thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2015


    Thank you all again for the support and encouraging words. It means more than you know. I will share the results when I hear something. Should be by Thursday I would think. I flayed the whole time for clear results and NED. I want to shout from the top of the mountain that the miracle I am expecting has happened. Thank you Jesus.

    Mini I praying for you.

    Nancy thank you again for keeping us all up to speed. You are so awesome for doing that for us. Also who is having surgeries and so on.

    Kath praying for you to continue doing well on the abraxane. I was on that for 9 months and it did well. Minimal se's, early on experienced fatigue so they adjusted the dose and it was better. Later had some issues with my nails but they took care of that too. I worked the whole time and I was taking it with another drug avastin. It was a study trial. Have they offered any trials to you?

    Have a blessed day everyone.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited October 2015

    I am thankful for feeling good at work, for my morning and evening time with our Lord. Jean, thanks for your positive words.

    Lucy, I will fly to you with a megaphone personally to shout it, and we will all go outside of where we live and shout it with you!!!!! And thank you for blessing me with your personal knowledge of abraxane. While I can't fathom weekly for 9 months, I can fathom His grace, and living in gratitude day by day.

    #Nancy, GO CUBS!! as you know we are a true baseball family: one of my favorite staff is a die hard Cubs, so Patrick and I will be rooting for yall!

    Jo, still able to sleep in the bed? Are you seeing healing?

    Foots: Deb, how are you feeling?


    Mini: how did it go?

    Blessings and hugs


    Therefore I will look to The Lord: I will wait for the God of my salvation, my God will hear me. Micah 7:7 NKJV

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2015

    Lucy, so glad to see you post and get an update. Praying for clear scans and NED. Continuing to keep Steve in prayer and his medical as they settle on treatment. Praying for guidance and strength for you and Steve. I am ready to shout with you! 🙏🙏🙏

    Mini, prayed for you. How do it go? Lifted

    Kath, have such an admiration for you. So glad the luncheon went well. I will need to get Jesus calling and get hubby to take me to see The War Room. I will definitely share my speaking notes with those that would like to have them.

    Jean, Jo, She-angel, Foots, Debbie (Ireland), Greta, 27heart and all my fellow prayer warriors continuing to lift you up in prayer.

    Char how are you doing?

    Anita, always in my prayers.

    Water welcome, please continue to let us know how you are doing and any specific prayer request.

    Hugs and blessings,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Jean, I sure hope that your new AI will help with the pain issues you have been having. I was trying to remember how many infusions you have left. Do you have two left? I do remember you were going into November.

    Lucy, we are believing with you dear sister for a clear scan. I will answer some of your questions below.

    Mini, I have prayed for you several times today. How did things go at your interview?

    Kath, I had no idea you would have treatment for nine months. We will hold your arms up like Aaron and Hur did for Moses. You will get through this. You are a trooper.

    Greta, you have been on my mind quite a bit today. I know you are being pulled in so many directions while dealing with chemo. I am praying that your mom's dialysis will NOT be permanent and that your Dad can get home with her when and if it is time. Praying for an easy solution for your daughter.

    Debbie, (foots) I was so glad to hear from you. How are you doing now? Better I hope. How's Faith?

    Anita, has not posted for quite a while but we are still praying for you dear sister. Praying you feel the love from your family, friends and your sisters here.

    Joanne, praying that you will get some answers with this area that is of concern to you. Praising God you are sleeping in your bed and are able to do more things now. You will be looking at all of this in the rear view mirror one of these days very soon.

    27heart, Let's continue to lift up this young woman of 27 years who is trying to grasp the enormity of her diagnosis. I pray that the Lord will fill her with hope and not despair. Peace in place of rage.

    Angie, praying for peace, joy, strength and ability to tolerate Tamoxifen.

    Patoo (Phyliss) thank you for your encouraging posts. How can we best pray for you?

    Kindergarden Kathy, hope you doing well. Continued prayers for your son and his wife for their marriage.

    Artsie, (Evie) prayers for the heart palpitations. Praying they have calmed down.

    Char, are you out there? Praying for you and for your father? How are you both doing?

    Bev, I think she still reads but does not post. Hope you are doing well dear sister.

    Vickie, how are you doing? I pray that you are a big comfort for you good friend who lost her daughter as well.

    Debbie (Ireland) praying that you are still doing well on your new treatment.

