thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    It's me again. I thought I was going to lose the post above. I tried everything. I did a Ctrl Alt Delete and chose cancel and it worked. Just an FYI for you if the screen freezes which seems to be happening more frequently. I also prayed like mad! I think they both helped.

    Have a good night.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Continuing with trying to get some movement in each day. I took my car in for service and took a walk while waiting. I managed between that and some shopping to pass 2 miles. Slow and steady. I will get stronger. Still doing all the driving. Hubby has a PT appt tomorrow and is seeing an eye doc who specializes in double vision Friday. I am grateful that at least one of us can drive as we live in a rural area. Love, Jean

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited May 2015

    Thank you for remembering me. I read everyday, occasionally post on a couple other threads but most of the time I simply feel mute. I am pleased to report that after acting like a rebellious child for a few days, DH has turned over a new leaf. He made a doctor appointment and I am going with him. That will be next week. In the meantime he is following my cousin's liver detox regimen and is already looking and feeling better. No more sleeping on the couch all evening. Sleeping through the night.

    However, things have not been great the past two days, as both of our dogs have come down with some kind of intestinal infection and are at the vet's while they try to figure it out. The big guy got it first yesterday, and we took him in; then by this morning my Rose was having the same thing. We got her right in as well. They have been trying to determine what might be causing it and so far no luck. I am just sick at heart at the thought I might lose her. I mean, I love him too, but he is really DH's dog, and she is really the dog of my heart, if you know what I mean.

    Well, I am going to try to get some sleep. Thank you for your continued prayers. Jo, I'm glad your surgery went well, take it easy so you can heal up. Jean, thank you for your encouragement. Nancy, bless you for keeping us all in your heart, and your prayers. And all of you sisters, blessings always.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Jean so glad you are staying good for you. Slow and steady as she  Praying for DH and his appt. tomorrow.  You sound like you are dealing with similar issues like both of you having issues like my DH and me.  So amazing that God is in our lives and I don't know how I would do it any other way.

    Nancy I just loved what you shared.  You mean the world to all of us and I think I can say that and not have to worry about being correct.  I am so grateful to all of you as well and I am so glad we can be honest and share our true feelings and what we are experiencing.  It is not an easy journey and can be brutal at times.  I know I am feeling that right now and I am so grateful for Anita right now because she is on the same drug as me and we can share our experience together.  We have been sharing PM and it has been helpful to me.  You all are so important to me in my life right now and I am so thankful that God led me here. 

    Well have to work on my prayer study so I will chat again tomorrow.  Praying always and loving you all...good night and have a restful sleep.  Lucy

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    Lucy, I will share all that I will glean from the Integrative Oncologist. Some you of it we have heard but she stepped back and discussed the science of it and how it is important to change our "environment" and make our soul/soil healthy. When talking to her I was like this is so much what God wants us to do is to take care of the temple that he rented out to us. She also highly suggest acupuncture.and of course exercise/walking for 45 mins a day which is the new standard. I will take some time on Saturday to share some of the lifestyle changes, info on melatonin (dark rooms), and supplements that will help change our environment, etc. I am at work right now and know I won't get to it before Saturday.

    Jo, so happy to see you posting. I am praying for a smooth recovery. Happy to hear about the clear margins and the support you have from your friend that is 9 yrs free (which I am PTL for also)!

    Polly, how is your SIL Patrick? Still praying continued healing and strength.

    Changed when I take my Tamoxifen. I moved from taking it in the morning to mid-day per suggestion from Integrative Oncologist. Seems at this time I feel better in the morning. Will see if it makes a difference in the long run in terms of fatigue, insomonia, fogginess, etc. I have to say the last two days I have woke up more refreshed and I crash in the evenings and can sleep. Again I want to see what the long term results/effects are.

    All hugs and have a blessed day!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Prayer needed. Hubby had another meltdown today and I am devastated by the false accusations, threats and blame. Too long to post details. He almost left me again, again. I am just so worn out. Praying for God to help me, I can't take much more of thIs abuse. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Praying for you now sister Jean...image

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited May 2015

    Hi Group, I thought I would take a quick peep in from the office as I have been stuck preparing and tweeking a power point presentation for others to review before we teach it in two weeks to the supervisors. I did play catch up on posts and see the concerns an issues that have been presented and shall add them to my prayer request.

