thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited August 2015

    Sorry I missed your birthday Nancy. I hope all yor birthday wishes came true.

    I'm praying for no SE's for Joanne. She's gone through so much all ready.

    I hope all is going well for everyone. I'm helping all week with VBS, and next week my sis is coming from Florida! I'm so excited to have here home.


  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Happ late birthday Nancy. I was on yesterday and intended to come back but lost track of time. Joanne I pray that your surgery is a success and your pain gets under control soon. I hope everyone is well and doing good. I am feeling well today. Herceptin tomorrow. Have a wonderful night

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2015

    Happy Birthday, Nancy🎂 I hope your day was filled with many blessings, joy, love and laughter 🎈

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Thank you for the continued birthday wishes. You all make me feel special. Thank you for your uplifting encouraging words, I am trying to get a million things done the last couple of days at my moms. It is really too much for someone who doesn't live here all the time. I know that the Lord knows I am trying to honor my mom's wishes by allowing her to stay in her house. I have done much to allow that to still happen. It becomes more difficult to know if this is the right thing to do.

    Let's continue to pray for Joanne. She is having a lot of chest pain and more so than the leg pain which is opposite of what they told her would happen. I think she is about at the end of her rope. Le't continue to lift her up for the Lord to comfort her and ease her pain. Let's also pray that this surgery will not fail and that it will be the last one she will have to endure. We need to pray that the angio sarcoma will never come back again. I think Joanne needs peace of mind in that area as the enemy can really work on someone who is already in a lot of pain and be very vulnerable to the darts of the enemy.

    Let's continue to pray for good news for Bev as she will find out the path report tomorrow I believe when she sees her doctor. Praying that the areas they are concerned about will turn out to be scar tissue or something like that. I hope Bev will be able to share the update with us. Hang in there dear sister,.


    Have a restful night everyone.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2015

    Hi Sisters,

    Just a quick note. Had the start of our bible study tonight with a really special couple we enjoy spending time with. The study is called Anything by Jenny Allen. I think it will be a really good one. We have to surrender all and how we do this and why. Along with having and maintaining a stronger walk. Looking forward to see where it will take us and how we will all grow through it. It will be for a few months so that will be nice. Had a good day and felt strong today and went to work.

    Praying for Jo and Bev and Anita. Sisters remember God's promises. You're His daughters and He loves you so very much.

    Nancy I hope you're able to get as much as you can done this visit. Don't over do it as you know what that can do. Praying for strength and stamina for you.

    Have a restful sleep sisters and a blessed tomorrow. Good night...Lucy.


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2015

    Praying for Jo, bev and Anita. Specifically prayed for them and Lucy during our intercessory pray tonight.

    Have a blessed evening and day tomorrow

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2015

    Dearest Jo-5! Please know that you are continually in my thoughts and prayers! May you rest in God's Love, knowing He will take care of your every need! He will calm your storm!

    Praying for Bev, as she awaits her biopsy report .

    Nancy, praying for discernment for you as you take care of your dear Mom. I know those decisions are hard!

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Joanne we prayers for you dear one. May you feel the rest of The Lord.

    Bev prayers for you as you await your results.

    Praying for all to have a special day filled with Gods love.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited August 2015

    I have NO idea what happened to my post last night :(

    Nancy, I am so glad you had a wonderful time with family on your special "born on " day. God has certainly blessed ME so many times through you. Thank you for the multiple times you have been there for me through this journey. Wishing you a year of Gods grace, love, and GREAT HEALTH!

    I read every morning and catch up before my daily reading and prayers.

    Special prayers to Warrior Jo and Warrior Bev

    Gentle hugs and love,

    Oh, Forrest got home from his missions last night-- God really blessed himimage

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2015

    Lovely picture, Tobycc!!

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited August 2015

    Evening ladies, as I was too tired for bible study this evening I thought to catch up on posts and at least say a howdy do. I am very fatigued and still experiencing somr SE's but I know this too is for a reason. I have not found my primary doctor just now but will have someone by tomorrow. I am trying so hard to seem normal when I am at work it is completely wearing and breaking me down, so I have realized I need to maybe back off some of my things. Instead of accomplishing my normal routine, perhaps getting at least two things done a day at a leisurely pace is better.

    Even though I cooked for the week on Sunday I sent DH out for pizza as I need comfort food as well as I need to see if the dairy will effect me. I have been off of it for almost a month next week and I don't know if the reduced achiness is from that or from the herbal supplement so I decided to give it a test. Tomorrow will tell the tail.

