thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Jo, may God infuse you with His peace as you await the surgery. May your recovery go well. Love, Jean

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2015

    Nancy: Your photo is lovely and all your photo skills are shining through. Thanks for asking about my brother and nephew. It is all bad....but I can't be concerned with it. They are all adults. I put it all in God's hands. My hubby's health and my dad's upcoming cataract surgery are more important right now. I have no control over the other situations no matter how much I have tried to figure a way to help. I think God wants me to let Him take care of it...and so I will put it there where it belongs.

    Must go spend a day in school gardens as no one will help me except hubby and I am getting lots of flack for not having it cleaned out.


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited August 2015

    Well after 8 hours sleep in 3 days, I broke down and took a sleeping pill. I will work with the docs at the sleep clinic, but I had to do something. My doc said there is a new one out there that is supposed to work differently than the ones on the market now. I worry about the affect of the pills and Alzhiemers as the new research shows that it is not good. I am determined to get a natural nights sleep! Thank you for your prayers. I hope everyone has a great weekend.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Joanne, skin graphs are usually very successful....praying for you.

    Nancy, your picture is beautiful! No, no radiation. I had a BMX back in April, with expanders, so when I am strong enough will have exchange surgery. I do have to start an estrogen inhibitor, but not sure which one yet. I meet with my MO on Thursday to discuss that, plus other things. I am 98% estrogen and not sure which would work best. Anyone know anything about this yo help me with this next step?

    Hope all enjoy a peaceful, pain free Sunday

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015


    I appreciate all of your nice comments on my blue moon. I will check in later and write more. I hope many are able to get to church and be blessed today and get recharged for a new week.,



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2015

    Jo: Well you will not be the first to waver. I am sure for you and each of us it will not be the last time either. But you are right to get back and focus on the true Physician. I know that God has it all worked out and He will take charge of the situation and make it so. Prayers for your reassurance.

    Bev: Praying for your biopsy as well. I am trusting that it is just a blip on the radar screen and a test of your faith. Hold strong dear friend.

    Blessings to each of you this day.

    In Christ,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Prayers for Bev and Jo. Please pray for protection for my damaged heart as I have my herceptin / perjeta infusion tomorrow. Love, Jean

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited August 2015

    Mysunshine48....I started on Aromosin and had trouble with a lot of joint pain. My Onco switched me to Femara which worked much better for me. After the generic Letrozol came out it was good too. I've been off of the drug 2 years now.

    Nancy you are also very talented. Love the color in your Blue Moon. Nicer than the white one I saw.

    Jo, praying for you and everyone else with burdens on here. God is good !! He has a reason for everything.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Hi ladies hope you had a good Sunday. I got to get a ton of hummingbird pics after church at this nature center in my mom's town. Boy, photographing those little flying wonders is a challenge.

    Let's remember to pray for Joanne who has another surgery tomorrow. I know she is concerned with the leg graft and pain control. Let's pray that this surgery takes without any complications. She has been through a very tough time and trying to get emotionally, physically and spiritually prepared for another leg to this journey. Let's pray that this will be her LAST surgery and that this angiosarcoma will NEVER come back.

    Bev, is having a biopsy tomorrow after two years out from her initial dx. This is in her reconstructed breast which she just went through all of that surgery a few months ago, Let's pray for peace in the midst of the storm for her and of course for a good report. I wasn't sure if she was going to post or not so Bev if you want to tell us more please do. She told me should would post but that may be afterwards. I believe she will find out results on Wed.

    Jean, is having her LONG trip to get her infusion. Let's pray that all goes without a hitch and that she has energy for this long day.

    Lynn, my path report was 100% estrogen positive. I know you were asking about that. My cancer team never really did get into the specifics of that percentage only to say that I would be on an AI which I have just finished a year on Anastrozole which is the generic to Arimidex. Our bodies do continue to produce estrogen through the Adrenal glands which I was not aware of. I had been on supplements for Adrenal fatigue which I had to stop immediately after getting the path report last year.

    Evie, thank you. I sent that pic to a friend and I think I forgot to tell her I had photoshoped the blue color. She was all confused so I need to tell her that it was not really blue. I did read that some areas the moon could have a blue hue especially areas where there have been forest fires. It was not blue all the different hours I looked at it including midnight when that was the time it might appear blue. How are you doing? Are you still having the racing heart issue?

    Greta, how are you doing? I hope that your next treatment will go well for you.

    123JustMe have you got a path report yet? Do you have a treatment plan in place?

