thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Still have some loose bowels but am going to give it my best shot to get to rads. Last day of full breast trearment. Boosts next week. Staying for the most part on the BRAT diet. Hope everyone has a blessed day. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Hello ladies,

    This is a verse I am claiming today.

    Isaiah 41:10New King James Version (NKJV)

    10 Fear not, for I am with you;
    Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you,
    Yes, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with My righteous right hand

    Sunshine, welcome to this thread. Glad you got good news on no lymph node involvement. There are strong prayer warriors here that will lift you up during your chemo journey.

    Anita, it is so great to hear from you. I am glad the mouth sores are manageable and no more nausea. So glad your graduate nurse son could be with you. You are obviously loved with family traveling so far to see you. Are you still going to be able to go to your son's official graduation? I remember you mentioning you had reservations months ago for that. I pray that your family will be a great boost for all of you. Let us know how we can pray for you when you can. Love you dear sister.

    She, still praying for your pain management. You are a trooper and I know you will get through this. You are a great testimony to the Lord's provision in all circumstances.

    Lucy, continued prayers that you will be able to tolerate your new pill and that these mouth sores will be manageable. You can do this girl. You are a fighter if I have ever seen one! Continued prayers for you dear sister.

    Jo, I hope you and DH are over your colds now. Thanks for your concern and your prayers. You have mine as well.

    Polly, praying for you dear sister. I know you are dealing with so many issues that has to be so challenging. I pray that you will be able to get off of this med without it causing anymore problems and that your hand seizures will cease when  this process is over. Hang in there. You can do this.  

    Ellen, praying that you have a safe and enjoyable trip to see your precious Cal. I hope the weather improves. Looked like lots of rain down your way on the weather map today. Praying you have the energy to keep up with GS. Thanks for all of your support and encouragement. Praying for wisdom in your AI situation.

    Debbie (foots) thank you for all of your beautiful prayers and posts and you reaching out to me. I do so much appreciate you. Give Faith a hug for me. Prayers for you as you deal with so many challenges.

    Angie, I am glad you are on the mend. Thank you for your prayers. I deal with fatigue with my fibro so I can really appreciate how difficult this is especially when you are not used to it. I know yours will eventually leave but dealing with it in the meantime can be very frustrating I imagine. Praying that you will find things that will help. I know exercise and walking for me really did help when I was in treatments and afterwards. Are you back to working full time now?

    Bev, miss hearing from you. Are you doing okay? Are you pretty much completely healed at this point? Putting on the biking miles I imagine. Hope to hear from you.

    Jean, you are a trooper for sure. You are going to make it girl. One more week. PTL After that will you continue your Perjeta infusions? Hope you have a nice weekend to take it easy and praying the GI issues calm down. So glad to hear that DH's eye issue is nothing serious. Also hoping the Folic Acid will help him as well.

    Kath, praying that you will have time to really rest and get well this weekend. I hate it that you got sick right when you had to start rads. I know you are strong and you will get through this time. Praying for strength in every way.

    Mags, how are you feeling at this point. Are you getting more strength and stamina as time goes by. I sure am praying that is the case. Would love to hear how you are doing.

    Mini, how are you doing? Did you get the LE under control with the help of some therapy?

    Vickie, are you still winding your way home or are you actually there now? I remember a long time ago you mentioning you had some dental work that needed attending when you got home. Hopefully that is under control. How are you and the family doing at this point?

    Debbie (Ireland) how are you doing? Praying that you are staying the course and are feeling uplifted by your church family and friend. Prayers for you from us as well dear sister.

    Char, I think about you often and wonder how you are doing. I know this time of year can get so crazy at school with the kids getting spring fever and all. I hope you are doing well and that the Lord is teaching you many things that can only come with time with Him.

    Carren, glad to hear you are doing so well. Keep it up!

    Robin, praying that you are doing well and are feeling good.

    Kate W, I hope that you are keeping strong as you continue the long battle. Prayers for you and your family.


