thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Grateful that I am feeling a little stronger after a restless night. I got to sleep around 2:30. I thank Jesus for my spouse who made me breakfast in bed this morning. I hope to be able to attend the farewell party for one of our dear pastors this evening. He is answering a call from the church where he began his walk with Jesus. We will certainly miss this dear humble man. Hoping you all have a blessed day. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited April 2015

    Good morning Ladies:

    Nancy - glad you are feeling better. Love the pics and keep on posting them. I too pray that you continue to feel better and able to spend time with your mom. The FT means full-time.

    Bev, have fun and enjoy your bike trip!

    Char, praying for you as you race on Sunday!

    Lucy, praying for you for the SE from the new drugs. As always thanks for the banners and inspiration.

    4.5 weeks on Tamoxifen for me biggest SE is insomnia. Also some dizziness over the last few days but not constant - which is also an SE from Tamoxifen. Gearing up to return to work. I have enjoyed these last few weeks off -- big smile.

    Blessings All,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Jean, I have prayed for you that you can make this event tonight. Sorry to hear you had a bad night. Thankful for your DH who brought you breakfast in bed. I am going to have to teach my cat how to do that for me!

    Bev, we will be praying for your protection from any accidents or injuries and that the Lord would put a hedge of protection around you and DH and the couple with you. I pray that you have a fantastic and life changing time on this adventure.

    Angie, thanks for the clarification. Praying that you will have the strength to manage full time work with no problems. Insomnia seems to be quite an issue when it comes to less estrogen in the body. I hope you can find ways to help alleviate this. I have found some chamomile tea can really help but mine got so bad I have to rely on prescription drugs which I really don't like but I had to do something. Unfortunately my herbal supplements for sleep were reacting badly to my AI.

    I see my doctor today and am going to a fellow band director's last concert and a surprise retirement party for her afterwards. I am praying I will be up to all of this. Going to take it easy this afternoon.

    I have prayed for all of you today.



  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited April 2015

    Dear sisters,

    Haven't been on here for a few days. Lots to catch up on.

    When we arrived home (after being gone for the winter) the 18th,, we found our furnace's motor was on the fritz. We were unable to get a new one until last Fri. Fortunately, we were able to stay in the motor home where it was warm. Furnace is fine now.

    This past weekend the Seward Kennel Club (NE) had their spring dog show, they honored our daughter Melody at it. Had a lovely flower arrangement and framed picture of her with one of her champion Belgian Teveren dogs and a beautiful write up in another frame. Our great -granddaughter (7 yrs old) showed one of her grandma's bitches (her first show to work) and won 2 awards (ribbons). One for best opposite on the final day, which gives her her first point towards an AKC Grand champion, someday. She did a great job (even better than some of the adults did), said she was doing it for grandma..

    Sunday morning, I woke up with chest pains, after I got home from church, they were getting stronger and lasting longer so my DH took me to the local Hospital ER. They did EKG/Blood work and things looked okay, but the Dr. on call (also a friend) said protocol meant that I needed to go to Lincoln to the Heart center at the Hospital there for observation. Insisted that I go by ambulance. They kept me in overnight then Mon. am did an echo cardiogram, and a chemical stress test (in a CT scanner so they could observe blood flow). Everything came out clean and okay. so I came home later that day. I mentioned to the Dr. that the trip was a waste of money and he said, "with your age and family history, you really should have had this done anyway" My dad had triple bypass and other heart problems!

    I thank the Lord for the clean bill of health. My granddaughter said she thinks it may just be stress that caused the discomfort... Who knows.

    You know, OUR GOD IS GOOD!!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week and weekend...


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015

    Hi Sisters,

    Vickie so glad all turned out well. Yes, God is good...all the time!

    Nancy so glad you're feeling better. I agree we need to keep seeing your pics. They are awesome and I'm so glad you're are making it to your class and taking more pics. It's so important to try and keep the things you enjoy on your radar. It also keeps you moving and active which is good too. I also know what you mean about the sleep. When I met with my MO last week I mentioned that I am going to bump my melatonin to the max of 10mg so I can start sleeping better. She said if it doesn't work that I may want to try a prescription sleep aid. I know it is harder on this pill with the side effects. However they are much better and today I actually walked pretty normal and without a limp. So praying my sleep will improve.

