thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Sorry I didn't have a chance to respond to your posts yesterday but I did pray for all the new posts and requests. My neighbor needed someone to talk to so I spent quite a bit of time talking to her. She is dealing with panic attacks and she just needed to talk so we were outside late last night freezing while she helped me to get my garbage out.

    Lucy, PTL that your offer on the new home was accepted. I have been praying that many will step up and help you both pack and move. God is providing. Continued prayers for both of you.

    Kathy, glad to hear that your gum surgery went well.

    Jean, praying that if you have to have some dental work that it will not be a big deal.

    Waterstreet, praying that you can make it through your treatments. I hope tomorrow is your last day of this intense radiation.

    Lisa, praying that you can keep your eyes fixated on the Lord and that he will take away all your fear. I have prayed for this lady in England with the thyroid cancer. I am having a thyroid ultra sound at the beginning of December as I have rather large benign nodules and it has to be checked on to see if surgery is in the picture. I pray that your friend has good treatment and will have a good prognosis.

    Kath, praying many times for you today that the special nausea IV will help you get through this tough time.

    Joanne, got some good news today. I will let her share that with you.

    Lynn, I guess we need to remind each other to continue to drink lots of water!

    Mini, I have prayed for your situation a lot this year regarding a possible job for your DH and then your present situation. I know that the Lord has not brought you this far to abandon you. I know that in our humanness we can beat ourselves up for all sorts of things that are out of our control. I pray that you will NOT do that. It took much courage to go off of disability and try a full time job so I say you are a brave woman. So this job didn't work out.............that doesn't mean the next one won't. Are you still interested in this Federal position? I remember maybe a year ago I think, you mentioning a possibility of starting your own home made soap business. I think that was you wasn't it? Maybe the Lord has something in mind along those lines where you could be in control of your time and your energy level. I am sorry that this job didn't work out but I will continue to pray that something will open up for you and that you can clearly have direction from the Lord.

    I am trying to get things taken care of before leaving for my mom's for a week. It will all fall into place as it always does but there has been quite a few detours lately which has eaten up a lot of my time. I will be leaving on Monday and return the following Monday. Then I will be here for three weeks and then back with my mom for three weeks. For the new ladies here I spend about four months out of the year and help my mom as she has dementia and still living along in her house. She lives three hours away.

    Thank you for all of your kind words. I do hope the prayer list will help to keep our little online family united and connected and lifted up. Have a restful night.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Jo, I am so blessed that you have been reassured by your trusted doctor. I will certainly be keeping you in my prayers.

    I have been stressed, trying to think of a way to stay in my home while recovering from hip replacement. The only feasible plan would me to stay in a room where there is a walk in shower on the first floor. There are also only 7 steps to get there from ground level. The issue is that my hubby has used that room for years as an exercise and model making storage room and it is a mess. I asked him if he would clear out his stuff and let me use it for a few months. He said he will let me know. Please pray for God to soften his heart and let me use it. Love, Jean

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2015

    Hi friends and sorry I haven't posted for a while. After seroma came a VRE bacteria which is an antibiotic resistant bacteria which can be transmitted through contact. I don't have an infection because the bacteria is dormant or as they call it "colonized" but it can still be transmitted hence why no nursing facility accepted me back except the one where I probably picked up said bacteria. So in conclusion I'm going home this morning and although I'm happy to be going home I'm bitter sweet because of feeling worried about transmitting the bacteria to my family. We will just have to be extra careful with hygiene and please pray for God to protect my family, specially my 4 year old grandson . Thank you for being here for me.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Thanks for the prayers ladies. God has heard your prayers and hubby has agreed this morning to let me use the downstairs room for my recovery. Hoping all have a blessed day. Aurora, welcome home. Praying for safety for you and family from this bacteria. May Jesus blood be your shield. Love, Jean

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2015

    That's good news JO-5 and praying for your continued healing and strength.

    Aurora, sorry about the bacteria. Is there any way at all to rid it from your body? Praying that it will remain dormant and not transmit to others.

    Hi all, sitting here and sending up intercessory prayers for you with our Father.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2015

    Thank you Nancy for the kind words of encouragement. I needed them today. I'm still debating on whether to try for the federal job. I don't know if my self-esteem can take another hit if I can't do it. I know that it is satan whispering that I am a failure and I try to ignore it, but... My husband is encouraging me to develop my business and find other creative outlets. On the plus side, since I'm not working, I will be able to spend all of Feb and some of March in FL with my sister.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2015

    Mini1, our Lord will guide you. Just hold on to His promises. Where in FL is your sister?

