thread for middle age to older Christian women.
Lucy, I have had you in my prayers and specifically praying for your back pain, husband's treatments and your move. I use essential oils. I find they help with sleep and my tummy issues with GERD. What else do you use them for?
Kath, continued prayers for pain, swelling, counts and rest. I also keep you in prayer in regards to strength and rest needed for your job.
SA8PG, Praying for a successful reconstruction surgery and a quick recovery!
She-Angel, I have been struggling mentally and emotionally the last few weeks as everytime I turn around some new issue or SE comes up or limitation that I have to work on overcoming. I am with you that At this point I can just thank God for allowing me to Overcome and he turns my thoughts towards prayer and adoration.
Nancy, how are you doing? Keeping you in prayer regarding your fingers. Thank you Nancy for the prayer list.
Anita, not sure how you are doing and notice that you haven't logged on in a while. Prayers for you and your family and love across the miles.
Prayers for all and love across the miles.
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Good evening ladies,
I am glad some of you got to see the video. I hope more of you can see it as i know it will bless you. Sorry the link wouldn't post as usual.
G, we will certainly be praying for your reconstruction (diep) surgery this Wed and that this time around it will be a complete success with NO complications. I am glad you got to share the video with your children. I believe you have eight children, is that right? That is fantastic.
Aurora, I am sorry that you still are draining fluid. I can only imagine that drain is very uncomfortable. Praying that you will be able to get rid of that very soon.
Angie, I hear you on the SE's. Just when I think things are getting under control then other issues crop up. I think my finger and knee issues may be party because of my AI which is known to cause joint pain. It has been a rough patch for me the last few days of not feeling well and dealing with many issues. I have not received any results of my thyroid ultra sound and I am a bit concerned that this is not good news since my doctor is not releasing the results in the electronic records. I will see her on Wed to see if the nodules have grown and if surgery is in the future.
She, Angie, Kath, Lucy and all who are working through treatments and SE from treatments I pray special strength for you ladies.
Prayers for those who are recuperating from surgeries that each day you feel stronger and have less pain.
Have a good night's rest dear sisters.
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Praying for your anxiety to be tolerable, Nancy. I know how stressful it can be waiting for test results. Also hoping you find relief with your joint pain.
Also know how uncomfortable to deal with drains. I had two. Not pleasant, but they WILL come out soon.
G, Continued prayers for a successful surgery tomorrow.
Have a good day, ladies.
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Good afternoon ladies,
Let's remember to lift up G as she has her DIEP reconstruction surgery tomorrow. She has been through a lot with a failed reconstruction and months of infections so let's pray hard that this will be a successful surgery, with good pain control and a GREAT outcome.
Joanne, needs prayers of encouragement as she has had one challenge after another trying to deal with the aftermath of her surgeries. She has all of this swelling in her back after trying a compression bra. She is seeing her PS today and I hope that there will be some positive things that come from her visit with him.
Kath, is having a barium scan tomorrow and not looking forward to all that this entails. Let's lift her up for peace and comfort and that the Lord will give her medical team great wisdom in how to proceed with her treatments as she reacted pretty severely to one of her chemo drugs and will probably have to stop that one. This combination chemo that she was having was working well so let's pray that the Lord will make a way for any type of treatment that will be successful without all the nasty SE that became intolerable.
I am at peace with the possibility of thyroid surgery so thank you so much for your prayers.
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Lord, we come to You as humble as we know how with prostrate hearts and minds to glorify Your Holy Name. Father when we don't know where to go or how to respond to our situation draw us to your Word and throne of grace. In that secret place You are there with us to strengthen, to carry, and to form the words that we need to support others, to encourage ourselves, family and friends. When we can't not mouth words teach us to continue to call on the name of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. It is Your Word that gives us hope and the courage to walk this journey with a peace and comfort that at times we may not be able to grasp or don't understand. But as your children we know that You are carrying us at those times. You are our refuge and shield; we have put our hope in You (Psalm 119:114). Your Word tells us with a promise that can not be broken t that you will never leave us nor forsake us. I thank You for Your Word, your unconditional love. I thank You for wrapping your arms around each one of us. We rest in Your bosom.
Touch those that are going into treatments, surgery, getting results, changing medicines, getting treatments reassessed or going through side effects. Touch all and meet us at their specific place of need. I lift all to you Lord via my prayers. I thank you and worship you Lord. I will praise you, Lord my
God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever ( Psalms 86:12). In Jesus Mighty Name I pray. Amen0 -
Just thought I would share this video. This has been my favorite song for the last few months. Just be Held by Casting Crowns.
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Thank you as always Nancy for filling in the "warrior sisters" !!!
