thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2015

    Mini1, that is great news. So many answered prayers. I'm sure you will do wonderfully and will include in my prayers that your new boss will wonder how they ever did without you!

    Mysunshine, you are a ray of sunshine. How far you've come in a short time. Our God is AWESOME.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2015
    Dear sisters, I just wanted to pop in and say blessings to all of you. Kath, you have especially been in my thoughts and prayers since we heard your bad news, and now I'm so tickled to hear about your markers dropping! Snoopy dance!

    Nancy, DH couldn't believe it when I told him what you wrote about the Cubs winning division. He is from Chicago, so even though he doesn't watch sports, they have a special place in his heart. His first home was a stone's throw from Wrigley Field.

    I have an appointment next week with a neurologist to see if we can figure out and fix whatever makes my hands shake so bad. On the pain side, my sweet PCP has prescribed enough pain med to take as I need it, so that when I need to function, I can. This way I won't be dependent on it but don't panic when it hits its high notes.

    Thank you all for your prayers. You are an awesome community.
  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Congratulations Mini. Remember how you were a little apprehensive about filling in at church and once you got into it you did fine and enjoyed it. I am sure you will do fine. Hopefully you will be a good tired at the end of the day so you can go to sleep without any problems. We will pray that it goes well and that you will really love this new job and getting back into the work force.

    Greta, hope your SE's will be manageable this time around and that your mom starts feeling better. Hope your daughter finds an easy solution to her situation. Praying for extra strength as you deal with all of these challenges.

    Jeanne (xjerseygirl) praying for your start to chemo.

    Aurora, continued prayers as you go into your surgery on Friday.

    Jean, keep looking for the things to be thankful for.

    Lynn, sometimes I have tried to thank God for as many things as I can think of. When it comes to eyes that I can see, ears that I can hear. hands that I can use, legs that can walk I start thinking of those who do not have what I take for granted on a daily basis and it really does help me to get over myself and realize how blessed I really am no matter what challenges I have. We are all blessed on this forum that we have been able to have cancer treatments that we have had where others in some countries may not have pure drinking water let alone cancer clinics for treatments. I know you have been through a lot but you still have a wonderful future full of new and exciting possibilities. You are not tied down with a job now and are free to go wherever. I know it seems very daunting right now but I really do believe that you are going to have a great opportunity of starting over someplace and feeling like you are starting a complete new chapter in your life. It could be a great adventure for you. Stay positive and you are going to do fine.

    I hope all of you have a good night's rest.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Hi Mags,

    I am glad to hear you have pain meds when you need them. I pray that your neurologist can get to the bottom of the shaking and that it will be something that can easily be remedied. I am sure Wrigleyville went crazy last night along with all the Cubs fans. Hope your DH enjoyed the win even though he may not be a sports fan.



  • 27heart
    27heart Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2015

    I haven't posted here this week, though I've been following everyone's posts. I'm glad to know that everyone is well and there's some very good news coming from some of you!

    A minister from the church that my friend has invited me to has reached out to me, he will be praying for me this Sunday. I am looking forward to going back to the house of God with His people!

    Sending cheery vibes to everyone reading this. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers, you are in mine too.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2015

    Congrats Mini, answered prayers. I also suffer from terrible insomnia. Like My sunshine, I found soothing tranquility music that I use during those nights when sleep tries to evade me.

    Amen to the prayer list Nancy has out together for us and lifting up all in prayer

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited October 2015

    Good morning to everyone. Had chemo yesterday besides being loopy I am good for now. Had to have echocardiogram Monday due to herceptin and I am showing minimal signs of decreased function. Have talked to MO yet about these results. Mom doing a little better so far no more dialysis. Working on switching some of her meds. Dad still in nursing home til we can get well over this way.

    Jean hoping the STAR program works for you! Glad you are finished with treatment CONGRATULATioNS!

    Aurora hoping your surgery goes smoothly

    Nancy thank you so much for lifting us up and supporting us as you do.

    Mini1 congratulations on your new job

    My sunshine I have a clock like that. So happy it is helping you!

    Magdalene happy you have found relief from your pain

    27heart wonderful news!

    Jo praying for continued healing for you

    Have a wonderful day!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2015

    Dear Jo-5! I pray that you continue to heal and feel better each and every day!! You have the patience of Job!!

    27heart!! So happy to hear that that the minister of your friend's church has reached out to you!! Our Lord has a wonderful plan for you!!!

