thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2015

    Lucy, praying for your dear husband!!

    Jo-5 lifting you up in prayer! The power of Prayer is amazing!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Prayers for Jo and for all. Hubby is out of his funk for now. These cycles of mood swings are really testing my patience and compassion. Please pray for me to have the ability to detach and not take attacks personally. Love, Jean

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Good morning everyone.

    Joanne my heart and my prayers go out to you dear one.

    Lucy I pray that DH will have healing

    Jean I pray that you will stand strong when adversity is coming at you

    Hope everyone has a peaceful restful weekend.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited August 2015

    Nancy thanks for keeping us posted on Jo--- you are right that we will all lift her up, pray for healing, no nausea, pain.

    Can she use a patch for nausea?

    Lucy, lifting up your DH-- Jean, as always for detachment and patience.

    I think I am calling my MO on Monday: intermittent pain in my breast: never had that before-- not worried though

    I hope everyone can make it to service this weekend:



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2015

    Just popping in to check posts and say hi. Joanne still lifting you up sister.

    Anita still on my heart and lifting you up as well. Praying you post soon. Love across the miles...❤️

    Jean so glad to hear DH is having a good day. Stay strong and keep your eyes on the Big Guy!

    We are having a relaxing day so far. I finished the blanket I was crocheting for my almost 3 year old granddaughter and will finish the one I started for our new baby. Not sure if I mentioned but we know it's a boy. We are very excited.

    Please pray for my daughter as she is on her mission again to help talk her dad out of the pain meds he is on for his nerve pain and to start considering taking marijuana oil instead. She is so against any standards medicine and care and read so much on the Internet and does research. She did this to me before I started my treatment and begged me not to do it and to do the Gerson therapy instead. I found out recently that her husbands stepmother was dx with TNBC, same as me and was given 6 months to live a year ago this month. So she is not doing any treatment but only what she is doing natural and with the help of an naturopath. Her name is Robin and she is dealing with her lungs being filled with fluid and has to drain them once a week. I know she would prefer I do it natural too but I just didn't feel good about that. I prayed and prayed and I know God led me down this path. I did some reading on those therapies and there wasn't enough to make me go that route. I have no issue eating wholesome and organic and using essential oils and exercising but ultimately my faith is in God. This is also something she doesn't understand or like about it all. It makes it all very strained in our relationship. Prayers.

    Hope all is going well Nancy!

    Have a blessed day and looking forward to church tomorrow. Lucy


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Lucy, interesting post. I agree, although I am eating a lot of organic foods and have switched to organic make up too. I was reading about essential oils, but know little about them. I did read thst same are very beneficial. Would you mind sharing whst you use and/or know about them?

    Praying that Joanne is doing better and this next week offers her healing and out of pain. Praying for all on this thread.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015


    Let's continue to lift Joanne up. Let's continue to pray for pain control and for manageable SE's as she is on two antibiotics.

    I would like to take a day to encourage Anita by an outpouring of love to her in the form of pictures, scriptures, well wishes or whatever you think would lift her up during this very difficult time. Be thinking of how you could bless her.

    Hope you all had a good Sunday and praying for a good week for all.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2015

    Anita, always lifting you up and praying for you. Love across the miles.

    Jo, continued prayers for healing, pain relief and for you and your family. Hoping to see you soon virtually. Love across the miles.

    Jean, glad DH had a good day today. Continued prayers for you in this area.

    Lucy, I have been working with a naturapathic oncologist doctor for about 3 months now. I use this course of treatment as a compliment to traditional medicine and not a replacement. My Naturapathic Oncologist who is board certified believes that her work is in conjunction with a traditional oncologist and not a replacement. She also ensure the supplements and treatments I have will not interfere with my traditional treatment. She has done wonders in getting our (my hubby has joined me) diet turned around. I ditto your statement that despite all the traditional or natural treatments my faith and trust is in God. I will continue to prayer for you an your family and lifting up your DH.

    Ministry plans are going well. As always the enemy tries to throw in wrenches, obstacles to take our eyes off the route God has for us. Asking for continued prayers as my Husband makes this transition.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2015

    I am reposting a prayer I posted on the prayer thread. God Bless and hope all had an awesome Sunday in fellowship with the Lord and other believers.


    Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust!

    Father, we thank you today for stopping by and seeing about each one of your children. To bestow Your love on us and envelope us in a peace that surpasses our understanding. Continue to teach each one of us how to hold on and rest in Your love and peace. We thank You for providing that secret place so that we can refill and remain steadfast in our faith, for being the encourager and counselor to help us fight off those thoughts that we fight with during this journey and being our comforter this time of need. Lord let us rest under Your shadow and hide under Your wings as we are tackling surgeries and recovery, going through test and treatments, handling side effects and emotional thoughts. Fill those with comfort, love and peace that just finding their diagnosis or waiting to hear. Send them a supporter(s) that can encourage and up lift them. Every day Lord I ask that you Bless all of the wonderful Stage 4 women and men. Lord provide them the continued strength to get through any challenges they may be facing now. Lord we thank You for the courage they show each of us and the encouragement and support that they continue to share. Strengthen, uplift, and encourage each one of them. Lord I lift all on this site to you -- those that are battling the disease, going through treatment or moving to the after treatment phase. I lift up the medical profession that continues to treat those affected increase their compassion, provide them with support and thiers eyes, ears and hear to hear and truly listen to those they are treating. Lord touch the skilled hands and minds of the researchers as they focus on finding a cure and improved treatment. . In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    Anita, praying for peace and comfort for you. You are such an inspiration and encouragement to all of us. you have had a long journey, and I know you are tired. We love you and want you to know that. God is ever present with us.

    Jo, you are also an inspiration. I have prayed for comfort and healing for you daily. There are some things we cannot understand, like why you started having the angiosarcoma years after the original diagnosis. But I know that you know God has never left you and is with you even now as you go thru this pain. Still praying for you.

    Debbie (foots)- sure hope the weather has improved and you are feeling better. Thanks for your recent prayer.

    Nancy, hope you are past the nausea issues...that is one SE that makes everything miserable. Praying you are feeling much better.

    So glad I found this site last year as I completed radiation. I was on for awhile before finding this thread, but so thankful I did. I have learned so much about types of cancer, treatment options, and most of all, how to depend on the Lord thru the tough times. May God give you all a special blessing today!

    Love, Ellen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Anita and Jo, I thought of Ps.46:1 for you both. " God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2015

    Jo, your post is RIGHT ON!!! So glad you are able to check in when you do. Stay strong and keep your eyes on our Lord. He never leaves us, you know that.

    Lady, love your post and prayer and thank you. Have a blessed day. Maybe you can share some of the supplements you are on along with your treatment? I would love to know and add anything to help me. Knowledge is a great thing and I believe that is a big part of why we all came to these boards.

    Debbie (foots), thank you so much for being in our lives. You are so important to me personally and I love what God puts on your heart to share with us and uplift us when we need it most. Love you sister!

    Jean, I say that every morning when I am in the shower saying my second round of prayers. The first is before I even get out of bed. Love it!

    Nancy, praying you are well and going strong and helping mom. I am sure you are such a blessing to her right now.

    Have a great rest of the day Sister and prayers across the miles...Lucy

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Oh ladies, I hate to be a prayer hog but my hubby really needs strong intercession. He has relapsed into using porn and is getting more verbally demanding and abusive. The mood swings are increasing in frequency and intensity. I feel such hate and evil streaming from him. It seems satanic. I know the evil one hates me. I feel frightened and could use prayer for my physical and emotional protection as well. Love, Jean

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Good morning ladies. I have been reading posts and please know my prayers are with y'all. Joanne it was so good to your post! Our Bible study group meets tonight we will be lifting y'all up in prayer. I had to shave my head Sunday well my husband did it for me. I cried and cried but it was falling out every time it touched it. Right now it's like a buzz cut so I don't know but my guess is this will fall out too. I go for second TCH tomorrow prayers please! Once again thank y'all so much for sharing and allowing me to be a part if your lives. Praying for you is a privilege. Have a blessed day

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good afternoon prayer warriors,

    This scripture was in Jesus Calling today. It is very powerful.

