thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Jo, I have been lifting you up and praying that you have a good session with the doctor. I remember saying to the lady doing my mammogram after I had been through active treatments that you don't realize how strong you are until something like this happens. Her response was that is not the case for everyone. I know some people just completely fall apart when trials hit. We have the Lord to give us that strength in our weakness. I feel like a wimp too so I know exactly what you mean. I am assuming your doctor recommended a conservative route from your last post. I am praying that God will intervene if it is not the right decision and make it known to you and the doctor. I know these trials are so hard on family members. I am praying for peace for all of you. I hope you had a good time with DH at lunch before your doctor apt.

    Debbie (foots) love your writings. It is such a great creative outlet and an inspiration to others.

    Polly, I hope your birdhouses are safe. I completely understand. I feed the birds and even have a heated birdbath for them in the winter and a fountain for them in the summer. I did find a birds nest in my mom's driveway yesterday and I was trying to figure how I could get it back in the tree. I think I am a little past climbing trees at this point. LOL  So, of course I hope all of you and your houses AND the birdhouses are safe in these powerful storms. I am glad you are on this thread. I think it was really the Lord luring you to this thread. I am so thankful that you are feeling better with the hand seizures. Praise God!

    Jean, I think you hit the nail on the head. This is an interesting twist on things. My mom (before dementia) recommended that after I retired in June 2011 that I do nothing for the first year of retirement and let the dust settle before jumping into a million things. I took her advice. It was only a few months later that a switch in her brain seemed to turn off and she went from one day being pretty normal to the next not knowing where the beauty shop was that she had driven to for years. My mission was already planned out for me starting with her advice to me. Pretty ironic. I do some volunteering but my job now is taking care of my mom as much as I can. I had plans of continuing my private teaching out of my home that I had done for many, many years but His plans for us are not always our plans for us. I am glad that the Lord allowed you to see this so clearly regarding taking care of your DH if that is what will be needed. It is pretty amazing that when we concentrate on someone else that our own issues don't loom quite as large in our minds. Praying for you and DH during this difficult time.

    Ellen, I do hope you have time to crash one of these days soon. I am so glad to hear about this liver transplant success. Those stories are uplifting and encouraging to all of us. How are your SE's doing? Praying for you today.

    Lucy, praying you are enjoying your time camping and not having any SE's.

    Bev, continued prayers for safety from injury or accidents as you travel on your bikes.

    She and Angie, how are you both doing now that you are back to work. Praying for pain control for you She and for stamina for both of you.

    Mags, praying for you and DH. Praying you can both be home soon in your own comfortable bed.

    Kath, praying that your first boost went well and that you can have a wonderful Mother's Day with your boys and DH.


    Love you all,


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2015

    Jean - Is your husband on any kind of medication? I had horrible SE's from one of mine. I had horrible dizziness, and would just fall randomly. Ears are another possibility. I hope you find the solution soon. It's hard, I know.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Answered prayer dear ladies. God heard his precious daughters. Hubby's doctor called and he has tested positive for myasthenia gravis. This disease caused all the stroke like symptoms that were scaring the wits out of me! He starts on a medication tomorrow that will relieve the symptoms. I am beyond grateful and so is my dear hubby. God has used this to confirm that my ministry is lying next to me. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Hey ladies. Just checking in tonight.

    Jo, I believe that this delay is all in God's timing. It is soooooooooooo hard to wait and I feel for you. I am praying for peace for you in this limbo that we quite often find ourselves in. I know that you know God is in control but sometimes we have to tell ourselves all of the things we know so that it transfers from our head to our heart. Praying for you dear sister.

    Jean, so glad that a reason has been nailed down. PTL Now we can pray that this medication will do the job and give you back your DH as you knew him before all of this. God works in mysterious ways and I am convinced that everything that is going on is all for His purpose for you and for DH. Bless you dear one.

    Mini, how are you doing? Is the last remains of shingles gone now. I do know that rash can stick around for a while. Hope you are doing well.

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend for all of you mothers out there.



