thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2015

    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY everyone. I hope you all are able to enjoy time with your families.

    Jo-5 - I'm watching my burn, keeping clean and dry and keeping antibiotic cream on it. I'm trying to avoid taking antibiotics, since I've had to take two courses of them in the last two months. It's still sore today, but I think it looks better. It was quite red and into my arm, but now it is just a small amount around the burn itself. I'll be glad when I can keep it uncovered. The adhesive in the bandaids really irritates my skin.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    To all my dear sisters dealing with itching... I know I posted this suggestion on another thread but don't think I mentioned it here. Try scratching a pillow. Sounds weird but it fools the brain and helps the itch. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Anita, it is so good to hear from you. I hope you had a good time when your sisters and family came to visit. Are you going to feel up to going to your son's graduation? You have a precious friend, Betty, who really knows how to pray a powerful prayers. I simply say amen to all that you posted. Praying for you dear sister as you continue the battle. I hope you had a good Mother's Day dear sister.

    Mags, praying that DH will be open to talking very soon. My BIL much to the surprise of all of the family made some drastic changes in his diet after he was diagnosed with Type 11 diabetes. He lost a lot of weight and the most amazed person I think was me. This is the same guy that had a heart attack at 51 and didn't seem to be interested in changing anything and kept getting heavier and heavier. I am not sure what the difference this time around was but men can come around and make changes to save their lives. I pray that this will happen and maybe your cousin can help this all to come together.

    Mini, praying for your scans on Tuesday. Are you going to let your MO know about your burn tomorrow? Sounds like DH is still going for this position in Georgia. Praying for God's will to reign in this situation and wisdom as you make any decisions.

    Debbie (from Ireland), how are you doing? How are your treatments coming along? How have you been feeling?

    Bev, praying that you all are having a wonderful biking and barge trip in the Netherlands. Prayers for safety and freedom from injury.

    Lucy, How are you doing? How has the weather been. I imagine you have had some time for reflection and some special time with the Lord. Praying for a wonderful and relaxing time for you.

    Polly, so thankful for how answers for prayer have been answered for you regarding your hand seizures. God's timing never seems fast enough for us but He did answer and I am so thrilled for you.

    She and Angie, praying that this second week back to work will be a bit easier. She, praying for pain control. Angie praying against fatigue and any LE issues.

    Jean, praying for a good week for both you and DH. Praying for a good meeting as you meet Valentina's father.

    Char, as you go through your last weeks of school I pray for strength and patience as I know how crazy the kids can get with spring fever. Praying that the Lord gives you the desires of your heart.

    Ellen how did your day go with your mother and daughter. I hope it was a good balance with the different generations all there.

    Lynn, praying against fear and anxiety as you begin chemo soon. Let us know how we can pray for you.

    Debbie (foots) I know you have your relay coming up soon. That will be exciting for you and Faith.

    Kath, praying that your skin will have a remarkable improvement while you do the boosts before the last regular treatments. Praying against pain and soreness and itchiness.

    Jo, praying that the Lord will take you in His arms of shelter when you feel weak. I pray that you can feel strength surging from His spirit to yours. I pray for wisdom to rule in this meeting with your doctor. I pray that both of you will feel peace in the decision that is made. I pray that things will happen quickly so you can get on with your surgery and recovery. Praying against all fear and anxiety.

    I am feeling better tonight. I am not nauseated and I am trying to eliminate some things to hopefully point to the source of this nausea and rash and if they are connected. If I am not significantly better I will try to get into a dermatologist here at my mom's. I also hope to get my glasses checked as I think they could be the source of my dizziness because they seem to be out of adjustment. Hopefully a simple reaping a great reward.

    Have a great weekend everyone. I know some of you have been facing uncertainty for a long time. There is nothing that makes us have to lean on the Lord even harder when we cannot see what the future holds for us. It requires faith in believing things that we cannot see.

    Love you all



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Sorry didn't post yesterday as we were on the road all day headed home. We had a good time away but DH was getting tired and hurting so we decided to cut our trip short. I was ok and ready too as my feet were starting to hurt again after a week of my second cycle of Xeloda. Talking to the nurse today to see if I can go to one week on and one week off. They wanted to see how my second cycle would be. Well today it hurts to walk and my feet feel and look like they are burned. Very red and sore.

