thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015


    This verse keeps resurfacing in different settings because it is such a powerful verse and worth repeating many times. We have a lot of new woman that have posted lately and it is so great to see people encouraging each other after going through their journeys and giving back to those that are just now going through. That is where the Lord is taking your suffering and using it for good to encourage another sister that is following a similar path. That is a big reason people are attracted to this thread because they see the love and caring that is expressed freely here. Keep up the good work ladies. I think the Lord is smiling upon you as you share and try to help others through this journey.

    Have a great night with good sleep for all. Mini I imagine you are pretty worn out today. Sweet dreams dear sisters,



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2015

    Lucy, continued prayers for you with your treatment and for minimal and manageable SE's. I agree with Nancy short hair is very becoming on you.

    Anita, thinking of you and continued prayers. Praying for God's peace and comfort to envelope you. Praying for pain management and minimal SEs with your treatment.

    Praying for those that are preparing for surgery.

    God Bless,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    Jo, I'll post bail for you if you need it. Doctors deal with scared people who are in pain every day and should be able to handle your fear and concern. May you be a shining light today by just letting Jesus shine through the brokenness. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2015


    Love the pictures!!!

    Jo, hope you have found the right combo for your healing progresses, you'll need less pain meds so I wouldn't let the PS scare you off .

    Fortunately I don't have any medical people that I get angry enough with to wear an orange jumpsuit.....just some local daredevil drivers!

    Those who have had surgery...praying for a quick recovery.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Praying for 123JustMe surgery which is today. When you are up to it let us know how you are doing.

    Ellen, thank you and thank you for your prayers for my mom. I will be lifting up your concerns as well

    Joanne, there is a prison pretty close to me and I could come and visit you there. Nerdy Seriously, praying for a frank visit with your PS without losing your cool too much. Continued prayers for pain.

    Angie, prayers for you always too. Hope you are feeling better.

    Greta, praying you are still doing okay today.

    Jean, praying you have a vacation from arthritis today.

    Kath, praying for strength and stamina for you.

    Bev and Char, how are you two doing? Haven't heard a peep from y'all in a while.

    Have a great day everyone. More later



  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited July 2015

    Hello Ladies,

    I haven't been on this thread for a little while, but I was at the hospital today and got some bad news so would be grateful if you could include me in your prayers please. A month ago my oncologist told me that he was going to take me off treatment for a few months to enable me to get my strength back, and then put me back on treatment before the cancer grew too much. Well, my holiday from the treatment didn't last long. I had a scan on Monday and have found out today that not only has the cancer increased in my bones, it is now in my liver as well.

    My oncologist originally wanted to put me on Xeloda which I would take in tablet form at home, and come into the hospital every three weeks for Herceptin. Then he remembered that Xeloda causes diarrhoea with me, even though other women have constipation on it, so now he has planned to give me Navelbine every Thursday until it stops working. This is all a stop gap until TDM-1/Kadcyla comes into Ireland. Even then, when the drug does get here, there is no way of knowing that it will definitely work on me because my cancer is so aggressive that as soon as I stop chemo it comes back. Since January 2014 there have been a total of four months when I wasn't on chemotherapy.

    My faith has weakened whilst this has been going on, so I would definitely ask that you pray for my faith to be strengthened. It is beginning to feel like a constant kick in the teeth every time I dare to hope that I could have a rest from this disease for a little while, let alone that a miracle could happen and I would be cured. However, I opened up the laptop this afternoon and looked at all the posts since I last was on this website, and some of the words and scriptures used on the pictures you have uploaded are so very encouraging - just what I needed to read.

    Blessings, Debbie

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Dear Jean!! Prayers that your heart remains stable while you are on Herceptin!! It will!!!

    Greta! First Chemo done!!that is wonderful!! God will give you the strength for each one !! Drink lots of water, too!!! That really helped me!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Hi, Nancy!! My first teaching job was in Aurora!! When I got married, we were transferred around a lot! My husband worked for USS Steel!! Ended up here in CA to be by our grandchildren!!

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited July 2015


    Dawn? or Dusk?

