thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2015

    Lucy, remind me where you get your devotions from. They seem spot on.

    Jean dear one, have you got a walker? The falls are worse than the stigma of using one.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Thanks Jo and Anita.

    Walkers won't help on stairs. I just need to slow down and stop trying to carry too much at once. Also Jo thanks for letting me know that it takes time to get strength back. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Jean, Jo is right:  we forget how long it takes to get our strength back.  I love the visual of Tim Conway:  I loved that show!!!  I am concentrating on just getting through the work day:  I am pretty tired now.  Have boost number 4 today (I think 4 more) and then I think 5 whole breast left.  I actually overslept today:  just turned off my alarm-:)

    Jesus Calling has been really good for me these past few days.  Will share todays later when I am home.  Jo, any word from surgeon?

    Thankful to be able to post on here, to check on my "sisters", be able to sleep at night, and give to others during the day.  Nancy, how are you?  Have emailed you as well:

    Lucy, thanks for sharing.  LOVE the pictures.  Yes, it is the little things:  from Ellen enjoying her coffee, to taking a day trip and enjoying family and sights.  We are all so blessed, even with what we face daily.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good afternoon sisters,

    Looks like everyone is dealing with things in their lives with the help of our Lord. Jo, hope you get info soon on your surgery. Kath, praying for energy while finishing the rads. Lucy, hoping your feet are better..Nancy, I'll bet you are busily working on your mom's yard...make sure you take an occasional rest to recharge.

    Well, our "miracle" transplant patient is due to go home from the hospital today. He was there for exactly 4 months. His sister ( our church member) walked into the church last night with "To God be the Glory" playing on her cell phone. She testified that this experience has not only strengthened her faith, but has made her a bolder witness. just shows God does work in His time, and in ways that leave Doctors scratching their heads.

    I am thankful today that I can go where I want to go. I am thankful for my family and their support. I am thankful for being able to rest on days that the SEs are rough. I am thankful that the Lord has brought me through my trials and used them to witness to others.

    God bless you all.....Ellen

    Jo, just saw your post. Will say a prayer for you Monday

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Hello dear sisters.

    To say it has been crazy time around here is an understatement. I didn't even have the time or energy to respond to PM's and emails. We are waiting for the dishwasher installation and they called and said it would be later. Since my mom took the call I have no idea when they are coming. God has been changing up "my plands and my timing" quite a bit lately.

    I got a call yesterday saying my mom's caregiver has changed and a new person will be coming. The turned my plans upside down but the Lord in in control. This lady is awesome. She used to be a paramedic too. All good things. The yard has been really, really hard and overwhelming. I told my sister I definitely needed some help so she came late and we worked till dark last night. She might be coming again today so it has been a very busy and exhausting last couple of days. I would appreciate your prayers that my body will hold up. I am hurting.

    Lucy, your pics are so gorgeous. Love them. Has the sore feet? I have been praying for you in the midst of all of this craziness.

    Jo, I am glad you finally have a surgery time and now can get prepared in all ways for that. Praying for peace for you and your family at this point.

    Jean, I pray that your fall has not hurt your knee too badly. Fatigue is a very real part of rads during and after so you need to be kind to yourself for a while and give your body a chance to recover from all it has been through.

    Kath, I must have really been off the mark. I thought you had five boosts and then four or five reg treatments left. Did you really mean what your post said? It sounds like you are not receiving my emails. Praying during the day for you dear friend. I will be so happy when you are finished. Praying for the fatigue and for the discomfort.

    Ellen, so glad to hear about miracle transplant patient and how it has affected not only him but his family. That is a real PTL. Praying for relief from your SE's.


    I am thankful that I can be at my mom's to help out even though it is sometimes overwhelming. If I am not posting much you will know that I am up to my eyeballs in mud and grass seed. LOL


    A few nights ago I saw an interview (part of it) with Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw who has treatable but not curable cancer. Tom is on the board of Mayo clinic and would have access to news of cutting edge cancer treatments and access for himself in his on treatments. He made the statement that he believe that in ten years there will be a cure for cancer. He mentioned a few unbelievable cases such as a no hope cancer patient receiving a measles vaccination (I forget how many times the usual dose). She reacted pretty horribly but the next day there was NO CANCER in her body. Tom mentioned that stem cell research and gene technology will be at the forefront. I wish I could have heard all of this.