    Nancy I must say I loved what you said in your May 19th post about us continuing our journey to eternity thereby we are not losing. I too do not like hearing the tag that folks put out there  that "so and so lost their battle with cancer". As we are born, we will surely pass, it is part of 'our' life there is nothing that we can do to change that. Our father who numbered every hair on our head also stamped a date on these bodies, its not for us to know when because we could not handle knowing it. That information would consume us, so we are to live each day as tomorrow may not come, because it may not. Love our neighbors and follow the commandments, all the other stuff is just fluff to distract us from our real purposes of spreading the gospel and giving him the glory. I think that the knowledge is there for us to use but we must remember that no matter what 'man' says we are not going anywhere until it is our time.

    As for dance, I work part time at a pole fitness studio (yeah it is the ladies who use those "stripper" poles to work out on, except we are everyday ladies) I still keep my day job at the police department. (smile) It is a great all over work out and all ages and sizes are encouraged to take a class. Since I am still under doctors care and he said "no poling"  for me I teach the cardio classes like hip hop dance, twerk and tone, and chair dance. It is a ton of fun for me and redirects my mood when I have had a sucky day at work. I found that after surgery having such good core strength really helped me get out of bed and go to the bathroom on my own.

    At our very first women's fellowship group everyone had to tell the group something they didn't know about them. I told them about that and that I had a practice pole in the house and several wanted to come over for a lesson to see what it's like. I had to tell them it will be next spring before I will be cleared by the doctor for that.

    Just keep living ladies everyday is a gift and we can be thankful for that with every breath.


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    Happy day for our family. Patrick went home! For a man that suffered such a serious heart attack, his doctors are amazed he is alive. It finally came out that he went through nine paddle shocks, several in the helicopter. I think the most sobering was his children seeing him lifeless. I'm a firm believer in using happenings to like this to not only further our beliefs but change our habits. There was so much discord between them and their teenager before this but since his teenager saved his life, along with his wife, well it just seems to have "shocked" them all back into something good.

    I thank you for the many prayers. I pray all of you have relief and if you need healing, whether physically or spiritually, I will be praying for that.  May God keep you safe...

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Hubby is still having meltdowns. I am not being a good wife, he wants to leave, etc. He becomes a bully and scares me with threats and violent talk. I get frightened and sometimes say and do things I'm not proud of like today. I need grace and mercy tonight. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Polly, it is a miracle and I hope that there will be continued miracles of healing in all ways in Patrick's family.

    Lucy, thank you for your kind words. I love your banner.

    She, Thank you. Pole dancing. Who woulda thunk? I imagine it would be quite a workout. Glad you are getting your stride back little by little. PTL

    Angie, I sure hope your new things you are doing will have a major impact on your overall health and your recovery from all of your treatments. Keep us posted.

    Mags, I am so glad to hear that DH is going to see the doctor. I am sorry to hear about your dogs. There has been a dog flu going through the Chicago area. I hope it is not that. Praying for you, DH and the dogs.

    Joanne, glad you are doing better today. One day at a time. Glad the worst part of this is over for you. Praying that you can get better day by day.

    Kath, praying that you have a great weekend and have some time for fun and rest.

    Jean, praying for wisdom for you during difficult time.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Dear sisters,

    As you know photography has become my passion since my bc treatments. It has totally been the Lord igniting my passion. I have some friends who have been encouraging me to sell Christian notecards. I have been praying about it and I know I need much more experience and practice but I am going to post my first Christian banner. I took this picture today. This is the first I have been out taking pics for a long time. It felt good. Tell me what you think of it. Be honest. I need constructive criticism.





  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Nancy...ABSOLUTELY LOVE, LOVE, LOVEIT!!! Bravo!!! I think you can trust me being honest, coming from the banner

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Nancy, that banner is awesome. It seems that the flower itself is rejoicing in being part of His glorious creation. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    Polly, praise God on the healing physically and restoration of the family bond.

    Nancy, absolutely love it!

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Agree with everyone:  it is fantastic!  and agree with Jo- I think note cards would also be fun for you to do:

    Happy weekend everyone:  Jean, how are you holding up?

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Today, I determined by God's grace and to get back on track. This morning started with his silent treatment then accusation. I was upset but quiet and the tension lessened. I have to drive him to an eye doctor later who specializes in double vision. Hope he can help so eventually he can drive. This is a real time of testing for me. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015


    Have put your banner as my Home Screen on my inspiration to open up with!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Happy Friday to all,

    That you SO much for your positive comments on my banner. I appreciate your comments more than you will ever know. Joanne, the fact that you mentioned the flower jumped off the page tells me I set my camera correctly to achieve just that. I guess all those hours of sitting in my photography workshops paid off.  Ellen, I am honored that you have put the banner on your Ipad.

