thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Praying for new posts today and the needs.

    Will post more tomorrow.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    Grateful today for my stepson driving me to my appointment with the rehab doctor at Sloan Kettering. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Greta, you are being pulled in so many different directions. I pray that your mom will get to come home soon. I pray that your Dad will get more adjusted to the nursing home and I pray for the testing your daughter is having today. Praying for an easy solution for her. Praying for you as all of these challenges are swirling around you besides your own. Dear sister, I pray that the loving arms of Jesus will scoop you up and surround you with love and mercy and strength during this difficult time.

    Kath, praying for your chemo today and that those tumor markers go WAY down. We are all lifting your arms up through this journey. Remember to take care of YOU while you continue to work and have your weekly chemo. God loves you and knows exactly what you need right now. Ask Him to meet your needs for today.

    Jean, praying that this rehab doctor will be able to shed some light on your pain issues and that they will be able to do some things that will be helpful to you and relieve this pain.

    Mini, it seems like when we have tough decisions to make this happens so often that things get more complicated on the journey. I am praying that God will show you very clearly what you are to do in these different jobs that are presenting themselves to you.

    27heart, praying that you are still reading your Bible and giving God thanks. Two great things to help anyone get through anything.

    Aurora, praying for your upcoming hip replacement.

    Jeanne, praying that you are preparing for your beginning of chemo next week.

    Joanne, continued prayers for peace and complete healing.

    Debbie, thank your for your inspirational posts. I love that phrase and he will give you a rainbow of hope. I pray for all of us today that He will give us all a rainbow of hope in our individual situations.

    Have a wonderful day.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2015

    Nancy thank you for the prayers. Today I went to my pre-op appointment to fill paperwork and have blood drawn up (7 tubes!).

    Surgery is next week Friday I'm feeling at peace for the most part except at night but I pray and it subsides.


  • 27heart
    27heart Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2015

    Nancy, thank you for keeping me in your mind. Yes I am still following through with Bible reading, giving thanks, and praying daily. God has been really kind towards me, and im so thankful that I'm finally getting to really know him. My friends have invited me to church this weekend, I'll probably be going for service if I feel well. Just had my 5th taxol infusion today.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2015

    Aurora and 27, I'm so thrilled to read posts from both of you. God is truly working in your lives.

    Nancy, Kath, thank you so much for all you do on this thread. I'm so touched by reading from everyone and am keeping you in my prayers even as I type.

    'And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus' - Phil 4:7,8

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2015

    Dear Nancy, I did see the movie, but don't remember that line!! Wow, God's timing is perfect!!

    Hi, 27heart, love your name! Our lesson last week in our Bible Study, focused on the Heart, physically and spiritually!!!

    Thank you. Patoo, for that beautiful passage!! So needed it today!!

    God Bless You All!! Have a very Blessed Weekend!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    I wanted to share some good news from Kath.

    "won't get tumor marker score until Monday: BUT I know it is down. My oncologist was AMAZED at the difference in my abdomen: He really had to press HARD for me to feel any discomfort. His words "You are obviously responding extremely well to treatment" I think we will know after next Friday how many more."

    From a message after this one she said she thinks she will have chemo off and on for a while. Probably three weeks on and a week off. She will probably get a port as this could go on for some time.

    Let's continue to lift her up. I know she appreciates all of your prayers. As you know she is continuing to work during this time. The steroids makes her feel strange so she asked me to post for her tonight.

    27heart When I was a new Christian I remember being advised to read the book of John as a good starting point. I am really not sure what your background is. I know on my cancer journey this past year and half I have gotten to know the Lord on a deeper level. He wants so much to have an intimate relationship with his children. I hope you feel like going to church with your friends. Praying that your treatments are going well and the side effects are manageable.

    Aurora, we will all lift you up going into your surgery on Friday, during and afterwards. Yes, the nighttime is sometimes difficult. If you have some special verses you know on fear that would be a good time to repeat those over and over. "He has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind."

    Phyliss, thank you. You are an encouragement to all of us.

