thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2015

    Morning Ladies,

    Praying for you Jean and for DH. So sorry you have to deal with this along with what you are already dealing with. Prayed just now as I read your post.

    DH and my appts went well Monday and Tuesday. I did fine both days and an hour after we got home my lower back pain started again. Asking for prayers regarding the pain to cease. I woke early due to the pain and had to take some meds. Before I went to bed I had to take some and it barely took the edge off. This is due to the lymph nodes pressing on my back bone and other areas there.

    Pray you all have a good day with many blessings. Know I pray for all of you as well. Lucy


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Thank you ladies for your prayers. God listens. Our oldest son came by and talked hubby off the edge. By yesterday he was back on track. Hubby is fragile emotionally and gets overwhelmed. He has made great strides since accepting Jesus 6 yrs ago but he is 72 yrs old and has a lot of old tapes to overcome. Please continue to pray for him. Love, Jean

    Also I saw the oral surgeon yesterday and need a more complicated procedure to take care of the infected tooth that is under an old bridge. This needs to be done soon to avoid any possible bone infection when I get my hip replacement. It is scheduled for next Thursday. I am grateful that God had it show up now before the hip surgery. He is so good!

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Praying for all of you as you deal with the various issues from this disease. I read the posts everyday, and pray for all of you according to your needs. Breast cancer disease has affected all of us differently, but in a sense, we all have had some of the same experiences

    My recuperation from the hip surgery is going well. I started outpatient therapy Monday and will continue that, twice a week through most of December. I have been so amazed by how much better I feel...I can honestly say this is the rare surgery that you feel better right after it than you felt going in. I don't use the walker for anything except getting out of the shower; I use my cane the rest of the time. I've started getting out some, but driving is not allowed until after my next surgeon appt (12/16). Jean, praying for everything to fall into place as you begin this journey. Aurora, hoping you are continuing to improve.

    I am thankful this year for the gift of salvation and for God's love for me. I am thankful to have gone thru another surgery and still have some ability to think ( at least most of the time). I am thankful for the prayers of family and friends when I need support and encouragement. I am so thankful for my DH who has been so patient with me and who has taken such good care of me. Twenty years ago when my first husband left, God knew that in the future I would need someone who would truly be my helpmate and a righteous man who knows and depends on Him. I am thankful for so much more, more than I can mention.

    May God bless you all richly and may we thank Him everyday for His goodness and grace.

    Love, Ellen

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited November 2015

    Dearest Sisters in Christ!! May you all have a Beautiful, Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!!

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2015

    Happy Thanksgiving! May the Lord pour His Blessings over all of you and your families ! Update: I'm doing better each day PTL. The physical therapist and the nurse have come to my house twice and both are pleased with my progress. Yesterday I went to the orthopedic and they lifted some of the restrictions on the hip they changed the angle I'm able to bend at the hip from 60 degrees to 90! That's much better! Thank you for your prayers and I pray for each one of you to have pain free healing days ahead of you.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Jo praying for some relief from your back pain.

    Wishing all a blessed Thanksgiving Day. Love, Jean

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2015

    Reading these posts of praise really brought a smile to my face. Our God is AWESOME!

    Everyone please have a blessed Thanksgiving day as we have much to be thankful for.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited November 2015

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends on this wonderful thread. I havent been on here too much.....mostly reading and continueing to pray for you all.

    Ive been a little preocupied with trying to figure out what is bothering me. Went to my Cardiologist a few days ago and he thinks the annoying heart flip flops are a long term effect of radiation treatments. Im almost 8 years out from BC and he said some people start having stuff pop up the closer they get to 10 years. I guess im a bit surprised. Did not really know that. Also ive not heard any survivors mention this problem that im aware of. Kind of scarey, but at the time of BC who wouldnt do everything to get rid of the problem right?

    I also had my Onco check up last week. He said all looked good. I then asked him how by blood tests looked because he was going to send me out the door without mentioning the tests. He told me the were good, but you cant tell if you have cancer from the blood tests. Well that was another surprise. So why are they doing them? I thought surely something would be "off" in the tests if cancer came back. Sigh......

    I feel bad for everyone who has lingering problems and am continuing my prays. May the Lord wrap you in his healing arms and give you Peace.

    ❤️ Evie

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2015

    A Thanksgiving Prayer

    Father, Giver of life and breath,

    Creator of us all.

    Showerer of every blessing,

    No matter how great or small...

    To Thee we bow in humble thanks

    This glad Thanksgiving Day;

    For all we have and are, Dear Lord,

    Accept our thanks we pray. -Amen

    By Loise Fritz

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2015

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving everyone and enjoy the time with family all weekend.