    Anita it was great to see you again and I sent you a private message with some questions while you are on Xeloda as well. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Did a quick review of some posts and sounds like Nancy has been dealing with some discomfort. I didn't have rads so no help on how that is. I agree with the the idea of it might be the other herbs and things you might be on. I know my MO wanted to know all the organic pills and teas I drink so she could advise me. Praying for you sister.

    Happy Belated Mother's Day to all you wonderful mothers. We were on the road all day so didn't do anything special but when I got home I had these flowers from my son:



    I was so tickled and so glad we came home. He had ordered them before we decided to go on our camping trip and took a chance on them being ok when we got back. I thought they were beautiful.

    Had this in the mail from my DD and DGD:



    It's days like today that make everything worth it.

    I pray all who have se's will get passed them quickly and others who are dealing with other issues get through as well.

    We did have a great time away but it is always nice to come home. We had a friend mow our lawn while we were gone so that was nice. The yard looks so nice. Haven't planted any flowers this year as my fingers just aren't doing too great with this new pill. We plan to do more camping so it's probably best.

    Praying you all have a good week. Will check in a bit later to get caught up and post some pics of our camping trip. Love and blessings...Lucy

    Daily Devotional

    The Real Battle

    It's hard to believe your struggles aren't against flesh and blood when your two year old is screaming and you can't get them to stop. When your teenager is belligerent and you're getting nowhere. That's not your real battle.

    Although these are obvious flesh and blood issues we tackle, the point of Ephesians 6:12 is that it's the inner fight against the evil of darkness that's causing all these struggles. Don't diminish this. Don't pretend it doesn't exist. But don't overdramatize it either.

    More importantly, find a balance in recognizing where evil comes from and how it's affecting your family. Pray for God's protection over your family. Remember, the power of Christ is far greater than the power of Satan. That battle has already been won. Christ defeated the grave and evil has lost. Claim that promise over your family and seek to honor God in all you do as a parent. God will provide, bless, protect and defend you as you seek him.

    Parenting Principle

    Know that Satan is your real enemy, not your children.

    Read Ephesians 6:12


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    Thanking the Lord for safe travel yesterday to my moms and back. You may have heard of the first tropical storm of the Atlantic forming, a month before the official hurricane season...well, it came right over us and headed towards my moms, so I anticipated a rough trip. Instead I encountered very little rain until the last 40 minutes drive back home. So thankful for the time with my mom, and especially with my daughter.Lauren is a truly unique individual who has her own way of dealing with life. I don't get to see her often, so we have some good conversations when we meet.

    Mom is remarkable for her glad Lauren went with me. She hasn't been close to the kids until the last year or so, and is more open to Stephen. Not sure why this is true, except that as long as my dad was alive, she focused her attention on him and his health issues. Our visit went well except for the occasional difference of opinion. She is thrilled about being great grandma again

    Praying for your many health needs...I am burdened with concerns for you all. I am doing ok except for the SE from Arimedex...not debilitating but very aggravating. Planning to make an appt with my primary care doc for blood work, checkup, referral for a colonoscopy, ( a year overdue) and an X-ray of my hip to see if there is anything there since it is my area of most discomfort.

    Not going to list names..I'm on my iPad and it is notorious for dropping messages. But just letting you know that all of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Have a day where you can feel Gods blessings on you.


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    Good morning Dear Sisters,

    Anita, it is so good to hear from you. Betty's prayer was powerful and spiritually healing. Thank you for sharing. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's day with the family.

    She, praying all is going well with you as you settle into work this week. Last week knocked me out.I was sleep early each night. By Friday I was exhausted and in bed by 7:00pm. I was able to recover this weekend and pray that you were able to relax also.

    Mini, praying for your scans this week and DH's position that he is going for. If I remember right, your DH and I are in the same field.

    Bev and Lucy, praying you are having a wonderful time during your vacations and enjoying God's nature.

    Nancy, praying for you and hope you are able to get to the answer on the rash. Hope you day with your mother was a blessing.

    JO, yes love that scripture. "Be Still and know that I am God!".

    On my iPad and don't want to lose this post. So, praying for all and you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Have a blessed day and week.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Nothing can touch us that hasn't been sifted through God's hand. Love, Jean

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2015

    I am going to the doc tomorrow Jo-5 and I will show the doctor my burn. We can never be too careful.

