thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Woohoo, down the happy dance (while lying in bed) Teehee \○/ Think I'm gonna sleep for a week! Thanks for the kudo's.. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Thanks for the fireworks and congrad's. Doing the happy dance (while lying in bed). Teehee! Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    To all our sister warriors,

    The Lord promises us that He will never leave or forsake us. I know that many of us here on this thread have had our share of tribulation and challenges recently. I have not yet been able to get a complete prayer lists together yet but I am thinking about it. I have prayed for you today but I do want to share some prayers needs for those who are dealing with sickness.

    Debbie (foots) is really sick with body aches and a respiratory illness. She has challenges with breathing issues normally so this is not a good thing for her to get this sickness now. Let's surround her with our love and prayers and for healing for her. She has seen a doctor but is thinking about urgent care as well. I don't know what her support system is but let's rally around her for complete healing. Well all love you Debbie and will be praying.

    Ellen, was fighting off sickness when she left for her mother's. I pray that God will give her supernatural strength as she takes her mom to a wedding and to a doctor apt. on Monday. I pray that she will not get down sick and that the Lord will touch her and completely heal her of these germs that she has been fighting off.

    Kath, is still dealing with her upper respiratory sickness even though she has been pushing through and still working. I pray that this cough will leave and that she will get her energy back. She will be entering the third week of rads this week.

    Mini, is dealing with shingles. It can be a miserable condition. I pray that she will get relieve from any pain and itching. I pray that she can get lots of rest and help her body to bounce back from this condition.

    Polly, is still dealing with hand seizures as she very slowly is reducing this one particular seizure med. We pray that this process will be successful. We pray for her IBS as well.

    Sheangel, praying that your pain will be more tolerable as you deal with the TE's. Praying for feeling 100% when you resume work very soon.

    Vickie, praying that you can find that new normal as you get back into your routine at home. Still praying for grief for your family.

    Bev, is going on her bike and barge trip soon and we will be lifting  you up dear sister as you and DH and friends tackle this exciting yet physically challenging trip to Holland.

    Lucy is now on a new cancer drug, Xeloda, and we are praying that she will be able to tolerate this drug and that it will knock out these tumors in her lungs and lymph nodes. I am still believing with you for your healing.

    Jo, always appreciate your wisdom and insight into things as you have been around a little longer than some of us. Hope DH is doing well and that your IBS is under control.

    Debbie (Ireland), praying that you can stay strong in all ways as you work your way through more chemo treatments. Hang in there girl. You are a strong woman.

    Anita, praying that your new chemo regimen will work for you as you endure a new phase in your long battle. As you have family that have come in I am praying that you are enjoying their company. You are a strong woman and I have no doubt are still focusing your eyes on the Lord.

    Char, praying for you as you continue to train for this run on May 3 I think it is. You can do it! Praying your knee will cooperate.

    Mags, Angie and they have both finished treatment. Praying for continued strength for both of you. Angie praying for your training to do that 5K. You go girl.

    JerseyGirl, G, and Lynn, our newer members I pray for strength as some have started chemo and I believe Lynn is recovering from a mastectomy and will be starting chemo in the near future. Feel free to post any prayer needs as that is a big part of this thread. We love hearing praises as well!

    Jean, praying that you can find your stride in your new normal. Now that you have an enormous amount of time back in your daily life I pray that you can enjoy the fact that your hardest part of the journey is over. I know you still have some infusions but hopefully that will be an easier part of your last leg of the journey.

    I wasn't intending for this to be everyone but I will do a prayer update as soon as I can. I have still been dealing with dizziness/ lightheadedness. Decided to take matters into my own hands today. I won't tell you what I have done because I am sure it will spark a lecture from some of you. LOL 

    Love you all,



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2015


    Congratulations on completing your rads! You did it and God brought you through it....amen...amen! You deserve a nice long rest for all you have gone through!

    Ellen: so glad you are feeling better.

    Kath: praying that God knocks the stuffin out of you residual issues of respiratory and chest. Congrats again on your award.

    Angie, Take it slow and easy starting your running.