    Kath, praying that your work day is over and you can rest, rest, rest..............and hopefully have energy to enjoy the long weekend too.

    Lucy, praying for a SE free weekend of rest and enjoyment.

    She, Angie, praying that you can have a nice break from work and also get some rest.

    Vickie, you have been on my heart that last few days. How are you and your family doing?

    Jean, praying that things are better. Restraint of the tongue is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO difficult in these situations but the Lord will honor that. I pray that DH will get some relief from the double vision with this doctor. I am still dealing with eye issues from the detached vitreous that never resolved and I know how frustrating and annoying it is to me so I can only imagine that his double vision has to about put him over the edge. I am not condoning of his inappropriate behaviors towards you but offering some possible incite into his rage. Praying things are better for the weekend. Pray for wisdom.


    I have not received any news from my BIL heart procedure on Wednesday. Still waiting to hear something from my sister.

    It has been a day of trying to cram in things that I needed to deal with before the weekend hits. I am behind in my communications. I heard on the radio today that 1.2 million people lost their lives in all of the recorded wars in our American history. As you celebrate Memorial Day remember that the freedom we have in this country was by no means free.

    Have a fun and safe Memorial Weekend.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    We are back from the eye doc. He seemed very knowledgable about double vision. He thinks the problem may be managed with an increase in the meds for his muscle disorder. He belive he is ok to drive locally with caution and that this cannot cause blindness. Hubby was afraid of this I discovered. He seems much calmer and I'm sure glad that I was calm and gentle in speaking with him this morning. God hears your prayers ladies. Love, Jean

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited May 2015


    I too really like your prototype note card!!!! To answer your question about the family. We are all doing pretty well. Plan now is on June 1 (Melody's and Leon's 35th anniversary) we are going to have a little family service of placing her ashes,. Leon has planted a Red Japanese Maple tree, and we are going to plant some Shasta Daisies around it (both her favorite). After she died, we found a picture on her cell phone of a monument stone that had the saying "When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure". I found it available on line and Leon ordered one to be placed with the tree. It was her wish to spread her ashes on the acreage we own, they have lived there the past 6 years. Her son-in-law also wants a small bench there so he and Cass can take the girls there sometimes. He always like to go to where his grandparents are buried and wants his girls to be able to do that should they want to as they get older. I think this will help give us closure... Life will go on. OUR GOD IS GOOD!!!! I know that one day we will all be reunited..(Both of my kids were believers, for which I am thankful.,)

    Thank you so much for your prayers.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Vicki, it sounds like you and your family are grieving well I am in awe of your strength and faith. As Charlie Brown was fond of saying, "Good grief." Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Vickie, thank you. Your memorial service for Melody sounds very special and I am sure it will be a very meaningful thing for your whole family. My mom has a red Japanese Maple and she used to have Shasta Daisies too. They will be beautiful. That is amazing that you found the picture of the monument on Melody's cell phone. Obviously that meant something to her and will be very special to be able to put that same monument and engraving in place for her. The bench sounds like a great idea as well. I do pray that this will give you and your family some closure. I can tell you are a strong woman in the Lord and He will give you the strength and grace for each new day. Praying you have a good weekend.

    Jean, praying that a new dose of meds for DH will take care of this double vision and that things will be much calmer for both of you in the day to come.




  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Vicks thanks for the update. Good to hear from you. Sounds like a beautiful experience. You sound full of peace which is awesome. God be with you all!

    Jean I pray you have a peaceful weekend and enjoy time with the family.

    Nancy I also pray you have a joyful weekend and can do something fun with your mom.

    I am doing some small projects around the house and bought some plants to put in two of my cement planter boxes on the deck. Not doing too many this year but just enough to add color. I bought a fountain that is supposed to attract hummingbirds so that's out now and hope it starts working soon. Have the guy who mows our lawn coming over to work on a project to redo a path from our gate to our deck so looking forward to that.

    Peace and comfort to all you mighty warriors...

    Daily Devotional

    Acts of Kindness

    Most of us remember where we were on September 11, 2001, when four commercial airliners became missiles in the hands of terrorists. We were at work, home or school when we got the urgent call, "Turn on the television!" We watched replays of the plane hitting Tower One of the World Trade Center in New York City. Time stood still as we watched another plane strike Tower Two. We willed the towers to stand . . . but they crumbled before our eyes. Even the seemingly impregnable Pentagon was a target. The horrifying marks of the crash site in a lonely Pennsylvania field pay homage to the passengers who bravely fought back. The death toll of this atrocity rose to almost 3,000 people.

