thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited September 2015

    God's unseen presence comforts me,

    I know He's always near;

    And when life's storms besiege my soul,

    He says, " My child don't fear.."

    Be not weary, Christian warrior,

    Buckle on thine armor tight;

    Be ye strong and face the battle

    In the power of His might.

    Don't worry for your future needs,

    It will only bring you sorrow;

    But give them to the Lord instead--

    He'll take care of tomorrow.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Good evening ladies.

    It's been a crazy day so I will make this short for now.

    Ellen's, grandson Cal is in the hospital. I hope she won't mind me posting this. He has been sick and apparently had a bad reaction to an antibiotic so they are keeping him for observation. Ellen is there with them now but her son, Cal's Dad is out of state and of course very concerned. Pray that the little guy will be completely healed from this reaction and from his sickness.

    Lynn, we will be praying for your surgery on Friday. It is Friday right?

    She and XJerseygirl, praying for both of you in your recovery from surgery.

    Karen, praying that you will manage these SE's and they will be tolerable. You have such a great attitude. I can't imagine the hair falling out but you seem to be a real trouper. I love your scripture you posted too.

    Greta, how is your mom doing? Is she still in the hospital? How are you doing. You have a lot on your plate right now for sure.

    Joanne, I love your post. I can't scroll back and reference it now but I need to print that off. I think it is safe to say that God has our back. That is the Reader's Digest version of what you said. LOL

    Jean, praying for your Pet scan on Thursday. I sure hope you can get some relief from this pain.

    Kath, praying for your apt on Wed. Peace, strength and hope have been my things I have continued to pray. Praying your pain is under control as well. I am glad your pastor is there for you. So glad you can feel peace in the midst of the storm. That is a miracle right there! Continued prayers dear friend.

    Joanne, praying for your PS apt for tomorrow. Praying for complete healing and NO more surgery.

    Debbie, I love that post. It kind of says it all. How are you feeling? How is Faith? Continued prayers for you dear sister.

    Lucy, you have been heavy on my heart today. Let us know how you and Steve are doing.

    Anita, I hope you saw the pics I posted especially for you. Dear sister, you are loved and prayed for here.

    Have a restful night everyone.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    This goes along with Debbie's post.


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited September 2015

    I thought I would catch up on posts since it is after midnight and I find myself awake and unable to sleep. Not going to work and sitting or lying around most of the day is not something this body is use to. I stopped taking the pain meds 24 hours after surgey, I am not in any real pain just adjusting to the new girls and that stuff made me feel loopier than I normally do, I see why they call it dope. I will say that while on those pain meds the pain in my wrists, hands, knees and hips were non existant. Once I went off it came back, but I remind myself the meds were for my chest surgery not for all the other issues.

    I was saddened to read of the passing of Kate W. as it brings things home as she was just a few months younger than me. (sorry for the confusion for the beach bday weekend, its my ex-partner at the police department that is turning 60) .But as I read the obituary for Kate W. I see she lived to the very end, raising a family, and touching many, even those who never knew her until this thread. What stood out to me was insurmountable Christians we are lead by example, testifying to the goodness of Christ, building the kingdom and glorifying his name. The world is filled with so many distractions to pull us away from the purpose that our father has put us here for, that to be sometimes reminded that this is just a temporary pilgramage for us is startling, we want more time we think we have more time and that just may not be his plan. I look forward to the land of milk and honey, peace and no suffering for us all but our plan may be totally different here as we may need to be the example that leads others who would otherwise be lost.

