thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2015

    Ha, bet I beatcha at being a baby! Had my upper right done in April and was so traumatized never went back for upper left. Have not yet selected dentist here in FL but when I do look I call the office to make sure they have nitrous oxide (laughing gas) because I need it for any dental work including cleaning my teeth (where they dig below the gum line). I did finally get to the point where I can handle the enormous needle they use to numb me (except the one that seems to go up through the nose). Probably should not be writing this 2 days before you do surgery, huh?

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited November 2015

    Waterstreet - Sorry you had a bad day. Radiation is hard on a daily visit but to be there so long would be a challenge for anyone. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I found it helped to keep focused on the end. Praying for a better day tomorrow.

  • Waterstreet
    Waterstreet Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2015

    Buttersmom -Thank you

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited November 2015

    Waterstreet, Ohhhhh, so sorry about your experience with radiation. I never had that, but I pray for you that tomorrow is better, your red, sore spot gets better and that you have safe travels to and from treatments. Cross off the days!

    Kindergarten, Thank you for your comments. I pray that your surgery goes well on Wednesday with no complications. I don't like dental work either.

    Jean, Sorry that you have to go back home so soon, and praying that your husband feels better.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Mini, praying your second week on the job is a little easier and that the Lord will give you the strength and the knowledge you need for this position.

    Kathy, praying for your gum surgery on Wed. I had to ask for more pain meds when I recently had a crown put in. After two shots of novacain it still wasn't working and he said I still have some tricks up my sleeve. I am not sure what that trick was but whatever it was it worked so will be praying that your dentist will have plenty of tricks up his/her sleeve as well.

    Lynn, I have not had to deal with any tumor markers tests so maybe ignorance is bliss. I would feel uneasy having that hanging over me head but does your doctor admit that the readings can be skewed by other things? I have an alternative doctor (he practiced traditional medicine for 15 years as well) so I feel comfortable with his knowledge and wisdom but his job is to find things before they become a problem. I have this one blood test which apparently is showing that I am dehydrated but it comes across as if something is wrong with my kidneys. I had to talk him out of doing these elaborate tests and reminded him that we went through this two years ago and I just needed to drink more water. I had the blood work done (already scheduled) with my primary doctor and that same test was perfectly fine after I drank tons of water before the blood draw. So, hopefully your situation will be something else that is getting in the way of a true reading. I sure hope so.

    Jean, I wonder if DH was just overwhelmed with the diet and the whole nine yards. I am sure you will eventually find out but that is too bad that you had to go back home when this could have helped him. I am glad you are taking this all in stride.

    Kath, I sure hope that you are feeling better. I have prayed for you off and on all day. Hang on to Jesus as tight as you can. I know you are doing that. We are all lifting you up dear sister.

    Angie, I've been praying that you are over your sickness and doing much better. Continued prayers for your new ministry and your organic neighborhood garden.

    Shirley, you really have had a rough start to your radiation. I was trying to look back and didn't find the right post where you explained this therapy but I was thinking that it just lasts for one week but a very concentrated two sessions per day. I am praying that this week will go by quickly and that tomorrow will not be so hectic. I don't think anyone on this thread has had your type of rads so I know I don't completely understand what all is inside of you but it sure sounds uncomfortable from what you are describing. I know with regular rads it could be a mixed bag of whether you had to wait or get right in. I was fortunate most days to have a time where it was not a high traffic time at the clinic. I had to have PT for an injured shoulder during rads and I know there was a delay on most of those days so I know I felt like I was living at the clinic on those days so I can sort of relate to the long days and then getting stuck in rush hour. I didn't realize you had to have chemo after this. We will all be praying for you to get through this. We all get exasperated and vent from time to time and we all have been there and I am sure we all understand. I will pray that tomorrow will be a much better experience.

    Brutersmom, how are you doing? Feeling better with the fatigue?

    Joanne, praying for your LE apt tomorrow and for wisdom for you as you move through the maze of medical opinions. As you know we have to be our own advocate and I know you are very good at that. Will be praying.

    Have a great night everyone. Let's remember to pray for Debbie (foots) as I think this has been a rough time for her.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited November 2015

    Nancy, Another blood test has also revealed kidney problems, due to dehydration. I, too, started drinking find of water and the test was a little more normal. He had me have a kidney ultrasound, but that was fine too. Still, it is an uneasy feeling when tests show things and nothing is found. My MO does not say much about other things skewing the tests, but my research says that can happen. Thank you for caring so much about all of us.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited November 2015

    Nancy, Thanks for asking. I found it interesting that the fatigue lifted as fast as it started. For three week if felt so hard to put one foot in front of the other and try to remember what day it was and this past Friday it was like someone flipped a switch. A lot of the other feelings I had lifted along with it. Now if the itching would stop I feel like I will be at my new normal. I saw my RO today and he was very positive as well.

