thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited August 2015

    Nancy, how thrilling for you about the photo!! I am telling you, I see Christian note cards all over!! Praying for the snake situation, and that you don't get stuck in the insomnia rut again. How is your nausea?

    Prayers for all, read through and caught up last night and prayed. LOVE seeing the pictures of the kids!

    I really enjoyed having a week alone once I adjusted. DH got home safe and sound yesterday. Missed having the boys in church with me yesterday. God is sooooo good.

    I am still having those weird pains in lower abdomen. Going to give it another week and go I guess to a gastro doc.

    Lifting you all up: wishing you a wonderful, SE free week full of joy!



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2015

    Congratulations, Nancy! You have been blessed with a gift. I hope you are able to sleep better. Rest is do important. I sure hope the snake finds a new home. I had a snake in my garage last year. Never could find it, so I just assumed it finally found its way out.

    Joanne and She-Angel Beautiful children. I love my 5 grandchildren and can't wait to see them again.

    Spirit blessing, Praying for you and your husband. Gretagirl, praying for your 3rd treatment to have few side effects. You are fortunate to be able to attend church through treatment. I could not.

    Toby, praying that your tummy feels better.

    I have 3 scans on Wednesday, praying for clear results. Your prayers would be appreciated. Very stressful having all these tests done.

    Peace through the week for all.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2015

    dearest Nancy!! Thank you so much for asking about my son and his wife, they are in counseling and doing better!! The power of prayer is amazing💕💕. Praying for all you wonderful and Godly women here!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Good afternoon ladies,

    Thank you all for your nice comments. You all bless my heart so much. I am about to leave for a very long dentist apt. I think they are putting in a temporary crown today and all that goes along with that. Not looking forward to that very much.

    Kath, I am glad you weathered the storm and that you and Patrick are safe. I suppose you get used to those hurricanes but from the Midwest they look pretty frightening. Note cards, we'll see. Only the Lord know about that.

    Greta, praying for your chemo treatment tomorrow. Praying for manageable SE's.

    Kathy, so glad to hear your son and wife are in counseling. Praying that will be just what they need to move forward in a new and positive direction.

    Lynn, my sister found a baby snake at my mom's on Sunday. On the outside of the house. My second call to the exterminator didn't even illicit a response this time. Still need prayers for getting rid of this one in the house.

    I have a personal situation that is causing me great angst. I would appreciate your prays for direction and wisdom and patience. I don't see any good outcome from my perspective but the Lord is still in control and I have to give him all my negative feelings about this. My sick spells are still coming. There has to be an answer to this problem somehow.

    Must run. Prayers said for you today.



  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited September 2015

    Nancy praying for you!

    I have chemo number three tomorrow and MO informed me he doesn't like these bladder infections so I will be seeing a urologist Thursday. Prayers please cause my mind is running crazy with sister-in-laws boyfriend just found out yesterday he has a very aggressive bladder cancer and his prognosis is not at all in his favor sounds like it may be terminal more testing required. Also he is not saved. So with my mind, his diagnosis and satan alive well and roaming I have been running every possible worse scenario through my mind!

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited September 2015

    Joanne that is WONDERFUL news!!! Will tell my Bible study group tonight!

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited September 2015

    Thank you!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Greta, I will be praying against anything serious regarding your bladder. I am sorry to hear about your SIL boyfriend. Thanks for your prayers as well. Will be praying for you as you go into your treatment tomorrow.

    Joanne, PTL that you will not have to see your PS for while. So glad about the new LE specialist. God is working behind the scenes on our behalf so many times that we don't see initially. Praying that this pain will diminish and the nausea as well. You ARE getting through this. You are one tough lady. I wouldn't want to mess with you. LOL

    Angie, how was service in your new facility?

    The dentist was not fun. I am so shot up with novacain that I may not be eating for a long time tonight. He gave me one shot and that wasn't doing the job. Then he gave me the second one and that wasn't cutting it either. Then I am not sure of his other trick that he called it but finally it worked. I will know if I ever have another crown to not schedule so close to dinner time!

    It is September 1 and summer has finally arrived here!

