thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Today I thank Jesus for a blessed time having dinner with friends. She has been my friend for a few years but we got together for a second time as couples and the guys really connected. Couple friends are rare and a great blessing. Thank you Jesus. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Ladies I need prayers. I never made it to church today and have not done much today. Tonight after eating dinner I have had a bad stomach ache and then started to chill and get really nauseated. I have been laying down to see if it will pass. Not happening. I would appreciate your prayers. I haven't been down sick in a long time and not like this.



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited April 2015

    I am so sorry Nancy. Prayers for you right now

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited April 2015

    Nancy, prayed for you and will continue praying

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    I am thankful this morning for a simple joy...being able to sit on my deck, listen to the birds, and reading my devotional. In a former house, I had a screened porch, which was so nice. We have a lot of pollen now, but that will improve with the next shower. We have a couple of bluebirds who are building a nest, which we are keeping an eye on. There's another bird that flies right up to our deck railing...DH says he thinks it may have only one leg..but he apparently trusts that we aren't going to hurt him. Gods creation is incredible .

    Nancy, praying that things got better for you during the night...I prayed for you this am as soon as I read your post.

    Jean, praying for continued strength for you to finish the rads. So glad you have help to drive you. When will DH hear from his tests?

    Continued prayers for those who are healing from surgery ....

    Kath, hope you had a great trip. Lucy, hope you have minimal or no SE from your new pill. Your faith is an inspiration to us all.

    Polly, hope the hand seizures will subside. I know they are quite worrisome and frightening

    I reviewed the posts and prayed for you all. Even though I don't mention all the names.

    We received exciting news yesterday...DH's youngest daughter and hubby are expecting a baby in Dec. the gave us a "late Easter present" wrapped in yellow tissue was a pacifier. It took DH a moment to get it but not me! This was particularly special because up until 8 years ago DH had limited contact with her. God answered that prayers in a mighty way, in His time.

    Praising God for His blessings!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Nancy praying for you. Rest and fluids. This to shall pass. Waiting for calls from hubby's doc and my cardio doc for test results. Grateful today for starting week 5 of 6 rads weeks. Next week is boosts. So far no broken skin, thank you Jesus. Just sunburn feeling. I also am starting to get feeling back in my left foot and hoping it will soon begin to come back in the right as well. Taxol related neuropathy. Sun is shining and spring is finally here. Love, Jean

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2015

    One Year Later ...  Just had my one year examine today with the Nurse-Practioner - Tamara - at the Cancer Center. My LB is looking good, next visit with her will be in one year. In October I have my one year with the Radiation Oncologist - Dr. Julie. To date I have lost 28# of the 50# I gained - shout out to GOD! He has given me self-control, Weight Watchers for all the helpful hints and getting 'bling' everytime I reach a mini-goal and Isagenix for those wonderful morning shakes with sweet cherries. Nothing like starting the morning with a cherry shake. Yesterday at a new church I went to, the Pastor preached on how Jesus broke our bonds & sickness on the cross - it was finished there! A fellow told me after the service that when we were up for prayer he looked over at me and saw (in the supernatural) a huge OLD ugly bird with ONE claw in my left breast (cancer breast) THEN he said he saw a hand GRAB the bird around the neck and yank it off me! I just laughed and laughed - how COOL was that eh!  God is SO good - thru it all, we can tap into his peace; during the rough times, we can sing for joy and when we come out the other side we speak with boldness, confidence and love; of what the Father has done for us. Keep up the good fight, ladies, the war had ALREADY been won. WE WALK IN VICTORY!

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2015

    So blessed to read up and catch on all the posts: will re read before bed soon and pray diligently. I am pretty beat today: I think from trip, not rads today: but one down!

    Nancy, we are all praying for you: Lord please reach your healing hand out to our dear sister Nancy and bring her the your perfect peace and healing, if your Will is that. Please let her feel your presence and your love for her. In His Name


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015

    Hi Sister's in Christ,

    Nancy so very sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather and sounds like you got a bug.  Rest and fluids and we will be lifting you in prayer. 

    Elle congrats on the new baby soon.  It is very exciting news for sure.  Also, my DD and SIL are trying for #2 now as well and we are very excited. 

    Jean you sound stronger these days so glad prayers have been answered.  What are the boosts you refer too regarding rads?  I never had rads so I am unfamiliar with the procedure.

    Carren I so love hearing the about the supernatural vision that was shared with you.  I love when the Holy Spirit shows His spirit.  What a special blessing.

