don't feel like she can be left alone at all lately.

  • paamboli
    paamboli Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2011

    I was reading the pages of this wonderful forum about a week ago, and saw a beautiful picture of The Blessed Mother that I had never seen before. I cannot stop thinking about it, or visualizing it in my mind. I have no idea what page it was on, or who posted it. Could someone help me locate it again? I would also like to know the painter and the location of the portrait.

    Thank you,


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    paamboli, there's a picture one page back, 33.  Is that the one?  If so maybe PM the poster and ask her if she has more info.

    Hi to all my friends here (which are all of you!)

  • paamboli
    paamboli Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2011





  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2011

    Been off the boards for a while but back (not caught up yet!).

    JO ...  I am grateful for your thought today.  I continuously wrestle with staying the course but this thread helps, a lot.

    I've spent so much of my life being negative that looking on the bright side is not my first destination but I am trying to see the good in all things

    God bless you all and thank you for sharing your faith with me.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    JO, what about the third boss who is feared but not loved?  Does that equate to the "Christian" who only follows because of rote, tradition or just a desire to avoid the lake of fire?  I know some people who think that.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2011

    Even if there are Christians who follow for those reasons, sooner or later, they will know the truth, feel the truth.  Just being around others of the same ilk rubs off.  God knows what is in our hearts.  Any path to Him is good.

    I don't know about the fear part.  I know I love God and I certainly respect Him.  But fear, in its most common definition, is not what I feel.  I want to please Him and follow Him because of his unconditional love for me.  That's a very special gift and I am humbled before Him.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    I don't think 'fear' is used in the most common definition when it is about our Lord.  It has been explained to me but I can't, right at this moment, explain it.  I was thinking that those Christians, who follow for the reasons I wondered about above, are not necessarily being around others of the same ilk except on Sunday morning (or Saturday evening or whenever they come together to worship).  But, you're right, and eventually, we can only hope, the Holy Spirit that lives within will be victorious in their lives and soften the heart.

    I, like you, am always humbled before Him.  Even as I write on this thread I can feel his presence and it gives me peace.  Beyond understanding - for sure.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited January 2011

    Thanks Jo for bringing up an interesting point. After being a church slacker for years, I rejoined a church last year and started reading the Bible again. But it wasn't until I read some books by Emmett Fox that I understood that the way words are used and understood today aren't necessarily how they are meant in the Bible. I always found it disheartening that God wanted us to fear Him; but respect Him, I can understand and it doesn't take away from my understanding of God as a loving God.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2011

    Our Lord is an awesome God.  It's amazing that He meant it to be this way, that we would suddenly come to an understanding, little by little and bit by bit.  It's so special when I'm reading something in His Word and a light comes on - that "AHA" moment.  Mekes me smile each time it happens.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2011

    I think it has little to do with being afraid of Him but more offering reverential awe.

    Patoo ... I like what you said - little by little and bit by bit.  In everything, that's exactly how we learn and come to have knowledge - true knowledge.

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited January 2011

    Well my Dad is finally home with the lord after a long week vigal. It's funny how the Lord works, the day Dad died is the same day I had my first 6 month mammagram, and all looked good. I was to have the 6 month follow up 2 weeks earlier but there was a mix up with the appointment. I feel the Lord dthis to give me some joy in my sorrow.

  • marxi
    marxi Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2011

    Hi, my name is Marxi.  I live in Ontario and am a born-again Christian.  It's great to see this thread.  I, too, want to follow and live for Him. 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited January 2011

    Kira: my condolences and prayers are with you and your family.

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2011

    Kira--So sorry about your dad, may our Abba Father give you peace.

    Hi Marxi!  Welcome :)

    Jo--I like your explanation of fearing God.  We are not to be afraid of Him, but have respect, awe and reverence.  He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, the Great I Am. Sometimes people try to bring Him down to our human level, but He is so far above us that it is hard to even understand with our human minds.  Nor can we understand the great love He has for us.  :) 

    Have any of you ever done a Beth Moore Bible study?  I haven't until now.  I'm doing "Breaking Free" and it is pretty intense. I started it thinking that there really isn't anything that's holding me captive right now, but I think there are things God is going to show me that I never realized. The way things worked out, I know He wanted me to do this study--I'm not there by accident!  I'm excited to be digging so deep in His word and drawing ever closer to Him!

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2011

    Kira ... I am so sorry about your Dad but he's in a wonderful place.  I believe the Lord provided for you and I am so happy you had a good result on  your mammagram. 

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited January 2011

    JO-5 It's nice to really meet you. I'm still mostly bald so no pictures till I have more hair. Had to fight my superitendent at school, he wanted pictures of all of us at the christmas reading for the paper. I won.