thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Has anyone here had neuropathy from taxol? If so how long was it till it got better? Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Debbie (foots) your prayers and posts always bless me. In fact the last post of just a little faith really encouraged me as I have been pretty discouraged getting sick again. I agree with Jo. Keep the posts coming because we love them.

    Jo, so glad your hip pain is much better. PTL Praying for a good report on your biopsy.

    Ellen, I love that song by Laura Story. Are you familiar with the background on that song?  She is going to be in the area soon but I think it is when I will not be here.

    Have a great weekend everyone.



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    Foots, I love your posts and agree they are most encouraging and needed!. Nancy, I hope you are feeling better. Even when you are ill your leadership shows through! What a wonderful prayer list, thank you.  Jean, I hope things are better; our old bones tend to crumble together but my neuro says it's just part of aging with all its twists and turns. Learning to live with those things is the challenge. Jo, so glad to hear about that hip pain being better, prayer is wonderful! Ellen, I lost a long time friend to liver cancer a year and a half ago; still haven't let those last texts and voicemails go. Still missing that person. SpiritBlessings, I'm envious of all the camping adventures you will have. It has been so long since I did that but I used to love it. Enjoy and be well. My prayers are always with you.

    My hand seizures have went down to less than 5 a day! That is wonderful for me, especially since they are only lasting about ten seconds each, a real significant change. The new med and the old meds seem to be getting along but I know it's prayer that has made the difference. I'm going to stay at this dosage a little longer since my SE are not too bad. I don't think I'll ever complain about having too many hand seizures again after this episode. I can live with this.

    God blessed Dallas with a beautiful Saturday. Hope you are enjoying yours....Polly

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Polly, thank you. I was so thrilled to see your post. I am praying that these hand seizures will completely disappear. I am glad they are greatly improved. To think that only five is a great improvement is hard to imagine all that you have been through for so long. I am trying to lay low hopefully beat these germs. I made it to the store today and that was about it. It is beautiful and I can enjoy it from my Lazy boy chair. We have spent a lot of time together lately. LOL  Today was hopefully going to be the day I left for my mom's. I am shooting for Tuesday at this point.

    Ellen, I think you are very courageous in deleting those text messages and remembering Fonnie from another point in time. I think that is very wise.

    Jean, I am not sure if you will get any response to your question about Taxol on this thread. I have a friend who did not have chemo but radiation and her RO tells her that her neuropathy in her arm is from her breast radiation. She is the only person I have heard who had this but I didn't really spend time on the radiation threads much. You might put that question out on another thread.

    Hope you are all enjoying the weekend.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Char, praying for your half marathon on Sunday. Praying for protection for your knee and that you will have strength and stamina to carry you through. Let us know how you make out.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, ladies (well, it's morning in Holland - guess it's at least morning for Ireland Debbie, too!). Our flight to Amsterdam was cancelled so we had a frustrating day/night at the Houston airport but arrived here and started our bike trip yesterday. Thanks so much, Nancy, for the pictures and even more for the great prayer list. I'm praying for y'all, ladies - and thanking our Great Physician for His touch and love.

    A quick update on Deborahanne and Sharon - Sharon is still substitute teaching in a special ed class (since September) but planning to head to Florida for several weeks as soon as the school year is over. Their house is still listed for sale but she's waiting for God's timing on that.

    Deb leads a ladies' Bible study and is working at their library part time. Her son, Jason, is finishing up a missions trip with their church (I think in Peru?) - he should be home to his family in Phoenix this week.

    I'm praying for you all, dear ladies! love, Bev

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Happy Sunday to all my fellow warriors! I am hopeful all that were able to get to church enjoyed it. I was blessed to have my son Taylor, who got home from college with me. Then a nice lunch out with DH. and Tay.

    Sermon was on discouragement. God often uses our discouragement to take us to a deeper place of reliance on Him. -- rang true for me. Also enjoy 2 Cor 12 9-10 and Joshua 1:9

    I am so grateful and so blessed for so many things. I know many of you are struggling, and my fervent prayer for you Nancy, She, Sunshine who is starting chemo and all of you is that His healing hand will be on you, and that you can all call out to Him when you need to. I know I still whisper "Help me Jesus" all the time: in work, at home, and when discouraged.

