thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2016

    I am now settled in the Helen Hayes rehab where they are taking great care of me. He is so good to me. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2016

    Wow jean!!! Prayers for all.

    For strength, peace, side effects manageable

    And thank you for Nancy, who I try to email if not up to posting

    Meeting with my CEO coach to develop exit plans in terms of dollars and benefits.

    Then meeting with full board Wednesday morning..

    I agree everyone is replaceable .  Learned that after I left the County , after implementing Guardian ad liter, or CASA. 

    Good news, I really believe He is healing , I have been keep a journal for side effects I.

    My side effects started with avastin. All of my side effects are listed there. But the last few days I see them diminish ...sometimes a new one appears

    I also got a oral med to stimulate appetite. 

    So next week chemo , even though our annual walk is on Saturday. I need to really rely on Him to get me through

    Fatigue just hit.more tomorrow ,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Lynn, will be praying for your scans to be clear. That is great that you and Aurora got to meet in person.

    Aurora, it sounds like you are doing very well. PTL

    Patoo, good to hear from you. Hope you are doing well.

    Jean, I am so glad to hear things are going so well and that you feel good about your care. That is such answers to prayer. PTL

    Joanne, praying that the Lord lifts you this weekend and that the Lord will give you a healing touch in every way.

    Ellen, praying that your visit with your Mom is going well.

    Kath, I pray that the Lord will provide for you financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Praying for strength as you deal with your exit plan, your walk and your treatment. I am especially praying that you will start to have an appetite and can start to gain weight. Just as I have visualized the tumor shrinking I am doing the opposite for your body so you can gain some healthy weight. Hang in there dear sis. We are all standing with you.

    Our head pastor has mentioned this several times from the pulpit and I really understand first hand what he is saying. He will say today is the best day for some of you and today is also the worst day for others. As he preaches he is very aware of that dichotomy that probably exists every single church service. As I post banners I am very much aware of that as well. I try to be sensitive to those who are going through such difficult things and then others who are celebrating victories in their lives all happening simultaneously.

    I just want to say that so as to never offend anyone. I always want to be sensitive to those hurting but I also want to post pictures and scriptures of the Lord's might and power to affect change in our lives. We need a healthy balance as we all journey through this life that is both full of pain and despair and also full of dreams and hopes for our future.

    With that said i pray that each one of us can find something to celebrate this weekend even if it is I got out of bed this morning. As we develop the attitude of gratitude our whole day can be transformed even if we have very difficult circumstances.

    Take care dear sisters. I love and care about you more than you will ever know.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2016

    Good morning dear ladies. Today I am so grateful that they have made arrangements to access my metaport for my blood draws. Also I cut my pain med in half and I was finally able to move my bowels. That may seem too much information but it really feels good. I pray everyone here has a blessed day. His kingdom come His will be done. Love, Jean

  • Calisto
    Calisto Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2016

    Hello kmccraw423

    I know this about 6 years after you posted but I just found this forum and wanted to share with you I am 73 years old with my last surgery 3 years ago. Not exactly fun to go through the surgeries again at that age, right.

    I identify with your feelings. I take care of my 98 live-in mother (have a live-In caregiver so that really helps me). I'm married to a wonderful understanding husband. We decided to take in my mom before I was diagnosed with my second BC. Both times did not have to take chemo but did have radiation the first time. The second time required a mastectomy on the other breast and still no chemo. Grateful for that. However, now am struggling 10 years later with having to take the aromatase inhibitor Femara. Have decided not to take it because of quality of life issues. Now am struggling with bladder infection. I speak to God about my challenges, feelings, discouragement, joys as much as I can. I always affirm that God is taking care of me. When you go through this a second time at my age, you think differently about what is really important. Hope you can respond as I'd love to connect via the internet with the others who are on this journey also.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Hi Calisto,

    I am glad you found our forum. I am sorry for your difficult journey. You will find much support on this forum. We pray for one another and help each other through their difficult times and also celebrate the victories. The person you referred to is no longer on the forum but there are some that have been on this from the beginning of the thread.

    There are quite a few on this thread that can identify with taking care of elderly parents. I am a long distance caregiver for my 90 year old mom. She lives three hours away and is still living in her home. She has dementia. I travel back and forth and stay with her about four months out of the year. You have a lot on your plate with her living with you now. I am glad she has a live in caregiver. That is a great thing.

    I am on an AI as well but not Femara. I know it has been a definite challenge for me. I pray that you can get rid of your bladder infection soon.

    Welcome and feel free to post anytime. There is usually someone around.

    Take care.