    Angie, my husband is in aviation procurement. He's applied to Gulfstream. We are trusting God to clearly answer yes or no. And if it is no, I will ask for strength to get through the winters here. :-)


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited May 2015

    Trying to contain my anger. Last night at bedtime DH said, we can talk on Wednesday when cousin goes to choir rehearsal. I said, I just want to say one thing. When I was diagnosed with cancer, you were an integral part of every discussion and decision. Now it's your turn, and you have shut me out of it all, and that really hurts.

    So I guess I have to stew in it two more days. I'm not good at that.

    3month appointment with MO tomorrow

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    So love this song...hope your able to listen as I am trying something new to add to our thread. I so needed it.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Hello ladies,

    I have been praying for the needs here. I do have some good news to share. I was able to get out today and get some things done. I was able to find some place to adjust my glasses. I am not sure if I publicly shared that I realized my glasses looked quite bent right before leaving for my moms. It was too late to do anything about it at my eye doctor. I think the Lord was definitely leading me today as I was headed out to the mall and was going to be looking for Sears optical. It was listed online. As I drove into the mall area I saw this glasses place that looked new. I kept driving and realized that Sears had left the mall years ago the optical division had probably left as well. I decided to check out this new place and this guy adjusted my glasses and was very nice about it as I told him I was out of town. My glasses were definitely bent. That could be the reason for my lightheadedness/dizziness. Could it be something so simple. I am believing it to be. I called the dermatologist in town. I had prayed that if it was meant to be for me to see her then I could get right in. There was no opening until next Thursday. I told them no thanks. If I persists I can go to an urgent care center. I have some new itchy bumps on my upper arm. I really don't know what my shingles rash looked like as it was on my back and I couldn't see it very well. I am praying that I can figure out the source if it is a dermatitis thing and that it will resolve on it's own. I am much better than I was. PTL

    Jo, I have lifted you up many times today. I hope you are not outside eating grass! Praying for you dear sister.

    Lucy, how are you doing. I know this has been  a rough time and I am sorry you had to come home early. Praying for you dear one. So glad you posted your pictures. You are loved by your family and certainly by all of us.

    I will write more later. Time to fix dinner. I appreciate your prayers so much. They have definitely helped me.






  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Ladies of faith,

    I know in the past in the midst of great trials and disappointments I have felt the Lord saying that we need to return to a place of thankfulness. In times of great challenges it is easy for satan to try to enter and disappoint us with negativity and try to tell us all sorts of lies that would discourage us. I do not mean to minimize the challenges that so many of you are facing. I do think it is time to return to our days of gratitude. If you would like to join me in this I think it would be uplifting to those who are facing great challenges.

    Today I am thankful for this thread. I am thankful for a place to go and ask for prayer and support and know that so many of you are right there to pray and to give a word of encouragement. I am thankful that we are allowed to have a thread on BCO of this nature for Christians. This thread gives hope to those who need it. I know I have said this before but we never know who may be reading this thread and never posting. We may be the closest some people ever get to Christians because they will never enter a church. Who knows. There might be some that come to the Lord by reading our thread and knowing it is a place of hope and encouragement. I hope that many of  you will join me in this.

    Praying for those who have important doctor apts tomorrow. Jo and Mini need our prayers.

    Praying for those who are in active treatments. Kath needs our prayer support as she has had some skin issues and has had to take a day off of rads and start boosts before finishing her regular treatments. Praying against pain and fatigue for her.

    Praying for Angie and She angel as they have both returned for the second week of work after time off from treatment and surgery. Praying for pain control for She and praying for stamina and strength for both of them.

    Praying for Mysunshine (Lynn) as I believe she starts chemo this week possibly.

    Praying for those who are in the heat of the battle with SE's. Prayers for Lucy and Anita and Debbie (Ireland)

    Praying for Bev as she has her bike and barge trip in the Netherlands. Praying for safety and a wonderful time for all of them.

    Praying for Ellen as she battles the SE from the AI. Praying that their church that her DH is the pastor will grow and thrive.

    Praying that you will lead Mags into good communication with her DH.

    Praising God for what He is doing in Polly's life and that her hand seizures have stopped. PTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Praising God for bringing Jean through active treatments and for what He is doing in her DH's situation. PTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Praising God for Char and her inspiration to us all. Praising God for her completion of a successful half marathon. PTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Praising God for Vickie and the strong woman of God that she is in the midst of great challenges.

    Praising God for Debbie (foots) for her creativity and her inspiration to all of us. She will be participating in a relay fundraiser coming up soon.

