thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

    Thank You Nancy, Its like I see my father there.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good Evening ladies,

    I hope you were able to see friends/family this weekend. I continue to pray for your needs...

    I learned an important thing over the weekend and want to pass it not take Bactrim( an antibiotic) while on Arimidex. Now not everyone may have this problem, but I checked the Side effects causes insomnia. My dosage was 1600 mg a day so my system was on high speed. Needless to say I have not gotten much sleep over the last three days...wide awake at 3:30 am... I had to decide what to take and when, so I decidd to take an Arimedex vacation until I finish the antibiotic later this week. I need to be rid of the slight infection when I go for a follow up next week...then it's back to Arimedex again. I don't take antibiotics often and didn't even realize that it would affect me like that. Just wanted to give you a heads up in case Aimidex bothers your sleep

    Had a great day at Worship of our neighbors came to visit at church for the first time and his enthusiasm and kind words really lifted both of us up. We had another older man accept the Lord yesterday as well. It's been a quiet but nice weekend...everyone we invited over for lunch couldn't come so I guess DH and I will enjoy those ribs and potato salad for a few days! No complaints from me..

    Have a restful evening and a good start to the week...God bless you all richly..Ellen

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Nice to see you Ellen! I had a quiet day too: wondering if Im becoming a permanent "patient"- that depresses me :)

    I cleaned, did laundry, etc and watched a movie with the boys - listening to the rain. Thank you God

    Have a blessed week everyone--- keep Him close, and listen/ watch for his blessings


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Hi Sisters,

    Had a really nice weekend and my hands and feet were not bad at all. Woke up Sunday with no pain in my hands or feet. PRAISE GOD! Church was amazing, the pastor came over to me after service and asked how I was and I shared the new drug was having some brutal side effects but that the MO changed my regimen and lowered the dinner dose and that morning I woke to no pain in either and I was praising God for His awesome favor. He said great and would you come with me up front to have some of us pray over you. I initially said no I was fine and he insisted so I did. It was an amazing laying of hands and praying and I could feel strong heat all the way down the back of my legs and after several prayed over me I was sweating like crazy. It was so powerful. Today my hands and feet were good and DH and I spent the morning cleaning house and then went out for the day shopping in Olympia. It was a great day and we were blessed in our shopping. This is my off week of the drug so I am praying I will have a good week. I am hoping that we have found the right drug dose.

    DD is still struggling with her all day morning sickness. So asking for prayers for her. She is a tough cookie but this is hard.

    Back to work tomorrow and the weather is supposed to be in the 70's...woo hoo!!!

    Kath, what do you mean by becoming a permanent patient?

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Just wanted to share...loving you all.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Spiritbless, I am thrilled to hear your good news. Prayed for you this am....also for your dd. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Hello ladies,

    I am going back home today. I have not been having trouble sleeping for a while but last night couldn't sleep and got up at 3. Leaning hard on the Lord today for this trip.

    Ellen, sorry to hear the meds not working together. So glad to hear good news about your church and exciting things happening, Answered prayers for sure.

    Lucy, I am standing with you in claiming your healing. Your experience at church sure sounds like how others have experience healing. Praying this is your answer. Will continue to pray for your daughter for morning sickness. Sounds like all day sickness.

    Jean, I hope this week brings blessings and improvements for you.

    Debbie (foots), how are you doing? I hope you and Faith have a good week. Take care dear one.

    Jo, prayers for healing physically and emotionally. Praying against the enemy who would love to keep us in a state of fear and worry.

    Kath, there is a passage that says the Lord is the lifter of my head. I am praying this for you today. Hang in there dear friend.

    I will have lots of prayer time in the car today so know I will be praying for all of you.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2015

    Hey all. I haven't been here in a bit, so I thought I'd pop in and say hey. I must say that the diligence you all give to prayer concerns is admirable. I am so blessed to be here.

    We were supposed to kick off our Empty Pew Project today, but have been rained out of our outdoor projects. Our church will spend the week doing community projects ending on Sunday with the clean up of a local lake and an outdoor service. This week I will be serving dinners at a senior center, working on a Habitat for Humanity house, cleaning up school grounds and working a local family 5k race. I am praying that this will catch on and our 200 folks will grow exponentially every year.