  • capinva
    capinva Member Posts: 53
    edited February 2016


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Jean, it sounds like you are doing great. So glad things are working out so well.

    Charlotte, that banner sums it ALL up. Thanks for sharing. I hope you are enjoying the spring like weather we are here even if it is only for a couple days.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2016

    Jean, glad your recovery is going well. Blessings all!

    Love the banners.

    Lucy, Steve, Aurora, She-angel, Jo-5, Nancy, Longtimesurvivor, and all that I have not named individually prayers and blessings to all.

    Love across the miles,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2016

    It's 1:30am and I just took a pain pill and was assisted to the toilet. Very stiff and sore. This recovery seems to be 2 steps forward 1 back. Please keep the prayers going for me to stay positive. Thanks. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016


  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited February 2016

    Good morning everyone! Welcome calisto! One thing you must bear in mind is that since some of us are older we may not always remember every person's name at least I don't sometimes but we sure care about everyone! Sorry you are going through difficulties. I am on femara and have to say my oncologist even is considering switching me to Tamoxifen although with my particular case he does not feel it would be as effective as Femara for what I had. The side effects have gotten worse, and in the face to those with recurrence, metastatic disease, higher stages, chronic never ending pain, I feel so grateful for blessings I do have.

    JEAN (edited since my brain went to dust in a second there...) Congrats on getting through and believe me we have all been there where there is little that is truly "TMI" :) Hoping rehab facility has you feeling better soon!

    Nancy you put it beautifully. The things that we all go through are not identical and we have to be sure to find rejoicing amid the trials. So guess what today's sermon was on at church: GRUMBLING and COMPLAINING. I leaned over towards my son and said, uh oh, I think I should have stayed home for this one lol.

    Philippians 2:14-16 Do all things without grumbling or disputing; 15 so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world, 16 holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I will have reason to glory because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain.

    1. When we complain we can make others not want to know Christ, for the world is watching us. (honestly I don't hear a lot of that here considering the boatload some of you deal with!)- but I think it is SO easy for me to complain about things at work, etc, people who can push my buttons sometimes, etc etc.

    2. When we complain we shift our focus from God-ward to inward, and that is never going to help our mood or focus.

    3. When we complain we cause division.

    4. When we complain we are missing the chance to improve systems, processes, and structures. Complaining takes our energy away from digging deep for solutions or something positive that we can do, even if that positive action is just a distraction so we don't dwell on all that is wrong.

    Praying for all of you, I have really been complaining inside a lot lately, getting menopausal with all those changes, side effects from medicine, etc etc. That sermon was what I needed to hear. To me my attitude is harder to give to God than my health or cancer experience was..... sigh. Hugs to everyone! Cindy

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited February 2016

    Jean, I hope you had a good restful night, having gone through a hip replacement myself last October and still going through physical therapy, let me remind you that this is not a sprint, its a marathon and you need to pace yourself. One of the things I had to learn was to accept help, I've always been very independent but right now I can't drive a car, and might not be able to do it again and that's hard for me to accept, but at least I can work on my physical therapy so I can re-learn to walk again without the help of walker or cane which is my goal for this year, one step at a time. I will be praying for you for peace, comfort and healing.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2016

    Good afternoon ladies,

    Jean, hang in is a slow process, as Aurora said, but take it day by day. I'm three and a half months out, and continuing to get better. Now, for the left one......

    Welcome to our new folks. You won't see me post much because I have completed treatment, but I do try to drop in and encourage.

    My yearly OBGYN appt is this week, and the dreaded bilateral mammogram, which takes on more anxiety when you've had BC is that same day. If you think of it, please say a prayer for my peace of mind and for NO suspicious areas. My 2014 dx of DCIS was found during these routine mammograms.

    Had a good trip to Mom's, my first since hip replacement. She was surprised how much better I was walking.

    Praying for all of you...peace, no se's or pain, and some restoring rest. Our Father is so good

    Love, Ellen

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2016

    Hello Ladies,

    I know it has been a while but I wanted to touch base and let you know that I continue to pray for all of you. Welcome to the newer folks. It is good to see that Nancy is still keeping everyone up to date on things. God bless you for that. I see many surgeries, new treatments, new grand babies, new moves and other things have occurred while last posting.

    I am surviving winter, a very demanding work schedule, along with taking care of my dad. Both he and my hubby are doing okay. My husband continues his weekly infusions for Alpha 0ne and they seem to be going okay for someone who hates needles. Lots of people have been sick at work and so far I have escaped it. I don't want to being it home to my dad.