    I have not felt the greatest since getting back from my mom's so I haven't been posting much but reading and praying as I read your posts.

    Greta, I know this is so hard at this phase. I do apologize for not responding more when you wrote at length about taking in your parents. I just have dealing with nausea and dealing with issues with my mom. I do appreciate you telling me your story. You obviously have a lot on your plate. I have prayed for you a lot today and I pray that you can sense Jesus presence all around you knowing that He will be right there with you on every step of this journey.

    Joanne, I am glad that you were able to post and I pray for you always throughout the day and evening. I pray that better days to come are just around the corner. Hang in there dear sister.

    Kath, praying that your breast pain is nothing serious. Praying that the enemy will leave us BOTH alone.

    Angie, praying for you. Loved your prayer. I know you are going through a scary time with your Tamoxifen. Praying for your ministry move as well.

    Ellen, have been praying that you and Clyde would be encouraged and strengthened in your ministry. Praying for your MO apt too.

    Lucy, how are you doing so far. I have been praying against side effects and praying for your relationship with your daughter. I know that has to be really hard. Praying for DH as well. Any news from his scans? How is your diet coming along?

    Lynn, thanks for sharing about dealing with your mom. I know there are many solutions for different situations. I am praying that my sister and I will know the right thing to do for my mom and for us.

    Jean, praying for wisdom with your situation with DH. Perhaps another session with your pastor?

    I will touch base later. I have to get ready for an apt. I have prayed for all of you and don't have time to mention everyone right now.

    Ephesians 3:16-19New International Version (NIV)16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    zjroseinthal, what you wrote is scary. Do you have anyone there you can share this with? You may need help from outside sources. I will pray that a God will direct you to the help you need and to get this awfulness out of your husband.

    Gretagirl, your hair will grow back! I am almost 4 weeks post my final trestment and can tell you that, while not easy, you will grow to accept it and it will not bother you as much. I have a nice wig, but ordered several head covers from Amazon. They have ruffles and are really OK. I find myself wearing those a lot more than my wig. And, guess what, no one pays much attention. It bothers us most of all. My little, short hairs did not come out. Wanna laugh? I still think about plugging in the curling iron when I am going somewhere! We are so programmed! Then, I look in the mirror. It is a small sacrifice. Just be thankful that the medicine is strong and can get rid of all the cancer cells. You will get through this, not easy.......but you will. I am still pretty weak and am trying to be patient and listening to my body. We are putting our bodies through a lot and we just have to accept that it will get better. I thank God everyday and ask for His help.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2015

    Evening Warriors,

    Jean, I am so sorry you have to experience this at this time. I agree, you need to find some outside source for support and help especially if you feel uneasy. Safety first is what I always say. Will keep you in prayer sister.

    Nancy, sorry to hear you are a bit out of sorts right now. Thank you for keeping us all in prayer as many of us need them for sure right now. Waiting for DH to get a call tomorrow to see about one of the hospitals getting him in for the other tests. The CT shows a blockage on the bile duck outside his gallbladder. They said they may have to put a stint in when he is there so they need to check it out first. They need to see what the blockage is for sure. The doc also mentioned the shadow could be questionable so praying it is not anything serious. Thanks for prayers for our DD, it does make it difficult as we could really use her support more now than ever. But she is 5 months pregnant so she is limited in helping us really. It just would help to have her be more compassionate and supportive of our needs. My diet is good and it's interesting you ask me as this week I have been on a little strike about eating right...I have been pretty much eating what I want and so it feels a bit like I am being defiant. I will get back on track tomorrow but it has been nice. I spoke to a gal I met a year ago as she called to see how I was doing and she said she doesn't watch her diet much at all. I find that so interesting as I have been basically organic and whole food all the way and do everything my nutritionist tells me pretty much.

