thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    This might be a fitting banner for this weekend.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited February 2016

    Just about to head for bed, but checked in to read posts from the past few days. I had a house guest which took my time being on the go and trying to entertain. I enjoy guests, but sometimes it does add extra work, and having just moved less than two weeks ago, I have hardly had a chance to just relax and take a deep breath. My daughter is coming next week for a few days - I cannot remember when we had time together with just the two of us! And, I do not need to entertain her!

    I did go for the two CT scans this afternoon. Drank the yucky barium. They needed to be contrast with an IV and I hate that because I have small veins and they ALWAYS have trouble! Yes.....trouble today. One nurse tried, unsuccessfully. Another tried, unsuccessfully. So, some kind of a radiologist/surgeon (he puts ports in), came in and did a deep vein IV using ultrasound. Not fun! But, I did get it done. Praying for clear results as this is the second time for this due to higher tumor marker test. And, I hope for no bloodclot from this IV. Have had that before too. Oh, my!

    I will pray for all of us before I go to sleep. Love to all of you wonderful, strong women.


  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited February 2016

    Dear Lynn- I hear you about the barium and IV.. No fun- just did it a couple days ago too. I hope your results come out nice a clean!

    Keeping requests in prayer


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2016

    Just checked the weather. Supposed to be snow on Tuesday night into Wednesday. We are supposed to be at the hospital in NYC at 6am Wednesday morning for my hip surgery. Please pray for dry weather and safety for the 2+ hour drive plus getting off my long steep winding driveway. Thankful for this group of faithful prayer warriors. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Lynn, praying for good results. Your IV experience sounds like mine a couple weeks ago trying to get blood out of my uncooperative veins. Hang in there dear sister. I am completely impressed that you had a house guest after just moving. Way to go girl!

    Jean, praying for your surgery and your trip there. It is going to be a very early morning for you that day. Oh my. Praying for all the aspects of this for you.

    Lucy and Steve, know we are praying for you both.

    Kath, we continue to lift you up. I pray that your suffering will ease.

    Praying for all of you dear sisters.




  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2016

    Hi, Jo-5!! May you have a beautiful weekend as well!! Nancy, love your posters!! Prayers for safe travel, Jean!! Lynn, prayers for clean results, after all you have been through!! Beautiful prayer, ladyb!!! Longtime survivor, may you continue to do well!!!

    Please know you are all covered in prayer!!

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2016

    In God's Hand's

    You're in God's hands

    So have no fears...

    He's cared for You

    Down through the years.

    Your in the prayers

    Of those you love.

    And God is watching

    From above.

    Your faith has carried

    You thus far,

    And God will meet you

    Where you are.

    How precious is Your love,

    O God! We take refuge in the

    Shadow of Your wings. Psalm 36:8

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2016

    Today our heat is out and the temperatures are below zero! I am thankful for the fireplace and my heated recliner. Please pray for all of us who are experiencing heat issues during this frigid weather in the northeast. Love, Jean

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited February 2016

    So Sorry Jean, What a bad time to lose your heat. 5 degrees here in SouthEastern PA.. Stay warm. Praying help comes quickly.. Hard to keep the house warm in these temperatures. Not normal temps for this area. Supposed to be in the 50's on Tuesday after snow on Monday. I'll take that. Praying for all of you. Enjoy a restfull day today.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Lord, I pray for Jean and Joanne's furnaces. I pray that they will be able to get help asap. I pray for all the people who have are dealing with furnace problems. Lord I pray for the homeless who are dealing with this frigid weather. Father help them to find a place of warmth.

    I pray for all of those suffering today. I pray that the Lord in His mercy would shower them with blessings today of comfort and easing of their pain.

    Debbie, we pray that your thyroid will be benign. Thank you for your beautiful posts. They always bless all of us.

    I am off to church with a box of chocolates hoping they will not freeze before I can get them to my dear elderly friend at church. Have a blessed day and I pray it is a special one with your loved ones.



  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2016

    imageGood morning ladies, it is a balmy 24 degrees here in Chapel Hill, NC with gorgeous blue skies and sunshine. I say that to remind myself that even though it is not what I would have wanted for my Sunday morning it's still a beautiful morning. My husband is working day shift this weekend so I am on my own, we have yet to find a new church home so I teeter with going out on my own and researching places. I did my scripture reading and notes but I miss hearing the word from someone more knowledgeable. I have not had much success with the tv services. My reading today reminded me that God is always with me so my inner struggle is just that, my inner struggle, he knows where he is leading me.

