thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2015

    Jo-5, so happy to see your post and will continue to pray for the pain and complete healing.

    Nancy, praying that you feel better soon. Loving my screen saver Happy.

    Lucy, praying that you are able to get a hold of Anita and pray and fellowship with her. Always praying for you and your DH.

    I may not have mentioned everyone by name, but praying for each of you and hugs always.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2015

    Hi Sisters,

    Sorry haven't posted but been a bit preoccupied the past few days. Unfortunately DH was dx with pancreatic cancer. We meet with the team tomorrow morning to discuss all the results and their recommendations. He came through the tests fine as he had a EUS and and ERCP and and so they did biopsies. The silver linings are the stint is in and working because his jaundice is better already his eyes are still a little yellow but improving. They also did a biopsy on something by the bile duct so we will know results of that tomorrow as well. There is a small lesion on his liver but they couldn't reach it so they didn't get a sample of the tissue.

    So I have been thinking that God must think I am

    Another silver lining...had my nuepogen shots yesterday and today and have had no pain...YAY.

    Thank you all for the prayers and so sorry I didn't post sooner. Love you all and so thankful you are all in my life. Lucy


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Lucy, I am so sorry that Steve's situation didn't turn out as we had hoped for. I am sending you this link that I have read

    You might find this helpful. The Lord is in control even with our limited vision we cannot see that from our perspective. Hang in there. God can still get the glory in this and still use it for good. We will all be rallying around you at this difficult time.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Lord Jesus, please bless Steve and help Lucy during this difficult time. Love, Jean

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Nancy Zofran is my anti nausea medicine. It melts in my mouth and I take Compazine too if/as needed.

    Lucy I was sad to read to read your post this morning. My prayers are with you and your family.

  • 123justme
    123justme Member Posts: 169
    edited August 2015

    Praying for you and your family Lucy.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015


    Lucy, praying for you and Steve today.

    Greta, I knew that med sounded familiar. That is what Joanne has been taking. Praying that this will keep the nausea at bay.

    Jean, praying that this week has been a help to you.

    Kath, praying for the guys as they head to TN. How are YOU doing?

    Ellen, hope you are doing okay. I know you have a very important visit with your MO coming next week. Praying that your joint pain is improving.

    Angie, continued prayers for your ministry move. It tickles me that you are using my butterfly pic. I have one that might be better if you would like to see that one. I just got this other one a couple of days ago. The butterfly in the pic you have was missing part of its wing at the bottom. I saw the same butterfly when I went back to get more pictures or at least I thought so. This new one has all wings intake. Of course there could be some symbolism for us in it missing part of it's wing.

    Char, I have thought of you often as school has already started here yesterday. I pray that you will feel recharged when you start your school year.

    Bev, praying that you and Dave can get the job done of clearing out his sister's belongings. Not a fun task I am sure.

    Joanne, continued prayers for pain, nausea and stamina for the rest of this journey. Hang in there. You have been through the worst of it I pray.

    I am trying to isolate my nausea problem. Pray that I can find the culprit because I have doubts that the doctors are going to figure this out before I do. I had nausea and dizziness for six weeks two years ago and I was the one who eventually figured out it was my blood pressure dropping and too much bp med after losing weight. I am monitoring that now as well as some other things.

    It is a glorious day here today and I am thankful for peace with the contractors gone! Loving my new patio.

    I will be praying for you all today as I am about to have my study time.



  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited August 2015

    hi all,

    All i can say is, God is good. We will be healed in his time. Dont forget that everything takes longer as we age as well.

    Im pretty good Nancy, except for a few palps in the day it is definately better. Patients and prayer is the key and i thank you for all the prayers going out to my sisters here on this thread.

    ❤️ Evie

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited August 2015

    Lucy -I'm so sorry for your DH's diagnosis. You will have lots of prayers going up for you and your family.

    Nancy- I am on a new medication while I wait to get into the sleep clinic in late Sept. I get about 4 hours of sleep from using it, and occasionally, after waking up, I can get back to sleep for another hour or so. It's not ideal, but it's better than I was getting before, so I won't complain.