    Praising God that my mom and I can still share and enjoy each other's company. PTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Love you all,





  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Hi Sisters of Faith,

    Nancy so glad you got your glasses fixed. Let's pray that is the issue for your dizziness issue. Thank you God for your favor. Praising you Father God!

    Another praise report for me. Just got off the phone with my MO and they want me to take my pills one week on and one week off. This is like Anita so I am thankful. I will take this week off to let my feet heal. I sent her the pics this morning in an email so she could see how they were after a week on my second cycle. In addition to this schedule change I am to lower my dinner dose to 1000mg but leave my breakfast dose at 1500mg. I know the se's could be worse.So praying this is the one that works for me and still allows me to fight this crazy disease. This is my year for healing...thank you Father God for your healing and I receive your gift and give you all the GLORY...Amen and Amen!!!

    Pics of my poor little feet:



    They feel like I am walking on one big blister. They are warm to the touch and sometimes the heals get really hot. I will sit with them up to cook off then I can walk a bit more. Last cycle they took 4 days to be ok and free from pain. This is one reason we cut our trip short. Also DH was feeling some pain in his leg and just missed his recliner...poor guy!

    Jo praying for your DD and a quick recovery.

    I too am so thankful for this thread and all the wonderful women on here that have such a commitment to us and amazing prayer support. We are all so blessed. I know for myself God led me here and I am forever grateful to Him for that.

    I am also very thankful for my support team at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. They are amazing and so on top of things for me. They really do care about me as a patient and want what is best for me. They are so attentive to my needs and I know God led me to them as well.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    I am thankful having no other health issues except the SE from Arimidex. I am thankful to live close enough to my mom to visit for a day or overnight. I am thankful for my DH who has taken care of me since my Cancer journey began nearly five years ago, and who prepared a delightful Mother's Day gift...a delicious omelet for my breakfast.i am thankful to have Christian friends, both here at home and on this thread who encourage me and pray for me. I am thankful most of all for Gods mercy, love, and grace.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    I love hearing all the thankfulness. Thank you for joining me in this.

    Jo, thinking of you tonight and will certainly be praying for you for tomorrow.

    Lucy, your feet look so sore. I am glad that your regime has been tweaked and I really pray this will help with these SE's.

    Ellen, glad your DH has been so supportive and that he made breakfast for you. I really do need to teach my cat how to do some of this stuff. LOL

    Have a restful night everyone.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2015

    Dear Ladies,

    I had to take my dad to see his cardiologist for his six month check up and last appointment with this doctor as he is retiring June 11th. My dad had a great check up and I was glad to talk to the doctor before he leaves for good. My dad will have a young woman doctor in their practice that he feels is excellent. We trust him and that it is God's direction for his next doctor.

    I wanted to say congratulations to Ellen on her good news of a new grandchild on the way. God is so good.

    Jean, so glad for your hubby finally getting a diagnosis for what has been taking place. Now the two of you can move forward with a plan. So happy for an answer to prayer for both of you.

    Jo, I love your spirit. I think we are all wimps when it comes to lots of things. Praise God that He is our strength....and that is just what He wants us to be. I believe that God will lead you and your doctors on the right path for you and you will continue to listen to voice. My prayers are with all of you.

    Lucy, I hope your camping trip was great. I know that you are trusting God as you proceed in these next steps. God is at the start, the middle and end of each of our journeys and nothing is ever a last minute thought with Him. You are always in my thoughts.

    I continue to check in from time to time and always pray for needs on here. I figure it can't hurt having an extra voice going to the thrown. It is a beautiful day here and the heat has dropped off from 90 to the upper 60's. It is just so refreshing to have some relief from a too hot May. May all of you be blessed this day with lots of wonderful kisses from God.




  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited May 2015

    Hi Ladies, I know I have been a bit absent from posting but you all are not absent from my mind. I continue to pray for us. I hope everyone was able to enjoy Mother's Day because we are all mothers in some form, I know I have no children but I have been a mentor a role model to many and consider them my babies too.

    The house showings have been wearing me out with keeping it clean and having showings up until 8:30 at night some nights, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. There was an offer this Sunday when I finally was able to get home, and there was another one pending Monday the house has come off the market after a week. Prayfully this is God's will and things will work out so that we are able to downsize and move closer to our jobs, but if it is not we will still be blessed.