    Greta, welcome to my world. My hair is starting to fall out as well with this new treatment. I was told it may not or maybe it would react how the last treatment and sure enough. It is not coming out in clumps this time just falling out little hear and there. See a lot in the shower and some on my pillow in the morning. I never did shave it the last time and it just cut it really short. I wore a short style wig and it was so close to my style and color that most people didn't even was pretty funny actually. I just towel dry and comb it and then use a little hairspray to hold it in place so to keep it from falling down all over the place. But yesterday and today it seems to not fall so much so not sure what will happen at this point. They told me that it could just thin or it could all fall out. One of the gals on the study has started her 3rd cycle and she hasn't lost any hair...lucky girl. I took my wig out the other day and it was like seeing an old, one that I didn't miss so much. I really didn't mind to much when my hair was so thin as I had lots of different head cover ups that I still have and they are very feminine and nice.

    Well I had a pretty good day and will work tomorrow then take the rest of the week off. I am also talking to a guy tomorrow that will help me with my final questions on moving forward with my disability. I am hoping to get the ball rolling in September or October. Will be asking for prayer to have that turn around quickly. Any one with any input or advise on this please don't hesitate to share.

    Have a blessed night sleep ladies...know I am praying for all of us...Lucy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015


    Good morning prayer warriors,

    If we are praying with believe then the next step is to expect that great things are going to happen and that the trials that we face now are only temporary. If the Lord brings us through our trial, we win. If He decides to take us home, we win. If we start acting like winners even in the midst of our trials I think it will completely revolutionalize out lives into feeling like victors instead of victims.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Thank you all for your prayers. God is answering as he has calmed down some. Slowly He is giving me direction about the possibility of his living for a while with our oldest son who is able to take care of him. That would give me the opportunity clean up a very large house and stage it to sell. Please pray that my husband would be willing to accept a temporary separation if this is God's will. I have an appointment Sunday with our senior pastor after service to discuss this. Pray that our pastor would have wisdom in guiding me. My hubby is going to attend a seven day macrobiotic teaching seminar to possibly change his eating habits with our oldest son this Sunday. I am finding I'm actually looking forward to having some quiet time at home while he's gone. I am praying for all of you as I read your posts and love you ladies. Love, Jean

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Home from second treatment. I felt real good when I got home so I jumped on my bike and rode it while I was feeling so energized or better stated under the influence of steroids!

    Mysunshine and Lucy thank you for the supportive words for my hair. I am accepting it better but I am still shedding like crazy! Will probably end up using a razor to do a clean shave.

    Jean I pray that you find peace in your next steps. I also pray that your husband will agree to going to your sons. My heart goes out to you in this trying time

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015


    Greta, glad you chemo went well and you had energy for biking. Praying that you continue to do very well.

    Jean, praying that the Lord is directing your steps for both of you to have peace and joy in your life. If that means a time apart I pray that the Lord will make that very clear to you.

    Joanne, praying that each day you feel stronger and feel less pain and less side effects from the antibiotics.

    Anita, I am praying that you are managing your treatments and can check in with us. We love you and care about you.

    Kath, hoping you are able to have these precious last few days with your boys before they have to go back to school.

    Lucy, praying that you will do well on this treatment and diet and that it will work. Praying for Steve that his condition will be nothing serious.

    I continue to not feel well. I keep trying things and think they will help and was very disappointed at how I felt tonight. It is feeling like a drug interaction.

    Have a good evening everyone with restorative sleep.



  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Nancy and Joanne I am so sorry y'all are having so much trouble. Praying for each of you .

    I am headed to see doc and get Neulasta shot.

    I hope that everyone has peace and comfort in their day today and we can feel the loving presence of our Heavenly Father in our soul!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Quiet here today. He is leaving Sunday with oldest son for a week for a seminar on healthy eating. Hoping things,stay quiet till then. I see our senior pastor for Godly council on Sunday. Hoping for some peace and direction. Love, Jean

  • 123justme
    123justme Member Posts: 169
    edited August 2015
    Praying for you Jean and your family.
  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited August 2015

    Hello Ladies,

    I have just spent time catching up with everything that is happening. I am praying for all of you, the thread is so big now it takes forever to write every name down.

