thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2015

    dear Jo-5, I am lifting you up in prayer! May you feel Our Lord's presence tomorrow!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Hi ladies,

    Just lost a post. Seems to be a common problem lately. Jo we are all praying for you for your surgery tomorrow morning. Praying for a great result.

    I will not list all the people again but know I am praying for all of you,.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Jo, you are covered in prayer from all of us. Try and get some rest tonight-- if it is hard, just talk to Him quietly.

    Sounds like lots of ups and downs from everyone. Went to church this morning with one son: other at bball game in mens league. Then out for breakfast, and back to bed! I really don't have much energy at all: but am listening to my body and just being present.

    Jesus Calling today:

    As you sit quietly in My Presence, remember that I am a God of abundance. I will never run out of resources; My capacity to bless you is unlimited. You live in a world of supply and demaand, where ncesary things are often scarce. Even if you personally have enough, you see poverty n the world around you. It is impossible for you to comprehend the lavishness of My provisions: the fullness of My glorious riches.

    Through spending time in My Presence, you gain glimpses of My overflowing vastness. These glimpses are tiny foretasts of what you will experience eternally in heaven. Even now you have access to as much of Me as you have faith to receive. Rejoice in My abundance- living by faith, not by sight.

    Phil 4:19, Corinthians 3:7

    thanks for posting the pics of family, love to see them, and the banners are wonderful. As are the poems!

    Nancy, am going to try email again-- PM me if you get it or not: I agree, you should finish with what supplies you have in the yard, and it will be just fine. You can only do so much. Put the superwoman cape back in the closet! :) I hope the weather has cleared, and you and your mom made it to church. And I sure hope you are feeling okay!

    Jean, glad you had a productive day! Learning from you, and resting whenever I can.

    Lucy, Deb, Debbie (foots), She, Ellen, and all on here, continuing my group prayer daily: and individual ones when posted.

    wishing all a wonderful week: Jo, post when you can: Hugs!!


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    Please cover my SIL, Patrick, with your prayers. He just had a heart attack and they had to revive him. He's being airlifted to Tulsa. He's only 40. I'm headed there tomorrow morning....

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    I'm sorry, Joanne, I prayed for you today. May tomorrow go perfectly! Blessings to you and everyone...

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Polly, I will be praying for your SIL, Patrick. We pray for protection around him. Praying for wisdom for the doctors and peace in this very scary situation.

    Kath, I got your test email and responded briefly to that and then also responding with a PM. You might check your spam folder and see if my emails have ended up I there. Praying that you will have supernatural strength to counteract this bad fatigue. Your end is in sight even though you have more treatments that I had remembered. I know this period has got to be very tough. Hang in there. You will get through this tough time. Hopefully your TN house will be something to look forward to and hopefully they will be done with it and you can get it furnished before you stay there in June. Take care and know I am praying throughout the day.




  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Joanne...praying for you dear sister. I know God will be right there with you so no worries...He's Got This!!!

    Polly...praying for Patrick. I know that is so scary. God will be there too. Keep us posted.

    Nancy...hope you have a super week and get some things done but don't push it. Baby steps my dear sis! Love and blessings to you and your mom.

    Had a good day and service was good but worship was GREAT!!! We have been gone 3 weeks with camping so it was great to get recharged. Boy, what a difference it makes to just be in our Fathers house.

    DD is doing much better from the flu but still having the all day morning sickness. Poor girl. Prayers for her to get through this part quickly work be good. Thanks in advance. Tomorrow I go for my monthly visit with my Amal at the center. My skin on my hands and feet are so much better but boy does the skin look weird. Everywhere it was red it is now a brown color and the peeling isn't so bad now. I start the pill again tomorrow and also the lower dinner dose so I pray this is what will do the trick.

    Well melatonin is kicking in so gotta turn off the lights and put down this crazy phone. Good and prayers to all of you. Lucy

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Oh Mema, praying now!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Off to my monthly appt Ladies...have a blessed Monday.

    Mema praying for your morning to go well and a swift recovery.

