thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    Praying for you Jo!

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    Continuing to pray for you, Jo

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2015

    Hello Sisters of Fait

    I finished my half marathon on Sunday. I had so many blessings along the way. I ran with 40,000 participants on Sunday. I was about four minutes off my pace because I chose to run with a gal that was keeping pretty good pace with me. She was about ten years younger than me but helped make the miles fly by. I got to about mile 3 1/2 and stopped to let her tie her shoe and adjust her knee strap. I came by a group from Christian Alliance Church Outreach and pointed to my number which had (Phil.4:13) printed it on it and this lady started shouting Halleluiah. At mile 9 I lost my running partner because she had to use the bathroom. I chose to pick up some time and took off. I lowered my time significantly during the last four miles. Temperatures were in the 70's by the time I hit the finish line. One section looked like something out of the Zombie Apocalypse and I turned up my Christian music and went through quickly because it was very depressing to see so many people looking pretty wiped out. Just I summited the top of mile 12's hill I could hear the roar of people. I had a one mile decent and I took off. My knee held up and I felt like God carried me through to the finish line. My last mile was clocked at a 9 min. mile pace. I felt God with me that entire race and I felt the prayers of all of you that prayed for me that day. I was a bit sore Sunday and Monday but nothing too terrible and today I was back at it running three miles to get me going again. Thanks so much for your prayers for me over the past months. God brought me through this great adventure and it was built on trusting Him and His grace. The sad part of the day was a 25 year who insisted on finishing the marathon and collapsed 300 feet from the finish line and went into cardiac arrest. They revived him but he is still in critical condition.

    The first pictures are of the Kids Marathon on Saturday where I ran the mile with 177 of my students and 6000 kids from schools around our area. The guy is my new team mate this year and played the lacrosse with my nephew in high school. I am running next to a third grade student whose father I promised that I would keep with me the entire race for her safety. He is raising her as a single parent and he watches over her with such protectiveness. He let her run last year and I told him I would make sure she was with me this year.

    At the Expo you can sign the wall as to why you run. Mine was Running with God. The next is me in my dollar store sweatshirt keeping warm. I was freezing by the time I got to the start line. The pink shirt is for all my BC sisters who are fighting the fight, in remission or have gone on to be with our Savior.  I had to  walk about seven city blocks before starting the race. It took my group 30 minutes to get to the start after the race began at 7 am. The next is me in the park ringing the bell for a new personal record. The last is my nephew who stayed at the finish line to watch me come in 51 minutes after he had already finished his half. He wanted a celebratory picture together.











  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Jo, I have been lifting you and your family up throughout the night. I know you have a strong faith and you will get through this tough time. Know we will be praying.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Char, Congratulations. You look terrific. That's great having all those kids into running. That will hopefully stay with them for life and be such a healthy lifestyle for them. I got to my moms tonight so will make this short for how. Thanks for all the pics. So glad you were able to do this. I think I see a marathon in your future.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Jo, I am praying for you and your family.

    I just got back from the hospital. My hubby was having slurred speech. They did a cat scan, ruled out stroke and sent him home. I will call the neurologist in the morning to see if they can do his scans sooner than next week. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Nancy I'm glad you got to your Mom's. Hope it is a blessed visit and that you are able to take time to rest. Love, Jean

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

    I Walked with Him

     Out in the field, I walked with God, As I heard

    a humming bees and the  swaying of the trees.

    All my cares seemed dim, Because I walked with him.

    The birds were singing, a beautiful day was beginning,

    I went and knelt, praying for a hand to help me stand.

    I gave Him my fears, as He wiped away my tears. I laid

     my burden down  and walk with Him.  By Me

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    This seemed appropriate for Jo and for Jean as they wait to find out how to move forward. Put Jesus at the center of your day. He will uphold you with His strong arms. Have a blessed day everyone.




    Ellen, glad your revival is going well and that you can sing now. Praise God for bluebirds. I would LOVE to see a bluebird and a!

    Bev, great to hear from you. Continuing prayers for protection from accidents or injury and that you all have a fabulous time. Hope you are getting lots of pics.

    Mysunshine, Lynn praying for your upcoming chemo. Praying against all fear

    She and Angie, continued prayers for strength. She I believe you were close. I think baby ducks are goslings. Not sure about spelling.