  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Afternoon Sister's,

    Jean please be very careful and don't push it. I know it is so much easier said than done and we are women who push ourselves I am sure.  It is one of the toughest things for me is slowing down.  My feet soreness has been bad so I know I am challenged in slowing down and this side effect has me sad for sure.  But they are changing my dose and next week when I start it up again it will be lower in addition to being on one week on and one week off.  I am feeling the fatigue more on this drug as well and so it is hard for me.  I get my times where I am just sluggish and boy I don't like it. 

    Anita I would really like to chat more with you as you are on this too, it helps to share more and to get some ideas that may help.  What state do you live in?  Let me know I sent you my cell number in a PM.  Also, the devotionals I use are on the Bible app I have on my phone.  There are a ton of them available and I currently have 4 downloaded that I pick and choose from; they are titled; 365 NIV Devotional Reading Plan, Parenting by Design Daily Devotional, Facing The Future with God and Talking With God in Prayer.  I read through them all and see which speaks to my heart that morning.  I am also the one who manages our church facebook page so I post on there as well along with all our events and so on. 

    Nancy glad things worked out with the new gal, God always makes things work for the good right?  He is taking care of us.  I'm also glad you have help now in the yard work.  That yard work is killer on the body for sure.  I know I don't like to do it so we have our yard totally low maintenance and we have a landscaper come in twice a year at the beginning of spring and at the beginning of fall and a guy mows once every couple of weeks.  If it was up to me I would put all rock out and get rid of the grass.  We stopped watering it last year as our water bill was huge.  We get enough rain that it has managed to stay green, not as nice but good enough.

    Joanne will be praying for Monday to go without a hitch and for a quick and speedy recovery...Praise God and thank you Lord in advance for being in the room with Joanne and giving her peace and comfort as you hold her hand through this procedure.

    Kath take it easy and we will all be rejoicing soon with you when you have the last rads done.  How is your skin holding up?  I never had rads so I don't know the process or what it takes overall.

    Did any of you see this post I did yesterday: I forgot to ask if any of you have seen the app called Share The Journey?  I read about it and so I downloaded it but haven't participated yet. Basically they are wanting to gather information about breast cancer and our experiences. It all sounds legit and it is from a place here in Seattle. You can download the app and read about it before you sign up. Let me know if any of you have heard of it. It's also from Sage Bionetworks which is a non-profit. Let me know what you think...

    Well lady warriors, I am going to take a break as another issue I am dealing with regarding constipation is I may have a hemorrhoid now and so I am waiting for my onc nurse to call with some recommendations.  This is not a fun one so any ideas are helpful...sorry if it's TMI...SickTired



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    So nice to see all the posts-- thanks for sharing everyone: it really brightens my day. :)

    Thankful for patience today, for being able to get to rads this afternoon (since I overslept this morning), for my staff, and my pastor today. Thankful for afternoon rains to take some of this heat away.

    I don't know if it is right, I thought it was less, but I have 3 more boosts and then 7 more whole breast- thanks for all the prayers. My SE's are nothing in the big picture.

    Nancy, I PMd you--

    Off to bundle in robe-

    Blessings and gratitude for you all


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Ladies did any of you get discouraged after treatment feeling like you would never get your strength back? I'm having a lot of pain walking and get really tired. Even 15 minutes of slow walking is exhausting. Sorry for the whining as I know some of you have much more serious issues. Just wanted to know if this is normal after treatment. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Thanks Jo. You have your own struggles. Praying for skill precision and supernatural guidance for your surgeon and medical staff on Monday. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Dear sisters of faith,

    I would like you all to pray for Debbie (foots) for tomorrow (Friday.) She is going to participate in a Relay for Life and she has some very specific challenges in this endeavor and without sharing all of her personal info please pray that God would put a bubble of protection around her and lift her up during this time. She is supposed to be at this event to join her team at 4pm (her time zone) and the event starts at 6. She never asks for prayer for herself and I pray that we could really life her in prayer for this event. She is ONE amazing woman.