    Daily Devotional

    God Gives You the Capacity to Be Gentle

    In Jesus' Sermon on the Mount he told his followers, "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5). And later in his ministry he characterized himself as "gentle and humble in heart" (Matthew 11:29). Many Bible versions use the word meek for the word translated as "gentle" in Matthew 5:5. Our culture often thinks of meek as weak and spineless. Gentle, however, gives a sense of tempered strength. When Jesus angrily cleared the temple, he stayed focused on his goal, and his anger was directed appropriately. Gentleness can be strong when it needs to be.

    God promises to bless those who are gentle and humble. That's just the opposite of what we see in the world. Often those who succeed are wealthy, harsh and willing to step on anyone to get ahead. But in God's economy those who are gentle will receive everything — the "earth" refers to the future inheritance of God's kingdom.

    When we ask for the fruit of gentleness in our lives, we are praying for an attitude of humility that, while strong, is considerate toward others. As we see in the example of Jesus, gentleness can be tough, disciplined and powerful.

    God's Promise to Me

    *My Spirit grows the fruit of gentleness in your life.

    *Great blessings are in store for those who are strong in their faith and gentle in their relationships with others.

    My Prayer to God

    Lord, thank you for dealing with your people gently, even though you are at the same time sovereign, supreme, holy and just. I want to be a person of principle, a person of strong faith, who stands firm for you, and yet a person with powerful gentleness.

    Read Galatians 5:22-23


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Joanne, I have been covering you in prayer all morning. Praying for a successful surgery with pain management, a quick recovery and a good report. Let us know how you are doing when you get a chance.

    Polly, praying for Patrick. Lost a post last night and didn't have the energy to repost.

    Lucy, praying for your daughter. Congratulations as well. Praying for your SE's.

    Kath, I got your test email and sent back an email and a PM. Didn't hear from you so figured you either fell asleep or didn't get it. Praying for you friend.


    I will post more later. Lot's on the agenda today. Guy is coming tomorrow to check out the roof leak. New dishwasher is working out. My mom has been using it without my guidance which is a miracle in itself. PTL  I need prayer for physical strength. I know this seems like a trivial thing in the light of all of the serious things that you all deal with but if you have time would you pray that this grass will grow in my mom's yard that has been such a huge endeavor. I am still working on it and just repair the wind and rain damage has set me back a lot.

    I will write more later.

    Love you all,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    Joanne, praying for your Sister! God's got you and your family. He is guiding the surgeon's and medical team.

    Polly, prayed and will continue praying for your SIL Patrick.

    Lucy, I learned about melatonin this weekend and the importance. May go get some blackout curtains or at least some curtains that keep my bedroom darker than it is now. Love the banner.

    My appointment on Saturday with the Integrative Oncology was more than I had expected. She flooded me with info, which is a good thing. Wish I had found her during treatment! Now to receive the supplement treatment recommendation plan and priority on what to take and change; she has definitely motivated me to "change" some lifestyle habits.

    Still trying to battle the fatigue and tiredness. I continue to listen to my body to rest -- but hard to nap at workSillyHeart. This is small in light of all each of you are going through.

    Praying always Dear Sisters,


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Jo, prayed also you felt our love, prayers and presence with you--

    Nancy, prayers up! Maybe just let it be for now. Listen to your body)

    Lucy, thanks for the uplifting post as always :)

    Angie --would love to hear more-- I am really battling the fatigue: I crash around 3, or some days like today I yawned all day, could have put my head down.

    Love and hugs


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good evening, ladies...

    Jo, whenever you read these, I think you'll realize that your sisters have been in diligent prayer for you. Praying that your healing will be quick and results favorable!

    Nancy, just do what you can for mom....we think we can make every thing just right, but our bodies and age tell us otherwise. Glad your mom has adjusted to the dishwasher so well. Praying that you have been able to have some times of peace and rest, even if it is in the basement. mom has become an incessant talker, and I really try to listen...sometimes I just smile and nod or shake my head. It's at that point I retreat to the coolest room in her house...the bathroom. Hoping you have been able to do some outings with her. You are a faithful, thoughtful daughter!

    Lucy, enjoyed your banner today...told DH that would be great for our church sign..but not enough room. Our present Bible Study is on prayer..Max Lucado's "Before Amen"... A wonderful guide for effective prayer. The transplant patient's sister is really on fire with testimony for the Lord's healing power and for the power of prayer. Our former pastor's wife has seen its power in her husband's quick stroke recovery. DH told the group last night about God speaking to him and answered prayer about my Cancer diagnosis. Just knowing we are praying for each other means a lot.