    Jo, I am sorry that you have to shoulder the burden of such news but do not despair because our father wants us to turn all our burdens over to him. That is why you feel that peace, he is there trying to take this from you so that you should have no worry. When you feel that stress just give it to him, he has all the answers and you will have the answers you need when the time is right. Until that time continue to live your life and enjoy what each day brings. That's all any of us can really do, every day is a gift even for those who as I like to say "are as healthy as a bowl of grits".

    "For we walk by faith, not, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2015

    I am thankful that for the first time in nearly 5 years ALL of my labs, tests,and scans are NORMAL! My liver enzymes included. A clean bone scan. No anemia, no pancreatitis, no elevated liver enzymes, and a white blood count right smack in the middle of normal! And my burn is healing nicely. PTL!!!!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    From the chemo chair...

    Mini, rejoicing at your good news. God is so good.

    My nurse is Jewish. She is beginning to see Jesus as the Messiah. My hubby and I were given the privilege of Shari g our testimony and messianic scripture with her. Hew nane is Tara. Prayers for her appreciated. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Mini, so glad to hear your GREAT report. PTL.

    Jo, so glad to hear this news. I have been lifting you up all day. I am praying that it will be DONE after this surgery on Monday. PTL Will be praying that your doctor will be able to do surgery as he has proposed. That would be great.

    Char, so glad to hear your Dad got a great checkup. We can certainly pray that the new doctor will be an excellent one in every way.

    She, praying that the house will sell and you can downsize as you both want to. You have your hands full so we certainly understand if you are not posting a lot. Continued prayers for pain control and for strength and stamina.

    I have a praise to share as well. I haven't done much of anything physically in a long time. I did some really hard work outside in my mom's yard today for a very long time for me. After I started this project I soon realized that at the rate I am going I would be here till Christmas! I need help so will have to figure a Plan B. I don't have the equipment needed for what I am trying to do which is basically reseed a huge part of her yard. I worked on a steep hill today and am thankful I didn't fall. I was able to order a new dishwasher for my mom and it will be installed on Thursday. She will be overwhelmed and I am anticipating hearing that she liked her old one better for the next few weeks. Hers was so old we don't even know for sure how old. It had to be done and when I was here to help her so I am thankful that is working out.


    I am so glad to hear how God has been working in our lives in and through the challenges that every one of us face. Praying that you all have a great night.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    JO, that is PTL wonderful news! Such a blessing

    Nancy, that is also just wonderful news! Now, DO not, repeat--- Do NOT :) over do it ! I think all the prayers have helped, most important your own strong faith

    I am thankful for this day, for a morning of time with God, getting another boost, having a pleasant day at work, getting home in time to put on my robe, rest in bed and listen to the rain. Thankful the whole family is together, enjoying and savoring every minute

    Sincere prayers for each and every one of your needs



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    I am thankful today that the joint pain from the AI hasn't been as bad. I managed to do some light yard work today ...mainly transplanting some flowers and some watering. It was good to get outdoors and do something constructive.

    I am also thankful for being able to reconnect and spend time with old friends...something I didn't have time to do when I was working.

    And...I am thankful that I can do something I thought about many mornings as I drove to work..Find out what coffee really tastes like when you sit and enjoy it! Yeah, that sounds shallow but these days I am thankful for even the simplest things in life. I am thankful that the Lord put everything in place so I could retire.

    God bless you all this evening with a restful night.


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    Nancy, don't overdo! You know your mom's habits so well; i.e.  the dishwasher.  But what a blessing to have you there taking care of it.  Jo, such good news!  Char, good to hear from you again. She, selling a home is such a pain. I hope it goes soon for you. We downsized last September and have not regretted it at all.  Kath, when I worked, the first thing when I got home was get into my robe. Nothing like it! I agree with you Ellen, taking time now that I don't work is my indulgence. Enjoy that coffee!

    I have soooo much to be grateful for today. I still feel like I'm dreaming with no hand seizures. I always felt like my hand was stuck in an electrical outlet but now it's just normal. I smile every day but am still careful with it. I just want to jump up and down all day with joy. My neurologist is thrilled and I told his group that prayer did it. I know the new med is there but I know without all of you praying it could have easily not worked. I am so thankful that our Lord granted me this. I will use this experience to help others as they suffer partial seizures. If you have any questions about seizures, please ask me. So much misinformation and old wives tales.  Praise God, I have full use of my hand again!!!!!

