thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2015

    I was,told,today by my chemo doc that there is a 20% chance my cancer will reoccur. I am trying not to freak out over this but I'm scatlred. Please pray for me. Love, Jean

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited December 2015


    I'm in complete agreement with JoAnne. You are NOT a statistic or a stage, YOU are a daughter of the King of Kings. He is calling the shots. You are a 100% His, remember that when the enemy tries to tell you differently.

    Much love dear sister


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2015

    I like "keep leaning" Jo! 

    Well, back to work today, in MUCH better shape than before the break.  Since CHRISTmas I have had much less swelling in legs, and less getting sick.  My bodies way of telling me the chemo is working---  cancer fluid slowly leaving.

    But, still looking to take Wed, TH, Fri off to spend with the boys.

    I hope you are enjoying the moon that God gave us, it is gorgeous:  I think about all of us scattered near and far supporting each other.

    Jean, I know it is scary, trust me.  BUT the immediate knee jerk reaction that is Satans doing, that will pass and you will have peace once you turn it completely over.

    One of my mentors gave me Chicken Soup for the Soul, Hope and Miracles-- I am thrilled!!!

    Rest well, your body needs it



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2015

    Thanks for the prayers ladies. God is giving me peace as I turn over my future to Him. One day at a time. I pray we all be blessed in the midst of our storms today. I am grateful our first light dusting of snow here today. So beautiful. Love, Jean

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2015

    Fever and the flu. Sigh


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2015

    Kath, Praising the Lord for the good the report. So happy to see ya post and that you are feeling better. Less praying for you both treatment and strength for work as you go through treatment.

    Nancy, prayers for you and your mom!

    Jean, ditto to what the others have said. Continue to keep you in my prayers and that The Lord envelop you in His peace.

    Love Across the miles,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited December 2015

    Happy almost ending of 2015. I know for many of us the idea of starting a new year fresh is a comforting thought. I know for many this year has been full of challenges. I am looking forward to the new and exciting things that this New Year will bring.

    I love this little kitten. When circumstances are overwhelming and out of our control or skill set God wants us to trust in Him. In all the mess at my mom's I am trying to do that and seek His wisdom and peace and grace.

    Mini, praying that you feel better and that you will still be able to visit your sister next month. Praying you can have your scans and that they will be all good.

    Kath, so glad that you are feeling better as you headed back to work this week. I pray that your next treatment this week will go well without bad SE's. It sure sounds like this treatment is working. PTL Enjoy your boys a little while longer.

    Jean, I think hearing those statistics is scary for everyone but I agree with those who have already said that we are not a statistic and doctors predictions can only go so far. God knows His plans for each one of us and we all have our own path and our own challenges. God gives us each grace for each day just as He gave manna to the Israelites. He only gave them their needed portion for THAT day only. I am sure there have been thousands of sermons on why God would do that. He wants us to trust Him daily and not worry about what tomorrow will bring. I know I have a lot of work to do in that area.

    Joanne, thanks for all of the banners. Praying you will continue to gain strength and have less pain each day. Praying for your next family gathering this week that you can really enjoy it and feel good.

    Praying for all who are still recovering from surgeries. Aurora, G, Joanne and Ellen.

    Praying for all of the sisters who have probably returned to work this week. Kath, She and Angie. I know I may be leaving out some that I am not aware of.

    Praying for those in treatments which are many of our sisters.

    Lucy, continued prayers for you and Steve as you both continue treatments and settle in your new home.

    Char, praying you are enjoying your vacation and that your Dad and DH are doing well.

    I hope you all are enjoying loved ones around you and Jesus at the center of your days.


    Have a good night's rest everyone.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited December 2015

    Adorable, Nancy.

    I agree with all of you about trusting God. He is in control.

    Happy for you, Kath.

    Having a wonderful time in Virginia with my son and family. image

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited December 2015


    Your grand kids are adorable. You look fantastic. Glad you are enjoying your family.

    I am looking forward to starting a New Year. I remember as a child how excited i was to start a brand new school year with new notebooks and supplies, everything being new with new things to learn and to explore. I am looking forward to this New Year with that same childlike enthusiasm. A clean slate with new adventures and possibilities. My goal is to keep Jesus at the center of each day and to invite Him into every challenge that I face and to be grateful for all of the blessings that He gives me every single day.