    I was playing with the 5 year old grandson of a friend today and took a hard fall on the ground. My shoulder and hip are very sore. I am praying that I will feel better tomorrow.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Mini, good to hear from you! Jo, LOVE that saying and your sunny attitude of faithfulness!

    Lucy, it just seems the past couple weeks with the no energy, etc I feel like everyday I have a "complain" and I have to stop it. What a PTL moment for your feet and hands!

    Nancy, prayers prayers prayers dear friend! thanks for your words of wisdom: they were right on: you too Ellen

    Jean, how are you holding up sister?

    Love Kath

    "In My Presence you can face uncertainty with perfect Peace."

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Nancy, praying for a safe drive home.  Praying mom is ok and I am sure she is grateful of your visit and the time you spent there.

    Mini, bummer your project was rained out.  God has a reason as we know He is behind all.  Praying you are not too sore from your fall.  Be careful...we are not as young or springing in our steps as we used to

    Kath, I get it!  Don't let it get to you...

    Well I am off to head for home later Ladies...blessings!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Just a quick note to say I am safely home. We had a ton of rain but I was able to manage packing without too much trouble. Unpacking a different story. My mom's new grass seed really took off so I was thrilled to see that before I left. The hill will remain to be seen with the seed blankets. My mom is using one of her sister's ( who has passed on) initials to remember what buttons to press on her new dishwasher. She figured this out for herself. Not bad for an 89 year old with dementia. Thank you Jesus. It was totally an answer to prayer. I am praying for rain for her yard but protection from her leaking roof. There seems to never be a dull moment at my mom's house. I am grateful for the time spent with her.

    I haven't eaten dinner so I will have to write when I can. Thank you all for your prayers. I really did have a good trip home and the storm clouds looked more ominous than the rain that followed. Had a good time with the Lord and prayed for you.

    Love you all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015
    • Good evening all. I am holding up pretty well. With one minor incident he has been pretty stable today. I got the linens changed and laundry done today. Went food shopping tonight. Hubby's neurologist increased his med today and we are hoping it helps the double vision. We are both adjusting to our new normal accepting oir limitations and gratefull for what we have. I tried to fix a broken rocker today. Just couldn't do it. I even had trouble getting up from the floor. Lucy you are so right about being careful. I'm happy to just be able to step, never mind springing these days. Nancy, glad you made it home safely. Toby, thanks for caring. Love, Jean
  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2015

    So glad you got home safely, Nancy. Sounds like you had a better day, Jean and glad to hear you are better Lucy! To all, may you have good rest tonight. Please pray for our rains to lessen and for the lost people to be found for their families. Hugs.....

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good afternoon ladies,

    I helped out with state testing at one of my schools this morning...and had a message from DH when I went to the car..our friend Terry, the transplant patient, died unexpectedly this morning. There were some breathing issues since he left UNC Hospital, ano it appears contributed to his death. His sister is one of our church members and is devastated....we know Gods timing is perfect but I know his family will have a hard time understanding why. Please pray for their comfort.

    I have an opportunity to go back to work briefly next fall...the teacher that took my place in our Gifted program is pregnant and the principal of the school asked me if I was interested in teaching for her at the beginning of the year. I am, but only if I don't have to answer every sub call.

    Hoping you all have a restful, productive, and pain free day....Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Hello sister warriors,

    Mini, glad to hear from you. I sure hope you can bounce back from your fall. You sound like you have some big volunteer projects. I hope you will be able and the weather will permit your church efforts to get off the ground as planned for the other projects in the week.

    Polly, I was thinking about you and Bev on the way home yesterday. I think Bev is near Houston and you near Dallas. Is that correct. I don't know if Bev is still biking in the Netherlands but I pray that you will all be safe from these horrible floods.

    Lucy, I have been praying for you and your daughter. I sure hope her morning sickness improves.

    Jean, praying that things will improve and that this double vision problem for DH will be resolved with the meds dosage.

    Jo, continued prayers for you to feel better each day dear sister.

    Debbie (foots) how are you doing? Think and praying for you and Faith.

    Char, my sister mentioned a friend of hers who is a Master gardener and this friend showed her the project she had done in this cemetery. It made me think of you. I can only imagine you are burning the candle at both ends right now. Praying for you and your Dad.