    I continue to pray for all of you on this forum and ask God to meet your spoken and unspoken needs. I know that for many, your journey has been long but in God's eye it is just a moment in time. I pray that all you will stay strong and continue to uplift each other and be of encouragement. God is so good.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2016

    Thank you for your prayers ladies. I have been much encouraged especially from you Aroaya and from you Ellen. I am feeling much better today and grateful for the short service they held at the rehab today. Please keep my husband Ziggy and my son David in prayer. They both look exhausted. David has been doing all the driving since Tuesday and taking care of my husband. He really needs a day off. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2016

    So nice to read your posts!!! Negotiations going well to leave work

    I read all your requests, lifting you up

    Drain doing its job, and the appetite enhancer is helping me eat!!!!

    It helps when I eat and give thanks like communion

    Hugs and prayers


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016


    More later. Praying for all of you dear sister warriors.



  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited February 2016

    Thank you Angie, for your prayers! And all the rest of you too!

    Nancy I adore the Isaiah post. Thanks so much for encouraging us.

    Jean- not a walk in the park for you. But be patient with your body. God bless.


  • capinva
    capinva Member Posts: 53
    edited February 2016

    Evening ladies, I am catching up on the post. I had a busy weekend. Friday I had Abraxane and Avastin. This was the second time for Avastin and had a reaction. So had to stop but was able to finish the Abraxane. Now I will wait 2 weeks to see if the doctor wants to pre-med me to keep reaction from happening again or not do it all. I know God was working for me to get this drug and the 1.5 doses I have received have helped tremendously with no side effects. Fluid is still down a lot and I am actually looking at 2 weeks with no drain. YAY!

    Cindy thanks for sharing part of the sermon. Our church is having a rough time with no minister and lots of bickering. Keep praying God's will be done and to bring unity back to the church.

    Kath I am glad you are working on transitioning and that the catheter is doing the job. praying you feel better.

    Jean please take it easy, recovery always takes longer than we think it should but listen to your body.

    Joanne thanks for the banner. Good message.

    Nancy Praying for you and your BIL.

    Time for me to go to bed. We have a sick puppy and have been up since 4am. I'm glad to say the puppy is doing better. Yesterday at the vet ER we received very grave news on his condition but today he is a different puppy. Eating, drinking, playing and all the puppy things he should be doing. Taking him to another vet tomorrow.

    Sleep well ladies in Jesus' arms. May He provide you the rest you need and comfort and no SE.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2016


    Negotiations with Board Wednesday

    Prayers welcome

    Praying for all of you


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2016

    Hi, Char, so good to see you!! You have a lot on your plate right now with Dear Dad and Hubby!! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement😃 May you find rest and peace as well!!

    May everyone have a restful and peaceful night, knowing you are all covered in prayer!!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Cindy, thank for sharing your sermon notes. I always find it interesting how we can read about the Israelites in the desert and how they were constantly complaining and grumbling and we read this with a certain attitude of what were they thinking when God provided miracles and provision for them, yet we do the VERY SAME things in our own life. Those sermons tend to make most of us squirm in our seats. It is a good word and a good reminder.

    Aurora, I hope your PT is coming along so you can eventually walk without the walker or cane. You have been through a lot and I think you are doing GREAT!

    Ellen, glad things went well with your mom. I think we are on a similar mammogram schedule as mine are coming soon as well. I have already been praying that yours will be clear. How's little Zoe doing?

    Char, it is great to hear from you. In fact I had it on my mind to check and see when you had logged on last and you beat me to it I know you have had a winter and then some. I know you have a very full plate and I don't know how you do it all. I am glad to hear that DH and your Dad are doing okay. I am glad your insurance is covering those expensive treatments for DH. Hang in there. The summer break will be here before you know it.

    Jean, I continue to pray for you and I know that Ellen and Aurora who have been through this know that it will take time. You are a tough lady and you will get through this with the Lord's help just as He has seen your through your other health challenges. Prayers for your family as well. I know this is hard on them too.

    Angie, continued prayers for you dear sister. Thank you for your prayers and all that you do in your ministry with your DH.

    Allison, continued prayers for you as you seek God for purpose and for successful treatments. How is Otis doing?

    Joanne, that you for that banner. I need that reassurance. Praying that you will gain more strength each day and have less pain and that your probiotic will do wonders for you even though you may not even notice the good changes to the immune system that will occur.

    Charlotte, I am sorry to hear that you had a reaction. I know it is so hard when you are trying to find the right combo that will be effective and that your body can tolerate. Continued prayers for you.