    Lucy, I really feel for your situation. I know how discouraging that must be for someone like yourself who has had a lot of energy and now is experiencing fatigue. I know you and I know that you will find the positive in this situation. I don't mean to minimize your situation because I am sure it would be discouraging for anyone but if anyone can find silver linings in tough situations it is YOU. I do pray that the reduced dose of Xeloda and doing one week on and one week off will help dramatically in all of your SE's. Hang in there dear sister. We love you and care about you and I know you will have a lot of prayer warriors surround you with a covering of prayer.

    Anita, how are you doing? I know you have posted but haven't really told us about YOU. Let us know how we can pray for you. Did you have a good time with your sisters? Are you going to be able to go to your son's official graduation? I know it was in May.

    Jo, I am praying for you in all areas. I know that the Lord will see you through this time and will help prepare your heart for the surgery and recovery. Praying fervently for a good pathology report.

    Kath, looks like both of our computers are acting up. I know mine has been working so slowly today. I am not on my usual wi fi and my mom's is much slower than what I have at home. I am so sorry you overslept. My sister did the same thing today after we worked until dark last night in my mom's yard. I felt bed since she was trying to help me out. I am glad the weekend is about here for you. When I was so fatigued from working I looked forward to my Lazy Boy time like you look forward to your robe time. LOL Hang in there dear friend. The end is coming soon.

    Ellen, catching up with communications. Praying for a good weekend with your family.

    Jean, I got quite down in the dumps when my rads were over. I may have shared this before so if so I apologize. When my rads were over I was done with the active treatments and then knew I would be dealing with a pill for at least five years. When I found out that they were subtracting my last radiation treatment I was sad. I was completely shocked at my reaction. As the end neared I was getting very emotional and teary which is NOT like me usually. I was so upset about my reaction I thought I was crazy. I shared my feelings with my PT and my RO and they both said this is very, very normal. Now my feelings of the end might be different than what you are feeling. I deal with fatigue all the time because of my fibro and it is a constant battle of juggling energy with the tasks in front of me so I am used to that. I had fatigue for maybe three weeks or maybe a little more after rads and then I felt my normal fatigue and I really could sort of distinguish my normal fatigue from rads fatigue. I am extremely in tune with my body so my muscle therapist has told me over the years so I know I might be a little hyper sensitive in that regard. I do think that you have been through a lot of stress to put it mildly. You flew through rads and with that three hour commute. That would have done me in. You no more finished and then you have a crisis with DH. It is not unusual at all that you are experiencing a down time for all sorts of reasons. I know it is hard but CUT YOURSELF SOME SLACK and rest when you need to and don't have any big lofty goals or big projects that can wait to be done. You will eventually get your life back but I agree that it may be a new normal. I think chemo itself takes a long time to recuperate from and you are still having infusions. You will get back your stride. Hang in there dear one.


    Have a great weekend everyone.




  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    Jean, I am just a few weeks ahead of you. Fatigue, strength and endurance are my biggest issues. Although I exercise daily I am always exhausted, especially since going back to work. I did not even do "major" activities until almost 6 weeks post radiation and only walked and exercised but took lots of rest periods and naps. Which I miss now that I have gone back to work. I get home an I am "zonked", "hammered",etc. From the wisdom gleaned from those on this board -- I have accepted that it will take time and that we must take it one day at a time . Some days are better for me than others. Our bodies have been through a lot of and need time to "heal". Praying for you. Speaking of being tired I am off to bed after posting on this thread and August Chemo 2014 Thread.

    Jo, always words of wisdom! Thank You. Praying for your surgery on Monday and for a speedy recover. Praying for the skillful doctors that God has placed on your team and support and comfort for you and your family.

    Ellen, praying for you and relief from SEs. I too cherish the days that SEs are not so bad and when I can have that cup of coffee on my patio and just feel the quiet morning breeze. PTL on the miracle transplant patient -- glory to God for the praise report and for him and his family.

