thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Thanks Kath. I appreciate your kind words. I have been wanting to update our prayer list here but have been a little hesitant because our little community here has grown so much larger I don't want it to be completely overwhelming so have been waiting for the right time.

    I am glad you are feeling better in all ways. I am glad Forrest is enjoying his time of ministry. I continue to pray for him too.

    I have been battling nausea for the last several days and have realized that I might be sick instead of thinking it was moving my Arimidex to the morning. I am running a low grade temp (that would be normal temp for others) and realized I just need to take time to do nothing. Hard for me to do. I leave for my mom's on Thursday and want to be in good shape for my visit with her.

    I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the weekend.



  • 123justme
    123justme Member Posts: 169
    edited July 2015
    I hope you are feeling better soon. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2015

    Hope you feel better, Nancy. You know, I have always been a go, go person, full of energy and busy all the time. I sometimes wonder if this BC experience is God's way of slowing me down and making me look at what is REALLY important. One thing surgery and chemo does, in addition to all the pain and misery, is give us time to think. Can't do much else feeling so bad and being on our backs so much of the time. Anyway, I sure have changed my priorities. Stuff does not matter. I pray constantly and ask God to show me what plans He has in store for me. I kow I need to be patient and have faith. I guess what I am saying is that sometimes we just need to be OK with doing nothing and rely on God to get us through

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Dear Nancy, prayers for healing!! Hope it is just a 24,hour virus!

    Nicely said, MySunshine!!!

    Kath, whst a wonderful testimony your son is giving to the Baseball playersin Prague

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Thanks for your prayers ladies. I appreciate it. Praying you are all having a good Sunday.




  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited July 2015

    MySunshine, wonderful words :)

    Nancy, is there something going around ? Rest Rest and take care of you! I will PM you

    Its been raining herre since Friday so it really was a use no energy at all weekend. Went to church today and feel much better as I always do. So thankful for my church, friends there and our Pastor (and wife :)

    This week Forrest is in Germany, a small town where the swiss alps are always in sight. He is one of 10 implanted Christians into a secular baseball clinic, teaching young boys this week. He is loving every minute of it.

    DH, his twin and I are so thankful for this opportunity for him.

    To all of you on this thread, I pray for His Grace to be recceived by you this week, physical SE's arre non existent, those in pain that it may be lessened by His hand. For those struggling in other ways, I continue to pray for all of us to stay focused on The Lord, and follow Him.

    Gentle hugs


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2015

    Hi sisters,

    Just wanted to touch base quickly as it's been a few days. Nancy sorry to hear you are a little under the weather. I have heard of many of my friends l, family and coworkers are down with some summer bug. It doesn't last long so that's good.

    We had some long time friends come over for a visit a weekend and they left a bit ago. We have known them for 40 years and they are Christian and we see each other just a few times a year as they live in Seattle. We decided that we really need to spend more time together at our age as we are not getting any younger. It's such a blessing really that we have such a great message board with frequent postings. I think we blessed for sure. Nancy you are our biggest blessing and as everyone states, we so appreciate you. I know I look forward to your updates because I print it out and carry it with me for review when I need it for prayer time.

    Recently I was thinking about are dear sister Sue. What a blessing she was to me personally at a time that I needed it. I was thinking about what she said regarding downsizing our home now with both DH and my infirmaties about it being so liberating. I can't wait to experience that. We are going to enjoy the rest of the summer and then work during the winter on elimination of many things. Put the house on the market in spring and go from there.

    Well will get caught up in the next few days. Have treatment tomorrow then I have a break till the 10th. Going well so far Thank God!

