thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2015

    Oh Ellen, I am so sorry. Prayers for comfort going up. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    Ellen, prayed for your dil and son. Continuing to pray for you

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Ellen, just prayed for you all individually and as a family. As one with no parents on this earth, I smile when I think how blessed they are to have to you turn to, and come help.

    Prayers for energy too


  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015

    Hello ladies, I read and pray for you almost everyday- just don't comment much. Yet again coming to you all asking for prayers. My blog will catch you all up to date.

    Thank you all so much! I so appreciate this kind place!

    Kate W.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015


    I have been praying for your DIL and your son and for you and the whole family. I know they will really appreciate you being there for them. I am so sorry that this has happened. I will continue to pray for your family.


    I had to go to an after hours clinic today and I am on meds now for shingles.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Kate, I just read your blog update. I hate it that you are going through all of this suffering. I will sign off here and pray for you and your family right now.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2015

    Oh Nancy, praises that you got to the clinic in time! Prayers right now for you poor thing

    Kate, I read your blog, and will continue to read and pray for you. You can do this!

    Ellen, Foots, Jean, Jo, She--- names don't stay in my head at all- lifting all of you up

    in His Name,


  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015

    Joanne, I am in Cincinnati

    Thank you- it is amazing what the power of prayer can do!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2015

    Morning Warriors,

    Kate it is so good to hear from you. Know we keep you in prayer. Read this in one of my books this morning and thought of you. Nancy and Anita this is for you as well dear sisters...

    When you have a deep revelation of how much God loves you, you can't remain sick for long. You won't be afraid that He may be keeping His healing power from you. Keep feeding on His perfect love for you. Keep meditating on it. It's the sure antidote to fear!

    This one as well:

    Beloved, when you come empty and draw from God, the One who has endless supply, you honor Him and let Him be God. You free Him to pour His abundant supply of health, wholeness and peace into your life!


    Ellen so sorry to hear that news, know we are praying for you your DS and DIL for peace and comfort right now. Glad you're feeling strong enough to go be there for them.

    I have been pretty good and my hands and feet are so much better now. They are peeling but not so red and sore and burning I start my pill again tomorrow so praying it will be even better this week and the healing continues. I got my schedule for the summer and I have my CT scheduled for June 17th this is the first one since on the Xeloda.

    Nancy sorry to hear that the shingles have feared their ugly head. I pray you heal quickly and can get back to your pictures and working a little in your garden. Key word is little not a lot. We all have to take it easy this summer as much as we want to hit it. It's has to be more of enjoying what we have and spending quiet time with our Lord. I know for me that is what I want to do. It has been a good couple of days and looking forward to going to church and getting refueled for the week.

    Kath glad you are staying strong and praying for a good appt tomorrow.

    Blessings sister warriors...Lucy


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2015

    Kath, Joanne thanks for your prayers and encouragement.

    Lucy, thanks for your banner and your words. I need to let's those words enter my mind and my heart.

    Ellen, continued prayers for your family.

    Anita, prayers for you dear sister.

    Kath, praying that your last three treatments go well and that you can really celebrate in TN.

    Joanne, praying for your scans tomorrow and that you get good results this week.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2015

    Tobycc - Our Empty Pew Project was a week long. We ended it today. It was pouring down rain, but we still had over 200 people show up. Today we helped clear trees and brush at a local beach. The gentleman that works for the park told us that it took him a month to clear less than half of what we got done in 2 1/2 hours, so he was a happy camper. :-) We were a muddy mess, but everyone worked hard and had a great time.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2015

    Going to the city today to see my chemo doc, then for my Herceptin/perjeta infusion. It is over 4 hrs of driving for me. Hubby is going but still has,double vizion aND not driving. We are getting along better lately as God is helping us to communicate better. I found something in my other breast a few days ago that I'm concerned about. Doc will check it out. Hoping it's just normal breast tissue. Well time to get ready to go. Hope you all are blessed in Jesus and infused mightily with His Holy Spirit. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015
    1.                     JESUS CALMS THE STORMS IN OUR LIVES.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    1.                            JESUS CALMS THE STORMS IN OUR LIVES




  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2015

    Amen! Nancy, your turn to feel good for a while!

    Had my MO check up: all good for six months. Tumor marker number should be in in a few days. Rads this afternoon, then just two more.

    Nice to be working from home today

    hugs in His Name,


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2015

    Amen Jo: and I have a "godfeeling " about your scans


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Hey ladies,

    Joanne, hope you are feeling better tonight. Praying for great news from your scans and a good night's sleep and victory over fear.

    Kath, praying for your last two rads treatments and that your skin will not be too bad. Praying that your tumor markers will be all good and that you will have victory over fatigue and ready to parteeeeeeeeeee in TN.