    I've been having some symptoms of cystitis or a UTI. I have never had one as an adult, but going to my PCP tomorrow to see what is going on. Have been dragging around today after several good days in a row.

    God bless you all..thank you for the encouragement ,prayers, and friendship!


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Ellen, glad you are going to the doctor! Keep us posted and prayers up



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Joanne, prayed for you throughout the whole day. One thing I forgot to ask you is if this was an outpatient surgery or in hospital. I am praying for pain management for you dear sister and peace for you and the family as you wait for the results. We all love you and care about you and are covering you in much prayer. Remember these sister warriors are powerful prayer warriors. Hoping to hear a great report when you can.

    Ellen, praying that you can get some relief after seeing your doctor tomorrow. I am not familiar with cystitis but I pray that it is something easily treated.

    Angie, praying that you can get some great results from your new oncologist. I know my integrative doctor was really a big part in me being able to get to retirement. He treated me for seven years to see me through retirement and now another four years after. Praying for your fatigue.

    Kath, I will try an email in a minute.

    Love you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Joanne made it home from the hospital today at 2:30 and was not doing well with dizziness and nausea. Her pain was bearable with extra strength Tylenol. Let's continue to pray for her comfort and ability to rest and of course for a speedy recovery and a good pathology report. I hope this phase is a short one and that you will feel much better tomorrow. Good night dear sister.




  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    I just had tme to read and pray for all of you. Just listened to my 4 yr old GD prayers and my 9 yr GS's prayers. In the midst of today, their other grandmother who is married to my ex, had to rush from the hospital to go to Chicago for her own sister. She was taken in with chest pains. 

    Thank you all for your steadfast prayers. Patrick died 3 times yesterday. My DD and 16 yr old GS stayed with the CPR bringing him back while waiting for the ambulance. They used the paddles several times and flew him into Tulsa where he had a stint put in during the night. Praise God he is alive! His children were there but it has affected his oldest son the most. Patrick is quite sore from the compressions but thankful his wife knew how to do them! I'm here with them and so thankful. Here is her picture from tonight....


    They are very strong Christians and give that glory to God for saving him.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Good morning sister warriors,

    As I am waiting for the guy to come to check out the roof I am checking the board.

    Polly, SO thankful that Patrick is alive and well after a big scare. Thank the Lord that the family knew CPR. PTL I am glad that you can be there for them and also get to see your grandkids. Praying for a speedy recovery for Patrick. How are your SE"s from this new drug. Hands still doing well?

    Joanne, we are praying for you today to fee much better. Praying that the nausea and dizziness are gone and that you can your Tylenol will do the job for you today. I pray that you can rest peacefully knowing that this part of your journey is over. Now we will pray for a great report and that you will not have to wait long.

    Kath, praying for you as you have your last boosts and then resume the regular treatments. Praying for stamina and strength as you work through this fatigue. You are amazing. You will get through this and then have the great blessing of being able to visit your new home in TN. Praying that it will be in tip. top shape in time to furnish it and stay there for your planned trip in June.

    She, praying that your house sells quickly and for pain control for you and for strength and energy as you work and have so much on your plate.

    Angie, praying for fatigue for you as well as you are back to work also. Praying that you will get some great help from some life style changes and from some supplements.


    Prayer request. I had asked for prayer for my BIL several months ago regarding his case before the VA jury to determine his disability from illnesses from agent orange from serving in Vietnam. He is now at 100% disability and with that comes much needed  money and health care for my sister if she choses that route. My BIL had a heart attack at 51. He is now 67. The doctors say this is due to agent orange. He also has diabetes and has done well losing a lot of weight. His heart is weakening and the doctors are puzzled as to why. He is have a heart procedure on Wed. out of town and I would appreciate prayers for him. I think he is totally depressed but I don't know all that is going on with him. He does not know the Lord but my sister does. He needs salvation.