    Bev, praying safety and a joyous time on your bike trip!

    Char, praying for an awesome race day on Sunday and that your knee is strong and you can finish strong.

    Jean, I hope you were able to visit with your pastor at his party. So glad you're doing better little bit at a time. Also glad to hear it sounds like DH is being strong and supportive to your needs. What a blessing.

    Well off to bed as need to try and get to sleep to get my beauty Good night warriors...Lucy

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2015

    Almost 4am and not sleeping yet! We did get to the pastors farewell dinner. It was lovely with many telling touching stories of how he touched their lives. Truly a 3 tissue event. We will miss him. I think I will take an Ativan and try to settle down. Love, Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2015


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2015

    Let's try again.....Hi Jean, I am awake too. So, I made some coffee and am having some toast. We don't appreciate a good noght's sleep, until it does not happen!

    Yes, I read Jesus Calling every day, along with another book titled, Devotions for Women. I find both comforting knowing God is with me on this journey. Still does not make upcoming chemo any less scary.

    I usually do not wish time to go by quickly, but sure will be happy to see September roll around.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2015

    Morning Sister village,

    Jean sounds like a wonderful farewell dinner and so glad you were able to make it

    Lynn, leave it all in His hands. I will pray for peace and comfort.

    Have a blessed day ladies.

    Daily Devotional


    Praise God for making you and everything you have, including food, a home and people who love you.

    Think about the things you're grateful for. Make a list of 10 of them. Tell someone why you're grateful for each, and praise God for all that He has given you.

    Through the use of short blessing prayers that relate to everyday life, people learn to praise God and express thanksgiving. The moment you open your eyes in the morning, you might pray, "Thank You, God, for my eyes. Thank You for sight." While getting dressed, you could pray, "Thank You, God, for meeting my needs — giving me clothes to wear, such as these," and at the first sight of the sun, you may declare, "God, You are so great! Thank You for your creation." Psalm 145:1-2 is a great example of how to praise God: "I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever." Praise God today and every day.

    Read Psalm 145:3


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    I thought this verse might be helpful today. Will post more later. Off to another doctor apt.

    2 Corinthians 12:9New American Standard Bible (NASB)

    And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast [a]about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.




  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2015

    Hi Ladies, I know I have been quiet this week but it has been a week. The house goes back on the market tomorrow and tomorrow they come take photos so I have been working on a room a day to get things perfect. My husband did take the week off but his dad was in need of some care with cataract surgery so it really has been all me and I am so tired.

    I see that some of us continue to struggle with those SE's, me included but what I found this morning was that I was telling a family member that she was trying to handle everything on her own when that wasn't her job. The reason she is faltering is because she has not asked her father to help her, after I got off the phone I realize I was just as bad. I had the expanders filled yesterday, I think for the last time as I refuse to go any larger than a C cup. It was so painful this time that I went across the street to the pharmacy and swigged down 4 ibuprofen with an ice tea immediately after leaving the doctors office. I did not even make it to noon day bible study, my sternum hurts to sit up, my spine feels as if its about to crack and my right arm felt sore and like it was asleep. I came home and tossed and turned for hours before I gave up and got up and started doing things around the house. I went to bed at midnight with a pain pill and a shot of whiskey and woke up every two hours still in pain. I was so tired and sore this morning, but when I got off the phone with my cousin at 8 am I called on the Lord and told him I was at the end of my rope with the pain and tired and tired of hurting and needed him to help me.  closed my eyes and when I woke again it was 10:30 and I felt fine. I could have kicked myself for not calling out to him sooner. So busy trying to power through it on my own with man made remedies.

    These things are like hard balls sitting up on my chest and I can not imagine that I have to keep them for another 2 months before surgery, but I do. I go back to work Monday and I just pray that I am able to sleep at night in order to make it through the days. Todays scripture said to count it all joy and I will no matter what the circumstance as he keeps giving me one more day to make it right. Keep up the fight ladies, he has a purpose for us all.