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2015

    Debbie (FridayGirl),

    Praying for both your spiritual faith and physical strength. I can only imagine your discouragement; my best advice is to continue to look up at Him. Even in discouragement and bad news, He is still with us, wanting us to lie back in His arms and let Him comfort us. Praying that the new drug will make it to Ireland and you will be able to have that treatment; if not, that your doctors will have wisdom to find something that is effective. Constant chemo is bound to leave you physically weak, and that's when discouragement can do so much damage.

    I am praying fervently for your light to shine in the midst of darkness. May God send you times of peace and energy.


  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited July 2015

    Hi everyone,

    I've never brought this subject up but I may as well because I've been doing so much praying about this, but I think I need a little help from my friends.

    Since I've been going through this biopsy mess, and waiting for results, then deciding on surgery etc.....having it....waiting some more.....I've been having heart palpitations like crazy. No rhyme or reason, happens any time.....even when going to bed. Seeing as so many of you have also suffered from anxiety of BC, has this happened to any of you ? I would apriceate any input you have on how long these last and will it go away? Any suggestions on helping them disappeared? FYI I have been to a Cardiologist and worn a monitor, with nothing serious showing up.

    God be with you all.

    Blessings, Evie

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Debbie (Ireland), I was so saddened to read your post this morning. When I was swimming today I prayed for you a lot. It is so natural for you to be down with this news. I just have a feeling that you will recover from this disappointment and that you will feel the presence of the Lord comforting you as you draw close to Him. I am praying that this drug you are on now will be effective without major SE's. I pray that your government will allow this other drug to be used soon as another possibility. I wanted to find a banner just for you so here it is. The banner Mags posted was so good. We never know when our break through may come and a brand new day with possibilities. Hang in there dear sister. We will continue our prayers for you to feel encouraged.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Kathy, I also have taught in Aurora. I doubt if it would be at the same time but I suppose it is possible. I was there from 78-81 before moving to Naperville. I taught in the public schools and a Christian school there before resigning and starting my own teaching studio and performance career for a few years before going back to public school teaching. Small world. I am assuming you taught Kindergarten. I am smarter than I look. LOL

    Evie, I have had heart racing issues but since being on Arimidex. It sort of gets blamed for many things these days. Do you feel other symptoms while your heart is racing. Could it be a panic attack? If your cardiologist has checked you out I would try to ride it out and hopefully now that your surgery is behind you things will improve. if not I would discuss this with your primary doctor and see what he or she thinks. We can certainly pray about this for you.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2015


    I have had heart palpitations from time to time...not any recently, though. I believe mine were related to anxiety or panic attacks. When my MO put me on genetic Effexor, I didn't have anymore. (This pill was to help with mood swings and hot flashes Nile on Tamoxifen.) As Nancy suggested, wait a little while to see if they go away and mention it to your PCP. We will pray that they disappear .

    God bless.....Ellen

  • 123justme
    123justme Member Posts: 169
    edited July 2015
    Thank you all for the prayers! BS said that by the naked eye everything looked good including the nodes but of course need to wait for the final path report. Feeling blessed!
  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited July 2015

    Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers, they are very encouraging.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited July 2015

    My heart only raced the day they started which prompted my visit to the ER. The beats are about 74 per minute but they just flip flop and feel like they are skipping. Many people have them but can't feel them I'm just lucky enough to be able to feel every one. Sigh.....

    The Cardiologist put me on a beta blocker to try and regulate them, but so far ( almost a week) I don't see much change. Sometimes I think it has to do with digestion.

    But anyway, I was able to change my Avatar. It worked finally.

    Gods Blessings,


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2015

    Hello dear sisters of faith,

    I continue to pray for all of you on this site. It is amazing how the Holy Spirit will bring a name to my lips for me to pray for.

    Debbie: Your name has been on my lips frequently. I am sorry dear sister for what you have endured for so long and your fight has been long upon the breast cancer battle field. I am reminded of Job. Even he felt like you and after enduring much wondered if there would be a time when he would be given a break from all he was being put through. I will continue to pray for you and that God will take this away from you. You have been such an encouragement for all of us on here.