    Gretagirl, praying that you continue to have minimal side effects with Chemo!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2015

    I asked for prayers for my husband's cousin about 2 weeks ago. He had just been diagnosed with Stage 4 bladder cancer and given a very optimistic 6 months to 2 years. Sadly, he died early this morning, just 4 weeks after he first went to the doctor. He was just 40 years old. He has a wife and a 6 year-old son. Please pray for his family. Pray especially for his mom. Her oldest son was diagnosed with Lymphoma 2 years ago, and her husband is in the end stages of ALS. They are strong Christians, but that is a lot for one person to deal with.

  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited October 2015

    prayers for you and your family Mini1

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2015

    Dear Lord, so many needs and requests here and my heart is heavy but I know you have this and so I continue to lift up your children and ask that your healing, loving, peaceful blessings rain down on each that they may feel your presence in a way they have not experienced before.

    In the name of our Lord, Jesus, the Christ, I pray, Amen.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2015

    Lord I pray for my friend Phyllis she's always lifting us in prayer but I don't want to neglect her please give her your blessings and fill her with your Spirit in the name of Jesus Ame

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    It's been a busy time at my mom's. Trying to get caught up tonight.

    Aurora, we will be praying for you for your surgery tomorrow. Praying that all of the medical team you see tomorrow will be full of compassion and caring. We pray for the surgeons wisdom and guidance during the surgery. We pray for a successful surgery with good pain control afterwards. Praying that the delay in chemo will not have a negative effect.

    Jeanne (xjerseygirl) praying your first chemo went well

    Jean, praying that your supplements and pain meds will help your hip. Glad it was nothing more serious and hopefully with effective solutions.

    Greta, so glad to hear your mom will not have to be on dialysis any longer. PTL. Continued prayers for your daughter and for you as you deal with the SE's. Praying your Dad will be calm as he is in the nursing home.

    Kath, we will be praying for you for your treatment tomorrow. I know your boys will be with you and I know you will be so glad to see them. PTL for tumor markers going down and I continue to pray that mass into a puddle of nothingness. Praying for pain and nausea and the other SE's you are dealing with. Hang in there my friend.

    Mags, recently a friend of mine from my church who had breast cancer was telling me that she had to stop Tamoxifin because her hands shook so badly she could hardly eat. It was apparently coming from that drug. I am on Arimidex too and I have looked at the SE's list quite a few times and I am not sure if shaking is part of that but I wonder if that could be the problem. Just a thought. I know my friend didn't haven any alternatives as this was a few years ago. Praying it will be resolved.

    27heart, so glad to hear you are growing in your faith and that you the minister of the church you attended is reaching out to you and will be praying for you. God is good. He is answering your prayers of getting to know Him better. Praise God.

    Angie, I will add insomnia to my prayers for you. I had to go on sleep meds to control mine and it doesn't always work but has been pretty effective.

    Lynn, praying for good beginnings for you. Praying for a wonderful new place for you to live when it comes time to move. Praying for strength in the mean time.

    Mini, I am so sorry to hear about your husbands cousin. I have prayed for his family and for his mom as she is dealing with so much.

    Phyliss, prayers for you that God will meet your needs and bless you with peace and joy. Thanks for all of your prayers and encouragement.

    Kathy, prayers for you and continued prayers for you son and DIL's marriage.

    Debbie (foots) continued prayers for you dear sister. Would love to see some of your great posts.

    Lucy, how are you doing? How did your scan results turn out. Prayers for strength for you and for Steve.

    Anita, we love you are care about you. I hope you are feeling the love of family, friends and all of us.

    Joanne, if there is such a thing as a double marathon if not I think you have just created one with the journey you have been on. Right when you think things are starting to calm down........... praying that you are now feeling more comfortable on your pain and nausea meds. I hope you don't have to sleep in your recliner anymore and can sleep in your bed. Hang in there dear sister. You will get through this. Praying for that stubborn red spot. Praying for peace in the midst of the storm.

    This month is pastor appreciation month. Let's give a big thank you to Ellen and Clyde who minister in their church and for all they do for their congregation.

    Let's also give a big thank you to Angie and her DH as they minister in their church. It takes a special type of person to be pastors and pastor's wives. Let's lift these couples up and pray blessings and encouragement into their lives.

