thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Greta, You have so much right now. Prayers that God will give you the grace that you will need in this very trying time. Prayers that your mom's dialysis will not be permanent and praying that your daughter's situation will have a positive outcome. I know when you feel like you cannot take anymore is when God can show Himself the strongest. Praying for a let up in all of this stress for you dear sister.

    Jo, that was a very powerful post. It is very raw and real honesty that most Christians don't want to admit to feeling this way. It reminds me of David when some of his Psalms showed him in such a depressed state but in the end he would give glory to God and know that is where His strength and ability to move forward would come from. I am praying for continued healing for you and that all of the issues you are having will be resolved without anymore surgery. I pray that you will be able to sleep and to completely turn over this latest situation to the Lord and have peace in it.

    Angie, continued prayers for you dear sister. Praying against fear and worry and for hope for your future.

    Aurora, welcome to our thread. I am glad that Phyliss told you about our thread. We will certainly pray for your upcoming hip surgery on the 16th. . You are obviously going through a lot right now. I pray that the Lord will prepare you physically, spiritually and emotionally for this surgery. I pray against fear and doubt. I pray that the Lord will fill you with His love and peace and strength for you.

    Lucy, continued prayers for you and Steve. I know you are dealing with exhaustion. I pray for a restful weekend for you.

    Debbie (foots), praying for you dear sister.

    Anita, praying for you as always.

    Debbie (Ireland) praying you are still doing well.

    Mini, so glad to hear your biopsy was benign. PTL

    Kath, we will be praying for your apt and treatment tomorrow. Lord I pray that you will remove this obstacle and roadblock that the insurance is creating in not approving this needed second chemo drug. I pray that your angels will make a way for things to fall into place and that she will be able to get this needed treatment in a timely manner. I pray that you continue to give Kath strength and grace and peace during this difficult time. I thank you how you are bringing her through already.

    Jean, give your cats a hug for me.

    I have not been able to administer any pain meds to my cat. It occurred to me tonight that maybe that was the Lord intervening. She acted out of the norm for most of today but this evening she was acting more like herself. If only they could talk and tell us if they are in pain. I am dealing with many situations that are very stressful right now. I know that this will not last and I am hopeful that with some good rest things will look more positive tomorrow.

    I hope everyone has a good night's sleep and that things will look hopeful for all of us tomorrow.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    Today I am grateful for the extra hour and a half sleep this morning. I woke up at 4am. Up till 7, then was able to get some extra sleep in our guest room downstairs.

    Also grateful that it looks like we will miss the hurricane.

    Prayed through Nancy's list and for the Caribbean people where the hurricane is in full force.

    Lastly, I have an appointment with the rehab doctor at Sloan Kettering next Friday and one with my chemo doc and for a herceptin/perjeta infusion on Monday, October 12th.

    I am in need of feeling God's love and assurance of salvaton as I'm battling doubt and fear. Love, Jean

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2015

    zj, sorry you are having a difficult time but know that God's love is there even when we don't seem to feel it. There are good and bad fears. The bad opens the door to doubt and are from the devil. But we know we can resist because we know to whom we belong. Psalm 34:4 'I sought the Lord and He heard me, and delivered me from ALL my fears'.

    Sending up prayers for all. Nancy, thank you so much for keeping the list of needs, including your own.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited October 2015

    I would ask that we completely cover JO in prayers.

    Nancy, can you share my email? I am home from chemo in that mixed state of exhaustion and energy from the steroids.

    God showed the strength of prayer today. I have no words to describe it. I cannot lift up you all enough and if I could get on my knees I would to shout it out in gratitude for you all.

    Nancy, thank you

    Love you all


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    I am going to paste an email from Kath after she had her second treatment today. She has chemo once a week on Fridays.

    "Where to start. Patrick and I both completely at peace going to doctor. It was nice to have my regular doctor back in town for sure. He and Diane, and Pauline are my rock starts at the center.

    We knew the abraxane had not been approved. Doctor explained again that we will treat this as a chronic illness that it truly is. My abdomen was not nearly as hard as last Friday: clearly the chemo started to work. God, you are indescribable for me in words today.

    As I ready to start the 3 hour process, nurse comes in and says Would you like ABRAXENE today? Doctor said its APPROVED if you want to start it words.

    Dear Heavenly Father, I will continue to speak to you the words of praise, gratitude as I did on my War room bed a little while ago.
    The support and love I feel from family and you all is with no limits.
    I would appreciate prayers that I have NO reaction to the abraxene. God made this happen, so I believe He will use it in my body.
    And, prayers for continued peace, gratitude, and complete healing.