    I hope and pray for relief for us everyday knowing that we all are going through something but I try to remember to take a moment everyday and notice the goodness that God is bringing and showing us. Happy Wednesday

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited August 2015

    Hi Ladies - yep, I'm finally checking in.....and I was so blessed and humbled to see all the prayers for peace and calm from y'all over the past few days. The biopsy results were negative - stromal fibrosis (I made the PA explain it over and over again - basically it's some kind of thickening/scar tissue - nothing related to cancer). I just have to share with you how God has dealt with me over the past week - so often, we just have to trust Him and know that everything will work out for our good (at some point), even if we can't see it right then. In this case, I know exactly how God was working - and hope this won't get too long or boring.......

    I had my annual mammogram, ultrasound and bone density scan last Wednesday and afterward, the doctor told me that they'd seen a suspicious area in my right ("good") breast - it could be scar tissue or it could be a tumor, so I needed a biopsy - and the soonest they could schedule it was Monday. That's all she said - and I spent the weekend praying and imagining what the next year might hold (I have to admit, I checked out the website where I got my wig before and started trying to figure out if I'd have chemo or surgery first). However, I also spent ALOT of time singing (quietly, to myself - I'm no singer) "As Long as You're Glorified" ( - which was one of the great inspirations through my chemo. I was nervous but much less worried and upset than I could have been - and I know it's from all you folks praying for me. Sunday morning, the sermon was based on I John - and one of the main points the pastor made was that we need to stop sinning and doing things that we know are wrong after we're believers. Well, my heart was in a very tender place and I was convicted by his words - God's perfect timing.

    Okay, Monday morning I saw the same doctor (she looks at least 12 years old, so I knew I could count on a wealth of experience when I asked her opinion). I asked if she'd be able to tell from the biopsy and she said no, but that she could tell from the ultrasound in 95% of the cases if a sample is malignant because of the characteristics - and mine doesn't have those characteristics. Now, of course I still had to wait for the path results - but my weekend would have been alot different if she'd mentioned the 95% number to me on Wednesday - instead of giving me the impression there was no way to know if it was scar tissue or cancer. I just know God used the whole situation to get my attention and make sure I would really be listening to the sermon. Now I just need to pray and be sure that once I get back into my normal routine (rut!), the message retains its' power, right?! So - even though it was a tough couple of days, I can thank God for getting my attention!

    Thank you all so much for caring and for the prayers. Nancy, your list of everyone's needs is so helpful - it caught me up on all the new ladies here. I'll be praying for your needs - and promise to try to be around more often.

    love y'all - Bev

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2015

    Praise The Lord, Bev!!! So good to see you post!!

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2015

    Praying for you Jo that you experience relief quickly and this gratt takes.

    Kath, Love your photo. You will have to share some fo Forrest's blessings from his trip.

    Bev, You already know this but Iam so relieved and celebrating your good news. I think life would not be the same for me without you in it

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2015

    Bev, celebrating and praising God for the God news.

    SheAngel, I do feel you when you talk about stepping back a little. I am still fatigued and experiencing a lot of SEs from tamoxifen.

    Based on the numerous SEs and "severity" of the SEs my MO has suggested I take a 10/14 day break from Tamoxifen. Not thrilled about this as I am 95% ER+. I will find out tomorrow if this is the direction we will go and for how long. Please pray for the right decision and timeframe. She does not want to put me on an AI.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Hearing what some of you ladies are going through makes me feel like a wimp to whine about my joint pain and difficulties with dealing with hubby. God is testing my trust in Him also, bringing me to the end of myself. Stripping me of pride and vanity. Hubby was again talking of ending his life last night and I must admit my compassion and patience was at a breaking point. I can only be kind and gentle in Jesus strength and rely solely on Him and I admit I don't do too well in this. As His word says, "my righteousness is like filthy rags." I am so grateful that His compassion and patience with me is so much greater than mine. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2015


    Love the look great! I know you are glad your son is home, even though his trip was a blessing to so many!

    Jo...still praying for your comfort and pain control....

    Angie, sorry the tamoxifen has caused so many SE...enjoy those vacation days off. Just goes to show how medications affect people differently....I did ok with it for three years, but couldn't do the AI...May God give all of us strength. Hope your transition to a new ministry location is going smoothly. God hasn't opened a door so we are still here.