Yes, we are trying to figure out first how to get my counts up in a few areas so I can resume the next chemo quickly this evil stuff comes back quickly !!
I barely made it through an event last night , but was better during luncheon today
I am sick every day once or twice,...never know when. Usually all fluids from the ten pounds of fluid I have gained.
CT scan tomorrow...chest down
Would welcome your prayers. I feel His love and presence, I praise him for His treasures he presents to me. I have surely been asking for help to stop side effects rough the physicians if that is His will
Nancy nailed it, I'm pretty beat up.
Love to ALL of, feet up on four pillow, and catch on posts!!!
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Kath, I will pray for all you are going through. I had a barium scan a couple months ago. Just hold your nose and drink it! Not fun, but we do it. I hope you can get back to your treatments and get this over!!!
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Wow what a great prayer ladyb, thank you so much for that. Thank you all for the prayers they are helping. We had Steve's treatment yesterday and it went well. He is doing well and staying strong through it all. Thank you Lord! Thanks also for your prayers and concern for me. I appreciate you.
Nancy that's now again for the updates. Glad you have peace with the test results. It's the best place to be at times like this when the unknown can get to you. Not sure what the raisin thing is as I have not heard of that. That's very interesting.
Jean sounds like you are doing well and I enjoy your thanks you post. I know we all have our silver linings we much remember we have them daily. I know throughout the day I am just thanking God in general and I say His name all the time as well. It comforts me a lot.
Have a blessed day sister warriors! Luc
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G, is having surgery today for DIEP reconstruction. Let's remember to lift her up for a successful surgery this time after a failed one and infection for a very long time.
Kath, we will be praying for you for you apts and scans today. You will get through this.
Angie, thank you for your beautiful prayer. It says it all for all of us.
Brutersmom, thanks for sharing that video. I have not had a chance to look at it yet but will. I know it is a great song.
Lucy, praying for your move tomorrow that the Lord will give you an extra portion of His grace, peace, courage and strength as you make this move that He has allowed.
Jean, praying for your apt tomorrow.
Joanne, prayers for wisdom in dealing with the challenges you are facing. Prayers for the pain to diminish soon.
Praying for all of you dear sisters. Have a wonderful day.
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Hello everyone! Not feeling too well since last weeks treatment I've had nausea and vomiting so today when i came in to my onco for blood tests and shot to raise my counts I mentioned the above and I'm getting IV fluids and Zofran and they're giving me a script for anti nausea Med please pray for me as I'm feeling weak from this. I made an appt with my general doctor next week because I haven't seen him since September
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Aurora, I'm in the same taxi😊
Prayers to all for good rest, relief if needed, Grace, or just to feel His presence right now. I lift this up to our Savior.
I had the scan, without the contrast. MO knew I couldn't do it. Averaging getting sick 2 times a day.
Had appointment with hysterectomy MO today. He thinks the fluid is disease related, not cardiac.
Satan has. Really been trying me. All little things , irritants, and some anger is finally surfacing.
Cease striving and know that I am God.
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Nancy how did it go?
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My little backyard buddy and I wish you all a Merry Christmas. We have only had one snow so far so I am glad i got this pic early on.
Aurora, I have prayed for you and will continue to pray through this treatment and the SE's. You have been through so much. Let Jesus take a hold of you.
Kath, I am glad your MO decided against the barium scan. I have lifted you up a lot today. I think you are feeling normal human emotions over this long ordeal. The Lord understands and will help you through this. We are all lifting you up during this difficult time.
Lucy, lifting you up for the big move tomorrow.
Jean, lifting you up for your doctor apt tomorrow too.
I will be having another thyroid biopsy on Jan. 28 and surgery is inevitable. I have more nodules than last year at this time and I am having some pain which is not a good sign. In some ways I would like to bypass the biopsy and jump right into surgery and get it over but I will go ahead with the plan. My doctor doesn't do surgery so I will have to see someone else too. Thank you for your prayers. I have peace about it and choose to not worry about it now. I would still covet your prayers to keep that same attitude.
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I get it about little things. I see the hip surgeon tomorrow to find out when surgery will be scheduled. Now it feels like an absess is forming in the tooth next to the extracted one and there is some bleeding there. I see the dental surgeon for followup on Friday. Hoping this doesn't delay the hip replacement. I'm reminding myself to just trust my Lord Jesus, Love, Jean
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Prayers for all of your petitions ladies.
Kath- My devotional this morning with Charles Stanley speaks about the Lord who stores up goodness for those who take refuge in Him. Such a comfort when we don't feel the goodness at the moment! With cancer there is so much we don't know, but we know what we know, Gods great goodness and that is reliable! Curl up with Him -
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Praying for all the needs today. Lucy and Steve, many prayers said for you today.