    Thank you and blessings,"

    Kath's son's friends and fraternity are joining in prayer for Kath as well. There is definitely power in many people praying for the same outcome.

    We will certainly be lifting you up for all of your specific requests. You will get through this. I have told Kath that I am imagining the large mass like what happened in the Wizard of Oz when they poured water on the wicked witch and she melted into nothing. We will be praying that this dynamic duo of chemo drugs will knock this out and that you will be able to tolerate the treatments with manageable side effects.



    This banner is for all of us. When the battle seems like it will never end we will put on our Armor and fight.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015

    Praise the Lord!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2015

    Hallelujah! We are children of an AWESOME God. Thank you Father.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2015


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    Praise you Lord Jesus for answer to prayer for Kath.

    Today I am grateful for my chemo doc switching my AI. Prayers for it to lessen my pain. Also for an appointment with the rehab doctor next Friday. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited October 2015

    All praise to Him for the things He has done! Our God is an awesome God! So happy for your answered prayer, Kath

    Praying that this drug does what it was designed to do, with few or no side effects.

    Eagerly getting ready for a visit from my daughter and daughter in law, as well as the awesome Cal. It's a girl's night out to a concert, with Grandma and Papa Clyde providing babysitting. Please join me in praying for their safe travel during this rainy weekend here.

    Praying for many blessings to you all!


  • 27heart
    27heart Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2015

    Today, I am in a lot of rage. But with God's love, and wisdom, I choose to give thanks instead. I am thankful for my wonderful friends and family who have been here for me every step of the way. I am thankful that I am fortunate enough to be able to fight for my life. I am thankful that I am not in real pain now, and I am thankful that I can make plans for tomorrow and the near future. I am thankful that God has placed angels by my side during this period of time - from the nurse who gave me a painless IV, to the social worker who was sensitive enough to see through me. I am thankful for great drama series that make great distraction during this period of time. And I thank you, our dear Father, for not abandoning me in my darkest days.

    Tonight I pray for me, my loved ones, and everyone here who are going through their own journeys. I pray, my Lord, that each of us will find strength and wisdom to find peace with all the obstacles we will face in life. Please let us find joy in the face of fear.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    27heart, I am usually on top of the details of everyone here and I obviously missed some of yours and I apologize. I had no idea you are only 27 and from a country where breasts are not spoken about. I cannot even pretend to know what you are going through with Stage four at your young age. There is some history why this thread was named for middle to older aged Christian women but those of us on here now feel like the age in not a factor. You are the youngest that I have ever seen post and when I read your stats this morning I was blown away as I had no idea what you were going through. You have every right to feel all sorts of emotions as we all do. God created us with the ability to have the range of emotions that we do so I figure he intended that we would use them from time to time. I know that God has a purpose and a plan for your life no matter what your circumstances or your age. He loves you more than you can ever imagine and I really do feel like His heart breaks when we go through this terrible disease. Do you have fellow Christians in your community or your family that you can pray with? I think years ago in the USA it was a taboo subject to discuss breast cancer publicly but fortunately that has changed. These forums can offer unbelievable hope and support. I feel like this is my second family here. We can laugh and moan and cry and pray together. We have all shared our moments when we were not at our best emotionally or spiritually and certainly physically. I am adding you to my prayer list. We have quite a few women on here that are dealing with cancer as a chronic disease. That does not mean your life is over. Some deal with this for years and lead quite happy and fulfilled lives. I do think that dwelling on the positive things no matter how small and being diligent in finding reasons to be grateful can go a long way in dealing with our situations.

    God bless you and feel free to share with us. We will pray for you dear one.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2015

    27heart, you are in my prayers. My heart is heavy for you. But God is a help in your time of need and can bring a comfort and peace beyond our understanding. I PTL for your pushing through the rage and still giving thanks to our Heavenly Father. I also believe we have been given emitiobs for a purpose to procedd and help us cope. I give thanks to The Lord for you being honest and open and trusting us to support, encourage and pray with and for you.

    Father, I ask that you envelop 27Heart in your peace and love. Continue to increase her strength and endurance as she walks through this journey. Provide the comfort and strength to her family as they support and cover her in prayer and provide her mental and physical support. Father thank you for keeping her and pointing her to you as you help her process this current strom that she is facing. . I ask that you encamp your warring and ministrying Angels around 27Heart as she faces the days ahead. That you bring calm in the midst of the storm. Continue to shower her with your Love, Abba Father. Send your soldiers to her physically and your prayer warriors to her spiritually as we stand in the gap for her. This I ask in Jesus mighty name. Amen

    Kathy, Anita, Debbie(Ireland), Lucy, Steve and others that are in treatment praying for you always.