    Nancy: Thanks for keeping us updated on all the requests. I try to check in and they are so very helpful.

    Hugs to all of you....for all you go through and all you do to keep moving forward.

    In Christ,


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2015

    Yayyyyy! No more rads. I'm not good about responding to each post, but I do think and pray for you all. Technology can be a bugger sometimes, but it so nice to have a support system of faithful sisters. I appreciate you all more than I can say.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2015

    Thank you, Nancy. What a wonderful and thoughtful post. It looks like, while everyone on here is in a different place, we share the journey and our love and faith in God. I am happy to have found all of you, and will send prayers. Have a blessed Sunday.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Slept most of today. We went to Saturday eve service. Will probably sleep in tomorrow again then watch my grandsons college baseball game on podcast. Such fun to be able to lie in bed and watch the game. Hope you all have a peaceful Sunday. Love, Jean

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited April 2015

    Shoot!  Had a hand seizure and lost my post!  But, to all you wonderful ladies, I pray every day for you as I read your post individually. Nancy, you are so good at naming us all. It certainly makes me feel special when I see my name. I have such admiration for all of you. I didn't go through chemo or rads and I gave up on the AI so all I can offer is prayer, but then there is power there.

    My hand seizures got so severe the dr had to stop me from getting off the medication, had to get back up to full strength, then had to start a new seizure med this week. I'm praying for it to work; it comes with an ugly SE of mental/emotional issues so my family is watching and I'm waiting to see if I can tolerate it. Don't we all wish we could have drugs without SEs? The good news is I've had no grand mal, thank you God! I am so thankful. It does look like I will have to deal with some permanent damage but will deal with that later. Thank you ladies for all your prayers.

    I finally got Sarah Young's journal on my Kindle. Loving it~  Peace and blessings to each and everyone of you. Polly


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2015

    Polly, You name has come to my mind numerous times. God wants all us to pray for one another. What a powerful tool it is that He gives us. I am sorry about the med issues. I have been on a seizure drug since my mid 20's. No known cause....all three Grand Mals in my sleep. I had all kinds of issues with side effects and still do if the level gets too high in my bloodstream so I can relate on a small level. I will continue to pray that God will control these with minimal effects.

    Jean, Glad you had a wonderful day. I know that you will have many more ahead to enjoy with your family and friends.

    May all of you have a glorious Sunday

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    I am so grateful today for sunshine, birds, squirrels, cats, my dear hubby (not in that order) Teehee. Grateful for a dear couple from church we are to meet for dinner later. For Jesus strength getting me through surgeries, chemo and rads and so many more blessings.too numerous to mention.

    Polly I wish I could hold your hands and pray for you. Right now am praying that Jesus will do just that.

    Nancy, praying you feel better today.

    All of you, praying God meets your deepest needs. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2015

    Polly, sounds like you will be covered in healing prayer today, and in the future. Sending gentle hugs and strong prayers. Foots, same for you: how are you feeling?

    Church was wonderful today. Going to continue to rest, grocery shop, and maybe visit with friends.

    Praying for all of my dear sisters,

    and yes, Nancy, what have you gone and done now? :) wink and smile---- if it makes you feel better, I hope it works!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Polly, I am so sorry to hear that the regimen of reducing the meds didn't work. I can only imagine that was a hard pill to swallow since that process took so long. I will certainly be praying that the doctors will find  a med that will work for these hand seizures. Don't ever sell yourself short as far as your contribution on this thread. Prayer power is what makes this thread so strong and the loving and caring attitude that is so openly shared with all the wonderful ladies here. I think you mentioned this to me before that it was more of our bond in the Lord than our bc that made us so strong and I do believe that is true. We will certainly all be lifting you up and praying that you can get some relief. I'm sorry you lost your post. I know how difficult it is for you to type.

    Debbie (foots), praying that you are feeling much better tonight. Let us know how you are doing if you are up to it.

    Ellen, praying that you are doing well at your mom's and fighting off these germs. Praying that you can get your mom to her doctor apt tomorrow and can make it safely home. Continued prayers for you dear friend.

    Kath, praying you had a good weekend and have a much healthier week. Praying for continued strength as you go through rads. You can do this.