    Vickie, praying that your special memorial service for Melody goes well. I know it is coming soon. I pray that it will give you all a sense of closure for her.

    She, how are you doing? How's the pain and the fatigue?

    Angie, are you seeing any improvements from your "new things". How's the fatigue for you?

    Mags, how are things with you and DH? Has he started to make some positive changes? How are you doing?

    Anita, you have been on my heart especially the last few days. How are you doing? Did you get to your son's graduation from nursing school?

    Kath, praying that as you near the end of treatments that (four more to go I think) that you will get more and more energized by thinking of your getaway to TN. Praying for you.

    Ellen, there are just no words to describe how I felt when I read your post regarding Terry. I have been praying for the family and for your church family. We will never have all the answers while we are on this earth. I do believe when we get to heaven it will all make sense but in our humanness none of this makes sense. I will continue to pray for this situation. Also praying for wisdom whether to take this sub position. Glad you had a chance to help out today.


    My mom always has a tough time when I leave. I have a few days of adjustment as well. I am glad to have had the time with her. For those of you who have been through this you know it is very difficult at times. We had popcorn almost every night. We both will miss doing that. I am afraid to get on the scales just yet! I am off to buy my first flowers of the season. I am praying about how much I want to take on this year. Other than last year I have gone all out and my motto was you can never have too many flowers. Well, I am rethinking that motto now. In my retirement I  am usually starting at a point of being refreshed but after spending so much time in my mom' yard I am a little weary.

    Thank you all for your prayers. Know I am praying for you as well.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Today I am so grateful to Jesus for a good day with hubby. Still hoping the increased med will help his double vision. He did well till evening when dizziness and double vision retuned. We see the eye specialist again in 2 weeks and the neurologist June 4th. I thought I felt a lump in my other breast this morning. Trying not to panic. I have an appointment with my chemo doc on Monday. Hope it is nothing. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Ellen I am so sorry about Terry. It must be such a shock for the family. God sure doesn't seem to make sense at times but His proposes are surely higher than ours. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    Ellen, my heart goes out to Terry's family. I will continue to pray for the family and your church family. I know this is hard.

    Jean, glad to hear about the good day with DH. Continuing to pray for his health, your health and recovery.

    Amen to the prayer list.

    Lucy, I still owe you information on Melatonin. I was a under the weather this weekend and didn't get to digest everything the Nautrapath put in the report. will post information soon.

    Hugs All!


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited May 2015

    Nancy, as always, thank you for your wonderful prayer list. You keep us all mindful of each others' burdens. I know you love the flowers as much as I do, but take it easy and don't overdo it. Maybe it's time to transition to more perennials/bulbs/flowering shrubs rather than annuals?

    Today was DH's appointment with the PA at his doctor's office. It was uneventful and I was surprised she focused more on the hematoma than the liver. They did do a blood draw to see if the liver enzymes and platelets are improved. I will be curious to see. I have to be very careful not to step on his feet or be over watchful as he is fiercely independent and way too proud and this has been a real blow as he hates to be perceived as being weak. I understand all that. It frightens me to see him, who has been my solid rock the past year, trembling.

    Next week we travel to St. Louis to visit our friends for five days. They have been fully informed about the restrictions on his diet and we are both looking forward to the time together. It will be good to get away.

    Thank you for your prayers, and Nancy's list is mine too. Blessings

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Nancy glad you're home safe. Sounds like your mom is doing alright, thank you Lord! You need to take a break for you now so don't push it. My DD is still having all day sickness, poor girl. She had this with her first all through to her 6 month. This time is worse she said so it is rough and she is very tired. She is not one to ask fo help she is very stubborn that way. Thanks for the prayers. I too have taken it lighter on the flowers this year and we paid for help in the weeding and mowing. I can't do much at all with how my hands are now. I put on garden gloves and did a little last weekend but it wasnt much. But the yard is comig together and looking forward to nice summer weather the next week. I will take some pics this weekend to share. I also bought a fontain that supposed to attract hummingbirds so that is up now and it is really nice. We have to move it to a better place tomorrow. I have downsized all my plantin as of lastyea

    Ellen so sorry to hear about Terry passing, I have to say it took my breath away for a second as I was shocked to read your words. I can just imagine what the family is going through. We will pray for peace and comfort and that God gives them answers.