    Farmlady, continued prays for you for wisdom in treatment or not. I was very much into natural medicine before my diagnosis in the spring of 2014. I went into surgery and radiation kicking and screaming but came to the conclusion that is what I needed to do. I don't regret that decision but everyone has to come to their decision that they can live with. I would gather as much info as you can before opting out of anything.

    Char, your situation with your nephew I am sure is frustrating but there are things out of our control that we do have to lay at Jesus feet. Are your gardens at school still part of your Master Gardener responsibilities. With all the things you have going that is a lot to do I am sure.

    Mini, my pcp pushed this "new" sleeping pill with me. It was Belsomra. He acted like it was the next best thing to sliced bread. I am very sensitive to meds so I wasn't convinced. I gave it a try for 11 days and I could not tolerate it. It is extremely expensive and my insurance changed in July and I don't think they are covering this med anyway. If you do try it there are online coupons which work with insurance and make it more affordable but they are only good for a 12 refills I believe. I hate the fact that I have to rely on prescription meds to sleep but the alternative of losing my mind with no sleep was not a viable option. I sure hope you can find something that will work because no sleep can cause a whole host of other issues. I imagine you were completely wiped out with the teens you went to camp with. That is great that you can volunteer in that manner.

    Kathy, praying for your son and wife's marriage and that God will direct them in what they should do to repair their relationship.

    Polly, I think of you often. We haven't heard from you in a very long time. Are you doing okay? I pray for you often.

    Ellen, how are you doing?

    Vickie, how are you doing? How is your family? Haven't heard from you in a while. Continued prayers for you dear sister.

    Kath, is Forrest home yet? How are things with Garland and Eileen and YOU?

    Lucy, praying that you will get your treatment this week and that it will be manageable.

    Angie, praying that your ministry move goes smoothly and that you are doing better.

    Sheangel, praying that your pain and fatigue are improving.

    Mags, how are you doing? Are you considering a shoulder replacement in the future?

    Debbie (Ireland), I hope you can start this new treatment soon and that it will stop these cancer cells in their tracks!

    Debbie (foots), I am praying there will be a break in this hot weather very soon for your sake and for Faiths. Hang in there dear sister.

    Anita, I think of you often and pray for you always. I hope you are comforted with family and friends. Know we all love you and care for you here and would love to hear how you are doing if you are able to post.

    Ladies I am going to feel very bad if I left someone out. I am trusting my memory as I don't have my hard copy prayer list in front of me. I hope to get an updated prayer list out when I get back home. Things have just been busy at my mom's since getting here.

    I hope this new month brings new blessings, new rays of hope where they may have been discouragement and opportunities for our lights to shine in this dark world around us. I don't want cancer or any other illness I have to define me. I want it to propel me into living the most out of every day as we never know if it will be our last. I saw a decal on this car the other day that said I make a living, living. I LOVE that. I know for a good part of my life I have existed and I want to really live the years I have left.

    Have a great night.

    Love you all


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2015

    Thank you, Nancy!

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited August 2015

    Nancy I'm a little better. Still have a few flutters every day but not like before. The heartbeat was rapid last night before bed. Just don't know what causes that. I sure hope it's not post radiation related.......sigh.

    " Heavenly Light '.......below.image

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Just checking in...Nancy, thanks for the prayer list. That helps me remember who has what needs (does that make sense?)

    Praying for all of you; there are so many different stages of cancer treatment and survival and I think we have sisters in all of them!

    Update-- I have been off the Arimidex for 3 1/2 weeks now. I can see a little improvement with the stiffness, and more with the joint pain. I am definitely sleeping better, but still have some erratic sleeping habits. I have tried to read different research and results on medications but don't have much idea on where my MO and I will go with treatment. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, if your doctor has prescribed Arimidex for you, DON'T let my decision influence you. I'm one of those people who had very difficult side effects...but other women manage it very well. You have to do what works for YOU.

    I got a phone call last week about possibly substituting for the teacher who took my job when I retired. There are limits about how many days I can work, so I wouldn't be able to work full time. The longest I plan to work is nine weeks, long enough to get classes started and to complete screening and testing paperwork. Praying that if the door is opened, I'll have the energy to do the job well.

    Praying for peace of mind, safe travelfreedom from pain, wise decisions, comfort, and the support of friends and family for everyone. God bless you all in a special way....Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good to hear from some of you.

    Evie, I LOVE that painting. The colors are really beautiful. Just a peek of what heaven will be like. I pray that these heart palpitations will disappear completely

    Kathy, You're welcome.

    Ellen, praying that if you chose to do this sub position that the Lord will give you the needed strength and health to be able to handle it.



