thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    My surgery date is September 25, although not sure I will be able to have it. I hope so as I have had these very uncomfortable expanders in for 5 months. I have slept on my back with pillows propped up and sure would like to be able to turn in my bed. My back hurts every morning. However, chemo damaged my esophagus and I have a chronic cough. Sometimes I gag and choke. I am on some medication, but so far, it is not working. This is awful as I really cannot be around people. I did go to church Sunday and started out in the sanctuary, but had to leave and sit in a chair down the call. It is very annoying go to me, but also to others. Anyway, not sure if I can have surgery with a cough. So, asking for more prayers that this cough goes away and my esophagus is healed. I just want to feel good, as we all want.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2015

    Mysunshine, I do pray for your healing and that you are able to have surgery.

    I feel like such a wimp for whining about my pain when I read of the things many of you are enduring with such grace. I had a real pity party last night. Up for a couple of hours feeling depressed and that my life was not worth living but afraid to die. I've been feeling very disconnected from Jesus and battling doubt, fear and depression. Aaaaagghhh! Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited September 2015

    Good afternoon, ladies;

    Just another update. My Bible Study started yesterday, and I believe it will be a blessing in my life. It's not a bad drive, only 2 miles farther than I drove every Tuesday for seven years. This study is Community Bible Study; any one here been a part?

    I also went to my PCP yesterday and she recommended an X-ray of my hip and knee. Sure enough, there is some inflammation and arthritis showing up...they are sending me to an orthopedic dr. For some reason, I'm almostglad they found something...I was starting to think it was just nothing but old age and I was being a whiner.

    Kath, praying for you during this time of waiting to get a treatment plan. My sunshine, praying that your symptoms from treatment will improve in time to have your surgery. Lucy, hope you are feeling ok while on this latest treatment.

    Everyone, thanks for your prayers for me. My road has been different, but I still benefitted from prayers of friends and family. I was disappointed to learn that my MO is leaving our Cancer Center. That is twice that I have had to seek out another MO in less than 5years.

    God bless you all in a most abundant way!


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited September 2015

    Stopped by to see the prayers and praises. I am thinking of you all. We could use continued prayer about the possible move to Savannah, and I have an unspoken request. I feel greatly under attack and can't seem to shake it off. Any and all prayers would be greatly appreciated.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2015

    Robin, haven'theard from you in awhile here. Would you post your surgery day so we can pray for you. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015


    Good afternoon ladies of faith,

    I know many of you are going through storms in your life. Some of you have surgeries coming very soon. Xjerseygirl, Sheangel and Lynn (hopefully) and maybe Robin. Some are in pain for different reasons such as Joanne, Ellen, Jean, She, Kath. Some are reeling from their world being turned upside down as in Lucy and Steve and Kath. Some are just trying to hang on as SE's loom in their body and in their mind as in Angie, Gretagirl She, Lynn and Mags. Some face decisions for their future as in Mini and several of us. Some have been in treatment for a long time as in Anita and Debbie (Ireland) and Lucy and Debbie (foots). Some are dealing with aging parents such as Char and Greta and myself. Some are dealing with unsaved loved ones such as Bev and many others. Some are dealing with other challenges such as Evie and Phyliss and Kathy. Some are dealing with anxiety and depression. Some are dealing with great loss as in Vickie and several of us who have lost loved ones. I imagine that I have included about everyone on this thread from the past, present and future who have issues that need Jesus to calm the storms in their lives. I have learned some hard lessons this past year. One is that the tighter you hold on to something the more difficult it is when Jesus asked you to give it up and the more painful. Everything in our life really belongs to the Lord. That includes our money, our belongings and yes, our family and friends. We are only passing through this life and every single thing of value that we have in our lives is because the Lord has given these things and people to us. They are not truly ours but His. It is called complete surrender to every single thing in our lives that we are asked to do. It is probably THE most difficult thing for us to do but that thing which will allow us the greatest freedom and joy in our lives. I have certainly not arrived but what I have realized more and more as I mature as a Christian is that this is what I am called to do. This is where freedom really comes from and where the real joy is and not just fleeting happiness that can come from earthly things. My prayer for each and every one of us is to come into a greater and closer relationship with the Lord so we can day by day give up these things in our lives that we are holding onto too tightly. When we freely open our hands and our hearts to God then we will be where He wants all of us to be along this journey we are on.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Dearest Anita,

    I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to scroll back and see that you logged in TODAY. Praise God. If you can please let us know how you are doing? I know many of us have been so concerned about you. Prayers continue for you dear sister.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2015

    May the peace and joy of our Lord be with all of you as you hold tightly onto His hand and follow through your trials. He is there, always.