    Have a nice evening...remember His promises...we have an amazing God!!!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015


    Lucy and other dear sisters have lifted me up today. Thank you for your words of kindness and appreciation and your prayers. I appreciate all of you so much. I do feel like this is like a little online family. Some come and go and only check in occasionally and some check in regularly but we all hopefully get something out of the posts and are lifted by others and in turn give support. There is power in women praying for each other and we have a connection that we will always have with our health challenges that we can share and laugh and cry with as we go through the hills and valleys of our journey. We have a place here to come when feeling lonely and knowing someone will probably respond in a timely manner. We hopefully can laugh at ourselves too and not take ourselves too seriously. I don't mean to minimize this horrible illness in any way. I do think we are stronger that this illness but that strength can't be mustered up in our own strength. It has to be when we put our hand in the Lord's. Together we are stronger than this illness. Some of us may go to be with the Lord during our time on this board. We have already seen two sisters pass since I have been on here. I love what Anita has said in the past. This is only half the story. Ladies, for those of us who have accepted Jesus as our savior and Lord we win in the end no matter what. It will make all of this suffering down here seem like a vanishing vapor. I really do believe that once we are in heaven we will instantly have understanding on all those perplexing questions that we all have had to think about. Why do people suffer? Where does God fit into this picture. Why doesn't He do something? I believe those things will instantly make sense to us when we receive our heavenly bodies. We are only passing through and we will all get to our destination and some of us before others. Let's continue to love and care for our fellow sisters. When you went through your journey someone was probably there for you on this thread. Let's be there now for the newbies that are just now starting their journey. We have some sisters dealing with another cancer and we want to be supportive of these ladies as they go through a journey that they thought was a one time event and found out otherwise.

    I pray that you all have a week where the blessings of the Lord will be all around you if you can open your spiritual eyes to see. He is all around us. He lives in us. He is only a breath away. Call on His name regularly. Our goal should be to become more Christ like on our journey. Let's be a light to this dark world who may be looking very carefully at us to see how we handle adversity. God Bless you sisters.



  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited July 2015

    Good morning ladies. I hope everyone had a restful weekend. I am feeling pretty god today. I am still. It "over" the use of Mag Citrate for the constipation but the SEs are improving. My mouth was not doing well over the weekend. It felt fired like I had eaten salt for days and I had one very sore spot on my throat but it's better this morning. I do believe my Neulasta shot has a big impact on me. I have to take antihistamine plus Aleve. Advil did not help me. I went to church yesterday and thank God for my church family and the ability to go and worship and the freedom to still be able to do so! I shudder when I watch the news and our world! It saddens my heart. I read over the posts this morning and lift each of you in my prayers. Artsee I am glad your palpations have subsided. Char congratulations on the marathon. Debbie(FridayGirl) thank you for the reminder that Satan is a thief and will try to do anything to keep us from our Father! Mysunshine48 I too was a go go person and I wonder if this is Gods way of slowing me down. At my Bible study group we are doing Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World and this study is sooooo hitting me in my heart! I am really enjoying it. I hope everyone has a beautiful day!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited July 2015

    Hello Everyone,

    Today I had some marvellous news - the drug TDM-1 has finally been released in Ireland! I received a call today from the hospital cancelling the chemo treatment I was due to have this week because TDM-1 had arrived. I have been told to come in next week, and I will have to ring the hospital back because I can't even remember if I am coming in for the pre-treatment blood test or if it is to talk to the oncologist about my treatment plan, I stopped listening when I discovered the drug had arrived.

    If you come across anyone who says that prayer doesn't work, just point them in my direction. I still can't take in that the drug has arrived. Of course I realize that there is a chance that the drug might not even work for me, but I will put all my trust in Christ to work things out.

    Thank you to everyone for their prayers and kind thoughts, you really lifted me when I was feeling low.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    Dear ladies please lift up my hubby Ziggy in prayer. He is having a hard time dealing with this diagnosis of myasthenia gravis that causes a lot of muscle weakness and other stroke like symptoms. He has had thoughts of suicide and mood swings. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited July 2015

    Debbie, fabulous news!!!!!! Jean, of course---

    Greta sounds like you are doing well, all things considering PTL

    Nancy, GREAT post today!

    May your evening and day tomorrow be full of his love and grace



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Debbie, can you see me smiling across the ocean. God is SO GOOD! I can't help but think of the banner that Mags posted the other day. Is it dusk or is it dawn. Well it certainly looks like the dawn of a new day for YOU. We will mightily pray that this drug will halt these cancer cells in their tracks!