    Nancy, thank you for your words of encouragement. My next speaking engagement is end of October focusing on Intercessory Prayer.

    Ellen, hope you have fun and enjoy!

    Love and prayers across across the miles.


  • Waterstreet
    Waterstreet Member Posts: 96
    edited October 2015

    I am a Catholic but believe in the most high and do not like harsh language either. I am 66 yr old widow, retired and alone. I have invasive ductal carsinoma and I just found out Sept. 16 over the phone. Let me know if I meet the specs for this discussion topic.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2015

    Hello Waterstreet, sorry for the reason you are here but glad you found us. There are no 'specs' for this thread except a love for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who is just AWESOME. Please feel free to post your fears, hopes, prayers, anything that you wish and let us know how we can specifically pray for you.

    Blessings, Phyllis

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited October 2015

    Ellen, prayers certainly for safe travel, to and from. How wonderfully delightful! I am really looking forward to grand kids one day.

    27, Speechless! PTL for bringing you to that indescribable place of peace, gratitude, and utter surrender. Praying Satan does not return with his ideas of rage, and instead keep coming to the sisters who love you and are praying for you

    Angie, would love to see your speaking notes if you are willing to share!

    Jo, is there ANY specific, intentional prayer we can cover you with?

    Nancy, prayers that Satan leaves. Lord Jesus, in your love we bind Satan from Nancy: she will only turn those into opportunities to become closer to you. Lift her physical ailments. Let her feel all the comfort that you and us, as your humble messengers surround her.

    Water, welcome. Patoo sums it up nicely as do the others. I joined a year ago, and I thank God every every day for this thread. Somehow when I am just NOT listening to Him, someone here will get through to me. These sisters are prayer warriors that I am honored to be a part of.

    My prayer tonight is that I feel well enough to get to my 9:15 service. Last Sunday I slept till 11. My BF and my chemo nurse and friend are at the prayer wall.

    She, think of you in the morning with my coffee (or tea, or water) reveling in the beauty of it all.

    Jean, prayers always, same for you Lynne and many many others.

    Lucy, would love to hear from you. Would love to know most pressing prayers you need.

    I am grateful for a day where I got to run errands, ate well, and watching football with DH.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited October 2015

    PS Todays Jesus Calling was excellent


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Hi Waterstreet,

    I read some of your posts and I can relate to that period of time when you hear the word invasive and not completely understand what that means. I too got my diagnosis over the phone on a Friday afternoon and I had a whole weekend to dig myself into a mental grave. The word invasive sounds very scary and it certainly does not mean what I thought it did. If the cancer cells remain with in the milkduct for example it is called in situ. When the cells have broken out of the duct it is called invasive. You can have a very tiny area of cancer but it can still be considered invasive. I read some of your other posts and knew you were desperately searching for some answers. If you go to a place to put in a word search you can find tons of information. I am not familiar with your radiation seed implant procedure. Many of us had a SNB (Sentinel node biopsy)prior to surgery and during our biopsy a chip was inserted to direct the surgeon to the proper place of the tumor. I am not sure what this procedure is that you are having. Maybe someone has some knowledge of it. It also sounds like you will have several weeks of radiation so I am really wondering what that seed implant will be. There is a shorter form of radiation where implants are put in and you go twice a day for treatment for a week and then you are done. I don't know of any of the ladies here who have had that.

    When you have your surgery you will have a biopsy of the tumor and those results will generate a pathology report which will be key to your future treatment. Depending on the size of the tumor they will give it a stage and type of breast cancer a grade and a proliferation rate (how fast it grows) The type of cancer will determine what types of treatment you will have. When I met with my breast surgeon first he explained everything he would do and calmed my fears a lot. I also had a nurse navigator who answered many questions. It sounds like you have not been able to connect with yours which is a shame. Being alone I bought a voice recorder and asked the different doctors if I could tape our office session and they all agreed. That was also very helpful.

    I know it is so easy for your mind to go in a million directions with all kinds of negative and scary thoughts. The waiting is very difficult. Once you get a plan in place I really do think things calm down and you get focused on what you need to do for your treatment. You go into what I call battle mode. Believe it or not we women are good at that. I am also a retired teacher and I live alone with my cat. I am so sorry your house burned down. You have had some huge things happen to you already this year. We will be here for you and pray with you and try to help you along this journey. We have all been there at some point and probably remember what it was like. I think most will agree that the waiting is so hard. Don't feel like because you have a surgery date weeks after your diagnosis that it will have a negative impact on your situation. That probably is not the case.