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited August 2015

    Hi ladies! Nancy, I think my current condition could best be described as 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. I think I'm doing better overall, but still struggle with the chronic pain and fatigue issues. I don't know whether a shoulder replacement is in my future; even though it's a major source of pain, it doesn't limit me as my knees and back do. If I stand for more than 10 minutes or walk for more than 5, my thighs go painfully numb, which my orthopedic doc says is from the stenosis in my L3 disc.

    My cousin has been helping out a lady with doctor appointments and so on, and getting paid for it, which she needs, and recently they've increased her chores, and income, so it's become harder and harder for me to rely on her for rides to my appointments, so this weekend DH and I went out and got him a car to drive to work so I can have my old car back. Just in time for me to have 2 doctor appointments this week and an eye doctor appointment next week.

    We celebrated our 28th anniversary Friday. Made it to church today for a wonderful sermon on John 8. Have actually gotten back into my daily readings and rebuilding good habits. And thanks for asking.

    Much love & blessings

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2015

    We have a birthday girl in our midst today.....will let her reveal who she is if she wants. But a hint...she is sooo good at keeping us informed of the prayer needs on this thread, and has been blessed with the gift of using a camera for capturing the beauty of Gods creation.

    Artsee, love the painting! What a God given talent you have!

    Keeping you gals in prayer today!


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2015

    Hi All, just checking in.

    Nancy, as always thank you for the prayer list. Also, if you are the secret birthday girl HappyHappy Birthday!

    May God continue to bless you with many many more. And we thank him for your gift of administration, helps and prayer. He knew for a time such as this that we needed you in our midst.

    Love Ya Much Dear Sister,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Hey ladies,

    Ellen, thank you for letting the cat out of the bag! Yes, I am the birthday girl celebrating another 39 years. LOL Actually I am not going to say it but I will say that I am one year away from Medicare. I have NO idea how this happened! It is just going way too fast.

    Angie, that you for the beautiful birthday cake. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Actually the real updated prayer list will come when I get back home. Just too many things going on at my mom's. When do you make the move to a new ministry site? We will be praying. I have been already.

    Let's remember that Joanne goes in for surgery today at 2:30 ET. She actually sent me a birthday email on the day of her surgery. I am impressed.

    Bev has her biopsy today and let's continue to lift her up for a good report.

    Jean, has her long day to the city to get her infusion and see her doctor. Praying for strength for you dear sister.

    Lucy, praying you will be able to get your treatment this week.

    Mags, good to hear from you. I sure hope your health challenges improve and am glad to hear that some things are improving. May the Lord continue to strengthen you in all ways. Happy 28th anniversary!

    I will be going out to one of my favorite steak restaurants tonight with my mom, sister and BIL to celebrate my birthday. My niece in Iowa sent me a beautiful garden stone which I can't wait to put in my garden. I am having a new patio built soon and it will look nice near that.

    My email is down. I don't ever remember getting a message from Comcast saying that so just a head's up.

    Thanks again.



  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited August 2015

    Hello Ladies,

    This is just a short note to say that I am praying for all of you, there are many different needs on this thread and we are blessed because we can pass our cares and worries on to Jesus. Having said that, I am especially praying for Bev, she has sent me some encouraging messages in the past and I can imagine what her mind is going through right now. I hope that The Lord gives her His special peace while she goes through this time.

    Nancy, hope you are having a great birthday.

    Blessings, Debbie

  • Xjerseygrl
    Xjerseygrl Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2015

    Hi ladies,

    I'm going to try this again as my post disappeared. I see my BS tomorrow and have tons of questions for her. Today I have been on here for hours after taking a break for a couple days from sensory overload. Thanking God for leading me to and to this thread today. Yesteray after morning service I shared with our pastor's wife my diagnosis and will be sharing with the prayer warriors in Bible study Wednesday as hope I have a treatment plan in place tomorrow when I leave the BS.

    Will update you all after that but until then please add me to your prayers.


  • 123justme
    123justme Member Posts: 169
    edited August 2015
    Happy Birthday Nancy!
    Still waiting for the written pathology report but MO said no nodes and clear margins! Yay!!!

    Will see the RO tomorrow to discuss radiation plans.

    Feeling blessed but still fearful.
  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Jeanne, welcome to our thread. We can certainly add you to our prayers. I know that the beginning of this journey is certainly scary for all of us and we can understand your fears. We also know that our Lord is able to handle all of those fears and bring you through your journey with His help. Once you get a treatment plan in place I found for myself that then I could concentrate on the battle plan and it made all of the unknowns a bit easier. Let us know what your plan is. There are strong prayer warriors on this thread which will gladly pray with you.

    Debbie, thanks for your birthday wishes. Bev is certainly a blessing. She has helped me tremendously all behind the scenes when I needed some of her expertise. Praying that you can start treatment soon.