    Anita: I think of you often dear sister and ask God to give you comfort and peace as you continue your battle. I pray that you feel the love and prayers of those on here and that you know that you are not alone.

    Lucy: I pray that your new treatment will bring good results, Thank you for uplifting others despite all that you are going through. You continue to bless us with your encouragement

    Thank you Nancy for being the common factor that holds this thread together. God bless you for your faithfulness.

    I ran my second half marathon last weekend. It was not a good one but I did finish it despite pretty horrible weather conditions. I thank God for bringing me across the finish line when so often I felt like giving up. God shows us that we can bare much more even when we think we cannot.

    Monday, I will go for my second annual checkup and mammogram with a new breast doctor. I know that God opened the door through insurance changes, and my doctor's retirement so that I would have this new doctor. I know that whatever the results it is all in God'a plans for me.

    Please know that even though I do not name each of you specifically, I do pray for your needs and care very much.

    Love in Christ,


    PS Bev's sister-one-law past away unexpectedly the beginning of July. She and her hubby returned to PA for her funeral and will bedrock get back here (24 hr drive) in August for two to three week so on get her home cleaned out. She will also will be going in for her two year check this Wednesday.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Evie, glad you got your avatar to finally work. Is that a self portrait? Very cool! I have MVP (mitral valve prolapse). it shows itself by irregular heart beats. My primary doctor noticed in it a routine exam and I think I had what was called a dopplar echo cardiogram. It is not a big deal now but I used to have to take antibiotics before dental work, colonoscopies and what they called dirty procedures. Hopefully yours will not be an issue.

    123JustMe, glad your BS thought things went well. Prayers that you will get a great path report. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

    Debbie, I am glad you feel encouraged and we will certainly continue to lift you up in prayer.

    Char, good to hear from you and glad you made it over the finish line for your half marathon. Such an accomplishment and I am sure very difficult in this weather we have had. I continue to pray for you and for your nephew. Did he end up going to NY? I am sorry to hear about Bev's SIL. Was this Dave's sister? Thanks for the update. Glad to hear from you.

    Joanne, praying for a restful night for you.

    Ellen, praying for a pain free night for you and for the rest of the week.

    Kath, praying for strength and stamina as you go through your work week.

    Debbie (foots) it looked like the weather had improved a bit in your area. I hope that proves to make for a better time for you and Faith. God Bless you dear sister.

    Have a restful night everyone.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2015

    Always praying for those on this site.

    Debbie, I am sorry sister for what you are facing at this time and that there was progression during your time off the meds. As Char states we know that you have endured a lot and that your faith has and will not fail you. I will continue to pray for your faith, your encouragement, your peace and comfort and that this new treatment will work for you. I pray that the Lord quicken the release of the drug in Ireland for you and so many other women that need it. You are always an encouragement.

    Anita, Thinking of you always and praying always. I pray for your peace, comfort and spiritual strength and increased faith. I pray that God continue to surround you with prayer warriors that can uplift you and support you. I pray for minimal side effects and less pain. I pray that the prayer warriors and supporters come in like a flood as God opens the gates for fellowship and support so that you do not feel alone. Praying that those that are sent to fellowship and support you are girding you up physically and spiritually. Love you across the miles -dear sister.

    Char, good to hear from you and always so on time!

    Lucy, Continuing to pray for your treatment and your continued strength in preparation for your retirement.

    Nancy, thanks as always for checking in on me. I am doing better right now and learning to listen to my body and mind. On the light side of SEs compared to the last month. My GERD has settled down and my HFs have flared up. righ tnow I will take the HFs over the GERD, cramps and muscle aches -- big smile.

    Ladies, I ask for prayer for me and my husband, we will be relocating our ministry at the beginning of August to a new site. Praying for helping hands and that all is ready for the opening service. In addition, not sure why but I have been invited for a two speaking engagements in the next 2 months. I haven't spoke since a few months before my DX -- so it has been a while. Interesting that not one engagement came through while going through treatment. How awesome God works. Pray as I seek the lord on how to proceed.