    Nancy, so glad you have help now with the yard work and that the new caregiver has worked out so well.

    Lucy, I have read about the App but haven't used it.

    She, I am there with you. I am so exhausted when I get home. This is my second week back at work. Last Friday when I came home I sat on the couch and was asleep before 8:00. Same thing happened on Tuesday. In this short time -- I have learning more about my bodies "signals" for sleep, not over doing it etc.

    I believe I have found a very good Integrative Oncologist and have prayed that I am making the right move. I will let everyone know how it turns out.

    Praying for my fellow prayer warriors!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Hi Warriors,

    I just finished getting signed up for this and I am excited to start this prayer and fasting. If you click on this below you can see how to get started. I'm sorry it's so late but I just got it sent to me a few hours ago and got it all signed up to receive the daily emails. Let me know if you decide to participate. There are several from our church doing it and a few other friends that don't go to church but are believers.

    This is an international MAYDAY for prayer beginning Friday May 15. IF you believe we are in the End Days I HIGHLY recommend you read and share with those who are like minded. - -

    Also I started reading a new book/devotional and it is called Healing Promises by Joseph love love this...a much read.

    Love and Blessings!!!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Good morning g precious sisters of mine. I love you guys. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. You are all an intregal part of my journey. I don't post individually much but you're in my prayers.

    My friend Anna is a diabetic. She was admitted to the hospital with cellulitis and a black hole in her foot. She is in a lot of pain and they are going to do a procedure on the black spot today. Also they are putting in a port so they can give IV antibiotics at home. She is a strong believer and surely is witnessing to everyone at the hospital. Prayers for her appreciated. Love, Jean

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited May 2015

    Hello Everyone,

    Just checking in.  It is very hard these days to carry on working from home, get on with my treatment (completed 6th of 8 treatments yesterday) and do everything else that needs doing. 

    Jo, I am very sorry to hear of your news.  You seem to be coping with it very well, it sounds to me as if you are being carried by many prayers.

    Jean, it always takes ages to get back to normal from radiotherapy.  It is so very tiring, you don't realise it until you over exert yourself doing something that you previously took for granted.

    Nancy, you are great the way that you remember everyone and wish them well in your posts, I seem to be suffering from chemo brain because although I have just looked at all of the posts for the last few weeks I can only remember a few.

    Debbie Footprints, I have prayed for you today and hope that everything works out well.

    Everyone else, my brain can't retain everything you have posted but I am doing a "corporate" prayer for you all.

    Love, Debbie

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Hello dear sisters,

    Debbie (foots), we are lifting you up for the Relay for Life today. Praying for strength, stamina and provision in all things. You are one amazing woman.

    Debbie (Irleland) so good to hear from you but I know it is so hard trying to work and be in treatments. I do pray for you all the time. You have only two more treatments it sounds like from your post. Praying for a GREAT result from this treatment plan. Hang in there sister. You CAN DO THIS.

    Jo, you know I am praying.

    Kath, so glad it is Friday so you can have some looooooooooong robe time! Praying for you throughout the day.

    Lucy, I need to have more time to check out your link. I am on a fast track today trying to fit too much into a very small amount of time.

    Angie, praying that your new integrative oncologist will be just the right fit for you and will hopefully be able to suggest things that will help you recover from all of your treatments.

    Jean, I hope you have a better day today. Hang in there dear sister.

    I am praying for you today even though I have not mentioned everyone.

    Have a great weekend,



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    I'm lifting all of you up in prayer as I read your needs, known and unknown. I don't post daily but I certainly read. I find words of great strength here. I'm still enjoying full use of my hand but having some emotional SE. Not too bad though. I'm glad I was made aware of them so I can pray about them as I go. My tongue gets a bit sharper than it should be and my poor DH is the victim. He hasn't been traveling for work much, mainly working in his home office, but I bet he's ready!

    Oh, I do enjoy Ann Graham Lotz. Not doing her fast though. I was reading a book recently and it stated that nothing progresses without problems. Isn't that the truth! It's like that with our lives, our faith, our family and everything. Yet, we are so short tempered with ourselves when we run into problems. I pray for all of us to have patience with ourselves, particularly our bodies. Rest lady warriors!