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    Jean, I'm betting you both are relieved to get a diagnosis. I hope your DH gets a lot of rest now and follows whatever plan his doctor puts forth. I'll be sure to keep that in my prayers.

    Nancy, I hope you're enjoying your visit with your mom. My birdhouses survived the storm. Unfortunately, we have a week of them ahead of us but I'm keeping an eye out for them. I found a beautiful one today that I'm going to incorporate into my flowerbed. Now that I can use both hands, I'm looking forward to getting out and designing a new bed. I love worshipping among flowers and birds. God does such glorious works.

    Jo, I agree with others that God does indeed have his hands in this upcoming decision. It sounds like He has led you every step of the way and this will be no different. Regardless of your walk, He will be with you and that is what matters. All the while, holding the hearts of your dear family.

    Ellen, you need a spa day!!!  Mags, the storms are back so keep alert. Blessings and support to all of you!


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

    Life's Path

    I was walking life's path with a load of cares,

    I didn't remember that He was right there.

    Then along came Jesus and this is true,

    He lifted my burdens and carried them too.

    So when your challenges get too much to bear,

    Always remember, that Jesus is right there.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Polly, here are some pics I took from my yard before leaving for my mom's. So glad you are now looking forward to your garden. I will be looking forward to getting my flowers planted when I return home. I go all out in my yard. It is like my vacation. These pics are from my ornamental flowering trees.





  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Amen Debbie!!!!

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

    Without a Mother

    What would the world be like

    without a mother to care?

    No one to tell us right from wrong,

    or just to help us be strong.

    She laughs at the jokes you say,

    and teaches you how to pray.

    One that smiles lifes troubles away

    and makes it beautiful in every way.

    Lord, I thank You for something I can

    never repay You for, A Mother.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Jo, hope you enjoy the show. Sometimes it's good just to get off the cancer planet for a while. Praying for clear direction for future treatment. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Jo: think of all of us rooting you on in a stadium shouting Jo Jo Jo JO!!!!!! You can do this, and you will feel better!!!!!

    Prayers and hugs


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Jo, I wish all of us could actually be there with you to give you a big hug. I have been praying for you. A little while ago I was thinking of you when you said you felt sick at your stomach. Well, I am not sure what is happening. Am I sick again or I am having sympathy pains for you but I took a few sips of my smoothie and immediately felt sick and vomited. I do hope you can enjoy this show in Cleveland and can distract you in this hard waiting period. You are NOT a wimp. You are merely experiencing human emotions that God gave all of us. I battled with that when I was down for so long recently. I really felt like the Lord was telling my that my feelings had nothing to do with my faith. I believe that is true for you as well. You are still in the shock stage of filtering all of this through your human brain and emotions. I just hate it that you have to wait until Tuesday to see your doctor but I know that God is NEVER late. He is always on time even though we can't see that in our limited vision as humans.

    Vickie, you have been on my heart this morning. I am praying that you will be comforted through this weekend as I can only imagine how difficult this weekend is for you and your DH and family. Know you are loved and cared about here.

    Anita, you have been on my heart this morning as well. I hope you can check in with us and let us know how you are doing? You are loved and cared abotu here too.

    Mags, praying for your DH and for you. I sure hope you are home now. Let us know how things are going and how we can best pray for this situation.

    Kath, hope you are enjoying your boys now and hope Forrest got home. Praying these next treatments go quickly and you can get your life back to a new normal.

    My Mother's Day plans I think went out the window so I am just waiting to see if I can bounce back. I know my Mom won't care either way but I was going to go out today and buy her Mother's Day gifts and a card. I have nothing. She told me she thought Mother's Day had already passed.

    Praying for you all,



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited May 2015

    Hi Nancy and sisters, yes, we were able to come home yesterday evening. Would have been sooner, but the doctor forgot to order a ct scan for yesterday morning so it didn't happen til 3 and we had to wait for results.