    Hopefully you can find some comfort here and information you need on some of the other threads. We will be praying for you as you face your surgery coming soon. We pray with each other and try to encourage everyone along their journeys. We have a common bond of cancer but I think more importantly we have a common bond of a love of Jesus. Welcome.



  • 27heart
    27heart Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2015

    Thank you Angie, Nancy, footprints angel, sorry if I missed anyone out. Thank you for reaching out and praying for me.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    I know it's been a while and I'm so sorry. Life has been very busy and lots of appts for Steve and I with our medical issues. I feel like my life is all about doctors and hospitals right now. We have gotten to a better place the last week as Steve has recouped well from his surgery. He goes this Wed to meet with his onc so we will know more on treatment options.

    Today I am waiting for my CT scan so prayers for a clear scan would be awesome. I feel a little bad that I am asking this as I haven't been checking with you all for some time. But we both appreciate your prayers so much.

    Nancy I received your most welcomed letter and the little book. The timing was awesome. A couple we are close with that go to our church have just started to do communion daily had just shared that so it was very interesting. We haven't started it but we are going too.

    Trying to find a new normal right now for us. Lots to deal with and figure out and plan. Steve has talked about not doing treatment so I have just been praying for strength and I will support what ever he decides. I don't recall if I shared the outcome of his biopsies...he has mets to the liver as well as the stomach lining. They are small but the pancreas is good a good size tumor 3+ cm.

    So I haven't gone to far back to catch up but know I'm praying for all of you always. Love you all and thanks in advance for the prayers.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015


    It is so good to hear from you. You certainly don't need to apologize for not being around. You have your plate full and running over dear sister. I am praying that you will get good news from your CT scan. I am praying that whatever Steve decides to do that you will both have peace about it. I am glad that he has recovered well from his surgery. You and Steve have been prayed for by many here and we will continue to cover both of you in prayer. Let us know the results of your CT when you can. We all love you so much and of course you know how much the Lord loves you and Steve. He will take care of you and help you through whatever comes. Trust in Him because he has only awesome things waiting for both of you.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    Today I am grateful for the Holy Spirit telling me to quiet my mind and practice being still. Not easy to do but worth it.

    Good to hear from you Lucy. Please don't apologise. You and hubby are in my prayers. Love, Jean

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited October 2015

    Good day ladies, I am back from the beach and back at work with a renewed since of peace and contentment, and I am determined not to let the "world" take it from me. In fact my DH had to text me to say check the news, a hurricane is headed toward your destination. Off the grid for me was not to let those bad things creep in on my time with God, but since returning I have seen nothing but death and destruction being broadcast and if I was to let it my spirit would be vexed. They say people know you by your walk...and my walk is a walk of faith, belief and peace. I have been keeping up with the threads and praying for us. I know with the many different things that we all are going through and experiencing it is easy to get down on ourselves, but just don't stay down. Remind yourself we are pilgrims here, the things we experience and go through here are for just a season as they will not last because in order to be free and live we cannot stay in the place and this space, it's just not possible. That does not mean give up, that just means fight when the spirit is on you to fight, rest when the spirit says rest and rely on your father always to know what is best for you and at what time. I pray that we are able to accept his will for us individually and corporately and live a more harmonious life with the cards we have been dealt.

    Yesterday was homecoming at church and with all of the people at church when we asked our neighbor are you saved, there were still people who were not. Two people were led to Christ yesterday, and I could not help but think that he wants none of us to perish. This world is becoming increasingly small, and people are being killed because of their Christian belief, we must stay busy and vigilant spreading his word as we were purposed to do to continue to build the kingdom. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, we all think we may have years to do and make our mark on the world but we can be healthy, sick, young, old, new born, rich, poor, tall, short, fat, skinny anything and we can be gone and those material things that we think were important will be a distant memory to those that knew us...we need to keep in mind the things that really matter and focus on those things during these trying times. I often say...the signs are everywhere if you just stop to look. Have a great week, I will be checking in as always. Much love and thoughts for healing calmness for the mind and body.

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited October 2015


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2015

    Hello. My husband received notice today that he did not get the position in Savannah. As much as I would like to be somewhere warm, especially with winter right around the corner, I'm relieved. I was sitting here this week almost in tears because I missed my grandson so much since school has started. I don't know what I'd do if I could see him only once or twice a year.