    Jo-5- So glad to see you back and healing.

    Ladies- I think of and pray for you all.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Ladies thank you for the prayers for my heart and thank you God for answering. I had my echo today and my heart function actually went UP 2 points! I am now cleared to finish the rest of my herceptin / perjeta treatments. Not sure if there are 3 or 4 more at 3 week intervals. The next one is this coming Tuesday. Love, Jean

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2015

    Hi Ladies,

    I have been trying to keep up on here. I started back to school this week with today being my second staff day of four. I feel so behind with not getting in to work sooner.

    Jo, I am so glad that you are finally healing.

    Jean, What wonderful news about your heart. God is so good to answer prayers.

    Lucy, I am sorry you did not receive better news but you know God is in control and He will continue to take care of both of you and will not forsake you. I will continue to keep both of you in my prayers. I am glad that the stint is working and that you shot did not give you any issues.

    Mini, So good to hear from you again.

    Nancy, Thanks for your constant vigilance over this thread. May God give you relief from your current issues.

    Bev continues to clean out her sister-in-laws home. God continues to open doors to getting things cleared out. She hopes to be heading home after this weekend. I know she appreciates all of your prayers.

    I would ask for prayer as well for my dad. He ended up in the ER after being put on Kelflex on Monday for an infection in his elbow due to bumping it while on vacation. He has been passing blood and is quite weak. The hospital put him in SICU. He was on his third transfusion and may receive a fourth. His hemoglobin should be around 12 to 17 and he came in a 6.2 and was up to 7 at 5 pm. His Coumadin should be between 2 to 3 and came in at 4.1. They are also trying to thicken it. He will. E scoped sometime tomorrow to see if he has a bleeding ulcer that only excelled aged when put on the antibiotic. I know that all of you are dealing with much on your plate but if you get a moment, a word or to would be much appreciated.

    I will head in to work for late morning and the afternoon tomorrow Lord willing. My brother will be there with my dad for his procedure.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good evening ladies

    I have missed several of your posts tonight because the email notifications are not coming in even though I have checked my settings and they are on. Technology!

    Lucy, you and Steve continue to be in my prayers. I know the Lord will see you both through this most difficult time. I pray that Steve will be able to get a treatment plan in place so he will know how to proceed. I imagine he is in the shock faze as we all know what that feels like. I am sure you are too. I am glad you are doing well with your treatment.

    Mini, I am glad you are getting some sleep but four hours is not much. I am glad you can get back to sleep for a while. I can so relate to that. For a very long time I was sleeping in two fazes. Are you on Belsomra if you don't mind me asking? My doctor really pushed that one on me but I was not able to tolerate it. It did allow me to fall asleep. My new prescription insurance is not covering it now anyway and it is way over my budget without insurance. I hope you can get into the sleep clinic very soon.

    Jean, PTL regarding your heart function and that you will be able to finish your infusions.

    Joanne, when you mentioned your post I was like what post? It sounds like you are okay now with your doctor calling you right? Continued prayers for the pain in all of these places. I just can't imagine it all. You are one tough lady is all I can say.

    Evie, I am sorry to hear that you are still having the palpitations but it sounds like you are doing better. I will keep praying for them to totally disappear.

    Char, I do continue to pray for your Dad and I will definitely be praying for him tonight. I didn't realize you would be back to school so soon. This summer just flew by. I am glad to hear an update on Bev too. I have been praying for them. I pray that you have a good school year. I know when you have all of these other stresses besides school it is not easy at all. I pray that you have a good school year and I hope you feel recharged from your time off of school.

    Praying that we all get a good night's sleep and for a goof weekend.



  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Jean wonderful news!

    Nancy the banner is beautiful. Glad you are enjoying your patio!

    Joanne so happy to hear of your continued improvement!

    GardenGal prayers for your dad.