    I also hope everyone is resting: and for those who work that you have allowed this weekend time to replenish you. I am finally listening to my body and taking naps, sleeping longer each night as I need it.

    In His Name, with hugs,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Hope all had a blessed Sunday. I crashed last night, went early to bed and went to service this morning. I felt more connected than in a long time for some reason. Pastor spoke about Saul's anointing as king and how we often look for fleshly attributes like height, attractiveness, etc. when choosing a leader to follow. Jesus set the example of a godly leader when He washed the disciples feet. A sign of a true servant/leader. Would I choose to follow a janitor, maid or waiter above the owner? I also got the blessing of connecting with some folks who dont attend Saturday night service. Tomorrow we see the neurologist to find out what to do about hubby's pinched neck nerve. I am starting to feel less discouraged and hopeful about recovery from cancer treatment. God is so faithful. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Bev, so glad to hear from you. I am glad you all made it to Amsterdam in spite of the delay. Praying for  a wonderful and safe trip. Thanks for the update on Sharon and Deborah. I will resume my prayers for the house to sell for Sharon. Sounds like Deborah is as busy as ever.

    Char, I hope you were able to finish your race without any injuries. You'll have to give us an update.

    She, praying for you as you resume work tomorrow. You can do it. You are a very strong lady!

    Jean, praying that your DH will come away with a treatment option for this pinched nerve. Hopefully you are getting lots of rest.

    Kath, praying for you as you enter your fourth week of rads and working. I am glad Taylor is home and hopefully Forrest will be home soon. Thanks for your prayers dear friend.

    Ellen, I hope you made it through your busy weekend and now have time to rest.


    I am planning on leaving for my mom's on Tuesday. I am praying that I will feel up to it. I am still having some dizziness issues and think it might be due to my TMJ which has flared recently. I would appreciate your prayers as I prepare to leave. I have slept many hours and hopefully have beaten the germs this time around. Thanks for all of your prayers.

    Love you all,


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

    My Lord and I

    I walk each day in the light of God,

    He leads me with His faithful rod.

    We are friends in every way and I seem

    to grow closer to Him ever day.    My Lord and I

    He is always close by, He knows and

    answers my every cry. And when I start

    to fall, He lifts me up makes me tall. My Lord and I

    He reminds me to be strong and helps me

    not to be wrong, So I will walk with Him

    with Him each and every day, To help show

    others His beautiful way. My Lord and I.    By Debbie

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Thank you Debbie. I bet that is one of your own writings. You are so special to all of us. Your posts are always an inspiration to all of us.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    No one can take Lucy's place for sure as she is one in a million. I am not sure if she is going to be able to post her inspirational banners so I might post some when I can.


    Have a great week everyone.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Jo, praying for peace and calm for you as you wait for your biopsy result. Let us know when you find out.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Jo, let us know!  She, check in when you can :)  Sunshine let us know how chemo went!  Prayers right now on break at work


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    Hi All, checking in. I had a few issues with Tamoxifen the last few days so took it easy -- headaches, dizziness, etc. Doing better today. I have to say even with the trials being faced I just Thank God for all the blessings that he continues to bestow on me. Yes, I still find it hard with this journey and so glad I have this board to "talk" to others. I also continue to pray over my meds (Thank you Lucy for this insight) and laying hands on myself to pray for the subsiding of SEs and continued healing mentally, emotionally and physically. Most of all thanking God for continuing to teach me how to live life despite the circumstances. PTL.

    Jo, thinking of you as you wait for your biopsy results.

    Lucy,have a great time on your camping trip. You deserve the break. I did finally get to an acupuncturist and it was great. I have to say when I initially left the office my thoughts were -- not sure how this helped. However I can tell you now (4 days post appointment it helped): 1) my shoulder pain (virtually gone now) -- I have been going to a PT since beginning of March, 2) my dizziness from Tamoxifen reduced, 3) headaches and pain from RADs nearly subsided, and 4) insomnia -- nearly gone I haven't slept this good in months without a sleeping aid. I plan to go back in 2 weeks. Here in California it is a bit expense for the private acupuncturist but I may try what they call the community acupuncturist (which means they share space). Please let me know if you are still thinking of trying one and can share more of my expereience in a PM.