    Nancy love love love the photos....keep em coming!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015

    Vickie, I am sorry to hear about your chest pain scare. I have been down that path a couple of times and the big tests were ordered and everything was normal. I know it is an expensive way to find out things are normal but always better to be safe than sorry. That is really special that Melody was honored at the kennel club. It sounds like your great granddaughter is following in her footsteps. Congratulations to her. That is something for a seven year old. I hope that you can relax and just enjoy being home. Hopefully no more malfunctions of big appliances!  

    Jean, glad you made it to your pastor's farewell event. Hope you can get better sleep tonight.

    Lynn, do  you have a start date for your chemo? We can all certainly be praying against the fear that you have. I imagine that for everyone who has gone through any active bc treatments there is a certain amount of apprehension and fear involved with the unknown. I know that for all of the woman I have seen go through chemo on this thread they can attest that the Lord was with them through it and that there were unexpected blessings that come from this journey. You can do this. We will be praying.

    Lucy, I love that banner. How are YOU doing? Is it this weekend that you are going on a two week camping trip? We will be praying for you girl. Enjoy your trip.

    Ellen, how are you doing? How is your throat doing? Praying for you dear sister.

    Kath, let's keep Kath in your prayers as she finishes her third week of rads. She is experiencing the fatigue now and she is continuing to work full time. Hang in there dear friend. You WILL get through this and before you know it you will be DONE!

    I hope to get a prayer list together very soon.

    Love you all,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2015


    We must have posted at the same time. I will be praying for your hip pain. I have been doing lots of self therapy in a similar area. I have had years of trigger point therapy for my fibro. Because of insurance issues I don't have that support anymore. My therapist showed me many tricks along the way. I use a tennis ball (unused of course) on my lower back. Basically when I find a trigger point as I am laying on the floor with the tennis ball in different spots then keep that ball on the most painful spot as long as you can stand then roll it around that area. It is quite amazing how well it works if you can stand doing it.
    Yes, you have had your share of stuff that is for sure. Praying this will leave quickly.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015


    Your post was not there when I started. Honestly! I am so sorry you have had such an ordeal with these TE. I can't imagine how awful that must feel. I have been praying for you to feel 100% before you start back to work. I will ramp up those prayers as you face work on Monday. I will post a photo just for you right now.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    These are for you She. Hopefully this will make you smile and feel better. You too Jo.






  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015


    ·  Mags has finished a long hard battle with chemo and radiation and a very
    painful shoulder during the rads. She deals with chronic fatigue and
    fibromyalgia. She is getting her life back on track now. Prayers for continued
    strength and relieve from shoulder pain.

    ·  Lucy had to end her trial as cancer was found in her lymph nodes. She
    still has two tumors in her lungs. She is on Xeloda, a chemo pill now and has
    been battling some painful SE’s. She believes this is her year of healing and I
    am believing with her as well. She will be going on a two week camping trip.
    Praying that she and DH will have a wonderful time and that her SE’s will be

    ·  Kath is finishing up her third week of rads while still working full time
    as CEO of a mental health agency. She is battling fatigue. Her twin boys will
    both be home soon from college so she needs our prayer support for energy and

    ·  Bev is on a bike and barge trip to Holland with her DH and another
    couple. Praying for strength for all of them and freedom from accident or
    injury. Praying that they have a wonderful time and will have memories for a
    lifetime. Hopefully some pics as well.

    ·  Anita did not get good news on her last scans. She now has multiple
    lesions on her liver. She has been battling this disease for several years. We
    pray for supernatural strength on this journey and that the Lord will be by her
    side where she can feel His strength. She has had family travel 1000 miles to
    see her recently. Praying she will get to see her son officially graduate from
    nursing school if she is able.

    ·  Debbie (Ireland) was in remission from Stage 4 bc but her tumor markers
    went way up so she is back on chemo treatments again. Praying for strength and
    that her church family will continue to be a great support for her. Hang in
    there girl.

    ·  Angie is done with treatments and her skin is healing from rads. She will
    be starting back to work full time and hoping to resume ministry with her DH
    who is a pastor. She is also starting to run and condition for a 5K. Proud of
    you sister.

    ·  Polly has been experiencing hand seizures for a long time. The process of
    reducing the meds slowly did not work so she is on a different regimen now. She
    needs prayers for encouragement and patience and the doctors need wisdom in the
    meds they are prescribing for her. She has IBS issues as well. Hang in there
    dear sister. I really believe things will get better.