    Well ladies I started my new treatment today with the pills.  After breakfast and after dinner and so far nothing exciting to share...Praise God!!!  I am feeling tired but I am sure it is because I didn't sleep very well due to some anxiety of starting the new pill.  Getting ready to hit the bed now but wanted to post real quick.  I did have a tough time with eating and didn't feel hungry but again I think it is due to being anxious throughout the day.  So another day tomorrow and praying for another good day.  I am going to try and go to Curves so praying that I feel good enough to do it.

    Have a blessed day tomorrow Sisters...praying for all daily.  Lucy

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015

    Hi ladies...have a blessed day.

    Daily Devotional

    Push Pride Aside

    Pride is difficult to manage in a family. For example, you want your child to be proud of the excellent grades he or she is achieving, but you don't want them to flaunt their intelligence in the classroom. Keeping a balance between healthy self-confidence and arrogance is challenging.

    One of the best ways to teach your children this balance is to always remind them of how their talents and abilities come from God. Praises can easily go to a teenager's head. Help them remember that they need to keep their feet firmly planted in that knowledge to mature in this area.

    Another key for parents is to believe in your children but don't "over believe" in them. What? I'm talking about how many parents tell their children they are or can be unbelievably good at everything. It's usually unrealistic, and all that does is set them up for a big fall when they get out in the real world.

    It's good for anyone to be confident in who they are, and it's good to instill this confidence in your children. But you should never forget that, apart from Christ, you can do nothing. With him, you can do all things he would have you do, but then you need to give him the glory.

    Parenting Principle

    Pride builds unhealthy arrogance while confidence builds healthy self-esteem.

    Points to Ponder

    *Where do you see pride in your family life?

    * How have you seen pride affect other families?

    *Do your children have a healthy self-confidence? Why or why not?

    Read Proverbs 11:2
  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2015

    Nancy, I hate to hear you were unable to make it to church and pray you are feeling better today.

    I pray that we all are feeling some measure of relief from se's and body challenges. I continue to fight with these expanders and hope to make bible study after another fill up tomorrow. I thank God for allowing me to experience this discomfort so I can truly appreciate the final outcome when this has passed.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited April 2015

    Nancy praying that you feel better soon. Please rest and relax.

    Ellen, congrats!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Spirit, boosts are rads directed just to the tumor site. I have 3 more full treatments this week then 5 boosts next weel. I am grateful to see the finish line off in the distance. My hubby saw his psychiatrist yesterday. He had a gene test that showed a genetic abnormality that interferes with processing folic acid. It seems this could be causing his ADHD, memory problems and lack of focus. He prescribed Deplin, a form of foliate that he can absorb. It would be a miracle if this works. God is so good. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    I have been battling a severe case of diarrhea today. I am very weak but managed to drive down to rads with hubby riding shotgun and one potty stop on the way. Hope I can make it tomorrow. No driver available yet and these will be my last 2 full rads. Next week is just boosts. Also sleep is broken with so much skin tenderness and hip pain. My eyes seem to be acting up again but I just don't have the strength or time for an eye doc appointment till rads are done. I usually try not to complain but I would appreciate prayer being so close to finishing this part of treatment. Thank you all. Love, Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2015


    I just said a prayer of healing for you. We have to have faith in God's grace. Rest easy.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2015

    Praying for everyone specifically: seems like many of us caught one of the "bugs"- my counts were really low the Wednesday (day before) we left last week and I had the neupogen shot.

    Stayed home yesterday and today: bronchits, fever, etc. But throughout the day I was able to praise him for feeling anything at all, and run to Him for comfort. Not sure if diarrhea is a SE of rads? Did day 3 today and just started the lotion.

    I really like the techs, not thrilled about the rest. But again, I am blessed I can even have treatment.

    Grateful for so many things. Today to feel the soft breeze, and watch a butterfly -

    Nancy, we know you are not feeling well. Many focused prayers are targeting you: hope you know this! Jean, prayers

    Blessings and hugs


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Thank you all for your prayers. I know it has helped me get through this. I have had some difficult days but I am better. I am a little disappointed that I am not feeling as well tonight as I have earlier today. The Lord has provided needed help for me with a friend and a neighbor so I am so thankful for that. I am so thankful for all of you and your prayer support. My own family didn't even know I was sick. My sister apparently didn't get my email but she knows now. I haven't felt like talking on the phone. I have gotten seriously ill in a very short amount of time with this kind of thing before so I was afraid when this hit as I have not had this kind of thing in years and being alone is kind of scary..........speaking from Miss Independent.  I know the Lord is still in control but I am really ready to be healed from the back issues and this virus.

    Jean I am sorry to hear about your GI issues. I have continued to pray for you even when I was so sick. You are about to the finish line. Hang in there.

    Kath, so sorry to hear about your sickness. Praying you recover quickly since you are just starting rads.

    Lucy, been praying for your new pill and for you to tolerate it and do great! 