    One thing I do note though is the part of America that you come from, and wonder what your various accents sound like. I love to hear different voices and the way that people speak, I find it fascinating. It is great that we are all sisters under Christ, yet live so far apart and can pray for each other. Please be assured that even though I don't often make it onto the thread I do think and pray about you often.

    Love, Debbie

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Jo, hope you are feeling better. Greta and others just beginning this journey I pray you sense His presence carrying you through the rough times. I can't mention all of you but know I pray as I read. If there is one thing I have heard loud and clear all through it has been "Trust Me, Jean, just trust Me." Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Debbie (Ireland), good to hear from you. I pray for you often. Have you started your new treatments yet? I sure hope that this will be one that really helps and that will have manageable SE's. Let us know how you are doing?

    Joanne, continued prayers for you dear sister. Praying that there will be light at the end of this tunnel for you.

    Ellen, praying for you and Clyde and for your trip to your mom's this weekend.

    Greta, praying that you are doing well through your second chemo. Hang in there dear one.

    Kath, continued prayers for strength for you and for victory over the enemy. Enjoy your boys while you have them a few more days.

    Jean, I pray that you will have a good session with your pastor this Sunday and I pray that this separation will be beneficial to both of you and give you some alone time to pray and to seek the Lord. I know this must be an extremely difficult time for you. Yes. the Lord wants us to continually trust him no matter what our situation.

    I am waiting too hear from Lucy if she heard anything back from Anita when she called her. I wanted to have an encouraging Anita day but the last I checked she hadn't logged on since Aug. 5 and I am concerned. Let's continue to lift her up in prayer.


    I love this banner. The word of God is our sustenance just as food is to our body. We cannot go without food for days and expect that we will feel very well. We cannot go without spending time with the Lord and expect to feel very well either. Jesus is our living water and He is all we need to face the challenges of everyday life. Hang on to Him and He will not disappoint. He may not give us everything we ask for but I sincerely believe that He gives us what we need. I know when we go through suffering that the enemy can try to lie to us and say that God must not be listening to me in my pain and suffering. We know that satan is a deceiver and is trying to kill and destroy but remember that any weapon formed against us shall NOT prosper. Hang on to Jesus. He will get you through whatever it is that you are going through. Remember to thank Him and be grateful for what you have. I believe there is such power in a grateful heart especially in times of suffering. God blesd you all and have a good night's rest.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2015

    It's late and I can't sleep. Nancy I left message for Anita and she has not responded. I did get her voicemail and it was a cell number I believe. Been praying her her as well.

    Ladies have appt for DH finally one is tomorrow at 10 and going to have anotherbCT and consult with doc. On Monday they want to do an EUS and an ERCP test and then we meet with doc again. He will have to stay overnight for observation on Monday. So of course we waited a week for these appts and it has to be on a Monday when I have my treatment too. At least they are nearby each other. I will have a friend with me and our so. Will stay with DH until I get there from my treatment. So asking for prayers ladies please.

    Good night have to get some sleep have a long day tomorrow. Blessings and praying for all. Lucy.

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited August 2015

    Hi Nancy, I didn't even think when I put my last post up. I have had my first treatment and so far there have been no nasty side effects. I should under normal circumstances have my next treatment on the last Wednesday in August, but both of my sisters are visiting me that week and the hospital said I could delay treatment by a week.

    I hope to take my sisters up to the Giant's Causeway on the North Atlantic coast. I don't know if any of you have heard of it, but it is a purely natural geological formation of rocks which are all in perfect hexagon shapes. I have booked accommodation up there and am only now reading that I will have to be careful how I walk about up there because it is very slippery and uneven.

    I am very excited about my sisters coming over. One of them, Shirley, lives in England and the other, Angie, lives in New Zealand. Every so often Angie decides to fly to England for a month, and during that time she tries to visit everyone she knows in Ireland, Scotland, Wales etc. I would be worn out living at the rate she travels at, but she seems to thrive on it.

    Lucy, I will be praying for you and your husband. It is difficult to be undergoing treatment yourself and at the same time being worried about your loved ones, and you certainly don't need this timing which puts you having treatment the same day that he is in hospital.

    Anita, I am praying for you, remember that you are not alone.

    Blessings, Debbie