    What a whirlwind ride we've been on the past several days! DH had been working from home and cousin had taken me to get my bone density scan on Tuesday afternoon. When we got home he was napping. When he came out to the den later he was limping. He said he had tripped over the dog bed in the bedroom and lost his balance. His toes were bruised and bleeding where he had stubbed his foot. His ankle was swollen, so we iced it down. Then the next day, cousin and I were standing in the hall talking and heard a crash from across the house, looked, and he had fallen in the other hall. We ran to him, helped him up, and he was dizzy. I helped him to the bathroom and stood outside the door. Crash! He had fallen half into the tub. I couldn't help him up so I went and got a chair and helped him sit I turned my back for a second and crash! He had tried to stand again and fallen. Now he was wedged across the hall on the floor and he wasn't going anywhere. My cousin was on the phone with 911 by then and the ambulance came shortly after. They took him to the hospital nearby and ran a bunch of tests. His blood alcohol content was .33. That's more than 3x the legal limit. And his liver was showing early signs of cirrhosis.

    Now I've been married to him for almost 28 years and I'm wracking my brain at this point. I never see him drink more than a glass or two of wine late in the evening, or a beer on a weekend afternoon. How do you even drink that much alcohol?

    But we had bigger fish to fry at that point, with a subdural hematoma. As it happened, there was no neurosurgeon available at that hospital so it would be necessary to transfer him to one where there was. This was Wednesday night, about 9 by now, and the storms were hitting hard, tornado sirens going off as I rode in the front of the ambulance the half hour ride to the other hospital. We then waited in the emergency room until close to midnight before a room was ready. We had been told he would be in ICU for a few days, but he was put in a regular room. Eventually the neurosurgeon came. The hematoma was only 3mm so not a huge worry unless it grew. So ordered another ct for morning. That one was better so his care was transferred to a very compassionate internal medicine doctor on duty who helped us ferret out the whole liver issue.

    With my cancer sucking all the oxygen out of the room, DH had put his own medical issues on the back burner, treating them with OTC meds. The biggest thing was sudafed and Tylenol for sinus headaches. I recall it was around Easter that my cousin first mentioned the yellow tinge to his eyes, but still he wouldn't see a doctor. Apparently the drugs damaged his liver to the extent that when he would have a glass of wine it couldn't process it and it just kept building up until he crashed. The internist's tentative diagnosis is something called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, a form of fatty liver disease. There is no medical treatment for it, just lifestyle changes and exercise. My sweet cousin, who has a vast knowledge of natural treatments, has been reading up on treating this with juicing, herbs, and dietary changes, and he seems compliant.

    I have complete trust in my God's plan for us, but am fearful all the same, and I don't think the two are contradictory. My fear is that my husband will return to his headstrong self and not do the things he needs to do to become well and stay well.

    This is the first time I've written all this out. And my emotions are swirling uncomfortably. What has been going through my head this morning is, what if, a year ago, I had said, I know I have breast cancer, but I'm going to forgo the amputation, the flood of poisons in my veins, the burning and open sores, and the pill that makes my bones ache, and I'm going to stay on my hormones so I won't have to deal with hot flashes again? I love my husband, so I did all that so we would have more years together. Otherwise, I'd be happy to go home to Jesus. Now it's his turn.

    Oh dear sisters, I confess I have a lot of anger at him for not seeing a doctor when we urged him to, all this could have been prevented! And I'm really hurting after spending two nights in a hospital room recliner not sleeping. So tired, but holding my tongue.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Mags, I really feel for you. These hubby issues are so hard to deal with when they won't take care of themselves. I was beside myself last week when I thought hubby was having a stroke and didn't want me to call 911 telling me I was overreacting when he was slurring his speech so badly I could hardly understand him. He finally gave in but by then I was a wreck. I'm glad you were able to vent here. Please dont beat yourself up over being angry. In your situation I would be concerned if you werent frustrated. We love you dear sister. Praying your hubby will listen to his doctors and comply with their advice. Also for wisdom for you in how to communicate your concerns to him in a way he can understand. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Wishing all the Moms here a very happy, blessed Mothers Day. Also asking for prayer for my granddaughter and great granddaughter Valentina. I just found out she has quit her job and moved in with Valentina's father who doesn't work and lives with his brother, sister-in -law and their 5(?) kids! Love, Jean

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2015

    My shingles are gone, thank goodness. Unfortunately, I have a third degree burn on my elbow. I burned it on the oven door. I never realized how many times I hit my elbow in the course of a day. Ouch. I am praying that it clears up soon and doesn't aggravate my Lymphadema.