    I will post as  I am able. Not up to mentioning  everyone but I do appreciate all of you so much and your continued prayers. You have mine as well



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    A friend of my hubby's has volunteered to take me to rads tomorrow. Hopefully I can get there since I don't need to drive. Nancy and all, thanks for your prayers and concern. Love, Jean

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2015

    Ladies I read your posts and continue to pray for you. These things will pass, continue to praise his name through it all and count it all joy. I know it's hard at times to focus on anything but the pain as I tell myself this too but we can.

    Made it for my second injection today, stopped at 75ml, the extra skin from the mastectomy has decided to sit under my arms so I cannot lay my arms flat and the area is so sore. But its all good and will all work itself out in time. I thank God that I don't have to use pain medicine all the time but am grateful I have some to use tonight.

    I struggled with getting up and making it to small group bible study tonight but when I thought of how God has brought me through so much there was no way I was not going to get there, even in the rain. I am thankful that the small group leaders house is two blocks away. God is always working for the good of us. Blessings for a restful evening or day depending on your current time zone. 

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015

    Evening Ladies,

    Nancy so glad to hear from you.  So glad you are better and on the side of healing.  Stay strong and glad our prayers are keeping you lifted.

    She, good statement about God allowing you to experience this discomfort so you can truly appreciate the final outcome when all this is passed.  I will have to remember this more.  Glad you made it to bible study, it's so important to recharge on other days other than Sunday.  I didn't go to women's ministry this week as I was and still am unsure of any se's to rear their ugly heads.

    Jean, glad DH has some hope with this new meds. Praying for your issues and se's.  Don't wait too long to get your eyes checked.

    So I am finished with day 3 of the new pill treatment.  I have done well so far with no signs of nausea or diarrhea, thank God!  This morning I woke with a couple of sores in my mouth on the inner right cheek.  So I have been rinsing with my water salt mix they gave me and it has helped a lot.  They are even as red as they were this morning.  They don't hurt so hopefully it will go away.  I haven't seen any issues with my hands or feet of redness or soreness and pain.  Praying it doesn't get much worse. I was really hoping to hear from Anita as she just started this pill too and we spoke pm just before I started it but haven't heard from her in a couple of weeks.  Praying she is ok and doing well. 

    Hope you all have a great day tomorrow and experience no issues with se's on what ever treatment you are doing.  So DH is wanting to go camping this weekend with my brother but I am a little nervous to go to far this soon but maybe it is the best thing.  I was going to send an email to my nurse and see what she thought. 

    Sending prayers up and all have a restful sleep tonight...blessings...Lucy

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Well today I am grateful for getting a few hours of sleep. Still have diarrhea. Going to try my best to make it to rads later. I do have a driver so that should help. Thank you Jesus. Love, Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2015

    GOD is good! I received news today that my lymph nodes were negative. Still have to have chemo because of the biology of the tumor, but maybe not as much or as long. I am thankful for my trust in God and my praying friends and family.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2015

    Wonderful news Sunshine!!!!!! Do you work? So happy for you :)

    Jean, lots of "stuff" apparently going around now. I asked my rad tech this morning about diarrhea and he said only if you get treated in lower groin or rectum. ?

    God is so Good, all the time. Was able to make it to work today until 3: I am thankful for that, and for having him to turn to throughout the day.

    I was able to listen and see God clearly while in TN. Leave me near anything outside up there in the quiet and I can sing praises all day. Getting sick was worth it, if I let my attitude change towards it :)

    Jo and all others, thanks for the words of encouragment. LUCY, you called it. THIS IS your year of healing. Beyond thrilled that there are no SE's ------ and praying for it to stay that way!

    Nancy, i know you have my number: you can call anytime you are scared. I am glad you have a friend and neighbor checking on you. Are you drinking water and eating at all?

    Prayers, prayers prayers


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2015


    Tobycc, I was working until 2 months ago, but was going to retire in June anyway. I am (was) a special needs teacher for 3 - 5 year olds. So, my diagnosis forced me to retire a few months early. This whole Breast cancer diagnosis has thrown me for a loop. I have always been healthy with no family history. I guess we are human and do not understand God's plan. I feel he has something more in store for me. I am trying to have faith and let him direct me

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2015

    Sunshine, so glad you found your way to us. I have learned and leaned on these women so much: their faith and the way they honor it really inspires. We are behind you! Glad you will be able to rest during treatment: have a good support team in place?


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited April 2015

    Hello Lucy!

    Hello Lucy!