  • ElishebaJoy
    ElishebaJoy Member Posts: 54
    edited November 2015

    Bandwoman--thank you so much for the November prayer list you put together. What a blessing you are to this thread! I don't get on here everyday, but this is a great way for me to just print the list and be able to pray for each woman daily as well as checking back for updates. I have finished #14 of 33 rads and am doing well physically, but still suffer from overwhelming anxiety, mostly because of the bc, but also financial issues. I went to ER a few nights ago with my first ever panic attack thinking it was a heart attack. I believe in the power of prayer and so therefore thank you for adding me to this list and for the continued prayers from all you prayer warrior ladies!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    Will be praying for all of you. Finally get to resume swimming today.

    Brutersmom, so glad to hear you are feeling so much better. PTL

    Lisa, many of us are using Jesus Calling daily devotional by Sarah Young. You might look into that. I know this sounds easy or radical or whatever but if you can just keep your eyes on the Lord and ask him to help you. Give him your fears and put them at His feet. Visualize doing that. When you feel fear again keep doing that routine over and over and over and I really do think you will be amazed at how you can really feel peace in the midst of the storm.

    Kath, continued prayers for you my friend.

    I was going to post one picture but I feel the Lord wants me to post this one pic that I have posted before.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    We are home and getting unpacked. It was good to get away but glad to be back. Love, Jean

  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41
    edited November 2015

    I'm a newbie to this thread and wish I had time to read all of the posts. It's great to see people of like minds who love the Lord and are trusting in Him to get through their own personal breast cancer journeys. It's encouraging to read the posts that I have read so far and to see the strength that God is providing.

    I'm 59 and was diagnosed with DCIS almost a month ago. I had left lumpectomy a week ago. When I went to my post-op appt today, I learned that the path report shows that there is still cancer in the margins, so I am scheduled for additional lumpectomy on Dec. 2. It wasn't the news I wanted to hear, but I know that even though I don't understand God's purposes, He never makes mistakes. Whatever comes my way, I want Him to be glorified. It's not easy sometimes, because I am still human and have fears and down days (like today). I keep trying to focus on the fact that His ways are not my ways and I have to trust that He will get me through.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2015

    Hello Fearless1956 and welcome to our little piece of Heaven on earth on this thread. We are not happy you had to join us but thrilled that you found a place of supportive, loving, Christian women. Please stop by often and post if you feel like it or just read as these ladies all provide uplifting vibes which help us all through this journey.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Welcome Fearless. This is a very supportive thread and I hope you can feel at home here and post when you can. I am sorry that you have to have more surgery but that goodness we have the technology to know there are still cancer cells in there and they can do something about it now and hopefully nip those nasty cells in the bud. This is definitely a faith journey for all of us and God will teach you many things about yourself, others and life in general during your journey. It can be a wonderful time of blessing which the world cannot even fathom but it really can. I hope your surgery on Dec. 2 goes well and they get all of the cancer this time.

    Shirley, I hope today was a much better experience for you than yesterday. Hang in there dear sister. You will make it through the week and then hopefully you will be done with rads.

    I have prayed for all of you today.

    Have a good night's rest.



  • ElishebaJoy
    ElishebaJoy Member Posts: 54
    edited November 2015

    Bandwoman12--I will check out the devotional link....thanks. I read "Girlfriends in God" daily, but can always find time to read more, especially since spending time with God each day definitely helps combat the fear and anxiety. It is when I don't take the much needed time to do this, that I get overwhelmed and fearful. Thanks for the reminder!!

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2015

    Waterstreet, I will pray that He guides you to the right group.  I agree, it would be a challenge to wait 7 hours.  Praises that you have your family, and will be able to join them once he settles on a job.  

    Fearless, welcome!  I do not think I would have anything left if I had not found this thread about a year ago.  Nancy is an incredible servant and keeps us up to date with prayer lists, which are just wonderful.  And, everyone here is filled with the spirit, we rejoice together and support eachother

    Jean, so happy you sound at peace with trip being cut short.

    I am headed for prayer time and sleep, but wanted to check in.  I made it to work yesterday and today: yesterday I had blood drawn, and nurse said my counts were "wacky".  I told her how I was feeling and she called my MO.  They called in zofran for nausea (which I was told in the past not to take while on the patch) and if I felt worse I had to go to MOs office for a transfusion.  Did get sick last night and first thing this morning:  made it until about 3:30 and starting feeling it:  DH got my medicine then, and I took a half:  ate some scrambled eggs, yum yum.  

    God is good, and I hope everyone feels his strength and presence.

    Hugs and prayers,


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited November 2015

    I was going to post Sunday or Monday, but I really prefer to talk to you ladies on my laptop because as a former typesetter I can think better on a keyboard than and iPad keypad, which is where I post on other threads. Nancy, I so appreciate your continuing to remember me in your list. I read this thread daily and lift you all up.

    Sunday morning my hubby wanted to go to the early service, so we went at 8:15 and caught the chapel service at our church, which is more traditional in style. It's been our favorite since they built the chapel, but 8:15 is just sooo early! But my cousin was singing in the choir, and worship led by Sandi Patty's husband Don Peslis. We are Sandi's home church, her dad was pastor of a sister church in the city, so she grew up here. Then when she began singing she got to know our senior pastor, who worked with the Gaithers at the time. So he has known her most of their adult life. When he started his sermon he told us about her coming farewell tour, and I wanted to share that with you. This is from our website.