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2015

    So wonderful to read how Jesus continues to bless all of us through all of lifes "challenges".  He is amazing, and it is a comfort to watch others share their own personal struggles, and victories in the Walk.

    I did not get chemo today:  yesterday I dragged myself in and found out I was dehydrated:  I had dry heaves daily even with the patch, zofran, etc.  So I got a few hours of IV fluid, enmed for nausea,  woke  up and could not move until I had a zofran pill.  

    So this morning I got another round of the same:  plus iron, and steroid.  I have an appointment for tomorrow and Sunday:  DH feels like I need to go:  But I am so swollen it is really uncormfortable.  We shall see.

    He has been with me every tiime I have reached out to him.  I feel his presence, his strength, and I know He has cured me.  I will have chemo next Friday while the boys are here.  So thankful for so much.  They will also do tumor marker then.  Maybe then a break for scans--  but, that is my plan. We shall see what His is!

    I cant name everyone now, but tonight I stopped and prayerd for each of you as I read your posts:  Mini, I think, wow, what a blessing in disguise!  He is putting you where you will thrive.  jean, Jo, Lucy, wow.  warriors.

    Nancy, as always,  you are amazing.  I know you will cram a ton into getting ready to go see mom:  DONT overr do it!  And thank you for your amazing prayers:  I thank all of you:  I really feel them!



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    I am grateful today for less pain than when I woke up. Also thanking God for my great granddaughter Valentina being home from the hospital after 3 days on IV antibiotics for a UTI. Love, Jean

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2015

    Greetings Dear Sisters of Faith,

    I know I have been MIA for a good while but I have rarely a moment to do much then get up, go to work and come home late, get somethings done and start all over again. I am so happy to see so many new folks on here. Welcome to all the newcomers. I know that it was not by chance that you found this support group but by divine intervention. God has brought everyone here for such reason.

    I am able to right because God slammed me into a sick bed Thursday evening and I am finally crawling out of it on Saturday morning. I was supposed to go to a support group meeting and luncheon with my husband today but feel I should stay away since these people are fighting pulmonary disorders and they do not need my presence there. I have not been sick like this for probably a good 6 years or so. Not fun but an instant weight loss of 7 pounds. I did get some food in me this morning. And wonder why mint ginger ale only tastes good to me when I am sick. Must be a childhood thing. Anyway, no running for me this weekend. God knows best.

    I try to keep up in reading prayer requests and what has been taking place. Thank you again Nancy for being there to keep it all together. I know God will reward you for all you do here, in your life and with your mother. I pray your trip will be uneventful and a pleasant one this time around when you go to see her. Even God knows we need rest in the storm. So sometimes its good we are in the center of the hurricane for awhile.

    Mini: I pray that you not despair. I have been teaching for 40+ years and satan has been trying to make half of us feel like failures this year by introducing some new evaluation system that keeps us up well past 1AM and rising at 4AM to complete only to have the data lost or disappear. Not very encouraging. I had to come to peace with it and realize that it is not what makes me a good teacher and basically set my sights elsewhere. You are special in God's eyes and he has a wonderful plan for you. You took a chance and now you move forward and don't take a step back. Faith is walking is walking in all the darkness and taking one step more. So take that step and you will find the light of your mission in life. God has one for each of us at every stage in our life.

    Ladies: I marvel at each of you as you bounce from one situation to the other in your life. From decisions, to surgeries, to new plans of attacks, to selling and buying homes. You are all super women in my book. I gave a testimony on all of you at our school annual breast cancer awareness day that my guidance counselor and I do for Susan G, Komen. I cried and I shared my own story and many people were surprised to find what I had experienced. I told them that they have fellow colleagues here that are or have been fighting breast cancer and many of you do not know it. I told the young women who scoff at me at times that this is not a cancer of just the older women and about losing Kate W, Becky and dear Sue. How they left behind family, children and spouses. I hope they got the picture. This is a cancer that seems to be fought in silence and I will not be silent about it. Women are warriors and they keep their pain and suffering silent an sucks it up so everyone thinks this cancer is not as bad as is. So I will continue to be a voice for all of you and all of my friends here and those I meet and I have met many through gardening and running. Praise God for allowing me to meet and pray with them.

    Okay.. I rant enough. Thank you Jo for sharing the plan of salvation and don't ever feel it is not a place to share. If God convicts, it is meant to be shared. I appologize to to our new member that has opened her heart to God. I would have to go back a distance to see which one it is. Please know that you do not have to tell God about yourself because he already knows every thing about you from your creation to your end of life. He knows every intimate detail of your life and how many hairs are on your head. But he delights in you opening yourself to him in daily communication. I am so happy that you have accepted him in your life as this life is temporary but what he has in store for you is beyond imagination.