    Nancy, praying for rest, relaxation and that the dizziness goes away. Praying you are able to get to your mothers and for a safe trip. Keep the pictures coming!

    Debbie (Foots), as others have said your posts here and on the prayer thread are always an inspiration to me. Keep them coming.

    Jean, I experienced neuropathy during Taxol -- came on during the later treatments. I emailed my MO a few weeks ago asking the question on how long should I expect this SE to last. Her response -- should resolve within 3/6 months or longer depending on the extent of the SE, sometimes neuropathy can be permanent and she will track this in my case since I am 4 months out and still have neuropathy on the tips of my fingers. So no definitive answer from her Sad. Praying that your's resolves quickly. The neuropathy in my feet, face and toes went away within the first month or so after finishing Taxol.

    Bev, glad you had a safe trip to Amsterdam. Have a fun filled and wonderful trip. Thanks for the update on Sharon and Deborah so glad to hear they are doing well.

    Char, let me know how the race went. Prayed for your knees and that you would finish the race with minimal to no pain and no injuries.

    She,praying for you as you go back to work today. I started back today also and typing this during my lunch hour (need the break -- big smile).

    Polly, so glad that your hand seizures have improved but praying that they completely go away.

    Ellen, how are you doing?

    All, as you know always praying (thanks Nancy for your leadership and keeping the prayer list updated!).

    I ask for prayers to not get to "busy" and continued reduction of SEs. I also ask for direction for choosing an integrative oncologist. I am looking into one for more one-on-one to assist with modifications to my lifestyle and oversight in supplement usage. My conventional MO is great but she will not really discuss supplements and just says exercises and get back to life -- which is great and I am doing butt want to take it step further (big smile). Has anyone here used an integrative oncologist to compliment conventional treatment. I was going to post ton the Complimentary/Alternative thread but...

    Love your Sister in Christ,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Angie, prayers for strength today as you are back to work. I am glad to hear that acupuncture was a positive for you. I have never tried it even though they started offering it where I went for muscle therapy and chiropractic. That was in the good ole days of having insurance that covered such things when I was teaching.

    I see an integrative doctor regularly but when it came to my cancer I knew I had to do the traditional route. Well, I didn't have to but let's say that I went kicking and screaming. I was so much into natural meds that everything about the traditional cancer treatment was not in my world. Well, of course that quickly changed. I could have gone to Cancer Treatment of America which is in Chicago but I knew I would not be able to stand a commute like that for rads with my fatigue I normally have from fibro. You might check and see if there is one of those treatment centers near you. Actually I wasn't aware of that option until I had already been approved with my doctors and PT so it was really a financial decision as well.

    I have read some of the alternative thread here but not in a very long time. I wholeheartedly believe in the power of nature to heal. I believe God has put all sorts of plants and herbs on this earth for our benefit. Wisdom in finding the right ones of course is the challenge. I have spent a fortune on my integrative doctor in the form of supplements and twice a month IV's. I do believe all of this helped me to make it to retirement. I started with this doctor in 2004 and retired in 2011. I have had to cut down on supplements for financial reasons and for fear of interaction with my AI. I have had some scares so I tread very lightly if I introduce something from the past.

    I do think you will be pleased if you can find the right doctor and the right treatment regimen. We can certainly add that to the prayer list too.

    Thanks for your prayers. I am heading to my mom's tomorrow God willing.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    I am sorry to report that the neurologist didn't seem to know what he was talking about. Very dismissive of questions and actually gave misinformation such as the inability to fully open his eye could be caused by diabetes and that his dizziness was caused by neuropathy. What the heck! Will be calling the endocrinologist who referred my hubby to him for a second opinion tomorrow. My rads areas seem worse but I was told that the intensity increases the first 2 weeks after finishing. We are both a bit discouraged ronight. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Driving hubby to his medical appointments is stressful while trying to recuperate myself. I almost started to cry in bible study tonight. Well at least there are no appointments tomorrow. Sorry for the vent. Just needed to get it out. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    Jean, yes the intensity increases the first 2 weeks or so after finishing RADs. My worse days were after the 2 weeks, but once the area starts to heal it heals fast. Thinking of you and DH and praying that you found the right doctor for a second opinion.