    Mags, praying that you and DH are doing well at your cancer support group. Praying that those good habits are still happening. Continued prayers for pain and fatigue.

    Polly, hope you are doing well. Drop in and let us know how you are doing if you feel so inclined.

    Aurora, a new lady who is a friend of Patoo (Pyliss) is having a hip replacement on Oct. 16. She has to stop her chemo for several weeks and this is a risky surgery. Let's start praying for her now as she prepares physically, spiritually and emotionally for this other journey she is on now. She does not post often but we will be glad to pray for her to have a successful surgery, a good recovery so she can resume her chemo several weeks after the surgery.

    Waterstreet, is still finding out her treatment but I would imagine that she will be having some type of surgery soon. She is also a new person that has joined us. Let's be praying for her as I know she had not really received enough needed info on her situation and therefore was having some fear and apprehension which is completely normal when finding our your diagnosis. I pray that once a treatment plan is in place she will know what she needs to do to move forward.

    Ellen, will be having her first of two hip replacement surgeries in the coming weeks. Waiting to hear when her surgery date is. I think she was going to find out today.

    Sheangel, Lynn (mysunshine), and XJersey girl are all recovering from their surgeries. Xjersegirl will be starting chemo this month. She is back to work now.

    I have prayed for every single one of you today. I hope you have a good night's rest. I have purposely not put out a new prayer list because we have had so many new people I am afraid if we saw the whole list we would be overwhelmed. I am still debating on how to deal with that.

    Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2015

    Guide Me

    Dear Lord, I come to You on my knees

    Asking for guidance and help.....Hear me please.

    Give me faith to believe, I do trust You so;

    Lead me and show me which way to go.

    Life is full of decisions to make;

    Carry me when I am ready to break.

    Help me to trust and give into Your care.

    Why do I doubt? I know You are there.

    Through trials , triumph, and life's up and downs

    You always guide me... Your power has no bounds

    Lift me up high no matter what life brings;

    Guide me and teach me wonderful things. By Lori Campbell

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2015

    Beautiful Foots.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    I agree Angie, that was beautiful Debbie.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2015

    More Than I Deserve

    You knocked at my heart,

    I invited You in.

    With love You took over,

    Removed every sin.

    You took away my fears,

    Replaced them with peace.

    You gave me strong faith,

    On my life a new lease.... by Helen Parker

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2015

    Nancy (bandwoman1234) thank you for including me in your prayers . You hit it right on, I need to prepare myself physically, emotionally and spiritually I've been praying more than usual and asking God to forgive my sins and carry me through this trial. Thank you and I'm saying a prayer for you right now.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2015

    God's Undying Love

    Whenever you are sick and discouraged

    And everything seems to go wrong;

    Put Your hand's in the hands of the Savior,

    The hands that are loving, but strong.

    He promised us "strength for the weary,"

    He promised His undying love.

    So, if you think you can't take it anymore-

    Turn your eyes to the Father above. By Helen Ashton

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited October 2015

    I was just going to check in read posts and pray on them and not type anything but after reading them I must say Thank You Jesus for leading to opening up this site in the wee hours of the morning knowing I should be sleep so I can be ready for work tomorrow.

    I received news tonight that my friend, co worker and owner of the studio I work at has been going with her husband for weeks to the doctor to determine what was going on with him. It turns out he has a tumor on his pituritary gland which they will be operating on October 22nd. They believe it to be benign.

    I had a co worker have the same diagnosis a few years back and he passed 2 months ago and I guess it was causing me to be anxious.

    As I was processing that and sending out a response I was textexted by my former partner that the baby she has been longing for for years came 10 days early. She is 45 with a newborn born healthy. She is scared and excited. I thumbed through my notes and sent the scripture Micah 7:7......Kath after reading your post and seeing the scripture posted I know God is working it out as he always is and he just had to send me a sign because he knew i was starting to stress about it. He knows and he is sending comfort, thank you, thank you, thank you...