    I have often wondered how the people that God had Moses lead away from capactivity could see so many mircles of God's presence, the parting of the red sea, bitter water made sweet, water from a rock, manna, and the lists goes on and on and they would forget his goodness when times got hard and long to turn back from where they came. And then I realize we still do the same thing today. There is nothing too hard for God and his time has never been our time. So I want to encourage us to continue to live, when we have the pain, when we have the discomfort when our bodies seem to be rebelling against us when the doctor reports are less than favorable when we are tired of the fight when we are lonely when our families are falling apart just take a deep breath and keep living keep believing keep praying and keep praising his name. I

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited September 2015

    Hi to everyone and prayers love and hugs! So much happening in everyone's lives! I have been trying to catch up on posts. Been busy cause I felt good but also dealing with issues. My mom is still in hospital they can't not seem to get and keep the fluid off her and the docs really don't know why. I have my dad who lives with me and it's a challenge with his Alzheimer's to say the least. He was in the process of being admitted to the nursing home before mom went in hospital bit everything was not complete. Not real sure how to handle this because I have round 4 tomorrow and I am not sure when mom will get out nor how I will be feeling. So I have been very stressed about all of it. Know I need to turn to over to God but I still am worried! My heart to everyone who has so much going on. I pray for all of us.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Praying for you, Gretagirl.....for few side effects with chemo, help with getting paperwork completed for your dad and that doctors can find out what is going on with your mom and she can get what she needs. You have a lot on your plate and chemo adds to an already difficult time. May God bless you and give you yet he strength to do all you are dealing with.

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited September 2015

    Thank you mysunshine! I know this will all work out in his time!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Sheangel, you are just a young thing! Looks can be deceiving. You certainly didn't look like you were going to be 60. I went out with a retiree group last week and this one lady said she was going to be 80. I about dropped my teeth. LOL I really do have all my teeth. I told her she didn't look a day over 79. Really she certainly didn't look almost 80. I loved your post. Yes, when we start to get a little judgmental about the Israelites wandering around the desert for 40 years God has a way of waking us up and saying are looking at them as if you haven't done the very same thing yourself. I am glad you are doing so well.

    Lynn, I hope Sheangels experience with her surgery gives you encouragement. I have been praying against fear and anxiety for you.

    Greta, I have been praying for you knowing all the things you have swirling around your life right now. Do you have other family that can help you out? Just dealing with one of your things would be a lot but to be dealing with three very big things all at the same time is mind boggling. I pray that they can find the source of the problem for you mom so she can get home. I pray that you will be able to finish the paperwork for your Dad. I remember jumping through all of those hoops for my Dad and how overwhelming it can be. I pray for a supernatural lifting of SE for your next round of chemo so you will not have to deal with things on an empty tank. Hang in there dear sister. God will make a way where there seems to be no way.



  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited September 2015

    Afternoon ladies, with me being confined to being at home I find that my co workers and my DH seemed to be conspiring to keep me if I would be doing anything. Today was one of my sister in laws birthday and she decided out of the blue to come 3 cities away to spend it with me while my husband was at work. The surprise was on her I told her birthdays are special and as she was turning 57 we were headed out for the day, I booked her a massage and we both got pedicures, i was explaining to her there are many ways to do nothing. I think I may have tuckered her out because she went on home with 2 hours to spare before my husband got off. lol I am currently enjoying the tail end of a cloudy day that turned sunny, sitting out looking at the tennis courts awaiting my husbands arrival. I am in awe with the beauty of the sky, the birds and the bugs flying around.image

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2015

    Okay, I was enjoying your post, She-Angel, until the 'bugs flying around'! (I'm bug phobic). Winking

    Funny you wore out your SIL and glad you got out.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited September 2015
    You look great, She! And I agree, outlasting your SIL is a great confidence builder!

    Quick awesome grandson is out of the hospital. I was supposed to take Mom to see him For her birthday but he was so sick. The doctors don't agree on the cause, but from my experience with both kids, some antibiotics cause bad rashes ....Sarah was advised by one doctor to ask for another type antibiotic if Cal needs one again. I got back home to DH about mid afternoon and will try to catch up on sleep tonight. There's no place like home!

    I had a chance to talk with my cousin who is also on Arimidex. She continues to have joint issues; I told her I had stopped taking it...her husband said he certainly understood why I would. I told her to do what is best for her...I don't know much about her tumor makeup so I'd never try and persuade her to stop taking it. I ran out of my Celebrex because I was gone an extra day due to Cal's illness but have gotten along well. Have felt pretty good physically for the past month.

