thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited August 2015

    Nancy- so glad to read that you have had a few days free from nausea and insomnia- PTL! Prayers are so strong ---- Hope they found the snake, and just as important, mom got the Tv figured out. Thanks so much for always leading us: you are so special.

    Lucy, joining with all your sisters in prayer. I love that you are able to sit, and lean in on Him. It is such a priceless gift to have. That sense of safety is like no other. Let us all be mindful of each and every day we are here-- waiting for our forever home. Sending you love, light, and peace--

    Jo, keep you lifted up daily. So glad you are able to keep us posted. You are another great example of strength!

    Char, dad home yet? Keeping you all lifted.

    i read nightly right before bed and pray then. I am blessed to be lifted up by you all. Last Thursday DH and Forrest left for Tennessee: Forrest helped on the "teeny mtn house" and is going back to college tomorrow. Patrick to stay and work on house until Saturday. Had alone time with Taylor then until Sunday: shopping, cleaning, packing, etc and time to talk about the importance of prayer and his relationship with God. He is back now as well.

    Yesterday after he left I had praise music on all day, was sad everyone was gone--- but cleaned, etc. Thankful I can do it.

    Anyone here ever had a hernia in pelvic area? I have had a pain in that area ( PCP checked it and he said it was okay_, after cleaning and lots of movement this weekend much worse yesterday and today. I am thinking I pulled a muscle and then re injured it.

    Hugs and love,


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2015

    my sunshine: I had tumor markers done to see if my tumor so were changing. I had a borderline marker and sure enough it was changing when they removed it. I also know that Debbie in Ireland has had lots of markers and she often mentioned that the readings are not always accurate. You might ask her to share more of her experiences with them.

    Kathy: So glad you had some time with your boys. I am sure you miss not having them around.

    My dad is not home yet. His hemoglobin level is still dropping. He was an 8.4 after his four units of blood and was 7.6 today. They are continuing to monitor the levels. His Coumadin level is a bit low but probably good to make sure he is.not bleeding.School officially starts tomorrow. So off to bed.

    Bev made it safely to her sister's home tonight after an all day drive from Altoona, PA. She will leave for TX tomorrow and should be home by dinner time. Keep her in prayer for a see journey home.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2015

    Good afternoon everyone,

    I decided to send a short post to let you know where I am in treatment. I went for a 6 month mammogram yesterday on the breast that had DCIS last year. There was a new tech there, and although I know she was experienced and knowledgable, that was one of the more painful ones I've had. I treated myself to a Chai Tea Latte on the way home...I felt I needed a little boost emotionally. I did not have to repeat any views so I guess everything looked okay. I will see my surgeon next week to discuss .

    Today was the MO appointment that I had been praying about. After some discussion about the side effects I had on Arimidex, he decided not to put me back on it. My cancer cells were low grade for both incidences. He advised to be diligent about my mammograms and to continue the low carb diet and exercise, since hormones are also found in fat cells. So....I am on no medication to block hormones. From now on it'll be prayer, healthier diet, and exercise to keep those cells away from each other. He mentioned that my body has shown it can make cancer cells, so I will need to be observant. he also told me to contact my PCP and schedule an x ray and /or MRI for my remaining hip and knee pain.

    It is an unsettling feeling to know that there are no medications to block tumor formation, so please pray for my peace of mind. Trying to TrustGod with this situation.

    As I have said before, if you are on an AI, don't stop just because you read that I did. For some of you with more aggressive cancer, that medication is essential. Everyone is different and reacts differently to meds.

    Praying for all of you in your treatments and recuperations; also for the health of your loved ones.

    Love, Ellen

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2015

    I posted this prayer on another thread and thought I would post it here. I did not grammar or spell check, but Praying Always, Angie

    Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Psalm 103:1

    Lord I want to thank You for all that You do for us. Abba Father, I stop and give You reverence on this Day for just being there for us and shining your glory on each one of us today and every day. As this day begins, I (we) choose to bless you! We kneel before you, if not physically we come humble in heart and spirit and adore you for being El Elyon -- The Most High God. You are exalted above all creation and worthy of all of our praise. Going through this journey, you have brought me closer to you and you take me in your loving arms and remind me that you are in control and have been since the foundation of this world. That you knew our journey when you blessed us with life on this earth. I sit in your arms as a child and may not know why this is happening but I know that I serve an awesome and Almighty God that will show me how to walk this path. Thank you, Abba Father for loving each one of us so much that you come and see about us each and everyday.