Kath, hang in there. You will get through this.
Aurora, praying against those side effects and that they will be helped by some of the things added for you.
Jean, praying your office visit went well and that you have a plan in place. Praying your tooth will not become an issue.
Allison, i saw that big white dog walk by again today. One of these days i am going to ask the owner what it is. Praying you are doing well.
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Nancy- they are a majestic sight, those big white dogs!
I live in the Northeast and we are having unseasonably warm weather. No snow at all. It's rather nice!
I trust everyone is sleeping and I pray you feel the comfort of the Holy Spirit, that Wonderful Counselor who waits to be gracious to you.
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I love this picture and this truth. We too, Allison are having unseasonably warm weather here in Illinois. We are to get a lot of rain this weekend but at least you don't have to shovel that! I will say that I enjoy watching our neighbor's puppy experiencing the winter for the first time. I guess her first snow was fun to see. You should post pics of your dog. I am not on my laptop but i want to post a picture of my cat that many of you were so kind to pray for.
Well back to bed. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
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Ladies thank you for your prayers. I didn't even have to look for something to be grateful for today. I went to the dentist and all glory to God, I don't have an abscess. I also have an appointment for my hip surgery it will be February 17th. God is so good. I've been praying for your needs ladies as I read the posts. Especially the ones from Nancy. Thank you Nancy for keeping me on track. Love, Jean
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Thank you all for the support. I know the prayers are working...especially prayers of trusting Him and His great plan
There is another mass (medium in size) resting on my left colon. Probably helps explain the nausea,
I am starting avistan next week...anyone have that? It's a targeted therapy. It inhibits the growth and targets certain cells.
I am so blessed that it is contained.
I am going to keep praising him for so much...the times I am NOT nauseated, feet up on pillow, being patient with others, being PRESENT with folks, sounds of crickets, and glorious CHRISTmas hymns.
Nancy any news?
Jo? Lucy.
Jean, good news, PTL!!!!!!
I pray to our almighty Healer and Lord that He gives everyone here just what they need, and to proclaim all his "treasures" he gives us in love
Hugs and prayers
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i just want you all to know that I read this thread everyday and pray for all every night and throughout the day. I have some issues in my life, but for the most part, I am trying to live my life as normal (new normal) as I can. I have blood tests again in January to look at tumor markers to see what number I get this time. I constantly pray CEA will go down, and not up. I trust God and do what I can, be the best person I can be, knowing that He is in control.
Sleep well everyone!
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Here is one ofmy 2 friends
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Good afternoon ladies,
Allison, your dogs are precious. One of the joys of my day is sitting eating breakfast at my dining room table where I can see the many dogs and owners that walk by. It always puts a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing. I will post a pic of my cat sometime soon.
G. praying that you are resting comfortably at home now after your surgery. Praying that it will be successful and that you will have a quick road to recovery with NO complications.
Aurora, praying that you will get your drain out very soon and that your SE's are lessened by the added things you have now in your meds.
Lucy, praying that you and Steve will be able to get unpacked in your new home and have a chance to relax and rest as well. God has seen you through this far and of course will be right by your side every step of this journey.
Jean, glad that you have a surgery date and that your tooth was not an issue. There is always a burden lifted when a plan is in place so now I pray that you can enjoy the holidays and cherish each blessing.
Lynn, praying that your new normal is going to be a wonderful chapter in your life's journey, Enjoy each day and try not to look too far into the future with these scans.
Joanne, I know you have a pretty large family with all the grand kids and their kids. Don't push too hard in all of your gifts and wrapping. Take time to rest and relax.
Kath, praying that this Avistan will help shrink those tumors. I have heard that drug before so I imagine someone on this thread has had it before. I know with the rush of the holidays many are busy and have not had a chance to read the threads. I am still imagining those tumors melting like the wicked witch. Praying for your friend Heather as well.
Record warm temps here so not complaining about that one bit. The shorter the winter and the faster the spring gets here is just fine with me!
Take time to breathe during this holiday rush to Christmas. Keep Jesus at the forefront of your thinking as you are buying and wrapping gifts. Take time with Him and you will have a blessed Christmas no matter what your situation is. Drop in and let us know how you are all doing.
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Hello everyone! I am still having nausea & vomiting but at least the diarrhea has stopped. I have to eat small portions in order not to get sick. Next week is an exciting week as my best friend of 25 years is coming from Mexico on Tuesday and Thursday is my daughter's law school graduation! Please pray for my daughter as she still has a final exam on Monday and then in February she will take and God willing pass the bar exam. She is 26 year old and has a 4 year old son plus takes care of me so big plate for her please pray for wisdom and strength beyond her years.
Hope everyone is enjoying a peaceful and pain free weekend.