    ·  Mini has been dealing with shingles. She was fortunate enough to be able
    to get on the drug which should help to shorten and lessen this painful and
    itchy rash.

    ·  Vickie is now home after traveling for months with DH in their RV over
    the cold months. She is back home now but has had to deal with some chest pain
    which after tests and an overnight stay at a medical facility she got a clear
    diagnosis. She and her DH have lost both of their children and the loss of
    their daughter has been just months ago so the grief is still very much there
    for her family. Praying for comfort for the whole family and for peace.

    ·  Jean has recently finished rads after chemo. She needs prayer to get her
    full strength back. She will still have infusions into fall. Her DH has had
    some issues which hopefully will be helped with folic acid.

    ·  Char is training for her first half marathon on May 3. She has a bad knee
    which we pray will not give her problems during this race. She is taking care
    of her Dad who has been staying with her and DH. She is a PE teacher as well.
    Prayer for strength in juggling all of these things.

    ·  Ellen has been fighting off a sickness. She would like to be able to sing
    at a revival at their church. Praying that this sickness will be gone. She is
    also a pastor’s wife and heads up music and leads the choir. She is dealing
    with SE from Arimidex and needing wisdom if a change is in order when she sees
    her MO this summer. With a caregiver for her mother she has lots of
    responsibilities. Praying for strength and relief from pain for her.

    ·  She Angel is going through reconstruction. She has had a bilateral
    mastectomy and dealing with painful tissue expanders. She is also starting back
    to work in police enforcement. She needs relief from pain and strength for the
    journey as she gets back to work. They are trying to sell their house as well.
    Many irons in the fire. Hang in there dear sister. You will get through this

    ·  Kate W  checks
    in with us occasionally. I will let you read her blog. I know she has been in a
    hard battle both physically and financially. Prayers for you dear sister.

    ·  Carren is doing well. She was supposed to start back to work full time on
    April 18. I believe the last she wrote she had lost 38lbs on Weight Watchers.
    Congratulations! Prayers for strength as you are back to work now.

    ·  Jo is having pain near her hip. She needs pain relief as she can’t
    tolerate pain meds. She has had lots of physical challenges lately. Prayers
    that she can have a long spell of wellness very soon. Hang in there dear

    ·  Debbie (foots) has been fighting off sickness. Prayers for complete
    healing. She has difficulty breathing and has a service dog. She is a trooper
    and finds time to post all the prayers for all of us as she deals with so much
    herself. God Bless you dear one and we are praying for you too.

    ·  Jerseygirl was having pain and fatigue from chemo treatments. Praying
    that she is doing better.

    ·  SA8PG known as G has been through several surgeries to find an infection
    which never showed up. Praying that this is resolved. She is in chemo and has
    eight children and one under a year old. Dear sister, we will pray for
    supernatural strength for you as you go through this journey.

    ·  Mysunshine Lynn has had a mastectomy and will be starting chemo in the
    near future. She has fear of this so she needs prayers support to come against
    this fear. Dear sister, we pray for peace for you as you begin this journey
    into chemo.

    ·  Sharon, Deborah and Robin, we have not heard from these sisters for quite
    a while. Praying all are doing well. Let us know if you need prayer.

    This is my best attempt for all of my
    dear sisters. Please correct any mistakes that I have made or feel free to add
    any needs that have not been expressed.

    I am hoping to get away to my mom's soon. I would appreciate prayers for that three week stay and that

    I will be able have my physical issues under control before I leave. I still haven't decided when I am leaving


    Love you all,



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Praying for you all...She, I'll be praying for you as you return to work. When I returned after my surgeries, I found that I was more tired than I thought, and was so glad to get home! Take it easy and rest whenever you can.

    Jo, praying that your hip pain will get better. Mine has gotten bad enough that I often limp, and people are starting to ask what is wrong. Have you always had this, or is it from the earlier use of Arimidex?

    Nancy, thanks so much for the pictures. I am always amazed at God's creatures and the orderliness that He gave them in movement, care for their young and in getting food. What a great God! Hope you are continuing to improve.BTW, when you figure out how to get a cat to do breakfast in bed, be sure and let us all know!!!