    Rest and relief to all of you tonight. May God bless each of you

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

    I walked with Him

    Out in the field I walked with God,

    As I heard the humming of the bees,

    and the wind through the trees. All

    my cares seemed to be dim, As I

    walked with Him.

    The birds were singing, a beautiful day

    was beginning , I went and knelt to pray

     thanking Him for His hand, as He helped

    me stand, I gave Him my fears, as He wiped

    away my tears. I laid my burdens down........

    And walk with Him

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015


    Have a good night dear sisters.




  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2015

    Joanne, praise the Lord, and I agree with for your blessings.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Morning Sisters of Faith,

    I woke and couldn't get back to sleep so here I am. What amazing news and to know God is answering our prayers.

    Joanne what a great Praise report you have received. I can imagine the relief you must feel and also knowing your doc will be part of the surgery. Still praying for that so we will claim it.

    Mini also great news for you on your reports...Praise God!

    Nancy so glad to hear you have energy and are working outside and getting some things done but as the others have said...please be super careful. You don't want any more set backs especially while you are not at home. I am sure you want to get a lot done in the few short weeks you are there, just be careful.

    Yesterday DH and I left to spend the day in Seattle for fun stuff and not to go to the cancer center. I am still on vacation this week so we thought it would be a nice change. We went to the chuihuly glass exhibit and it was pretty amazing. We did a lot of waking which is hard for DH but he managed. Slowly but surely. He is a trooper and is determined to have a good time pain or not. We also stopped and visited some dear friends we have known for over 40 years and they are Christians so it was nice to visit and also speak of the Lord and how as is working in all of our lives. Their daughter was there and we spoke of how she needed to have more boldness in speeking out to strangers and sharing Gods love. It's such a blessing to be able to speak freely and share our testimonies.

    I am thankful for the opportunity to get out and see the beautiful things in the big city. Thankful for our vehicle and the money to go out and enjoy some time together just DH and I to enrich our lives. I am thankful for dear friends that have been in our lives for 40 years. Thank you Lord for everything as we know it is you who provides for us. We know we are so blessed with all we have. Help us to remember all the little things we just take for granted.

    Here are a couple of pics from our visit inside the exhibit:





    These were taken outside:





    It was a fun day and today we will start a project in the yard if the rain will stay away. Will try and go back to sleep now. Praying for you all for continued blessings.

    God be with us...Lucy

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Me again...I forgot to ask if any of you have seen the app called Share The Journey? I read about it and so I downloaded it but haven't participated yet. Basically they are wanting to gather information about breast cancer and our experiences. It all sounds legit and it is from a place here in Seattle. You can download the app and read about it before you sign up. Let me know if any of you have heard of it. It's also from Sage Bionetworks which is a non-profit.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Daily Devotional

    How Can We Gain Victory Over Our Secret Sins?

    It would be wonderful if our relationship with Jesus eradicated the allure of the darkness so prevalent in this world, but that won't happen in this life. And whether it comes through the internet, television, purse, tongue or stomach, most of us are intimately familiar with the relentless persistence of secret sins.

    The conquest of these persistent sins can only begin when we decide that we want to change. We are quick to say we want to be free. But we may derive "benefits" — pleasure, power, influence, ego — from these sins. Do we really want to live without these "friends"? Do we really want to be healed? We will never break free until we believe life without our secret sins is better, in every way, than life with them.

    The other ingredient to victory is inviting others into the struggle. The sin cycle is fueled by secrecy. We may have confessed these sins to God countless times, but we hide them from others because we are afraid to risk people's esteem. But transparency and humility before others is an opportunity to put teeth to our belief that God has forgiven us. It provides accountability in our spiritual growth. And perhaps we need to care more about offending God with our perpetual disobedience and less about our friends' opinions.

    Sin grows in the dark. The psalmist said, "You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence" (Ps 90:8). The light destroys the darkness. The way to strike a fatal blow against secret sins is to finally decide we want to be free and then invite a trusted friend into our battle.

    Read Colossians 3:8-9image

    Have a blessed day Ladies...Lucy

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Dear ladies please pray for me. I am so weak. Drove hubby to his cardio appt. then we stopped at a little mall to walk around a little and get some mild exercise. When we got home we were both exhausted and I fell and banged my knee trying to go upstairs for a nap with hubby. I did no major damage praise God but have to learn to go slow in getting some strength back. Love, Jean