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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Dollyd
    Dollyd Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2011

    Welcome Sherry,


  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited February 2011

     Thanks everyone not so good news stage 2 breast cancer. Have to have MRI on the 16th,oncologist on the 21st and back to him on the 28th.  Now it is time to still trust God and get through all of this.  They were talking Chemo first to shrink it. But will know more about it after the other Doctor.  Need everyone more than ever now.  I am sure I will have a lot of questions.  He said the insurance might not pay for the test.  Why not? I am going to call in morning to see.  I pray they will amen.

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2011

    lynniea--what test?  The MRI?  I don't see why they wouldn't cover it unless you have some special kind of insurance.  I've had all kinds of tests done, and insurance has covered everything.  But, yes, do call so you know. 

    I'm so so so sorry about the cancer.  I will keep you in my prayers.  I have used my 2 cancer diagnoses as a time to really draw near to God.  I've learned so much about myself and my Lord through all this.  Prayer time and Bible time are much more important to me now--that is how we get to know God, and I'm sad I wasted so many years just reading here and there.  Call to Him, and He will draw near to you--no matter what He is there!  If I can do anything to help, let me know.  Check out my blog if you want.  I have a tab there with some Bible verses that have helped me.  And when I didn't know what to read, I just opened Psalms and started reading.

    Keep us posted on what is going on!


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited February 2011

    Hi ladies, I need your prayers. They biopsied the ovaries from my ooph and found ovarian cancer in both. It was a total shock to me and the doctor as this was just prophylatic surgery to remove my source of estrogen. The gyn doc said my MO  probably saved my life by recommending this surgery. Supposedly, it's early cancer; but I go to a new doctor, gyn onc., on Feb 22 to see where we go from here. All I know for sure is that another surgery will be done to see if there has been any spread.

    Everyone keeps telling me how lucky I am; my BC was caught on a routine mammogram; and now this ovarian cancer was found from an elective surgery. I 'm torn between believing God has led me here for a reason and keeps giving me chances to be saved/cured, so what do I do now? I want to do whatever He wants me to, but I have no idea what that is. Another part of me is scared that this is it. TWO cancers in 9 months? What are the odds of that?

    I don't know what to think at this point, I'm simply asking God to help me and my DH who is hurting too.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2011

    Lynniea ... so sorry to hear the news.  Will pray for strength to see you through this.  Hang on ... God will help you. 

    Tina ... I couldn't agree more ... I, too, have drawn closer to God because of BC and certainly gained more knowledge about who I am.

    I have been absent from this thread for a while.  Welcome to all the newbies.  This is a great place to come for spiritual peace.  Sometimes it is good to just come here and be among other christian women who strenthen my faith and remind me who's in charge.  Thank you - your belief and faith comfort me and sustain me.

    My humblest prayers for all who face adversity in their lives at this time.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Lynniea and ladyinbama my heart goes out to both of you.  (((((((((((((((CYBER HUGS)))))))))))))))))

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2011

    LadyinBama, SO SORRY! You are not alone in 2 cancers back-to-back. I was dx with colon cancer 2/6/09, and when I finished tx for that I had my routine mammo and was dx with bc on 4/1/10.  It is a shock, I know.  I'm glad yours was caught right away.  God's hand was in that.  Why He doesn't just take it all away, I don't know.  But I do know that He walks through it with us.  And sometimes He does heal completely--so never give up praying for healing!  For me, I just keep praying, keep getting prayer at church, and keep pressing in to His Word.  You will be a wonderful example of faith to those around you!  I will be praying for you this morning.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2011

    Dearest LadyinBama, I am so sorry to hear about this new challenge. I know you just need a few days to adjust to this, but I know that once you have a treatment plan in motion, your fighting spirit and courage will get you through this again and of course with the Great Physician and Healer on your side. Please know that I will pray for you every day!!!!! God bless you, Kathy

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited February 2011

    Kathy: Thank you so much for your sweet PM.

    TMarina: I didn't know you were a double winner :(

    Thanks to all for the prayers and support. Love you.

  • marxi
    marxi Member Posts: 40
    edited February 2011

    Lady, I am praying for you.  He loves you so much.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited February 2011

     Finally able to post.  I don' like unable to post often.  I have been very emotional today due to telling my family the news.  They have been very supportive. I have a chance to go to a support group at the hospital where I will have my surgery.  Should I go?  Trying to stay busy so not to think so much.  I also down loaded a book for my kindle.  It is called "Breast Cancer: The Complete Guide Fifth Edition" It is written by Doctor and oncologist.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2011


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2011

    Dear Lynniea, I am praying for you and all the ladies on this thread every day. I went to a few support groups during treatment. I found them to be very helpful.  I found many of my Christian friends at these support groups. God bless you, Lynniea and know we are all here for you, Kathy

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Ladies I need some prayer.  I just started my Tamoxifen this last Monday and I have had terrible insomnia.  I was taking it at night the PA at the MO's office suggested I take it in the morning so I switched.  It does not make a difference.  I wake up about 2 hours after going to sleep and then I will eventually go back to sleep for about an hour wake up again and that is it.  The last couple of days I have taken ambien cr and that has helped I will sleep 5 hours and that is it.  I normally sleep 8-9 hours so I am weary from lack of sleep.  Spoke to the PA again yesterday and he says 9% have this side effect it is not very common and we just need to see if my body will adjust to the medication because there is not an alternative to tamoxifen.  He said lets give it two weeks and see how I do. If I don't adjust then they could try lupein shots to put me in menapause and then try the AL's if they work then I could have an oomph.  I'm not completely against that as I have already had a hysterctomy but I hate to go to all that trouble.  So I am asking for prayers that my body will get used to the tamoxifen and I will start getting some sleep. 