    Kath, prayers for stamina and strength as you are in your fourth week of rads and that your lotion will keep the pain away.

    Polly, praying that you are doing well on this dose of meds and praying that the hand seizures will disappear.

    Lucy, just let me know if you are able to post and you want to post your banners. If not I don't mind at all.  

    Debbie, love your posts. Such a great creative outlet and a blessing to all of us.

    Going back to bed now. Have a wonderful day everyone. Prayers for all of you.

    Love you all


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2015

    Dear Jo,

    You are so right that God has this all planned despite the fact that it is not what we want.I know that you will have lots of prayer warriors backing you. I sure will be one of them standing in prayer for you and your family. You have been an inspiration to all of us and I know that too has been part of His plan. Giving Glory to God despite the adversity that we go through is so key to our walk.
    Dear Jean,

    I am praying for answers for you hubby's issues. I am glad they ruled out stroke but pray that they find out what is going on quickly and that it is something that is easily taken care of. Hang in there for him...I know you will.

    Nancy....glad you got to your mother's safely and pray that this trip will be a better one for both of you.


    God bless,


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies of Faith,

    Hope this day is full of Gods blessings for all of you. The Jesus Calling passage speaks of trusting what cannot be seen. Praying for all of us to view our trials in this illness with the knowledge that God is at work, even when we can't see it.

    Good news...our former pastor who had a stroke last weekend is out of the hospital, and joined us at revival last night. He excitedly gave testimony to his almost 100% use of his right arm, and on how God had set up everything for his hospital visit, transfer to a bigger hospital, and effective stroke treatment. A testament to God's care and the prayers of many.

    Good News for us as well..I am going to be a grandma again...little Cal is going to be a big brother! They are excited, and so am I...!

    Now for a prayer request...we have two couples leaving our church to return to their former church. It's not about us or our congregation...the son has taken a Youth and Music Pastor position at their former church and they feel they need to return and support him. It is sad for us personally because they had been so supportive of us, showing us love and respect that we don't get from many of our folks. It is sad for our church because they were a part of several ministries, including the choir. My prayer is that they are doing as God leads, not what they feel pressure to do. Also that He will continue to bless them as He has since we have known them. One of the ladies is a breast cancer survivor, who has been there for me in a special way

    The Lord enabled me to sing last night..I feel the song (not me) was meaningful to several people. I give all praise to Him. Our own congregation hasn't been very supportive of our revival, but we have had a lot of visitors...Thankful for the faithful few who have prayed for and encouraged us this week.

    God bless all of you and give you peace, rest, wisdom, freedom from pain, energy,or whatever you need...He knows. Jo, special prayers for you with decision making.

    Love, Ellen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    God managed to get my hubby's scans moved up to this afternoon. Prayer requested for quick results and doctor wisdom for a clear plan of treatment for whatever is going on. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Jo, I have such mixed emotions for you: please know you are on my mind and on my heart with heavy prayer. I know The Lord will help you with this decision, and will pray he intervenes with your family and bring them peace

    Jean, lifting you up, and DH, Ellen, praying for you!

    Nancy, answered prayers for a safe trip--- how are you feeling? How is mom?

    She, MySunshine, thinking of you!

    Prayers for everyone on this thread morning and night.

    My radiologist saw me today: break tomorrow, and going to do 5 boosts starting Friday. He needs t give my chest a break: not a pretty sight at all. Then after the boosts will do 5 more whole radiation. One day at a time.

    Hugs and many prayers,


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    Thank you Jo.  You are on my mind a lot and I had to do a bit of reading to learn about your cancer. Are you going to a special center? I read that over and over that if you can do so, with this type it can have some benefit. I pray your needs are met. It looks like from your bio you did everything you could do. Know that you are an inspiration to me.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    Jo, know that we are standing in the gap for you and I am asking the Holy Spirit for guidance on intercession at this time. Praying for your DH and family. I have been thinking and praying for you all day. I also did some reading and research yesterday and today to learn more about angiosarcoma. Ditto what Mema said, you are an inspiration to me and love your tidbits of wisdom!