    America was stunned at this attack on its own soil. Some were amazed that people immediately responded with kindness and compassion. USA Todayreported, "In New York, people literally took the shirts off their backs and bandaged the injured." Furthermore, tens of thousands of people lined up to donate blood at hospitals and blood banks. Solemn candlelight vigils were held throughout the world. "Miss Manners," Judith Martin, reported a shocking return to civility. "Please, please, let's make it last," she exhorted. But shouldn't acts of kindness be our ordinary response, not an extraordinary reaction to a catastrophic event?

    Nahash, the Ammonite king, had rendered some memorable service to King David. When he died, David responded by acting kindly toward Hanun, Nahash's son. However, David's kindness was misinterpreted. The men sent by David to express sympathy over Nahash's death were humiliated and accused of spying. War ensued, though it was certainly not the intended outcome of David's gesture.

    Just as God unreservedly extends kindness to us, we are called to "clothe [ourselves] with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience" (Colossians 3:12). We are to reflect God's kindness to others, regardless of how they choose to respond.

    Don't wait for a crisis to extend loving-kindness. Take the time to ponder who is suffering from a recent heartbreak. Maybe they could use a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. Who feels discouraged in your circle of friends? Maybe they need to hear an encouraging word. Who might feel alone? Perhaps you could pick up the phone to tell them that you care . . . and then leave the outcome to God.

    Read 1 Chronicles 19:2image

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    I little birdie told me that Debbie (foots) birthday was yesterday so let's wish her a belated birthday. She is a very special lady and I admire her so much.

    Lucy, how are you doing? How is your DD. I have prayed for her for morning sickness and the flu. I hope she is over the flu. Having both at the same time would be difficult.

    Kath, I hope you enjoyed some days off of rads. and had a chance to enjoy this weekend.

    I got some flowers for my Dad and nephew's grave yesterday and my mom and I went out to the cemetery to put the flowers on their graves.

    Last night I had a special treat. I went back to this nature center before sunset to try to photography their hummingbirds. They have 17 feeders up for them. I saw more hummingbirds last night than in my whole lifetime. I hope to go back today with my special camera I use for birds.


    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


    Here is another original banner that I took at this nature center.







  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Wow, just love the banner, and Jo, you put it so well!!! Lucy and all, I know by next summer we will have hummingbirds outside at TN!

    Did not make it to church today. Last night got really really sick to stomach. I think it was an apple I grabbed from fridge without washing it: Honestly my stomach is a lot more sensitive since I started this journey.

    I accept it as a blessing! I tend to eat better, and I am much more turned into my body.

    We did get new furniture for the living room here yesterday so we can take our existing to TN house: and Patrick got a trailer offs Craigs list, so we have gotten a lot done. I cannot wait. Jo, the mountains of TN, NC, are where I first accepted Jesus as my savior when I was 12-- and it is my most special place to feel Him.

    I also found a really cute cabin for DH, Taylor and I to stay in while there working on the house. Isolated with beautiful views: and I can cook which is important.

    We may try and stay in the house, not sure yet. Need hot water heater, I think DH needs to do more on plumbing, prepping for termites under house, replacing flooring, etc. All in His time. He played the pivotal role in leading us to this simple house we could afford.

    My big plan is to try and go to Barnes and get a few books on sale: and sit in my new recliner which is going to TN.

    I love all of you--- prayers for finding His presence in today, and feeling His love


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Ladies the spiritual battle for my hubby and my marriage continues. He got up this morning very nasty and accusitory. I left for a bit and then came back and apologized for leaving so abruptly and scaring him. He calmed down and then I went to church alone after he told me he wasnt going and was OK with my going. Later we went together to a BBQ at a friends. Just got home. He is downstairs watching TV. I am upstairs fighting not to give in to the fear triggered by my PTSD and seeking the Lord's wisdom in how or if I should respond. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Jo we have had more counseling than I can count. We have and continue to pray together whenever he is willing. I informed our pastors, got prayer from one and asked our head pastor and his wife to pray for us. A couple friends at the BBQ prayed with us also. He is not too stable right now and I need supernatural patience and wisdom which God is giving me slowly. Also I need Jesus to help me conquer fear. "Perfect love casts out fear." Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Thank you Jo and Kath. That pine forest was interesting being alone in it. I have absolutely NO sense of direction and my fear was losing my sense of direction and getting lost in it.  God's enormous creation was very evident standing in the midst of those majestic pines. I got some great pics today of the hummingbirds in the nature center so will post some of those when I have time. I will be going back home this week on Tuesday.

    Jean, praying for you for wisdom and for peace.

    I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

     Corrected version.