    Have a great day dear sisters.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2015

    Today I am grateful that despite little sleep last night I am pain free as I sit in bed typing this. Also for hubby who is going down to get coffee for me. I am trying still not to obsess about reoccurance and to trust the Lord. I really would love to have some more healthy years ahead to serve Him. I feel I have wasted so much of my past. Love, Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited December 2015

    Jean, Trust the Lord. You will have many more happy, healthy years!

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited December 2015

    Hello sisters

    I just wanted to share that Dr says infection is gone praise God. I still have 3 days left of my medicine that I will finish up. Went and purchased my first few bras today after a year of none so I am thankful for that blessing.

    I am continuing in prayer for each of you.

    May 2016 be blessed beyond measure.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2015

    Today I am thankful for the opportunity to get together with my daughter for lunch after having to pospone it for the last 2 days due to icy conditions.

    There is a new vaccine GP-2 that has cut reoccurance in half for HER2 cancers. Please pray it will get to market soon for all of us who need it.

    Praying for lessening of pain, side effects, peace and healing for all today. Love, Jean

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2015

    Happy New Year to all my friends-in-Christ. May the blessings of our Lord, Jesus the Christ, rain down upon each and every one of you during 2016. I wish peace and happiness to follow you throughout and that your families will come to know our Father in all His majesty. I ask the Lord to take away all your pain, sadness, depression, sorrow, and replace it with His tenderness and that you will always feel the presence of Him enveloping you with every move you make.

    In His precious name, Amen.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited December 2015

    Patoo, Beautifully said!

    Happy New Year!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2016

    Amen, Patoo!! Happy New Year to all of you!! May God's Blessings Flow!!

  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2016

    Hi all-for some reason this forum disappeared on my favorites and I wasnt getting notice of any posts!

    Just want to wish everyone a blessed 2016-


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Grateful today for a new day, a new year, a dear hubby, Jesus by who loves me. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2016

    Happy Happy 2016 my dear sisters!!!!  Jo, any word from Nancy?

    My New Years prayer for all of you is for a year enjoyed moment by moment, appreciating all the Love, and Grace he shows us.  

    I had a gift over the holiday week(s).  I have a friend in Texas in her 40s waiting for a new heart.  I told her I would find, or be shown a word, or phrase for the both of us.  Suddenly I started seeing the word "Believe" in things everwhere:  and I still keep seeing it!!!

    Went yesterday morning for my second treatment of Avastin.  CHRISTmas day I had a day of hardly any swellng in my legs.  My stomach still is very distended, but I was so happy with a little respite.  Lo and behold they have stayed down!  

    Yesterday my ARNP was just thrilled.  She had me show the nurses that I have calves!!  :)  She then spent a lot of time pushing really hard on my abdomen, and kept doing it.  She was apologizing, but then said she was trying to feel the tumor.  She double checked her notes and said, Oh my gosh, Im gonna cry.  

    "Two weeks ago I could clearly feel it, and today I cant find it at all".  Now I am not foolist enough as a human to say I am "healed".  I don't know, but I do know that once again, the new drug is attacking away.  

    2015 was a tough year for many of us.  My faith and walk with Him has only grown.  My DH and I are closer than ever, and I am blessed.  

    I got a new Jesus Calling for Christmas:  I like this one because it poses a question after the reading, to record your answer.  I.e.  "I also know the plans I have for you: plans t prosper you and not to harm you,, plans to give you hope and a future."

    Romans 12:2; Jeremiah 29:11

    The question is "  You have "old ways" you need to change, and I want to help.  List them below, so we can start replacing them with new ways"

    Prayers for all of you -----

    Hugs, Kath

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Happy New Year ladies of faith,

    Jean, we all pray that there will be new targeted therapies that will help everyone with bc. I keep reading about cancer research and I pray that in our near future there will be many new breakthroughs that will treat cancer period, whether it be breast or pancreatic or endometrial or whatever.

    Phyliss, your prayer pretty well sums it all up. i just say amen and amen!

    Lynn, hoping you are still able to enjoy your family for a little while longer.

    Kathy, good to hear from you. Hope you are doing well and that your son and wife are doing better in their marriage challenges.

    Allison, if a day goes by and you haven't seen a post from this thread that usually means that your email notifications got knocked off. That happens to me periodically. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed your precious dogs.

    Kath, I can't tell you how thrilled I am over your great news. That is a great way to start off a New Year. Are the boys still home with you? Enjoy your precious few days off. I continue to pray for you.

    Joanne, praying that you feel much better and that all will be well after resting up for a few days. I am praying.