    Have a good night everyone.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2015

    Prayers for Nancy to feel better, praise for Jo and for her continued healing. For all in treatment, in fear and in pain. Please keep me in prayer as the neuropathy, cramping, muscle and joint pain has gotten very bad. I have trouble sleeping and can't walk without a lot of pain. I can hardly get in and out of the car and must do all the driving since hubby can't any longer. I have a 4-5 hour round trip drive on Thursday to close on the sale of our coop in NYC. I have 3 more herceptin / perjeta infusions to go, finishing in early November. Hoping the pain will get better once I'm done. Sorry for whining but this is really getting difficult. Love, Jean

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2015

    Hello, ladies, Nancy, thank you for remembering me. I visited my PCP today and she is referring me to a neurologist to find out why I have certain symptoms like hand tremors & spasms. She's sending me for a fresh MRI after seeing the report on my 2012 scan. She's signed an application for a handicap placard since I am driving again. And she has prescribed pain meds for me to take as I see fit rather than on a schedule. She trusts me to make my own decisions on that.

    If the MRI shows what it did in '12, which there's no reason to think it won't, I will probably get an injection to help the numbness in my thighs when I stand or walk more than a few minutes. That's what I got after that MRI, and it helped for several years.

    I have mostly been sticking to my good routine, though there have been days I've missed. I've also revisited some music I love, and I've especially fallen in love again with a young blind singer/songwriter named Ginny Owens. I first heard her music when I was driving to visit my friend Retha when she was going through her breast cancer journey. I'm posting a song for you that I shared with her as I thought it reflected how she approached the challenge. But she didn't like it. Now, hearing it at this juncture, I realized that the song was for me after all. I hope you'll listen and find it moving.

    If You Want Me To

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    It was a very short night. I have hopefully my last PT this morning at 7:30. I feel for these high school kids that were waiting for the bus well before 6:30. Mags I will listen to your song later when I get back. I hope you will be able to resume your injections if that has helped you in the past. Glad you are still sticking to a good routine. How is DH doing?

    Jean are you still on Femara or are you still on a vacation from it? Prayers that you can get some relief from the pain.

    I have posted saved many banners on my hard drive. Now the problem is I can't remember which ones I have posted. So if I have posted this one already then maybe I am supposed to again because this one seemed to say pick me, pick me! Hope you all have a good day today and Greta we are praying for your treatment. Lucy prayers for you and Steve.




  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited September 2015

    Good morning ladies, I hope this Wednesday finds you all doing well. I am in Miami for a week on the vacation my DH planned last year when I was going through chemo. He said next year this will be behind us and I will plan something special for us to do, he is so sweet. However I am so exhausted, I was sleep before 9 last night an all I did yesterday was hop a plane and lay by the pool. This morning is another day, I am up early have read my word, my daily inspirational and hope to catch a 10 am acqua aerobics class at the pool.

    Joanne, Ethan and Liam are so cute, I could just hug and kiss on them for days and they happen to have names of two of my favorite actors as well. Nancy, your photos really do light up the board along with your thoughtful words, I prayed for you ladies this morning in the peace of my surroundings and have purposed to relax and pray more during the upcoming week. ...Oh the plastic surgeons assistant Ashley called yesterday while I was relaxing by the pool to say happy vacation and that they set my surgery for September 17th to take out the expanders and put in the implants. When I saw th surgeon 2 weeks ago he said that everything looked good, however the left side had dropped some and it will be a challenge to pull it back up and over. I told him no worries, it will be what it will be at this point and with clothes on its not that big a deal. That particular vanity has been gone for some time, now to work on all the others :-)image


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Today I have 3 more scans. I am about to start drinking the 2 bottles of barium. I hope Imdon't throw up. Prayers are appreciated to get through this and clear scans. I am very nervous and anxious. Thank you

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited September 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    Mags, thanks for sharing that song. It is beautiful and the message so powerful. A reminder He is always with us.

    She, so glad you can get away and enjoy a vacation! Will be praying for your next surgery to go well. Would love to go listen to the sound of the ocean for a few days myself!

    Jean, prayers are with you as you deal with these SE. Praying for your husband 's health and emotions as well. No one understands how medications, even a small dose, can wreck your system unless you have lived it.

    Joanne, praying that the soreness will dissipate soon so you can enjoy that comfy bed! Praying daily for your continued healing without complication.

    Nancy, praying that you are feeling little pain from your dental work and that your PT goes well. Also for the snake situation...snake, be gone in the name of Jesus!

    For all reading this thread, praying for recovery from surgery, comfort during treatment, good test/scan results, and the peace of God in your heart.