    We have two dinners going to my brothers tomorrow and then we will have ours with our daughter on Saturday.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Today I am grateful for the Holy Spirit's gentle presence as I awoke this morning. Also for my family who we will be meeting later at my daughters. I am so blessed that baby Valentina is home from the hospital and back to her delightful self. I am grateful for the abundance and freedom we share in this country. Praying that Jesus will shine through me today. May all here be richly blessed. Love, Jean

  • Waterstreet
    Waterstreet Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2015

    May God bless all of you on this Thanksgiving Day! May he grant the answers to your prayers, and bless you with his healing power. God's love is all around us, may you feel the warmth of the Holy Spirit, and the touch of God's healing hand as we all give thanks this day and pray for those in need.


    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2015

    I know that God will continue to bless each one of you because Hee gives us those promises in His Word as His daughters and sons. l have not posted much in the last weeke but know that I read almost every day and pray for each of you.

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving my friends and sisters in Christ! Enjoy the time with family and friends today and throughout the weekend.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2015

    Happy Happy Day of Thanks to my wonderful sisters!  Jo hit the nail on the head.  The fluids I got three days in a row last weekend helped in the short term with the heaves.  Downside:  my edema (swelling) now stays in my thighs as well as calves to the point of burning pain and not being able to walk.

    Monday my legs were so heavy I fell in my parking lot at work.  I was so scared I could not get up.  I have to lift my legs into the car.  I have tried everything--  have been on diuretics for years since heart surgery, low sodium since then, etc.  I see my cardiologist in a couple of weeks.  I need guidance as to whether to advocate for no treatment this Friday.  I have to work.  

    And, have not been "active" in the tummy department for a week.  

    However:  Mondays reading was just about that:  how He sends us tiny treasures we have to seek even in the midst of the storm.  So this week I have really been thanking Him at least hourly as something comes to mind.  I had to giggle as I lay on the pavement trying too find the good:  and my treasure was my assistant Alex, she is wonderful.  She is a sister and the only one who knows at work.  

    But seriously:  even when getting sick I manage to think something like:  Lord, thank you for having a home, bathroom.  He is really so good to us all.  

    I give thanks for moments like this right now.  Being comfortable, no pain, on bed, legs indian style, dog by me, one son vacuuming room :

    How precious are My children who remember to thank Me for all things.  They can walk through the darkest days with Joy in their hearts because they know that the Light of My Presence is still shining on them.  Rejoice in this day that I have made, for I am your steadfast companion

    Jesus Calling today (small part)

    Thank for all your support and prayers, most of all.  Finally, I ask you to pray for my friend Heather:  she and her hubby have three daughters:  a freshman in college, a junior in high school and 16 year old in high school.  I met her online in a heart support group.  She is facing an emergency transplant.  Her heart is failing.  She is a Christian:  but she is scared and does not feel as though she has been "faithful" enough.  At the least she will be able to  go home with IV meds, until transplant, or get an LVAD implanted (it pumps your heart for you) and stay in the hospital until transplant.  

    Thank you:  and may God bless all of you:  

    Hugs and prayers,


    OH and we can;t forget Nancy!  Nancy,, you may not have internet, but please know we hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving with the family, and don't overdo it!!!

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited November 2015

    A blessed thanksgiving to all of my sisters in Christ. I wanted to post this banner as it is so appropriate for today and additionally it has been my cancer verse since the Lord gave it to me in 1997 when my brother in law was dxed with it, not realizing it would be for me. And I come and see that dear Jo has already posted the verse! So I will echo the sentiment!


  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited November 2015

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May you feel the presence of our Lord even more so today as we say "thank you God for your hand upon us."

    God bless you all.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited November 2015

    Hoping everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. I have been very busy at my daughter's house and have not posted lately, but do read all your posts. In spite of being busy cooking and spending time with grandchildren, I still take time to thank God for all my blessings and for all of you. This past 10 months have been the most difficult in my life want to thank everyone for support and prayers. I am so thankful I found you! May God bless each of us and continue to watch over us. He is so good.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Good morning dear ladies. Jo I just lifted up Nancy. Hope all here had a blessed Thanksgiving Day. It was so good to see our family. I am grateful for hubby getting past a nightmare about my youngest stepson who was killed in the Pan Am Lockerbie bombing on December 21, 1988. Holidays for us always have a bittersweet element. Our great granddaughter Valentina has grown so much. Here's her latest picture. Hope it cheers you. Love, Jean


  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited November 2015

    Jo- thanks for the post- I love Charley Stanley-

    Always a great reminder to give thanks "in" everything .

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2015

    Happy Friday.

    Praying hard for Nancy, thanks for keeping us updated. I just prayed for her and will continue of course.

    Kath praying for you dear sister. So sorry you must endure this. I know it is difficult. Thank you so much for the card I received. It was needed and at the right time. That was very thoughtful of you.

    Jean Valentina is such a cutie. Thanks for sharing the current photo. Sounds like you had a good time.

    I would still like prayer for my constant back pain so thanks in advance for them.

    Have a blessed Friday and enjoy family time if it is continuing through the weekend. Our dinner is with our DD and SIL tomorrow. Pray I can get through it all.

    Blessings Lucy

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2015

    So thankful for all of you!

    Jean - Praying for you and your DH. It's hard enough to cope with everything when you have full support.