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2011

    Oh Lady - you will be in my prayers!  God is with you and even when you are hurting, He's there.  Listen for His voice.  Read His word and trust that He will never leave or forsake you.  You are His child, bought with a great price - the blood of our Savior.  I don't understand either why bad things happen to those who believe and trust in Him. but I do trust His sovereign hand over all things.  If I could understand everything about God, then He wouldn't be a very big God.  Rest in His arms and fill yourself up daily with Scripture.  The Psalms are very helpful.  Please keep us posted.  I like to pray specifically.  I'm thanking Him that you found it early and I am praying for healing.

    Lynniea - Your feelings are all very normal.  I personally went to one support group meeting.  I broke down crying because it was early in my diagnosis and I was completely overwhelmed.  I never went back because I was so embarrassed.  I decided instead to get on this board and have found other believers with such compassion and care for me.  We're all here for you and are praying for you.  Please keep us posted.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited February 2011

    Rocket, Jo, Marxi, all: Thanks for the prayers and words of encouragement. I had a good day today. DH and I just got out and ran errands, ate lunch, just goofed off. It was a beautiful day here, sunny, about 60 degrees. I forgot about cancer of any kind for a little while! It's all in God's hands, and I'm going to do my best to remember that and just go about my business until I see the new doc on Feb. 22 and see what we do next.

    Sherry: Not to say that surgery is what you should do, but my ooph was no big deal at all, if it's the actual surgery you are concerned with. Mine was laproscopic, so no big scars or anything. I had it Monday, and by Thursday, I was rocking and rolling again :)

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2011

    LadyinBama, my DH and I have been praying for you every day and we plan to continue.  Your positive attitude is a testimony to us all!  I doubt I could handle it so gracefully. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    ladyinbama-the surgery does not bother me as much as making my body go into forced menapause.  But I am going to give tamoxifen a good try not going to rush into anything.  But sleep would be nice.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited February 2011
    Thanks Rocket!!!
  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2011

    Dear LadyinBama, Prayers are coming daily for you also, and as I have seen you on other threads, I too admire your wonderful and positive attitude. Thank you and God bless you, Kathy

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2011

    Hi Ladies!  I've been visiting my youngest dd in KCMO the past 3 days, and now I'm spending the morning catching up on all my favorite threads!

    Sherry, LadyinBama, Lynniea, and all are in my prayers this morning!  Lady--that is wonderful that you are getting out and enjoying life!  You'll get through this too!  God is with you!

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited February 2011

    JO, I can so relate. I keep trusting, but it can be hard at times. I used to answer I'm fine at work, but it's getting old. I just trust the Lord is with me daily holding me up when I just want to climb into the hole and hide.

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Member Posts: 677
    edited February 2011

    I'm  75 and just had a lumpectomy for my second IDC (the first one was 38 years ago)  Still waiting for results, but the doctor doesn't think any nodes are involved.  So might not need chemo, but he thinks I should get radiation.  I really don't want to bother due to my age.  How do you guys feel about it? I've heard it makes you really tired.  I'm a runner/jogger and have been off schedule for the last couple of years due to a broken wrist in 2008, a broken hip in 2009, a stress fracture and sprained wrist in 2010 and now the lumpectomy.  Life is too short - I want to get back to feeling healthy again and that means running (or at least jogging)

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited February 2011

     Good evening everyone I had my MRI done today not so bad just crazy positioning.  I see my MO on Mon at 1:45.  Can't wait to get started with my treatment one way or the other.

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Member Posts: 677
    edited February 2011

    To Jo 5:

    Thanks for your opinion.  I see my doc for the first time since surgery next Monday. Will see what he says. I guess he will tell me to see an oncologist? 

    Yes, I was diagnosed in December, but due to getting sick and then having difficulty getting an appointment, insurance problems, etc. I didn't have the lumpectomy until Feb 8 (almost 3 months after I had discovered the lump) but due to the small size the doc wasn't concerned about the long delay.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited February 2011

     I thank my God everyday for health insurance.  What do people do if you don't have it.  I had to pay 10 percent of my MRI 200 hundred dollars.  My husband signed up for that health hub card.  I believe God had him do this.  It started right after the first when I found it. (((((prayers for everyone)))). 

  • nursecal
    nursecal Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2011

    lynniea.....what is the health hub card?

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited February 2011

     My husband puts in 20 dollars a week work puts in 10 they give is 1500 at the beginning of the year and use the card like credit card with that much money in it to start.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2011

    SR - I agree with Jo - 75 is young and you sound like you are in terrific shape.  I say go for it. 

    Jo ... I couldn't agree more - I say "fine" too when asked how I am because people just get sick of hearing about my health (or lack thereof).  I know when its a rhetoric question (why do you ask if you don't want to know) and no one really wants the real answer.  So I just saay 'fine.'

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited February 2011

     Thanks Jo I feel that my DR got this info so he knows how to to treat me better.