    Lucy, how are you doing?

    Mini, continued prayers for you.

    Jo, glad you and DH are doing well. PTL

    Lynn, let us know how we can pray for you.

    Jean, hoping you are getting lots of rest now.

    Char, praying for a good week for you.

    I made it back to church today. The last time I was there was on Palm Sunday. I went to a concert for cancer survivors today as well. It was really uplifting. I am pretty tired tonight. I continue to have my dizziness and balance issues and I have pain everywhere. I really need wisdom. I will see my primary doctor on Wed and hope to get to my mom's this weekend for a three week stay.

    Love you all,


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2015

    God bless You all for You caring hearts.
    May Your kindness, Lord, be upon us: we have

    put our hope in You . Psalm 33:22

    My lungs still hurt when I breath, along with

    other challenges, Thanks for carrying, need to

    lay down. Hugs and prayers. Debbie


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Isaiah 40:29-31King James Version (KJV)

    29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.

    30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:

    31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.


    Praying for those who need a touch today.

    Love you all,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited April 2015

    Polly, Sending a big virtual hug and strong prayers your way. Praying for the SEs and that a med is found that works for you.

    Foots, sent you a PM. Glad you are feeling a title better. You are covered in prayers.

    Chat, yes taking it slow and easy as I build up and definitely listening to my body. You are my inspiration and encouragement. I joined a thread here of ladies that excercise/run for accountability.

    Nancy prayer for your doain, dizziness and balance issues. Please rest and take care especially if you are feeling fatigued too. I am specifically praying for wisdom and that you get answers or a direction form your dr On Wed. Thank you so much for keeping up on the prayer request. I am like Polly, I like when I see my name. LOL. We thank you for a all you do here but there are no expectations on our part.

    My skin is coming healed outwardly, still tender inside but very very manageable. Lymphedema is being managed. 4 weeks on Tamoxifen and no major side affects. This weekend begin to feel a few things but nothing that isn't manageable. I go back to work on Monday as I was taken off FT when my skin broke down during RADs. Praying for my stamina going back FT and wisdom on easing back into Ministry.

    Praying Always,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Angie, good to hear from you. May I ask what FT is? Obviously something with your job. I am guessing maybe field training but what do I know! We had lots of initials in the teaching field but not those. LOL Sounds like you are doing well and smart to take it easy. You go girl in your running.

    I have two praises today. I woke up today feeling rested which in and of itself is a miracle. With fibro that is usually a rare occasion for me. I decided that today was going to be my day back to health. I know I am going by faith and not my sight but I decided to go swimming. I managed 12 laps out of my usual 18 (half mile) and I went really slow. It felt so great that I had made a huge step forward in getting my health back. I am praying this trend will continue. My second praise is I received a lab bill for $186. I had already talked to this company weeks ago and they said even if my insurance didn't pay the full amount I would only be responsible for $20. I don't question because I didn't understand the whole thing. I called my insurance and they said yes you owe that amount. I called the lab and they said I don't know why you received that bill. You own nothing. Woooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    Now maybe a little retail therapy would make me feel even better. LOL


    I am going to post some pics that really prove that spring has sprung here in my area.

    Continued prayers for all of you.








  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015

    Afternoon Ladies,

    I posted a long post last night and then lost it all so just sent the banner as I didn't have it in me to do it all over again.  I am sorry as I had touched on each one of you as well...that just bumbs me out when that happens.

    So I am doing ok, the side effect of soreness and redness and swelling on the feet and hands is no lie.  I had a not so fun week and Saturday was bad.  They are red and hurt to walk and can't find anything really comfortable to wear.  Sunday was glad to get to church as I really needed a recharge.  During worship God spoke to me and told me "Relax, and let go!".  So I is much better, walking easier and not as much pain and redness.  Tylenol is helping as well I would guess. 

    Anita, hoping to hear from you as to how you are doing on this drug.  I think you started it a couple of weeks prior to when I did.  Pray your doing well.