    Jean glad DH has done better. Hope it continues until his next appts. Sounds like your hanging in there, you are a strong women and I admire you. You're right, don't panic!!! Leave it in God's hands.

    Asking for prayers for my sister as she her DD had to take her to the ER this morning she was having breathing issues. So apparently she has a very large hiatal hernia and it is pushing intestines and stomach up into her chest area. They did EKG and blood work and a CT scan and all looks good. She has to see her regular doc on Monday. Probably have to have surgery to remove it. She is home as of this afternoon and just resting. She is 10 years older than I so she is 68. Her name is Mary and she is a Christian.

    Today was a good day, busy at work and came home an stayed busy. DH made us BBQ'd hot dogs and I cleaned all our patio furnture for the weekend. I am outside typing this in my jacket and a blanket its so nice I don't want to go in But it is time to get ready for bed.

    Good night Sister Warriors...Have a restful sleep and a blessed day tomorrow...Lucy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Good evening ladies.

    Most of you are probably in bed unless you are on the west coast. Actually my list was not my usual prayer list. It started out to be a post to a few who had recently posted and it kept getting bigger and bigger. When I do post an updated prayer list I want to include all of our sisters who were not included on this list. If it helps you all to remember to pray then it is achieving it's purpose.

    Mags, I hope that you and DH can have a great time in St. Louis. Praying that his blood work will show improvement. I think back to the time before rads and when you didn't think you could do it with your shoulder pain. You are really a testament of the Lord bringing you through. I am praying he will do th same for your DH.

    Angie, sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Praying you feel better this week.

    Jo, I know I garden exactly opposite of most gardeners. I have a few perennials and plant tons of annuals every year. Your idea is a good one. I actually do lots of container gardening but I plant the containers. Last year I just bought pre planted ones only when I was in treatments. I bought three hanging baskets today  for my front porch and decided to go small with my back issues. Practical instead of huge and showy. I'm learning. I was going through a drive through to get some decaf afterwards and had my plants hanging on my clothes rod in my back seat. This older gentleman sitting at an outside table  was really eyeing my flowers. I had my window down and stopped right by him and I said I am decorating my car. LOL I couldn't resist.

    Lucy, I will pray for your sister Mary. My Dad had that surgery and even though it was a very tough surgery it really did help him. He would continually get choked when food would get stuck. I have a hiatal hernia as well but it is small and has not been an issue. I have been having some discomfort in my throat and I think it is this thyroid nodule that was biopsied in the winter. I have an apt to have it checked again in June so we'll see. I still might have to have surgery even though it is not cancerous if it continues to grow.   I have been hit with this strange fatigue tonight. This happened several times at my mom's and i really don't know what is going on. I am way overdue for blood work for my thyroid and I am hoping it is only that. It has to constantly be tweaked as I deal with it with all natural products. That has influenced me cutting back on my flowers. I am glad you got a chance to enjoy the outside tonight. I have a couple of outside fountains and I love them. I don't have them up yet. I am going to put up some hummingbird feeders for the first time. I didn't realize fountains attracted them but I do have hummers visit my flowers but they are so fast that I figured I could get some pics if I had them come to feeders.

    It is late and I need to get to bed. I just watched a PBS show on the musicians of the Titanic. It is such an inspiriting story from such a tragic event.

    Off to bed. Hope everyone has a good night,



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Well good morning my fellow sister-warriors. Sun is shining and all is well. I'm to meet my 12 step sponsor for lunch today. She was in Florida for the winter so haven't seen her since the fall. Hubby and I saw "Tomorrowland " yesterday then took a short walk in the mall. The movie was surprisingly good and I was able to share the gospel with a young lady who was cleaning the theater after the show. All in all, a very good day. Thank you Jesus. Thank you all for the shared prayer and fellowship. Love, Jean

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2015

    good morning Nancy, Lucy, and everyone,

    I am sitting in the nurses waiting room waiting to find out if we will continue xeloda yet or not. Nancy, I never did get to Andrew's grad as neither did he, busy standing up in his buddy's wedding. Neuropathy more than HFS is bothering me. Uh oh, I am out of here,


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2015

    Well we have cleared a large area at a local park for the new pavilion, worked on a Habitat for Humanity house, and served meals today at God's Kitchen. Tomorrow we head to the Food Bank and Saturday we help man a local 5k. Others have tied quilts at the Charitable Union, painted picnic tables at a park, and cleaned up numerous school grounds. We end it Sunday by cleaning up a public beach and having an all church picnic. All in all. it's been a great week for our Empty Pew Project!