    123JustMe, thank you for the birthday wishes. PTL that you have received great news at this point. Do you know if you are a candidate for the Oncotype genome test? If your insurance covers it and you are a candidate I think it is extremely helpful. You can do a search on this site and find information about it.

    I pray that Joanne and Bev are hopefully at home resting comfortably.

    Jean, praying that you will soon be home after a very long day.

    Have a great evening. I am going to get ready for my birthday outing tonight. You all have made my birthday more special this year. Thank you.



  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited August 2015

    Happy Birthday wonderful woman. When God gave out sincerity, compassion and kindness, you were the first in line my friend or should i say sister. I dont have any, so im pleased to know all of them on this website!

    Birthday Hugs!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Happy Birthday Nancy. Yes time does fly. I was 72 April and Medicare has been a blessing.

    Praying for Bev as you wait for biopsy results and for Jo's recovery from the skin graft.

    I am home and resting after a successful herceptin / perjeta infusion. If the heart stays strong enough I will have 4 more ending at the end of October. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Today my chemo doc recommended stopping Femara for 2 weeks to see if it is causing this difficult joint pain and stiffness. If so she will change me to a different drug. Please pray that God will allow this to work to ease the pain and help me cope. Thank you ladies. Love, Jean

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2015

    • Happy Birthday Nancy....a few hours past but still wishing you lots of blessings!
  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Thank you ladies. You are all special to me. As I have said before we are like a little online family. I had a great night out with my family and then went back to my sister's for the evening, Thank you all for making my day extra special. I hope everyone is doing well and of course I pray that our sisters having surgery today are doing well.

    I sure hope that Joanne's pain in her leg where they took the skin graft will not be as painful as they have cautioned her. This high powered pain med is difficult for her to tolerate so let's pray that she will have great pain control without becoming nauseated. After the one failed surgery we pray that this one will take and that she will have no complications. Then we need to pray that her angio sarcoma will never come back again.

    Praying that Bev is resting comfortably and that during the wait time she can have perfect peace in the midst of a scary time.

    Jean, glad you made it through your long day and you were able to get your infusion today. Praying that you will be able to complete the course with no problems. I hope if you make a switch in your AI that the new one will not cause joint pain.

    Have a good night's rest everyone. Praying for Debbie Foots that she can breathe tonight while trying to sleep without AC. Also prayers for her service dog, Faith.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2015

    Hi Sisters,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nancy. Know we love you and sorry I'm late. Been a long day but a good one. Infusion went well today. Counts are way up and liver is good and feeling strong. Glory Be to God!!!

    Praying for Jo, Bev and Anita...know we love you and lift you up.

    Have a blessed sleep, Lucy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    Here is an update from Joanne. She had some trouble sleeping and decided to give me an update early this morning.

    "My surgery did not take place until after 3:30PM. We did not get home until after 8PM. I was in recovery longer than expected. The problem was PAIN! They just could not get it under control. They gave me all they could with the IV. (Evidently they can only give you so much through IV if you are outpatient) Eventually they got permission to give me antinausea + percocet and I was able to come home.

    The split-skin graft was about the thickness of a sheet of newspaper. It looks to be about 3 &1/2" wide x 7 or 8". It burns and aches, and I will not want to be waiting longer than 4 hours for my meds. Dr will be changing the dressing himself once a week. No more visiting nurses.

    The graft on the chest is covered with some kind of special sponge, that is covered with gauze and all that is stapled to my skin. YIKES! That is so the graft does not move one iota.

    I asked him what the failure rate was. His answer was seldom, but could be 80/20.

    He said if there was any necrosis at all it would be very tiny, debrided, and wet/dry packed until it healed. He added of course that he expects it to be just fine.

    The dressing will stay just the way it is for 3 weeks. I won't have any idea for 3 weeks if there is any necrosis. All I keep saying is, "We live by faith, not by sight."

    Let's continue to pray for Joanne for pain control and for nausea control as the SE of the pain meds. Let's pray for NO complications of any kind and that this will take this time so this long, hard journey will come to an end soon and more pleasant days will be around the corner.

    Hope everyone has a great week.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Lucy, thank you for your birthday wishes. I had a great time with my family. I am SO GLAD to hear that you had your infusion and that your counts are way up and that you are feeling good. PTL

    Praying for Bev for peace in this wait time until she gets results from her doctor tomorrow. Hang in there dear sister. Praying for a great report.

    Anita, dear sister we all love you and continue to pray for you. I hope you feel up to letting us know how your are doing one of these days.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Happy, Happy Birthday, Nancy! You are a blessing to us all!