    Well been a busy day at work and getting ready to head to see my beautician for a little trim as we are planning our first 2 week camping trip.  Wow...a little nervous to be away for that long as we haven't done this in over a year and a half.  Looking forward to it as well.  I just want to be able to walk and ride my bike ok without too much pain.

    Nancy, I am curious as to what new thing you are trying.  I am sure we would be fine with it as there are lots of things out there that are not the norm but do work.  Glad things are getting better for you but keep on keeping on.

    Jean, rest is so good for you right now so keep doing it.  It is the time our body is repairing and healing.  So important now for you.  Glad you're doing well and getting stronger day by day.

    Mini, congrats!  And yes it is so nice to have our support group.  I have been on other threads and none are as supportive or visited as frequently as we do here.  That is what makes this one so wonderful, because no matter when you sign on there is always something new to read or be updated on.  Truely love you all for being there for me that past year and a half...good grief it will be almost two years in a few months...PRAISE GOD!!!  So thankful I am still here to visit with you all.  God has a plan and I am excited what he has done in my life during this journey.  My faith has definately gotten stronger through this and so many doors have been opened for us to minister His wonderful love and blessings that are there every day for our fulfillment.

    Well need to head out so touch base later...have a great you all...Lucy




  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2015

    I love the beautiful flower pics. It will be a couple of weeks yet before it's safe for us to plant. It snowed just the other day. But it's supposed to be nice by the weekend. Here's hoping. :-)

    The meds must be working. The sores are healing over and the pain is almost gone. I'm so glad I caught it early. I can't imagine having an area as large as I saw in some of the pics I found online. Thanks everyone for the prayers.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2015

    Lucy, you always find the bright lining in everything! My hands and feet got so bad they peeled. MO said it was a burn from the inside out. I will be on my knees for you. I slathered with aquaphor but ended up taking something for pain so I could actually walk and work.

    Mini, so glad you caught it early!

    Mysunshine, She, how are you?

    Debbie, praying, Angie glad it is manageable. Nancy, what beautiful, gorgeous photos! I see note cards in your future :)

    Best praise: coming home to find a surprise from a dear dear friend that touched my heart.

    Been resting and gathring strength, feel a lot better. Red and some soreness from rads, but okay

    Bless you all


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2015

    Good evening sisters,

    I just returned from mom's a little while ago. It has been a difficult few days, health wise, but God is good and I feel a little better each day. I sound like a foghorn and my cough is irritating but I can see some improvement. Thanks for the prayers.

    I had a couple of interesting things I want to share. I had heard that a distant cousin had breast cancer about a year ago. I have seen her several times at family gatherings and the last time I heard a voice say..."talk to her". Mom and I went out to eat yesterday and I saw her sitting across the room..while mom was paying for lunch, I went over and started a conversation about how she was feeling...I then told her I was also a survivor, and it was like she was relieved. She told me all about radiation...she had the new type, with an implant...only 5 treatments. It was good to talk to another Arimidex user! Misery loves company!

    My other interesting thing is that I think my mom really now understands how difficult some things are for me. She overheard part of the conversation with my cousin, and has watched me slowly walking around for three days. I also talked with her today about how much some cards and prayers would have meant from her church family....people I have known my whole life. She finally admitted that she had told no one because she didn't want to talk about it and get emotional. It was then that I told her how much those cards and prayers would have meant, but by refusing to talk about it, I missed out on that encouragement.

    I didn't do it to make her feel badly, but I felt she should have told two or three close friends so they would be aware. She has"swept it under the rug" for almost 5 years now , but this weekend opened her eyes that I do have struggles.

    The wedding was fun, but a lengthy reception made those family impatience genes come out in Mom. It was all worth it to see my cousin's husband dance enthusiastically with the bride to "Footloose" cousin came over yesterday and we had a good visit...we saw each other as children but when we grew up, she got married and moved to CT and I went off to college. She returned to NC when both of her parents' health failed. She has been my eyes and ears on mom, which helps lower mystress.

    DH has gone to a youth revival tonight...I am thankful for a safe trip and a good opthmology report for Mom. It has been nice to slowly relax and unwind while catching up to all of you. Hoping your praises continue and the trials get easier.