    Kathy, maybe the Cubs didn't get that memo. LOL Oh well it is only one game down. Tomorrow is another day. The comedian Bob Newhart is a Cub's fan and from Chicago. They quoted him in the paper the other day saying the Cubs teach us lessons in life. I think he meant you get knocked down and you keep getting up. That is what Cub's fans have done their whole lives. A good lesson for all of us. Just a side note. I had Bob Newhart's niece and nephew in my elementary band many years ago. His nephew ,Paul Britton was a regular on Saturday Night Live for a while. He was very quiet when I had him in band. You just never know!


    This is that rainbow of hope.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2015

    He Loves You!

    It's amazing and incredible,

    But it's as true as it can be,

    God loves and understands us all

    And that means you and me---

    His grace is all sufficient

    for both young and old,

    For the timid and bold---

    His love has no exceptions,

    So never feel excluded,

    No matter who or what you are

    Your name has been included--

    And no matter what your past has been,

    Trust God to understand,

    And know matter what your problem is

    Just place it in His Hands----

    For in all of our unloveliness

    This great God loves us still,

    He loved us since the world began

    And what's more, He always will! Helen Steiner Rice

  • 27heart
    27heart Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2015

    Footprintsangel - that's beautiful.

    Nancy - I had wanted to start with the Psalms, based on recommendations by some others here, but I have never read the Bible in full before and I wanted to know God from the start, so I started with Genesis. God's creations are so beautiful.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2015

    God be In My Head

    And in my understanding;

    God be in my eyes

    And in my looking;

    God be in my mouth,

    And in my speaking;

    God be in my heart,

    And my thinking;

    God be in my end,

    And my departing. Sarum Primer

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    27heart starting with Psalms is good. I have periods of time where I spend a lot of time in Psalms. Understanding the creation of the world in Genesis is powerful. You will start to learn more and more of God's character and that is the rich part. We start to realize how much he loves us beyond what we could ever imagine. In reading John you start to learn of Jesus character and all of the stories of healing and the miracles he performed. There is certainly not a right or wrong way to go about it. There are study courses which goes into chapters in depth so there are many ways to grow in the Lord with the Bible. The most important thing is that you are doing it. It is going to be such a help to you as you go through your treatments. I'm excited for you.

    Thank you for your posts Debbie. They are always giving us a jewel of wisdom.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    Nights are hard for me also. I am fighting discouragement. Over 5 hours in the car yesterday to see the rehab doc who is getting an xray of my right hip on Monday while I am again in NYC to see the chemo doc and get my next to last herceptin / perjeta infusion. He doesn't want to deal with my knee issue at all and has prescribed 2x weekly physical therapy. I now have to find somewhere nearby since a 5hr drive down to Sloan Kettering 2X every week is just too much for me to handle. He also prescribed 3 supplements for the neuropathy and inflammation if my chemo doc approves them on Monday. I am trying to remain hopeful. He doesn't even want to see me again for a few months. At this point I am just trying to get through one day at a time. Please keep me in your prayers. As always you dear ladies are in mine. Praying right now for sweet sleep for those who are awake and struggling. Love, Jean

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited October 2015

    Cubs? Who are they my friends? I leave here for a few months and come back to Nancy yelling Go Cubs! Not gonna happen in Texas!

    Just got caught up with everyone. Blessings and peace through the night please. BBL....

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited October 2015

    Jean, I'm so sorry for your disappointment. There has been a lot of sadness on this thread in the last few months. I lost my faith for awhile myself. So, just go for it. Try whatever he said. And I'll go out on a limb and say those AI's come with some bad things! I'm have lipo on my knees next month. Can't wait! Please be okay!

    Love to you all....

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    This morning I was thinking if the king who went to Elijah to be cured of leprosy and got angry when Elijah's messenger told him to wash 7 times in the river. When he finally did it he was cured. So I will follow the rehab doc's prescription and stop my pity party. Today I'm grateful for the smack upside my dumb head. Thank you Jesus. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited October 2015

    Who here has "for thou art with me: The Healing Power of Psalms by Sameul Chiel and Henry Dreher?

    Jean, specific prayers for you this day.

    I am well: up until 4 am due to decadron, other than that, okay. Please keep those prayers coming!!! Gratitude for NO reaction to abraxane, gratitude for it working, gratiude for all of you



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    I have a prayer request. My aunt who is going to be 88 in January fell yesterday and broke her hip and had to have surgery. I will be leaving for my mom's tomorrow. My aunt lives in the same town as my mom.