    I am seeing a little improvement from going off the Arimidex. I do have an appt next week with my PCP to check out my knee and hip, which are not showing much improvement. I had minor issues with that side for years, and I'm assuming the Arimidex could have aggravated whatever isthere. General mobility is better, though .

    May God bless everyone who reads our posts, and send them the blessings they need!


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited September 2015

    She, what a great picture! And, don't feel like you have to overdo it: take time to relax, rest. eat Cuban food, etc. Nancy, been praying more and more for you: sounds like you are in kind of a bad place. I so wish the day would come when you are pain free, able to sleep, etc.

    I am still dealing with what I think is a strained muscle right to the side of my naval. The pain is brutal: I will give it another week and go back to the doc. Only thing I can think is hernia.

    Jo, so glad to read a praise report!

    Mysunshine, will lift you up on the scans.

    Ellen, glad to hear you are a bit better

    Hugs and love


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Good afternoon ladies,

    I was able to take a long nap when I got back from PT to make up for my four hours of sleep. I am still tired. I am done with PT. Can you see me doing the happy dance! Don't want to throw out my back. LOL

    Mags, I did get to listen to the song. I love that song. I was not familiar with this artist but the name sounded familiar. Thanks for sharing that.

    She, you are as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. Thank you for your nice comments. I hope you have a wonderful vacation. Very deserved! Your commitment to exercise is admirable. I will have to say that if I was on a week's vacation in Florida I probably would not be seeking out the aquatic's class! I hope to get back to my lap swimming tomorrow. The pool was closed for two weeks and this week hasn't worked out so far and I do miss it and feel the effects of not doing it. It looks like a few of you will be having surgery in Sept. Xjersey girl is having her's on Sept 14 and now you are the 17th. Lynn's is coming as well.

    Lynn, praying against fear for you today and that you can keep down that barium. I know that stuff is not pleasant. Praying for a good result. When is your upcoming surgery?

    Ellen, will be praying that your knee and hip pain will not involve anything big. I know the knee injections helped my mom for quite a while before she eventually had a knee replacement.

    Kath, I forgot to mention your pain but I have been praying for it. When my hip flexor muscle is strained I feel it in the low right area in the groin area. I am not sure if that is even in the same place as yours. I do have exercises for that. You might look up that muscle and see if it is even remotely in the area you are having pain. After trimming trees the weekend before last I could hardly walk for pain in that area. It can be quite intense but probably good to have it checked out.

    I have a leaking water fountain and am trying to figure out if it is repairable. I need a man around here!



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Home from the scans. I kept the barium down. What about tumor markers? I was barely done with chemo when my MO had CEA and 27/29 done. She said they were a little high, therefore all these scans. Do you get tumor markers done and all these scans? I don't think the X-ray is healthy. Do they usually do scans with no symptoms? Anyone know about this? All this causes a lot of anxiety and stress.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2015

    Spoke to my sister last night and she said a friend who went through BC TREATMENT told her some of the ladies on herceptin / perjeta had pain like mine so I'm hoping it improves,when I finish these 3 week infusions in early November. 3 more to go! Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2015

    Nancy, yes I've been back on Femara for a while as the 2 week vacation didn't help with my se's at all. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited September 2015

    Mysunshine, I had my tumor markers done right before I ended chemo. What symptoms are you having to warrant the scans?

    I would imagine at my 4 month check up they may do another? I had a pet scan done (neck down) as well, before radiation ended also.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Toby, I have no symptoms. That is part of why I am so stressed out.

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited September 2015

    So far redness from steroids and shaky but feeling ok.

    Nancy thank you for the prayers! The banner is well received. You are much woman with the dentist! I am terrified of dentists. I need dental work now but MO trying to hold off cause he doesn't want any invasive work done. But I will have to go after treatment.

    Jean I am prying your pain and neuropathy are relieved and reason for it can be found.

    Magdalene praying for you for resolve from tremors mad spasms.

    She-Angel praying all goes well with your surgery. Have a fun restful vacation. You look fantastic!

    Mysunshine48 so glad you kept you're barium down. Keeping you in prayer for calmness and clear scan results. My you be filled with His peace!

    Ellen glad you are getting some minimal relief. Hope it continues

    Tobycc praying you feel better.

    I will getting Neulasta shot then off to urologist. Have a great day!