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Happy Weekend dear women of faith! Down to 2 boosts and 7 whole breast left-- DH, Taylor and I will be going to our "retreat" in TN from 6/5- 13th. Am really looking forward to it- I am having to really concentrate on patience: I want to get furniture, stay in the house, and it really is not ready. So, deep breaths, it will happen :)

    Thankful today for feeling the good Lord on the way to work during my quiet time of praise music and prayer. I love the morning 20-25 minute drive with my coffee, the praise music, and being able to be still. Thankful for being able to send staff home a little early again today-- that both boys have summer jobs now,

    "It is well with my soul"

    Thinking of everyone-- Nancy, dishwasher get set? Sounds like the new girl is a gift from God. Jo, you sound at peace :)

    Will check in later in the weekend----

    Gentle hugs and strong prayers


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Ladies, a non cancer prayer request for my grandson Bob to get a summer job. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015


    I love this promise for those who believe.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    If I posted this previously please excuse me. My poor brain has been on overload with medical stuff, both mine and hubby's.

    On mother's day we met my great granddaughter's father. He hasn't got his act together career wise but seems to adore his daughter. It was a relief to finally meet him and he is a sweet guy.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Happy Saturday Sister's,

    I pray you all have a great day and remember God loves us all.

    Daily Devotional

    Why God Allows Evil

    In this short story, Jesus tells why God allows evil to continue in the world. According to Jesus, if God uprooted all the evil people (the weeds) now, others (the wheat) might be uprooted along with them.

    For now, God's allowing evil doesn't mean he condones it. Rather, God is waiting for people to turn to him and accept his leadership in their lives. After all, if tonight at midnight God wiped out all the people who hadn't yet trusted in him, where would you be in the morning?

    Verse 30 gives us an image of the final separation that God will initiate at the end of time. On that day, God wants to gather you, as one of his people, into his heaven. Won't you accept that gracious offer?

    Read Matthew 13:24-30

    I tried to link a song from you tube but can't seem to figure it out for some reason.   I will keep trying...Lucy



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Joanne it's so great to see your face. Love your smile be your pic make me smile. Thanks for that little surprise. I am already reading 2 books and a couple of devotionals which are great. Also now doing the MAYDAY A Distress Calling For Prayer study and fast, which has been awesome. However I am very intrigued by that book title as it is also one of my favorite songs.

    Jean what a great pic of the family. Baby looks like daddy. Thanks for sharing, she is getting so big.

    Nancy thanks for sharing that banner, love it.

    Anita it was amazing to chat with you and I am planning on calling you next when I have more time to chat. Love and blessings sister!!!

    Well DH and I are getting ready to meet some friends at an auction house and the dinner and a movie. Did I mention my DD was expecting again and we have a baby due in Dec? Well we are very excited and I am asking for prayer as she is dealing with some heavy duty morning sickness that is lasting throughout the day as well. Poor girl and she got a touch of the stomach flu on top of it.

    Tomorrow is a fun day at church we have a few baptisms and a BBQ potluck so looking forward to that as well.

    Hope you al have a good day and know God loves his daughters.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Well, here's my third try...I wrote a post...lost it. Wrote another post...attached a pic of Cal...lost it when my internet went down.

    One more time..pic of Awesome Grandson....wishes and prayers for all of you to have a blessed Sunday

    Jo..Love the picture...Jean, good to see Little Valentina and her family. Lucy, love the banner and devotional.

    Today I am thankful that God has heard my prayer for a job for my son. I am thankful for being able to enjoy the little blessings of life.

    God bless you all...Ellen


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Hello sisters of faith,

    Jo, love the new pic. I think you should leave your pretty smiling face for us all to see, three years old or not. Praying for your big day on Monday and for peace for you and your family in this hard waiting period.

    Kath, praying that you are resting and enjoying your family. Is your email up and running?

    Jo, love the new pic. Valentina's Dad looks like a kind person. Praying that this new arrangement works out well. How are you doing?