    Praying for you all as I catch up on reading the posts! Praying God will give each of you what you need, directly or thru the support of friends.

    God bless....Ellen
  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited September 2015

    She- you radiate His light :)

    Read each post with intentional prayer for all. God is just so good, May He bless all of us in His way



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited September 2015

    Just a Whispered Prayer

    Just a whispered prayer

    Will bring the Savior to your side,

    To lift your burden

    And bless, whatever betide.

    Cast on Him your care!

    Christ Jesus gave His life for you,

    To bring You salvation

    Just as He promised to do.

    Just a whispered prayer

    Will bring His blessed presence near,

    To heal Your heartaches

    And cast out ever fear.

    Come to Him in prayer,

    Through weak and falter it be!

    Your Faith He'll strengthen;

    Bright new horizons you'll see By Kathryn Bowsher

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited September 2015

    Love is giving for the world's needs,

    Love is sharing as the Spirit leads.

    Love is caring when the world cries,

    Love is compassion with Christ like eyes. -- Brandt

    Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweetness

    to the soul and health and bones Proverbs 16:24

    Shout with Joy to the Lord, all the earth, break into

    song ; sing praise. Psalm 98:4

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2015

    Evening Sister Warriors,

    So sorry I have been MIA. Been a rough couple of weeks in the Ellyson household. So much to share and I just feel exhausted every day.

    First of all I am so sad to hear about Kath, heart is very heavy. Nancy, it was great to see the pic of Sue as well. It seems so long ago now. I sure treasure the time her and I had on the phone, she was a great role model for all of us.

    So Steve and I are getting past the rough week of his exploratory surgeries. They had to do a biopsy of the liver and also had to remove his gall bladder and it had to come out the old fashion way as the laproscopic site was too small. It was badly inflamed and infected. Surgeon said it was the worse one he had ever seen. So the liver shows it is also cancer and they also saw a few small spots on the stomach lining and so they biopsied those but they were too small to show anything. He is saying it is probably the same so that is his statement about it. It was all very hard to hear and I had to still pinch myself to know that this was all really happening. The dx is stage IV pancreatic cancer and the prognosis is not good. They will meet with us in 3 to 4 weeks to discuss the treatment options and go from there. He has to heal first before anything is done. In this surgery they also implanted a port in case he decides to do treatment. He figured it was best while he was already under. If he doesn't go that route then it can be easily removed. So we have had a lot of wonderful support from friends, family and church family so it has been good. He was in the hospital for 5 days and we got home on Saturday. Today was the first day he felt strong. Did more walking and moving around. I am so glad as I was starting to get worried. His spirits are good and his faith is strong. And we are going to continue to believe in the miracles of prayer daily.

    I pray you are all doing well as you get through your times of surgeries, side effects, fears and concerns. Know God is with each of us and we will get through all of this. I pray for all of us that we endure what is in our days ahead and remember to always look for the silver linings, they are there.

    Love you all and may God bless each and every one of you.




  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2015

    Dear sisters, I have been present though silent. Reading through the roller coaster of good and bad news.

    Sunday we were blessed by an amazing performance and the video was posted on FaceBook this morning so I had to share it with you, and after catching up on the posts I know why. The title says it all but please watch the video.

    DH and I have been attending a cancer support group at church and it's been really good.

    Blessings to you all.

    Peace in the midst of the storm

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Amazing video, thank you!

    Prayers for you, Spiritblessings and your husband.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited September 2015

    Mags, What a blessing to so many of us! Thanks so much for sharing!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Mags, it is so good to hear from you. So glad you and DH are going to a support group. How are YOU feeling? I continue to pray for you. The video was awesome and so timely as you know many here are going through deep waters. Thank you for sharing that.



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2015

    Nancy, dear sister! I am getting along. When I heard that song Sunday morning, I knew I had to share it with you, and as I was reading the posts this morning, you used those very words! They say coincidence is God's way of staying anonymous, but sometimes he's not very subtle, is he? Too much.