    I am up today and trying to get my strength back. It has been a long battle this past month and I am trying to crawl out of the hole that I feel like I have been in with all the stuff going on. I am not sure if I am completely over this flu but I am going by faith and not by sight today. I am claiming my healing in all ways and trying to move forward. Thank you all for your prayers. It has been a very tough time for me in many ways and I so appreciate all of you.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. It feels like summer here today.

    Love you all,





  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2015

    Thank you all for your kind words. Today is a little better.....finally slept a few hours last night.

    I am thankful everyday for modern medicine and doctors who can get these tumors out of us.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Just got home from rads. We have no water! A neighbor who does well drilling is looking at our well now. Seems a problem with the well pump. Also our tenants septic is having a problem. Broken pipe I think. Please pray for calm for me and that this gets taken care of soon. Nancy good to hear from you. Hope you are feeling better. Ladies I hope you all have a restful, healing weekend with Jesus. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Sunshine, praying that you get good sleep tonight.

    Jean, praying that your well pump or whatever the problem is can be fixed quickly and praying that your tenant's septic can be fixed quickly as well. Praying for calm for you and celebrating that you only have boost treatments left. Yeah! You can do it.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    I think I only have 1 more perjeta, but herceptin will continue into the Fall, every 3 weeks. Also am taking Femara for 10 yes. A small price to pay for my life. Love, Jean

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2015

    God understands.

    He is your provider---

    today, tomorrow, and always.

    And He loves you.

    Cast all Your cares on Him...

    and believe.

    "Be strong! Be courteous!

    Do not be afraid of them!

    For the Lord your God will be with you.

    He will neither fail or forsake you"

    Deuteronomy 31:6 TLB

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2015

    Foots, thanks as always :0

    Hoping everyone is enjoying a SE free, lovely weekend. Hoping everyone spent some time with God, and most will feel up to going to church tomorrow.

    I think TN was a bit too much for my ole bones so soon after chemo. This chest infection has whooped me. She, thought of you when I was at work and honestly could hve fallen asleep. Went to walk in today for second opinion: doc was pretty upbrupt that I had not called my MO- I told him frankly I was tired of going to docs--- finished first week of rads also this week :)

    Changed me to amoxycillian and cough syrup. Going to sleep early, and hope to get to church. If not, will watch on line. I feel distant from Him right now, and I need to fix that.

    Nancy, continued prayers for you--- hoping you are stronger, and feeling a bit better

    Hugs and blessings to all


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2015

    Hi all, My sister gave me a wonderful devotional sort of book, called Jesus Calling. Author: Sarah Young. It has a message from Jesus every day. Interesting, how it matches my day and how I am feeling. Not heavy, just that HE is with you and how we need to allow HIM to work in our lives.

    Have a blessed Sunday.

    Sorry about the goofy print, but I cannot get the italic off!


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2015

    Lynn, Jesus Calling is just a true gift! It is my morning devotional: and I do feel like it teaches/ speaks to me every day


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2015


    So glad you have discovered Jesus Calling. Several of us on this thread read it, and I recommnded it this week to a church member who needed some spiritual guidance It was introduced to me by a fellow pastor's wife, and mine is well read and highlighted. Praying it will speak to you like it has to me.

    Kath, get some rest. I haven't been thru chemo but I can tell I don't have the resiliency I used to ; I also discovered that I don't shake off illness quickly either. Radiation can suck your energy at the beginning of treatment as well as at the end. Wishing a peaceful weekend for you.

    Had a wonderful time with Cal; my intuition was right...his temper fits were to impress his mom as she left for soon as she pulled out of the driveway he stopped crying and busily went back to his play. It is relaxing to visit with all of them and so amazing to watch Cal grow and develop.i am still working on getting them in church.

    God bless you all...keeping you in prayer!


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2015

    Believe in Angels

    There's an angel always be your side.

    Whether male or female, it is to be your guide.

    It rejoices with each sunrise, the beginning of

    each day, knowing that you're safe, indeed,

    for in God's hands you stay.

    And when evening comes and darkness makes it's

    cover, your angel settles in the coming night and

    above your head it hovers.

    Believe in angels------ you have your very own,

    because you are God's special child, and you'll

    never be alone.