    I have had my hands full this week with my mom's issues with her flooded basement and her leaking roof. I am praying for a solution to her basement issue. I signed a contract with a roofer yesterday but he won't do any roof work until March. We certainly don't need anymore rain. The sun actually came out today. I was about going crazy with the rain and cloudy weather for days. I took some time to destress today and went out for a bit to take some pictures. I hadn't been outside doing that in weeks so even though it was freezing it was just what I needed. I am going to share a few pics of the day.

    I am quite sure this unusual duck's markings are because there was some hanky panky going on with a black duck and a white duck!!!!




    Happy New Year



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Today I am so grateful for the book Radical Remission that is helping me as I formulate a plan with God's guidance to avoid a relapse and recover my health. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Thank you Joanne. I saw a pretty sunset tonight.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016


  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2016

    Oh, that's a gorgeous photo, Nancy! Thank you. I am praying that youare managing okay with your mom and the issues arising with her house.

    It's been a wonderful yet tiring holiday. I'm having trouble getting my energy restored and pray that some might pray to that end for me!! 2 of my 3 kids have left, and youngest is here another week before heading back to college. He's a Sr. Please pray for him, as he lives in a studio apt alone this semester- he is a Tupe 1 diabetic and I get concerned there is no one around him. Neither of my sons know Jesus and its my hearts prayer they'd come to salvation.

    Thanks all- Allison

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Today I am thankful for life, grateful for His resolving a financial and relational issue peacefully yesterday, for the little woodpecker eating at my suet feeder this morning and for my families good physical health. Many blessings. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2016

    Thank you Allison. I have prayed for you about getting more energy and for your son who is diabetic. I pray that the Lord will provide a hedge of protection around him as he will live alone this semester. I know many of the ladies can relate to having children who do not know the Lord so we can certainly pray for that too.

    Jean, glad that this financial matter has been resolved and that you are finding things to be grateful for.

    I hated it today because I have just had a terrible time with insomnia this week. I was not able to go to church and I felt really bad that we missed especially today. My sister lost her 36 year old son on this day six years ago. When I am at my mom's we would usually join her at church and then go out to eat so none of that happened today. I was glad to hear from her that she and her husband went out of town to this lake where they used to go camping. I imagine they wanted to see how high the lake is besides just getting out of the house.

    I would appreciate wisdom in dealing with my mom's basement. It is just so overwhelming because in my limited human mind I do not see any easy answers that would not cost thousands of dollars. I have done as much as I can for the time being. I hope to make some headway this week down there.

    I hope everyone has enjoyed the holiday weekend.

    Kath, I am sure you are thrilled with Clemson winning! Go Tigers.

    Have a good week ladies.



  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2016

    Good evening ladies, happy New Year. As I sit here and reflect on this New Year and the wonderful sermon that was given by the guest minister today at church I am extremely grateful. I had been feeling a bit displaced with being in the apartment, starting the process of building a house and just trying to get my body back to what it was before the destruction of chemo, wishing just to have a completely normal day, but then I have to remember many of us have not had a normal day in months and years and may never have a 'normal' day again. I had to tell myself today that if I never have normal again, it's okay. I want to be better faster and that may not be what God has in store for me. Have a great week ladies.

    AsI sit here in the emergency room with my sweetie who thinks he may have kidney stones I am reminded there are folks who have no way to receive the medical care they need. I pray that that changes so that everyone in need of care can receive it.

  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2016

    Nancy praying this morning for your discouragement about yesterday and the condition of your moms house. I pray somebody with knowledge would cross your path as to how best to fix it. How difficult for your sister and all of you. Those anniversaries never lose their bite. Praying that somehow God be glorified in all these, and asking for His tender touch upon you, and some needed sleep.

    She-Angel how is going for your husband? I prayed middle of last night for him. Are you home? I can relate to your inner struggle of wanting to get better now, but resting in the idea that that might not be Gods plan right now. What I do know is that what He wants will be better! Amen?

    Jean, thank you for the reminder of the sweetness in Gods creation and how even from a window one can experience it! It reminds me I must get my feeders out- we finally have some snow!

    May we all have a week of growing closer to Christ, curling up in His presence and letting him love on us.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2016

    Today I am thankful for my hubby who has come so far in his spiritual maturity during my illnesses. God doesn't cause any of it but He surely knows how to use these trials to refine us. Love, Jean

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2016

    That's great news Jean. God has worked his miracle on your DH during your increased time of need. Our Lord is AWESOME!