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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    LadyinBama glad your home, get some rest over the weekend.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited March 2011

    Jo: Thank you  God! That is wonderful news. Thanks for sharing your miracle with us.

    Glad you are better too. I had the stomach virus last week too and I was sicker than I ever was with chemo. It was awful!

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited March 2011

    I felt good today went shopping for some food.  Eating small meals can't eat big ones.  Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • pejkug3
    pejkug3 Member Posts: 277
    edited March 2011

    Just came across this thread and thought I would introduce myself:

    I was diagnosed with IDC on 1/13/2011, lumpectomy on 1/27 and started chemo on 2/24.  I had my second round of TCH yesterday.

    I'm 35 and I have been married for 16 years.  We have four living children (DD 14, DS 11 & twin DS 6) and one DD when moved to heaven after a household drowning accident in 2003.

    God's grace has been bigger than anything we have lived through this far and God's grace is bigger than BC!

    I'll need to read through the thread some to get acquainted with everyone here.  So glad to have stumbled across this thread!

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited March 2011

    Sorry to have to meet like this.  But you have come into a great place.  I was dianosed on 1/25/11 chemo first. Finished my first dose. 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited March 2011

    Jo Praise the Lord!!!!  He is good!!!!!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Pej sorry you are having to join us here.  You are so right that God's grace is bigger than us.  I also had a DS moved to Heaven in 1995.  It was God's grace that carried me through all of that.  And now with BC it is again God's grace.  Hang in there and these threads are a great place for support and information.  And we all whin at times and that is OK too. 

    JO paise the Lord on your new grandbaby.

    Lynn-woohoo for getting out and going shopping

    Off to Church this morning and then lunch with some friends.  God is Good

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited March 2011

    Need help stomach ache bad one today what do you do to relieve it.  Took Seneca

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited March 2011

    Lynniea: Milk of Magnesia finally got things moving for me. Be sure to drink a full glass of water after you take it.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited March 2011

    Thank you

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2011

    LadyinBama - Praising God today for your negative nodes!  He is SOOOO good - all the time!

    Lynniea - Hope you get to feeling better soon.  Sending a prayer to the throne of grace for you today.

    Jo5 - What an awesome miracle!  Thanks for sharing.

    I appreciate all of you lovely Christian women.  And to new ladies here - welcome.  You have found a thread with support, care and encouragement.  Stay strong in Him!

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited March 2011

    Thank you I feel a little better.  See Dr today .

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited March 2011

    Ladies, I got bad news on my path report. They found cancer cells in my omentum, so I'm considered Stage 3, which sucks. I don't really know much  more than that and that I'll be doing more chemo. I already had an appt with my med on for April 4 and he said we'd talk more then. He said I can go ahead and get my implant exchange next week, that I'd heal from that before we needed to move on with more treatment.

    What do they say, if God brings you to it, He'll bring you through it. I believe that. I'm just bummed out tonight. Love you ladies and keep praying, for us all.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2011

    Dear LadyinBama!! Your positive atitude is so inspiring, please know that you will be lifted up in prayer every day, and you are such a Christian role model for all of us. I know the Lord is using you as an inspiration for others. God bless you, Kathy

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited March 2011

    Will be praying for you.  I have some good news she said it shrunk  half inch.  Praise God for it.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2011

    Dear Lynniea!!!! You have such positive attitude as well. Prayers are coming your way. God is Good!!!! God bless you, Kathy

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Ladyinbama-so sorry for your ugly path report.  God will bring you through it.  Keep the faith.

    Lynniea so glad to hear it shrunk

    God Bless both of you!

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2011

    Hi Ladies!  Just checking in! 

    Lady--I am so, so sorry to hear the path report. The thought of giong through chemo again was one of the hardest parts of my 2nd cancer dx.  But at least I knew what to expect, and so did my family.   And, yes, God was with me every step of the way.  I have been able to show people my faith through this and I hope some are rethinking their relationship with God (or lack of relationship!).  My own relationship with my Lord has definitely grown and matured, and for that I feel blessed!  I will keep you in my prayers!

    Lynn--happy to hear some good news from you.  I hope you are doing ok with chemo!

    Ladies, God's glory is being revealed through you!  Never forget that!  And God's love NEVER FAILS. (Do a search for "unfailing love" at a Bible website [I sometimes use].  I was amazed at how many times God mentions His unfailing love in His word!)