    A quick update. Yep. Still running and just finished a 10 miler with a new personal record. It was pretty hard on the knee as I ran much faster than I use too. I have a turkey trot on Thanksgiving that I am running with my 10 year old niece. Her first official 5k. We are wearing turkey headbands. I will be backing off and just maintaining my conditioning and hopefully will find some time to do some weight lifting again over the winter till my spring half marathon. Here I am at my 10 miler with my nephew. It was a perfect day to run. (Nancy: Note my life verse which you just posted on my bib.)


    My dad is still with me. Hard to believe it has been almost a year now. He has bounced back from us nearly losing him in August to his bleed out on Coumadin. My hubby is dealing with his new diagnosis.One of 20,000 identified with probably 80.000 to 100,000 who like him have been given some other incorrect pulmonary diagnosis.They say his was caught early although he has been categorized as double rare if there really is such a thing. He has to go once a week for the rest of his life for an infusion at a local cancer center. There are two others in our area that also are receiving this treatment. Bless his heart, he bought a new bike so he can do some cycling with me. It is much lighter and easier to ride then what he currently has

    I am so grateful to God for what he has given me. I watched this video of a 86 year old woman by the name of Joy Johnson who took up running at age 59 the same age I did and was a former PE teacher. She would get up at 4 am and read her Bible and pray and she started walking on a track, then worked up to running, going to various races. She eventually ran many marathons and always ran the NY marathon up until 2013 when her family talked into making this one her last. She fell late in the race but managed to finish. She always showed up GMA or Today on the street on Monday morning after the race. She came there that last time went back to her hotel room very tired and took a rest and never awoke. She was asked when she would stop running and why she did it. She said she would probably keep running until she died and she finally figured out after so many years why she ran. She said it was because of the see what was around the next corner or up ahead.. So ladies keeping going because God wants you to see that there lies ahead a destination for each of you filled with possibility.

    Love in Christ,


    Just a note that SaltyJack (Bev) is doing well. she is busy with her dog fostering and her food bank at her church where she serves as an officer. She has moved to an outreach church of her current church and has found it to be more of a blessing. She has finished all of her breast reconstruction and all went well. She is back running again and is planning to run her first 5K. It was supposed to be in the fall but I think it is now in the spring. She Deborah and I keep in touch. She would want all of you to know that she keeps you in her thoughts and prayers. She would be happy to know that you continue to pray for her husband's salvation.

    PS: Thank you Patoo and Kindergarten for coming back and being of support and encouragement for all of these ladies. I know that it means alot to know that there is light at the end of all of this.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Here is the latest pic of my sweet great granddaughter Valentina Jean, born just before Christmas last year in the midst of my chemo. God's timing is perfect. Love, Jean


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies. I will check in later. Char, I sure hope you are feeling better. It is great to hear from you. I have had Bev on my heart for several days. Did she have another reconstruction?

    Kath, praying that these fluids will help to give you strength. When I have been dehydrated in the past I was so sick I could hardly move. No wonder you have been struggling. Praying you have a great time with the boys.

    Joanne, praying that you are going to be on the road to recovery without anymore complications or worries.

    We are having our first snow storm so I thought this one appropriate.




  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2015

    Cute photo Jean. How she has grown and how adorable.

    Nancy: Bev only had one construction but had to go in for a bit of fill in here and there and her breast tatoo was the final stage. So that is what I mean by completion.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Jean, we must have posted at the same time. Your post wasn't there when I started mine and I was in a big hurry. Valentina has grown so much since we saw a pic of her. She is a cutie. Hope her mom is doing okay now.

    I am take a little break from laundry and cleaning. I leave on Monday and I just really hate coming home to a dirty house so I slowly clean my house these days one piece at a time.


    I finally had a chance to thoroughly read your post. I know that they started a new teacher evaluation system here a couple years ago and I was hearing the same stories of staying up until 2am to finish and then their work wouldn't be saved. I am so glad that I don't have to deal with that stuff anymore. On the retirement end and looking back it seems as if the powers that be in education are continually reinventing the wheel. I believe that the break down in our family unit is a BIG reason why our educators have such difficulty and efforts seem lost on many. I don't know what the answer is to that. Well, yes I do but convincing all of the world that they need Jesus will be a lifelong challenge for all of us.