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Mini, I LOVE the name Empty Pew Project- how long does it last?

    Jean, thankful you had what sounds like a great day with DH--

    I have felt well these last couple of days and happy about that: 3 more rads left: Mon, Tuesday and Wednesday, then we leave Friday.

    Today I had my first cut and color since last July, I went to a new hairdresser where I got my wonderful wig from wig specialist. I posted pics on the hair, hair, hair thread

    Anyway, as soon as I met her we immediately connected. She was just wonderful, and a light of Christ. We talked about our challenge (and victory) in showing Christ to others in our work, our families, etc. Sometimes He is so obvious in his way that I think he does it to make me laugh :)

    Nancy, good idea on not overdoing it on the plants this year: I know you will do enough to ENJOY their beauty, take some pictures, and truly appreciate them. You have not really had a break for a while- sick before you left to see mom then superwoman! So, rest friend.

    And, thank you for listing us, Jo, Ellen, Anita, She and everyone on this list I tend to pray as soon as I read a need, and then again at night and morning. I am just not great at listing everyone either .

    Prayers sisters


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

    May You feel the warmth of the Lord and His peacefulness

    that is there to carry us through.

    I walked with Him

    Out in the field , I walked with God.

    As I heard the humming of the bees,

    and the wind through the trees. All my

    cares seem to go dim as I walked with Him.

    The birds were singing, a beautiful day was

    beginning, I went and knelt. Praying for a

    hand to help me stand, I gave Him my fears,

    He wiped away my tears, I laid my burdens down.

    and thanked Him, as I walked with God. By me

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Hey ladies,

    Jean, so glad you had a good day. Hope you have many more to come!

    Anita, good to hear from you. I guess if your son couldn't be at his graduation there was no point in you going! So are you going to stay on Xeloda. I am sorry to hear about your neuropathy. Wasn't sure what HFS was. I just noticed your mustard seed faith quote. I may have noticed it before but I love that one. Praying for you dear sister.

    Mini, obviously your fall didn't slow you down. I love that your church does this. Our church started something similar last year as an outreach to the community. I go to what is considered a mega church so ours was more of an outreach of goodwill to the community. I love the name of your project as well. I hope it fulfills it's purpose. How is your DH interviews going in Georgia?

    Kath, I looked at your before and after. Love the new look and color. I have one big question. Since I have curly hair how did you manage to have a curly before shot and a straight after? I want that bit of magic too. LOL Three more treatments and TN here comes Kath.

    Debbie (foots), I love your post and poem. There is something about being out in God's creation that is so healing and comforting. Take care dear one.

    Joanne, praying that each day is better than the one before and before you know it you will be looking at this time in your rearview mirror.

    Ellen, praying for you and your church.

    Lucy, how you doing?

    Bev, are you still biking or are you home now. Just wondering with all the flooding if everything is okay.

    Have a great night everyone.





  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Happy Friday dear sisters! prayers for a weekend of feeling good, feeling faithful, thankful, and in awe of Jesus and how he loves us.

    I am feeling better and really looking forward to seeing my MO/ team Monday for regular check up.

    Prayers and gentle hugs,


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2015

    Open Arms Prayer

    Teach me to be patience and kind,

    to leave all my problems behind. To

    look for the good in each day and show

    love in every way.

    And when I start to fall, May I remember

    on whom to call. That I will be stronger

    and show Your love wherever I go. By me

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Good afternoon ladies of faith and prayer warriors,

    Please say a prayer for my son and daughter in law. She had a miscarriage last night. I talked to her today and tried to comfort her. I'll be on the road tomorrow to stay a day or so with her so she can rest. With Cal, sh'll need the help.

    It hurts me too, but mainly because I know how difficult it is for them. Her mom is in Texas and her dad in FL so it's up to those of us here to help what we can.

    God bless you all...still on the Arimedex vacation due to antibiotics. Hoping this time off will give me the energy I need to help them.

    Praying for all of you...Ellen