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

    and lean not unto thine own understanding.

    In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall

    direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Debbie, thanks for your inspirational posts. I hope you are feeling better.

    Kath, praying that this new course of ab will knock this out of your system so you can start feeling good again. Hope you are getting lots of rest. That is one of the best ways to build up the immune system. Yeah for the first week of rads down!

    Lynn, I love Jesus Calling too. Being sick this week I have missed some days and I really miss that. There is something special about that devotional.

    Ellen, glad you made it home safely and got to spend time with Cal and your son's family. Have a good service tomorrow. Hope you are feeling better.

    Jean, is this your last week of rads? I know you have boosts left and I am thinking I remember you saying you had nine boosts but that may not be accurate.

    I have had a setback and something is not well in my system yet. I started getting very dizzy last night and still not feeling well today. My temp is rising and I have had a headache and some ear pain. So I will be checking this out soon. I have an apt with my allergy doctor on Friday and I might see if I can get that moved up. He is also an ENT doctor. Actually I would be thrilled to think it would be something easily treated like an ear infection. To say that this has been discouraging would be an understatement. I feel like my Lazy boy chair will have a permanent imprint of my body for years to come!

    I do have some friends from church who are going to call me after the service tomorrow and see if they can get me some groceries. I have been afraid to drive with this dizziness. My friend who got me groceries this week is out of town for a couple of days. I am blessed that I have people that care and are willing to help out. They all assumed I was at my mom's as I hadn't felt like talking on the phone much lately.  I believe from the beginning of my back issues that God wanted me to slow down. I am not sure what all of this other stuff means but I keep telling the Lord I trust you and I do. I may not be too happy about the circumstances but I still trust that He is in control and He knows better what I need than I do.

    I hope all who can get to church have a good day and those unable to get to church will have a blessed day as well.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Nancy I have 5 boosts. Good Lord willing I will be done on Friday. I am glad to hear you are listening to your body and resting.

    The sun is just coming up and shinig on the tree trunks outside. So beautiful. We were at Saturday evening service so I may go back to sleep for awhile. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2015

    Ellen, Nancy and all: I have been in bed resting all weekend, and my body thanks me. I never realized what true "fatigue" was: but last week when I was starting to get so sick I could have fallen asleep at my desk: that was scary.

    I am grateful for the gentle breeze outside this morning, a cup of favorite coffee, reading Jesus Calling, and looking forward to church on line later.

    Ellen, sounds like weekend with Cal was delightful! I am looking forward to having my "boys" home for the summer in just a couple of weeks.

    Praising him in the storm, and in the sun,


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2015

    Happy Sunday ladies, Lynn glad you were given a copy of Jesus Calling. I was blessed to have Kath send me a copy and I blessed another friend with BC by sending her a copy. I start off my day reading it as I know many of the other ladies do too. It speaks to me daily, as Fridays message said to not let unexpected events throw me off course.

    We had went to an early am wedding sort of last minute but then my battery went dead when we pulled up. The honey was about to stress but I told him to count it all joy and thank God it got us to the chapel before fading out and God was with us and that it would work for the good and it did.

    I made it to church for 8 am service and even managed to support the women's fellowship ministry last night by attending the daughters bowling fellowship. Since I have yet to lift over 5lbs I took photos for the newsletter and cheered. After service this am one of the other couples came to my husband and me and asked could we visit with them at their home after the 11 am service. The wife seemed upset, I know they have 2 sons and usually when folks want us to visit they want our law enforcement perspective. I can only hope its nothing serious and God gives me the right words to say.

    I intend to start getting back on the stick this week. Getting up at my regular time of 5:45 getting in devotional and chapter reading. Then I am strapping on the sneakers and going for a walk during the 40 minutes it takes me to drive to work. Got the go ahead for lower body workouts. I intend to return to work the first full week of May.

    I have spoken with folks and read lots of stuff on the TE's and it just seems some discomfort is the norm and sleeping will be a beast regardless. I refuse to dope myself up every night in order to sleep through the night so I will have to learn to work with the hours I get and count it all joy. I can always adjust my work schedule if its too much.