    Lucy, hang in there! I love reading the devotionals.

    Lynn, glad you are continuing to recover from your surgery. Vickie, so glad you are ok..I know that was scary. Jean....breakfast in wonderful !

    I'm asking for prayer for my strength, focus, and energy in the next few days. We have a couple of meals to prepare for at church, and I have a teacher reunion some 80 miles away Saturday. I'm still battling this cold which has kept me from sleeping well. So my energy level isn't quite where it needs to be.

    God bless you all....prayers for restful nights, pain free days, and unexpected blessings that make you smile.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Both my hubby and I have appointments with our endocrinologist tomorrow. He is still having trouble opening his right eye. Cat scan was normal and the eye itself checked out fine. This doctor is excellent and I intend to ask her if one of her family had this issue who she would send them to. Please pray that she has wisdom from God as we don't know what doctor to see at this point. We are getting up early tomorrow so I'll wish you all night of sweet sleep. Love, Jean

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

    He Loves

    He cares

    and answers

    all Your prayers. By me

    I Wonder

    You know, Lord, I serve You

    with great emotional fervor

    In the limelight.

    You know how eagerly I speak to You

    At the women's club.

    You know how I effervesce when I promote

    A fellowship group.

    You know my genuine enthusiasm

    at bible study.

    But How would I react , I wonder,

    if You pointed to a basin of water

    and ask me to wash the calloused feet

    of a bent and wrinkled old woman

    Day after day

    month after month

    In a room where nobody saw

    and nobody knew.  By Ruth Harms Calkins


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited May 2015

    Nancy, You are so sweet for addressing everyone's needs. I am praying for us all!

    Jo - May God help your hip pain.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited May 2015

    Footprints - we would obey God, because that is who we are.....children of God

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited May 2015

    Nancy, I echo sunshine's sentiment, with thanks for continuing to remember me. I am doing much better. Yesterday I had an appointment with an new primary care doc at the new family clinic they've opened at my cancer clinic. One factor in making the change was knowing that they can access my port for blood draws. I elected to keep it because my veins are so bad. The new doc was wonderful. I was a little nervous but she put me at ease and we really connected. Had labs done at the infusion center so I got to see my nurses who are always so sweet and give hugs.

    My cousin had a choir conflict so I had to go early with her and it was seniors game day there so I played dominos and had lunch and saw quite a few people I hadn't seen in a while. Four of my rads drivers were there.

    It was a long day, and I'm paying the price today, thanks to fibromyalgia's delayed reactions. But it was good to be with church friends, and I do like my new doctor. By the way, she wants me to go back to my orthopedic doc for my shoulders.

    I have been thankful to be able to attend worship services regularly again, and will add activities there as I'm able. I'm still really concerned for my DH as he really seems depressed. Next month we are going to visit friends for several days and that will cheer him up.

    Again thanks for remembering me, as I do you. Blessings to all.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    From the medical bldg where dh is having an mri of his neck, then off to pick up a disc of his cat scan mire, Jean

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2015

    So many needs, but also so many blessings. You all are incredible. I finished my meds and the shingles, thankfully, are all but gone. I'm hoping that it won't leave a scar. Silly I know. It's not like I don't have other scars, but I don't need more!

    I have a bone scan and labs next week, and an onco visit the following week. I will be interested to see if my arthritis and osteoporosis have progressed. I hope that if I have to deal with all the SE's from the Tamox, that I will at least get some bone growth from it. Although I have more joint pain than before, especially after lifting weights. I feel it in my wrists and fingers.

    Jo- I had terrible bone pain with the Arimidex. I had so many SE's, from all the AI's that I had to take Tamox instead. It effects my sleep, and my ability to eat, but the other SE's are minor. I hope you find some relief soon.

    I'm thinking of you all. I hope you enjoy your weekend. We are finally going to be in the 70's. I'm looking forward to working in the garden this weekend. Much better than working out at the gym.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Afternoon Warriors,

    Yes I many needs but there are inded so many blessings to be thankful for as well.  My se's are so much improved this week.  It is my week off from my 2 weeks on Xeloda so my body is healing.  Start the drug again next week so we will be monitoring it closer this time to make sure we stop and make changes quicker now that we know what happened last time.  It started on day 3 and 4 with tingling in my fingers.  Day 11 was full on red and sore and starting to hurt to walk.  At this point we will stop it or lower the dose.  Not walking is just not an option as I want to work out and been doing a lot of walking.  Not to mention we leave Sunday for a 2 week camping trip...WOO HOO!!!  First long trip in over 2 years since this journey started.  One thing good with the pill is I only go to the clinich once a month now for my MO appt. and blood work. 