  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    I am starting to heal and get some strength back after finishing rads. It will be 4 weeks this coming Friday. Slow walking and doing some mild crunches has helped the back pain and stiffness. I even got some housework done! The family is supposed to come over Saturday for a BBQ and hubby and I are taking it slow and easy preparing. Neither of us can afford to get frantic over anything these days. Praying for Jo's recovery and for all of you. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good afternoon ladies,

    Just got back from Dr. ...sure enough they found some moderate amounts of bacteria in my I do have a mild infection. Got to take antibiotics for 10 days then follow up in two weeks. I haven't felt bad but I know from friends talking that this type thing needs to be caught early...which it was. Saw a teacher friend that I had not seen in about 8 years and we caught up on things in our lives.

    Headed to Monthly Ladies Bible Study....glad I still feel ok, although tired. God bless you all. Jean, glad you can see some improvement in your skin. I was still very tired from the rads for two or three months. I remember coming home from work in May and telling DH...I felt like myself today....I finished rads on Feb. 1, so I was really slow getting over it.

    Blessings to you all...Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015


    I was just getting ready to post your good news and you beat me to it. I just saw your second PM come in a few minutes ago. Praying for you to have complete peace and not get too hung up on the margins. As I shared with you I too had a close margin with my surgery and I was a little concerned with that at first but it soon drifted out of my mind and I am going to pray that will happen for you too.

    Jean, glad to hear you are doing better. If you feel up to hosting a BBQ I would say that is a very positive thing. PTL

    Ellen, glad you got in and got your dx and are on antibiotics now. I haven't had an infection in years but I went through a period where they were quite frequent. I would not realize I had an infection until it was really horrible so I am glad you got in early on. Hope you had a good Bible study.

    Kath, praying that you got through your day without too much trouble. I know you are in the thick of it now and each day closer to the finish line probably seems like still a long distance run at this point. You can do this. You ARE doing this with the Lord's help and our prayers. Hang in there dear friend.


    The guy came to inspect the roof today. The news was not what I was expecting or wanting to hear. My mom needs a new roof. This handyman who has been so good to us told me on the phone he did not do whole roofs but he did repairs. When I was out talking to him and freezing (weather took a dive) this morning I asked him a ballpark estimate. He said I could do it for ...................... I said you can do it? He said her roof isn't all that big. So I am please with that. Waiting to hear when it will happen.

    I took my mom's watch to this jewelry store today to get a new battery put in. As I was waiting I was looking at their Estate Sale displays. I love jewelry BTW. This pink ribbon pendant caught my eye. It was beautiful. I asked if this was a supposed to be a breast cancer ribbon and she said yes. I said is this one of a kind. She said probably not but definitely unique.  I asked what the price was and the lady said you realize that you can bid on this and she suggested a price. I am usually pretty saving and especially in retirement but I told her I was a breast cancer survivor out a year and it was all still pretty fresh in my mind. I talked myself into making a bid on this unique pendant. It is made of pink sapphires. She said you will need a chain. The chain is going to be another big expense but I laughed and said this will be an early birthday present. Very early. LOL She called me later and said the owner accepted your bid. I feel like after about killing myself in my mom's yard for days ( I am finished but have to water twice a day) I would indulge myself. I have to go back and get it so it is not mine yet.




  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited May 2015

    Good evening ladies, just a quick peep in to read up on how folks are doing. I have been pushing it a bit, taught my first dance class in two months last Saturday. It felt good, I has to rest a lot an I was a bit dehydrated but otherwise not bad. Trying to keep up with the house is far harder, I am just prayful that all will go well and the sale will go through and the buyer is still interested. I continue to keep us lifted up in prayer. Have a blessed week. I think about you all everyday.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    She, praying that house sells. I have never sold a house but I can imagine it is very, very difficult to keep it straightened up 24/7 whenever prospective buyers want to go through. That is a lot of pressure right when you are getting your strength back. Good for you for teaching a class already. You are amazing. What kind of dance do you teach? I do pray for you and especially those of you trying to deal with SE and work at the same time. I imagine it will only getting easier as you push through those barriers that we have to break through to continue our lives the best we can with our new normal. Hang in there.

    Joanne, I can post a picture of my new find when I get it. I probably need to go back to this jewelry store soon as they are going to try to make me a customized necklace that will allow me to wear the chain in different lengths. This is probably the fastest purchase I have ever made and the most unique as I have never bid on anything like this before. I could have bid much lower but only went with the suggestion of the owner of the store.