    Here I am plodding along with my chemo too sorry I didn't get back with you any quicker than this. I have done seven days on seven days off seven days on and now I'm starting again seven days off. The problems for me have been mouth cares. I've been doing the seven days on seven days off seven days on and now I'm beginning seven days off. Every week I've gone into see the nurse know next week could be my week for I'll actually see my medical oncologist mouth sores have been controlled with by soft bristle brush toothpaste biotene and I'm using the salt and soda mouth swish along with nystatin swish and artificial saliva and anything else I can get my hands on to see if my mouth and it's working. Nausea hasn't been a problem since week two. I have four different meds to keep me comfy .

    Last week our youngest son was here in town and came with me to the nurse appointmen I was glad for that he is a baby nurse and a graduate nurse now and able to add to the discussion for mama then this week I got to spend a little bit of time with her older son and the baby and that did a whole lot for both of us I think . This week I have two sisters and their spouses coming at different times to visit me both traveling 1000 miles just to lay eyes on me and make sure that I'm doing okay is that love? I think they're really scared for me .

    Love across the miles.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Diarrhea seens to have resolved. I had a bout of Anal cancer in '08 and sometimes the scar tissue from rads there causes diarrhea. That probably combined with my digestive system still tender from chemo. Thankful I was able to get to rads today. Tomorrow is my last full treatment. Next week 5 boosts then, God willing DONE! Also my hubby saw the eye doc today and the eye he can't fully open is a weak muscle and can be resolved with exercises. Thank you Jesus. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2015

    Good Evening, sisters;

    I thought I'd post something quickly before bedtime. Leaving early tomorrow morning for my monthly trip to see Cal and spend time with my son and DIL. Looking forward to being with them, although I need to take an energy pill to keep up with Cal...he is everywhere. It'll be good to get away for a couple of days.

    Sunshine, Congratulations on your scan! I had made preliminary plans for retirement when my second dx happened so I went ahead and retired from teaching at the end of last school year. That dx plus Cal's birth opened the door wide to pack my briefcase and go. I haven't regretted a minute of it...I finished radiation a week after my last day of school last June.There are several of us former teachers on this thread. Hope we can encourage you.

    Lucy, glad you are getting along well with your new pill. Praying that continues.

    Nancy, hope you are feeling better each day...She, hope you aren't as uncomfortable this week and have been able to rest well. Jean..good news on your DH!! Also glad the diarrhea is better...and you are almost done with rads...what a praise report!

    Kath, hope you are having a good week; Jo, thanks for your encouragement with the Arimidex...I think I'll call you the Arimidex Warrior. Robyn, haven't heard from you for awhile...hope you are healing well. Bev, I know you are getting ready for your trip.

    If you can, please pray for my safety in travel and strength to enjoy the trip.

    God bless you all with a wonderful weekend with church family, friends, family and no SEs!


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2015

    "He Himself has said, I will not in any

    way fail you nor give you up nor leave

    you without support." Hebrews 13:5

    They that hope in the Lord will

    renew their strength, they will soar as

    with eagle  wings. They shall run and not be weary,

    walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31


    Sometimes I need to get away,

    Escape from life"s hectic pace:

    Find a place of quiet repose,

    Commune with Nature------God's love embrace.

    To flush the clutter from my mind,

    I seek the sweetness of Natures voice.

    God, in His goodness and love provides

    A quiet place to reflect and rejoice.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited April 2015

    Anita, so glad to hear from you. So glad that you are able to spend quality time with your family! PTL.

    Jean, I had diarrhea during RADs and was told that Radiation should not cause it. Turns out I still had/have GI issues lingering from Chemo.

    Lucy, PTL no major SEs with the new pill. I had mouth sores, sore throat or non-existent tastbuds throughout chemo . I was able to manage the sores by using biotene toothpaste and mouthwash. I also picked up the mouth spray for dry mouth. In addition, I was prescribed nyastatin (sp) mouth wash which did wonders in healing the sores, numbing the area, getting rid of and keeping thrush at bay. In addition, I was told to gargle with mix you refer to as often as needed -- my MO included baking soda with the salt. The magic mouthwash helped with any "awful" taste in my mouth as it neutralizes the tastebuds. I used the magic mouth wash morning, noon and night and used it to rinse after eating anything. Hope this helps.

    Sunshine, PTL and congrats on the results of your scan.

    Nancy, so glad you are feeling better and on the upswing and healing.

    Ellen, praying for your safe travels. Have a wonderful time with Cal and your DS and DIL.

    I am now 4 weeks post radiation and healing faster each day. I ask for prayer for fatigue as this SE is still my biggest battle outside of my GI issues. I asking for wisdom in taking it easy and building my endurance up. There are days that I still just can't do anything. I am one (1) week into taking Tamoxifen and no side effects yet. I still have lingering GI issues which I have discussed with my PCP and we are monitoring along with the managing my LE.

    Praying for all,