    I am asking for prayer I woke up at 4:00 this morning with blood in urine again. Another bladder infection. I have no idea what is going on with me with these infections but I am on my for urinalysis and will start antibiotics. Praying I respond to meds, no fever and don't get off schedule with treatment.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good afternoon ladies,

    Greta, I am praying that the AB will knock this bladder infection out. As if you needed one more thing to deal with. Thank you regarding the banner. Just to be clear that is not one of my own photos. I will say when it is because I like to get a feel for how others respond. I am still considering Christian notecards but wanting more experience and still gathering good pics for a portfolio.

    Praying that everyone has a good weekend.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2015

    Lucy, you and Steve continue to be in my prayers. Know that I have been in intercession for you , Anita and your families over the last month fervently. Know the Lord will see you both through this difficult time and also has his soldiers standing in the gap and positioned on field for you. I am glad that the stint is working and praying that Steve's treatment plan is put in place soon. Praying for each of you during this initial period of treatment plan discussions, testing, etc. I am glad you are doing well with your treatment and that the shot did not hurt this time.

    Hugs, pray and love across the miles!


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2015

    Nancy, I love the Butterfly pic. The "missing" part of the wing is a reminder to me that we don't have to have physical perfection to be beautiful and answer the call that God has given each one of us. Would love to se the new one though -- big smile.

    I have to say that the message God is placing on my heart that I am due to delivery in a few weeks is shaping up to focus on a transformed live and the importance of believing in God's word. This board and each of you are playing an instrumental part in bringing the message to bear. Ministry move is going well and if all stays on track we are due to open at the new place in two weeks.

    Love across the miles (Anita, I miss you!),


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Thanks Angie. I'll post that other one in a few days. I was thinking along similar lines when I was trying to find the perfectly formed butterfly. Thank goodness the Lord doesn't look for the perfect humans before he can make something beautiful in us! I minister at an assisted living facility as part of our nursing home ministry. It is basically me and a beautiful young man from India. He is really the head but for the last couple years he asks me to share. I am able to share quite a bit from my time on this forum as well. I am so glad that your move is shaping up and will continue to pray that you will be all ready in two weeks. Have a great weekend.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015




  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2015

    Good morning Sisters,

    I was able to get caught up on your posts and thank you all so much for the prayers. It's all makes so much sense why I have peace during all of this past week. Prayer is amazing and so is our faith.

    So a quick update...the procedures went well and Steve did great. Now we wait to see if the stint is doing its job so the bile can flow easily through the ducts so his liver can work properly. Blood tests on Tuesday will let us know if the stint is good or if it has to be done over. They also took a biopsy of the tissue and have diagnosed him with pancreatic cancer (it's hard to say it and harder to type it). They also want to do two more needle biopsies, one of the liver and one of the pancreas tail where they see two other spots. They are small but present so they have to check to make sure of what all they are dealing with. So for next week they will plan the biopsies and a stint replacement if needed. The prognosis is not good basically they said 1 to 2 years with treatment. However, we know where our faith takes us and it only matters what our ultimate physician show us. He is the only one who knows the day. I do focus to find the silver linings daily on our journey and this helps me stay lifted. I am in His presence and when I feel alone I know He is so close and I am on His lap and I just lean into Him and He is holding me so tightly. It's one of my favorite places to be this past week.

    I'm so sorry I haven't shared any thoughts on your posts I feel bad that it's been mostly about my issues this past week. I do pray for everyone on this board so take comfort in that. God knows each of our needs so I know my prayers are direct and He hears them.

    Nice pic Nancy, how is your mom doing?

    Greta hope things are improving for you.

    I tried calling Anita again this morning and still just get her voicemail. Left her another message. It rings for a while so it doesn't sound like the phone is shut off. Praying for you dear sister.

    Well I think this is all I have time for today. Will keep you posted of the plan for next week. Thanks again for all the prayers. Praying everyone is having healing and minimum se's and able to go to church tomorrow for a recharge. I know I sure need it. Have a good enjoyable, relaxing weekend and know your all in my thoughts and prayers. Please pray that my strength and stamina that God has blessed me with continues daily. For Steve pray for peace as he was very angry. I think he is past that phase but still needs prayer with it. We of course are talking about selling things that are very dear to him so it's hard.