    I go to see my onco doc on Tuesday. I am praying my bone scan and lab results are normal.

    We are still waiting to see if my DH has made it to the next level of consideration for the job he applied for in GA. I am both excited and scared about the possibilities. We love Savannah, and I wouldn't miss the cold one iota, but my kids and grand kids are here. But we've given it to God and know that He will go before us if the new job happens.

    Happy Mother's Day to one and all,


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    Jean and Mags, I was once married to this champion cowboy that thought he was invincible! After his first heart attack in his fifties, he was told to stop smoking, eating Twinkies and lose a little weight. You would have thought it was the end of the world! He did give up his Twinkies but not the chicken fried everything or as I found out later, his cigs. He came in from the barn with chest pains so we rushed to the hospital again. That's when I found out he didn't give up the smoking. I was so mad at him that I wanted to kill him if the heart attack didn't! He never really stopped smoking, went back to roping and had a heart attack about every year. I left after five more. He died on his front porch with #6. Alone. He only exercised his faith when I was out the door and he was trying to get me back but I hope in that last moment Jesus saw him through whatever he needed. But that's another story. Men are just hard headed. It's that part of them that we admire but get frustrated with them at the same time. Just don't give up. They love the babying and care and get depressed over a torn toenail but they're worth it. I hope you both find a way to get them through this and yet take care of yourselves.

    Jo, I hope you enjoyed your night out without throwing up. And Nancy, stop that puking! We don't want you getting sick again. I loved your tree. I had 12 birds feeding this morning. It about drove my cat crazy watching out the window. I had such a sweet moment with my DH last night. Settlling down in bed, he rolled over and knowing one of my last things is to read our thread and pray, he asked me to pray for one of his students. I was so surprised because he has never asked for that before but I'm glad he was comfortable enough to do so. He trains internationally, mainly program management/schedule/budget/business skills so he has many students from many cultures. Anyway, I hope she was granted her need.

    Love to you all....still no hand seizures!!!!!   Praising Jesus all the time!!! Happy


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Happy Mothers Day to the moms, and blessed Sunday greetings (well, almost) to all of you. Getting things ready for the day trip to mom's tomorrow. Picking my daughter up along the way, and looking forward to her company.i had just started radiation last year, and I remember how tired I was during that trip. So thankful that I'm finally over this cold, and feeling somewhat like myself this year.

    We had a great afternoon at the home of the couple leaving our church. They had cooked on the grill and had delicious veggies and desserts. The evangelist we had this week, Paul, and his wife were there also. After dinner we had a good New Testament meeting seated around their kitchen, talking and sharing,with Paul giving us some info he'd found on the origins of church customs. I will miss Rick and Barbara at our church...but will pray all goes well for them. It has been hard to establish friendships with this Angie may reiterate, pastors and wives need friends from their church, but must be careful not to show favoritism.

    Jo, I really understand about the sick feeling. Whenever I get really upset, I can't eat or even look at food. You have a lot on your mind, so it's understandable. So glad you enjoyed the show and dinner!

    Nancy...hope you are feeling better by this point. Wishing a really good day for you and your mom. She and Angie, hope your first week at work went well!

    This weekend 20 years ago was the event that changed my life forever. My husband (not DH) announced that he had gotten involved with a girl in his office, and really didn't know if we could continue our marriage. Mother's Day weekend is always a little sad because of that. My children were 12 and 9, and waiting in the house for dinner after he broke the news to me out in our back yard. I had to go to my knees before I could even talk to them.

