thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2015

    Lucy, praying for you and your husband. It is difficult but praying for your strength and stamina as your DH goes through his appointments and you go through yours. So glad your son is there to assist. Praying that the test bring forth the answers you and DH need.

    Anita, praying for you fervently. Praying you have the support structure around you and reduction of pain. I agree remember that you are not alone. Miss hearing from you.

    Debbie, so glad to hear from you. Thrilled that you have started treatment and so far no SEs and praying they remain none to minimal as time goes on.

    Hugs all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Debbie (Ireland) so glad things are going well and I am thrilled for you that you will be able to see your sisters. I know you mentioned that quite some time ago and obviously something you have really been looking forward to. I pray that you have a fabulous time together and am praying that this course of treatment will be the one you need and that will do it's intended purpose.

    Lucy, I have been praying for you and Steve today. I know you are a very strong woman in the Lord but I know this is so much on your plate right now. I sure hope that the follow up tests for Steve are nothing serious and treatable. Will be praying extra hard on Monday when you both have tests and treatments going on the same day. I sure hope Anita responds to you.

    Joanne, praying that the Lord gives you strength every step of the way and that this flap will be successful. Praying against pain and nausea. Glad that you got more nausea meds.

    Angie I went out to take some pictures today to distract myself from not feeling well. It actually worked quite well. I took a pic and I will post it just for you since I know you like these beautiful gifts that God has given us.


    I got this one too but I am scared to death of bees. LOL


    Hope everyone has a good weekend.



  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Nancy what a way to wake up this morning! The pictures are beautiful and so vibrant! Thank you for posting! I hope everyone is well I am dealing with constipation again but have tried Prunelax and will see how that works.

    Hope everyone has a blessed day

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Please pray for hubby. He is leaving tomorrow for a weeks seminar on natural and macrobiotic food with our oldest son David. Also for David's salvation. G9d has heard the prayers. Hubby is calmer now. Love, Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Greta, try Peri Colase. I found it to work really well. Plain Colase is a stool softener.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Jo, good to hear from you. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. When do you see the doctor? Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Thanks Greta. I hope you can get some relief from your constipation. Hope you are handling everything with taking care of your parents too. Lots on your plate for sure.

    Lynn, praying that you are getting your new normal on and doing well. It does take time so allow yourself to adjust to it.

    Jean, I have been praying that this separation will be beneficial and that you can get some perspective being on your own for a bit. Praying for your sessions with your pastor.

    Joanne, we are all pulling for you and praying for you. I sure wish I had a magic wand and wave it to take this all away for you. You will get through this time even though I am sure it feels like an eternity.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Thank you, Nancy! Yes, taking baby steps, but do see slow improvement. I had my power line taken out this last week and then will have reconstruction surgery September 25.

    I read this thread everyday and continue to keep you all in my prsyers.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Jo you are on my calendar to pray on Tues. Please let us,know as you are able. Tks. Love, Jean

    Ladies, please pray for me and hubby. He leaves tomorrow for a week and I see our senior pastor tomorrow at 1pm est.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015


    Have a wonderful Sunday and I hope many of you can make it to church today.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2015

    Well been up for an hour now. Experiencing some stomach discomfort since Thursday but it's been a little constant since yesterday. It feels like it's just at the top of the stomach. I see my onc on Monday so hoping to hold on. Any ideas welcome.

    Greta keep working on finding a balance for comfort. I know it's hard but you will get there.

    Jo it's good to hear from you. We are praying for your procedure to heal nicely.

    Jean I will pray for DH for his time away with your son. But this is a really good time for you as well. You may feel lonely but turn that around and spend some quality time with our Lord. I think you will find it healing and rewarding and a chance to recharge.

    Mysun, baby steps for sure for all of us. Take this time to get strong and prepare your body for the upcoming surgery. We will be praying for sure.

    Still haven't heard from Anita, maybe will try calling again later today.