    As I sit here looking out the window I see a plump female Cardinal on the branch singing. The cardinal is my favorite bird and I always smile because the girls are a duller red which blends into the trees while the boys are so bright I can spot them a mile away. God has that design for everything, somethings stand out to draw our attention away from him but only by focusing on the real picture do we achieve the true reward we are promised with. Sickness and pain is just another way to draw us away if we are not careful when in reality it should be drawing us closer as we focus on him and not on what we see and feel.

    I know some folks will be distracted because it is the heart and candy day and some will feel left out, just remember it can be heart and candy day any day and you don't have to succumb to society's take of the day. Have a great week.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2016

    Prayers for those waiting on furnace repair techs!!

    Debbie, your prayers and posts are so uplifting!!!

    She-Angel, beautiful picture inspite of the cold!!

    Continued prayers, please for my son and family as they are separated by miles! My son is finishing is teaching job here before he joins his family in Idaho! He has flown out a few times already, but hard to come back!!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2016

    My dear son in law came over and installed a new thermostat this afternoon. He brought my Dtr along so we had a short but nice visit. Still a bit cool but this is a big house and will take a while to warm up. We booked a hotel half an hour from the hospital as opposed to two or two and a half hours from home. We will stay there the night before surgery and hubby and son plan to stay for the next two nights. Easier on all of us. God is so good to me. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Jean, so glad to hear your furnace situation is improving and that your son in law came to the rescue and that you got to see your daughter. I am so glad to hear you are getting a hotel before your surgery. To be honest when you mentioned how early you had to be at the hospital I just thought how in the world are you going to do this.

    Joanne, so glad your furnace is fixed and I hope this has not set you back any as I know you still deal with pain. There is a warming trend coming but that is a few days away yet. My friend didn't open up the box so hopefully not. I have a feeling she may not eat many sweets now as she didn't have to much to say about it. Her daughter can always have some. They share a house together.

    She, sorry you are getting this cold blast too. I sure hope you can find a church soon. I agree, that we are all the bride of Christ and we are not ever alone in Him. Thanks for sharing your picture. My flock of robins are all plumped up too. That must be their way of warming themselves maybe. Are your acupuncture treatments helping your pain? I sure hope so.

    Kathy, I didn't realize that your son was teaching in another state. That has to be very hard. I will certainly continue to pray for them. I know it has been a journey for them.

    Angie, prayers for you for strength as you deal with all of the challenges in the after active treatment phase and in the inactive stage. I know it is a challenge.

    Brutersmom, sounds like frigid temps all the way around. I don't know about you but I am really looking forward to spring.

    G. how are you doing? Are you still on the anitbiotics? Praying that you can finally have a period of rest and less worry from this surgery before your next phase.

    Char, Cindy, Allison, hope you are managing this snow storm as if you haven't already had enough snow this year.

    Lucy and Steve, I am still praying for you and for strength for each day.

    Ellen, how are you doing?

    Kath, continued prayers that God will fill you with much peace and love in His presence.

    My BIL has hopefully his final big surgery tomorrow (Monday) to get this kidney stone out. Since the last one failed I would really appreciate prayers that this time they have this second tube in the proper place to successfully get that stone out. Also my mom will be having a new caregiver this week. We have someone coming in but only on a very minimal basis and so far with me coming and going it has worked out. My prayer is that they will get along well and that this new lady will be able to do as well as the last lady did.



  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited February 2016


    It has been cold for many and I am so thankful to hear of retired heat for those of you having issues. It was -20 (Below) zero here this morning and I turned to the news to hear some in my area had NO power during that and I have been there and know it is a humbling time! So glad all are up and running...

    God is good.

    I have a sister visiting this weekend and she is very liberal and it is a stressful time conversing at dinner but what can you do. I just pray I'm a reasonable person who reflect Christ "somehow" and trust that He often works the most when we do not detect it... For our own sake.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2016

    Guide Me

    Dear Lord, I come to You on my knees

    Asking for guidance and help...hear me please.

    Give me faith to believe, I do trust You so;

    Lead me and show me which way to go.

    Life is full of decisions to make;

    Carry me when I am ready to break.

    Help me to trust and give into Your care

    Why do I doubt? I know You are there.

    Through trails, triumph, and life's ups and downs

    You always guide me--Your power has no bounds

    Lift me up high no matter what life brings;

    Guide me and teach me wonderful things. Amen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2016

    Today I am very thankful for the peace that passes understanding as I prepare to go down to the city tomorrow for my surgery on Wednesday. I'm thankful that God provided a hotel to stay in that's about a half hour from the hospital. I'm thankful for my son who is driving us down and for my husband who will be with me. Also I thank God for my sister who is going to be a part of it. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2016

    Good afternoon ladies,

    In my section of NC we have been much colder than normal for the last few days too..I read She's post with interest...Chapel Hill is one of my favorite places to visit; I didn't realize you lived there, She! This past weekend our areas had overnight temps in the teens... Brrr! Folks around here use heat pumps, but they aren't intended for weather like this. Thank goodness for gas fireplaces! So thankful for power....