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015


    Together we can make it better, It may be sunny

    or stormy weather.

    Together we can love the tears away and make life

    special in every way.

    And if your world starts turning blue, together we can

    make it through.

    This old world and you and me, together will make history!  God be with You Debbie

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Jo, you have been on my heart a lot today. I too have looked up this rare form of cancer to have a better understanding of what you are dealing with. Just know that we are all lifting you up during this most difficult time. It is natural for you to feel stunned. I am praying that the Lord will give you wisdom in how to proceed. I pray that the Lord will give you a supernatural peace in the midst of this storm. You are used to lifting everyone up around you. Let us lift you up now and hold your arms up as they did with Moses when he needed strength for the battle. I know there are some on this forum that are intimately acquainted with this kind of shock and dismay. I also have seen such unbelievable strength from all of you who have had a tough journey. Just know that we all love you and care about you. I wish we could take all of this away for you and for others who have been battling this disease for a long time. I know that the Lord is still in control even though you probably feel like your life is completely out of control right now. You will get your bearings and a plan of action will be put into place. I will be lifting you up continually dear sister.

    Jean, praying that DH gets some quick results of his scan today. Praying for peace and wisdom for both of you.

    Ellen, congratulations on a new little sibling for little Cal. Very exciting. That is too bad about the couple that is leaving your church to support their family member. It sounds like that is going to be a big loss for your church in general and your choir as well. Praying that the revival went well in it's last night tonight.

    Kath, praying that this new plan of action for rads will really help your skin recover and that you will be able to proceed after a day off. I can imagine that there is some fear and apprehension at this point. Praying for the pain and the fatigue that it will be manageable. Hang in there dear friend. You will get through this. I just wish I didn't have to be so difficult.

    Debbie, I love the phrase we can love the tears away. I feel that is very appropriate for the last couple of days. Thank you for your special gift.

    Praying for all of you today and that you all have a restful night.

    Love you all ,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015


    That phrase I will never leave you or forsake you is the word the Lord gave me when I was waiting for my biopsy result a year ago. I knew in my spirit that my biopsy was not going to be good by this word but I had the hope that God was going to be there with me through it all and He has been. Those who need to hear from the Lord I pray that communication will be open and comforting and enlightening. Those seeking wisdom I pray that it will be freely given.

    I am finding with Jesus Calling that the more I practice  being in the presence of the Lord it becomes more intimate and special each time. It certainly helps with the stresses of the day. I pray that we can all have a good day.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2015

    Hello Ladies,

    First my apologies for not reading some posts before putting up my photos of my race. I truly feel a bit self centered considering what others have been dealing with, so I removed it. Again, thanks to those that prayed for me. I did have one incredilble journey with God through it all and will continue to do so. I give all the glory to Him and not to me.


    I don't know if you read this book and in it, it does mention not reading it while going through adversity but myself and another lady in our book study have been dealing with some serious adversity and found it to be so refreshing and gave us a new perspective on what we have been going through. Maybe you have read it so I apologize in advance. It is by Jerry Bridges and it is titled "Trusting God Even When it Hurts". If you feel moved by the Holy Spirit to read it, please do because it brought such calm to my heart over the last few months that I was struggling with issues that I did not care to share on her. I go back to it for refreshing. I also know that one person has read it several times and it was a blessing to Bev as well.

    I continue to pray for you and believe that this is all in God's plan...every single bit of it.


    Jean I pray that your hubby gets some good results very soon....hang in there. God loves both of you very much as you well know.

    To all of heart is with you as you continue your journeys. A piece of me goes with each of you.

    In Christ,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    I woke from a sleep with a nudge to check the posts. Jo know we are all lifting you up now. I am so sorry to hear the news on your biopsy results. I know the shock is still there and you feel numb. You will get through this next phase of your journey. Please let us know when you have your moments so we can pray at the time. We are praying all the time for one another and I know that brought me comfort when I heard of my recent dx. We have a lot of people praying for us and we know that God has a plan in all of this. We don't know what it is but we will give Him all the glory. Know you're loved by us here too. I too will have to read up on this type of cancer as I have not heard of it before. Found these for you Jo:



    Jean the resentment towards DH for health issues is normal. I had that too while DH has been dealing with his issues for 2 years prior to my dx. I often felt that way and I had to actually talk to DH about it because I didn't like the feeling and I just wanted to discuss it to express what I was feeling. I am glad I did because DH told me had has struggles for the same and felt guilty that he couldn't care for me as much as he felt I needed. So of course I didn't think of that and so it was good for us to be open and share. Granted it didn't change the situation but at least I know more about how DH feels and we focus more on just caring for each other and being honest about when we really need the others help. I pray the results are quick and something to work on to get DH strong and back where he was.