    Our support group is led by a young couple, the wife had a rare cancer last year and after chemo is now NED. DH connected immediately with her husband, and so has been open and sharing a lot. I know it's good for him. He's having a rough week, having to fire a team member he's had for years. The man was divorced two years ago and can't seem to pull himself together. He's had the maximum warnings and correction plans and doesn't do what he needs to. It's hard for DH to do this. Then he has to be out of town all next week to testify at a trial (work related). Please pray for him.

    Don't remember if I told you, I dug up my old MRI report and shared with my PCP. This was of my lumbar spine, from 2011. She ordered a new one, and I had that but haven't heard back from her. I have an appointment with a neurologist in October about my tremors and spasms. Hoping to get some answers and a plan this year since our out of pocket is met. If my back can't be fixed I will be in a wheelchair soon as I can't stand or walk more than 5 or 10 minutes before my legs go numb.

    I am able to drive short distances but finding myself more of a hermit than ever.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015


    Your banners pretty much say it all. I especially love your last one. The Lord does give us peace if we take time to listen to Him. I think in the midst of the storm our human nature takes over initially and we all know where that gets us. Worry, fret, fear and a whole host of other emotional as well as physical maladies created by the worry and fear. I know it takes an enormous amount of energy and faith to keep laying our challenges at the feet of Jesus as many hundreds of times we may need to do that. I know that you have had much support from here and I had no doubt that your family, friends and church would be there along side of both of you. Know that you are loved and cared for and we know what a strong woman of faith you are. I know that this burden is too great for any single person to bare on their own but you have the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords living inside of you guiding, directing, comforting and giving you strength and courage. You and Steve will get through this time. I continue to pray for miracles for you. I hope you have a chance to rest as you have been through so much. Keep us updated and let us know how we can specifically pray for both of you.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited September 2015

    Hello my sisters. I appreciate your prayers. I am filling in as our church secretary while she is out on maternity leave (starting this Fri). It will be the first time I've worked (other than 5 weeks retail one Christmas) since I went on disability. I am nervous. I will be doing the church newsletter, bulletins, prayer chains, etc., and I don't want to mess things up. There is a lot of new technology being used. I'm pretty functional computer-wise, but there are a number of things that I've never used/done before. I know the devil is giving me grief and I'm trying to keep the negative thoughts at bay, but... Anyway, if you would keep me in your prayers, I'd be grateful.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2015

    Mags, so good to hear from you.

    Lucy I am so sorry for all you are enduring.

    I have my pet scan tomorrow to check why I have so much pain walking. Started using a cane today. Hope they can find the cause and treat the pain somehow. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited September 2015

    Lucy I echo everyones sentiment here. Mags, Mini, Nancy, Jean, Karen, specific prayers for you all-- I am overwhelmed at times at the power of this group.

    So, I have uterine/ endometrial cancer. Some of you know I had a nysterectomy last summer as I had pre cancer carcinoma in my uterus. It was contained and total hysterectomy was treatment.

    Well, I guess a few buggers got out. That is why it is in my abdominal cavity. Not waiting for port, starting carboplatin Friday at 8. They really want to use taxol, but my body rejected it and they can't: looking into abraxene, or another adjunct drug.

    God has this. This is His plan, and I will follow Him.

    Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You, and in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamaties have passed by- Psalm 57:1

    Hugs and blessings,


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Kath, glad you know what you are dealing with, now you can fight it and get it out of there! You hsve been and will continue to be in my prayers. I do read all of your posts and am thankful for this thread. Many of us are going through stressful times and this helps. I pray for all of you. I am staying up late tonight to pick up my sister at the airport at midnight. She is coming from Oregon to be with me as my exchange surgery is Friday. I love my sister and I love all of you.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Mags, yes I believe that God is certainly in the "coincidences" many times. I am sorry to hear about your back. Praying for strength in the battle and peace in the midst of the storm!

    Angie, how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a while. How are you feeling? Do you have anymore speaking engagements soon? Prayers for you dear sister.

    Jean, praying that your Pet scan goes well tomorrow and that your pain will be nothing serious and can be handled.

    Ellen, continued prayers for little Cal and that he will be completely healed of this rash and this sickness. Praying for you as you deal with your mom and your own situation with your hips.