    I was suppose to go for a PT re evaluation this morning, but icy roads and backed up traffic from an accident caused me to turn around ( carefully) and go home. Working on Zoe's obedience training....she' s so cute, but headstrong and very energetic. Have decided to use the same techniques I used in the classroom to get her under control. We are crate training her so this cold icy weather is tough on her too. I think she'll eventually settle down...I have to remember she is only 9 weeks old.

    I haven't been posting or emailing therapy is actually becoming a problem in my schedule. I've resumed all normal activities so taking time to get dressed and go to therapy, then come home, rest and change clothes to resume my day, twice a week is getting to be a hassle. Now Zoe keeps me out of my recliner, so getting a few minutes to post or email is getting difficult.

    Doing well physically, but can't get my Celebrex refilled so the pain in my left hip is returning. But I shouldn't complain.....things have been so much worse.

    Love you all...pray for you as I one realizes all the issues Breast Cancer survivors face unless they've been there. Everyone who fights this disease is an inspiration....and Christian women cheering each other on keeps discouragement at bay.

    May God bless you all in a mighty way!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    BIL update, I just heard from my sister and they got all of the stone today in surgery. The doctor said it was very dense and very large. My sister hasn't seen her DH yet until they get him in a room. Thank you for your prayers and now if he can get through his recovery period without the issues he had the last time around things should be good.

    Debbie, thanks for that poem. It really spoke to my heart today. I have some decisions to make and need guidance. Prayers for you dear sister.

    Allison, I know how those political differences can become a real issue. Praying that this subject will be avoided if you are talking about the political arena. On a great note our newspaper had a 57 degrees for this coming weekend. I hope that wasn't a misprint. As i just saw the weather right now it is supposed to be in the 55 but not as high as our paper said. It is definitely warmer than it has been, I know are weather eventually finds it's way to the East coast.

    Joanne, thank you for your prayers. I will be praying for your trip to the airport and praying that your DH feels much, much better to drive your daughter. Praying that you will be good company and that you will NOT have to drive. I guess the Lord knew fear was going to be very real for us, hence all the reminders in the Bible for do not be afraid. That is a good word. Thank you for sharing that and the banner.

    Jean, we will all be lifting you up as you travel to your hotel tomorrow getting ready for your hip replacement surgery on Wed. I thank God that He has given you such peace going into this surgery.

    Ellen, I know how that PT can eat up a big part of your day. i am sorry to hear that you can't get your pain meds refilled. Is that a permanent situation or just a temporary one. I will be praying for your pain situation. As far as Zoe, I can only say that when I tried my classroom management tactics on my little kitten who was so out of control and ripped off wallpaper in three of my rooms it didn't work. But, I do think puppies are more trainable than kitties and my little kitten was an unusual case from what the Ragdoll breeders tell me. So just keep at that because I bet it will work. I am glad to hear that you have resumed your activities so that has to feel good.

    Lucy hasn't logged on for quite a few weeks. I am concerned about her. Let's remember to lift her and her DH up and encourage their hearts.

    Kath, continued prayers for you dear sis.

    I am praying for all of you whether I have mentioned you by name or not.



  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited February 2016

    Jean- Peace of Jesus to you . You are going to do great with your hip replacement, and you're covered in prayer.

    Ellen, Lucy and Kath - you are lifted. Joanne - thanks for the reminder of "fear". It is said that the root of fear is unbelief, and whenever I look at it that way it's convicting for sure.

    Nancy--that is GREAT news. Thanks for sharing- so edifying. Thank you Father for your goodness to Nancys family, and all of us. Well- we did not fully avoid the politics with my sister since the day she arrived Scalia had died and was big news... but we recovered and that is what matters more. It is warming here already- in the teens now. Feels balmy! Expecting your 50 degrees to arrive tomorrow!

    Prayers ladies- As I need to remind myself, I say : Keep knowing our God has 'got' this thing called life! He's got it covered


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2016

    Greetings friends!!!

    Long story short....negative news from Moffitt last Tuesday

    I have finally listened to my body, and am working with the board on solidifying an exit...retirement of 6/30. Our year , based on fiscal year, runs from July 1 - June 30th.  Working on a press release with them.

    The Lord, colleagues, you all, friends have placed this plan on my heart for awhile.

    Will attempt two days from home until then.  