    Greta. it sounds like you are managing things very well. I am glad you are able to go to church and to go to Bible study. That study on Mary and Martha sounds really interesting. Something I need to hear I imagine! We are here for you dear sister.

    Jean, prayers for your DH and for you.

    Kath, thank you. I continue to pray for you for strength and stamina. Continued prayers for Forrest, Eileen and Garland. Will PM you later. It has been a busy day.

    Thank you for your prayers for me. I didn't have any nausea today but it was another zombie day of little sleep. I am praying for wisdom in timing of my AI as I have tried different times. Too close to morning and Gi issues........too close to evening and insomnia issues. There has to be a happy medium in there someplace. I was able to get out and start tackling my to do list before leaving for my mom's. It involved deadheading my roses tonight in the dark but I had lost several days due to not feeling well and had lots to do.

    Let's keep Joanne in our prayers as she will be facing another surgery when her PS thinks it is time. She still needs prayers for pain.

    Someone has a birthday tomorrow. I will let her reveal who that is if she wants to or not.

    Have a great evening everyone. I pray for you whether I mention your name or not.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2015

    Hi Sister Warriors,

    Jean my heart is heavy with your post. I know what you are feeling with both you and DH having medical issues. That is my world as well and it has some rough days at times. However, we have to always remember our Lord is right beside us every step of the way.

    Nancy, nice banner...thanks for sharing that.

    Greta, so with you on neulasta were your counts down or is it just precaution? I may have missed your post when you shared so forgive me if that is the case.

    Friday/Debbie PRAISE GOD!!! So glad to hear the news of the drug in your area. We will be praying it does a miracle for you. Thank you Jesus!!!

    Well my day was a bit discouraging...went to Seattle for my treatment and my neutrophils were very low so no treatment today. Instead I got a neupogen shot. I have to have another one tomorrow morning at 9:00 in the Lacey Cancer Center so we don't have to drive all the way to Seattle...thank God! So we will wait till Wednesday and go back then and have my treatment on that day instead. It was discouraging but have to leave it in God's hands. Got home ate lunch took a nap as the fatigue is starting to hit and I was just tired and wanted to sleep. The aches are starting to hit now and my body hurts and feels like I have been hit by a truck...ugh! I happened to have a Claritin in my purse so I was able to take that first thing and I actually bought more a couple of weeks ago just in case. So DH had to go to get the groceries and we will be having dinner soon. Which is a bit of a struggle with my appetite on this treatment so have to force myself.

    Asking for prayer to get me through and be stronger on the other side. Check back after and blessings. Thanks for being here for me...Lucy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Lucy I had prayed that your treatment would go well but I guess we will continue that prayer for Wed. I am sorry that you weren't able to get it today. I know you and Jean have to travel far for your treatments. My 20-30 min drive to get to my oncologists pales in comparison. I am sorry you are feeling so poorly but glad you had a Claritin to take. I am glad you can get your shot tomorrow closer to home. Praying against discouragement and praying that you will be able to get your treatment on Wed and that your blood levels improve. Hang in there dear sister. There will be days like this and then there will be those victorious days. Hopefully those will be soon for you.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015


    When I am discouraged I find that if I can make myself read and meditate on this Philippians scripture that it has a way of lifting my spirits. I pray that it will do this for you Lucy and Jean and others who may feel discouraged.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2015

    Nancy: my prayers are with you dear sister that you are feeling better very soon.Thank you for such wonderful words. I could have not said them any better.

    Debbie In Ireland: I have such tears of joy as I read your post. PRAISE GOD! AND ALL GOD'S PEOPLE SAY AMEN! How incredible that God would bring you to my prayers again this morning as I private messaged you about praying that medicine arrive expediently into your country for your use. I sooooooo love watching God work. Your news was so much better then mine and my heart rejoices with you. Sometimes I wish I were a millionaire with a private jet so I could just fly where ever I wanted and give so many of the gals on here a big hug. So this will have to do instead.. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Jean: My heart breaks for you as you are going through so much and all this with your hubby too. We will just have to petition heaven more fervently for both of you. I left the site this spring because my father was going through depression and strongly believe possible demonic oppression. Today he broke down crying because he could not find his checkbook that he just put in another place while cleaning up his things and minutes later not remember anything that took place. I would not doubt he may be having some dementia. I just cannot imagine all you are dealing with.