    Have a good night's rest everyone. Use those nature sounds or whatever you need to get that sleep.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2015

    Nancy thank you for prayers. I might not be able to update tomorrow after surgery but I'll try to have my daughter post for m

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Aurora, I don't expect you to post for a while but if your daughter can update us that would be great. Praying for peace and calm going into this tomorrow.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    Today I am grateful for sleeping late after a very restless night. Also for an AMAZING experience at the gym. As we ladies were chatting, waiting for a class to end, people began to point and rush over to a man slumped over an exercise machine. I went over and said I was trained in CPR. I checked his wrist and couldn't find a pulse! Then a very upset lady said to me..pray! As she and I were praying he began to come around, regurgitated and regained consciousness. 911 was called and we went into the silver sneakers class. The lady who said to pray came in and introduced herself, said she knows me from church and the man was her fiancee. We hugged and I was able to pray peace over her before they took him in an ambulance to the hospital. God showed me He is able to use me any time and anywhere knowing I was stugging with feeling useless. Wow! Now the challenge is to stay humble and not try to steal the glory only He deserves. No bragging, just gratitude. BYW, just doing the dishes is just as important to Him. Maybe more so. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited October 2015

    Mini woohoo!!!!! PTL

    Jean, way to be grateful for hubbys faith----Lynn, going to down load that app tonight on my phone, thanks. prayers for your hard decisions===Mags, thanks so much dear one. Great news about PCP. My MO gives me plenty, I don't take it as prescribed due to work, but I have peace of mind. --Aurora, specific prayers for a God led surgery.

    Mini, so so sorry-- specific prayers for the whole family. Jo, yes, you and I are what my DH calls me "special" Only 5% of people with uterine cancer who catch it early like I did, and have a hysterectomy have a recurrance of cancer. I struggle with patience as well, getting better at turning it over.

    Greta, I will be loopy tomorrrow, and tomorrrow night and Saturday will have motor mouth --- but one our twins flies in tomorrow for a short fall break and the other will drive down for his-- they will be able to go to chemo with me. I think one especially reallly wants to hear reassurance from my MO

    I would love specific prayers for: a week off tx, most importantly though that I continue to NOT have a reaction to the Abraxene, and it is still working ! I think we go in cycles: three weeks on and week off. My edema and body really need a break. Edema the worst. Even with dieuretics, swollen/ pitting by 10 a.m. and lasts until mornning: gets better at night with feet up, but still there.

    I truly appreciate it. I am finding myself spending much less time watching TV-- only an hour at night verrsus 2-- and spending the other hour reading the bible, my Psalm book, and Jesus Today.

    Love and prayers to all of you: and of course Jo, amen about lifting Nancy up!!!! Nancy, I bet you were a cheerleader or band dancer!!!! You arre truly an amazing leader, and friend to all of us.


    Kath Please excuse spelling errors -- My Ipad is on its way to heaven and I need to get a new one. I don't even use a desktop at home at al

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015

    Still up, trying to make sure I am really tired so I don't lay awake thinking about all that is going on. I had 5 CT scans a couple months ago, plus a colonoscopy and an endoscopy, due to a high CEA tumor marker. Although, than the Lord, nothing was found, it is time for more bloodwork for tumor markers again. So stressful. I meet with my MO in a couple weeks to go over results. I pray so much that the CEA marker is down to normal. It scares me so much.

    Kath, Praying for you as you have chemo tomorrow and that you do not have a reaction.....also,for your edema to get better. Yes, still want to meet, but only when you are up to it.

    Nancy, you are so organized. I use your list for my prayer time. I wish I could meet everyone of you and give you hugs.

    Sleep well, wonderful ladies.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2015
    Sweet sisters, blessings all around. Kath, praying for an easy tx tomorrow. Sunshine, for low tumor markers. Jean, what a blessing you were in the place you were planted! Have you read the old classic The Practice of the Presence of God? Your remark about doing dishes being important brought that to mind. Jo, praying that you will continue to heal and find appropriate modalities of therapy. Greta, for minimal SEs. Aurora, for your surgery tomorrow, that God will guide the hands that minister to you.

    And Nancy, dear Nancy, you are the glue that holds us together, for which we are all deeply grateful. Praying that your time with your mom will be blessed and not stressed as it sometimes has been. Don't push yourself too hard.

    I can't lay the shaking at the feet of arimidex, as it predates the cancer by quite some time. It progressively gotten worse and my left hand is almost useless for holding anything. I know what the PCP is thinking, but I don't want to give voice to it.

    Getting old (especially old & sick) is not for sissies.
  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2015

    Still up but not in fear just don't see the point of sleeping to wake up in two hours. Thank you for the prayers! You are my sisters and I praise the Lord for your faith and support.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    Grateful today for hubby bringing me coffee. For my friend coming later to clean. For some answers to the source of my pain. The xray showed moderate to severe degeneration of my left hip joint. I have asked Jesus to keep me from having to get a joint replacement. That seems way too daunting. Praying for you all as I read. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited October 2015

    Good evening and Happy Friday everyone! No chemo today: it was my off week: only labs. Wont get another tumor marker for anotherr 3 weeks. I am learning though! Was tellling Nancy that I have pretty severe edema.