    Positive news, I found a site that lists every symptom from Avastin.

    Believe it when I say 80 % at least of my symptoms are listed.  not from the cancer.  Pat and I meet with MO Wednesday morning. I know he will schedule ct scans

    Nancy so glad your BIL is relatively good.  Lifting you up, Jean you will do great. Lifting you up.

    Lucy, Steve lifting you up.  Jo, Allison, lifting you.

    Ellen I pray the PT schedule is changed so you can resume work 😊

    Even though I don't post regularly, I read and pray., and stay in touch w Nancy

    Love, prayers and hugs to all


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2016

    Nancy, continued prayers for your dear BIL! I went through that whole process!! God Bless Him!! Good news is that I never had a kidney Stone attack again, since 2000!! I will continue to lift him up in prayer!!

    Dear Kath, lifting you up in prayer, as you have had to make many decisions!! You have such a positive attitude!!

    God Bless You All!!!

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2016

    What the Lord Has Promised

    Now, what the Lord has promised,

    He most certainly will do.

    Because He is trustworthy,

    And His promises are true.

    When life is overwhelming,

    And it make no sense at all,

    Please don't give up in despair;

    Get down on Your knees and call...

    Call out for your Savior,

    Yes, open Your heart to Him;

    If you're willing to let go,

    Then His peace shall enter in.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2016

    In My Darkest Hour

    In my darkest hour

    I tremble in fright.

    Then I hear ," Come follow Me,"

    And saw a path of light.

    The Lord was smiling

    As He spoke gently to me.

    Fear not my child,

    I have plans for thee.

    Faith will move mountains--

    Bring you strength and new hope.

    Life will have meaning,

    You will learn to cope."

    Today I rejoice--

    Give thanks to Him above;

    Service for our Lord

    Filled my heart with needed love.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Thank you again for your prayers for my BIL. I am a little concerned because I haven't heard anymore from my sister. Hopefully there is no problem. I know they will both be glad when this ordeal is over.

    Allison, in my life I have changed political parties. I found when my parents were both living (Mom still living) we could not discuss politics because it became so heated that we finally realized that it was just going to have to be a subject that we did not discuss. I keep telling myself spring is just around the corner. I saw chocolate bunnies at the grocery store today! No, I didn't buy any!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jean and Joanne, prayers for safe travel tomorrow.

    Kath, we will be lifting you up during this phase of your journey. Praying that these SE's will lesson for you and the treatment effectiveness will increase and show much improvement. Hang on to Jesus. I can envision His arms sheltering you from the storms of this life.

    Kathy, I am glad to hear that after your surgery like my BIL you have had no more issues. I will have to pass that on to my sister. My BIL has had a history of kidney stones but nothing like this one.

    Debbie, I just want to say a big amen and amen. Your first post reminds me of the old hymn "Standing on the Promises" God bless you dear sister.

    Have a good night's rest dear sisters.



  • capinva
    capinva Member Posts: 53
    edited February 2016

    Morning dear sisters in Christ,

    It is a very icy morning here. Still raining hard and since temperatures are below freezing everything has turned to ice. Hubby and I made it to work and suppose to get to 45 by this afternoon. No one else made it to work and schools are closed due to weather so I am here listening to Christian music. Lifting all up in prayer. Sending this song to everyone, hope I get the link correct. Hope you enjoy it.

    I Can Pray

    Hugs and prayers to all

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2016

    Today I am grateful that the snow and ice are melting so we can get down to the city safely this afternoon. Staying at a hotel within half an hour of the hospital. I'm a bit busy this morning getting the last things packed and ready to go as I will be going to rehab directly from the hospital after the surgery. I have a peace that passes understanding about the surgery. I'm more concerned about my husband as he is handicapped but my son will be staying with him until I come home so that helps. Love, Jean

  • capinva
    capinva Member Posts: 53
    edited February 2016

    Joanne I love the song Blessings, another one of my favorites.

    Jean I am praying for you and your husband and son.

    We were sent home from work due to the bad weather. I am thankful to be able to work from home.

    Hugs and prayers


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Good morning ladies,

    Prayers for those who have long travels today. Jean and Joanne, praying that you get to your destinations with no problems. I pray that Dan is feeling much better so he can drive you today Joanne. Praying for you and your daughter to have one more chance of catching up before she leaves for home.

    I love that song blessings. It just touches my heart. I think under the dog pics you could say I was blind and now I see. LOL How cute.

    Charlotte, glad you got to go back home to work today. Blessings on you. I will listen to that song a little later. I am on a fast track this morning.

    Kath this pic is especially for you. My first photo banner I ever printed as you know. Praying for you this day.

    Have a good day everyone.