    DH got through Friday ok but is nervous for the upcoming tests on Monday. God works in amazing ways as he will be at the hospital in Seattle when I am having my treatment in another facility at the same time. This was a last minute procedure to get him in quickly as he is experiencing jaundice from the bile duct being blocked so we have no other option. The good thing is both my son and daughter will be with him and they have been disconnected for a very long time. Our daughter tells us not to expect anything she is just there for dad. Little does she know this was all in His plans please pray that this time as they are together waiting for DH to get through his tests that a miracle is working through them both. I won't be able to get there till way after the procedure is done so it will be hard but I have peace. We have to stay overnight for observation. The possibility of him having pancreatitis is 15% from the ERCP test. He will also have a EUS done and they want to do biopsies of duct and pancreas. The thing that is stressing me out is my tummy issue as I don't need this right now. I though it may be stress due to DH procedure on Friday but now not sure. I have taken tums and also rubbing some essential oils and it helps a little. I also take Zantac once a day and increased that to twice since this started. I have never had stomach issues so this is new.

    Well going to try and get more sleep as I need to get ready for church soon. Need prayer and a recharge for sure today. Chat soon ladies and have a blessed rest of the weekend.

    Praying for us across the miles...Lucy.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Lucy, I pray all goes well tomorrow and that the Holy Spirit let His presence be there in a powerful way. Also that your stomach pain eases. Love, Jean

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited August 2015

    Lucy, I just want to chime in quickly before Ieave for church.

    Its unbelief what stress and anxiety can do to your stomach. I went through a lot of those things 9 years ago when

    my DH had his first heart attack. They used to call me "iron gut", so to me these issues were very strange to me.

    After thousands of dollars they contributed it to nerves. I had so much pain in the stomach I thought the worst. Our minds

    can make pain appear anywhere....its frightening.

    Praying that you get over this bump without too many problems/ Jo and Nancy, praying that you both feel better with every passing day.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good afternoon ladies,

    It sounds like it is going to be a big week for some of you. I was up very early and couldn't sleep. I saw that Joanne and Lucy both had posted. We should have had a three way telephone call from all over the map. LOL I know it isn't funny but sometimes we have to laugh from crying.

    Lucy, you are on my heart with all of the stress you have right now. I wish I could give you some sage advice. Zantac and those type of products does help me if it is upper stomach pain. I used to have GERD and that would help. Could it be from your treatments or do you think it is stress. I wouldn't be surprised with all that you both will be facing tomorrow. I have been praying for both of you. It is a shame that you have to have your things going at the same time. I am glad that your son and daughter will be there for Steve during his procedures. I am glad that you will be staying overnight as this is a long drive. I am not familiar with what DH is having done but I sure hope that it will be able to pinpoint the problem and praying for an easy solution and of course that it is nothing serious. Praying your treatment goes well and that you will have manageable SE's.

    Joanne, praying hard that this flap will take this time. You will get through this. You ARE getting through this.

    Debbie (foots) how are you doing? I haven't heard from you in a while and have been praying for both you and Faith. It looks like the weather has improved in your corner of the country. I hope that is helping you some.

    Evie, good to hear from you. How are your heart palpitations? I think we all know how stress can aggravate everything that we face. So hard to deal with.

    Jean, I hope you had a good session with your pastor and that this week like Lucy said will be a time to draw close to the Lord and spend time with Him with no distractions. I pray that this seminar will be good for DH.

    Angie, how are you doing? I've been praying for your ministry site move and for you and the tamoxifen issue.

    Lynn, I didn't realize you were facing another surgery. Hopefully you will feel strong by then.

    Greta, hope you are getting some relief by now with your problem.

    Kath, I prayed for Forrest several times for his talk today in church. I know you must have been bursting with pride to see him turning into such a young man for God. How are you doing?

    Lucy, we will be lifting you up for your big day tomorrow and that you can experience some peace in the midst of the storm.