    Nancy glad you were able to get to your moms for a visit and I pray it will be sweet time together. Thanks for posting the banners and please don't stop even if I do. We all can use the constant encouragement and reminders right? I pray you are pain free and can stay strong while your there.

    Kath praying for comfort through this ongoing rads treatment. Stay strong warrior...God is with you!

    Mema what happened in Garland? Haven't been up on the news the past few days.

    She glad you had a good day! It will get easier but don't push it. Trust me.

    Ellen I love that song so much. I pray that it touches many hearts and brings them a step closer to our Lord. I wished our church would do a revival they are amazing.

    Going to try and go back to sleep now. Will pray until I do...Lucy

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    So good to hear from you Jo. I liked your "long" post! You have to be the one to tell us about this condition. And I'd choose a believer for a physician any day over anyone so it's sad he's retiring. But I bet he leaves you in good hands, plus it sounds like your hospital is a great place. I have absolutely no advise but I'll pray and be supportive. You gave us good information. And you sound good. I can sense your strength. God bless you as you get your plans moving.

    Ellen, I forgot to say congrats on that news! Nothing like a new baby to lift our spirits. I just love babies even though I get too attached. I bet your song was beautiful as well. Char, I liked your pics! Those times lift us up so you should feel comfortable giving us a moment to rejoice. It's okay to not go back and read everything. Life moves too fast. Hi She, Jean and Kath and everyone else I missed.

    As far as Garland, it's quieting down. Some radical decided to host a cartoon show making fun of the Muhammad, hired fifty private guards, and rented our local conference center which is really owned by the school district. Surprise, surprise, two extremists drive by and shoot at one of the guards who is injured but takes them both down. Had FBI, helicopters circling, news media, vacated our Walmart, Sam's, all the restaurants, and so on. They detonated the car to be safe. Now ISIS says it was their guys by no one believes it. There had been an Islam prayer meeting there in January so supposedly this was a gathering in response to that.  This center is located right off one of our busiest tollways and in front of a high school. The Garland high schools use it at graduation as well. I so hope we will have safe gatherings there in the future. This has been on CNN, FOX, dominates the news here and just makes me sick. Now we have people on both sides acting like bullies. There's so much to be done in this world why do they choose this nonsense? You should hear them argue on the local stations, waving the US flags and brandishing their guns. Ready for a fight. It's in God's hands but how saddened he must be. It's Cain and Able all over again.  I will say we do have pastors and Islamist groups working together to overcome this. It's the bullies that want to fight we just can't seem to overcome.

    My neurologist is amazed. My hand seizure is almost gone!  What suffering just weeks ago. Now, it only goes off when I do something like shampoo my hair or use that hand vigorously. Thank you God! It's prayer, I know it is. Five years and this is the most prayer I've ever had. I owe it to all of you ladies praying.

    Blessings, happy day!  Oh, and I can type again!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Char, I remember our pastor many times saying that it seems like much of the time we have good things and bad things all happening at once. With a whole group of women that is bound to be the case. I wish you would repost your pictures because we need to celebrate each others successes as much as pray with those going through hard times. We want to celebrate your accomplishments because it inspires all of us as well. I am glad this book helped you so much. I hope whatever you have been going through is better now.

    Jo, it is certainly good to hear from you. I can sense your strength coming through your words. I didn't realize it was this doctor that was retiring in June. We can all be praying that you get a wonderful new doctor. I think it is pretty remarkable having a doctor who is a believer. Do they ever treat this type of cancer with chemo? The fact that yours is smaller than this doctor has seen is a huge plus. We both share the issue of pain meds. I know one can never be certain of anything in these journeys we are on but if it were me I would probably be tempted to go with the more conservative route for all of the reasons that you stated in your post. It is rare for me to give out advice like this but that is what my heart is telling me to do. When you see your doctor tomorrow I am sure you will both come to the right decision for you. Continued prayers for you and your family dear sister.