    You and your nephew look terrific and congrats on besting your record and keeping up with your running. I hope your Turkey Trot goes well for you too.

    I believe you are talking about 27Heart who is a 27 year old Asian who has started a journey of knowing God. We haven't heard from her in a while and I hope that is because she is doing so well. She was going to be finishing chemo in the near future.

    I have a former co worker who is quite a bit older than I and she has been into running and would win the best in the senior division in anything she competed in. That is something about that 86 year old lady. A good life lesson for all of us. I hope I can be curious and interested in new things until the day I die. It makes living exciting. My photography is still doing that for me now. I have a retired band director friend who has become passionate about photography. We went out shooting a couple weeks ago and hope to continue. Today is a picture perfect day for some beautify winter wonderland scenes but my priority today was cleaning and laundry and I have stuck to that even though I sure wish there were a few more hours of daylight today.

    I don't know if I ever told you that when I was in high school I was voted most athletic girl in my senior class. I know when I was 16 I made a decision and it was between going into music or PE. Well as you know the music won out. I am still swimming and have shaved a few minutes off my half mile. I am really a turtle when it comes to speed. I have to swim with a snorkel because of my neck and if I push too hard it aggravates my fibro. When I go to my mom's unfortunately all of that goes out the window. I need to figure out something for the winter at her house in the form of exercise I can tolerate.

    I am glad your Dad is still with you albeit with many health challenges. What is the dx of your DH? Does he have cancer? I am glad he is biking with you.

    I am glad you are still keeping in touch with Bev and Deborah. You will have to tell Deborah hi for me and I will drop Bev a line. Take care and again so good to hear from you and I hope that you are fully recovered this weekend.

    One more thing. What did you mean by your life verse? I didn't quite catch that.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2015

    Valentina is ADORABLE!

    Thank you everyone for the good words. Patoo, my sis lives in Miami Beach. I lived there years ago. I must have been crazy to move back to MI. It is snowing to beat the band. The hunters are happy, happy, happy. At least it's pretty. Come February it gets brown and ugly.

    Our church started a Sat night service tonight. Not the best night for it. We had to miss because of my MIL's 85th birthday. She is amazing. She is losing her hearing, but other than that, she is healthy as a horse, and is always on the go. Any way, we're praying for God's blessing on the new service. They are planning for 6 weeks and re-evaluating after that. A lot of young people are involved and very excited about it.

    Rosalie, my DIL's niece may be able to be extubated tomorrow. Yea!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Another early rising for me. I just can't help it. Thinking I should start packing again but DH says no. Lol

    Jean what an adorable pic of Valentina she is so cute. What a joy the little ones are. I know we are so excited for our new little guy to be coming next month. Looking forward to meeting him. They are naming him Alpine after a great grandfather on dads side. I'm not thrilled about that name but it's their decision. I'm sure it will grow on means once he is here it will fit just fine.

    Char so nice to hear from you what a blessing that was to see your post. Sound like your doing very well. Awesome about your dad. Thanks for the update about Bev. I often think of here as she was the first one to welcome me a couple of years ago. She was pretty much our Nancy back then where she kept a lot of things fresh on our minds and up to speed. Tell her I said hello and glad he is well.

    Well we are doing well one day at a time. Getting things finalized with the house and hope to be moving in 3 weeks. Packing has started and it is refreshing to get rid of things at this time. I remember our dear Sue telling me how wonderful it would feel to downsize and just clean things up and she was right. Love that woman and all our phone chats we had. I feel so fortunate to have spent that time with her. What a blessing she was.

    Nancy I agree take care of yourself as you prepare for time with mom again. I'm sure she will loves shout visit and spending thanksgiving together.

    Well know you're all in my prayers and thanks for praying for me. I can sure feel them on most days. We serve an amazing God, don't we?

    Have a bless day ladies. Luc

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies.

    My laptop is dying on me so there is a chance that you may not hear from me for a while as I will be leaving tomorrow and returning the following Monday. I have usually bought my computers and built them online so I am not sure what I am going to do. I have two computers here at home. Have a blessed week everyone.

    Lucy, I have been praying that you will have help in packing and moving. When God works He works fast! PTL




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Today I am thankful for an article about Mr. Rogers that I found on my Flipboard account. He was such a comfort to so many children during his 40 years on TV. I read it to my hubby and found myself sobbing before I finished. I have become a total blubburbus,lately, crying over everything. Hubby said it's because I have a tender spirit. Even as I'm writing this I'm picturing a piece of steak being pounded by a meat tenderizer. I guess that's me today. Well it's God's work and I don't have to understand it just allow it to happen. I love you ladies and I pray that today God continues his wonderful work in each of you. Hope you have a blessed day. Love, Jean

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding Proverbs 3:5

    This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength Isaiah 30:15.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2015

    Found this poem in our local paper and thought you would all appreciate it. Author: Dave Jarvis

    "There was a time before the time that time began for me

    When my Lord created all the world as a place for me to be.