  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2011

    Jo--Thanks for sharing that wonderful praise report about your Great granddaughter! 

    My dd and sil are still in the Ukraine.  They have been meeting with their "son" (not official yet!) everyday and getting to know him.  He is happy and enjoys their visits.  He's more itelligent than they expected--he catches on to little games quickly--like "peek-a-boo"  He is 3.5 and has down syndrome.  He'll be here with us permanently mid-April.  He'll need heart surgery and lots and lots of physical therapy!  The hospital in Kiev refuses to correct his heart problem because they do not value his life like we do here. Very sad.  But the orphanage he is at gives him the best care they know how, and the nannys give him lots of love.  They were suprised at how much he has grown in the last year, and my dd told them that's because he's had a momma praying for him!

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited March 2011

    Hi Ladies doing good.  Second chemo on Wednesday.  I am doing cross stitch for my social worker it keeps  me busy

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited March 2011

    Ladies: The prayers are working!  Long story short, I met with the gyn onc this afternoon for a post-op and he and my med onc had put their heads together. He is going to do more surgery. He's removing my entire omentum (only a portion was removed in last surgery and it was the only thing that had cancer in it). So he says they think we're dealing with "early Stage 3" (an oxymoron, I know), but IF there's not a lot more cancer in the whole omentum after it comes out, they are acutally using the "c" word: Cure! They think it's a possibility with more surgery and another round of chemo. I was flying when I left there! The down side is the new surgery can't be done laproscopically, so I'll have a 4-inch long abdominal incision and a longer recovery (up to 6 weeks, ouch), but I'm ready! Surgery is next Wed. They'll piggy back with  my plastic surgeon. I was already on the schedule for my implant exchange, so the PS will do his part and then the gyn onc will do his part, I'll stay in the hospital one, possibly two, nights. I'm so psyched. I can't tell you ladies how much I appreciate your prayers and encouraging words. You rock!

    PS I'm being lazy and copying and pasting this same post on a couple more threads, so you may run across this againSmile

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2011

    I don't come to the thread much anymore but wanted to stop by and tell you all that to see this thread thriving just feel me with joy and I thank you Lord for that.  Also JO I read about the baby and have tears of joy running down my face I am so happy for you.  Hope all you ladies are doing well and when my life gets straight I will be back to finish my story.  It will all be over around the middle of June. hugs too all of you and God bless.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2011

    Dear LadyinBama!!!! wow, I just know that you will do great, God is Good. You will be lifted up in prayer daily!!!!!! Your prayers will be answered. God bless you, Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2011

    Dear Spar, You gave me such a kind welcome when I first came to this thread. Looking forward to hearing from you again soon. Please know that you are also being lifted up in prayer. God bless you, Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2011

    Praying for you LadyinBama and Lynniea.  Hang in there!  It's so encouraging to see how you both are so positive despite your difficulties.  That's truly the work of the Lord!  I'll keep right on praying!

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited March 2011

    Just arrived home from special we had a visiting preacher who didn't know what I was going through God lad it on his heart to pray for me.  He told we the Lord spoke and said everything is going to be alright.  God uses so many ways to encourage us.  It was a blessing. I believe God and I well be alright.  Amen

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited March 2011

    Well ladies no chemo today the port moved a little and no blood return.  Same Day Surgery tomorrow to fix it .  Here is another little bump in the road.  I have chemo on Friday now instead of today.  Oh Well God is still on the throne.

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited March 2011

    Jo, I haven't checked in this thread in a while and what a miracle baby! Our church had almost the same miracle about 18 yrs ago when our preacher's daughter was pregnant with her third baby and they said she would be a down's syndrome baby. We had a season of prayer for her and annointed the mother, the baby was born perfect. She is now graduating high school and planning on going to nursing school and be a nurse missionary in Kenya.


  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited March 2011

    Home Our God does answer prayer.  I am home feeeling great just a little headache.

  • heavenschild
    heavenschild Member Posts: 42
    edited April 2011

    I was looking out the church Sunday at the wind blowing very strongly through the tops of the trees and the Lord said that He was going to blow through my life.  Monday I had a mammogram, it came back suspcious, and then sonogram with needle biopsy.  The radiologist who did the biopsy on Monday said to expect CA, and I got the news Tuesday that it was.  God doesn't cause cancer, but I am grateful to be going through this voyage,  He taught me why He allows suffering and I am grateful that at least some of my questions have been answered.  Blessings and hugs to all.