    Lucy: Why do things like this happen...going for your treatment to only find you can't have it? Sometimes I wonder why I have been delayed for my drive to work or the store. I use to get upset about it and now I think, perhaps I would have been in a serious accident had I not been delayed. I really believe that God will say see this time or that time when this occurred and that occurred......well this is what would have happened had I not intervened. Does that make sense? None the less.....I am praying for you and for renewed strength and relief of your pain. Keep yeilding to His direction.

    To all the new gals: I know that you are dealing with much but God will bring you through this. Keep your eyes focused on our King and He will take you every step of the way.

    Well my news is insignificant. I went back for my two year check up with my new breast surgeon. I have to say that I was at peace. I told God His will be done. I won't be the only one taking care of loved ones, working and dealing with my own health issues. First my mammogra went smoothly and I was told to sit and wait for my written report. Out comes the tech and she hands me a paper. All I could see were the words "normal" in bold print. Off I go to meet with my new doctor. She does her examine and tells me I no longer need to see her unless problems arrive.

    There was some other things which I will not bore you with but praise God for bringing me through this journey. I am and continue to be blessed by what God has taught me along the way. I will continue to at risk but I am grateful at this time be experience good results. Now I pray that Bev's exam will also be good as she has her two year check this week.

    I wish I could be on here more frequently. There is so much going on in my life right now. Much are family issues concerning health problems or financial issues with siblings. All are greatly affecting my father and truly testing my husband and me. I continue to keep all of you prayer and I do mean each of you. I will continue to try and stay posted on what is happening.

    Oh Deb Foots: I pray you are okay and your sweet fur baby too.

    Love in Christ,


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2015

    Gretagirl, Having just finished trestment, I am well aware of many SE. I had my share. Still trying to recover. You are doing great to be able to go to church. I will PM you with some tips for SE.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2015


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2015

    very early Good Morning, ladies;

    I took a short overnight trip to mom's and the driving and a couple of wrong moves has re aggravated my hip so decided to get up and put some heat on it and read your posts. Smiles for Debbie, prayers of concern for Lucy and Jean, prayers for healing and strength for everyone.

    Trying to get a quick nap before the sun comes up and the day begins...meeting my daughter for lunch today and hopefully will feel like a little shopping. Since Nancy opened the bag, I guess I'll shoo the cat is my 61st birthday. I am grateful to the Lord to be here so although the gray hair keeps coming, I feel blessed. Mom gave me a picture while I was home that just reinforced my was made some years back, and one of my friends , Carol,was in it...she was the first friend who died from BC. It reminded me to make each day special.

    God bless you all and thanks for your prayers and support...Ellen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    Deb, I am in awe of God's answer to prayer. May this med. do its job and kill the cancer.

    Greta, praying for you as you start your chemo journey.

    God has raised my hubby's spirits as answer to prayer and the men in his bible study encouraging him last night. Thank you for prayer.

    Our dear friend Bill is having back surgery tomorrow. Prayer requested. I plan to be with his wife as she waits at the hospital.

    Nancy praying for wisdom for you as you do your tasks. May your visit to Mom go smoothly. It occurred to me that as we meditate on Jesus we are "thinking of" all things mentioned in that verse. He is truly all of them.

    May our dear Lord be with all of you today. Love, Jean

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited July 2015
    FridayGirl CONGRATUALTIONS!!! So happy to hear you will be receiving your medicine!

    Jean prayers for you and your family

    bandwoman1234 knowing yall are here helps me so much and makes a huge difference for me. Praying your sleep is restored. Glad to hear your nausea subsiding.