    Debbie (Ireland), Debbie (foots), Anita....praying for encouragement and comfort for you..and also for whatever you need. She-angel, praying that you are staying comfortable in this NC heat...I am much more heat sensitive than I used to be and you probably are also

    Thankful today for good reports, no SE from treatments, and improving energy. Praying for healing, pain control,and safe travel to appointments for all who need it. Love you all...Ellen

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Good morning ladies. As I read through all the posts this morning I was so touched y'all are an amazing group and I feel so happy to be a part of this thread. Herceptin went well yesterday but my labs all dropped from last week. WBC was half of last week. It upset me cause I really thought that if it was going to drop it would have done so last week not 14 days out. Anyway trying to eat iron rich and protein this week. Chemo,is scheduled next Wednesday . My hair is still growing and I still have a full head. Not sure for now much longer though!

    Bandwoman1234 I hope you find peace for decisions with your mom. We built a house a few years back and both of my parents live with us. I am only child( I have a half brother in Florida )and my parents are 74 and 90. My dad had been married before and is 16 years older than my mom! It's challenging havin them in the house but ok. They are relatively healthy given ages. My mom has heart issues and she had cancer twice. Never chemo hers was treatable with surgery and radiation. I was concerned about them aging, illness and so forth and how they would be taken care of so this is what we did. The Medicare system and the cuts and all of that I don't know that they could afford to live on their own. My dad has Alzheimer's and I don't know how much longer he will be able to live here. So far he has not wandered off and he still knows us.

    SpiritBlessing your Bible study sound interesting. I am adding to our list of choices. Surrender is not one of my strong points and The Lord is definitely working on me with that and several other areas! Like yesterday when I found out my labs had dropped I immediately got on line and started looking up dietary changes to improve issues INSTEAD of going to Him in prayer! That should have been first! BUT He pointed that out to me. I am learning:) and thankfully He is so willing and patient to show me!

    Tobycc loved the picture!

    She-Angel I hope your strength increases

    Salty-Jack again congratulations on your report and I as stated earlier God is always teaching me and thankfully He does it lovingly!

    Ladyb1234 I hope the right decision is made regarding the tamoxifen

    Zjrosenthal I do hope your joint pain improves and that your husband can find some peace. Please take care of yourself as emotional issues are as draining and take a toll just like physical pain.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Nancy, I took care of my mom (she had her own home) for a number of years in Florida. Mom insisted on staying in her home. She had Dimentia snd it continually got worse. I was at her house more and more, and I was still teaching, so it became much more difficult. She got to the point of calling the police weekly telling them people were stealing from her and her own family was doing "things" to make her think she was going crazy, but she was sure she was fine. She changed locks four times, yelled at me, was hiding everything, sleeping with her purses filled with her special possessions. And more! She would hage nothing to do with thinking about assisted living. So, I told my sister, who lives in Oregon, that we HAD to do something. She said it was hER turn to help care for mom. We had to take her to Oregon on the pretense it was a visit, but we never brought her back to Florida. Horrible thing to do, you might be thinking, but it was the only way to get her out of her house. I shipped her furniture to Oregon and we moved her into an Assisted Living facility, with her own furniture. She was unhappy at first, but soon forgot she ever lived in Florida. I made many thrips there. We had to move her to a wonderful Memory Care facility after a a few months as she could noeven

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Sorry, my iPad did a weird could not handle assisted living. She forgot how to get to and from the dining rooms,etc. anyway, the thing is that sometimes we have to be the "bad guy", so to speak and make decisions for our moms, hsrd as it can be. She was 94 when we moved her to Oregon and just passed away this past January at 96. When dealing with teen-agers, it is called tough love, but it is sort of the same. I think our peace of mind came from the fact she was in excellent facilities. My sister went there every night to Memory Care, had dinner with mom, helped her get ready for bed and tucked her in.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Hi ladies,

    I am back home now. It was a whirlwind of things to do before leaving my mom's. I had nausea the whole day and night yesterday when coming back home so the three hour drive was tough. Many issues swirling around in my head today. I need prayers for peace and wisdom.

    Bev, such great news. I am so happy that you will not have to travel down another bc journey again. Such a relief. I imagine the heightened awareness of gratitude will envelope you as you go through your next few weeks.

    Kath, as Billy Crystal would look maaaaaaaaaaaaavelous! Forrest is such a handsome young man. You have been a great support for me this past year and for that I will always be grateful.

    Angie. praying that you will find the right thing to do. I am only speaking from my own impressions but it seems like the MO's give out these drug holidays quite a bit when patients are having difficulties. I would think that taking some time off must not be as big a deal to them as we think it is. I am still having a time with mine so I can appreciate your concern. Will be praying for you.