    I have to admit that earlier this week I just hit a low and I just told the Lord I didn't think I could live another four years like this with the nausea and insomnia back and forth from this AI. I had a couple of days of feeling better after moving the AI later and then when I couldn't sleep early this morning that was really a disappointment as that had improved so much. I won't be throwing in the towel on this drug just yet but I have just cried out to the Lord for a solution.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited August 2015

    Busy week! Angie, big hugs your way :)

    Jo, have you tried the nausea patch yet? Contimued prayers for complete healing and grace for your side effects.

    Debbie, you sound so excited to have family coming- thats GREAT

    Jean, enjoy this week for YOU. What a blessing to be by yourself and God alone for a week. I know you will learn a lot. Prayers friend.

    Lucy, prayers hopping all over for you! Thanks for keeping us posted-- we are all here for you

    Nancy, we need to find the best doc in the country to see you one time and say: this is easy, its just a change of "this". So sorry to hear the honeymoon was short lived. Did you make it to church? How is mom?

    She- how are you holding up?

    Forrest shared his testimony in church today and Patrick and i were proud, as was his brother. F and DH leave Thursday: Pat will stay through the week and try and get a handle on the house. (my ears are closed). and Taylor leaves Sunday. Lots of work stress, feeling like Satan is everywhere lately.

    Am getting my pap Tuesday: been a year since the diagnosis of uterine cancer--- had some pain recently so prayers appreciated.

    Hugs and Love

    May God continue to bless you richly each moment we let him

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited August 2015

    Good evening ladies, I thought to check in and catch up on posts. I see that the 'enemy' has been quite busy but that just tells me we are doing what God would have us to be doing so he must step up his attack. If it's not our health it is the health or mental stability of those around us. Continue to focus and remain in prayer, even when you don't feel like it call out for Jesus, there is power in his name.

    I just crawled out of an Epson bath, crawl being the operative word, my joints are really taking a beating and going to yoga, teaching my dance classes and trying to work out is not helping. My new primary doctor prescription of the non steroid anti inflamatory is helping me not awake with pain in my shoulder in the middle of the night however my blood levels for something else is up and she is referring me out to a rheumatolgist. I can actually hear my right knee making this unusual sound when I stretch it out, the DH thinks is time for a MRI.

    Jesus Calling reminded me today that we should not look at these things as punishment but as blessings as it continues to draw us nearer to God. I seek him everyday and everywhere now, something I was not so diligent about before. I know this too is part of the plan and I will rise to the occassion as I know we all will do as we follow God's plan for us.

    Have a great week ladies, I will continue to pray for us all.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2015

    Morning sisters,

    Don't have a lot of time so just a quick post to say thank you all so much for your supportive thoughts and encouragement and for all the prayers. DH and I both have peace so the prayers are working. Thank you all so very much.

    I will check in if I can soon if not I will after we get home Tuesday.

    Blessings to all of you and I continue to pray for all of us.



    Today's devotional...


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    Lucy my prayers will be with you and Steve throughout this day. I have been praying for peace so I was thrilled to hear that the Lord has given you that gift. Praying that you both have a safe trip and that you will have a good treatment and that Steve can get through his procedures and get a good diagnosis and hopefully nothing serious with a good treatment plan in place.

    Here are some words of wisdom from an very wise women of faith and action.


    Praying for all of you today.



  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Good morning ladies. Reading throughout all the posts was not on much over the weekend. My stomach issues were not an issue BM went well woke up this morning to diarrhea. Crazy effect this stuff has on the body! Was sore this weekend from Neulasta but manageable with meds.

    Jean I hope all goes well glad to hear hubby is calmer

    Jo happy to see your post! May you continue to gain strength and heal!

    Mysunshine thanks! So happy to hear you are continuing to improve and move forward !!

    Spiritblessing hoping all goes well with hubby and I can appreciate your stomach issues! I hope you find a balance

    Nancy I pray that you too can find some relief!