    Today is DH birthda and tonight is DH birthday dinner at the mexican restaurant of his choice.  I have 29 people coming with family and close church family and friends.  Going early so DD and I can decorate and make it festive for his big "60".  We have been blessed with nice weather so it will be in the mid 60's and so we can have the outside area too.  So thankful for this weather our dear Lord has provided us so it can be super special.  Then Saturday all day packing and cleaning the house and buttoning it up so we can hit the road.  I am a little nervous as it has been a long time since I have had this freedom and it is a bit unnerving. I trust our God and He is with me...thank you Father God!

    I will keep in touch and post a pic now and then.  Blessings to all of you and have a blessed afternoon and weekend and know you are all in my prayers.

    Nancy a special thank you to you for keeping all the issues we have on the radar for us.  I actually printed that last post so I can have it to remind myself what the focus on prayers is needed.  You are a gem and truly a blessing to all of us.

    Love and blessings abundant...Lucy

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Thanks for the prayers for hubby. Our endocrinologist scheduled him for an appointment with a neurologist on Monday. He had an mri of his neck, picked up his brain scan disc and a blood test to rule out lyme. Hopefully we will get some answers. I just love this doctor. She doesn't fool around but gets tests done and appointments scheduled right away. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Mags, good to hear from you  Glad you are back to church. That really helps. . Glad you like your new doctor. Praying you will have wisdom in dealing with your shoulders.

    Jo, will be praying for this biopsy result. Glad you got in when you did.

    Jean, praying for DH's MRI result. Glad he is seeing a neurologist.

    Lucy, praying for a nice celebration for DH's birthday. Praying for a VERY nice two week camping trip with NO PROBLEMS!

    Foots, praying that you are getting better and better. Love your prayers and posts.

    Lynn, praying that you heal quickly and we will cover you in prayer as you face chemo.

    Ellen, praying you feel better to tackle all the things you have going on this weekend.

    Kath, praying that you can REST this weekend. Enjoy Taylor and glad Forrest is coming home soon.


    I woke up with a bad sore throat. I stayed in bed til almost noon to help fight off whatever is attacking me. My throat is better but I have a swollen uvula. I am putting it in God's hands because my planning hasn't worked out so well lately trying to get to my mom's. SillyHeart.


    Have a great weekend everyone.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Our blessed endocrinologist called tonight to let us know that the mri showed pressure on a nerve and some disc problems. Praying that the neurologist will be able to treat this without too much difficulty. It is good to have some answers, since this has been going in since hubby's fall on the ice last winter. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good evening prayer warriors ,

    Wishes for everyone to have a great weekend, whether at church, with family, a trip, or getting rest after a busy week. You are never far from my thoughts and in my prayers everyday.

    I have decided it's time to put my "Fonnie " memories in a special place, and remember her life as the inspiration it was for so many. I plan to reread our text conversations, then delete them. I have a few things about her for my scrapbook of my Cancer journey that my daughter gave me, and several small gifts from her. But I know she is free from pain, enjoying Heaven's blessings, along with many of my friends and family. As DH said, she belongs to God, not to us.

    Heard a song today that reminded me that things in life we encounter are blessings in disguise. Listening to the song "Blessings" by Laura Story put somethings in perspective for is a song I have sung several times for church. If you are not familiar with it, it's worth listening to.

    Praying for God's richest blessings for you all...Love, Ellen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

    Just Alittle Faith

    Just alittle faith made the blind man see,

    just alittle faith can do the same for You and me.

    Just alittle faith can help you each and everyday,

    and just alittle faith and you'll never lose you way.

    So have just alittle faith when things go wrong,

    and you'll find yourself singing a beautiful song.  By footprintsangel

    Sorry if the poem I found in the book hurt anyone.

    I know everyone here love God. God bless You all