    Praying also for all who are recovering from surgery and other treatments.

    Evie- From all my research, I have found that radiation heart issues began on average at appx the 10-yr mark. So along with everything else, we have that hanging over our heads. Praying that you have no serious issues.

    PRAISE - Rosalie is off the ventilator and most meds. She has developed another small plug in her lung, but the doctors are holding off on putting her back on the ventilator because she is up and fairly active - able to cough on her own, sit in chair, etc. She is on day 25 of her 4 day stay. Hopefully she will be home soon. The family is remarkably strong and she has lots of prayer warriors on her side. She is quite the little fighter. I told her she is my she-ro. :-)


  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited November 2015

    Jean your grand daughter is adorable. Glad you had a good day.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2015

    Praying for Nancy and for all others. Feeling calm and serene after yesterday's feast with the family. " praise God from whom all blessings flow

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2015

    Thank you Jesus. Thank you Lord God for prayers that we know will be answered as your children whom you love.

    Prayers gone up. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

  • 27heart
    27heart Member Posts: 83
    edited November 2015
    Hi all! I haven't been posting as I'm fighting some really bad fatigue and chemo-brain from my weekly taxol. I've finally completed my final chemo infusion yesterday!

    I got an ultrasound today on my cancer site, and my bs found NO visible cancer. I had multi-focal breast cancer with at least 4 tumours and plenty of infected lymph nodes. They are ALL gone today. My bs said that there are cases of 100% reaction to Neo-adjuvant chemo, but they are really rare, and it seems like I am one of them. I have a PET scan on Monday, but I am confident that with Jesus inside me, there's no more space for these bad stuff.

    I only have God to thank for my miracle reaction to the chemo meds. He has planted so many angels along the way, each led me closer to him, step by step. He literally led me to his door. And when He rains his love, he pours. For those who might not know my story, I was a lost child when I first joined this forum, I was far from God. Patoo invited me to this thread, and sisters like Nancy and foots still keep me in their prayers up till this day.

    2 months later, I am renewed, healed physically, part of a wonderful church, and in a close knitted cell group. We've been praying, and our prayers have been answered. Praise Him!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    27 heart, your post warmed my heart this morning. God is so good to us. I am grateful for having had 5 hrs of uninterrupted sleep last night. Only 12 more days till my appointment with the hip surgeon. Please keep praying for my hubby as he cleans out the downstairs room so I can use it during my recovery from hip surgery. He is a bit overwhelmed and dealing with his own health issues. I have a pretty complicated dental surgery scheduled for this Thursday. An absessed tooth has to be removed from under a permanent bridge. This has to be cleared up before hip surgery to prevent risk of a bone infection. Prayer would be appreciated for it to go smoothly. Thank you my dear sister-warriors. I also pray for all of you as I read. Love, Jean

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2015

    27Heart, you are beautiful and I am really touched by your story. You have a testimony that I hope you will share many, many more times with others. God is soooooooooooooo good and you emit his light to others. I am humbled that the Lord sometimes works through me as I often feel as though I have nothing to offer.

    zj, praying for your mouth surgery and DH's strength and support for you. Our God is faithful and His Word does not return void. Continue to reach out and hold onto His loving presence.

    May the Lord's blessings come down in multiples upon you all.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited November 2015

    27heart, What wonderful news. The lord is good.

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2015

    Hi Ladies, I did not get to check in before Thanksgiving but you all have been on my mind and in my prayers, cooperately and individually. I hope that you had time to give thanks and spend time with love ones. I myself really did not celebrate Thanksgiving the day per se as since being diagnosed every day has become and should have been for me a day of Thanksgiving. My mother understood that I wanted to volunteer to help hungry children this year so I actually did not go for a visit until today and brought home some left overs to enjoy on my birthday Wednesday. I did go see my plastic suregeon last week and he said everything looks great and i got the ok to hit the pool again. I get "nipples" on December 8th, and tatooing 6 weeks after that. I must say this has been an expeirience thus far. In the past week including today I have encountered other breast cancer survivors and friends of survivors and it has been such a relief to talk with someone who understands the tingling in the hands, the fatigue the forgetfulness...all the things that we go through. Last night i had all the fans on because i was having a hot flash, i walked from the kitchen to the living room and my husband gave me a hug and i had goose bumps all over my arms because i was cold all of a sudden. It is a constant change I am learning to just say thank you God for it all and keep moving otherwise i think i would lose my mind. Last year this time I was suffering from heart burn and lack of taste with everything tasting like metal. If this is what I have to deal with now to be cancer free...I will take it any day of the week. Be well ladies. Happy Thanksgivin

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2015

    Good morning dear ladies. I've been up since about 5am. Restless night but I'm grateful for having had over 4 hrs uninterrupted sleep earlier. God is good. Planning to go to church later. We had been going to Saturday night service but decided to switch to Sunday so I don't need to drive in the dark. Looking forward to the fellowship and feeling His holy presence. Love, Jean