thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Good evening ladies.

    I have not had a chance to post today. I saw my RO and talked about the possibility of stopping Arimidex and going through statistics and all of that. She encouraged me to hang in there for at least two more years if I could thinking three years on the drug would be better than only one. Mini, I think we could compare stories on this awful insomnia. I did buy a sleep mask. If figured it couldn't hurt. My nausea is gone and disappeared as I moved the Arimidex out of the morning. So was I sick or not? Who knows. I will be leaving for my mom's on Thursday and may not have time to post tomorrow as I have a ton of things to do. Still trying to get caught up from when I was down for four days. For the newbies, my mom has dementia and still lives in her home. My sister and I tag team in caregiving. I go down for about a third of the year to relieve my sister who lives in the same town as my mom and does the weekly things for her. I get email notifications when you post so I still know what is going on and can pray. I am glad to see everyone supporting our new people. That is a wonderful thing. Have a restful night everyone.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015



  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited July 2015

    Joanne prayers for you. I hope you continue to heal and get stronger.

    Farmladync I continue to pray that you will be able to make a decision for your journey.

    I am headed to receive Herceptin infusion today. prayers that all goes smoothly please. My mouth is finally starting heal from the white spots and my stomach is showing signs of becoming normal again. have a blessed day ladies.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2015

    Yea! Thank you so much! Yes, happy to be done with treatment.....recovering. Baby steps. God bless you all and a safe trip to your mom's on Thursday.

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited July 2015

    CONGRATULATIOS mysunshine48!!!!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Dear Nancy, you have a gift with writing!! Your post was beautiful!!!

    Dear FridayGirl, Praise the Lord!! Prayer is powerful!!

    MySunshine, Congratulations!!!!

    Gretagirl, prayers for you, as you receive your Herceptin infusion!!!

    Joanne, You are going through so much right now!! As you draw closer to Our Lord during this difficult journey, may you feel our prayers and support!!

    Char, Praisevthe Lord for your wonderful news!!

    Please pray for my son and daughter in law that they seek Christian counseling! , and that their marriage can be saved!! They have 3 Beautiful children!!

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2015

    Thank you for your comments. Recovering in baby steps. God bless all of you. I continue to read everyday and include you in my prayers.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2015

    2 days and 4-1/2 hours of sleep. This is awful. I hope I can get into the sleep center sooner rather than later. I would like to try and go back to work at least pat-time, but I can't work like this.

    Sorry for complaining. I do have so many blessings.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Good evening ladies of faith,

    I am only partly through my To Do List before leaving for my mom's but I wanted to check in quickly. I had a great night of sleeping but after eating breakfast I started to feel dizzy and sick. I hadn't even taken my Arimidex at that point. I threw a hissy fit with the devil and commanded him to LEAVE ME ALONE. I have to say that God prevailed because I did not feel sick after that. PTL I have prayed for every single one of you today and Kathy, I prayed for your son's marriage too. I will pray more specifically about counseling for them. Thanks for your kind words.

    I want to ask prayer for one of our dear sisters. She will never asked for prayer for herself but is always behind the scenes sending messages of encouragement to us. We know how powerful this thread is when we come together and pray for a common need. I want to lift up Debbie (footprintsangel). She shared with me last night that she doesn't have any AC where she lives and she has breathing problems. She lives in Washington where it is unseasonably hot (I think) Let's pray that by some miracle she gets some AC OR that this horrible heat wave that has hit her area will vanish. In the mean time let's lift her up and pray for her especially when she is trying to sleep. I just wish there was something we could do for her but I know there is power in all of us praying.

    Mini, I recently bought some time release Melatonin plus prescription pills for sleep and the combo has been working better than most everything else I have tried. I had used Melatonin quite a bit I the past but the time release works better for me. I know how this insomnia has affected my life so I can sympathize. I hope you can find some answers soon.

    Joanne, continued prayers for you dear sister.

    Back to my chores.



  • 123justme
    123justme Member Posts: 169
    edited July 2015
    Prayer for Debbie that she finds relief from the heat and improved breathing!
  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2015

    Deb, praising God for answered prayers for the drug to be released in Ireland. Continuing to pray that the drug hastens to perform what it suppose to in your body.

    Eileen, happy belated birthday.

    Jean, prayers for you and your family and so glad your DH is in better spirits. Continuing to pray for the both of you.

    Char, Yay! So glad of the normal results.

    Greta I love when we see our Almight God work in this way. As Jo-5 once said prayer request are not to be taken lightly and specifically if God gives you the urge to pray for someone or something specific. We as intercessors are to answer and respond immediately. Stop, kneel (within your heart if you can't physically) and pray. Such an awesome testimony. Keep responding to the call to pray. The world requires prayer warriors that will stand in the gap when God calls.

    Lucy, hope your treatment went well. I am behind in reading so not sure it has occurred yet. I pray for minimal to no side effects. I continue to pray for your husband also. Interesting that late last week, God laid Sue (milehighgirl) on my heart and I prayed for her family and I too so miss her. She sent such wonderful messages of encouragement.