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Thank you, Gretagirl. Praying for few side effects after this treatment.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    Jean, I hope that if the pain is from your infusions then hopefully it will not be long lasting when they are over. I guess each day we have to be tougher than we thought. That is why we need to lean so hard on Jesus.

    Lynn, praying that all your scans will be fine. Maybe your MO is like my alt dr. All about prevention and heading this off at the pass.

    Greta, praying that you will be able to manage all of your SE's. Now that you sort of know how you reacted in the past that hopefully will help this time around.

    She, praying you are soaking up some rays and taking time to relax.

    Lucy, praying for you and Steve.

    Joanne, continued prayers for healing, less pain and nausea.

    Kath, I pray that this pain will diminish so you won't have to seek out another specialist.

    Yesterday turned out to be about the worst day I have had in a very long time. I wanted to know who had invaded my body and mind and that they would please give ME back. I was praying that I would have to see no human being in the state I was in. Well, the Lord has a great sense of humor. Right after cleaning out my cat's litter box I took it back to her room only to find out she had urinated and pooped on the carpet. I went to roll the garbage to the curb and ran into this neighbor that LOVES to talk. Oh Lord help me. When I finally was at the end of myself I then called out Jesus help me. I am a slow learner but I did finally calm down after feeling like a volcano about ready to erupt for a good part of the day. I blame lack of sleep, the AI and life as my demons. The lesson here is don't wait until you have had a perfectly awful and horrible day to cry out to Jesus. Do it first. It will safe you MUCH grief. Have a good day everyone. If I am repeating banners I apologize. I used to be able to keep track but just too many now that look similar.




  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited September 2015

    Nancy, thanks for the reminder. Believe me, I have had my share of those days. You have been though so so so much this past year. Praying extra hard for you dear friend

    sunshine, sounds like normal scan and tumor marker after treatment?

    I know it is scary. I got my results in two days from my MO: they knew I was scared

    Greta, hang in and fight like a girl!

    Gratitude for all of my sisters in Christ: I do feel your prayers, and hope you feel mine

    Love and hugs


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Kath, I do feel your prayers. I had such peace today after felling like I was flying around on my broom yesterday! I am sure you are looking forward to a nice holiday weekend. I was able to go out with one of my retiree groups this morning and we had some good laughs. I really needed that. One joke was that I could google snake charmers.

    Hope everyone has a good night's sleep. Happy almost weekend.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    I just sent this to my retiree group and left those not attending wondering what in the world.


    I am thankful that I was with people today to share a good laugh. It did my soul good. I hadn't laughed in quite a while. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

    Joanne, can you send me one of the BLT's you're making me hungry.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited September 2015

    Good morning,

    Loved the posts...Joanne, you are so right...thinking about just one good thing really makes you feel good. My good thing yesterday I had breakfast with a good friend and coworker...then had a good visit at the surgeons office. He told me that he hears at least one woman a week talk about the SE of Arimidex...made me feel less of a wimp. May seem like small things but as you said the little positives make a difference. That said, one BLT please!

    Nancy, I love the pic! Joanne mentioned a Southern lady with with a about a 95 yr old , 4'10 southern woman with a meat cleaver...that' s my snake killer grandma, legend.

    Praying for all as we head toward the weekend..praying for peace of mind, days without pain, and friend and family members to show you love.

    God's blessings on you all!


  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited September 2015

    Good morning all! I have started my day with laughter, warming in my heart and smiles from the posts I have read this morning! Nancy have a much better day today and I love the banner and the cute picture!!

    Tobycc love it "fight like a girl"! Thanks

    Joanne wonderful reminder of how to defeat satan and praise God!

    My visit went well with the urologist yesterday. The ultrasound was all clear and no signs of anything! Praise God! He said I may have passed a stone last time. I really liked the doc. Had a dear friend with me yesterday and I was really happy she was with me! I am shaky today not sure if it's the steroids or what but it's ok.

    Y'all have a great day!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2015

    Yesterday I closed on our coop in NYC without a hitch. Had some nostalgia as that was where we raised our children. So many memories but time to close that door. The buyers were a lovely older couple who I hope will be happy there. Afterward my dear sister and her hubby had me over for dinner so I didn't need to drive back upstate during rush hour. All together a difficult but good day. Thanks Jo for the reminder to focus on the positives. Love, Jean