    Have a blessed day and take time out to enjoy a moment to yourself.

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2015

    Hello Everyone, just checking in as I haven't posted for a while. 

    I have read over the recent posts, and am sorry to hear that some of you have been suffering recently.  It is so hard to have this disease, and then get all the problems that come with the medication, let alone to have 'flu etc which are difficult to cope with when we are in good health.  I will be praying for you all and hope you recover soon.

    I am due to have my 5th treatment (of 8) on Thursday.  My cycle is to have Taxotere, Herceptin and Perjeta every 21 days and so far the results are very good, however the testing time will come when I finish the chemo and carry on with the Herceptin and Perjeta.  Last year I did very well with Taxol and Herceptin, and it was only when I completed the chemo that we discovered the Herceptin just didn't work any more and my tumour markers were climbing so fast.  I am hoping that the addition of the Perjeta will kick start the Herceptin, even though I am sometimes laid low with diarrhoea from the drug.

    I am getting silly little issues mainly due to side effects from the chemo, or just being weak in general.  I have to keep reminding myself that God has a plan which is better than anything I could ever imagine, and one day it will all make sense to me.  I do enjoy  reading this thread, and it is good to know that there are so many Christians out there who can empathize with me, even though I wouldn't wish this on anyone.  I have said it before, it is wonderful to think that we are all Christians and we can so easily know about one another's problems and pray for them.

    God bless all of you,


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited April 2015


    We arrived at home last evening about 8:30. My pastor & wife greeted us as soon as we pulled in, also our son-in-law came by, just a few minutes later. Nice to have a warm welcome home. My Pastor's wife and I are very close friends.

    I had my dental work done while we were in Yuma, AZ. earlier this winter. We have been going to a Dentist in Los Algadones, BC Mexico for several years, much cheaper than here, and just as clean and modern as our local dentists here.

    It was with mixed emotions we returned home, it will be different with Melody not being here, but that is life. This morning our granddaughter and her family came over. (Melody's daughter) had a wonderful visit with them. Her girls are 3 and 7 and if I say so myself they are a delight.

    Glad we have the motorhome, When Ivan tried to turn the furnace up in the house, we found that the motor on the fan has gone bad, and so we are staying in our coach until he can get a new motor tomorrow. Fortunately, the weather isn't too bad temp wise, and it didn't happen during the really cold winter. Our son-in-law checks on things when we are gone.

    I certainly hope you and some of the others will soon find relief from the aches and pains that life gives us all...

    Have a wonderful week. I don't post much but read almost every day.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2015

    Good Afternoon, sisters of Faith,

    So good to hear from Vickie and Debbie...I have learned so much from all of you about different medications and procedures. I wish I had found you back in 2010 ; that's why Fonnie and I enjoyed talking...neither of us had anyone going thru it to exchange info.

    She, you are Wonder Woman! Your positive attitude is such an inspiration to us. Jean, I know you are really looking forward to the end of rads , especially with the travel you have had to do. Kath, glad to see you are getting some rest...I never knew the meaning of fatigue until I had radiation. As you have seen with the others, the time passes quickly.

    The SE from the Arimidex haven't been as bad. Still taking it very early in the morning to deal with the insomnia.

    Nancy, hope you are better...dizziness is a miserable thing. Praying aGainst any other illness headed your way.

    Angie, sounds like you are recovering nicely ....Lucy, hope you are still doing well on your new med.

    Getting ready to go to choir practice...we have tornado watches. Four years ago today, a major tornado hit our area...passed over top of our house. Praying for safety for everyone.

    God bless you others I read the posts and pray daily .


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited April 2015

    Good Sunday, dear sisters. I was able to get to church today, and it was truly a divine appointment. As we were going in, I saw a dear friend who I knew had been praying for me. Her eyes lit up and she held out her arms. As she hugged me she whispered in my ear, "I have breast cancer." My heart sank. We talked a bit, fortunately it was caught early, stage 1 or 2. She is going to be at the same cancer clinic I went to and is seeing the same RO. I'm thinking if she's seeing the RO first she may not be needing chemo, and perhaps only a lumpectomy. I pray she can get through it quickly and go on with her life and ministry. She is actually a pastor with the Celebrate Recovery program. A sweet sweet lady.