    Although I may not know what tomorrow brings, I do rest assured that you will order my foots steps and that you will catch me if my foot or thoughts slip. Your love and compassion envelop me when the dark thoughts and clouds try to linger. I know that you watch over us and that your ministering and warring angels are ever present and form a hedge of protection around us. You are Our Righteous God (Jevohah Tsidkenu) and God Almighty (El-Shaddai). I choose today to go through my day blessing you, whether my circumstances are comfortable to me or not for I know you are an ever present help in my time of need, I worship you for being Jehovah-Rapha for each one of the women and men that may have been diagnosed past, present and future. I pray that you continue to bring comfort and strength to those mentally that are just finding out about their dx, reoccurrence or progression. Lord strengthen physically those going through treatment, surgery, side effects and recovery. Continue to touch and guide the medical community and researchers as they give treatment, consult, administer trails and continue research on this disease. Lord my continued prayers with the wonderful ladies on the Stage 4 forum. Continue to wrap your arms around them, guide them in thier treatment decisions, and assist them with any challenges they maybe facing, mentally, physically or spiritually. I bless You and Worship you for holding us in your arms if we hurt, comforting us in our time of need, using us to uplift even when we ourselves arestruggling, guiding us on what and who to pray for whether known or unknown to us personally. Lord, Abba Father, I weep in praise and adoration for being privileged to be called one of your children. Even when circumstances, people or I myself fail me, you remain faithful. Yours is a kingdom for all ages, and your dominion endures through all generation. Glory and Amen! Adonai, master we love you! For being all knowing and present.

    In Jesus Name. Amen

  • Xjerseygrl
    Xjerseygrl Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2015


    Your not being picky just through. My surgery is scheduled for 9/14. I tried to fix it when i saw I had a different date entered but when i checked what I entered it had the 14th must have been a temporary glitch as it let me change it tonight. It is going to be a busy 3 weeks getting everything ready along with being caregiver for my DH. I have made arrangements to have friends stay with DH while I'm in the hospital along with staying with us after I come home. Being a caregiver definitely makes things a little more challenging but I have faith God will provide everything I need.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Where to start. I have had. BMX with TE. I am recovering from chemo. I am supposed to have another surgery at the end of September.My MO did tumor markers and one came back high so I am in the process of having scans. Today was brain and bone. Next week is chest, abdomen and pelvis. This is scaring me very much. Just when I was beginning to feel a little better coming off chemo, she drops this on me. If I could, I would appreciate prayers for clear scans. I have been a complete mess! Crying all the time, cannot eat, not sleeping, you name it. I know we all hsve out own individual issues going on, so forgive me if I am asking too much for me. Anyone else have tumor markers? Thank you and God bless you all.

  • Xjerseygrl
    Xjerseygrl Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2015


    Lifting you up in prayer for clean scans.



  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited August 2015

    Hello MySunshine,

    Tumour markers are a good form of cancer measurement for some people, and worthless for others. My oncologist has found them to be very accurate for me, but he said he has other patients whose tumour markers read that they are full of cancer, yet they don't have any cancer. They can only be trusted if your oncologist has been following your history with regular readings and found them to be always accurate, otherwise you need other forms of measurement.

    Another problem is that tumour markers will show up when you have had an operation or injury to your body - often they will appear high when in fact they are just showing up an inflammation that has occurred.

    I will pray for you because it is horrible going through this and wondering what is happening. Your doctor is being very thorough in organising scans, please don't let the fear eat you up because you are like every one of us in that your life is in His hands, and He won't drop you.

    Debbie xxx

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Ellen praying your regiment will work for you.