    I have an interview tomorrow at 1:45. If I get a job, it will be the first time since 2012. I don't know if I can do it, but I'd like to try. At least if I am not, I will know it based on experience, and it will be easier for me to deal with staying on disability. I've been working p/t at the church covering our secretary's maternity leave, and I've enjoyed it.

    My husband's cousin, who was recently dx with stage 4 bladder cancer (metasticized) is doing as well as can be expected. He has obvious concerns for his wife and young son (6), but he is a Christian and he is leaning on the Lord to get him through. I appreciate your prayers for him and his family.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited October 2015

    Lucy, we all echo Nancy and everyone else. PLEASE no apologies ever!!!! It is just so nice to see your smiling avatar.

    Prayers for peace, for you, and Steve, for joy, for wisdom in decisions, for CLEAN scans for you, and as Nancy always says, remember how much everyone loves you. You have always been there for us, and I know that for a fact.

    Mini, you are capable of so much! prayers that if you are led to that job, you can do it!

    What is your cousin in laws name? Are there any trials he can get into?

    Jean, daily prayers for your daily needs. Keep the faith!

    She= I had to laugh: Patrick would probably have to text me too-- :) Actually no, only because of work/ safety precautions.

    I continue to learn so much from you--- thanks for sharing.

    I continue to do well on the new chemo: PTL! Having been through this once, it really does help to have "experience" with the SE's.

    I was able to go to church yesterday. One of my BFF was at the prayer rail, and although I got there late, with water stains on my shirt, and wobbly legs, I made it to the rail as they were putting communion away. We are studying Galatians and Grace. Thrilled I could go: Sunday before I was in bed all day, and that was with only the one chemo.

    Came home and DH made me breakfast, then back to sleep.

    Today I was blessed I had to go to a luncheon event for work that is in the opposite direction of my office, so I got to stay in a bit this am and got home at 3. Speaker was Jessie Close: Glenn Closes sister, about her life with mental illness. Her faith is an integral part of her recovery. I am hopeful she will be my guest speaker next year.

    NNot even going to glorify Satan and talk about the Se's: they are managed by Him and my docs. I really don't want to take pain pills during the day, so MO gave me an extended release that I can cut in half: and it masks it for about 9 hours. Patch controlling nausea. Abraxene is a sister to Taxol, so those are the expected Ses. Many I don't have, and I will NOT develop.

    Night time is one of my War Room times for prayers for this group, so please know I lift you all up.

    Blessings and love


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Lucy, I hope you can share with us your scan results when you get them. We certainly miss you when you are not here but of course we all understand.

    Mini, the Lord brought you to mind early in my lap swim session. I know how you were nervous about filling in for your church's secretary and it sounds like that isi going very well. I have prayed often that if you are to move to Georgia that God would change your heart. It looks like maybe he is opening a door right there for you now. Father I pray that she will have a great interview tomorrow and IF it is your will for her that she get this job that you will fully equip her for this position. God is working in your situation, I have NO DOUBT about that. Let us know how things go.

    She, as always your posts are full of hope and inspiration. As I was reading the paper this morning every page was more depressing than the first. I do not know how people cope in this world without God. I am glad that you had a great time (beautiful picture) at the beach and that you feel renewed with a sense of peace and contentment. Keep on finding the positives as that goes such a long way in how we cope with anything that comes our way.

    Joanne, continued prayers for complete healing and that this red spot will just completely disappear. God has brought you a very long way the last several months and for that I am thankful. I am thankful for what He is going to do for you in the near future as well.

    Jean, praying for victory in your efforts to quiet your mind. Thank you for reminding us that we need to be thankful and grateful for everything, every day.

    Kath, so glad you made it to church and made it to your luncheon today. Your speaker I am sure was a blessing and I hope that you can get her as a guest speaker next year. I am continuing to pray that this chemo cocktail will make those cells disappear into a puddle like the Wicked witch in Oz.

    I hope everyone has a good evening.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015


    I would be remiss if I did not mention the Cubs. After all I am my father's daughter and he was a die hard Cubs fan his whole life. I imagine he is smiling from heaven knowing they are playing in the Wild Card game this Wednesday against the Pittsburg Pirates at Pittsburgh. They have not seen a post season game since 2008 so this is a big celebration for us. Yes, Char, I am trying to get a rise out of you. LOL Expect to see a lot of blue and red walking around Pittsburg the next few days!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    Today I am so grateful for my appointment with a rehab specialist at Sloan Kettering on Friday. Also for my chemo doc changing my AI med. I am grateful for sleeping 5 hrs unbroken last night and for good sleep overall. Now going to try to settle in for a few minutes of time with a quiet mind to listen to my dear Lord. Love, Jean