    Nancy, thanks so much on the detailed reply. It is so helpful. I have located two intergrative oncologist as you state I want expert assistance and want to ensure nothing interfers with Tamoxifen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015


    I am sorry that you didn't feel confident in the neurologist's explanations. I don't know about the eye situation but I do know that dizziness is a very hard thing to pin down. To flat out say it is due to neuropathy I would think would be questionable. Has he been dizzy since falling? I wonder if an eye specialist would be more helpful at this point for the eye. Years ago I was incapacitated with severe dizziness that was a byproduct of a surgery. I was referred to a dizziness specialist who was an ear nose and throat doctor. I had to have dizziness therapy which did help but unfortunately it took months for it to disappear. After missing two months of school when I got back to work I was still dizzy but I just had to cope with it and then if finally went away. I know how terrible it can be and I am sorry he is going through this. I am sorry that you are feeling discouraged. I will be lifting both of you up for wisdom in seeking another opinion and for strength and courage to get through this time.


    Jo, I am assuming you didn't hear anything. Waiting is just not fun at all. I pray for peace and for good news for you dear sister.

    Kath, praying as you are almost half way through rads that your skin will hold up and that you will be able to get some relief with your lotions. Praying for the fatigue and hoping you are able to do lots of resting when you get home from work. Hang in there. You are going to get through this time. l


    I will be leaving for my mom's tomorrow. Thank you all for your prayers. I have felt much better today. Praying that I can manage packing without any back issues or dizziness when driving. I will still be in touch. I will be at my mom's for three weeks. I am praying that we will have a great time and that it will NOT be stressful.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Thanks Nancy. He did see an eye doctor a few times but since the eye tested normal, there wasn't much he could do but recommend some exercises that give him bad headaches. I think on a spiritual level God is trying to show us how to take care of each other on a new level since we both have health issues. I must confess that I have some resentment about his health problems. Since I'm fighting for my life I am ashamed to admit I feel deprived by not having tbe care I falsely feel entitled to. Ugly stuff. Love, Jean

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

    Give Him

    Give Him Your tired broken heart,

    and He will mend every part. Give Him your

    fears and He'll take them away.

    He will lift all Your cares, Help with the

    burdens you bear, When He sees your

    tears He will wipe them away.

    So give Him a chance and You'll see,

    that He loves you and me. And He's

    always as close as a prayer.  By Me

    I can do all things through Him that strengthens me. Philippians 4:13


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    Nancy, be careful driving! And remember our prayers follow you.

    Jean, sometimes those feelings are just normal reactions. Men and kids will get something to get our attention. If he had exercises to do it probably was to prevent this from happening. My experience with neurologists run deep and good ones are hard to find. Unless there is a major issue, most won't take the time for something they consider minor. I hate that for you because it just makes it more stressful for you. I'll keep you in my prayers.

    I've been in a not so good mood today. I get upset when I see human beings behave so stupidly the way they did last night in Garland. That conference center is 7 miles from my house and to realize just how close this hate is to me just hit me square in the face today. We have high school kids graduating at this center all month long and I worry now for their safety. It will be a long time before I got to that Wal-Mart, Target or Sam's again. How sad we make our loving God.

    Blessings to all of you!

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Hi Sisters,

    My internet has been a bit spotty today. But tonight I seem to am have it stronger so thought I would post. Hope all are well as I didn't go back to get caught up. I did see Nancy's banner so thanks for that Nancy.

    Well the rain came this evening but we are still having a good time. Just nice to be out and camping which we love to do.

    Here are a few pics of yesterday and today:




    DH playing a few Christian songs for us after dinner tonight in my brothers motorhome.

    Tonight we are relaxing and watching a movie but as you see I am Not very good at watching movies for too long unless we go to theater.

    Have a blessed day tomorrow and I pray for all of you always.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Jean, I think we all have thoughts we are not proud of. That is why we are all a work in progress. When the spirit reveals this to us it shows us how much we need Jesus to perfect our faith. He is the Potter we are the clay. Praying for a better day for you and for answers and wisdom.