    Regarding your margins, when I read your PM I really felt that the Lord is calling you to trust Him more and more. Believe me I understand how difficult that can be. I know it is easy for us to get caught up in statistics as we probably all had to do initially and find ourselves trusting more in the science of it all  than in the Lord. Most of us were probably presented with a set of statistics and treatment options and  some of you probably had very difficult decisions to make when the waters looked very murky. I really do think that when we can see the end of our journey here on earth and are with Jesus in heaven we will see that there is no such thing as Christians losing their battle with cancer. I remember hating to hear that phrase because I am thinking the Lord knew exactly what He was doing and there is a season and time for all of us. We only continue our journey into eternity with the Lord and that sure doesn't sound like losing to me.

    I am going to pray against fear for you and that you can rest in the Lord in all ways. I know you need to rest physically and I am praying that you can rest emotionally and not try to figure it all out because you can drive yourself crazy. I have gone down that path many times so I speak with much experience.

    Know we will be praying for you dear one.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

     Lifes Path

    I was walking life's path, with a load of care's

    I didn't remember that He was right there.

    Then I felt Jesus and this is true,

    He lifted my burdens and carried them too.

    So when your burdens get too much to bear.

    Always remember that Jesus is right there.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Hi Angie, please share what you learned about melatonin if you don't mind, it may help others. Also, would love to hear more about what type of lifestyle habits you would be adjusting?  If you don't mind sharing of course.  I am always open to new things to help in my journey.  I agree about the fatigue battle.  I went to work today after being off 2 weeks.  It was tough but had some green tea mid day to give me a little lift for the rest of the afternoon.

    Joanne, praying for you dear sister for less nausea and dizziness.  Regarding trusting the Lord regarding your margins Joanne...I know with my recent dx of it being found now in 2 lymph nodes I refuse to let it get me down.  I MUST trust in our Lord as He is my ultimate physician and I do trust and believe Him.  I read today in my MayDay Distress Call For Prayer study and fast these words: Prayer Hearing, Prayer Answering, Miracle Working God!!!  AMEN!!!

    Mema, what a praise story you shared!...Thank you Father God!!!  Also, good news and will keep praying for the scans to come.

    Nancy, praying for BIL for the heart procedure and also for salvation.  Great special treat for yourself, you so deserve it.  I love jewelry too and I love making it and selling it.  I will have to post some pics soon to share with you.

    Jean, Glad to hear your getting stronger PTL!!!  Take it easy and do enjoy the family on Saturday.

    Well as I said I went back to work and it was a long day.  My hands and feet are a little sore but nothing that I can't live with.  All in all what the MO and nurse said yesterday was they look better than what they have seen and what ever I am doing is working so I have to give the Glory to our Lord.  He continues to take care of me and watch out for my needs.  He is a good God and he doesn't want me sick, or any of us sick for that matter.  We are His daughters and he loves us so much.  We will see what our journeys do in bringing others to God.  That is our job as Christians so we have too never stop but work diligently in making our army stronger...Amen! 

    Basically my hands and feet will be like this while I am on the Xeloda so today I read about a cream called Udder Smooth...hahaha, yes that's the name.  It was originally made for dairy cows...really?  Well I am trying all different types of creams and lotions mostly organic but when I heard of this one I had to try it.  My fingers and palms and bottoms of my feet and toes are all discolored and darker where all the redness and soreness was initially.  They hurt the most on the folds of the knuckles so praying this new schedule of one week on and one week off and lower dinner dose will do the trick.  The MO said that hopefully we have the right plan for my body and it doesn't get any worse.  Praying for that for sure.

    Also read this today in my current study:

    How we love and trust You, Gentle Shepherd.  You are a "right-now" God. For such a time as this we need You, and therefore we have You. You are not only the Light that guides us through the darkening and threatening storms of life, You are our spiritual GPS system.3 You lead us on the right path and get us to the place we need to be. One day You will take us safely Home. We trust You completely.