    Sheangel, I think we all try to find a new normal in our lives. When we are dealing with SE's we have to cut ourselves some slack. I can't imagine how hard that is when you are still working so I can certainly sympathize with your situation. I can tell you expect a lot of yourself and are used to working yourself very hard. I think backing off and being okay with that is a balance that you will have to come to terms with for now. Will pray to that effect. Hang in there. I do think that with time you will start to feel more normal.

    Gretagirl and Lynn, thanks for sharing your stories of taking care of elderly parents. I am dealing with some other personal issues regarding this that have become extremely difficult for me. I need prayer for peace and direction.

    Ellen, praying you have a good time with Cal and family this weekend.

    Jean, continued prayers for you and DH. I know that must be very difficult to deal with.

    Char, praying that you are balancing all of your things on your plate because I know you have a lot.

    Joanne, praying that each day is better and better and that you will be able to eventually get off the pain meds altogether.

    Have a great weekend ladies.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2015

    Morning Warriors,

    I have a prayer request...DH had a call from his doc just before 5:00 yesterday as they got the results from the CT regarding his gall bladder. Apparently it shows a shadow on the bile duck and so they want him to be ready to go to Seattle first thing this morning. They called yesterday and couldn't find a place in Olympia, Tacoma or Puyallup that could get him in to do another test they want him to do. So they are trying to get him in at UW or Virginia Mason. They just said to be ready to go by 8:00. This test will let them know if they will have to put a stint in the duct so that it will open. This is what may be the issue that is causing the liver to be not getting the bike to help process. Which is causing his jaundice.

    Asking for prayer for the docs and that things go smoothly and we can get this done today. Also that it's nothing more serious. God gives us strength as you promise we won't have anything more than we can handle. He must think we can handle a lot so we have to trust Him. Thank you in advance for the prayers...Lucy

    Know I am praying for you all as well. Will be more detailed and blessings abundant.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015


    Praying that Steve can get in to get this image done today and that everything will go smoothly. We pray that the doctors will be able to get to the bottom of this issue and be able to remedy it very soon. Prayers for you as well for strength and peace. Hang in there dear sister. God will carry you through.



  • 123justme
    123justme Member Posts: 169
    edited August 2015

    Praying for you and your DH that you find the answers to your questions today!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited August 2015

    Hi Lucy,

    Praying for your husband, that the doctors do good, accurate tests and that the outcome is not serious. I will also pray for you, I live alone but remember when my mum was ill I was the main carer and you will get so worried for your loved ones.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    I may not post all your names, but I am praying for us all. God is listening.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    I wanted to give an update on Joanne. SHE NEEDS PRAYER!!!!!!

    She started suspecting that something was wrong and had some redness. Her PS is gone next week and her other surgeon is on jury duty. The nurse from his office was away for some training and her home nurse acted like the other PS was no good. The redness started spreading and of course with that comes fear and of course the dreaded fear of another failed surgery. She was able to take some pictures and send to the doctors office and long story short they have her on two different antibiotics which I guess is normal. News to me. The problem with Joanne is that she is highly sensitive to meds and doesn't tolerate them well. She knew she could possibly have antibiotics in IV form at the hospital if necessary. This nurse she likes did call her back and told her the hospital is the last place she would want to be for infection. She did tell her unless she runs a high temp to try to stay put and if she does run a high temp she could go to the ER. Lets pray that God will intervene and that she will tolerate the meds. She said she was already starting to feel nauseous. This poor woman has been run through the ringer not once but over and over and over again. Let's pray that the Lord will take care of this infection and stop it in it's tracks and that this surgery will be a success so she can start to get her life back. Discouragement as you all know is the enemy here when things go awry like this. Let's lift her up with mighty prayers and that not only will the Lord heal her physically but surround her with His love and mercy during this trying time. Thank you ladies. I know the power of prayer from our prayer warriors here. Thank you.



  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited August 2015

    Yes dear friends, ive been in contact with Jo and we really need to send her some extra prayers. I cant imagine what it is like to endur what she is going through right now. No matter how much Faith we have, its not unusual to have anxiety through the roof when everything seems so hard to bare right now.

    I am a strong believer of the power of prayers. Lord Jesus, i pray also for a healing report from Jo.



  • 123justme
    123justme Member Posts: 169
    edited August 2015
    Praying for Joanne! She really has had a rough go.
  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2015

    Prayers going on for Joanne...Lord please hear our abundant prayers for healing and strength and miraculous intervention of all this infection...RIGHT NOW WE JUST CLAIM THE HEALING...Lord

    Healing for my DH as well Lord. He has endured so very much and he is ready to shout from the mountain tops and give you the Glory...we ask in Jesus name...Amen, Amen and Amen!!!