    Ladyb1234 your prayer was beautiful thank you for sharing

    Mysunshine48 praying for you dear sister. Praying for clear scans.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015


    John 14:27New International Version (NIV)27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

    Kath, I am glad that you had your special time with the boys this summer and glad you had some alone time with Taylor. I am sure the quietness of your house seem strange for a few days but I hope you will be able to feel the presence of the Lord in that quietness. Praying that the boys have a good year at college. Praying that Patrick makes some good headway on your TN house. Praying that this pelvic pain is a muscle that will improve quickly. I have issues with a hip flexor muscle. I am in PT now for my back and the exercise aggravated that muscle which goes down into the groin area. I have had issues when vacuuming where something gets pulled and I can feel it in my pelvic area. That usually resolves pretty quickly but the hip flexor takes time for me.

    Lucy, I am not sure if you and Steve are in Seattle now doing further testing but my prayers have been lifting both of you up during this difficult time.

    Angie, I love your prayer. That about sums it all up. I am praying that you will be ready in your new ministry site for this Sunday. Praying for peace for you as you go through your journey.

    Ellen, glad that your mammogram was okay. PTL Praying that you will be protected by the Lord as the AI was obviously not helping your situation. Praying for peace in your decision.

    Lynn, I hope that after reading Debbie's post that you may be the one that these tumor markers are worthless. I know when you thought you were over the treatments and looking to prepare for another surgery that you thought things were going as planned. I pray against fear for you as you go through these scans and praying for a good report.

    Jeanne, thanks for the clarification. We will be praying for your surgery on 9-14. Praying for your emotional and spiritual preparation going into that surgery and for absolute peace and victory over fear and apprehension.

    Jean, praying that things go smoothly with DH this week.

    Char, I know how stressful beginning of the school year are and with the added stress of having your Dad in the hospital is a lot on your plate. I sure pray that he will get to come home soon. Praying they can find the source of this blood loss.

    Greta, praying that you are able to manage the nausea with your meds and praying for strength as you deal with your aging parents living with you and going through your own health challenges.

    Joanne, continued prayers for more strength each day and less pain. Praying for stamina as you have had a very long journey which I know is not over yet.

    Bev, praying that you and Dave make it home safely after cleaning out your SIL's house. Praying for the family in their loss.

    I continue to try to figure out what is causing some of these spells I have been having. I am sleeping very well so that is a huge answer to prayer. The nausea is much better but I have had couple of lightheadedness and a general feeling of sickness a couple times this week. They have not lasted long fortunately. I have injured a finger and am a bit concerned about that. Too much tree pruning and picture taking I am guessing. My mom's snake situation has become a real problem. The exterminator told left me a message when I was off to PT on Monday and said that the chemical they have used in the past was taken off the market and they have found no viable alternative so they are out of the snake part of their business. I am praying that snake out of the basement!

    I didn't want this banner to offend those of you who have lost your hair and believe me I am very aware of that reality. I wanted to post it for the reason that God knows each and every one of you so intimately and He is working on your behalf even though in our limited human perspective we can't always see things as He does. He loves us so much and is there with outstretched arms waiting for us to call on His name.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited August 2015

    BlessedTeacher - I had horrible SE's from the Arimidex and Anastrazole. The effects were so severe that I still have some lingering issues 2 years later. After a year and a half of not taking anything, the doctor finally talked me into trying Tamoxifen. He told me it was a different category of drug. So far, so good.

    For those discussing tumor markers - My husband and I have the same oncologist. He is a 25 year survivor. Yeah. Anyway, our doc orders the markers. During his treatment time, one of his test that was usually in the 4.2 range came up 6.0. He had him wait a week and take it again. He said sometimes it can be affected by the person processing the results or the quality of the draw. So we waited a week and they ran it again. It was 14. something. After that, they ordered a CT scan and found a lemon-sized tumor in his chest. They said barring the test it would have been several months before it became large enough to cause pain or difficulty breathing. So though I don't necessarily like getting the tests, I get them done anyway; although I skip the chest x-ray. I go for my labs next week. If they are clear, he will move my appointments to twice a year, then once a year. I can live with that.

    I am praying for you all.