    But as Joseph said,(paraphrased)things were for my harm, but You turned them into good; I renewed my commitment to God and He took charge, slowly turning my focus back on Him. Then He brought Clyde into my life, and though things aren't perfect, I have theGodly man I prayed for. Thanks be to God for His unconditional love and care for me, love I certainly didn't deserve.

    Have a weekend full of good times and rest when you need it. God bless you all!


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited May 2015

    Thank you for the HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY GREETINGS.

    It is a title well earned by each mother..

    Nancy, Thursday evening while we were eating our dinner, the door bell rang and a florist delivered a beautiful deep pink rose . It was from one of the gals in my prayer group and she said she was thinking of me. She is a special gal, probably 15 years younger than myself, but she says the most beautiful prayers. Then today, my husband gave me a beautiful corsage, plan to wear it to church tomorrow. As you might figure both things made me cry. (I cry pretty easily anyway). Tomorrow, we are going over to the son-law's to have a barbeque with several extended family. Our grandaughter and her family, and her husbands mother/sister/kids, and Leon's sister and grandkids. It will be another first for all of us, to get together like this w/o Melody. Like Leon and Cass say, it will seem strange, but Melody would want us to do this.. We will have a good time.

    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL THE MOMS ON THIS FORUM (and gals who may not have birthed children but were involved in teaching/training others)


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

    A Time

    There's a time to share,a time to care.

    A time to let someone know that your there.

    There's a time to laugh, cry or sing and see

    what life can bring.

    There's a time to stop and pray, to give God

    thanks for this day.

    A time to take your children close, to let him know

    that their the most.

    A time to live, a time to die, a time to meet Your

    Lord on high.

    A time to teach, a time to reach out to others and say,"I

    love you like a brother. By me.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Mags, praying that DH will cooperate and change his lifestyle that will help this disease. A couple years ago I had some blood work that made my liver look suspicious. My alternative doctor wanted me to change the type of foods to more plant based foods and less acidic. I can't even think of the word I want but you can google many things on this. My future blood work was okay so it really didn't turn into a full blown fattly liver disease. I will pray that he can make these changes. I think some open communication by you telling him all you went through for him would be great appreciated if it were reciprocated. I know there was a very critical point in time when you wanted to refuse rads and you stepped up to the plate and toughed it out with him in mind I imagine. Hopefully you can have that conversation. Many man that don't want to ask directions are the same I can do this on my own attitude with doctors until a crisis hits. I am glad you are home and hopefully things will all work out for both of you. God knows what he is doing even though it sure doesn't always look like it from out perspective. I would be very honest with DH and very honest with God in how you feel. I will be praying for both of you and that he will be open to change for his health. So glad you are home now.

    Mini, I would contact your MO and tell him about this burn before you see him on Tuesday especially with your history of LE.

    Polly, sharing your men stories brought up some of my own. My true love I met three weeks into my Freshman year in college. He was a music major and we were together for over two years. Things were great in the beginning and then I ended the relationship. That was forty years ago. He called me out of the blue a little over a year ago. It was surreal. He called again this fall. He is married and has a family. I just never met anyone like him and I was not a Christian while I dated him but I think everyone thought we would get married. So here I am still single. I became a Christian after breaking up with him. I often wonder how different my life would have been if we had married and I never became a Christian. I have been happy single but I have to admit that this long spell of being laid up with my back and with sickness has not been fun doing this alone. It has made me a little fearful of growing old alone. So hang on to your men is my advice even if you have to knock some sense into them occasionally. lol

    Jo, I am glad you going to the show made your family happy. This could be a way to alleviate some of their worry seeing you out doing something normal. I hope it was a good distraction for you as well. Today was so strange. I had been praying for you and then when I was ready to drink my smoothie I was thinking about you saying you felt like you were going to be sick. I was fine one second and then next I was so sick. Other than a little sore throat tonight I don't feel sick like I did when I had this a few weeks ago. I am taking a new product because I have some eye issues and there is an herb which I think might be this issue. I upped the dose the last two days and I had just taken that product a little before drinking the smoothie. I am hoping it is something I can easily deal with. I am lactose intolerant so I don't drink milk products and I make my smoothies with water. I have had a really bad skin reaction where my upper chest was radiated. It has been very uncomfortable with itchy and burning. It looks like I am in radiation now. I am getting a bit concerned. Nothing I have put on it helps but just make it burn. Any clothes touching makes it worse. This has done this a few times this year. Of course never when was seeing my dermatologist. I wish she could see this. I may try to find a dermatologist here at my mom's if it persists. I don't remember it ever being this bad. Considering your situation I am more concerned about it. I sure hope that you can start to feel some supernatural peace. I will be praying to that effect.