    Thanks again my dear sisters from you all...Love across the miles...Lucy



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Oh Lucy,

    When I read your post I had such a heavy heart for you and Steve. You are one of the strongest Christian women I have ever met and I know that you are being tested to the limit. I have been praying for both of you throughout the day. I hope you can feel our collective big cyber hug around both of you during this most difficult time. Since I have spent a lot of time with butterflies these past few days it occurred to me that maybe our life here on earth is the struggling to get out of the cocoon phase and that our lives in heaven are the butterflies. Lucy, the Lord put you on my heart several weeks ago. I went to this concert quite a few weeks ago and met a friend of my friend who sat next to me during this concert. She told me that she felt led to give me this book on healing that she had just ordered. It took her a while to send it and when she did I was getting ready to go to my mom's and didn't finish it until recently. In her note to me she said please pass this along to someone else that need it. I instantly thought of you and that was even before this whole thing with Steve. I have your address because you posted it during Mother's Day weekend. I wrote it down and I will send you this book. I really don't know what I think of it as I have not had a chance to do what they recommend but it all revolves around communion. I will send that to you in a few days and you can flip through it and see what you think. It is a very short little book and a pretty fast read. I will certainly be praying for Steve that this stint took and will not have to be repeated. I will keep you both lifted up dear sister.

    Thanks for asking about my mom. She called today and told me she found a snake in her basement! She was more concerned because the closed caption had been knocked off her TV more so than the snake which she is deathly afraid of. I would appreciate prayers that it will be found and killed. I will be calling an exterminator on Monday. My mom has had snake issues before and used to have a company out regularly to deal with them. Obviously this service needs to be restarted again.

    We all love you Lucy and will be here to lift you up. Thanks for calling Anita again. She has not logged on since Aug. 5.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Greetings dear ladies. Praying for all of you, especially Lucy and Steve.

    Hubby came home yesterday and had a very intense, emotional and tiring week at the healthy eating place. He said he learned a lot and was very upbeat. However within a few hours he was cranky and angry. God was good and we went to Saturday service. By the end, he confessed his "temper tantrum" to pastor and after a good night's rest was back on track today. I need to learn to pray for and with him more and cut down on giving advice and suggestions, especially when he is tired or overwhelmed. School of cancer lesson #46 (?) Teehee. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good afternoon ladies,

    I hope many of you were able to go to church. It has been wonderful weather here for a couple of days. It was supposed to rain during the day and I think that has been replaced with sunny and mild weather. Not complaining one bit!

    Lucy and Steve, you are still in my prayers for strength and guidance.

    Jean, I think you hit upon something that my parents did every night and that is pray together. They started this good habit after they became Christians and continued it for years. They had a great marriage and I think that good habit was a big part of that. They still had their moments which I imagine most couples have but they wouldn't last for long.

    Ellen is having a mammogram tomorrow. Let's pray for peace going into this and for a good outcome. She will see her MO on Tuesday and let's pray for wisdom in this meeting.

    Kath, hope you are doing well.

    Joanne, continued prayers for the pain and praying that you have no more infections.

    Char, how did things go for your Dad? I've prayed for him and hope he is feeling better.

    Have a wonderful day.



  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited August 2015

    Hello Ladies,

    Lucy, I am so sorry that you and your husband have had to receive this news. Sometimes my mood will rage that this wicked disease is so common, that so many of us are getting it. I have been praying for you and Steve to grow ever closer to the Lord through this time.

    Nancy, you are always so good at remembering everyone else. I have been praying for you, and hope that you are looking after yourself, you always seem to be looking after others.

    Char, I have been praying for your dad. It is so hard when a loved one is suffering, it is much worse than when we are going through it ourselves.

    Joanne, I pray that The Lord gives guidance and wisdom to your medical team so that your skin graft heals successfully.

    To all my other sisters in Christ, I pray that The Lord keeps you well and safe within His hands.