    Spiritblessing sorry to hear of your negative SEs praying you will recover quickly. I get Neulasta shot with each treatment as part of protocol I guess. I was told I would receive one the day after chemo.

    GardenGal777 very happy for your wonderful news!

    Blessedteacher HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    I have to share. If my wording doesn't come out correctly please know this is about the power of prayer NOT me. A man at our church requested prayer for his mom over the past weekend she became very ill, heart attack, two types of flu and other problems. She was non responsive. Sunday he shared with us that she was doing much better and he relayed to us at various time of prayer he would receive good news from the doctors. On Sunday night I had the most overwhelming urge to pray for his mom. It was so strong. Then Monday morning the same thing. Late Monday afternoon out pastor sent a text that Kevins mom was doing better and responsive! She is not out of the woods by any means and not sure of her prognosis but when I received that text I cried! My God never ceases to amaze me!!! Love and happy day to each of you
  • farmladync
    farmladync Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2015

    I have read a lot about my kind of BC . Triple Negative has no targeted treatments. It's kind of " hit and miss " . I don't want to take chemo because it destroys my good cells and may not even help with the bad ones. I am willing to be in a blind study for targeted new treatments , but still looking of how to get in . Most want you to have the regular chemo before even trying the experimental ones. Please pray for me . I am new to all of this . Been blessed all my 63 years with good health .

  • farmladync
    farmladync Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2015

    I have read a lot about my kind of BC . Triple Negative has no targeted treatments. It's kind of " hit and miss " . I don't want to take chemo because it destroys my good cells and may not even help with the bad ones. I am willing to be in a blind study for targeted new treatments , but still looking of how to get in . Most want you to have the regular chemo before even trying the experimental ones. Please pray for me . I am new to all of this . Been blessed all my 63 years with good health .

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited July 2015

    Hello Ladies,

    Farmladync, I can understand your concern regarding triple negative breast cancer. There are other ladies on this thread who are triple negative, I am certain that they will let you know how they are coping and what type of treatment they are on. I will pray for you, I know how worrying this can be.

    Gretagirl, I agree with you on the power of prayer. I am English, living in Ireland, and there are English Christians who believe that the reason we were not wiped out during the Battle of Britain was due to all the little old ladies who carried on with their prayer groups - can you imagine that, holding back the luftwaffe?

    Jean, I am really glad that your husband's spirits have lifted, again it is back to the power of prayer.

    Ellen, Happy Birthday, I hope you are being thoroughly spoilt today.

    Lucy, hope your treatment goes well. I don't know the time difference between us, whether you are having the treatment now or if it is over, anyway I pray that it is easy for you without side effects.

    Kath, I am really glad that your boy Forrest is enjoying himself in Germany. It is so rare for young people to find something worthwhile to do, you must be very proud of him.

    Nancy, hope you are feeling better by now. It is amazing how you can be knocked into next week by a bug, usually when you need to be fit and healthy to visit your mother. I will pray that you recover soon.

    Debbie (Footprints), thanks so much for the prayers you have sent to me, you are a great encouragement.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2015

    Just stopped by to say I survived the trip with our teens. :-) Long day, but they are a great bunch of kids. I was useless for 2 days afterwards, but it was worth it.

    I am struggling with sleep, or the lack thereof. I have stopped all medication for sleep. I have also stopped sleeping. Just an hour and a half last night. I'm struggling to stay awake until at least 8-9:00. I am hoping the sleep center will have some suggestions for me.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2015

    Farmlady PM me if you like and we can exchange phone numbers and I am willing to talk if you feel the need.

    Today I am feeling pretty sore after shot number 2. No treatment now until next Monday so just have to wait and recover from the shots. It's all good...God has this...Lucy

  • 123justme
    123justme Member Posts: 169
    edited July 2015
    Jo5, you have been through the ringer. Prayers for you and your wonderful husband!
  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    Been praying for you Jo. Good to hear from you. No apologies necessary. Just take care of yourself and do only the things you must. No pressure please. Just get well. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    If any of you newbies have any questions for me or just need to talk, just private message me and I'll send you my contact info. Love, Jean