    As Ellen has mentioned this weekend brings up all sorts of emotions for different women. We have a variety of different situations represented among us. Some Mothers feel joy, some pain and loss and others maybe feel like a third wheel and others may feel left out. I think this is probably true of many of the major holidays. I just pray that we can all be in a position to honor our mothers whether living or not, honor our living mothers and feel honored by our children and the joy that comes from those relationships. Ellen, praying that you will have a good time with your mom and glad your daughter is going with.

    Vickie, you are definitely being honored and I am thrilled to hear that. I know you will love your bbq with your family and there is nothing like family to help deal with a huge loss. Have a wonderful time.

    Jean, I will be praying not only for you and DH but for your GD and GGD in their new living arrangements.

    Debbie, I know you had told me you were putting some of your poems to song. I sure wish there was a way we could hear that final product. Keep up the good work dear sister.


    I will be staying home tomorrow since I don't know if I am sick or not. My mom doesn't want to go to church without me. I just said we can celebrate Mother's Day on another day. It will work out. Just not like I had planned. That seems to be happening a lot lately. I have to trust in what the Lord has in mind. We'll see.

    Love you all,




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    This morning I picked up hubby's new med for the myasthenia gravis. He took the first dose and within an hour all his symptoms had disappeared. His eyelid was open, double vision gone, no slurred speech or lightheadedness and jaw back to normal so he could chew and eat. It was like a miracle. I am beyond grateful for the wisdom God gave this neurologist. I do have one concern. On the drive back from church tonight hubby said that he had been ready to "blow his brains out" and that he hadn't wanted to live if he had to permanently be like he was before the meds. He really scared me and I told him that that was not the legasy he would want to leave his family, nor leave me to clean up the bloody mess. He thought about it then said "you're right". Tomorrow we are supposed to go my daughters. My gd, ggd and the baby's father will be there. We will be meeting him for the first time. I pray all will go well. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Jo, I got up because I could not sleep and was doing some research on this rash. I found some of the same things you are mentioning.  I guess I was so out of it yesterday I didn't think I had even mentioned the rash. I still use Aquafore on my radiated areas but this chest area I had stopped using it because I had been reacting to it. I used sunscreen for the first time this season when I was out walking at my mom's on Thursday. That same night I washed some of my clothes and used her detergent which is not like mine which has no scents and for sensitive skin. So it is the sunscreen which I used all last summer during rads or was it the detergent. I have very sensitive skin so it is hard to tell. I have looked up a dermatologist and there is one a block away at our hospital. She takes my insurance too so I am planning on calling her office on Monday and having her take a look at this. It is red, bumpy, itching like crazy and anything I try on it burns. Just having any clothing touch it makes it very itchy. My surgery arm is itching now too. Thanks for the advice. I hope you got back to sleep. My sister had bought me some Benadryl and after looking at it I was afraid to take it because of my AI and bp. I ended up taking one early this morning. My pulse rate has already spiked because of my AI so I was a little concerned. Going back to bed now and seeing if I can get some relief. With all you are going through I certainly appreciate you taking time to respond to all of this. I continue to lift you up for peace. Take care dear sister.


    Jean, so glad to hear about DH's symptoms disappearing. That is incredible. PTL


    I didn't see the posts that were deleted. Are you talking about this thread?


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    I hope everyone is enjoying a day of rest, and Mothers Day!!!