    Tobycc praying your Pap smear is clear.

    This is in part of our study Mary Heart in Martha World. It struck me and I wanted to share:

    Laura Barter Snow wrote:

    My child I have a message for you today, let me whisper it in your ear, that it may gild with glory any storm clouds that may arise and smooth rough places upon which you may have to tread. It is short only five words but let them sink into your inmost soul; use them as a pillow upon which to rest your weary head... This thing is from ME.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    I have been off femara for 2 weeks at my chemo doc's reccomendation, to see if it is causing the joint pain and stiffness. So far no change. She wants me to stay off for 1 more week and I am very concerned about it possibly causing a relapse, especially since I may have to miss the last few herceptin / perjeta infusions if my heart function drops 3 more points. Please pray for the Lord's wisdom in what I should do. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015


    Praying for all of the expressed needs. Lucy and Steve, praying for you both to get through this tough time.

    Jean, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." "Do not be afraid for I am with you."

    Joanne, praying for a good report visit with your PS tomorrow.

    Greta, praying that you can get your colon regulated soon without drastic swings.

    Kath, praying that your procedure goes well tomorrow with nothing to be concerned about. "No weapon formed against you shall prosper."

    Sheangel, your positive attitude is always inspiring. Hang in there dear sister. There will be better days to come.

    Lynn, glad you are seeing some improvement.

    Angie, how are you doing?

    Debbie (foots) how are you and Faith doing?

    Praying for all of you. DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2015

    Lucy, I had that type of pain which started during my AC treatment. I was diagnosed with GERD after a few checkups with my MO and PCP. I take pepcid or omeprazole depending on the severity that helps with the pain in the upper stomach pain. Ask your MO about GERD -- which these medicines can cause. I also supplement with Gaviscon if I need relieve before my next pill. I also use a heating pad. Praying all went well today and that hubby is relaxing.

    Nancy, love the butterfly! So beautiful. Would love to download and use as my screensaver with your permission. I have been on a heavier dosage of omeprazole for the last month and it seems to have the GERD under control along with the supplemental Gaviscon. Ministry move is going well. We start at the new location on Sunday 8/30th. Thanks so much for the prayers as I can see the results in action. The Lord has sent a few dedicated folks to help with the move, communications, etc. Tamoxifen SE are lighting up so thank you so much for the prayers. The severity ranges but glad for relief when I can get it.

    Praying for all the needs that haven been spoken and those that are unspoken.

    Anita, miss ya and praying fervently for you and your family. I hope you and Lucy are able to connect soon.

    Love across the miles.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Hi Angie,

    Glad to hear that your GERD is better. I am glad you have good helpers in this move and that it is going well. If you want to download my butterfly and use it as a screen saver go for it. I would be honored.

    I will check again and see if anita has logged on anymore since Aug. 5. My sleep meds are kicking in and I am making a bunch of mistakes so I need to get off of here before I embarrass myself. LOL

    Take care.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Nancy here I am up at 4am using a heating pad on my knée and hip. I was crying in pain and read your post with the scriptures you posted for me. Thank you for the encouragement. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    I have an update from Joanne who wanted to express her sincere thanks to all for the prayers that have lifted and carried her during this tough journey she has been on for a very long time. Here are some words from her:

    Well, the dressing was removed. Dr is very happy with it. There is one spot deep in the center that is tiny. Dan says abt 1/8 " wide and about 1" long that is not completely healed.

    We have to put a special dressing on it 1x a day until it heals. It could take 2- 4 weeks. Script was for 14 with 1 refill. I will have to do it because it needs to be very delicately pushed down into the area and I will know when it is enough. That has to be covered with a bandage.

    So we're very thankful that 99 % of the skin graft took. Maybe 99. 9 percent.

    I asked him what happens if it doesn't heal. He said then we go to plan C. Me being the tenacious person that I am asked what Plan C is. He smiled and said he had not figured that out yet but has no doubt it will heal.