  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited August 2015


    My input to your tumor marker questions, is that my Dr. Has the Tumor marker test included in my bloodwork all the time. He happens to think they are important. When i had an issue in the cancer breast years later, he said to not be surprised if the markers went up because of it and they did......So some think they are useless and some have proven to be spot on

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited August 2015

    Hi Group, I have been following the threads but have been a bit too pooped out to actually type any responses but know that I am still here praying for you all. I forced myself to get to bible study tonight and am glad I did so i could be reminded of what God is and can do. We are to be without blemish or spot but because we are of this world things will come upon us but if we continue to take things to God he will clense us and make us holy once again, we have to be willing to trust in his will and his way and stay the course.

    I met with the plastic surgeon today and we are preparing for the exchange for the implants, I am still popping pain meds every 8 hours right now tylenol arthritis in addition to the meloxicam which I can only take tylenol with because of what's in it. I go back to the primary doctor tomorrow to evaluate the 14 days I have been on the meloxicam. My blood numbers were off so I have been referred out to a rheumatologist but they could not get me in before October 9th. I will keep it in perspective pray on it and keep moving forward that's all we can do. It's okay to worry and doubt because we are human and we will have moments however God has given us everything we need to overcome the world, and his word reminds us that he did. Forever prayful and hoping for peace and rest for those struggling. Sh

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2015

    Jo and others dealing with surgeons... I have found that generally surgeons, especially top ones, don't seem to have very good people skills. They like usually like dealing with patients while they are asleep I think! Personally I prefer one with good technical skill vs good people skills. Nice but rare to get both. Love, Jean

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Hi ladies. Praying surgeries go well as well as recoup time. I am considering double mastectomy after chemo not sure yet still need to gather information. My bladder infection was not a bladder infection they said urine was clear so possibly I passed a stone. Whichever I am feeling much better! Hope everyone is having a great day!

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited August 2015

    Nancy, beautiful pic/post. She, you always have such a great perspective :) For all you, praying for you specifically each day.

    Prayers for a restful sleep for your body and soul,



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Thank you to all for prayers for my anxiety and scans due to tumor markers. I had brain and bone this week and today learned they were clear. I have to wait until next Wednesday to do the chest, abdomen and pelvis. Then, learn results on Friday. Trying to eat, but this is scary and my anxiety levels have been over the top, to the extent of shaking. Better tonight after today's news. I guess tumor markers are a good thing as they may find problems in some people that otherwise would not be found until symptoms appeared, but they sure cause stress. And, I have learned that many things can affect tumor marker numbers causing false readings. Better to have them or keep going without? Anyway, I pray morning, noon and night for all of us! God is my strength

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015


    I took this picture today. I figured that we all need to claim this verse. Praying for all of you. Lynn glad to hear your first scans have been clear. PTL



  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited August 2015

    Love that photo of strength Nancy....just what I needed to get my Friday off and running as I head to work, and a little reminder verse for when I get that feeling of being overwhelmed. I am never overwhelmed when I remember the Lord controls it all. Happy Friday ladies

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Thank you, Nancy. That is my favorite Bible verse.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2015

    Love the photo Nancy. Praying for all.

    Have a blessed Friday.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Thank you ladies. I am praying for all of you. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I visited an old farm today. I took a photo that I have made into a banner.




  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Nancy, Your photography is amazing. Keeping all of you in my prayers everyday

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2015

    Hi Sister Warriors,

    Well we have finally gotten our much needed rain...thank you God! We have had such a hot dry summer. So it is a day for staying in and chilling. So making some beans and rice for some comfort food and just taking the day and the weekend for a little normalcy. DH and I both need it so much. Been a rough couple of weeks but never have I taken my eyes off our Lord. DH seems to be struggling more and of course he has every right too. I am thinking that God has blessed us women to handle things better, not sure. I have to say I think that God must think I am superwoman, right? So after a couple of days of being in shock and numb, its back to getting on track and moving things forward. I am having a challenge with taking it easy and slowing down a bit when I need too. I have a lot on my plate so praying daily for strength and stamina and good restful sleep at night. He will come through as I know that without a doubt.