    Polly, I could use some of those crazy pills about now! Good to hear from you. I take it you are not a Cub's fan.NerdyPrayers you can get back to God after a dry spell. Hope things go well with your knees.

    Jean, prayers for you against discouragement and for wisdom. I sent you a PM

    Kath, prayers that you will have a comfortable day with SE's managed. Praying for a drastic reduction in those tumor markers!

    I have a lot to do today and not sure when I will be able to check in again. I will be praying for all of us.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2015

    Dear Nancy, Prayers for your dear Aunt and for safe travel as you attend to her!! How fortunate were Bob Newhart's niece and nephew to have you as their teacher and role model!!

    Dear Jean, it is OK to vent!! You are God's child and He is the best parent that listens and understands!!

    Dear Mema, love your Avatar!!

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2015

    Went to church this morning. It was nice to be in God"s house before my hospital stay. It will probably be a while before I'm able to go again


  • Gretagirl
    Gretagirl Member Posts: 129
    edited October 2015

    Hello Everyone. Mom home from hospital hoping she can stay well and gain some strength. Whitney home from MD doc said she looks good but have to wait for labs in about week or two. Dad still in nursing and really wants to come home but he will have to be there for now. I am hanging in there and scheduled for next chemo Wednesday.

    Kath very happy to hear your good news.

    Nancy thank you so for the prayers!!!

    Jean hoping that the melds help you with the pain.

    For everyone dealing with so much and cancer too my prayers to each of you. I ask God to be with us all to strengthen us and hug us close to feel HIM and show us how to get through each day.

    Love to all and hope y'all have a wonderful weekend

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    Kath I am humbled by your prayers for me in the midst of your difficulties. Same to all who are lifting me up. I've been cranky as an old bear. Not in a good place today. My poor hubby. Jo how are you doing? Love, Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015

    I, too, so appreciate this thread and all you wonderful women. I have been depressed lately with things going on in my life. I moved to a new area 2 years ago to start my life in a new direction after a divorce a few years ago. I was able to get a teaching job and worked with special needs children. Then, last January, I first broke my leg, 3 weeks later, my mom passed away and a week later, my diagnosis. So, double MX, chemo, and 2 weeks ago, reconstruction. I had to leave my job. I rented when I moved here and now the owners want to sell and I have to move. I am overwhelmed. My daughter is bipolar and having problems. So is my grandson. They live 10 hours from me. Then, I feel guilty since I am so thankful for doctors and medicine and not having problems with surgery. I get so scared about BC. I don't know where to look to move. I hsve found that this area is very expensive and I probably cannot stay here. My daughter's husband's job is one where he has to move every few years so going where they are is not a good choice. My son is career Navy and he and his family move every three years. I am so sad, lonely and scared. I keep praying for all of you and asking God for guidance.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2015

    Lord Jesus, please help sunshine. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Know that when I drive to my mom's tomorrow I will be lifting you up. It is a good three hours so I have plenty of prayer time.

    Kathy, thank you for your prayers and your kind words. Actually my aunt has two daughters that live in the same town so she will be taken care of, I go down as part time caregiver for my mom who will be 90 this Monday and is still living alone with dementia. We have some caregiving in place but not much. I spend about a third of the year with her to keep tabs on her and my sister lives in the same town and does the weekly things for her. My aunt is the only sibling my mom has left out of nine children. My aunt is the youngest and my mom second youngest of all of their siblings. I will have to see how my aunt is doing.

    Aurora, glad you made it to church. We will continue to pray for your surgery for next Friday.

    Greta, I am so glad your mom got to come home. I know the wait will be hard to see what your daughter's situation is. Praying for peace in the midst of the storm. Praying for your chemo on Wed.

    Jean, praying that you will wake up tomorrow feeling completely different. I am always amazed at how that happens in my life. One day I am flying around on my broom and the next flying around with the doves. lol Praying for your pain issues as well.