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Good afternoon ladies,
I felt led to share a true miracle of God's power that we are seeing right now....hope this true, ongoing story will bring a smile to you warriors, and a message of encouragement to you to keep looking to Him.
My DH has a lifelong friend and church member who has been diagnosed with an auto immune disease. He was our Bible Study teacher in our VBS, and loved children. He and his wife traveled extensively by motor home after their retirements, until this disease struck. Doctors are not sure what it is, but he has been thru many tests, treatments, and medications since becoming ill 18 months ago. A vibrant, fun loving, active Christian is now unable to walk, eat, or talk, so his condition makes this story more incredible.
Several weeks ago, my DH got a call from his wife that he had pneumonia, and was in a local hospital. As DH visited, he saw his friend become unresponsive to people around him, and even the most compassionate doctor was giving the wife little hope that he would recover. She was despondent and trying so hard to " keep the faith". He was moved to a hospital that is about 90 minutes away, part of the Duke Hospital group, and put in critical care.
My DH made weekly trips to visit and kept in touch with the wife by phone. She witnessed to everyone she met that God was going to heal her "baby"...that he would get better. Medical staff just comments or encouragement. More medications and procedures showed little improvement.Well, after a tracheotomy and changing some medications, our friend suddenly became alert, smiling and reacting to commands, trying to kiss his wife...what a joyous day that was. He showed great arm strength when PT came, and can now lift his arms on his own. No more pneumonia or other infections they were treating...all gone. The last info we got, he was no longer considered " critical" and will be moved to a regular room, pending insurance approval.
Yes, he is still very sick and home is a long way down the road, but we have seen God's mighty power at work, as our friend and his wife have done. And now the numbers of doctors, nurses and other medical specialists have seen it medical explanation is available for why he had multiple illnesses one day, and none a few days later. Fluid samples they took looked active, but would never grow any cultures.
I'm sharing this because I know so many of you are facing difficulties with treatments, surgeries, doctors, side effects, family problems, sick loved ones, financial problems and life choices. I hope this story will remind you, as it has us, that we serve an awesome God, and nothing is bigger than Him!
Enjoying this nice weather also...DH is smoking some turkey and I've ventured outside. Only 3 more PT sessions and my surgeon appointment this week...hopefully past the worst.
Love you all...praying for you all...Ellen
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Today I am grateful for a good long nap after having had a restless somewhat painful night. Just taking things one day at a time until my hip surgery. Ordered most Christmas gifts online and hubby is doing the wrapping. Decorations here are minimal. This year I am enjoying the simplicity of how we are celebrating Christmas. Love, Jean
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Ellen, that is a wonderful testimony to the greatness of our Lord. Thanks for sharing.
Jean, I am always touched by your 'Today I am grateful...' posts.
Aurora and everyone I will continue to lift you and your petitions up before our Lord as I read.
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Good evening ladies,
Joanne, such cute little dogs. Would love to see other's fur babies. One day at a time. I know how frustrating it must be to wear out before you are done with your day but your energy will come back.
Aurora, I am glad you have some improvement but will continue to pray that the nausea will improve. Hang in there dear sis.
Phyliss, I hope you and your son are enjoying the warm weather. We are enjoying the mild days which is pretty unreal for December.
Ellen, thank you for sharing that story. We need to hear some good news and miracles to lift our spirits. I continue to pray for your recovery and it sounds like you are doing really well. PTL
Jean, continue to look for those things to be grateful. Praying for your pain as you wait for your surgery.
I am going to share a picture my precious Cammie. Many of you prayed for her when she had her surgery. Thank you for that. I have been concerned about her quite a bit afterwards but I think she is starting to act herself more and more. She is doing a lot of sleeping but that is what cats do. One thing that is a miracle to me is that when I went through treatments she started doing her business on the floor and only using her litter box for urinating. I did everything but stand on my head and all the suggestions the vet had just didn't work. Recently we had a little chat after she did her business on the floor. Yes, i think i have lost my mind years ago so you can all call me the crazy cat lady. LOL Cammie is very smart and does understand some words. I also prayed over her when she was right there. Ever since then she has used her litter box. I cannot tell you what a relief and miracle this has been. We have kept up a good stretch of maybe 8-10 days I think. Hopefully the good habit is now reinforced.
I took this pictutre of her at my mom's two years ago. She is a Ragdoll. I tell everyone what she lacks in good behavior she makes up for it with her good looks. LOL
I have prayed for every single one of you today. God bless you all.
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Awwww, precious baby, Nancy!
Jean, Sometimes simple decorations are all that is needed for Christmas. We are celebrating the birthday of Jesus and that is what matters!
Hope you all are able to attend church tomorrow and worship our Lord.