    Mysunshine, praises to God and Glory to Him on your scan results. I know that scans are always making us nervous because of what we have all been through or still going through. Please don't let fear settle in or control you. You really must surrender all this to our Lord and literally leave it at the cross. We are healed regardless of what any tests or scans say. Tumor markers don't work for me either apparently.

    Nancy, nice pic. I love it! Been saying that a lot lately actually.

    I have been keeping you all in prayer so know that. I have tried Anita a couple of times and leave a message so not sure what is happening. I did notice the last time I tried the voicemail said..."Hi this is Anita's phone please leave a message and we will get back to you". I don't recall if it was different the first time we spoke. It sounded the same so not really sure. I pray for her too, I am praying someone checks and calls soon. I did explain who I was and the connection we had.

    Well my DD and GD and SIL are heading over for a visit so I will close for now. Glad everyone is still checking in and staying strong. Love across the and blessings...Lucy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Good afternoon ladies,

    Lynn, thank you for you nice comment. Still praying that your upcoming scans are clear. Praying against fear.

    Lucy, it is good to hear from you. I know you both have had a lot to process. I have been cleaning and praying for you and DH today. In fact I have lifted several up in prayer throughout this day repeatedly. A weekend of normal sounds good to me. It is raining here today too and after having a ton of rain in June we actually need it now. I know with all the wildfires going on in WA I am sure this rain is a Godsend. You dear sister are in my daily prayers along with DH.

    Angie, I am praying for the big day of having worship in your new facility tomorrow. I hope that things go smoothly and I am praying for peace for you dear sister. I haven't forgot about posting that pic for you but waiting for an appropriate time.

    Greta, continued prayers for your chemo and all the SE's that go along with that. I know you need strength in getting through yourself and the fact that you are caregivers to your parents in your home is all the more reason you need stamina and strength.

    Anita, you may not be reading our posts but know that we pray for you on a regular basis. I am praying that you have friends and family around you so that you do not feel alone and that they are encouraging your heart with their love and attention. We love you and are praying for you.

    Joanne, as I have told you quite a few times I wish I had a magic wand to transport you into complete healing. I know this is getting very old at this point and pain and nausea over a long period of time can make anyone want to pull their hair out if they even have the strength to do that. You will get through this and you ARE getting through this. You have come so far and I am certainly praying that the worst is over and that these next few weeks you will start to get strength back and victory over pain and nausea. Hang in there. You are one strong woman and with the Lord you can do all things that he asks of you.

    Jean, I pray that things are going well with you and DH. Praying that God is working through this relationship. I pray peace and joy for you today.

    Sheangel, continued prayers for pain and fatigue. You are one strong woman and I love your positive attitude. Hang in their sister.

    Ellen, praying that you will have more mobility and less pain each day and that you can start to feel your self again soon. Praying that you can find a good exercise and diet plan that will help in your endeavors to prevent recurrence.

    Kath, I am praying that you are safe with this hurricane in your area. I have been praying for your protection not only from the storms but the storms of life and protection against the enemies darts. Praying Patrick gets home safely. I am praying that the boys have a good year at college.

    Char, I have been praying for your Dad and that they can find the source of his blood loss. I pray that he is home now. Praying that the Lord give you much strength as you have a lot of stress with a school year starting and your Dad's health issues.

    Bev, praying that you and Dave get home safely and that you can have a time of rest from all of your hard work going through your SIL'S house.

    Evie, how are the heart palpitations. I pray that they are diminishing and will soon be gone.

    Kathy, haven't heard from you in a while. Still praying for your son's marriage. Praying that they have received some counseling at this point.

    Debbie (Ireland) I am praying that you are having a terrific time with your sisters this week. Let us know all the fun things you got to do.

    Debbie (foots) I think of you often and keep looking at the weather map to see the temps. I pray that you are breathing better and I pray that you are no where near any of these wildfires as I can only imagine how that would hinder your breathing. Give Faith a hug for me. Tell her Cammie (my cat) says hi.

    Mini, how is your new sleep aid working for you. Have you gotten into the sleep clinic yet? I sure pray that you get some relief from insomnia.

    Mags, how are you doing these days. Still praying against pain and fatigue. Praying that those good habits are continuing.

    Vickie, I continue to pray for your family in their grieving. Haven't heard from you in quite a while. Would love to hear how you are doing.