    Jean, have you received any news on DH's scans yet? Praying for you both as well.

    Polly, what great news. I am so tickled for you. PTL I hope things in Garland calm down. It is a scary world that we live in.

    Lucy, if you can get your internet I will let you post the banners. That is your specialty unless you want a break. How are you feeling? Has the weather been improving? Praying for you dear one.

    Kath, praying that your changing your rads treatment around will be a big boost (no pun intended) to your skin improving. Continued prayers for you as you work.

    Bev, continued prayers for protection from accident or injury as you continue your biking adventure. Hope you are getting some good pics to share with us when you get back.

    Praying for all of you today.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Jo-5 You are so covered in prayer and love by so many. I believe you are listening to God guide you and to the right decision. My hysterectomy surgeon would pray with me, and my breast surgeon is a Christian as well, so I truly understand. And, God led me to both of them.

    I believe too that you will get a wonderful new surgeon, and am tickled pink your hospital is listed.

    Thanks too for sharing about it: I did some research as well=== and I would be conservative as well.

    Char, LOVED the pictures: I agree with Nancy and others, we absolutely need to share eachothers blessings and glories as well as our trials. When we share how His blessings reach us, it is our testament to Him and to each other.

    She, Sunshine how are you two?

    Lucy how are you feeling? Mema, PTL :)

    and Nancy, how are you feeling? Amazed at your willingness and faithfulness in pulling us all together all the time, even when you don't feel well. thank you

    Prayers for each and ever one of you, every day. May you feel His Love, and Presence and rejoice in it


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited May 2015

    Finally getting around to a post. I've spent the last couple of days with DH in the hospital. He began having dizzy spells and falling, and the tests show his liver is damaged. We suspect it's because of his habit of using sudafed and Tylenol to deal with increasingly worse sinus headaches in order to avoid seeing a doctor. (What is it with men?) One of his falls resulted in a small subdural hematoma, so was admitted for observation. He is covered with horrible bruises, from a combination of the falls and the liver damage. He gets a ct scan again in the morning, and if the hematoma isn't larger, he will go home tomorrow afternoon. My cousin and I have been trying to get him to see a doctor, she is the one who first noticed the yellow tinge in his eyes. He is so stubborn, he fell three times because he insisted he was ok and cousin and I couldn't keep him from trying to stand up. Finally we called an ambulance. Six hours and two ambulance rides later we finally got a room. I am spending the nights in the recliner in his room, but am having horrible muscle spasms. Right now I have one in my hand and forearm, so I have to stop typing. I covet your prayers.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Jo I am praying that God will give you unmistakable confirmation about the treatment you should have. Mags, I sympathize with you. So hard,when both of a couple are ill. Nancy, hope tour visit is a good one and you can enjoy your time with Mom. You gals are all amazing.

    We saw the neurologist today and the scans are all negative thank God. He is waiting for a blood test for myasthenia gravis which fits the symptoms hubby has. It causes muscle weakness. I am physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually exhausted after two surgeries, 5 months of chemo, ongoing infusions, keeping track of both our appointments, contacting doctors, doing the driving for us both, keeping track of our meds and on it goes. Also we are supposed to go with 2 other couples to a WW2 weekend in Reading, PA the first weekend in June. I've always had to do the planning for this. While it will be good to get off the sickness planet for a couple of days I'm just overwhelmed. How does anyone do this without Jesus? Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Mags, so sorry to hear about your DH. Praying that this damage can be treated and possibly reversed. Those hematomas can be nasty too. I will sure be praying for him. I know that sleeping in a recliner is not good for your body. I am praying that you can get relief from these muscle spasms and that you can get some good rest. Praying that he will be able to come home soon.

    Jo, it sounds like you are coming to a decision. I know that initial shock of a diagnosis that we don't want to hear but I also know of the peace that comes with a treatment plan in place. I know how the Lord allows us to get into battle mode and do what we do best as woman warriors. You are a strong woman and I am believing that what ever decision you make the Lord is going to give you unbelievable strength as we see Him doing in us all the time. I don't mean to minimize your situation but I just know that we serve a very BIG God. I am praying for your family as well because they suffer as much as we do in these situations. You are covered in prayer dear one.