    Greta, continued prayers for you, your mom and your Dad. Praying that your SE's will be manageable.

    Karen, praying for you as you go through this round of chemo. Praying that you will be able to handle the nausea.

    Phyliss, I am with you on the bugs. LOL You should have seen me trying to photography bumblebees this summer. That would have made a Youtube sensation. LOL I am scared to death of bees.

    Char, how are you doing? How is your Dad.

    Bev, how are you doing? I still pray for you and Dave.

    Lynn, praying for your surgery on Friday. You have been through a long journey and you will get through this last leg of your journey.

    Mini, prayers against fear and inadequacy. You will be able to do this job. There is a learning curve to all new situations and I just feel that you are going to do just fine.

    She, you look fantastic. Continued prayers for healing. Have a great time with your birthday outing with your friend.

    Xjerseygirl, continued prayers for healing for you too. Hope you are doing okay and feeling stronger each day.

    Debbie, prayers for you as you wait for test results. Pray you feel better soon.

    Lucy, we will continue to lift you and Steve up. I know you are both strong in your faith and the Lord will carry you both through this journey.

    Joanne, praying that you feel better and stronger each day. Praying for that day very soon when you can actually sleep in your own bed and not the chair.

    Kath, we will be praying for you as you take on a new journey. You can do this and we will help you through this journey. The Lord has given you amazing strength already and I know He will continue to do so.

    Have a good night's rest.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2015

    Hello Ladies,

    I am just checking in as I don't think I have posted anything since I went on holiday.

    I was very sorry to hear about Kath. It is hard to believe that a year ago we lost Sue, and in February Becky went to be with the Lord. I really hate this disease, they believe back home in England now that 50% of all people born after 1960 will have cancer - how did it get to be so powerful?

    I have had some wonderful news recently regarding the new drug they have put me on, Kadcyla/TDM-1. I had my third treatment yesterday, and the oncologist called me in to see how I felt about it. I told him there were no side effects and I haven't felt this healthy since before I was diagnosed for the second time in 2013. He said that every year he goes out to the US and talks to women who are on the drug, and they tell him about how well it works for them. He was certain it was the one for me, and I am scared to say it out loud but it seems to be giving the cancer a good hiding! Later on I was talking to the nurses, and they admitted that even though they didn't say anything they were extremely worried about me. I feel that the Lord has stepped in just when He was needed and not before.

    On Saturday I went to a conference for Christians with Cancer. It was really interesting, but the part I liked best was when Professor Chris Shaw who is a scientist as well as a christian took the stand. He specializes in working on new drugs to beat the disease, and he also told us it was a proven fact that the people who are prayed for live a lot longer than those who have nobody to pray for them. A few screens earlier on this thread a lady was talking about how important prayer is (if I try to find it again I will lose this post, sorry) and I think that the professor confirmed it.

    Thank you to all the ladies who have been praying for me, your prayers definitely work!

    Love, Debbie

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited September 2015

    Hi Debbie,

    So great to hear from you. I prayed so hard that you and your sisters would have a fantastic time when they came to visit. I am thrilled to hear your news about your new drug. We know prayer works but to have a scientist say that makes it special. I pray that you continue to do very well and feel better each day. We needed some good news here as it has been pretty tough lately. So your news is a breath of fresh air and sunshine that we need to hear.

    Your post leads me to post this prayer request which I was debating whether to or not. I will not name names as this person is not a believer but a person on another thread is having surgery tomorrow and there is a possibility that she might die due to complications from chemo years ago. I would appreciate your prayers that she come through this surgery and that it will be successful.

    Lynn, we are praying for you for your surgery tomorrow. Praying all goes well and that you will have good pain control and have a speedy recovery to mark the last leg of your bc journey.

    Kath, we are praying for you for your first treatment tomorrow. Praying for extra strength and rest for you as you start another chemo journey. You will get through this dear friend. You have all of us to cover you in prayer.

    I must say that this weather we have been having is as good as it gets and I am so thrilled. Thank you Lord.