    Praying for those that I may not have mentioned by name. Also praying for those that have had surgery and are recovering from treatment and surgery.

    Love and Hugs always,


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited July 2015

    Hello Ladies,

    Thanks again for your prayers. I have been given a scripture from a friend, Psalm 42 Verse 9 - 10: I will say to God my rock, "Why have You forgotten me? Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?" As a shattering of my bones, my adversaries revile me, While they say to me all day long, "Where is your God?"… I feel that this describes it completely. My enemy is not a person, it is not even a disease, it is Satan and his evil ways, planting depression, doubt and fear in my mind. Whatever happens in life, there is always a scripture for it.

    Love, Debbie

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited July 2015

    Hello to everyone. Third day out and I am doing well. I am having constipation but I am starting mag citrate and hoping it helps. Besides that just feeling a little tired.

    Debbie(FridayGirl) you are in my prayers. Please rest assured that our God is with you at all times and will wrap you in His arms and love. I pray your renewed strength and faith.

    Evie(Artsee) I had palaptions but mine were to due to anxiety. Always wise to have checked out.

    Once again thanks for sharing the beautiful encouraging words,scriptures, banners and pictures!

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited July 2015

    Hi Ladies, happy Friday. I sat out on my balcony last night and typed this long message and it disappeared and I have no idea where it went on the Ipad which seems to have a mind of its own. First let me say welcome to Farmladync, as I am a lady from NC and also was diagnosed with TN. This is a great board to be a part of and I find there is always someone who is going through or is going through so I don't feel like I am totally crazy.

    So I went to the orthopedic as my knee got progressively worse going up and down stairs, I count the 14 and the landing to my apartment door every time I go up and down. I have over stressed the knee so I am in a brace and have to do these exercises, the knee is swollen but he feels no draining needed, my left hand is in a splint around the thumb due to 'trigger finger' some form of tendonitis which is bad but not bad enough for a cortizone shot just yet, if I let it rest it should be fine after some unknown period of time. I swear trying to have a normal day and walk and move around like a normal person seems to be getting harder and harder. But thank you Lord for letting me get around even if I am a bit gimmpie and slow.

    I love the photos and banners that you all are posting they are inspirational. I know it is so hard to see the light at the end of this tunnel but there truly is one. I broke down the other night but I think it is good for us to have a melt down from time to time because being strong for the one's around us is tiring. I saw my OBGYN today and I only see her every 3 years due to my needs but because I never had a primary physician she has always been my go to and of course all copies of my cancer paperwork has been going to her so she is well caught up on what I have been doing the last year and she said I looked great and healthy. With all my issues going on for some reason that made me feel good, because there I was feet in the stir ups, knee brace on my knee, splint on my hand having a hot flash and she said I looked good and healthy. I am not where I was before all this started last August, but I am in the place that 'my Father' wants me to be at this time. Note to self, I will get a primary doctor next week as I can no longer claim to be healthy 'as healthy as a bowl of grits' and should get a once over annually and not rely on the work physical.

    Take time to reflect and thank God for all he continues to do for us everyday because it is a blessing that we are here to support and comfort one another and I thank him for leading me to you all. Have a great weekend, be safe and be blessed.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Dearest Char!! So good to see you!! How wonderful on running the marathon!!

    Dearest Evie! Yes, I have had heart palatation said on and off for 9 years, since being on Aromasin!!! I have had all the test, and everything appeared normal! But please keep checking in with your doctors!! I am lifting you up in prayer!!

    Dearest Nancy, I taught 4th grade at St. Rita's in Aurora from 1975-1978!!! We then moved to INdiana, and then to Pittsburgh! I taught Kindergarten there for 9 years at a Christian school!

    I am lifting up all of you in prayer, knowing Our Dear Lord is listening and in control of any situation!!!

    God Bless You all!!

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited July 2015

    Kindergarten and Gretagirl, I've been checked out pretty good and with all the stuff going on with my breast I'm sure it is anxiety induced. Although it may be part of digestion.....they disappear when I take Gas X. Which is also a S/E of anxiety. Keeping it in the Lords hands. He knows what's best and I trust Him.