  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited September 2015

    Good morning everyone. Saw MO yesterday briefly he was running. Infusion center was wild. He prescribed a patch for the nausea that I will pick up today. I am beginning to believe that my hiatal hernia or ulcer or whatever this is that I have in my upper stomach is causing more issues than just plain nausea. I will be starting Nexium or something.

    Nancy thank you for the encouraging words and the banner!

    Prayers for everyone for healing, courage, strength, peace and feeling the Lords presence! He has us and He loves us.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2015

    Psalm 91:4, He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
    The photographer caught this special moment, what a privilege to see.

    Our Father covers us at ALL times.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    After last week's scans, I had another blood test for 27/29 and CEA. 27/29 was in limits, but CEA had gone up. I went to a gastrointerologist early this morning. Having a colonoscopy and endoscopy tomorrow afternoon. Both are being done, since I need to find out why I have this cough. Exchange surgery is still on for now. CEA is high for some reason, so more tests to find out why. CT scans appeared to be clear, but inconclusive. Please pray that CEA is high for some unknown reason. I have read thst some women just have high numbers, but this sure can wear you down!

    Praying for all of us.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2015

    Dear Nancy!! Thank you always for keeping me and my family in your prayer!!! Things are not great now, but Our Lord has a plan! I trust in Him! Thank you for your beautiful prayers!

    Dear MySunshine!! My onc says that I am one of those that are subject to erratic numbers, without a reason!! Hang in there, and you are in my prayers!!

    I pray for all of you on here!! Suffering is like a magnet, drawing us closer and closer to Christ

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Phyliss, What an awesome picture and analogy. I am into bird photography so that is such a precious photo and such a comforting thought of how Jesus does that very thing with all of us. Thanks for sharing that.

    Greta, I sure hope the nausea patch and the Nexium will give you good relief. I know this journey you are on is not an easy on. I pray that between the medical field and the Lord that you will be able to get through this difficult time. I continue to hold you up in prayer.

    Lynn, pray that your scopes go well tomorrow. Praying that your prep today is not too hard. I pray that the Lord will give you peace in the midst of the storm.

    Kathy, I am sorry to hear that things are not going well. The Lord knows your needs and I will pray to that effect.

    Lucy, we are lifting you and Steve up to the Lord. I sent you something so be checking your mail the next few days.

    Anita, I continue to pray for you. I sure hope that you feel up to giving us an update on how you are doing.

    Joanne. continued prayers for a complete healing with no surprises or complications.

    Kath, we are lifting you up as you wait to see just what you are dealing with as you have your doctor visit and biopsy next week.

    Let's remember to lift up XJerseygirl as she faces her surgery on Monday.

    Praying for all of you.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2015

    Good morning dear sisters. You have all been a blessing to me as we go through this difficult journey together. There is no getting around it. This is HARD! I am just trying to hang in there till my last 3 infusions are done and hoping the pain subsides after that. Please lift up Herb, a friends husband who is battling lymphoma and was admitted to Sloan Kettering yesterday with difficulty breathing due to fluid on his lungs. His wife lost her first husband to cancer and is doing this journey again. Today I am grateful for a pretty good nights sleep. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015


    Fourteen years ago on this day the country and the world were afraid of what was going to happen next. It was a time of great fear and great sadness. We heard of stories of heroes on that day that stood up to the fear and did what they felt was the right thing to do. Some lost their lives in their decision to help others and some are still living remembering the past. Just as our country was attacked on that day on 9-11 our bodies have been attacked by a disease that puts fear in hearts to even hear the word cancer. The one constant in all of these events was and is the fact that God never changes and is always there for us even in the midst of such horrible tragedies as on that day fourteen years ago and as in the attack on our own bodies with this terrible disease now. In our humanness it is very hard to wrap our heads around the fact that suffering is allowed to happen to our world and to us. We will never have all the answers until we are in heaven. Our responsibility as Christians is to trust the Lord no matter what. To give our fear and our suffering to Him. Jesus died that we may live and that we can live with Him in eternity if we put our trust in Him. This time on earth is very fleeting in the realm of eternity. This suffering that we have all endured fourteen years ago and now as we deal with our own individual bc journey will all pass away. Tears will pass away. We will have peace and joy with the Father who loves us more than we can possibly comprehend. I believe that we can experience that peace and joy here on Earth in the midst of suffering. Put your fears at the feet of Jesus. When you feel them return put them at His feet again. When you feel those fears returning do it again...........and again..........and again. Jesus said I will never leave you or forsake you. Trust in that and trust in Him.