    It's nice to know that even when I doubt he is working it out and showing me that he has prayer, shower and sleep God Bles

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2015

    Nancy, thank you so much for the prayers

  • Waterstreet
    Waterstreet Member Posts: 96
    edited October 2015


    Thanks for your input, it it quite helpful. I somehow did not Add this sight to my favorites and haven't seen your posts. I love the Lord also. When my husband was shot and killed and I fled California with my then six year old son I actually felt the hands of God on my shoulders as I drove the 1800 miles to get my son to a safer place. Now my son has just turned 32. God is strong in both our lives. I am asking for prayers to help me get through this bump in the road. I come from a family of long livers ( most in the family live well into the 90's). My mother passed last year at 91. I have an aunt who made it to 101 years on my Dad's side, and my geatgrandmother lived to 98. I am the first person in the family with breast cancer, that we know of. My mother's father had prostrate cancer. He passed at 87 years old. I dedicated my son to God the day he was born and so glad I did he is a good person and raising his children knowing our Lord and heeding his word. I am so glad my grandchildren know Him. I know the Lord is on this journey with me and I find myself so full of confusion about this that I sometimes forget he is there. Then something will happen and he says I here with you. I went to bed early last night and am so uptight that I only slept two hours and here I am wide awake. it seems like when they called and said you have cancer I was in a different world and wanting answers yet cannot get them, Its starting to all come together now and I know I can get through this living one day at a time. I know that when things go wrong if I just give my troubles to God its like a new door opens; yet it takes me awhile to realize that. Perhaps I woke up tonight to realize that again. I feel the need to write a book telling the story of my life, I felt it before but let it go after writing about three chapters. I have always felt it would help others to make the right choices in life reading about my lifes choices. Now I have that feeling again. Those first three chapters burned up in my house but they memories are embedd in my mind. I was led to this site tonight and came to rest at your post. Maybe you were the key to open up a task I was meant to fulfill.

    When I got up last night (a few hours ago), I went to post at another forum I visit and I was asking them how to deal with several health issues and canser too. Had any of them gone through that. Then I realized that in asking them for their personal experience in the matter I had answered my own questions. So many illnesses have been popping up at the same time and I am scared as to which to focus on. My dad was on dyalisis for his kidneys for four years before he died, and my kidney functions are failing, Gyn problems are back, high blood pressure, these are related issues to some extent, and now cancer. I think now that in writing that post about concern that my doctors were not on the same page I found that they are infact working together. I gave my problem to God again and I got an answer. Sweet isn't it?

    Thank you for your post. I know God will get me through this now and I have things to do. When I finish the book I will find a way to get a copy to you. I hope this will not upset you. I have to tell you about doctor angel too. I will do that later. Goodnight I think I can sleep now. God bless you I will keep you in my prayers.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    Today I am grateful for Him helping me to quiet my mind. Also for success in cooking some healthy food that hubby actually likes. More later on my quiet time. Love, Jean

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2015

    Dearest Nancy, thank you for always mentioning me in your prayers!! Your prayers are working for my son and daughter in law!! Our Dear Lord is listening and answering, but it will be a long road!! Wait On Him!! Hope you are doing well!!! God Bless you for all that you do for this wonderful thread!!! Beautiful prayer, Foot!!!hope you are doing well!!!

    Nancy, we lived in Pittsbugh for 18 years, and in the Chicago area for 13 years!! We are torn, but will watch the game tonight!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    She, isn't it just like God to show us how much he cares for us and is working in and through us. No coincidences in the way God works.

    Aurora, I used to live and teach in Aurora, IL. They called it the City of Lights. I just looked up the meaning of that word and it means dawn or sunrise. I hope that the Lord allows you to see that you can get through this and you will experience many, many sunrises and when you see the sun come up you can be thankful to the Lord that he has given the gift of another day. We will be praying for your surgery on Friday, Oct. 16.

    Kindergarten (Kathy_, thank you and PTL for answered prayers for your son and DIL. Repairing relationships takes time. How are YOU doing? Did you know that in the movie Back To the Future 2 there is a line in there that apparently got a lot of laughs at the time. I think it was made in 1989 (not sure about that) They say the Cubs will win the series in 2015. Well let's see if the guy was a visionary!

    Angie, how are YOU doing? Continued prayers dear sister.

    Debbie, keep those encouraging posts coming. I am praying for you dear one.

    Mini, hope you get good news on your interview.

    Jean, that is a big praise being able to cook a healthy meal that DH likes. PTL Glad your mind is being quieted as well.

    Kath, praying for a good day at work and that the pain is less and less and you have more energy as the week progress. You will get through this one day at a time, one foot in front of the other.

    Joanne, prayers for complete healing for you dear one.