    Lucy, I was finally able to check out your link you posted. I believe MAYDAY is really crucial for our country now. How are your SE's doing?

    Polly, so thrilled that you can use your hands now. I will be praying for the mental part of the SE's with your new drug.

    Ellen, little Cal is so cute. I am so glad that your son got this job and will be closer to you. PTL Praying for your church service tomorrow.

    Debbie (foots) so glad your Relay for Life went well. You are one tough lady!

    Bev, how are you doing? I am not sure how long your trip was going to be but I hope you can check in with us and give us an update.

    Char, how are things with you. I don't know if I had mentioned that I ran into one of my band parent's a couple weeks ago and she was telling me about running the Boston marathon with her sons. I am amazed at ALL of you since I struggle walking a few blocks at this point!


    Hopefully my mom and I will make it to church tomorrow. It is never a dull moment around here. Discovered a pretty bad roof leak yesterday. I think I saw Noah and the arc go by today. We have had so much rain. The yard work is now pretty much me. My sister helped me one night and then has her own stuff to deal with. I am overwhelmed and frustrated as the wind and rain have damaged some of my work I already did. I really felt like the Lord telling me to use the stuff I bought today, set a time limit and be done. It is not going to be done the way I had envisioned but the weather has made it difficult. I keep telling myself. Do not sweat the small stuff.......................... I have to LET IT GO.

    Hope you are enjoying a nice weekend and can attend church tomorrow.





  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Nancy, hubby gave me a good boundary when I get overwhelmed. " Is it life threatening? If not it can wait till tomorrow." It helps me so I thought I'd pass it on.

    Hope you all have a blessed Sunday. Love, Jean

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

                              United by Thee

    United we stand,

    proud to show.

    Our love for each other

    and the God we know.

    We are one in God!

    With caring hands to lend,

    always helping a friend.

    Because we are one family,

    United by Thee.  By Deb

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Hi Sister Warriors,

    Had trouble sleeping so posted a little earlier than usual. Have a blessed day, know I'm praying for us all.

    Daily Devotional

    God Helps You to Stand Firm

    A battle is raging — a battle we can't see. There are powers beyond our senses, beyond what we can see and hear. The Bible tells us that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Ephesians 6:12). Pretty heavy stuff, huh? But it is true. The battles we wage in our lives are but part of a huge cosmic battle that has been going on since Satan's fall. This battle will not end until he is destroyed.

    In the meantime, God promises that if we wear his armor, we can stand firm. As we pray God's promises for ourselves or for others, we need to pray for strength in the unseen spiritual battles…

    God's Promise to Me

    *I will provide you with armor so that you can stand firm and resist the enemy in times of evil.

    My Prayer to God

    Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that there is a spiritual battle being waged, a battle far beyond the scope of my senses. I claim your promise that as I wear the armor you provide, I will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil and still be standing firm after the battle. Thank you for providing this armor.

    Read Ephesians 6:13image
  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Good morning ladies. I will post this banner too. Lucy your banner is right on. One of my friends  said to me yesterday that I must feel like someone is holding my head under water. I had to laugh but that is a pretty good description of what the enemy wants to do with every Christian. We do not need to be a victim. We are victorious in Christ. PTL I hope you all make it to church and have a wonderful service.






  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Ladies thanks for the reminder. God's battle, not ours. Thus says the Lord Jesus.... "It is finished." Amen. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    We went to Saturday evening service yesterday. I started out this morning with some lovely quiet time on my deck. I am so grateful for the energy and will Jesus gave me today to do some household tasks that were due. Hubby went to a gun show with our neighbor. While he was out, I cleaned out my underwear drawer. threw out all my underwires. Kinda like saying a ritual goodbye to my pre cancer life. Put in some new stuff I bought the other day. Hello new life! I have 2 cats and the fur flies so I cleaned the stair treads as well. Changed the bed and put up a wash. I just made some eggs and am resting and eating. After a down discouraged day yesterday, it feels wonderful to get some things done. Jesus is teaching me to pace myself. Love, Jean