    Jo- I am glad you got to the show and dinner. I can completely relate to why you did it: and that was for your family. The things we do! For me, being strong when the "boys" were home from college, and continuing to send care packages, etc was key to helping ME be strong. One of my twins wrote a poem that was published in his college Literature magazine called "Triple Negative". Brought me to my knees.

    What a gift you gave them by going!

    Jean: PTL, that is GREAT news! Prayers for great GD

    Vickie: sounds like your day will be fun! And I know you will feel her spirit with you: God is so good

    Ellen, I hope you enjoyed your time with daughter on the way to your moms--- and then the day with all!

    Mema: great news on the seizures: continued prayers

    Mags, So glad you caught it with DH- Nancy was right, I too remember a lot of your motivation to continue one more day was your DH: Prayers it will be a blessing in disguise for both of you: and enjoy today together!!!

    Nancy: so so glad you figured it out. I am right there with you with the burning, itching, etc. Corn starch seems to help me a little bit. One sample they gave me was Calmoseptine, which is made of zinc oxide, menthol and that helps. It is really really thick though, and hurts to take off, like I have to do before rads. I am so glad you are with your mom, and I pray your day when you celebrate it will be even better than today!

    Can you stream your own church in so you can watch with her? I am lifting you up every few hours: Lord, please lay your hands on Nancy and bring some relief from her ailments. Let her feel your incredibly powerful love and healing presence. In Your name, with love and praise"

    Had a great sermon at church on What is Gods Plan for you, and DH went with the boys and I. Then we went to barnes and had a coffee while waiting for our reservation at brunch. Ate too much , now home in my pjs and robe soon to take a nap. My chest is really a maroon color with the areas that are burned I am trying to keep from peeling: not good underneath.

    Prayers and blessings to all


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited May 2015

    I know that we need to talk about it. I told him Friday we needed to talk about it and he said not now. Today I said, let me know when you're ready to talk about it. He said ok. I doubt it will happen any time soon. What do you do with two middle children? (Confrontation avoiders.) Good thing my cousin is an oldest child, a take-charge, no-nonsense, get-things-done type. Thankful she's here to run the roost as we basically check out. Sheesh.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Jo, I have looked up RRD and on some sites they mention having chemo and rads. I have not had chemo. I don't take a statin drug and my bp meds which I am on a very, very low dose now is an ace inhibitor. The Benadryl knocked me out at only one pill. I am itching in my other arm today. I hope I can get into this doctor at my mom's soon. How are you doing? Are you taking it easy today. Do you have any pleasant distractions like knitting? Praying for you and thanks for your concern. I appreciate your concern in the midst of your own storm!

    Angie, Happy Mother's Day to you.

    Kath, sounds like you had a good day with the boys and DH. I know you need your rest so I am glad to hear you are home in your robe and resting. Thanks for your prayers. I'm afraid I missed my online streaming of the sermon today. I was knocked out from the Benadryl I took early this morning when I couldn't sleep from this itching. I am praying for you as well. I know it is so uncomfortable when your skin is irritated. I know your end is in sight and I am praying that God will give you the strength to get through these boosts and your last treatments.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2015

    just wanted to say hello to everyone on this Mother's Day hope it's been a loving day for you all .

    I have a loving prayer partner named Betty that means so much to me please let me share some of these words with you and may they bless you as you continue to fight .

    You continue to fight the good fight of faith. If God could kick the devil out of heaven and Jesus could triumph over death,sin, and the grave, that God can kill this cancer in you! That's going to be my declaration until Jesus comes back again.

    The Lord just brought you up in my spirit. may the prince of peace and our faultless chief of the angelic armies dispatch his rich peace and angelic presence to minister and saturate the whole of your house property and vehicles. let his glory fill your place . Your friend, Betty

    In the name of Jesus God kill this cancer and let my dear and precious sister be set free! Long life is her heritage. God, I pray let long life be Anita's benefit.

    I didn't make it to church today. The pre meds for the xeloda knock me out. Today I started my meds early but even so, Mike said he really tried to get me up, I just remember a nuzzle or two with his furry, bearded face and some soft words.

    Love across the miles,