    I think you can go to her website to find cities and dates. If you've ever seen her at Women of Faith, you know what an incredible experience it is. Don will be traveling with her, don't know if they will do duets, but he has a gorgeous voice. I saw them do "The Prayer" at a WOF event a few years ago. I first saw Sandi perform at a little church in northern California when I was a new Christian, and have loved her ever since.

    Otherwise I'm still dragging myself along, going to our cancer support group weekly, no energy for much else.

  • Waterstreet
    Waterstreet Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2015

    patoo I am working on it I am reading the Lost Books of the Bible a fcinating read so far. I hada much better day today. Just can't understand why each treatment seems to hurt worse. The worst part of today was they couldn't get the afternoon scan to match this mornings. They had the Physisist come it and check things out but they couldn't determine what if anything was wrong. They went ahead with the treatment and the RO for today told me not to worry but they had to figure out what was causing my image to match the morning image and as soon as they figure it out they will let me know why it happened. So I guess they have no answer right now. It turned our treatment today into an over one hour session waiting till they decided to go ahead with the radiation. I am there first in the morning so they can do comparisons. I know the seroma was oozing again, maybe it got in the way of there scan???

    Take care, God Bless.

  • ElishebaJoy
    ElishebaJoy Member Posts: 54
    edited November 2015

    I have a special prayer request given to me by a friend who knows a lady in England (Jackie is her name) that has an aggressive type of thyroid cancer. She was hoping to find a support team like we have here, but I don't know of any such forums for her type of cancer, although I am going to google it later. She is in need of prayer and comfort that only God can provide, so I am hoping that some of you ladies would consider saying a prayer for her. She wants as many prayers as she can get! Thank you.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Up early this morning. Painful night as usual but grateful to be home. Still hoping to get in to see the hip replacement surgeon soon, that something opens up before the December 10th appointment. The pain is getting pretty bad. Grateful for just seeing a little pilliated woodpecker at the bird feeder. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2015

    IMorning Warriors,,

    Up early today been waking at 5 now 4 not good.

    Mags, thanks for sharing that. I have seen Sandy at a Women of Faith event and enjoyed her very much. Several of us ladies went and it was great.

    Jean glad your home and praying your pain lessens soon for you. I am still having my pain in my back and have to be on pain meds but it's the only thing that helps.

    Elisheba, I prayed just now for your friend Jackie in England. God knows her needs.

    Fearless, welcome you won't regret finding us. This is an amazing board of support and encouragement when you need it. Not to mention prayer for your needs.

    Well the folks accepted our offer so we are very excited about our move next month. This all happened so fast. It's amazing when God is in control how things just happen. He has blessed us so much. We are so humbled by His grace and favor.

    Have a blessed day ladies. Lucy.


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2015

    OK, working F/T new job was an epic fail. I just don't have it in me anymore. Very humbling going from an uber-busy regional, to being unable to work an office asst. job. All I can do is believe that God will provide the missing income and show me what I can do instead. Still sad, but what else can I do?


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2015

    Mini1, so sorry it did not work out and praying the other position you tested for will come though as God's plan.

    Asking our Father to send down extra-special blessings on all of you.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2015

    Mini1 sorry about your circumstances but please don't feel like a failure we can only do what we can. Perhaps you can look at some at-home employment or maybe see if you qualify for SSDI (social security disability income). I pray that our God will provide for all your and your family 's need

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited November 2015

    ElishebaJoy, I just prayed for Jackie. God knows who she is and her needs.

    Mini1, At least you tried and now know your limits. Maybe look for something part time. Do not feel bad about it! It will work out.

    Praying for all on this thread daily. Sleep well.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited November 2015

    Thank you all , dear ladies, my gum surgery went quite well!!

    Mini, Go not give up, Hon! Our Lord has a better plan for you!

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited November 2015

    Great, Kindergarten! Take it easy!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Good morning dear ladies. Today I am grateful for pretty good sleep last night with not too much pain. Also I am very encouraged. I looked at the calendar last night. It has already been a week since I got the December 10th appointment with the hip surgeon. Only 3 weeks to go! Time flies when you're having fun. ..teehee! I can do this in His strength. Also having spent the 2 days at the institute last week learning more about the food plan hubby is on has gotten his blood sugar numbers back on track. God is truly answering our prayers. He is so good. Going to the dentist in a bit to have an absess cleaned up. Praying for God to meet all of our needs today, physical, emotional and spiritual. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2015

    Good morning lady warriors,

    I will write more this evening. Praying for you.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Dentist decided to send me to an oral surgeon for a second opinion due to my complicated health issues. Going next Tuesday. Love, Jean

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2015

    Thank you for the support. I know that God has something in store for me. I wish I knew what it was. I feel kind of lost right now. Ah well. This too shall pass.

    In the good news dept, Rosalie, my DIL's niece who has been in ICU for 16 days (in what was to be a 4 day hospital stay) finally got a better lung x-ray. They hope to extubate her in the next day or so. She's still unable to walk, and will have to go to rehab, but she's doing much better. Thank you all for your prayers on her behalf.