    I have prayed for all of you today and Jean's friend Herb. Lynn, praying that your scopes went smoothly today and that the doctor's can determine the reason for your cough.

    I love all of you so much. You are like my second family. I have prayed in the past that the Lord would break my heart for those things that break His. I had no idea what that was going to mean but my heart does break for all of you that are going through suffering. It breaks the Lord's heart as well.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Home from the procedures. Just ate something, first in two days, and am in my recliner.

    Nancy, You are one strong, beautiful, Christian woman! Your post is amazing. Reading this thread helps me stay focused and gives me strength. Thank you.

    The doctor said he found nothing outright, but did do some biopsies. That is all I know. I need to rest.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Thank you Lynn. I really do feel the Lord leads me to say what I do. I have no idea what I am going to type when I know the Lord is leading me to say something powerful. I am glad that this thread blesses you. It blesses me as well. I pray that everything will be fine with your biopsies and glad they didn't see any obvious thing. I have to have those scopes regularly and I know they are no fun but necessary. I would probably have colon cancer now if it wasn't for me switching to another gastroenterologist who insisted that I have both scopes initially.

    I have GREAT news. The snake in my mom's basement has been caught. PTL My sister called someone yesterday late and they came out today and my BIL closed up any obvious holes in the house. I am telling you since I have seen War Room and have gone on the war path answers to my prayers that I have prayed for a very long time are starting to be answered. I will share more about that in a few days.

    Have a great weekend ladies and if you have not seen War Room it is now the top selling movie in the country I believe. PTL



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2015

    Nancy, that is an amazing post. I often have to return and put 'stuff' at the feet of my Lord. Thanks. Glad they found the snake (me, the wuss, would have just called the movers!) I saw War Room yesterday and it was a wonderful movie. May go see it again.

    All, prayers going up for each of you.


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited September 2015

    Nancy, I frequently read the posts here but haven't posted for some time. About 3 weeks ago, one of my long time girlfriends (since early 1960s) had her youngest daughter die from the same ovarian cancer as my Melody did last Oct. Sherry was diagnosed about the time Melody was in middle of 2nd chemo series. God has been good to my DH and myself this ensuing year. Having gone thru the loss of both of our children, I think it has made us have more empathy, not just sympathy, for others going through the horrible experience.

    The rest of you ladies, I think of you and send up prayers daily. I also want to thank each of you for your prayers for me and for each other. GOD IS GOOD!!!!!

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2015

    Hello Dear Sisters,

    I try to keep up with postings to see what is going on and to pray for your needs. My heart goes out to each of you as you go through those trials set before you. I ask God to lift you up and carry you through each day and that he continues to meet your needs. I pray that you keep your eyes focused on Him.

    I continue to pray for those with side effects, upcoming surgeries and those recovering.

    Kath and Lucy and Steve: I pray for peace and assurance for each of you as you go through choices and decisions.

    I pray for pain relief for this that are continuing to suffer from it.

    Prayers for those that also are dealing with family issues and loses of friends and loved ones

    Missing those we do not hear from often and hope all of you are well. Deb Foots, Debbie in Ireland, Mags, Anita, Mini and Kate W.

    Praying for your ministry Angie and new Bible study Ellen.

    Thank you Nancy for your steadfast efforts to us informed as to what is taking place.

    Love in Christ,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    I checked on Kate W a few minutes ago and she desperately needs our prayers. If you want to read for yourself you can check out her blog

    She has a fractured hip now probably from her treatment. She is in a lot of pain and is in the hospital now. The good news it sounds like they have a ton of support from their community which is awesome. I know she had not been able to post here very often. She has been fighting this fight for a long time. She has young children and finances are an issue. She could definitely use our prayers. Her husband posted for her this time. Let's lift him and the whole family up.