    Blessings, Debbie

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Hi Debbie (Ireland). Thanks for your prayers. Other than having some dizziness today after church I have had a few days stretch without nausea or insomnia which is a real answer to prayer. It is possible the Melatonin I was taking with a prescription sleeping pill was making me sick. I have stopped the Melatonin and have not had the nausea that I was having. I am praying that was the culprit and thati will continue to be able to sleep through the night without it.

    I believe this is the week you will get to see your sisters. I know how much you have been looking forward to that. You will have to give us report on all the fun things you got to do with them. Praying for you too dear sister.



  • Xjerseygrl
    Xjerseygrl Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2015

    Hello ladies,

    Last week I met with the genetic counselor and did the blood draw for the BRCA test and will know the results in 3 weeks. I met with my MO and know what chemo drugs I will be on after my bmx which is scheduled for 9/14. This Wednesday I meet with my PS have a test schedulded on Thursday.

    Praying all goes well this week for all my sisters in Christ.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2015

    Hello Warriors,

    Thank you for continued prayer. School starts tomorrow and I have much to catch up on. My dad was moved from SICU on Saturday afternoon and moved to a regular room yesterday afternoon. He is pretty weak yet and I took him for a short walk which tired him out. Too much in bed time. He has not passed a normal stool yet and I think that is what they are waiting on to see if he can go home or more procedures need to be done. He is still on anIV but is on heart smart diet, Seems like no one reads the three page info sheet I sent in with him.

    Lucy: I am sure lots of emotions are flowing with the two of you. I, like all of us wish we had some answers as to why some endure much while others so little. But God knows and as Anita says...the half ihas never yet been told. And as Nancy said, you are truly one of great faith and a witness to so many of that faith. My pastor just preached on how God disguises His strength with weakness. If He always did what everything right away, we would not be followers of faith but of sight. He also discussed how the bible is filled with axymorons such as how can a lion be a lamb and a lamb be a lion, Yet we are at our weakest, we are also our strongest because as you said so eloquently we lean more on our Father and draw nearer to Him. We must always remember that He has a plan for us, that He is and always will be in control and that no matter what, we win. My prayers are with both of you my dear sweet sister in Christ.

    Debbie: So good to hear from you. Thank you for your prayers. I continue to pray for you and your treatment and hope that it is showing much improvement in reversing and improving your current state. God be with you always dear Debbie.

    Angi and GretaGirl; thank you also for your wonderful prayers for my dad. I know God is listening. Praise God, my dad knows our precious Savior and has a forever home in heaven some day.

    Blessings and prayers to all of you for each day.

    Love in Christ,


  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Good morning ladies! Me and my bladder are moving on along. I don't hurt as much so hoping that means medicine is working. Church was wonderful yesterday just being able to go blesses me!

    Nancy I hope you have found your culprit and continue to improve!

    Jeanne you sound as though you are moving forward with treatment praying all goes smoothly

    Char glad to hear your dad is improving.

    Lucy prayers for you and your family

    Joanne praying you are continuing to improve and gain strength.

    Lifting everyone up in prayer and peace today. Have a wonderful Monday!

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Good morning! Has anyone ever had tumor markers done?

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    Jeanne, we will certainly be praying for you as you start this journey of surgery and treatments. Is your surgery on Sept 13 or 14. Your bio says the 13th and your post says the 14th. I do keep track of these details for prayer purposes. I am not just being picky. LOL

    Char, I hope your father gets to come home soon. I am glad he is in a regular room now and hopefully can get his strength back soon. Praying for you as you start your school year.

    Greta, I am glad your bladder infection is improving and glad you are able to make it to church. That is a blessing.

    Lynn, Debbie from Ireland (Fridaygirl) has mentioned tumor markers and so has Kath. I don't think I have heard of those with your stats having tumor markers done. I would do a search on the BCO forum and see what comes up.

    Lucy, you and Steve are still being lifted up.

    Ellen, praying for you for you mammogram today and apt tomorrow.

    Joanne, praying for less pain and ease in changing this bandage. Better days are ahead for you dear one.