    I am to keep doing the leg the same and he thinks by next week that should be healed.

    The hard area under my arm he said I will have to live with for a while. He wants to give it plenty of time for my body to absorb it. He says the surgery to correct it is usually not done, because it would entail removing a lot of tissue, and pulling the skin on my side up to cover. I am to where my surgical bra for a while to see if the compression helps. We did not discuss having it aspirated.

    Right now I'm just thankful unto the Lord that the graph has taken. Removing the staples was brutal in some areas and I never felt it in other spots. It is still painful but I think its where the staples were and that's still raw.

    Let's continue for a complete recovery for Joanne who has had enough pain and nausea to last a lifetime.

    Jean, praying that you are feeling better and having some alone time with the Lord

    Kath, praying that all went well today with your pap.

    Lucy, praying for you and Steve and that you get home safely. When you feel up to it you will have to share with us how things went.

    I have prayed for every single one of you ladies and I hope that you are enjoying this day. The guys installing my new patio didn't come today because it was predicted to rain which it didn't so I was able to go out with my camera. I also went out to breakfast as I was starving. That means I had NO nausea at all. PTL Since my sleep schedule has been turned upside down because of the patio installation the jury is still out regarding the insomnia. I feel good today and for that I am very thankful. I am in PT now and if it doesn't kill me then maybe it will help. PT and I don't always get along so well.

    Love you all,


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Good to hear there is progress with Joanne and will pray it continues and pain becomes less. Also, happy to hear you are feeling better, Nancy. Prayers for all of you amazing ladies.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Nancy, I am glad you are feeling well today. Truly we all need to appreciate those "good" days.

    Jo, you blessed me today with your good report. Praying it continues to heal and your pain begins to subside. Only 2 words I have heard consistently throughout this journey, "Trust Me". Love, Jean

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Nancy glad you are feeling better.

    Joanne it is a blessing to see your post! Prayers for continued healing.

    I am off soon for herceptin and labs. Having more newspeak this time have had to take zofran more than usual.

    Y'all have a wonderful day

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited August 2015

    Wow. It seems like forever since I've been on here. I've had friends and family from out of state here for the last two weeks. I am tuckered out. And I never want to eat out again. I am going to have to live at the gym to get the weight I've gained off of me. Which is really weird, because I've spent so much time trying to gain weight.:-)

    Anywho, I just wanted to pop in and say hi and read over the prayer requests and other news. I have my quarterly labs next week, which I think will be good. My physical for our insurance was good, so here's praying my liver enzymes go down those last 20 points and land solid in the normal range.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good afternoon ladies,

    I thought it strange that no one had posted today and realized that my email notification got bumped off. Joanne glad to see you posting and will continue to pray for the pain. I can only imagine how your body and mind just felt deflated after the long journey you have been through. We will continue to pray for complete healing and restoration of your energy and your life.

    Lucy, I hope when you are able you can give us an update on how things went with you and Steve.

    Mini, how is the insomnia?

    Jean, praying that you have some good alone time with God this week and praying for God's wisdom for you in all areas.

    Greta, how are you feeling at this point? What is Zofran? Not sure I understood your post.

    Lynn, thanks. We will be praying for your upcoming surgery.

    I hate to say that today I was so sick with nausea. I just am completely dumbfounded. It is possible that it could be my bp med which had to be reduced twice when I lost a fair amount of weight. I haven't taken my bp for a while and today was kind of crazy with the patio installation still going on so haven't checked. My flowers are coated in white dust which hopefully I can rinse off once I can walk on the patio. They have to install some sod but the patio itself is done. Can't wait till evening to see what the lighting looks like. At once point I put my hand smack dab in this clump of glue they had put on one of the columns to glue the cap on when I was talking with one of the workers. I must say this stuff really sticks!!!!! The workers probably think I am either blind or an idiot. LOL

    I have prayed for every single one of you and hope that you are doing well. Have a good evening.