    Waterstreet, goodness you have had some tragic things happen in your life. I am glad you and your son found safety in another location far away. Those kinds of things change us for life and mold us into who we are. It sounds like you may have a little more info than you did when you initially posted on this thread. I hope so and that you are feeling less scared with your diagnosis. I would not ignore that "feeling" of wanting to write a book. I would say that is the Lord speaking to you. I would imagine that you could write out those three chapters easily again since they are already imprinted on your mind. I have had some strange and scary things happen in my life and my mom was always saying you should write a book. Well, I don't have the skills or the desire to do so but I sure hope that you can see your desire become a reality. I would be honored to read your book. It sounds like you have been able to make lemonade out of lemons and those types of stories are always uplifting to a reader. Once you have a treatment plan in place certainly let us know and we will be praying for any upcoming surgery or whatever your treatment entails. I am glad you set this thread as a favorite because it is hard to find among all the threads if you are not sure where to look.

    Let us know how we can best pray for you.

    It is a glorious day here today and a perfect night for the Cubs to beat the Pirates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay Char, I am still egging you on.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2015

    Thank you to those who asked about my interview. It went very well. It's for the government, so I won't find out for a while if I have it. If I get it, I have to go through a fairly lengthy background check. If I get past that (which I'm sure I would), I wouldn't start training until late Feb. There was one position that started training in January, but I am going to be away for part of February and training requires that you attend all training for 6 weeks. But it sounds like something I can do. I've enjoyed working at the church the last couple of weeks. I wish I were going to do it longer. :-)


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited October 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Just a quick hip replacement is scheduled for Thursday, Nov 5. The Dr. Explained that a combination of a possible bone structure problem combined with teaching for so many years probably explains the severity of the arthritis at my age. I have a slight difference in the length of my legs and that could have been a factor; this can be somewhat adjusted with surgery so walking may be much more comfortable after the surgery.

    Praying for all of you; the request I have for myself is for successful surgery with no complications, and for safety and good health for my mom and my family, since my traveling will be limited for awhile.

    May God bless you with beautiful sunny days, lifted spirits, and the blessing of healing.


  • 27heart
    27heart Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2015

    Thank you everyone who has kept me in your prayers. It's been a little shy of 2 weeks since I was invited to this thread by Phyllis (patoo), and I've kept to my promise of giving thanks and reading the Bible, and praying daily. God had reached out to me and opened my eyes, he had placed so many angels around me (including all of you) and I did not even realise that. As some of you might know, I asked to know God, and I am thankful to finally get to know Him better.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2015

    27, thanks for sharing. It is so wonderful when someone reaches out and feels the love of our Father come down. Love you and please continue to read and pray and let us know how you are doing. I am happily tearing up because satan has lost another. We serve an AWECOME God.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015

    Hi all! I have been reading all the posts, just not writing. My sister has been here since my surgery and she is cleaning out closets and helping me with getting things to a local church thrift shop. I am too tired to write a lot tonight, but will fill you in later about my housing situation. I am felling pretty good since surgery and am thankful for no far. Hopefully not. My back has been hurting a lot! I am wondering if Arimidex could be causing that? I started taking it about 2 months ago. I hsve to lay flat a few times as day and rest my back.

    I do want you all to know I pray for all of you. Add my thanks to you, Nancy, for your wonderful posts and naming everyone. I use that for my prayers. God is good. I thank Him every day.....several times a day. I do have some issues, but am going one day at a time and know that God has a plan for me.

  • Xjerseygrl
    Xjerseygrl Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2015

    Just a quick note to let you know tomorrow morning I go in to have my medi port placed so I will be ready to start chemo on the 15th. Harry and I visited the adult daycare yesterday and he liked it and will be attending 3 days a week beginning next week. PTL everything is working out so I have help with Harry while I am undergoing chemo. I will go thru the posts whIle I'm resting tomorrow.My prayers are with all of you.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2015

    Your Blessing Overwhelm Us, Lord

    Your blessing overwhelm us Lord;

    Your creation gives us life.

    Your passion gives hope and freedom

    To cope with pain and strife.

    Your word is everlasting, Lord;

    Your promises are true.

    Your angels guard and guide us

    In things we say and do.

    You light the path before us , Lord;

    You light the stars at night.

    You send us rain and sunshine

    And give the eagle flight.

    You decorate the seasons, Lord,

    Each one a work of art,

    And cover the earth with flowers

    That cheer and warm the heart.

    Your hear our prayers and answer, Lord,

    In ways we do not know. Your blessing overwhelm us, Lord;

    Until we overflow.. By Clay Harrison

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2015

    In My Heart

    I feel Your love surround me

    As I sit and think of You.