    Kath, I know this is such a tough time for you. I am so glad to hear that you are eating better. That is huge! So glad the drain is in and I know that has to be a big help. Praying for all of the decisions that will be made in your personal life and in your professional life. Praying especially for your meeting with the board on Wed. I do know that God equips us for all that He asks us to go through when serving Him. He is going to take you through this journey and He will provide. I pray that you will feel really good after you meet with the board and that you will soon get to the point of making yourself a priority. Know we will all be praying for you!

    Have a good night ladies.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2016

    Well ladies I am very thankful today that I was able to walk up a flight of stairs with assistance on one side from my PT lady and the cane on the other and then I came back down with a cane and the banister for support. I'm feeling much more hopeful about going home at the end of the week. My roommate whom I've learned to love in a very short time, I found out tonight she does believe in Jesus! How wonderful that I have a new sister. May you all have a blessed night. Love, Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited February 2016

    I have been reading every day and sending up prayers for all of us. Good to hear about progress being made for Jean and Kath. Praying for side effects for others. What is going on with you, Nancy?

    I am about to go to my doctor to go over scans. Nervous. I have called several times and they finally said I need to come in. Praying for good news.

  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited February 2016

    Mysunshine48 - just read your post and am praying for your appointment reviewing scans. Keep us posted.

    Jean- don't you just love how Jesus loves on us by giving us just what we need? What a gift to have a believer for roommate and how encouraging that you are making such progress.

    Nancy- to answer your question Otis is awesome and getting large ;) I have been asked to serve on a board of directors for a foundation supporting young adults with cancer. It is begun by the parents of a 22 year old who died last September- and he was my youngest sons best friend. So far it is seeming very right, good and not too consuming. My husbands younger brother is in hospice and this is since a month ago. All of a sudden there seems such little "downtime", so I don't know if the sense of purpose-thing has simply been put on hold due to *urgent* activity in our lives, or if it is really answered prayer. Whatever it is, it's Gods will, I know that much, and hold onto His promises.

    Was praying for the entire group this morning on my chilly walk with the dogs..


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016


    Praying for you. More later.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2016

    Kathy, good to see your post. I think we must have posted at the same time and I missed your post until I already hit submit. Hopefully are are doing well.

    Jean, walking up a flight of stairs is amazing. Glad to hear you met a new Christian friend in your roommate. God is good!

    Lynn, you have been on my heart quite a bit today. I hope you got in to see your doctor to discuss the scans. I know that has to be nerve wracking. I sure hope everything went okay for you. I am doing fine. Thanks for asking. I am in limbo right now on my thyroid situation. I tried a new med with my alt doc which was supposed to help regulate my thryoid but I couldn't tolerate it so back to square one. I will be having blood work soon on the thyroid and see if my dosage change did what it is supposed to. I have been having some strange symptoms which would point to too much thyroid but that would be hard to believe so we'll see. Compared with what so many on through on here my challenges seem very trivial.

    Allison, glad to here Otis is doing well. That is awesome about being asked to serve on the board of directors for this foundation for young people with cancer. If that is not a direct answer to you seeking your purpose in life I would be surprised. I have been praying to that end as well. I am so sorry to hear about your husband's brother being in hospice. Sometimes our calling may be right in front of us and we don't realize it. My college professor that turned 100 in November is still hanging in there. He has been in hospice for months so I know it can vary. It does sound like you have a full plate. Prayers for your BIL.

    Debbie, how are you doing? I have missed your posts. I pray that your thyroid situation will not be a serious one. Give Faith a hug for me. Prayers for you dear sister.

    Joanne, i love all the banners. The ant pic was awesome. I don't eat sugar anymore but I can always live vicariously through the cookie monster. LOL Continued prayers for strength, less pain and possibly more patience as the journey is never on our time line!

    Let's remember to lift up Kath for her board meeting tomorrow. This is a huge week for her and one that is going to require supernatural strength. With the board meeting on Wed, to discuss her exit from her CEO position with NAMI which will have major financial implications for her future, then she will have a treatment on Thursday which has been wrought with SEs and then on Saturday she has a fundraiser walk which she is probably in charge of. Let's rally prayers for her and help lift up her arms as they did for Moses when the journey became so challenging for him. We love you Kath and will be praying.

    Have a good night lady warriors. You are all very special.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2016

    MySunshine, prayers for great results!!! I know the waiting is stressful!!! You will have happy news!!

    Jean! Prayers for continued healing and successful physical therapy!!

    Kath, prayers for a very successful board meeting!!

    Thank you. Nancy, doing good!!!