    Phyliss, thank you. I am glad you got to see War Room. It is so powerful! I won't be at my mom's for a few weeks. I was contemplating how I would kill this snake. That you Jesus that it has been done for me and for my mom.

    Vickie, I am so sorry to hear of your friend losing her daughter to ovarian cancer. I am sure you will be a good support for her since you have been through this same situation not that long ago. I do continue to pray for you and your family. It is good to hear from you and I am glad to know that you can still see blessings in your life. That is a testimony to how God can carry us through the darkest of times.

    Char, how is your Dad doing? How are you doing? Good to hear from you. Thanks for all of your prayers.

    Joanne, thanks for that poem. That is powerful.

    Lucy, prayers continually for you and Steve.

    Kath, prayers for you for peace in the waiting.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015


    Let's remember to pray for XJerseygirl who is having a mastectomy tomorrow, Monday Sept. 12.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2015

    Prayers for all to have strength in the Lord today. Nancy, thanks for the banners. They take me back from the edge often. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Thank you Jean. There is power in the Word!

    Ladies, I want to share something with you that I don't usually do. I am on the email prayer chain for my church. Because we have a huge church you can imagine that the prayer needs are huge as well. The prayers are divided up and I would say 99% of the time I do not know the people I am praying for. We get praise reports as well and I want to share one that just came through.

    This lady was diagnosed in Stage 2 renal failure and the only viable option for her according to the doctor was a kidney transplant. She was recently prayed for and there is now NO evidence of any disease at all. I want to share that to encourage your hearts today.

    XJerseygirl, I pray that the Lord is encompassing you with his angels as you face your surgery tomorrow. I pray for all of the medical team which will see you tomorrow even down to the person you check in with. I pray for complete peace for you and I pray that all of the people you encounter will treat you with caring and compassion. I pray for the surgeon and the nurses for you to guide their every step during the surgery. I pray for pain control afterwards and I pray for a speedy recovery. I pray that in the healing process that the Lord will help you physically and emotionally as you go down this path. I pray for a great outcome in the short and long term. We will be praying for you dear sister.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Nancy, Thank you for the encouragement. We all need this. I now await the pathology reports from the colonoscopy and endoscopy. As soon as I get past one stress, there is another.

    Praying for all of us and extra prayers for XJerseygirl tomorrow.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Before I go to bed, could I please ask for prayers to calm this coughing. When I cough, the expanders push so hard on my ribs. Hurts so much. I am supposed to have the exchange surgery a week from Friday. I cannot imagine the pain of coughing after surgery. PLEASE pray that it stops. Cough and choke all day and doctors cannot tell me why or how to stop it. Also praying for more clear biopsies from the colonoscopy and endoscopy. This is just so stressful.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Lynn, do you think the cough could be sinus drainage?

    Joanne, we can pray for your LE therapist. What is her name? Sorry if you already told me. My brain is mush right now. Praying you get some answers on Tuesday.

    There is lots going on this week with surgeries for XJerseygirl Monday and for Sheangle on Thursday.

    Kath will be having a biopsy on Wed and is meeting with her doctor tomorrow. Let's pray for peace as she weathers her storm.

    Anita, I hope you are able to let us now how you are doing, Continued prayers dear one.

    Lucy and Steve how are you both doing. Continued prayers for you both.

    Angie, how did your talk go? Was praying for you.

    Have a restful night everyone.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015


    Lifting up Xjersey girl as she has her major surgery today.

    Lifting up Kath as they meet with the doctor this afternoon. Pray for them to enveloped in peace.

    Lifting up Lynn for this cough that it will be GONE.

    Lifting up Joanne as she waits to see her PS on Tuesday

    God Bless all of you today.



  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited September 2015

    Good morning. I just read throughout posts and tried to catch up. Praying for all. I am feeling better now. My entire gasto tract is just not the same anymore. I did get to attend church and was vary happy to be able to go! My heart to all of you and the trials and ups and downs . I ask God to see us through and feel His love. We have had a cool spell and I feel like decorating so I am going to get some hay today and put out some pumpkins and scarecrows. Y'all have a wonderful Monday and week