    I have been on the arimidex now two weeks; I take it in the morning, but I am struggling with horrible insomnia. I've had it off and on all my life, but it's hitting on top of everything else. I don't know any more whether my pain is arthritis or the AI. My hands are acting up now as well.

    I stay up to date here as often as I can, praying for you all and hoping you are well.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015

    Morning Warriors,

    Good to hear all are hanging in there and recovering from ailments of the past couple of weeks. I am doing well so far and no major se's as of yet. It's been a week since on the Xeloda now and I had a couple of soars in my mouth but the next day they were gone. A little tingling an hour or so after the morning pill on occasion, not every time. After my evening pill the last couple of days I feel some deep aches on both my sides and a little achy all over but goes away after a couple of hours. Some fatigue but that's about it. Pray every day over my meds so God is watching over me. Have my week follow up today so looking forward to seeing what the blood work shows.

    We decided at the last minute to go camping on Thursday evening to meet my brother in eastern Washington and got back yesterday late afternoon. It was a great time and amazing weather. Glad we went. So I was a slacker and didn't lost devotionals or check in. However do take comfort in knowing you're all in my prayers daily regardless.

    Good to hear from you Friday girl.

    Nancy hope you are getting better and just know we all pray for you.

    Mags sounds like you're hanging in there. Sorry to hear of another sister joining our group. I have come to really not like when I hear of someone I know who gets this dreaded disease. Unfortunately it is happening more and more.

    Ellen sounds like you're doing well. I am experiencing some insomnia now too not sure if it's since the new pill or what but it is worse. Have it noted for MO today.

    Welcome home Vickie!

    Have a lesser day ladies and just know God has an amazing plan for us and this journey is part of it. Love and blessings and have a super week.

    Daily Devotional

    Dream Weaver

    As you approach the king's throne, a swarm of whispers fills the room.

    "Who does she think she is?" "She'll never be able to do it."

    Striding steadily forward, and struggling with your own self-doubts, you wonder, "Will all these gawking eyes witness an execution or a miracle today?"

    While these thoughts took place in your imagination, a similar situation occurred in Daniel's reality. He stood face-to-face with an unpredictable despot, King Nebuchadnezzar, who had murdered many of Daniel's family and friends during their exile in Babylon. Now Daniel's own life was in danger (along with all the other scholars and key advisers of the nation) unless someone — anyone — could interpret the king's strange dream. Daniel's life depended upon being able to do what no one had been able to do — not even the king's "wise men."

    Talk about stress. Daniel faced a seemingly impossible and dangerous circumstance requiring the utmost wisdom and bravery. Not only had he been exiled to Babylon (modern-day Baghdad), but now he faced an even more pressing drama.

    How did Daniel handle this super-dramatic, high-stress situation? He coped with it by cultivating a close relationship with God and depending on God for wisdom and power (verses 20 – 23). When the drama heated up and he was asked if he could interpret Nebuchadnezzar's dream, Daniel did not talk himself up. He humbly responded, "No [one] can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries" (verses 27 – 28). Daniel invited God into his drama.

    In the course of our lives, we're sometimes called to deal with stressful or uncomfortable situations. You may work as the only female in your church's leadership; you may care for your aging in-laws, who have never thought you were good enough for their son. No matter what the situation, the best way to handle it with grace and wisdom is to invite God to direct the circumstance. Let him weave your way through with his wisdom. Lean on his strength. Rely on his insights. You may not feel like you can handle the stress, but with God's help, you can.

    Read Daniel 2:24-30


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Hi ladies,

    Debbie (Ireland) it is good to hear from you. I am praying that when you finish this course that there will be good evidence that it is working for you. You have been through so much and I certainly admire your tenacity and your faith. Hang in there sister. Praying for you.