    Lynn, I won't go into detail but I am going to give you a Reader's Digest of the darkest time in my life. I had just gotten back from Mayo Clinic with several diagnoses and I had the summer to recuperate and get back to my teaching job. I was so not ready to start that school year but I did. I got a call from my landlord where I had rented for almost 10 years with no lease ever. They said their ailing sister was moving into my apt and I had 30 days to get out. I had just started the school year and I felt like the rug had totally been pulled out from under me. I got out in less than 30 days and from there the Lord worked so many miracles for me it was just unbelievable. I am in my house now and I own it free and clear. All paid up. God turned the worst year of my life into the most fantastic blessings and I will never forget that terrible/wonderful year of my life way back in 1990-1991. I am going to pray that these things will happen for you so when you look back on this time you will see how the Lord made a way where there didn't seem to be a way. We will pray for wisdom in a place to stay for you.




  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015

    Through my tears, I thank you. I will put my faith and trust in God.

    I am praying for a safe trip for you, Nancy.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2015

    zj, 'cranky as an old bear' brought a smile to my face. We have to sometimes laugh at ourselves. Tell your DH he has my sympathy and my prayers.

    sunshine, see my PM answer to you a few minutes ago. The Lord will work it all out for you, I can feel it.

    Can't wait to get to church tomorrow morning and leave prayers for all of you at the altar. John 16:33 says 'In me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation.' Please my friends, stay in the Word and don't let this world steal your peace.

    Blessings all.

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited October 2015

    Nancy, no matter, you haven't lost your sense of humor and that's wonderful. Flying on the broom and then down with the doves! Sounds like a country song but we soooo get it. I was teasing you about the Cubs....I know some die hard fans! I'm more football than baseball but I'd love to see the Cubs play. I'll put it on my bucket list.

    Sunshine, I so wish I could come help you. I, too have been suffering and worrying with an older, and only, child all summer and it has almost killed me, thus the avatar. Lost my faith, could care less if I lived or died. Cried a lot. After several months I finally just told God I was too tired and couldn't pray anymore, that whatever needed to be done I would do it, just show me what to do. He didn't show me anything with her. But, something kept telling me to get help. And when I started thinking really dark thoughts it woke me up enough to reach out. My neurologist had put me on a new med to control hand seizures and they were really helping but as with any drug, you have issues. Anyway, long story short, I searched for weeks and finally found a psychiatrist, not a psychologist or talk therapist. But someone that could tap into my chemistry issues and emotional issues. I don't like the diagnosis I've been given but we're working on it. But I still don't listen well or do my very best but I'll get there. Now, she's working on sleep issues with me. It's all weird but I'm going to do it because if I don't, it won't be cancer that is going to get me.

    Through the last six months, I've been ranting and upset with our Lord but I never denied Him. Even at my craziest I can't do that so guess I'm not as crazy as I thought. Praying and reading when your mad is hard. I never want to go there again. But if I can help you in any way please message me. You can't help others if you aren't okay in all ways. Especially when mental health issues are at stake. So take care of you first. Please. My phone number is 214-755-1246 and my email is if you need to talk or if anyone needs something. That's right. I just posted personal info. But I trust each of you and the hell you've been through and are going through in some cases.

    I'm right here if needed. And I believe together we are indeed God's best. Love and blessings!

    P.S. Jean, good luck sweetie! Go Cubs!

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2015

    Successful living requires courage. Perhaps cour-

    age is a basic life quality which God gives us.

    since it is of spirit. Moments may come when

    courage alone shall stand between us and disas-

    ter. In the long pull across the years there will be

    times when we shall need dogged courage to

    keep us going when the going is hard. And what

    is the source of such rugged courage? Surely

    that sense of God's presence when you hear

    Him say," I am with you always."

    My Bed Is A Boat

    My bed is a boat;

    Nurse help me when I embark;

    She guide me in my sailor's coat

    And starts me in the dark.

    At night, I go on board and say

    Good -night to all my friends on shore;

    I shut my eyes and sail away

    And see and hear no more.

    And sometimes things in my bed I take,

    As prudent sailors do;

    Perhaps a slice of wedding cake,

    Perhaps a toy or two. Robert Lewis Steveson

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2015

    Dear sisters, I check in daily but I'm still not in a great place. But reading tonight I feel the need to repost my favorite piece, and hope you will find meaning in it for yourselves. Foots, I remember my mom reading that poem from A Child's Garden of Verses and the imagery so clear. Thanks for the memory.