    Nancy, hope you are feeling better and getting stronger. I am on the back side of a summer bug that just knocked me out. Praying for traveling grace.

    Jo, continued prayers for you to heal. Also, praying for continued strength emotional, physically and spiritually. Praying for your family also.

    Farmladync, lifting you up on the decision you need to make during this journey and that you receive the support needed to make the choice on treatment.

    Myshine48, congrats on finishing treatment and praying for a speedy recovery bounce back form the treatment.

    Debbie (Foots) praying for improved breathing and relief from the heat.

    Anita, still praying fervently for you. If you are reading know that we Love you and think of you often even though we may not mention your name. I praying that your treatments are going well and that there are minimal SEs. Also praying that God surround you by supporters that you can chat with, prayer with and sometimes just sit quietly with. Love across the miles.

    Hugs Always,


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2015

    Thanks Angie and Kathy for your kind words.

    Thinking the same are in my thoughts and I pray you are getting some company and support from those around you.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2015

    Good evening faithful warriors,

    Sounds like things are going well for most as I scanned quickly al the recent posts.

    Nancy praying for you to get all your things you need to get together for your visit to see your mom. I'm sure she is very excited for you to come. I seem to recall you were not feeling 100% when you were there the last time, I may be wrong so sorry if I am wrong. I pray for traveling mercies.

    Debbie I love in Washington too and it is just miserable. I like the heat but not in the 90's. Not sure what part you live in but it's all hot right now. We had a few days of rain last week and it wasn't enough at all. Today was 90+ and we expect more for the next 5 days I think. There have been so many small fires along the freeway it is just horrible. So praying you are able to have some relief and that God answers our prayers.

    Jo always praying for you dear sister. Keep your eyes on Him who never leaves or forsakes us.

    Anita I miss seeing you so pray you pop in soon and updates us. Love across the miles sister.

    Deb praying you will be trying that new drug very soon.

    I am feeling better from the shots. I was not able to do my treatment as my counts were too low. So had to have two neupogen shots and so a couple of days of bone pain. Not fun but this afternoon been feeling pretty ok. On schedule for my infusion on Monday so praying my counts are back up. They also told me today that my MO is going to lower the dose. I wasn't happy to hear that but she said it is still plenty of drug and she doesn't want it to drop my counts.

    So DH has something going on with his liver so he is waiting for a CT scan to be scheduled. Please put all your prayers for DH at this time. His has bad nerve pain and I am so concerned this nerve issue is starting to affect other areas. Thanks in advance for the prayers. He is such a blessing to me and I just want him to have some good news soon.

    Well sisters gotta get ready for bed as I am going to work tomorrow. I fee like myself again so it will be good to go in.

    Blessings Abundant


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2015

    Hello Sisters,

    I have a prayer request and I do not want to go into details as I would rather Bev (SaltyJack) share this with you as she sees fit. She went for her mammogram/ultrasound, bone density body scan yesterday morning. It was a trying morning as they were short handed and she waited a good while for her tests. Bottom line, she will be going back in for a biopsy on Monday. There are other things but right now it is the waiting to see what is next. No matter how much faith we have, we are human and I know that in my own mind, I wait for the other shoe to drop every time I go into one of these exams. It was so wonderful when I thought everything was just routine. Please lift her in prayer that they find only scar tissue and nothing more. God may be testing her faith to see how much she is trusting him but I also know that this is when satan attacks. it is when we feel most vulnerable.

    For those that are new an do not know Bev, she has been a blessing of support on this thread over the past few years and has not been on as frequently as she use too but still checks in and reads what is happening an prays for folks on her. She has become a dear sister and friend and I have been blessed to meet with her twice now. She also is heading back her to PA to help clean out her sister-in-laws home after her death. I know she could use our prayers.

    Love in Christ,


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2015


    Am praying for your brother-in-law, his family, your hubby and you. Praying God will bring him back in the fold, strengthen your husband and give you strength as you go through all this and your appointement as well.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2015

    Jo just prayed for your BIL and your DH and all related family. Peace and comfort to all of you over the next few days.

    Char so sorry to hear this news about Bev. She was one of the first to welcome me here back in Oct of 2013. She was awesome and a huge support. I just prayed for her and her DH. Thanks for sharing and bringing this prayer request to us so timely. Praying for you too.

    Anita have you on my heart and mind and lifting you in prayer.

    Nancy take it easy and have a blessed day.


    When I read this today I thought of you Nancy and how you bless us with your flowers and sharing God's creation with us. Thank you for that.

    Have a blessed day Sisters of and blessings. Lucy

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited July 2015

    hi to everyone . Herceptin injection went well yesterday and my labs were very good. My visit with my MO was very good. I feel good today and thank God so much for this!!! I have laryngitis MO said side effect of chemo should subside with time. As I read through posts today I lifted each prayer need up. I hope for a restful peaceful evening to all

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2015

    Our dear friend had successful back surgery yesterday. Thank you for your prayers. I spent yesterday afternoon at the hospital with his dear wife while he was in the OR. Today I am exhausted and feeling overwhelmed. I couldn't even finish the acupuncture today due to pain from lying in one position. Also I wiped out in the PT, and did minimal exercise. A bit discouraged now. I am due for a herceptin / perjeta infusion on Monday. 5 hrs on the road as I also see the chemo doc. Still need prayer for my heart to stay strong enough through October to finish this course of treatment.