    Polly and Bev, how are you both doing in all the flooded areas. Let us know that you are okay.

    Lucy, praying that you will not have all the bad SE this time around. How is your daughter's morning sickness doing? 

    Have a great night everyone.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2015

    Good evening ladies ,

    First of all, thank you so much for the prayers for my son and his wife. When I arrived yesterday, there was a sadness in the air, but after we had dinner and relaxed things seemed to fall into place. My son drove to his new job this morning, and from what I hear, things went well.DIL and Cal both slept in later today and I can tell she feels a bit better. We had a talk this morning about Friday evening and how difficult it was. Both of them really seem to appreciate my being here...honestly I don't know how DIL would have managed. Cal is wonderful, but even good babies require a lot of energy and care. I rescheduled my lab work and followup so I can stay until tomorrow afternoon. My son is staying with his dad during the week to shorten his commute until they can move. God knew I needed to retire so I could be available for family..

    Will close for now...been a long day. Praying for all of you this evening as you deal with various tests, treatments, healing, and family issues.

    God bless you all in a mighty way! Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Ellen, I have been praying for your DIL and son. I knew he had to go to his new job today. I am glad that your being there has been a soothing balm for them. Praying for you too as being the strong support is difficult when you have your own health issues to deal with. Take care and know we are praying for you.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2015

    After the mamo to check out my right breast I got the blessed word, "negative". So praise God it was a false alarm. Also found out I was approved to get perjeta along with my herceptin for a full year, not just 6 months. So now there is another great weapon in my cancer fighting arsenal. God is so good. Love, Jean

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited June 2015

    With My

    With My heart make me kind,

    that I keep the good in mind.

    With My hands make them strong,

    that I can help others along.

    With My ears make me hear,

    only the good when people are near.

    With My lips may I speak,

    of Gods love which others seek.

    With My eyes may I see,

    all the joys God has given me.    By Me

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited June 2015

    Sounds like some of you have some praise! But Ellen, I am so sorry your little family endured such a loss. And yes, you are a blessing to them at this time. We have survived the storms and have sunshine in the forecast for all week. Our neighborhood is on a golf course and we've had people in hydroplanes and in kayaks all over the course but not one home has flooded. Praise God.

    I ask for your prayers for a good appointment with my checkup at my surgeon's office tomorrow. I feel all is just fine since the last mammo was okay so I'll feel better when he says so. He's such a dear. I do need emotional prayer. I am in warfare with Satan for sure and maybe I can write more tomorrow but if I write anything now I'll just start crying and that upsets my DH. My DD has been so mean toward me that I fear I've lost that family and the anger I feel is horrible. It's horrible to feel this way about your own child. Now I fear I'm being punished by her through the children. I'm crushed. I can't pray about it. All I tell God is to forgive me and help me, don't know how, just know I need Him.

    Hugs and blessings to all....

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Jean, glad to hear you got good news today and that you can continue your treatment longer. PTL

    Debbie, I love your poems. Bless you sister.

    Polly, I pray that your apt will be fine tomorrow. I am so sorry to hear about the family situation. Is this daughter Patrick's wife where you were there helping out? I have prayed when I saw your post. I pray that God will intervene and help to mend fences and that He will work through your emotions during this difficult time. I know how God can transform what looks like impossible situations in a very short amount of time. I am praying that will happen to repair relationships which have been strained. Remember how God helped your hand seizures. He can do anything and I know He does not want discord in your family. Hang in there dear sister.




  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited June 2015

    Kate, good to hear from you. Read your blog and praying for you always. Also continuing to pray that your skin holds up for the last two RADs treatments and for the few weeks after.

    Mini, love your empty pew project. Love the outreach and community involvement!

    Kath, praying for a good MO appt and that your markers are good!

    Jo, praying for clear scans!

    Mema, praying for your mammo appt. My heart aches for you. My DD and I went through something similar. I am praying for your strength, peace and comfort. I also pray that God reaches out to your DD to soften her heart and allow a path of communication to be opened that brings healing, strength, and restoration in the relationship between you and her. I pray that God speaks to your DD and stops her from using the grandkids to punish you and that their relationship with you grows stronger despite your DD's actions. God loves a strong family unit and I pray that His will is done.

    I have my first mammo tomorrow and ask for prayers to remove anxiety and for good results. My breast is still very tender so hopefully it will be with minimal pain. My year dx date is coming up (6/9) and ask the Lord to remove all fear, anxiety and let me mind be stayed on Him. The date of DX and mammo happening in such short order has me praying for peace and removal of anxiety.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Isaiah 41:13New International Version (NIV)

    13 For I am the Lord your God
    who takes hold of your right hand
    and says to you, Do not fear;
    I will help you.