    Gods Blessings to all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    I wanted to paste a section of email that Joanne sent me yesterday after her follow up with her PS. Here goes

    "I didn't choke the PS today or tell him off.

    He was very nice, very informative, listened to every question and answered them.

    I was armed to the teeth with things I was going to say to him and didn't use one of them. hahaha

    He says the crater in my chest is doing what it should. He is not concerned with it filling in because that would take 6 months.!! Whenever he decides it is ready he will do a simple skin graft from my leg, upper outer thigh. He says the leg will feel like the worst burn for about a week. OH GOODY! He says the hole has really good blood supply with growing skin and the graft will grow to that. "

    Let's continue to pray for Joanne for pain control. As you can imagine this has been a very tough and painful journey for her. Let's also pray against discouragement and frustration as these these can really overtake us when we are not feeling well for an extended period of time. She is a very strong woman but I think still needs our strong prayers and support.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Angie, I have been praying for your ministry site moving. Our church has been through that several times and I know it is a lot of work. Obviously people have asked you for a speaking engagement because you have a lot of things to say that people need to hear. Praying that you will be anointed and that the Lord will use you as a vessel for ministry. I finally got what you meant about HF. LOL I am a little slow on the uptake! Glad your GERD is under control.

    Debbie, I am so glad that you feel encouraged by that scripture. Satan is so sneaky and even though we think we are always aware of his lies and manipulations we can still get caught up in discouragement and lose hope and then realize just who the author of those lies and negative influences really come from. I pray that you will stay encouraged. Remember that God is always for you and never against you. Continued prayers for you dear sister.

    Greta, it sounds like you are doing very well for your first round of chemo. I am glad you have some weapons in your arsenal already to counteract some of the SE's. Continued prayers for you.

    Sheangel, I think you probably have been trying to be so strong that you just needed yourself time to let down and let go. Tears are a very cleansing way the Lord has allowed us to get rid of pent up emotions. I have knee issues too and I know how aggravating that can be. Hang in there. I agree with you that it will get better.

    Kathy, so we were both teaching in the town at least for one year at the same time. It truly is a small world. You have been all over. I have never lived outside of Illinois. I taught 4 and 5th grades and junior high, high school and college. I loved the young ones. I was a band director. One of my fond memories of Aurora was when I parked my navy blue car at Aurora Christian School as we headed to a conference in Indiana. I think it was an overnight. When we got back someone had spray painted my car yellow! We were in a rough neighborhood to put it mildly.

    Evie, hope you can continue to get relief from this racing heart with your GasX. Seems strange but one never knows what might work.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2015

    Angie: I will keep your ministry move in prayer as well as your speaking engagements. God has the perfect place already waiting for it.

    Debbie: satan always hits us when we are at our weakest. Take on the armour dear sister and pledthe blood of Jesus that He be gone from your presence. And remind Him that no matter what "we win!". I am sure that just ticks him off.

    Jo: You have endured much too dear sister and I Know that God will bring you through all this.

    She:Sorry that you are dealing with knee issues on top of all else. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Nancy: It was her husband Dave's sister that died. She said that her husband wasnot close to her but that his other sister was taking it prettying hard.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Dear Nancy, it truly is a small world!!

    Dear Jo-5 prayers for healing and feeling better each and every day!!

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited July 2015

    I posted the other night but it did not manage to get on the thread. I have my updated prayer list for everyone now and will be praying specifically for all your needs.

    Nancy, you really do keep this thread full of optimism, purpose driven, and focused on Him. And for that I thank you so much. You are a dear.

    I am feeling better--- physically and emotionally. Our son in Prague is loving sharing his testimony with the baseball players from around the world and leading them to God.

    For some reason still getting night sweats: not sure why since I had hysterectomy last August.

    God is so good. I reach out to Him throughout the day: just saying "Jesus" in my head and heart.

    "You can find Me not only in beauty and birdcalls, but also in tragedy and faces filled with grief. I can take the deepest sorrow and weave it into a pattern for good."

    Love and hugs to all