    Polly, thanks for your prayers. I must be living under a rock because I am going to have to look up what happened in Garland. Hope you have a better day too. How are the meds working? Still praying for you dear sister.

    Lucy, so good to hear from you. The pics look nice and peaceful. So great that Steve can play guitar. I know you all will have a great time. I will post another banner tonight for tomorrow in case you can't. Just take it easy and have fun.

    Debbie, thanks for your original writings. That must be a great creative outlet. I love your posts.

    Have a restful night everyone,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Have a great day. Keep Jesus at the center of your day. You will be amazed at the beauty that you will see.




  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited May 2015

    Nancy, I love the geese and little 'gooselings' I have no idea if I have that right or not but I loved the photos all the same.

    Each day is better although nights are tough trying to find a comfortable position to rest. The first day back yesterday was a bit tiring as everyone wanted to hug and check on me so I got no actual work done but it was nice to be back in my familiar routine even if it was anything but routine. God continues to show me things everyday.

    I walked for my fitness break yesterday which may have accounted for my exhaustion last night, but it is all good because I woke up at 5 with a song in my heart and read my devotionals and my bible and am ready for the day is going to bring with a glad heart instead of dread.

    Even though I know sometimes we struggle, when we have those moments of triumph it does feel good. I will continue to lift us up in prayer because I know it works. Have a blessed day ladies.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning ladies,

    I am so blessed this morning. I am able to sit outside with my Bible and devotional and enjoy God's creation. For much of my adult life I have rushed from place to place with little time to enjoy the beauty of life. I am thankful that God has given me the opportunity to leave school behind and start a new chapter in life.

    DH is out here fighting off wasps with spray and feeding the birds. We have bluebird babies and another pair building a nest. DH is getting brave and trying to catch a glimpse of the baby birds....gonna come back with a pecked head, I'm (His scouting report babies or eggs??????

    Thank God for his glory of creation. Another example of His power!

    Our Revival is going well. The visiting evangelist's message last night was about the dangerous place our country is in, and asked us to pray for repentance and forgiveness as a country. We have had lots of visitors from other churches...all have been blessed. I practiced yesterday and I think my voice is clear enough to do the solo tonight...if God allows, I plan to sing"Your Grace Still Amazes me" by Phillips, Craig, and Dean. Please pray that the song will be meaningful to someone.

    Asking our Lord for traveling safety for Nancy, energy and strength for those at work, and rest and pain free time for those in treatment. God bless you all...Ellen

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited May 2015

    Well, add me to the list of those who typed out great posts and lost them - arrrrgghh! This one is going to be shorter so hopefully I'll get it posted this time.

    Jean, I had docetaxol and had brief shooting pains in the sole of my left foot (a couple of times a night, a couple of times a week) and three fingertips on my right hand were kind of numb. That lasted for several months after chemo but very gradually (so much so that I don't know exactly when) everything returned to normal. Neuropathy is so scary since it can be permanent but hopefully if your symptoms are minor, they'll go away within a couple of months. With rads, my skin was horrible looking (itched more than hurt but was really open and oozy) for a couple of weeks after rads but then healed quickly. Praying for you and your husband through the tests and doctor visits!

    Lucy, so glad you can get away - enjoy your trip. I'm praying for no SE and good effectiveness from the new treatment.

    Nancy, praying for safe travels and a good visit with your mom - hope you feel much better soon. Post more pictures!

    Ellen, praying that your singing will be a blessing to many - and that you'll continue to have strength to do so much work with your church.

    Jo, praying for good biopsy results and peace for you.

    Quick update - our runner, Char, had a fantastic half-marathon....and is ready to run another one with God's help! Her knee did just fine and she ended the race feeling strong, praising God and giving Him all the glory. Yay, Char!

    Praying for y'all, ladies - but don't want to lose this again.

    love, Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Hi ladies,

    I made it safely to my mom's. I will have to write a little more tomorrow.

    Jo, I am so very sorry to hear your news. I can only imagine how you must feel. I will certainly be praying for wisdom as you see your doctor on Friday. In the mean time we will all be lifting you up and praying for the Lord to comfort you in your fear and in the decisions you have to make.

    Thanks for all of your prayers.