    This is a scripture for all who are having scans and apts this week and for those waiting for results of scans from today. May you take hold of God and let him be right there with you in that exam room.

    My prayer would be that I could get over these shingles and that the fatigue would not continue for long.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited June 2015

    Jean praying all went well today. So glad to hear DH and you are communicating better.I know it can be so hard when you are both dealing with medical issues. Welcome to my thankful God is also in my world...Praise Him!!! So happy to hear your results and approval on the drug...another Praise Him!!!

    Nancy what an awesome banner...very moving...literally. Glad your doing better as well. So deserving...

    Kath, glad your appt went well. You only see your MO every 6 months, that is nice. I have to see mine evert month. I pray I get to experience that soon. Praying markers are perfecto!

    Jo praying for good results on scans as well. I like what Kath said "having a "God feeling" about your scans is awesome.

    Ellen, so glad you are there for your kids. It is a sad time but I am sure they appreciate you there for sure. Don't over do and make sure you get your rest to recharge as well.

    Mema, I will be praying strong and hard for you regarding DD. I am having alittle of the same and it breaks my heart and I have to put it in Gods hands daily. So I ask for prayer as well. It just always seems to be something and some days I just ask God to help me and that I know He has a plan and I trust him. Also that I know our trials are also our tests to see our faith at work. Your in my prayers sister!

    Lady know we are praying for your peace and comfort and to be anxiety free. My day is approaching in a few months and I was talking about that with my best friend. I think those dates will always be hard to approach.

    Well I am doing well and so far my hands and feet are doing pretty good. They healed really well last week so I am praying we have found the right regimine and dose. Well off to bed I need to go so have a blessed rest everyone and a refreshed day tomorrow. Lifting you all in prayer...Luc

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, ladies of Faith and Prayer,

    Thank you again for the prayers for my family. I have seen big improvement in DIL since Sunday evening. I think it's time to head back home. I was able to have my blood work and dr. Followup moved to Thursday. Today we received an answer to prayer...they will be able to move immediately with no penalty from breaking the lease. That means they are able to begin towards a fresh start , as my son put it. This is a lovely place to spend time, but being a resort beach area, cost of living is high and they have been through a time of trials here. Their move also brings them closer (distance) to all the family. One more request...please pray for protection for my son as he travels...he also needs protection from the alcoholic ways of his dad, whom he is staying with . It would be easy for my son to adopt that lifestyle..he has always wanted to feel accepted by his dad...but he's not a great model for living.

    Many blessings to you all...praises for answered prayer and Gods mercy and grace!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015


    Ellen, I have been praying for your son for protection. I know it was a mixed blessing staying with his Dad. I know it helped with the new job situation. Sooooooooo glad they got out of their lease and can move soon. I had been thinking of that a few days ago when praying for them that it would be a fresh start for them and a good way to move forward. I am so glad that you were able to be with your DIL. I know you were such a blessing to her and it is such a blessing that you have such a good relationship with her. I am glad you got your apts changed to Thursday. Now you need to redirect your thought back to your own health. I hope you can explore an AI change.

    Lucy, so glad to hear your hands and feet are healing. Praying that this is the correct dose for you now and that you won't have anymore bad SE's.

    Mini, how is the job interview with DH in Georgia. So glad your empty pew project did so much good for your community.  

    Angie, i have been praying against anxiety and fear. I pray your mammogram had a good result.

    Debbie (foots) hope you and Faith have a great day dear sister.

    Mags and She, how are you both doing? 

    Jean, hoping for only good days to come.

    Polly, praying today is a better day for you.

    Kath, you are getting soooooooooooooo close to the end. Wooooooooohoooooooooooo. Tomorrow is the big finish. PTL

    Joanne, praying for you in this awful wait time. Hang in there dear one.


    I am doing lots of sleeping. The shingles rash has only been a bit itchy and I am so grateful for that. I would appreciate prayers for fatigue and that I can get my life back on track soon. My summer plans have gone out the window so I will be waiting to see what things the Lord has in store for me now.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2015

    Here are a couple of pics I got at my mom's before coming back home. This was my first experience of getting any hummingbird shots ever with my special camera I bought for just birds. The only time I have seen them in my flowers they are darting around way too fast.

    You can see me in action on the first pic. That was NOT planned. I am in the reflection of the feeder on my knees hiding behind garbage cans as if those little buggars didn't see me all the while. LOL




    The top hummer is a male ruby throated and the second one is the female.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2015

    I need prayer please. I have an appt. tomorrow at 9:45 central time,to get the cat scan results. Everything within me believes the chemo hasn't worked, in that I have pains and fatigue. But then again, I have been off it for what, 3 weeks now?

    Lord I believe, help my unbelief.

    I know that my Redeemer lives!

    Love across the miles, Anita