    Myy RN brought in myARNP because my left foot/ leg bigger than right so they sent me off for a doppler to rule out clot. Amazing how WE know our bodies. I KNOW it is from the chemo: anyway, no clot, PTL

    Have an appointment Monday with my Christian surgeon who I love who did my hysterectomy: is also MO, to help with vaginal discomfort.

    Boys home, PTL and I am feeling so blessed.Mags, prayers it is something manageable easily-- Lucy, you are so good at giving praise and gratitude :) Aurora, prayers for you, especially that you feel His presence with you.

    I hope everyone enjoys the weekend, be good to yourself no matter where you are in tx.

    In His Name,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Aurora, praying that your surgery went well and that you are now resting comfortably with pain meds allowing you to sleep. Hang in there dear sister. You will get through this.

    Mags, I guess Arimidex gets a pass on this. Hopefully you will get some answers when you see your neurologist.

    Jean, your situation with the man needing 911 was something. Glad you were there to help and to pray. Thank you for friends who came to clean for you. A true blessing.

    Lynn, praying for peace as you wait on this tumor marking test.

    Kath, so glad you didn't have a treatment today so your body can have a bit of rest. I pray you have a great time with your boys. Praying against these uncomfortable SE's and praying you can get some relief soon. No I was not a cheerleader and certainly not a band dancer. I was IN the band and we had a good time.

    Joanne, praying you have a much improved weekend.

    My mom and I went to visit my Aunt Betty who fell and broke her hip and had surgery last Friday. I would appreciate your prayers for her. She will be 88 in a few months and this is a tough surgery for her age. She is in a lot of pain and is fighting discouragement as she has had one major thing after another this past year. She is a strong Christian but is struggling with all of the challenges she has had this past year. When I told her I had posted a prayer request for her last week she was truly touched. If you could take a moment to pray I know it would help and she would truly appreciate it and so would I.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend and can enjoy it even with SE's and for those recovering from surgery and those who are facing surgery in the near future


    Love you all,


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2015
    Blessings, dear sisters. Jean, I can commiserate with you on arthritis pain, having both shoulders and both knees badly degenerated. Firm what my MO tells me, hip replacements have a much higher success rate than shoulders. But there are so many things they can do before it gets to that point.

    Kath, glad you have a week off. Hope you have a great time with your kids. Nancy, sending up prayers for Aunt Betty. Aurora hope someone will let us know how surgery went.

    Sleep well dear sisters.
  • 27heart
    27heart Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2015

    Nancy, I have prayed for aunt Betty too. Hope she feels better soon. Hugs.

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited October 2015

    Mags, I've had essential tremors in my left hand for 22 years. It's gotten much better with Propranol and watching all meds very carefully. Some SE don't show up for months, even a year. We recently changed a med and my tremors have been very slight but with another recent change here they are back. It's a trial figuring them out. Hang tight and I'll keep you in my prayers.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    Grateful today for sunshine and fall colors. Also for getting back to sleep after being up worrying about possibly needing a hip replacement. Grateful for my wonderful chemo doc who called me last evening concerned about my pain. She convinced me to make an appointment with the rehab doc to get an injection in rhe hip and to make an appointment with the surgeon at Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC for an evaluation. She is a top doctor at Sloan Kettering, yet took time on a Friday evening to reach out to me! Oh me of little faith, why do I doubt. Forgive and restore me dear Jesus. Love, Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015

    Praying for Aunt Betty. Also for you, Nancy, as you care for your mom and Aunt Betty while dealing with your own issues. May God give you extra strength and stamina. Also for Mags that your arthritis pain is tolerable. Jean, how thoughtful of your doctor to call and check on you. I hope you can find some good solutions to fix your pain. Aurora, praying that you are resting well after surgery. Keep hydrated. Kath, enjoy your children. I miss mine so much! Phyllis, thank you for your prayers for all of us. May God keep you in his care so you can continue to enjoy all the activities you love to do.

    Happy weekend everyone.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    I am trying to accept the possibility that I might need hip replacement. Surrendering to God's plan and trusting He has all my needs in that area already in control. Praying for all as I read. Thank you all for your prayers. God is so good. Love, Jean

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2015

    I'm fine PTL. Can't type too much bc of the drugs. Thanks for prayer