    He placed the sun, the moon and stars for light by which I see

    The wonders of creation from the mountains to the sea.

    Foliage flourished o'er the land from fruit to flowering tree.

    As well as creatures large and small from the lion to the flea.

    In the center of his world he put a man like you and me,

    and surrounded us with wonders, and then handed us the key.

    God put inside each one of us his love and purity,

    But we often wrong each other in rebellious iniquity.

    Wars abound and hate surrounds as far as the eye can see,

    And most of the time I don't understand that my problems start with me.

    Lord, help me love them as you love them, both my friend and my enemy.

    Help me see that you've given me a higher purpose for my liberty

    Than getting even, or even up one, on those that threaten me.

    Help me see that you want us all to grow in your family.

    I know my future is secure in a time that's yet to be.

    I know that my trust is rightly placed in you for victory.

    There is no place of greater strength than your arms for eternity.

    I pray my life will help to show your love for humanity."

    All, I am praying our Father's blessings will rain down upon each one of you today and forever.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2015

    Lucy: So good to hear God has answered prayer on your home sale and things are moving along. You are right about getting rid of things and how it seems to free one. I am sure there is a life lesson to be learned from that as we clutter our lives and it keeps us from seeing all that God has for us. I continue to pray for both you and Steve.

    Nancy: You posted the Isaiah 40:31 photo. I had it on my race bib in place of my name. It is my life verse and I am finding that it was a well chosen one as I get older.

    My hubby was diagnosed with Alpha 1: It is not cancer but a genetic condition and the gene comes from both parents. It affects the lungs and liver. My hubby will need to be infused every week with a protein in plasma that is missing to help fight infections in his lungs. Some people end up with liver damage and lung transplants. No cure and the treatments slow the destruction. They are billing my insurance company $22,000.00 for each infusion.

    Alpha-1 occurs when there is a lack of a protein in the blood called alpha-1 antitrypsin, or AAT. AAT, the alpha-1 protein, is mainly produced by the liver. The main function of AAT is to protect the lungs from inflammation caused by infection and inhaled irritants such as tobacco smoke.

    The low level of AAT in the blood occurs because the AAT is abnormal and cannot be released from the liver at the normal rate. This leads to a build-up of abnormal AAT in the liver that can cause liver disease and a decrease of AAT in the blood that can lead to lung disease.

    Have a safe trip and I will be praying that your time is without major issues.

    God bless,


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited November 2015

    Dear Char! It is always so good to see you post, but so sorry to hear about your Dear Husband! I am lifting you both up in prayer, as you both go through this challenge. All things are Possible with God!! This is the season of Miracles.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Please pray for hubby. He is not being reasonable about my inability to meet his needs after hip surgery and I am concerned about how I will be cared for at home post surgery. Love, Jean

  • Waterstreet
    Waterstreet Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2015

    Jean you are in my prayers and will continue to be also praying for your DH. God bless and give you a speedy recovery.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Today I am grateful for less pain as I started to move around this morning. Also for the opportunity to witness to a young man who arranged a rental car for me when I dropped off mine for repairs. He was very open and recieved a gospel of John graciously. Love, Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited November 2015

    Jean, I pray thst your husband will better understand your need for care after surgery and will just take care of himself. YOU are the one whose needs need to be met!

    Lifting up prayers for all of us on this thread. I am at my daughter's for Thanksgiving and have not posted much, although I never forget to pray throughout each day.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Please pray for me. Hubby is off the deep end, angry, thretened to leave, giving me the silent treatment... I think all the stress has gotten to him and he just crashed. I am trying to remain quiet but he does scare me when he gets like this. Love, Jean

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2015

    "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade." - 1 Peter 1

    Jean, so very sorry you are having to deal with DH's depression while you are in need of support. Is he a believer that maybe you can speak with your Pastor? If DH won't go for counseling maybe it would just help you to speak with someone close. Could be that DH is just very scared himself. Just stopped typing and sent up a prayer to our Father to touch your DH and to help you cope.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited November 2015

    Praying for you, Jean!!

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2015
    Praying for you, Jean!! And DH