    God bless you all!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Lucy, I am sorry to hear you have had a time with the SE's. BTW Anita was having family drive 1000 miles to come and visit her so I suspect that they are at her house now and that is why she hasn't had a chance to post. I know many weeks ago she had talked about booking a reservation to see her son officially graduate from nursing school in May but I am not sure if she is going to be able to do that or not. I have really been praying for this med. I pray that your body will adapt and you can find ways to offset these nasty SE's. I know it has to be tough but I see you as like the Marine core motto. (at least I think it is theres) When the going gets tough the tough get going. We all know you are tough and you will get through this. I will be ramping up my prayers for you dear sister.

    Mini, so glad you are doing better. It is a real blessing that they caught this in time. I will be praying that it will all disappear........the pain and the rash very soon.

    Kath, glad you are doing better. Praying that your rads will not be too bad as you progress into the third week. Praying for complete healing of this sickness and renewed strength to tackle the rads and work. You can do this girl.

    Ellen, glad you got to take your mom to the wedding and her apt and that you are now safely back home and resting. Take care of yourself and make some me time a priority so you can get back to feeling 100%. I am glad you had some time to have a very honest talk with your mom about your feelings about not being supported during your treatments when she had failed to let people know about you going through this twice. Hopefully they will know now even though the timing is not as you would have wanted. There are so many things that happen like that and I think when I get to heaven I hope there are answers to the why of so many things that happen on this earth that make no sense to us when they are happening or not happening. That whole idea of suffering will hopefully be answered and the reasons revealed to us when we have crossed over.

    Debbie (foots) continued prays for complete healing for you dear sister.


    If you all don't mind I love posting my photos and this time of year there are many opportunities after the long cold white winter where there is not much color to get excited about. I don't want to be obnoxious about it though. Several months ago I was really praying about my photography and just what I was supposed to do with it. I knew God had given me the passion and the resources to take these classes but I am still not sure how this will play out. I do know that photographers are supposed to tell their stories through their pictures. The Lord told me that I was to tell His story through my eyes. So that  is my show God's beauty through my eyes if that makes sense. When I see the incredible detail in one flower it is mindboggling the scope of His creation.

    Have a restful night everyone.



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited April 2015

    Thank u all for sweet and encouraging words.  It helps so much... blessings to all

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Will make this quick before work. Have a blessed day.

    Daily Devotional


    The parenting journey is full of mistakes. We will never be perfect. But, we can be comforted by the fact that God knows us, He knows the mistakes we make, and He loves us just the same. He doesn't expect perfection.

    God expects us to offer our parenting as an act of worship. When we renew our minds by internalizing His truth, and parent according to His plan for success, He is pleased. You know what this is like — when your child presented you with a project they made you hung it on your wall or refrigerator because it represented their love for you. It wasn't the artistic excellence you prized, but the motivation behind it. It is no different for God.

    Renew your mind and parent your kids as a spiritual act of worship to please God.

    Read Romans 12:1-2


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2015

    Good Morning! Just popping in to say "hello". Am healing from BMX with expsnder placement. My PS put in 300 cc's saline at the time of surgery, so I feel like I have a case of water sitting on my chest. However, doing pretty well, and am thankful for little pain. Worse time is the night.

    Reading my daily devotional book, which I find comforting. Having this going on is just plain difficult.....I am sure you all know what I mean. I try to tell myself that I got through surgery, and I will get through chemo and another surgery. I rely on God to get me through day at a time

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    My sunshine, one day, one thing at a time. You will get through this with Jesus holding you. Lean hard!

    Nancy, love the pics. Keep em coming!

    Prayers, Lucy for se's to subside and for all of us to be soaked in His love and mercy today.

    You ladies are all very precious to me and a big part of helping me get through this journey.