    Praying for Bev, Jo, Nancy's trip and all of you as I read the posts. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2015

    Jo, praying for your brother inlaw and family. Praying that good provide wisdom and guidance to the medical team and guide the skilled surgeon's hands. Also praying for you and your upcoming surgery

    Lucy, continued pray for you and your husband.

    Char,praying for Bev!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015

    Hi Ladies,

    A quick note to tell you I made it safely to my mom's. I will have to write more tomorrow. I am pretty wiped out right now. Thanks for your prayers. Char, I am glad to hear your good report but so sorry to hear that Bev has to have a biopsy. I have prayed for her on the way to my mom's. Joanne, prayers for you and your BIL.

    Lucy, I have some new pics to post when I have time. It is fun for me to post pics of all the gifts that God gives us all around us.

    Greta, glad you are doing well.

    Jean, glad you could be there to support your friend while her husband had back surgery. Praying that you will have a surge of energy for your long trip to treatment on Monday.

    Angie good to hear from you.

    Kath, how are you doing?

    Night all,



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    I am lifting Debbie up in prayer, for her breathing issues! She is truly an angel!

    Thank you, Char, for letting us know about Bev!! May she feel all our prayers!

    Jo-5, prayers for continued healing! And for your upcoming surgery!

    Mini, prayers for getting in to the sleep center soon!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2015


    Many of you are facing challenges that are bigger than yourself or that you are able to handle in your own strength. Let God take you through your trial. He knows what your need is before you ask. Our God knows you inside and out. He knows what you can handle and allows some of the pressure you feel to help shape you into the Christians He wants you to be so He can effectively use you. The thing we need to fully grasp is that it is not about us but it is all about Him. I think He wants us to grow up in Him and mature as Christians so He can use us to impact the world. I heard a phrase on the way to my mom's on the radio. The phrase was we need to be Christians that glow in the dark. I LOVE that. So let's be that light that shines through a world that is now marginalizing Christians. Let's be that lone voice in our neighborhood or our workplace or out our cancer clinic to affect change in the hearts of those we meet.

    Praying for you dear sisters as you face this day with all of the challenges that may come with it. Let's celebrate our victories as well because we have certainly seen those happening.

    Prayers for Joanne's BIL as he has his bypass surgery today.

    Prayers for Joanne's surgery on Monday and for continued pain control for her now.

    Love you all,


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Thank You , Nancy! Your post was just beautiful and I will carry your words with me!

    Jo-5 prayers for your dear brother's heart surgery! Know that you are on my heart, for a successful surgery and healing!!

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2015

    Thank you Nancy, I needed that today!

    Love you all...Lucy

    P.S. Been praying for you dear sister.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2015

    Dear Lucy! Your posts are beautiful as well! I needed these blessings today!!

    May everyone Have a Very Blessed Weekend !

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2015

    Jo: Praise God for bringing your BIL through surgery. Will keep you in prayer for out patient surgery.

    Nancy: so glad you made it safely. Rest dear sister. Words well said.

    Greta: so glad things went well for you.

    Jean: I pray God gives you renewed strength in the days and weeks ahead.

    Lucy: thank you for lifting others as well.

    Mini/ I sure hope you can get some sleep. I have been there and having to work with kids while sleep deprived makes it hard to stay focused.

    Praying for each of you and thanking all of you for prayers for Bev.

    Mags, Anita and Debbie Foots and Debbie in Ireland: praying that your needs are being met, that you are filled with the love of dear friends and the peace and comfort of God.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Jo, I am blessed to hear that Bill's surgery went well. I pray his recovery goes smoothly. Also that your procedure is successful. You have been a trooper through all this. Love, Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Still recovering from steps. I love reading your posts and keep you all in my prayers.

    Loved your pictures, Lucy!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Lucy, love your banners. I sure hope that you can have your treatment next week and that it goes well and does what it is supposed to do with manageable SE's. I know it has been an uphill battle for you this week. Prayers against discouragement.

    Thanks Kathy. Praying that your son and wife can get some counseling and make some progress in their relationship.

    Joanne, I am glad your BIL made it through the surgery and prayers for pain control and a quick recovery. Prayers for your surgery on Monday and that you can have as much peace as possible going into this. I know you will be so glad to get all of this behind you.

    Char, how are things with your nephew that was going to move to NY? How is your Dad doing? How are YOU doing?

    Jean praying for all things to go well on Monday for you.

    Lynn, will you have radiation too or are you completely done with your treatments?

    Debbie (foots) praying for your situation dear sister.

    I hope everyone has a good night.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    I took this picture tonight. The last blue moon until Jan. 2018. This is done with a little trick from Photoshop.