    Jean, praying that you are doing as well as you can during this hard wait time. Let us know how we can pray for you and DH.

    Ellen, how are you doing? Are you completely over your sickness now? I sure hope so. I know you and DH have had so much going on. I know you probably were looking for a day to just crash. Hopefully you have had a chance to do that.

    Mysunshine,Lynn how are you doing? I know you start chemo soon. Please let us know how we can best pray for you. I know the fear and anxiety of it all has been an issue as I am sure it is for everyone facing chemo. We are here for you sister.

    Lucy, how is your camping going? Have you had any nice weather yet? How are you feeling? I imagine it is wonderful to get away for such a long time as you haven't been able to do that in quite a long time. Praying that you have an awesome and relaxing time.

    Kath, praying that your boost tomorrow goes well and that you will have a glorious weekend of resting and relaxing. I am doing better today. I am starting to plan  some big projects for my mom if my body will allow it. Cammie (my cat) allows enjoys the extra attention she gets when I am at my mom's. LOL Hope you are enjoying Taylor being home. Take care my friend.

    Debbie, I always love seeing your posts. Your original ones are very special. Keep them coming.

    Have a good night everyone.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

    My Lord and I

    I walk each day in the light of God,

    He leads me with His faithful rod.

    We are friends in every way and I

    seem to grow closer to Him everyday.

    My Lord and I

    He's always close by and knows and

    answers my every cry. And when I start

     to fall, He lifts me and makes me feel tall.

    My Lord and I

    He reminds me to be strong and helps me

    not to do wrong. So I will walk with him each

    and every day, to help teach others His beautiful way.

    My Lord and I.     By Me


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    Mags, watch out for the storms! I always think of you when they are in your area. We are getting wind and thunderstorms. I hope my birdhouse survives! Isn't that silly?  :)  Sorry to hear you are spending the night in a recliner. Hope your DH gets better and you get some rest soon. Remember, you are still healing and need lots of care.

    Nancy, enjoy your visit. I forgot to include you earlier but you know you are always on my mind. If not for you, I wouldn't even be on this thread. I pray for all of you amazing women tonight!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    I woke up this morning at 5:30 to find my dear hubby down on the couch trying to eat something, drooling and saying he has nothing to live for. I am so grateful that Jesus showed me how to take care of him, get him off the pity pot and back to bed. He is now sleeping peacefully next to me. I have been thinking of all the things I would like to do in ministry when I get stronger but I believe God is showing me that my main ministry is to take care of this man and He will show me one step at a time how to do that. Funny how sometimes I am so focused on looking outward that I miss the obvious that is right next to me. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    I just read your seems that many of you are really being tested. Praying for the health issues your husbands are facing, and that God will place a spirit of humility and cooperative ness on them.Men seem to have a need to be in charge and don't like to be questioned. Sometimes it takes serious illness to admit you need help. I know how helpful my DH has been: thankfully, he has remained healthy. Praying that they will respond to treatments,improve quickly,and realize they are blessed to have you by their side

    I have to share this...we all know God, in His time, or ultimately. Yesterday I saw a true miracle of healing in the "in His time" . The brother of our church member who had the liver transplant back in January is looking forward to finally going home soon. He has had numerous setbacks and many surgeries and procedures since the initial transplant. But his sister and he never gave up hope...and he is able to walk, talk, eat, and praise God. He " coded" twice in the hospital due to medication reactions, but he is mentally clear and so thankful. In our Cancer world , healing is so special and the hope keeps us going. Even though his situation isn't cancer, he was facing death inn a short time....and now has the opportunity to share Gods power. Someone mentioned that they hoped I had been able to crash and rest...didn't happen but I received a blessing better than a day of rest.!

    Praying for you all....Jo,it sounds like you are very in tune to His guidance about your treatment. Nancy, your visit seems to be going thankful.

    My IPad is trying to prevent my message so I'm going to stop while I can still send. God bless all of you with a good day and lots of blessings!