    I've been a slug since finishing rads Friday but grateful He gave me the motivation to do Taichi today. Loosened up my shoulder. Sun is shining and all is well. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Lynn, I believe you mentioned you had started with Sarah Young's devotional. I am not sure if you mentioned Jesus Calling as she has written more than one I believe. If it was Jesus Calling today was really good. I have been praying for you. I know it must seem very daunting to go through what you have and then have to face chemo. One of the scriptures today talked about God being our portion. I love that scripture because it is so true. We all have different journeys in life whether it be bc or some other challenges. God gives us each just the right amount of strength for each of our journeys. The Word says he knew us before we were formed in the womb. I guess if He knows us that intimately then he knows what we need and gives us our daily portion of His grace and strength to handle anything life throws at us. I know that He will give you what you need to go through your journey. We are all here for you to join you in prayer.

    Lucy, I am praying for a miracle for you dear sister. I am praying that this Xeloda will do it's intended work in you and that your body will adapt to it. I know these SE's you have already experienced must be very difficult but I know that you are one of the strongest Christian woman I have ever had the privilege to meet albeit in cyberspace. Know that we are all praying for you and lifting you up during this tough time. Hang in there girl. Don't let the enemy discourage you.

    Polly, I am continuing to lift you up. I am praying that the doctor will have wisdom in dealing with this hand seizure situation. I am praying that you will not be discouraged and that the Lord will give you reason to have hope. I know how the enemy tried to discourage me with all sorts of fears and lies when I was down with my back and then will this sickness. I am going to pray that Satan will be bound and will not be able to lay a finger on you or throw any darts your way. I heard Joyce Meyer say to find your treasure in your tribulation. I am going to pray that you can do just that. God will bring good out of this dear sister. Hang in there. We will be praying for you.

    Jo, I will post more pics when I can. What kind of photography do you enjoy?

    Jean, praying that you can rest up and get your new normal on very soon. With all of this extra time you have back I imagine you will really enjoy knowing you are done with chemo and rads. I know you still have infusions but not quite as time consuming as you have been through with rads.

    Mags, praying that you are doing well and enjoying getting your life back.

    Bev, praying for you as you get ready for your bike and barge trip to Holland coming up soon. Hope you have room to pack a camera so we can see some pics.

    Angie and Char, blessings on your training and conditioning as you train for races coming up. Char for her half marathon on May 3 and Angie getting ready for a 5K but not sure when that is.

    Mini, continued prayers for complete healing of shingles.

    Ellen, praying that you will feel 100% very soon and be able to sing soon.

    Kath, continued prayers for you to feel !00% also and that the Lord will give you the needed strength as you work and go through your rads treatments.

    Thank you all for your prayer support and your encouragement in my photography. I was able to get out today and take some pictures. It was so nice to be outside and it was a glorious day. I am so thankful that I have been able to get out the last few days and feel like I am getting back on track. I think my dizziness is mostly gone. My back and neck are still bothering me but my swimming I think will help the healing. I am wanting to feel a bit stronger before leaving for my mom's so I am holding off on making a decision to leave yet. It will be soon I hope.

    I hope you all have a good night's rest.

    Love you all,



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    I am feeling very weak tonight and the radited areas are real sore. Tomorrow night there is a farewell affair at our church for one of our dear pastors who is leaving for a call rlsewhere. I would like to attend. Please pray I have the strength to go if God wills. Love, Jean

    PS Glad out dear prayer organizer is feeling better. Love you Nancy!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Thank you Jean. I am praying that you will feel up to going to this farewell send off for one of your pastors tomorrow and will feel good. I would try to get as much rest during the day so you have some reserve energy when you go at night. I am sure he will appreciate your efforts to get there if you can make it.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2015

    Hi ladies - I'm so glad to see that you're feeling better Nancy - we all depend on you to organize the prayer requests and needs - as well as post the gorgeous pictures. We leave today for our bike trip - so hopefully I'll have some beautiful pictures of tulips to show y'all soon! I'm praying that you'll continue to feel better and will be able to spend good time with your mom. I know how much she's been looking forward to it.

    Char, praying for your race on Sunday - go with God!

    Lucy, praying for you with SE from the new drugs. Thank you, for the devotions - and your example and inspiration!

    Welcome, new ladies - this thread is such a great blessing (even for those of us who just read and don't post too often - God knows all our needs and we can join together in our prayers and praise!)

    love, Bev