    Vickie, I can only imagine that it is very difficult coming back home. I am glad to hear you got your dental work done in the winter. Continued prayers for you and your family. I am glad that you can still see your grand kids and SIL. Praying for you and the family dear sister.

    Kath, praying that you got through your work day and are home resting and getting completely well. Prayers for renewed strength in general and strength in the journey.

    Lucy, I pray that your blood work will be good and that you will be able to tolerate this new med. I am glad  you got to go camping. I know you enjoy that so much. Continued prayers for you. Hang in there girl.

    She, continued prayers for pain control as you deal with the TE's. Praying for renewed strength as you head back to work in a couple weeks.

    Ellen, praying you are doing well and feeling better from the SE's.

    Debbie (foots) praying that you have a good day and that you and Faith can get out and take more walks. Praying for all of your battles.

    Mags, glad you made it to church but sorry to hear about your friend having bc. The insomnia has been a real issue with me too. I finally gave in to the fact that I need sleep meds to get to sleep for now. I don't like it but it is what it is. I was having bad interactions with my herbal sleep aides so I am afraid to take those anymore. I hope you can find something that will work for you. Not sleeping is NO FUN.

    Jean, you are almost to the finish line girl. I pray that this week goes quickly for you and that the GI issues are held at bay.

    I have prayed for everyone of  you today even though not listing everyone today. My dizziness appears to be gone PTL but I hurt my back again yesterday in the bathtub. I think satan has been working overtime lately trying to discourage me. I actually drove to the grocery store today. It felt like climbing Mt. Everest and as soon as I drove into the parking lot I started with bad stomach cramps. I am pretty sure this was the AI as I just taken it before leaving. I have not had this issue for quite some time.  I made it home and one of my friends drove up with some homemade gluten free soup for me. So thankful for that. If my back can get better I hope to close the chapter on all of this affliction soon. I am still planning to go to my mom's in May and stay for three weeks.
    I will need renewed energy for that as I am still trying to get my strength back.

    Have a restful evening. I appreciate all of your prayers.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    My template was done and my first of 5 boosts as well A dear lady from church drove then we went to bible study. Really good study on hearing GOD by Pricilla Shirer. Tomorrow my son is driving as I have to go for my herceptin / perjeta infusion after rads. So blessed and grateful for the way God is meeting all my needs. Love, Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2015

    Spiritblessing, I loved your words and poster/picture of the mountain scene. Thank you

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2015

    A Little Prayer

    May you have a little sunlight

    to guide you on your way.

    May you discover, little by little,

    happiness that's here to stay.

    May you grow alittle stronger

    and a little wiser with each dawn.

    May you have a little time to

    believe in dreams to dream upon.

    May all the joy your heart desires

    find it's way to you.

    And may the blessing that

    brighten your days

    keep shining through.!

    The Lord is my light and my salvation;

    whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength

    of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27: 1

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Thanking Jesus for sunshine today. For His tender mercies, for a decent nights sleep and no diarrhea this morning. Hopefully Nancy and all are feeling well today. Love you brave ladies. Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2015

    Sending love and positive thoughts to all for this wonderful day the Lord has given

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2015

    Jean, did you get any mouth sores on rads? Anyone else?

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited April 2015

    Kath, no mouth sores during Rads but did get a very bad sore throat. RO gave me a prescription gargle that did wonders. I had to have it refilled every 14 days as it would expire 14 days after being mixed. I also had mouth sores during chemo and the solutions used for that vs. the Rad sore throat were different.

    Thanking God for just wonderful relaxing day to reflect on many things and just praising Hi for just another day!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2015

    Hi Ladies. I'm asking for prayers. Last week, while getting PT for Lymphadema in my breast, I discovered an open sore on the side of my breast about the size of a dime. I put antibiotic ointment on it and a band-aid. It cleared up slightly but remains raw and sore. Now I have a new one in a different area of my breast, and a couple of small spots that I think are going to become sores as well. I've never had anything like this before and don't find much on line.I go to see my oncologist on Thursday. I am praying that it is just something weird and not something serious. If you would pray for that too, I'd be grateful.