    Have a blessed day tomorrow and a restful sleep and blessing abundant sister warriors...Lucy


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015


    As we all face this day let us realize that our feelings have nothing to do with our faith. God's strength resides in all of us. We are part of the royal family. Realizing who we are in Christ can be a source of great strength. Take time to read the Word. It is our life source. Without it we become spiritually weak and lack power.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Nancy, love the banner and your words are so very true.  Thanks for sharing!

    Joanne, so good to hear from you and it sounds like you are doing well.  I also often think about how I am handling my journey is a witness of my faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ.  I always say it as well, I give Him the Glory at all times.

    This is something else I read in my MayDay, Distress Calling for Prayer Study:

    Hearing Prayer, Answering Prayer, Miracle Working...God!

    I really like that...

    Hope all have had a good day and have a super relaxing evening with little to no se's.  My feet and hands have been really good today so thanking God for that.

    Good day at work and getting ready to leave soon...blessings Sisters!




  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Just a check in-- I actually took the day off today due to fatigue. Came home from radiation and slept until 11:30. Changed it now to give me a break until Monday- then do 3, and following week same. then done!

    Mema, any word/ update?

    Lucy, bless your heart. I had the same with taxol family. I did try the udder cream: not really sure if it works or not: but I think it did some! I had to take something for pain just to walk: and kinda hid my hands at work: or just anything to not draw attention to them. Prayers, prayers, prayers sister

    Joanne, so so happy all went well. You are one of the strongest women with such a positive attitude. Your Walk with Him is a joy to witness to.

    Foots, thanks!

    She: good job dancing again! Keeping you lifted that your house goes through :)

    Nancy, love love the banner. Sure hope you are resting after all of that yard work!

    Prayers for all on this thread


  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited May 2015

    God Bless You happy it's over for you and that they got it all without any bumps.

    Praying the Lord holds his hands over you and gives you a speedy recovery.

    Hugs, Artsee

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Hey sister warriors

    I have had some evil things trying to get on my computer today so I have been very limited in what I could do. After troubleshooting for a very long time I was finally able to remove this crazy thing that kept popping up and prohibiting me from doing just about anything I was trying to do.

    Joanne, praying that you feel stronger every day. So glad that there were clear margins and praying that this is the LAST time you ever have to deal with this again. You are strong and you already are a witness to all of us and I am sure you are to your family and friends as well.

    Lucy, so glad to hear that your SE's are better and that you had a good day at work.

    Foots, Jesus is right there to help us with our burdens. Thank you. How are YOU doing?

    Mags, how are you doing? How is your DH doing? You have been on my heart the last few days. Praying things are better and a good plan of action for DH is being put into place.

    Kath, you are such a trooper. I hope that your rest helped you today. I am SO glad that your RO changed things up to give you more of a break. I was thinking even days ago that this might happen. I don't know how you feel about this but I am sure your RO thought it best for these breaks. Your exhaustion and your skin both need tending to it sounds like. I sent you a PM when I could finally use my computer. I am praying for you. Your end is in sight albeit a little farther out than you thought.

    Ellen, praying that your antibiotics are doing their job and that your symptoms are improving. Praying for your church for blessings as you and DH minister to your congregation.

    Polly, has is Patrick healing? I am sure getting some extra time with your grand kids is a blessing and I know you are a blessing to your family during this difficult time.

    Bev, are you still biking and barging?  I guess that is a word. Let us know how you all are doing. Can't wait to see some pics of your big adventure.


    I have not heard anything from my sister as her DH had a four hour heart procedure out of town today.

    I know I have said this before but all of you women are an inspiration to me. As I watch how each of you handles your difficulties it is a testament to God's power in your lives. So many of you have been brave enough to be human with all of us and show us your variety of emotions. I have seen anger, love, disappointment, elation, thankfulness and all the other human emotions that we all have. I appreciate your honesty in these situations because it just validates our own emotions. We all have our times of feeling weak and I really appreciate you sharing these vulnerable times. I appreciate you all so much. I think about you every single day. Even though I don't mention every one all the time you are not far from my thoughts. I feel as if I know you. I have often wondered if we were all in a room  together with no name tags if we would be able to know each other. Obviously those who have there pictures in their avatar  would give us a clue. We will meet one day if not before and it will be such a time. Prayers for ALL of you dear sisters.