    In theses moments of solitude,

    I feel Your blessing true.

    What have I done to deserve

    All the love You bring?

    I bow in holy reverence

    To You, My Savior and King.

    Please stay with me always--

    I need You everyday

    To show me the one true path

    As You guide me on my way. By Dona Maroney

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Mini, glad the interview went well. Now we'll see if the Lord opens that door for you. Wait on Him.

    Ellen, we will be praying as you go into your Nov. 5 surgery. Praying that you will be prepared in all ways, physically, spiritually and emotionally. We'll be praying that things will be well with your mom during your surgery and recovery.

    27heart, I am glad that Phyliss invited you to this thread. I am glad that you are reaching out to the Lord and He is definitely speaking to your heart. Your whole post has a completely different tone now. God is so good. He wants intimacy with us more than anything. That is why He created us. It can be a sweet relationship if you take time to spend with the Lord and take time to listen to what He has to say to you. It is a beautiful thing. Keep doing what you are doing.

    Lynn, good to hear that you are doing well. I am glad you sister is there helping you. One day at a time and you will get stronger each day. Hang in there. You are getting through this.

    Jeanne, we will be praying for the start of your chemo on the 15th. So glad that you are able to have Harry stay at an adult day car and that he liked it. That is huge. PTL. Praying that you will be feeling good when you start chemo next week.

    Debbie, I love your posts. They are right on. God Bless you sister.




  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited October 2015

    Good morning to everyone! I have missed reading all the posts. I have been in overload. The doctors think mom kidneys were stunned due to the huge amount of diuretics she was given by heart doc for fluid but are not sure yet. She was supposed too me home today but her potassium shot up last night and they've to eye what's going on. My dad is still in nursing home and still wants to come home but he can't right now. It makes me sad but at least there he is cared for and right now I can't do that. Our younger daughter goes back to MD Andrrson one of her prior tests showed some pre cancerous cells and I am just ready to fall apart over this. She has an appt tomorrow for testing. I continue to lift us up in prayer. Have a great day!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    I am so grateful for a good nights sleep last night. Also for being able to attend the first meeting of the chronic disease support group with hubby last night at our church. What a blessed answer to prayer. We watched a video by a woman who was wheelchair bound for many years. Oh good. I'm ok. Going down to msk tomorrow to see the MSK rehab doctor at 53st. to see if they can help with my pain and stiffness. Hard to walk these days. Also going down Monday to see my chemo doc and get an infusion at the breast center. How are you? You must be exhausted.Going to try to do dome exercise today. Prayers for tomorrows appointment with the rehab doctor please. Love, Jean

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2015

    Well when it rains it pours. I accepted the temp job at the church last month. Right after starting it, I got the call for my interview at the federal center. I was very surprised to get that call because it had been almost 4 months since I had sent in my resume. And now, today, I received a call from someone asking me if I was interested in coming to work for them. The job would be a little less money, but also less stress. I interview with them Tues.

    I took it as a sign from God when I got my disability on the first go round. And now it looks like maybe God is telling it's time to go back to work. Or to at least try.

    I'm thinking of you all, especially those going through difficult treatments or recoveries. Your are in my prayers.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2015

    Someone's Watching Over You

    Someone is watching over you

    with the greatest love.

    Someone wants you to be

    happy, safe, and secure;

    Someone considers you

    a wonderful individual

    and care about your needs.

    Someone's making blessing

    for your benefit right now---

    like sunshine for those rainy days

    and rainbows to remind you

    of the promise up ahead.

    Someone's watching over you

    especially today. And He will

    take good care of you. By Barbara Hill

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2015

    The Faith You Can Depend on

    Sometimes its hard to keep your faith

    when life turn your world upside down

    But a foundation built on God's promises

    is a faith you can depend on.

    Sometimes, just reaching out to God

    brings the peace and strength you need

    to stand up, speak out, and take charge

    when life turns your world upside down.

    Because You are special to God

    and building your foundation on Him,

    He'll supply all your needs

    and give you a rainbow of hope.

    When things get in the way

    of living a life that counts

    remember to do a little soul searching

    and spend quiet time with God.

    He will supply you with inner peace

    and give you strength

    to build an even stronger foundation.

    If you stand on His promises,

    it is and always will be the faith you can depend on. By Edward O'Blenis