    Polly, not sure if you are checking in anymore but I continue to pray for you. Hope you are doing well.

    123Justme, are you having any more treatments at this point? Just needed direction on how to pray for you.

    XJerseygirl and Lynn, praying for your upcoming surgeries. Praying for peace and victory over fear.

    My mom's situation with the snake in the basement has not changed. I would appreciate prayers for wisdom and direction. I can't remember if I mentioned that the exterminator she dealt with is not dealing with snakes anymore because they can't find an effective alternative since they took the chemical off the market that did work. My sister will not kill it and I am not planning on being at my mom's until Oct. So we are at a standstill. I have looked into traps but those really need to be monitored regularly. Maybe we can all collectively pray that snake out of the basement and find another home preferably outside!

    I hope everyone has time for some rest and some enjoyment with a pleasant distraction this weekend. Take care.



  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited August 2015

    It was a long day but as i got to see the newest addition to our family my niece Hailey and her 2 year old sister London I will take this exhaustion anyday of the week. God is so good.imageimage

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2015

    Nancy thanks so much for posting the updates it has helped me so much to recall everyone's needs. I have been a bit overwhelmed and over extended to feel like I really pray specifically. So know you are so appreciated and you are such a blessing.

    It was a good day as after church we just relaxed did some chores and went to the grocery store and napped and got my Jammie's early. My kind of day. DH went to church but couldn't stay so he went out to the car. I knew he was pushing it but he is having a hard time accepting he can't go everywhere he wants anymore. He is really having a hard time not being able to go with me to my treatments as he has been doing it for the past two years. He feels like he is letting me down and not able to take care of me. Please pray for him to have peace in this area.

    Hope you all were able to make it to church today. Worship was awesome and I just love that place I am at when I am one on one with my Lord. We serve an amazing God!!!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited August 2015

    Sheangel, congratulations on such a precious little niece. Your little London is a cutie pie. There was a man sitting in front of me at church holding the most adorable little girl. London reminds me of this adorable little girl. I am glad you had a chance to see them. Do they live near you? Praying you have a good week.

    Joanne, your great grandsons are precious as well. With #15 on the way you must be thrilled. Do they live close to you so you can visit them? Praying that you are feeling better each day.

    Lucy, I am so glad that you are able to feel the Lord's presence during this difficult time. That is such a gift and a blessing. I feel so badly for Steve because I am sure he wants to be able to be there for you during your treatments. I will pray especially for God to minister to him so he will not have guilt thinking he is letting you down. That is an awesome banner!

    I had a bit of trouble sleeping last night which I haven't had this for a very long stretch. I am praying that it will not happen again. I woke up to a big surprise this morning. I found one of my Monarch butterfly pics in the newspaper as one of the weekly winners in their photo contest. At this time last year I was a weekly winner and won the big prize for the month of August as the top winner. That was what ignited my passion for photography. It was such a gift from God and definitely the silver lining in my cancer journey. I am in awe of God's blessings that he has given me this past year.

    I have been busy getting some photos ready to send to my old college professor who is in hospice now. He is 99 and will be 100 on Nov 4. I was able to use my photography to give him a personal message on one of the photos which I hope will bless him. I will be sending his letter off tomorrow. I wanted him to know how much of an impact he had on my life shaping me as a musician and as a person.

    Praying that we all have a good week.



  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2015

    Good morning ladies! I hope everyone had a restful and peaceful weekend.

    Nancy the sunflower banner is so pretty! Sunflowers are one if my favorites. I really hope your moms snake issue gets resolved! I would have to move out!! Congratulations on your pictures and winning contest! The ones you share on here are very up lifting.

    SheAngel your nieces are adorable!!!

    Joanne hope you are continuing to improve and gain strength. Wow almost 15 great grandchildren!! I think that is wonderful

    SpiritBlessing praying for you and Steve. Happy you had a restful day!

    I am getting ready for round three on Wednesday please keep me in prayer. I was very overwhelmed in church yesterday just thanking God for the privilege of being able to be in His house! I think I sometimes took that for granted.

    Have a happy Monday